implementation module scheduler import StdBool, StdList, StdTuple import osevent, ossystem, ostime, ostoolbox import commondef, devicefunctions, iostate, processstack, roundrobin, timertable, world from StdProcessDef import :: ProcessInit from StdPSt import accPIO, appPIO from StdProcessAttribute import isProcessKindAttribute :: *Environs = { envsEvents :: !*OSEvents , envsWorld :: !*World } :: *Context = { cEnvs :: !*Environs // The global environments , cProcessStack :: !ProcessStack // The global process stack , cMaxIONr :: !SystemId // The global maximum system number , cProcesses :: !*CProcesses // All processes , cModalProcess :: !Maybe SystemId // The SystemId of the interactive process that has a modal window , cReceiverTable :: !*ReceiverTable // The global receiver-process table , cTimerTable :: !*TimerTable // The table of all currently active timers , cIdTable :: !*IdTable // The table of all bound Ids , cOSTime :: !OSTime // The current OSTime , cIdSeed :: !Int // The global id generating number (actually the World) , cOSToolbox :: !*OSToolbox // The toolbox environment } schedulerFatalError :: String String -> .x schedulerFatalError rule message = error rule "scheduler" message /* Retrieval operations: */ // On Context: contextGetProcessStack :: !Context -> (!ProcessStack,!Context) contextGetProcessStack context=:{cProcessStack} = (cProcessStack,context) contextGetProcesses :: !Context -> (!CProcesses,!Context) contextGetProcesses context=:{cProcesses} = (cProcesses,{context & cProcesses=emptyRR}) contextGetSleepTime :: !Context -> (!Int,!Context) contextGetSleepTime context=:{cTimerTable=tt,cReceiverTable} # (maybe_sleep,tt) = getTimeIntervalFromTimerTable tt # (maybe_receiver,rt) = getActiveReceiverTableEntry cReceiverTable sleep = if (isJust maybe_receiver) OSNoSleep // a receiver with a non-empty message queue exists (if (isJust maybe_sleep) (snd (fromJust maybe_sleep)) // a timer with given interval is waiting //OSNoSleep) // DvA: need to test here wether tracking or not... OSLongSleep) // neither a receiver nor timer = (sleep,{context & cTimerTable=tt,cReceiverTable=rt}) contextGetOSEvents :: !Context -> (!OSEvents,!Context) contextGetOSEvents context=:{cEnvs=envs=:{envsEvents=es}} = (es,{context & cEnvs={envs & envsEvents=osNewEvents}}) contextSetOSEvents :: !(!OSEvents,!Context) -> Context contextSetOSEvents (osEvents,context=:{cEnvs=envs}) = {context & cEnvs={envs & envsEvents=osEvents}} // On RuntimeState: rsIsBlocked :: !RuntimeState -> (!Bool,SystemId) rsIsBlocked (Blocked ioid) = (True, ioid) rsIsBlocked _ = (False,nullSystemId) rsIsClosed :: !RuntimeState -> Bool rsIsClosed Closed = True rsIsClosed _ = False // Starting an interactive process. initContext :: !*(ProcessInit (PSt .l)) !String !.l !DocumentInterface !ProcessKind !*World -> (!Context,!*OSToolbox) initContext ioDefInit ioDefAbout local documentInterface ioKind world # w = loadWorld world # world = storeWorld w world # initEnvs = {envsEvents=osNewEvents,envsWorld=world} # tb = osInitToolbox OSNewToolbox # (ostime,tb) = osGetTime tb = ( { cEnvs = initEnvs , cProcessStack = ioStack , cMaxIONr = initSystemId , cProcesses = toRR [] [openLocalIO ioState local] , cModalProcess = initModalId , cReceiverTable = initialReceiverTable , cTimerTable = initialTimerTable , cIdTable = initialIdTable , cOSTime = ostime , cIdSeed = w , cOSToolbox = OSNewToolbox } , tb ) where initModalId = Nothing show = ioKind==InteractiveProcess ioStack = [{psId=initSystemId,psShow=show,psKind=ioKind}] ioState = createNewIOSt [] ioDefInit ioDefAbout initSystemId Nothing Nothing ShareGUI documentInterface ioKind initContext` :: !*World -> (!Context,!