implementation module StdEventTCP import StdEnv import TCPChannelClass, TCPDef, TCPChannels,StdTCPDef import StdReceiver import StdId, StdPSt, StdPStClass import tcp, ostcp, ostcptoolbox , tcp_bytestreams import commondef, receiverid, receiverdevice, receiverdefaccess, receiveraccess import TCPEvent /* PSt is an environment instance of the class ChannelEnv */ instance ChannelEnv (PSt .l) where channelEnvKind env = (PST, env) mb_close_inet_receiver_without_id reallyDoIt id_pair pSt=:{io} = { pSt & io = mb_close_inet_receiver_without_id True id_pair io } channel_env_get_current_tick pst = accPIO channel_env_get_current_tick pst /* IOSt is an environment instance of the class ChannelEnv */ instance ChannelEnv (IOSt .l) where channelEnvKind env = (IOST, env) mb_close_inet_receiver_without_id False _ ioState = ioState mb_close_inet_receiver_without_id True id_pair ioState #! (closed,ioState) = ioStClosed ioState | closed = ioState # (found,receivers,ioState) = ioStGetDevice ReceiverDevice ioState | not found // PA: guard added = ioState # rsHs = (receiverSystemStateGetReceiverHandles receivers).rReceivers (found,rsH,rsHs) = uremove (inetReceiverStateIdentified1 id_pair) undef rsHs # ioState = ioStSetDevice (ReceiverSystemState {rReceivers=rsHs}) ioState | not found = ioState | otherwise # {rId=id,rConnected=connectedIds,rInetInfo=inetInfo} = rsH.rHandle # (idtable,ioState) = ioStGetIdTable ioState # ioState = ioStSetIdTable (snd (removeIdFromIdTable id idtable)) ioState # ioState = unbindRId id ioState # ioState = ioStSetRcvDisabled True ioState // MW11++ # ioState = seq (map closeReceiver connectedIds) ioState (_,_,_,closeFun) = fromJust inetInfo # ioState = appIOToolbox closeFun ioState = ioState where inetReceiverStateIdentified1 :: !(!EndpointRef`, !InetReceiverCategory`) !(ReceiverStateHandle .ps) -> (!Bool,!ReceiverStateHandle .ps) inetReceiverStateIdentified1 x rsH=:{rHandle} = (inetReceiverIdentified x rHandle,rsH) channel_env_get_current_tick io # (world,io) = ioStGetWorld io // (tick,world) = getCurrentTick world (tick,world) = tcp_getcurrenttick world = (tick, ioStSetWorld world io) :: CharRcvMessage x = Message x | Dummy :: *CharRcvLocalState ls l p = { c_ls :: ls // local state where "callback" works on , dummyPending :: !Bool // whether a Dummy message is pending in the message queue , eomHappened :: !Bool // whether (Message EOM) was received , strings :: ![String] // the buffer for all received strings: // It holds: and (map (\str -> (size str)>0) strings) , allocBytes :: !Int // ==sum (map size strings) , index :: !Int // (hd strings).[index] is the next character to apply to callback // It holds: 0<=index (ls, {ps & io=io}) Just hostDuplexChan -> f (Received hostDuplexChan) (ls, {ps & io=io}) getReceiverType _ = "TCP_ListenerReceiver" instance Receivers TCP_Receiver where openReceiver ls (TCP_Receiver id tcp_RChan f rAttributes) pSt # (endpointRef,maxSize) = unpack_tcprchan tcp_RChan = open_RChan_or_Listener close_tcprchan ls id rAttributes endpointRef maxSize (handleReceiveEvent id maxSize f) RChanReceiver pSt getReceiverType _ = "TCP_Receiver" /* about the TCP_CharReceiver Two receivers are opened: One TCP_Receiver and one ordinary receiver. The tcp receiver will send strings to the ordinary receiver, which will apply the callback function of the TCP_CharReceiver definition. The ordinary receiver will buffer the strings in a list. It will send to itself a dummy message, to continue in applying