definition module timeraccess // ******************************************************************************** // Clean Standard Object I/O library. // ******************************************************************************** import devicesystemstate, timerhandle from id import :: IdTable from receivertable import :: ReceiverTable from timertable import :: TimerTable /* bindTimerElementIds binds all unbound R(2)Ids and Ids that can be located in the list of TimerElementStates. The Boolean result is True only if no bound identification was found, otherwise it is False. */ bindTimerElementIds :: !SystemId !Id !*[*TimerElementHandle .ls .pst] !*ReceiverTable !*IdTable -> (!Bool,!*[*TimerElementHandle .ls .pst],!*ReceiverTable,!*IdTable) /* unbindTimerElementIds unbinds all bound R(2)Ids and Ids that can be located in the list of TimerElementStates. */ unbindTimerElementIds :: !SystemId !*[*TimerElementHandle .ls .pst] !(!*TimerTable,!*ReceiverTable,!*IdTable) -> (!*TimerTable,!*ReceiverTable,!*IdTable) identifyTimerStateHandle:: !Id !*(TimerStateHandle .pst) -> *(!Bool,!*TimerStateHandle .pst)