definition module StdOrdList // **************************************************************************************** // Concurrent Clean Standard Library Module Version 2.0 // Copyright 1998 University of Nijmegen // **************************************************************************************** import StdClass sort :: !u:[a] -> u:[a] | Ord a // Sort the list (mergesort) special a = Char a = Int a = Real sortBy :: (a a -> Bool) !u:[a] -> u:[a] // Sort the list, arg1 is < function merge :: !u:[a] !v:[a] -> w:[a] | Ord a,[u v <= w] // Merge two sorted lists giving a sorted list special a = Char a = Int a = Real mergeBy :: (a a -> Bool) !u:[a] !v:[a] -> w:[a] // Merge two sorted lists giving a sorted list ,[u v <= w] // arg1 is < function maxList :: !.[a] -> a | Ord a // Maximum element of list special a = Char a = Int a = Real maxListBy :: (a a -> Bool) !.[a] -> a // Maximum element of list, arg1 is < function minList :: !.[a] -> a | Ord a // Minimum element of list special a = Char a = Int a = Real minListBy :: (a a -> Bool) !.[a] -> a // Minimum element of list, arg1 is < function