repeatedly the callback function. It will en/disable the tcp receiver for flow control. The two callback functions for the receivers are tcpCallback and charCallback */ instance Receivers TCP_CharReceiver where openReceiver ls (TCP_CharReceiver charRcvId tcp_rchan mbNrIterations callback attributes) pSt #! (tcpRcvId, pSt) = accPIO openId pSt selectState = getSelectState attributes (errReport, pSt) = openReceiver (USt charRcvRId) (TCP_Receiver tcpRcvId (clearMaxSize tcp_rchan) tcpCallback [ReceiverSelectState selectState]) pSt | errReport<>NoError = (errReport, pSt) #! connected = getConnectedIds attributes // MW11 was getConnected = openReceiver (initialState tcpRcvId) (Receiver charRcvRId charCallback [ ReceiverConnectedReceivers [tcpRcvId: connected] , ReceiverSelectState selectState]) pSt where charRcvRId = toRId (fromId charRcvId) initialState tcpRcvId = { c_ls = ls , dummyPending = False , eomHappened = False , strings = [] , allocBytes = 0 , index = 0 , mbMaxIterations = mbNrIterations , callback = callback , charRcvRId = charRcvRId , tcpRcvId = tcpRcvId , tcpRcvDisabled = False } tcpCallback (Received byteSeq) (USt charRcvId, pSt) | byteSeqSize byteSeq==0 = (USt charRcvId, pSt) #! (_, pSt) = asyncSend charRcvId (Message (Received (toString byteSeq))) pSt = (USt charRcvId, pSt) tcpCallback EOM (USt charRcvId, pSt) #! (_, pSt) = asyncSend charRcvId (Message EOM) pSt = (USt charRcvId, pSt) getReceiverType _ = "TCP_CharReceiver" open_RChan_or_Listener :: !.(EndpointRef -> *OSToolbox -> *OSToolbox) .ls !Id ![ReceiverAttribute .st] !EndpointRef !Int !(ReceiverFunction m *(.ls,PSt .l)) !Int (PSt .l) -> (!ErrorReport, !PSt .l) open_RChan_or_Listener closeFun ls id rAttributes endpointRef maxSize callbackFun receiverType pSt # ((referenceCount, _, hasSendableNotifier, aborted), pSt) = getEndpointDataC endpointRef pSt # (errReport, pSt) = openReceiverGeneral (newInetStateHandle ls callbackFun maxSize (closeFun endpointRef)) id rAttributes endpointRef receiverType pSt | errReport<>NoError = (errReport, pSt) # pSt = os_select_inetevents endpointRef receiverType referenceCount True hasSendableNotifier aborted pSt | receiverType<>RChanReceiver = (errReport, pSt) // send an EOM if the TCP receive channel is closed # (isEom, pSt) = os_eom endpointRef pSt | not isEom = (errReport, pSt) # (_,pSt) = asyncSend (toReceiveEventRId id) EOM pSt = (errReport, pSt) where toReceiveEventRId :: Id -> RId (ReceiveMsg ByteSeq) toReceiveEventRId id = toRId (fromId id) // dangerous stuff handleReceiveEvent :: !Id !Int ((ReceiveMsg ByteSeq) -> *(.ls, PSt .a) -> *(.ls, PSt .a)) (!InetEvent, !EndpointRef, !Int) *(.ls, PSt .a) -> *(.ls, PSt .a) handleReceiveEvent _ maxSize f (IE_RECEIVED,endpointRef,_) (ls,ps=:{io}) # (_,mbTCPData,_,io) = receive_MT (Just 0) (pack_tcprchan (endpointRef,maxSize)) io | isNothing mbTCPData = (ls,{ps & io=io}) = f (Received (fromJust mbTCPData)) (ls,{ps & io=io}) handleReceiveEvent id maxSize f event=:(IE_EOM,endpointRef,misc) (ls,pSt) // check, whether there is still some data ready to be read. (Can happen on the Mac, since events don't // necessarily keep their order (reentrancy)) # (dataAvailable, pSt) = data_availableC endpointRef pSt | not dataAvailable # (ls, pSt=:{io}) = f EOM (ls,pSt) io = closeReceiver id io = (ls, { pSt & io=io }) # (ls,pSt) = handleReceiveEvent id maxSize f (IE_RECEIVED,endpointRef,misc) (ls, pSt) = handleReceiveEvent id maxSize f event (ls,pSt) THRESHOLD1 :== 10000 // if allocBytes>THRESHOLD1 then the tcp receiver will be disabled THRESHOLD2 :== THRESHOLD1/2 // if allocBytes *(!