system module StdInt // **************************************************************************************** // Concurrent Clean Standard Library Module Version 2.0 // Copyright 1998 University of Nijmegen // **************************************************************************************** import StdOverloaded instance + Int instance - Int instance zero Int instance * Int instance / Int instance one Int instance ^ Int instance abs Int instance sign Int instance ~ Int instance == Int instance < Int instance isEven Int // True if arg1 is an even number instance isOdd Int // True if arg1 is an odd number instance toInt Char instance toInt Int instance toInt Real instance toInt {#Char} instance fromInt Int instance fromInt Char instance fromInt Real instance fromInt {#Char} // Additional functions for integer arithmetic: instance rem Int // remainder after integer division instance gcd Int // Greatest common divider instance lcm Int // Least common multiple // Operators on Bits: (bitor) infixl 6 :: !Int !Int -> Int // Bitwise Or of arg1 and arg2 (bitand) infixl 6 :: !Int !Int -> Int // Bitwise And of arg1 and arg2 (bitxor) infixl 6 :: !Int !Int -> Int // Exclusive-Or arg1 with mask arg2 (<<) infix 7 :: !Int !Int -> Int // Shift arg1 to the left arg2 bit places (>>) infix 7 :: !Int !Int -> Int // Shift arg1 to the right arg2 bit places bitnot :: !Int -> Int // One's complement of arg1 IF_INT_64_OR_32 int64 int32 :== int32;