implementation module StdReal // ******************************************************** // Concurrent Clean Standard Library Module Version 2.0 // Copyright 1998 University of Nijmegen // ******************************************************** import StdClass import StdOverloaded,StdInt,StdArray from StdBool import &&,||,not from StdChar import instance == Char, instance < Char, class ==(..) instance + Real where (+) :: !Real !Real -> Real (+) a b = code inline { addR } instance - Real where (-) :: !Real !Real -> Real (-) a b = code inline { subR } instance zero Real where zero:: Real zero = code inline { pushR 0.0 } instance * Real where (*) :: !Real !Real -> Real (*) a b = code inline { mulR } instance / Real where (/) :: !Real !Real -> Real (/) a b = code inline { divR } instance one Real where one:: Real one = code inline { pushR 1.0 } instance ^ Real where (^) :: !Real !Real -> Real (^) a b = code inline { powR } instance abs Real where abs::!Real -> Real abs x = code inline { absR } instance sign Real where sign::!Real -> Int sign x | x == 0.0 = 0 | x < 0.0 = -1 = 1 instance ~ Real where ~ :: !Real -> Real ~ x = code inline { negR } instance == Real where (==) :: !Real !Real -> Bool (==) a b = code inline { eqR } instance < Real where (<) :: !Real !Real -> Bool (<) a b = code inline { ltR } instance ln Real where ln a = code inline { lnR } instance log10 Real where log10 a = code inline { log10R } instance exp Real where exp a = code inline { expR } instance sqrt Real where sqrt a = code inline { sqrtR } instance sin Real where sin a = code inline { sinR } instance cos Real where cos a = code inline { cosR } instance tan Real where tan a = code inline { tanR } instance asin Real where asin a = code inline { asinR } instance acos Real where acos a = code inline { acosR } instance atan Real where atan a = code inline { atanR } instance sinh Real where sinh x = (exp x - exp (~ x)) * 0.5 instance cosh Real where cosh x = (exp x + exp (~ x)) * 0.5 instance tanh Real where tanh x = (expx - expmx) / (expx + expmx) where expx = exp x expmx = exp (~ x) instance asinh Real where asinh x = ln (x + sqrt (x*x + 1.0)) instance acosh Real where acosh x = ln (x + sqrt (x*x - 1.0)) // only the positive value is taken instance atanh Real where atanh x = ln ((1.0 + x)/(1.0 - x)) * 0.5 instance toReal Int where toReal :: !Int -> Real toReal a = code inline { ItoR } instance toReal Real where toReal :: !Real -> Real toReal a = code inline { no_op } instance fromReal Int where fromReal :: !Real -> Int fromReal a = code inline { RtoI } instance fromReal Real where fromReal :: !Real -> Real fromReal a = code inline { no_op } instance fromReal {#Char} where fromReal :: !Real -> {#Char} fromReal a = code inline { .d 0 1 r jsr RtoAC .o 1 0 } instance toReal {#Char} where toReal :: !{#Char} -> Real toReal s | len == 0 = 0.0 | first == '-' = ~ signedval | first == '+' = signedval // otherwise = val where len = size s first = s.[0] signedval = toReal1 s 1 0.0 val = toReal1 s 0 0.0 toReal1 :: !{#Char} !Int !Real -> Real toReal1 s posn val | posn == len = val | digit = toReal1 s (posn+1) (toReal n + 10.0*val) | c == '.' = toRealWithDot s (posn+1) val 0 | c== 'e' || c== 'E' | posn='0' && c<='9' toRealWithDot :: !{#Char} !Int !Real !Int -> Real toRealWithDot s posn val dn | posn == len | dn==0 = val = val / (10.0 ^ toReal dn) | digit = toRealWithDot s (posn+1) (toReal n + 10.0*val) (dn+1) | c== 'e' || c== 'E' | posn='0' && c<='9' toRealWithExp :: !{#Char} !Int !Real !Int !Int !Int -> Real toRealWithExp s posn val dn eneg eval | posn == len # e = eneg*eval-dn | e>=0 = val * 10.0 ^ toReal e | e>= -308 = val / 10.0 ^ toReal (~e) = (val / 5.0 ^ toReal (~e)) / 2.0 ^ toReal (~e) | digit = toRealWithExp s (posn+1) val dn eneg (n + 10*eval) = 0.0 where c = s.[posn] n = toInt c - toInt '0' digit = c>='0' && c<='9' entier :: !Real -> Int entier a = code inline { entierR } Infinity :== 1E9999 NaN :== 1E9999+(-1E9999) isNaN x :== if (x==x) False True isInfinity x :== if (abs x==1E9999) True False isFinite x :== if (x-x==0.0) True False