*CharRcvLocalState .ls .l .p,!PSt .l) charCallback Dummy (state, pSt) = applyCharCBF { state & dummyPending=False } pSt charCallback (Message (Received string)) (state, pSt) #! newAllocBytes = state.allocBytes+(size string) state = { state & strings=state.strings++[string], allocBytes=newAllocBytes} | newAllocBytes>THRESHOLD1 = applyCharCBF { state & tcpRcvDisabled=True } (appPIO (disableReceivers [state.tcpRcvId]) pSt) | newAllocBytes *(!*CharRcvLocalState .a .l .c,!PSt .l) applyCharCBF state=:{dummyPending, strings, index, mbMaxIterations, callback, charRcvRId, c_ls} pSt | isEmpty strings = checkEOM2 state pSt #! string = hd strings nrCharsInString = (size string) - index nrCharsToApply = case mbMaxIterations of (Just maxIterations) -> min nrCharsInString maxIterations _ -> nrCharsInString #! pSt = appPIO (ioStSetRcvDisabled False) pSt // set a flag in the ioState to False (newIndex, (c_ls, pSt)) = loop (rIdtoId charRcvRId) callback nrCharsToApply index string (c_ls, pSt) // apply the callback function nrCharsToApply characters, this can possibly not succeed, // because the callback function closed/disabled this receiver nrCharsApplied = newIndex-index // the number of characters that WERE applied | nrCharsApplied==nrCharsInString && isEmpty (tl strings) = checkEOM2 { state & c_ls=c_ls, strings=[], allocBytes=0, index=0 } pSt // there has to be a Dummy in the receivers queue, because there is still some data left in the local state #! pSt = case dummyPending of False -> snd (asyncSend charRcvRId Dummy pSt) _ -> pSt state = { state & c_ls=c_ls, dummyPending=True } | nrCharsApplied (!Int, !(.ls,!PSt .l)) loop charRcvId callback nrCharsToApply index string ls_pSt=:(ls, pSt=:{io}) // applies string.[index] .. string.[index+nrCharsToApply-1] to the callback function | nrCharsToApply==0 = (index, ls_pSt) #! (receiverPossiblyDisabled, io) = ioStGetRcvDisabled io // this flag is set, when an arbitrary receiver is closed or disabled or when closeProcess happend | not receiverPossiblyDisabled = loop charRcvId callback (dec nrCharsToApply) (inc index) string (callback (Received string.[index]) (ls, { pSt & io=io })) // it is possible, that the receiver was disabled/closed. Check this #! io = ioStSetRcvDisabled False io (mbSelectState, io) = getReceiverSelectState charRcvId io | isJust mbSelectState && (fromJust mbSelectState)==Able = loop charRcvId callback (dec nrCharsToApply) (inc index) string (callback (Received string.[index]) (ls, { pSt & io=io })) = (index, (ls, { pSt & io=io })) checkEOM2 state=:{eomHappened, callback, charRcvRId} pSt // when all bytes in the buffer "strings" have been applied to the callback function, then // this function is called to possibly apply EOM to the callback function | not eomHappened = (state, pSt) #! (c_ls, pSt) = callback EOM (state.c_ls, pSt) = ({ state & c_ls=c_ls }, appPIO (closeReceiver (rIdtoId charRcvRId)) pSt) openSendNotifier :: .ls !(SendNotifier *(ch .a) .ls (PSt .l)) !(PSt .l) -> (!ErrorReport,!