definition module StdTCPChannels // ******************************************************************************** // Clean Standard TCP library, version 1.2.2 // // StdTCPChannels provides instances to use TCP. // Author: Martin Wierich // Modified: 7 September 2001 for Clean 2.0 (Peter Achten) // ******************************************************************************** import StdString import StdTCPDef, StdChannels from StdIOCommon import :: OkBool from StdIOBasic import :: :^:, :: Void from tcp_bytestreams import :: TCP_RCharStream_{..}, :: TCP_SCharStream_{..} // ******************************************************************************** // Listeners // ******************************************************************************** instance Receive TCP_Listener_ instance closeRChannel TCP_Listener_ /* Receiving on a listener will accept a TCP_DuplexChannel. eom never becomes True for listeners. */ // ******************************************************************************** // TCP send channels // ******************************************************************************** instance Send TCP_SChannel_ // ******************************************************************************** // TCP receive channels // ******************************************************************************** instance Receive TCP_RChannel_ instance closeRChannel TCP_RChannel_ instance MaxSize TCP_RChannel_ // ******************************************************************************** // TCP char streams to receive // ******************************************************************************** :: *TCP_RCharStream :== TCP_RCharStream_ Char :: *TCP_RCharStreams = TCP_RCharStreams *[TCP_RCharStream] toRCharStream :: !TCP_RChannel -> TCP_RCharStream instance Receive TCP_RCharStream_ instance closeRChannel TCP_RCharStream_ // ******************************************************************************** // TCP char streams to send // ******************************************************************************** :: *TCP_SCharStream :== TCP_SCharStream_ Char :: *TCP_SCharStreams = TCP_SCharStreams *[TCP_SCharStream] toSCharStream :: !TCP_SChannel -> TCP_SCharStream instance Send TCP_SCharStream_ // ******************************************************************************** // establishing connections // ******************************************************************************** lookupIPAddress :: !String !*env -> (!Maybe IPAddress, !*env) | ChannelEnv env connectTCP_MT :: !(Maybe Timeout) !(!IPAddress,!Port) !*env -> (!TimeoutReport, !Maybe TCP_DuplexChannel, !*env) | ChannelEnv env openTCP_Listener:: !Port !*env -> (!OkBool, !Maybe TCP_Listener, !*env) | ChannelEnv env tcpPossible :: !*env -> (!Bool, !*env) | ChannelEnv env /* lookupIPAddress input String can be in dotted decimal form or alphanumerical. In the latter case the DNS is called. connectTCP tries to establish a TCP connection. openTCP_Listener to listen on a certain port. tcpPossible whether tcp can be started on this computer. */ // ******************************************************************************** // multiplexing // ******************************************************************************** selectChannel_MT:: !(Maybe Timeout) !*r_channels !*s_channels !*World -> (![(!Int, !SelectResult)],!*r_channels,!*s_channels,!*World) | SelectReceive r_channels & SelectSend s_channels /* selectChannel_MT mbTimeout r_channels s_channels world determines the first channel on which "something happens". If the result is an empty list, then the timeout expired, otherwise each (who,what) element of the result identifies one channel in r_channels or s_channels. The what value determines whether available/eom/disconnected on the identified channel would have returned True. what==SR_Sendable indicates that it is possible to send non blocking on the identified channel. If r_channels contains r channels and if s_channels contains s channels, then the following holds: isMember what [SR_Available,SR_EOM] => 0<=who 0<=who (x, PrimitiveRChannel)) !*channels -> (![x], !*channels) getRState :: !Int !*channels !*World -> (!Maybe SelectResult, !*channels, !*World) /* accRChannels f channels applies a function on each channel in channels and returns a list which contains the result for each application. getRState applies available and eom on the channel which is identified by the Int parameter and returns SR_Available or SR_EOM or Nothing. */ class SelectSend channels where accSChannels :: (TCP_SChannel -> *(.x, TCP_SChannel)) !*channels -> (![.x], !*channels) appDisconnected :: !Int !*channels !*World -> (!Bool, !*channels, !*World) /* accSChannels applies a function on each channel in channels and returns a list which contains the result for each application. appDisconnected returns whether disconnected is True for the channel which is identified by the Int parameter. */ class getNrOfChannels channels :: !*channels -> (!Int, !*channels) /* getNrOfChannels channels returns the number of channels in channels. */ instance SelectReceive TCP_RChannels,TCP_Listeners,TCP_RCharStreams,Void instance SelectReceive (:^: *x *y) | SelectReceive, getNrOfChannels x & SelectReceive y instance SelectSend TCP_SChannels,TCP_SCharStreams,Void instance SelectSend (:^: *x *y) | SelectSend, getNrOfChannels x & SelectSend y instance getNrOfChannels TCP_RChannels,TCP_Listeners,TCP_RCharStreams, TCP_SChannels,TCP_SCharStreams,Void instance getNrOfChannels (:^: *x *y) | getNrOfChannels x & getNrOfChannels y