definition module sdisize // ******************************************************************************** // Clean Standard Object I/O library. // ******************************************************************************** from StdIOBasic import :: Size from iostate import :: IOSt import ostypes /* getSDIWindowSize retrieves the OSWindowPtr and current Size of the WindowViewFrame of the SDI window if this is a SDI process. Otherwise, the Size returned is zero, and the OSWindowPtr is OSNoWindowPtr. */ getSDIWindowSize :: !(IOSt .l) -> (!Size,!OSWindowPtr,!IOSt .l) /* resizeSDIWindow wPtr oldviewframesize newviewframesize resizes the SDI window so the viewframe does not change in size. oldviewframesize is the size of the ViewFrame(!) before the view frame changed size. newviewframesize is the size of the ViewFrame(!) after the view frame changed size. */ resizeSDIWindow :: !OSWindowPtr !Size !Size !(IOSt .l) -> IOSt .l