*(ch .a),!PSt .l) | accSChannel ch & Send ch openSendNotifier ls (SendNotifier sChan f rAttributes) pSt #! (chan, sChan) = accSChannel getChan sChan ((referenceCount, hasReceiveNotifier, hasSendableNotifier, aborted), pSt) = getEndpointDataC chan.bEndpointRef pSt | hasSendableNotifier = (ErrorNotifierOpen, sChan, pSt) # (chan, sChan, pSt) = open_channel_id chan sChan pSt channel_id = toId chan.bId # (errReport,pSt) = openReceiverGeneral ( newInetStateHandle ls (handleSendableEvent channel_id f) 0 (close_tcpschan_receiver chan.bEndpointRef) ) channel_id rAttributes chan.bEndpointRef SChanReceiver pSt | errReport<>NoError = (errReport, sChan, pSt) #! pSt = os_select_inetevents chan.bEndpointRef SChanReceiver referenceCount hasReceiveNotifier True aborted pSt #! (isDisconnected, sChan, pSt) = disconnected sChan pSt | not isDisconnected = (errReport, sChan, pSt) #! (_,pSt) = asyncSend (toSendEventRId channel_id) Disconnected pSt = (errReport, sChan, pSt) where toSendEventRId :: Id -> RId SendEvent toSendEventRId id = toRId (fromId id) // dangerous stuff // bId is initialized with Id 0 in open_channel_id :: Buffered_SChan *(ch .a) *(PSt .l) -> *(Buffered_SChan,*(ch .a),*(PSt .l)) | accSChannel ch open_channel_id chan sChan pSt | chan.bId<>0 = (chan, sChan, pSt) # (channel_id, pSt) = openId pSt # (chan, sChan) = accSChannel (update_channel_id channel_id) sChan = (chan, sChan, pSt) update_channel_id :: !Id !(TCP_SChannel_ .a) -> (Buffered_SChan,TCP_SChannel_ .a); update_channel_id channel_id tcp_schan # chan = unpack_tcpschan tcp_schan chan = {chan & bId=fromId channel_id} = (chan, pack_tcpschan chan) getChan :: !(TCP_SChannel_ .a) -> (Buffered_SChan,TCP_SChannel_ .a); getChan tcp_schan #! chan = unpack_tcpschan tcp_schan = (chan, pack_tcpschan chan) openReceiverGeneral :: .(Id -> .(SelectState -> .([Id] -> .(.a -> .(.b -> ReceiverStateHandle (PSt .l)))))) !Id [ReceiverAttribute .st] .a .b !(PSt .l) -> (ErrorReport,!PSt .l) openReceiverGeneral createStateHandleFunc id rAttributes endpointRef isReceiver pState # pState = appPIO (appIOToolbox OSinstallTCP) pState # (pState=:{io=ioState}) = receiverFunctions.dOpen pState // MW11++ # (rt,ioState) = ioStGetReceiverTable ioState (maybe_parent,rt) = getReceiverTableEntry id rt # ioState = ioStSetReceiverTable rt ioState // PA++ | isJust maybe_parent = (ErrorIdsInUse, { pState & io=ioState }) # (found,receivers,ioState) = ioStGetDevice ReceiverDevice ioState | not found // PA: condition should never occur as ReceiverDevice has just been 'installed' = fatalError "openReceiverGeneral" "StdEventTCP" "could not retrieve ReceiverSystemState from IOSt" # rsHs = (receiverSystemStateGetReceiverHandles receivers).rReceivers rsH = createStateHandleFunc id select closeAlso endpointRef isReceiver ioState = ioStSetDevice (ReceiverSystemState {rReceivers=[rsH:rsHs]}) ioState ioState = bindRId id select id ReceiverDevice ioState = (NoError, { pState & io=ioState }) where select = getSelectState rAttributes // MW11 was closeAlso = getConnected rAttributes closeAlso = getConnectedIds rAttributes getConnectedIds rAtts = case [ids \\ (ReceiverConnectedReceivers ids)<-rAtts] of [] -> [] [h:_] -> h getSelectState rAtts = case [selectState \\ (ReceiverSelectState selectState)<-rAtts] of [] -> Able [h:_] -> h :: *USt x = USt x newInetStateHandle :: .ls (ReceiverFunction m *(.ls,.pst)) !Int !(IdFun *OSToolbox) !Id !SelectState ![Id] !EndpointRef` !InetReceiverCategory` -> *ReceiverStateHandle .pst newInetStateHandle ls rFun maxSize closeFun id select connectedIds endpointRef isReceiver = { rState = USt ls , rHandle = { rId = id , rASMQ = [] , rSelect = Able , rOneWay = True , rFun = onewaytotriple (wrapUSt rFun) , rInetInfo = Just (endpointRef, isReceiver, maxSize, closeFun) , rConnected = connectedIds } } where wrapUSt rFun msg (USt ls,pst) # (ls,pst) = rFun msg (ls,pst) = (USt ls,pst) handleSendableEvent :: !Id (SendEvent -> *(.ls, PSt .l) -> *(.ls, PSt .l)) (!InetEvent, !EndpointRef, !Int) *(.ls, PSt .l) -> *(.ls, PSt .l) handleSendableEvent _ f (IE_SENDABLE,_,_) (ls,ps) = f Sendable (ls,ps) handleSendableEvent id f (IE_DISCONNECTED,_,_) (ls,ps) # (ls,ps=:{io}) = f Disconnected (ls,ps) io = closeReceiver id io = (ls, { ps & io=io } ) close_tcpschan_receiver :: !EndpointRef !