implementation module timerdevice import StdInt, StdBool, StdFunc, StdEnum, StdList, StdTuple from StdPSt import accPIO, appPIO import commondef, devicefunctions, iostate, receiveraccess, timeraccess, timerdefaccess, timerevent timerdeviceFatalError :: String String -> .x timerdeviceFatalError function error = fatalError function "timerdevice" error timerFunctions :: DeviceFunctions (PSt .l) timerFunctions = { dDevice = TimerDevice , dShow = id , dHide = id , dEvent = timerEvent , dDoIO = timerIO , dOpen = timerOpen , dClose = timerClose } timerOpen :: !(PSt .l) -> PSt .l timerOpen pState=:{io=ioState} # (hasTimer,ioState) = ioStHasDevice TimerDevice ioState | hasTimer = {pState & io=ioState} | otherwise # ioState = ioStSetDevice (TimerSystemState {tTimers=[]}) ioState # ioState = ioStSetDeviceFunctions timerFunctions ioState = {pState & io=ioState} timerClose :: !(PSt .l) -> PSt .l timerClose pState=:{io=ioState} # (found,timers,ioState)= ioStGetDevice TimerDevice ioState | not found = {pState & io=ioState} | otherwise # (rt,ioState) = ioStGetReceiverTable ioState # (tt,ioState) = ioStGetTimerTable ioState # (idtable,ioState) = ioStGetIdTable ioState # (pid,ioState) = ioStGetIOId ioState tHs = timerSystemStateGetTimerHandles timers (tt,rt,idtable) = stateMap2 (closeTimerIds pid) tHs.tTimers (tt,rt,idtable) # ioState = ioStSetReceiverTable rt ioState # ioState = ioStSetTimerTable tt ioState # ioState = ioStSetIdTable idtable ioState # ioState = ioStRemoveDeviceFunctions TimerDevice ioState = {pState & io=ioState} where closeTimerIds :: !SystemId !(TimerStateHandle .pst) !*(!*TimerTable,!*ReceiverTable,!*IdTable) -> *(!*TimerTable,!*ReceiverTable,!*IdTable) closeTimerIds pid (TimerLSHandle {tHandle={tId,tItems}}) tables # (tt,rt,it) = unbindTimerElementIds pid tItems tables = (snd (removeTimerFromTimerTable teLoc tt),rt,snd (removeIdFromIdTable tId it)) where teLoc = {tlIOId=pid,tlDevice=TimerDevice,tlParentId=tId,tlTimerId=tId} timerIO :: !DeviceEvent !(PSt .l) -> (!DeviceEvent,!PSt .l) timerIO deviceEvent pState # (hasDevice,pState)= accPIO (ioStHasDevice TimerDevice) pState | not hasDevice = timerdeviceFatalError "timerFunctions.dDoIO" "could not retrieve TimerSystemState from IOSt" | otherwise = timerIO deviceEvent pState where timerIO :: !DeviceEvent !(PSt .l) -> (!DeviceEvent,!PSt .l) timerIO deviceEvent=:(TimerEvent te=:{teLoc={tlParentId,tlTimerId},teNrInterval}) pState=:{io} # (_,timer,ioState) = ioStGetDevice TimerDevice io timers = timerSystemStateGetTimerHandles timer pState = {pState & io=ioState} # pState = letOneTimerDoIO tlParentId tlTimerId teNrInterval timers pState = (deviceEvent,pState) where letOneTimerDoIO :: !Id !Id !NrOfIntervals !(TimerHandles (PSt .l)) !(PSt .l) -> PSt .l letOneTimerDoIO parent timer nrOfIntervals timers=:{tTimers=tHs} pState = pState2 where (_,tH,tHs1) = uremove (identifyTimerStateHandle parent) (timerdeviceFatalError "timerIO (TimerEvent _)" "timer could not be found") tHs pState1 = appPIO (ioStSetDevice timers1) pState (tH1,pState2) = letTimerDoIO nrOfIntervals tH pState1 timers1 = TimerSystemState {timers & tTimers=tHs1++[tH1]} /* Compiling with 'Reuse Unique Nodes' causes a space-leak in this function definition. Therefore it is replaced temporarily with the function below. letTimerDoIO :: !NrOfIntervals !