definition module _SystemEnum // **************************************************************************************** // Concurrent Clean Standard Library Module Version 2.0 // Copyright 1998 University of Nijmegen // **************************************************************************************** /* This module must be imported if dotdot expressions are used [from .. ] -> _from from [from .. to] -> _from_to from to [from, then .. ] -> _from_then from then [from, then .. to] -> _from_then_to from then to */ from StdClass import class Enum (..), class IncDec (..), class Ord (..),<=,inc,dec from StdBool import not import StdInt,StdChar _from :: a -> .[a] | IncDec , Ord a special a=Int; a=Char _from_to :: !a !a -> .[a] | Enum a special a=Int; a=Char _from_then :: a a -> .[a] | Enum a special a=Int; a=Char _from_then_to :: !a !a !a -> .[a] | Enum a special a=Int; a=Char