*OSToolbox -> *OSToolbox close_tcpschan_receiver endpointRef tb # ((referenceCount,hr,_,aborted),tb) = getEndpointDataC endpointRef tb tb = setEndpointDataC endpointRef referenceCount hr False aborted tb = tb closeSendNotifier :: !*(ch .a) !(IOSt .l) -> (!*(ch .a), !IOSt .l) | accSChannel ch closeSendNotifier chan io #! (ch,chan) = accSChannel getChan chan ((referenceCount, hasReceiveNotifier, hasSendableNotifier, aborted), io) = getEndpointDataC ch.bEndpointRef io | not hasSendableNotifier = (chan, io) #! io = closeReceiver (toId ch.bId) io io = setEndpointDataC ch.bEndpointRef referenceCount hasReceiveNotifier False aborted io = (chan, io) lookupIPAddress_async :: !String !(InetLookupFunction (PSt .l)) !(PSt .l) -> PSt .l lookupIPAddress_async inetAddr lookupFunction pSt # pSt = appPIO (appIOToolbox OSinstallTCP) pSt // PA: added # ((errCode,endpointRef),pSt) = lookupHost_asyncC (inetAddr+++"\0") pSt | errCode<>0 = lookupFunction Nothing pSt # (recId, pSt) = accPIO openId pSt (_,pSt) = openReceiverGeneral (newInetStateHandle recId (handleDNREvent lookupFunction) 0 id) recId [ReceiverSelectState Able] endpointRef DNSReceiver pSt = pSt handleDNREvent :: ((Maybe IPAddress) -> (PSt .a) -> PSt .a) (!InetEvent, !EndpointRef, !Int) (Id, PSt .a) -> (Id, PSt .a) handleDNREvent f (IE_IPADDRESSFOUND,_,ipAddr) (recId,ps=:{io}) # io = closeReceiver recId io = (recId, f (Just (pack_ipaddr ipAddr)) { ps & io=io }) handleDNREvent f (IE_IPADDRESSNOTFOUND,_,_) (recId,ps=:{io}) # io = closeReceiver recId io = (recId, f Nothing { ps & io=io } ) connectTCP_async :: !(!IPAddress,!Port) !(InetConnectFunction (PSt .l)) !(PSt .l) -> PSt .l connectTCP_async (inetHost,inetPort) callback pSt # pSt = appPIO (appIOToolbox OSinstallTCP) pSt // PA: added # destination = (unpack_ipaddr inetHost, inetPort) ((errCode,endpointRef), pSt) = os_connectTCP_async PST destination pSt | errCode<>0 = callback Nothing pSt # (recId, pSt) = accPIO openId pSt (_,pSt) = openReceiverGeneral (newInetStateHandle recId (handleConnectEvent callback) 0 id) recId [ReceiverSelectState Able] endpointRef ConnectReceiver pSt = pSt handleConnectEvent :: ((Maybe TCP_DuplexChannel) -> *((PSt .a) -> PSt .a)) (!InetEvent, !EndpointRef, !Int) (Id, PSt .a) -> (Id, !PSt .a) handleConnectEvent f (IE_ASYNCCONNECTCOMPLETE,endpointRef,_) (recId,ps) # io = io = appIOToolbox (setEndpointDataC endpointRef 2 False False False) io (duplexChan, io) = createDuplexChan endpointRef io io = closeReceiver recId io = (recId, f (Just duplexChan) { ps & io=io }) handleConnectEvent f (IE_ASYNCCONNECTFAILED,endpointRef,_) (recId,ps) # io = io = appIOToolbox (setEndpointDataC endpointRef 0 False False False) io io = appIOToolbox (garbageCollectEndpointC endpointRef) io io = closeReceiver recId io = (recId, f Nothing { ps & io=io }) createDuplexChan endpointRef env # (id, env) = openId env tcp_SChan = { bEndpointRef = endpointRef , bNormal = emptyBuffer , bUnsent = 0 , bId = fromId id } = ({sChannel= pack_tcpschan tcp_SChan, rChannel=pack_tcprchan (endpointRef,0)}, env) where emptyBuffer = {bPackets=[], bBegin=0}