implementation module windowdispose import StdBool, StdFunc, StdList, StdMisc, StdTuple import menuevent, osmenu, ostypes, oswindow import commondef, iostate, receiverid, scheduler, StdPSt, windowaccess, windowclipstate from StdMenu import enableMenuSystem from StdWindowAttribute import isWindowDeactivate from windowcreate import bufferDelayedEvents //import menuwindowmenu windowdisposeFatalError :: String String -> .x windowdisposeFatalError function error = fatalError function "windowdispose" error /* disposeWindow disposes all system resources associated with the indicated window if it exists. Inactive modal dialogues are not removed. If the window belongs to an SDI process, then only the SDI client is removed, not the SDI frame. It removes the indicated window from the window device administration. Because the window may contain controls that are 'logically' disposed, but not 'physically' disposeWindow also applies the init function contained in the IOSt. */ disposeWindow :: !WID !(PSt .l) -> PSt .l disposeWindow wid pState=:{io=ioState} # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = {pState & io=ioState} # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow wid windows // The window could not be found | not found = {pState & io=ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState} # (alreadyClosing,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleClosing wsH // The window is already in the act of being closed | alreadyClosing = {pState & io=ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState} # (documentInterface,ioState) = ioStGetDocumentInterface ioState (wKind,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowKind wsH (wids, wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWIDS wsH // Of a SDI process, the SDI client should be closed, not the SDI frame (which is closed by closeProcess) | documentInterface==SDI && wKind==IsWindow // = {pState & io=ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState} # windows = incWindowBound windows = dispose wids wsH windows {pState & io=ioState} with incWindowBound :: !(WindowHandles .pst) -> WindowHandles .pst incWindowBound wHs=:{whsNrWindowBound} = {wHs & whsNrWindowBound=incBound whsNrWindowBound} # (wMode,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowMode wsH // Any modeless window can be disposed | wMode<>Modal = dispose wids wsH windows {pState & io=ioState} # (activeWIDS,windows) = getWindowHandlesActiveWindow windows | isNothing activeWIDS // Incorrect situation: indicated dialog is modal while no active window could be found = windowdisposeFatalError "disposeWindow" "active window could not be found" # activeId = fromJust activeWIDS // Do not dispose inactive modal windows | wids.wId<>activeId.wId = {pState & io=ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState} // Dispose only the active modal window | otherwise = dispose wids wsH windows {pState & io=ioState} where dispose :: !WIDS !(WindowStateHandle (PSt .l)) !(WindowHandles (PSt .l)) !(PSt .l) -> PSt .l dispose wids=:{wId} wsH windows pState=:{io=ioState} # (_,_,windows) = removeWindowHandlesWindow (toWID wId) windows // Remove window placeholder # (windows,ioState) = enableProperWindows windows ioState // PA: before disposing last modal window, the window and menu system should be enabled # ioState = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState # (disposeFun,ioState) = ioStGetInitIO ioState # pState = disposeFun {pState & io=ioState} # (osdinfo,ioState) = ioStGetOSDInfo # (inputTrack,ioState) = ioStGetInputTrack ioState # (tb,ioState) = getIOToolbox ioState # pState = {pState & io=ioState} # ((rids,ids,delayinfo,finalLS,osdinfo,inputTrack),(_,pState),tb) = disposeWindowStateHandle osdinfo inputTrack handleOSEvent (wsH,pState) tb # ioState = setIOToolbox tb # ioState = ioStSetOSDInfo osdinfo ioState # ioState = ioStSetInputTrack inputTrack ioState # ioState = unbindRIds rids ioState // When timers are part of windows, also unbind timers # (idtable,ioState) = ioStGetIdTable ioState (_,idtable) = removeIdsFromIdTable (rids++ids) idtable # ioState = ioStSetIdTable idtable ioState # ioState = addFinalLS finalLS ioState # ioState = bufferDelayedEvents delayinfo ioState = {pState & io=ioState} handleOSEvent :: !OSEvent !(PSt .l) -> (![Int],!PSt .l) handleOSEvent osEvent pState = accContext (handleContextOSEvent osEvent) pState enableProperWindows :: !(WindowHandles (PSt .l)) !(IOSt .l) -> (!WindowHandles (PSt .l),!IOSt .l) enableProperWindows windows ioState # (modalWIDS,windows) = getWindowHandlesActiveModalDialog windows | isJust modalWIDS = (windows,ioState) | otherwise = (windows,ioStSetIOIsModal Nothing ioState) addFinalLS :: ![FinalModalLS] !(IOSt .l) -> IOSt .l addFinalLS finalLS ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = windowdisposeFatalError "disposeWindow" "could not restore final local window state" | otherwise # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice # windows = {windows & whsFinalModalLS=finalLS++windows.whsFinalModalLS} = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState /* disposeCursorInfo disposes all system resources associated with the given CursorInfo. PA: not yet implemented disposeCursorInfo :: !CursorInfo !(IOSt .l) -> IOSt .l */ /* disposeWindowStateHandle disposes all system resources associated with the given WindowStateHandle. The first return [Id] are the Ids of receivers that should become unbound. The second return [Id] are the Ids of the other controls. The [DelayActivationInfo] are the delayed (de)activate events. The [FinalModalLS] is the final local state if the WindowStateHandle is a modal dialog. When timers are part of windows, also timer ids should be returned. */ disposeWindowStateHandle :: !OSDInfo !(Maybe InputTrack) !(OSEvent -> .s -> ([Int],.s)) !*(!*WindowStateHandle .pst,.s) !*OSToolbox -> (!(![Id],![Id],![DelayActivationInfo],![FinalModalLS],!OSDInfo,!Maybe InputTrack),!*(!*WindowStateHandle .pst,.s),!*OSToolbox) disposeWindowStateHandle osdinfo inputTrack handleOSEvent (wsH=:{wshIds=wids=:{wPtr,wId},wshHandle=Just wlsH=:{wlsState,wlsHandle=wH=:{whWindowInfo,whItems,whKind,whMode}}},state) tb # isModalDialog = whKind==IsDialog && whMode==Modal (isWindowInfo,info) = case whWindowInfo of WindowInfo info -> (True, info) _ -> (False,windowdisposeFatalError "disposeWindowStateHandle" "info unexpectedly evaluated") # (rids,ids,fs,itemHs,tb) = disposeWElementHandles wPtr zero whItems tb # tb = fs tb # (delayinfo,osdinfo,state,tb) = osDestroyWindow (whMode==Modal) (whKind==IsWindow) wPtr handleOSEvent osdinfo state tb ids = [wId:ids] finalModalLS = if isModalDialog [{fmWIDS=wids,fmLS=wlsState}] [] inputTrack = case inputTrack of Just {itWindow} -> if (itWindow==wPtr) Nothing inputTrack nothing -> nothing result = (rids,ids,delayinfo,finalModalLS,osdinfo,inputTrack) wsH = {wsH & wshHandle=Just {wlsH & wlsState=undef,wlsHandle={wH & whItems=itemHs}}} | isWindowInfo = (result,(wsH,state),disposeClipState info.windowClip tb) | otherwise = (result,(wsH,state),tb) disposeWindowStateHandle _ _ _ _ _ = windowdisposeFatalError "disposeWindowStateHandle" "window expected instead of placeholder" /* disposeWElementHandle(s) (recursively) hides all system resources associated with the given WElementHandle(s). The argument OSWindowPtr must be the parent window. The (IdFun *OSToolbox) function must be used to actually dispose the controls. It returns all freed receiver and control ids. When timers are part of windows, also timer ids should be returned. */ disposeWElementHandles :: !OSWindowPtr !Point2 !