definition module StdGeneric // generic representation :: UNIT = UNIT :: EITHER a b = LEFT a | RIGHT b :: PAIR a b = PAIR a b // for constructor information :: OBJECT a =: OBJECT a // object marking :: CONS a = CONS a // constructor marking :: RECORD a = RECORD a // record marking :: FIELD a =: FIELD a // record field marking :: GenericTypeDefDescriptor = { gtd_name :: String , gtd_arity :: Int , gtd_num_conses :: Int , gtd_conses :: [GenericConsDescriptor] } :: GenericConsDescriptor = { gcd_name :: String , gcd_arity :: Int , gcd_prio :: GenConsPrio // priority and associativity , gcd_type_def :: GenericTypeDefDescriptor // type def of the constructor , gcd_type :: GenType // type of the constructor , gcd_index :: Int // index of the contructor in the type def } :: GenConsPrio = GenConsNoPrio | GenConsPrio GenConsAssoc Int :: GenConsAssoc = GenConsAssocNone | GenConsAssocLeft | GenConsAssocRight :: GenericRecordDescriptor = { grd_name :: String , grd_arity :: Int , grd_type_arity:: Int // arity of the type , grd_type :: GenType // type of the constructor , grd_fields :: [String] } :: GenericFieldDescriptor = { gfd_name :: String , gfd_index :: Int // index of the field in the record , gfd_cons :: GenericRecordDescriptor // the record constructor } :: GenType = GenTypeCons String | GenTypeVar !Int | GenTypeApp GenType GenType | GenTypeArrow GenType GenType // determine the path in the generic binary-sum-tree of a constructor :: ConsPos = ConsLeft | ConsRight getConsPath :: !GenericConsDescriptor -> [ConsPos] // generic bidirectional mapping generic bimap a b | bimap b a :: .a ->.b derive bimap c derive bimap PAIR derive bimap EITHER derive bimap OBJECT derive bimap CONS derive bimap RECORD derive bimap FIELD derive bimap (->) // HACK: dictionaries for all generics. // It works since all generic classes have only one method and do not inherit // from other classes :: GenericDict a = { generic_dict :: !a } :: GenericDict0 a = { generic_dict0 :: a } // embedding-projection :: Bimap a b = { map_to :: .(a -> b), map_from :: .(b -> a) } // deprecated, no longer used bimapId :: Bimap .a .a // deprecated, no longer used