(TimerStateHandle .ps) !.ps -> (!TimerStateHandle .ps, .ps) letTimerDoIO nrOfIntervals (TimerLSHandle tsH=:{tState=ls,tHandle=tH=:{tFun}}) pState = (TimerLSHandle {tsH & tState=ls1},pState1) where (ls1,pState1) = tFun nrOfIntervals (ls,pState) */ letTimerDoIO :: !NrOfIntervals !(TimerStateHandle .ps) !.ps -> (!TimerStateHandle .ps, .ps) letTimerDoIO nrOfIntervals (TimerLSHandle tsH=:{tState=ls,tHandle=tH=:{tFun}}) pState = (TimerLSHandle {tsH & tState=ls1},pState1) where (ls1,pState1) = apply tFun nrOfIntervals ls pState apply :: !(TimerFunction *(.ls,.pst)) !NrOfIntervals .ls !.pst -> (.ls,!.pst) apply f d_i ls pst = f d_i (ls,pst) timerIO deviceEvent=:(ReceiverEvent (QASyncMessage event)) pState = (deviceEvent,timerQASync event pState) where timerQASync :: !QASyncMessage !(PSt .l) -> PSt .l timerQASync msg=:{qasmRecLoc={rlReceiverId=rid}} pState # (_,timer,ioState) = ioStGetDevice TimerDevice timers = timerSystemStateGetTimerHandles timer tsHs = handleASyncReceiver rid msg timers.tTimers timers = {timers & tTimers=tsHs} # ioState = ioStSetDevice (TimerSystemState timers) ioState # pState = {pState & io=ioState} = pState where handleASyncReceiver :: !Id !QASyncMessage ![TimerStateHandle .pst] -> [TimerStateHandle .pst] handleASyncReceiver rid msg [TimerLSHandle tlsH=:{tHandle=tH=:{tItems}}:tsHs] # (done,tItems) = qMessage rid msg tItems tsH = TimerLSHandle {tlsH & tHandle={tH & tItems=tItems}} | done = [tsH:tsHs] | otherwise = [tsH:handleASyncReceiver rid msg tsHs] where qMessage :: !Id !QASyncMessage ![TimerElementHandle .ls .pst] -> (!Bool,![TimerElementHandle .ls .pst]) qMessage rid msg [itemH:itemHs] # (done,itemH) = qMessage` rid msg itemH | done = (done,[itemH:itemHs]) | otherwise # (done,itemHs) = qMessage rid msg itemHs = (done,[itemH:itemHs]) where qMessage` :: !Id !QASyncMessage !(TimerElementHandle .ls .pst) -> (!Bool,!TimerElementHandle .ls .pst) qMessage` rid {qasmMsg} (TimerReceiverHandle trH=:{tReceiverHandle=rH}) | receiverIdentified rid rH = (True, TimerReceiverHandle {trH & tReceiverHandle=receiverAddASyncMessage rid qasmMsg rH}) | otherwise = (False,TimerReceiverHandle trH) qMessage` rid msg (TimerListLSHandle itemHs) # (done,itemHs) = qMessage rid msg itemHs = (done,TimerListLSHandle itemHs) qMessage` rid msg (TimerElimLSHandle itemHs) # (done,itemHs) = qMessage rid msg itemHs = (done,TimerElimLSHandle itemHs) qMessage` rid msg (TimerIntroLSHandle tInH=:{tIntroItems}) # (done,itemHs) = qMessage rid msg tIntroItems = (done,TimerIntroLSHandle {tInH & tIntroItems=itemHs}) qMessage` rid msg (TimerExtendLSHandle tExH=:{tExtendItems}) # (done,itemHs) = qMessage rid msg tExtendItems = (done,TimerExtendLSHandle {tExH & tExtendItems=itemHs}) qMessage` rid msg (TimerChangeLSHandle tChH=:{tChangeItems}) # (done,itemHs) = qMessage rid msg tChangeItems = (done,TimerChangeLSHandle {tChH & tChangeItems=itemHs}) qMessage _ _ _ = (False,[]) handleASyncReceiver _ _ _ = [] timerIO deviceEvent=:(ReceiverEvent (ASyncMessage event)) pState = (deviceEvent,timerASync event pState) where timerASync :: !ASyncMessage !