*[WElementHandle .ls .pst] !*OSToolbox -> (![Id],![Id],!IdFun *OSToolbox,!*[WElementHandle .ls .pst],!*OSToolbox) disposeWElementHandles wPtr parentPos [itemH:itemHs] tb # (rids, ids, fs, itemH, tb) = disposeWElementHandle wPtr parentPos itemH tb # (ridss,idss,fss,itemHs,tb) = disposeWElementHandles wPtr parentPos itemHs tb = (rids++ridss,ids++idss,fss o fs,[itemH:itemHs],tb) disposeWElementHandles _ _ [] tb = ([],[],id,[],tb) disposeWElementHandle :: !OSWindowPtr !Point2 !(WElementHandle .ls .pst) !*OSToolbox -> (![Id],![Id],!IdFun *OSToolbox,!WElementHandle .ls .pst, !*OSToolbox) disposeWElementHandle wPtr parentPos (WItemHandle itemH) tb # (rids,ids,f,itemH,tb) = disposeWItemHandle wPtr parentPos itemH tb = (rids,ids,f,WItemHandle itemH,tb) disposeWElementHandle wPtr parentPos (WListLSHandle itemHs) tb # (rids,ids,fs,itemHs,tb) = disposeWElementHandles wPtr parentPos itemHs tb = (rids,ids,fs,WListLSHandle itemHs,tb) disposeWElementHandle wPtr parentPos (WExtendLSHandle wExH=:{wExtendItems=itemHs}) tb # (rids,ids,fs,itemHs,tb) = disposeWElementHandles wPtr parentPos itemHs tb = (rids,ids,fs,WExtendLSHandle {wExH & wExtendItems=itemHs},tb) disposeWElementHandle wPtr parentPos (WChangeLSHandle wChH=:{wChangeItems=itemHs}) tb # (rids,ids,fs,itemHs,tb) = disposeWElementHandles wPtr parentPos itemHs tb = (rids,ids,fs,WChangeLSHandle {wChH & wChangeItems=itemHs},tb) /* disposeWItemHandle (recursively) hides all system resources associated with the given WItemHandle. The OSWindowPtr argument must identify the parent window. The (IdFun *OSToolbox) function must be used to actually dispose the controls. It returns all freed receiver ids. When timers are part of windows, also timer ids should be returned. */ disposeWItemHandle :: !OSWindowPtr !Point2 !(WItemHandle .ls .pst) !*OSToolbox -> (![Id],![Id],!IdFun *OSToolbox,!WItemHandle .ls .pst, !*OSToolbox) disposeWItemHandle wPtr parentPos itemH=:{wItemKind=IsCheckControl,wItemInfo,wItemId,wItemPos} tb # checkInfo = getWItemCheckInfo wItemInfo items = checkInfo.checkItems # tb = stateMap2 (\{checkItemPtr,checkItemPos,checkItemSize} -> osSetCheckControlShow wPtr checkItemPtr (posSizeToRect (movePoint checkItemPos absolutePos) checkItemSize) False ) items tb = ([],maybeToList wItemId,stateMap2 (\{checkItemPtr}->osDestroyCheckControl checkItemPtr) items,itemH,tb) where absolutePos = movePoint wItemPos parentPos disposeWItemHandle wPtr parentPos itemH=:{wItemKind=IsCompoundControl,wItemInfo,wItems,wItemId,wItemPos,wItemSize,wItemPtr} tb # (rids,ids,fs,itemHs,tb) = disposeWElementHandles wPtr absolutePos wItems tb # compoundInfo = getWItemCompoundInfo wItemInfo hPtr = case compoundInfo.compoundHScroll of (Just {scrollItemPtr}) -> scrollItemPtr _ -> OSNoWindowPtr vPtr = case compoundInfo.compoundVScroll of (Just {scrollItemPtr}) -> scrollItemPtr _ -> OSNoWindowPtr f = osDestroyCompoundControl wItemPtr hPtr vPtr ids = maybeToList wItemId ++ ids info = getWItemCompoundInfo wItemInfo # tb = osSetCompoundShow wPtr wItemPtr (posSizeToRect absolutePos wItemSize) (posSizeToRect absolutePos wItemSize) False tb itemH = {itemH & wItems=itemHs} = (rids,ids,f o disposeClipState info.compoundLookInfo.compoundClip o fs,itemH,tb) where absolutePos = movePoint wItemPos parentPos disposeWItemHandle wPtr parentPos itemH=:{wItemKind=IsLayoutControl,wItems,wItemId,wItemPos} tb # (rids,ids,fs,itemHs,tb) = disposeWElementHandles wPtr absolutePos wItems tb ids = maybeToList wItemId ++ ids itemH = {itemH & wItems=itemHs} = (rids,ids,fs,itemH,tb) where absolutePos = movePoint wItemPos parentPos disposeWItemHandle wPtr parentPos itemH=:{wItemKind=IsOtherControl controltype,wItemId} tb // The control is a receiver: | controltype=="Receiver" || controltype=="Receiver2" = (maybeToList wItemId,[],id,itemH,tb) /* The control is a timer: | controltype=="TimerControl" = ([],getTimerLoc itemH,id,itemH,tb) */ | otherwise = windowdisposeFatalError "disposeWItemHandle" ("unknown control type: "+++controltype) disposeWItemHandle wPtr parentPos itemH=:{wItemKind=IsRadioControl,wItemId,wItemInfo,wItemPos} tb # radioInfo = getWItemRadioInfo wItemInfo items = radioInfo.radioItems # tb = stateMap2 (\{radioItemPtr,radioItemPos,radioItemSize} -> osSetRadioControlShow wPtr radioItemPtr (posSizeToRect (movePoint radioItemPos absolutePos) radioItemSize) False ) items tb = ([],maybeToList wItemId,stateMap2 (\{radioItemPtr}->osDestroyRadioControl radioItemPtr) items,itemH,tb) where absolutePos = movePoint wItemPos parentPos disposeWItemHandle wPtr parentPos itemH=:{wItemKind=IsTextControl,wItemId,wItemPtr,wItemPos,wItemSize,wItemInfo} tb # textInfo = getWItemTextInfo wItemInfo # itemRect = posSizeToRect absolutePos wItemSize # tb = osSetTextControlShow wPtr wItemPtr itemRect itemRect False (textInfo.textInfoText) tb = ([],maybeToList wItemId,osDestroyTextControl wItemPtr,itemH,tb) where absolutePos = movePoint wItemPos parentPos disposeWItemHandle wPtr parentPos itemH=:{wItemKind=IsPopUpControl,wItemId,wItemPtr,wItemPos,wItemSize,wItemInfo} tb # popupInfo = getWItemPopUpInfo wItemInfo # editPtr = mapMaybe (\{popUpEditPtr}->popUpEditPtr) popupInfo.popUpInfoEdit # itemRect = posSizeToRect absolutePos wItemSize # tb = osSetPopUpControlShow wPtr wItemPtr itemRect False tb = ([],maybeToList wItemId,osDestroyPopUpControl wItemPtr editPtr,itemH,tb) where absolutePos = movePoint wItemPos parentPos disposeWItemHandle wPtr parentPos itemH=:{wItemKind,wItemId,wItemPtr,wItemPos,wItemSize} tb # tb = case custom of False -> hide wPtr wItemPtr (posSizeToRect absolutePos wItemSize) False tb True -> hide` wPtr wItemPtr (posSizeToRect absolutePos wItemSize) (posSizeToRect absolutePos wItemSize) False tb = ([],maybeToList wItemId,dispose wItemPtr,itemH,tb) where absolutePos = movePoint wItemPos parentPos (custom,dispose) = case wItemKind of // IsPopUpControl -> (osSetPopUpControlShow, osDestroyPopUpControl) IsSliderControl -> (False, osDestroySliderControl) // IsTextControl -> (osSetTextControlShow, osDestroyTextControl) IsEditControl -> (False, osDestroyEditControl) IsButtonControl -> (False, osDestroyButtonControl) IsCustomButtonControl -> (True, osDestroyCustomButtonControl) IsCustomControl -> (True, osDestroyCustomControl) _ -> windowdisposeFatalError "disposeWItemHandle" ("unmatched ControlKind: "+++toString wItemKind) hide = case wItemKind of // IsPopUpControl -> osSetPopUpControlShow IsSliderControl -> osSetSliderControlShow // IsTextControl -> osSetTextControlShow IsEditControl -> osSetEditControlShow IsButtonControl -> osSetButtonControlShow _ -> windowdisposeFatalError "disposeWItemHandle" ("unmatched ControlKind: "+++toString wItemKind) hide` = case wItemKind of IsCustomButtonControl -> osSetCustomButtonControlShow IsCustomControl -> osSetCustomControlShow _ -> windowdisposeFatalError "disposeWItemHandle" ("unmatched ControlKind: "+++toString wItemKind) /* PA: now in StdLibExt:StdMaybe maybeToList :: !(Maybe .x) -> [.x] maybeToList (Just x) = [x] maybeToList _ = [] */