(PSt .l) -> PSt .l timerASync {asmRecLoc={rlReceiverId=rid}} pState = pState2 where (_,timers,ioState) = ioStGetDevice TimerDevice tHs = timerSystemStateGetTimerHandles timers (tsHs,pState2) = aSyncTimerStateHandles rid tHs.tTimers pState1 tHs1 = {tHs & tTimers=tsHs} ioState1 = ioStSetDevice (TimerSystemState tHs1) ioState pState1 = {pState & io=ioState1} aSyncTimerStateHandles :: !Id ![TimerStateHandle .pst] .pst -> *(![TimerStateHandle .pst],.pst) aSyncTimerStateHandles rid [TimerLSHandle {tState=ls,tHandle=tH=:{tItems}}:tsHs] ps # (done,tItems,(ls,ps)) = aSyncTimerElementHandles rid tItems (ls,ps) tsH = TimerLSHandle {tState=ls,tHandle={tH & tItems=tItems}} | done = ([tsH:tsHs],ps) | otherwise # (tsHs,ps) = aSyncTimerStateHandles rid tsHs ps = ([tsH:tsHs],ps) where aSyncTimerElementHandles :: !Id ![TimerElementHandle .ls .pst] *(.ls,.pst) -> (!Bool,![TimerElementHandle .ls .pst],*(.ls,.pst)) aSyncTimerElementHandles rid [itemH:itemHs] ps # (done,itemH, ps) = aSyncTimerElementHandle rid itemH ps | done = (done,[itemH:itemHs],ps) | otherwise # (done,itemHs,ps) = aSyncTimerElementHandles rid itemHs ps = (done,[itemH:itemHs],ps) where aSyncTimerElementHandle :: !Id !(TimerElementHandle .ls .pst) *(.ls,.pst) -> (!Bool,!TimerElementHandle .ls .pst, *(.ls,.pst)) aSyncTimerElementHandle rid (TimerListLSHandle itemHs) ps # (done,itemHs,ps) = aSyncTimerElementHandles rid itemHs ps = (done,TimerListLSHandle itemHs,ps) aSyncTimerElementHandle rid (TimerElimLSHandle itemHs) ps # (done,itemHs,ps) = aSyncTimerElementHandles rid itemHs ps = (done,TimerElimLSHandle itemHs,ps) aSyncTimerElementHandle rid (TimerIntroLSHandle {tIntroLS,tIntroItems}) (ls,ps) # (done,itemHs,(introLS,ps)) = aSyncTimerElementHandles rid tIntroItems (tIntroLS,ps) = (done,TimerIntroLSHandle {tIntroLS=introLS,tIntroItems=itemHs},(ls,ps)) aSyncTimerElementHandle rid (TimerExtendLSHandle {tExtendLS,tExtendItems}) (ls,ps) # (done,itemHs,((extendLS,ls),ps)) = aSyncTimerElementHandles rid tExtendItems ((tExtendLS,ls),ps) = (done,TimerExtendLSHandle {tExtendLS=extendLS,tExtendItems=itemHs},(ls,ps)) aSyncTimerElementHandle rid (TimerChangeLSHandle {tChangeLS,tChangeItems}) (ls,ps) # (done,itemHs,(changeLS,ps)) = aSyncTimerElementHandles rid tChangeItems (tChangeLS,ps) = (done,TimerChangeLSHandle {tChangeLS=changeLS,tChangeItems=itemHs},(ls,ps)) aSyncTimerElementHandle rid itemH=:(TimerReceiverHandle trH=:{tReceiverHandle=rH}) (ls,ps) | receiverIdentified rid rH = (True, TimerReceiverHandle trH1,(ls1,ps1)) | otherwise = (False,TimerReceiverHandle trH, (ls, ps )) where (rH1,(ls1,ps1)) = aSyncReceiverHandle rH (ls,ps) trH1 = {trH & tReceiverHandle=rH1} aSyncReceiverHandle :: !(ReceiverHandle .ls .pst) *(.ls,.pst) -> *(!ReceiverHandle .ls .pst,*(.ls,.pst)) aSyncReceiverHandle rH=:{rFun,rASMQ=[m:tailQ]} (ls,ps) # (ls,_,ps) = rFun m (ls,ps) = ({rH & rASMQ=tailQ},(ls,ps)) aSyncReceiverHandle _ _ = timerdeviceFatalError "asyncReceiverHandle" "message queue of target receiver is empty" aSyncTimerElementHandles _ _ ps = (False,[],ps) aSyncTimerStateHandles _ _ ps = ([],ps) timerIO (ReceiverEvent (SyncMessage event)) pState # (event,pState) = timerSync event pState = (ReceiverEvent (SyncMessage event),pState) where timerSync :: !SyncMessage !(PSt .l) -> (!SyncMessage,!PSt .l) timerSync msg=:{smRecLoc={rlReceiverId=rid}} pState = (msg1,pState2) where (_,timers,ioState) = ioStGetDevice TimerDevice tHs = timerSystemStateGetTimerHandles timers (msg1,tsHs,pState2) = syncTimerStateHandles rid msg tHs.tTimers pState1 tHs1 = {tHs & tTimers=tsHs} ioState1 = ioStSetDevice (TimerSystemState tHs1) ioState pState1 = {pState & io=ioState1} syncTimerStateHandles :: !Id !SyncMessage ![TimerStateHandle .pst] .pst -> (!SyncMessage,![TimerStateHandle .pst],.pst) syncTimerStateHandles rid msg [TimerLSHandle {tState=ls,tHandle=tH=:{tItems}}:tsHs] ps # (done,msg,tItems,(ls,ps)) = syncTimerElementHandles rid msg tItems (ls,ps) tsH = TimerLSHandle {tState=ls,tHandle={tH & tItems=tItems}} | done = (msg,[tsH:tsHs],ps) | otherwise # (msg,tsHs,ps) = syncTimerStateHandles rid msg tsHs ps = (msg,[tsH:tsHs],ps) where syncTimerElementHandles :: !Id !SyncMessage ![TimerElementHandle .ls .pst] (.ls,.pst) -> (!Bool,!SyncMessage,![TimerElementHandle .ls .pst],(.ls,.pst)) syncTimerElementHandles rid msg [itemH:itemHs] (ls,ps) # (done,msg,itemH,(ls,ps)) = syncTimerElementHandle rid msg itemH (ls,ps) | done = (done,msg,[itemH:itemHs],(ls,ps)) | otherwise # (done,msg,itemHs,(ls,ps)) = syncTimerElementHandles rid msg itemHs (ls,ps) = (done,msg,[itemH:itemHs],(ls,ps)) where syncTimerElementHandle :: !Id !SyncMessage !(TimerElementHandle .ls .pst) (.ls,.pst) -> (!Bool,!SyncMessage, !TimerElementHandle .ls .pst, (.ls,.pst)) syncTimerElementHandle rid msg (TimerReceiverHandle trH=:{tReceiverHandle=rH}) (ls,ps) | not (receiverIdentified rid rH) = (False,msg,TimerReceiverHandle trH,(ls,ps)) | otherwise # (resp,rH,(ls,ps)) = receiverHandleSyncMessage msg rH (ls,ps) = (True, {msg & smResp=resp},TimerReceiverHandle {trH & tReceiverHandle=rH},(ls,ps)) syncTimerElementHandle rid msg (TimerListLSHandle itemHs) (ls,ps) # (done,msg,itemHs,(ls,ps)) = syncTimerElementHandles rid msg itemHs (ls,ps) = (done,msg,TimerListLSHandle itemHs,(ls,ps)) syncTimerElementHandle rid msg (TimerElimLSHandle itemHs) (ls,ps) # (done,msg,itemHs,(ls,ps)) = syncTimerElementHandles rid msg itemHs (ls,ps) = (done,msg,TimerElimLSHandle itemHs,(ls,ps)) syncTimerElementHandle rid msg (TimerIntroLSHandle {tIntroLS=inLS,tIntroItems}) (ls,ps) # (done,msg,itemHs,(inLS,ps)) = syncTimerElementHandles rid msg tIntroItems (inLS,ps) = (done,msg,TimerIntroLSHandle {tIntroLS=inLS,tIntroItems=itemHs},(ls,ps)) syncTimerElementHandle rid msg (TimerExtendLSHandle {tExtendLS,tExtendItems}) (ls,ps) # (done,msg,itemHs,((exLS,ls),ps)) = syncTimerElementHandles rid msg tExtendItems ((tExtendLS,ls),ps) = (done,msg,TimerExtendLSHandle {tExtendLS=exLS,tExtendItems=itemHs},(ls,ps)) syncTimerElementHandle rid msg (TimerChangeLSHandle {tChangeLS,tChangeItems}) (ls,ps) # (done,msg,itemHs,(chLS,ps)) = syncTimerElementHandles rid msg tChangeItems (tChangeLS,ps) = (done,msg,TimerChangeLSHandle {tChangeLS=chLS,tChangeItems=itemHs},(ls,ps)) syncTimerElementHandles _ msg _ (ls,ps) = (False,msg,[],(ls,ps)) syncTimerStateHandles _ msg _ ps = (msg,[],ps) timerIO _ _ = timerdeviceFatalError "timerIO" "device event passed timer event filter without handling"