*OSToolbox) initContext` world # w = loadWorld world # world = storeWorld w world # initEnvs = {envsEvents=osNewEvents,envsWorld=world} # tb = osInitToolbox OSNewToolbox # (ostime,tb) = osGetTime tb = ( { cEnvs = initEnvs , cProcessStack = ioStack , cMaxIONr = initSystemId , cProcesses = toRR [] [] , cModalProcess = initModalId , cReceiverTable = initialReceiverTable , cTimerTable = initialTimerTable , cIdTable = initialIdTable , cOSTime = ostime , cIdSeed = w , cOSToolbox = OSNewToolbox } , tb ) where initModalId = Nothing ioStack = [] createNewIOSt :: ![ProcessAttribute (PSt .l)] !*(ProcessInit (PSt .l)) String !SystemId !(Maybe SystemId) !(Maybe GUIShare) !Bool !DocumentInterface !ProcessKind -> IOSt .l createNewIOSt pAtts ioDefInit ioDefAbout nr parentId guishare isSubProcess documentInterface ioKind = emptyIOSt nr parentId guishare documentInterface ioKind pAtts ioDefInit Nothing // Handling events until termination of all interactive processes. handleEvents :: !Context !*OSToolbox -> (!Context,!*OSToolbox) handleEvents context tb # (_,context) = handleContextOSEvent osNullEvent context = osHandleEvents terminate contextGetOSEvents contextSetOSEvents contextGetSleepTime handleContextOSEvent (context,tb) where terminate :: !Context -> (!Bool,!Context) terminate context=:{cProcessStack} = (isEmpty cProcessStack,context) // Closing a final context. closeContext :: !Context !*OSToolbox -> *World closeContext {cProcessStack,cEnvs={envsWorld}} tb | isEmpty cProcessStack = storeWorld 42 envsWorld | otherwise = schedulerFatalError "closeContext" "not a final Context" // Handling events while condition holds. chandleEvents :: !(St Context Bool) !Context !*OSToolbox -> (!Context,!*OSToolbox) // PA: swapped order of last 2 args and result chandleEvents cond context tb = osHandleEvents terminate contextGetOSEvents contextSetOSEvents contextGetSleepTime handleContextOSEvent (context,tb) where terminate :: !Context -> (!Bool,!Context) terminate context # (continue,context) = cond context = (not continue,context) handleContextOSEvent :: !OSEvent !Context -> (![Int],!Context) handleContextOSEvent osEvent context=:{cEnvs=envs=:{envsEvents=osEvents},cProcessStack,cProcesses,cReceiverTable,cTimerTable,cOSTime,cOSToolbox} // PA: shift the time in the timertable. # (ostime,tb) = osGetTime cOSToolbox timeshift = toInt (ostime-cOSTime) timertable = shiftTimeInTimerTable timeshift cTimerTable // PA: determine whether a TimerEvent or ASyncMessage can be generated (schedulerEvent,receivertable,timertable,osEvents) = toSchedulerEvent osEvent cReceiverTable timertable cOSTime osEvents processes = resetRR cProcesses (_,oldTopIO) = topShowProcessShowState cProcessStack # context = {context & cEnvs = {envs & envsEvents=osEvents} , cProcesses = processes , cReceiverTable = receivertable , cTimerTable = timertable , cOSTime = ostime , cOSToolbox = tb } # (schedulerEvent,context) = handleEventForContext False schedulerEvent context replyToOS = case schedulerEvent of (ScheduleOSEvent _ reply) -> reply _ -> [] # (newStack,context) = contextGetProcessStack context (newTopIOVis,newTopIO) = topShowProcessShowState newStack | oldTopIO==newTopIO || not newTopIOVis = (replyToOS,context) | otherwise # (processes,context) = contextGetProcesses context # (newStack,processes) = activateTopOfGroups newTopIO newStack (resetRR processes) = (replyToOS,{context & cProcessStack=newStack,cProcesses=processes}) /* PA: new function: in case a non-urgent, removable system event has been caught, check if a TimerEvent or ASyncMessage can be generated instead. If both a TimerEvent and an ASyncMessage are available, use the OSTime to decide which one to choose. */ zerotimelimit :: OSTime zerotimelimit =: fromInt (max 1 (OStickspersecond/20)) //import StdDebug,dodebug toSchedulerEvent :: !OSEvent !*ReceiverTable !*TimerTable !OSTime !*OSEvents -> (!SchedulerEvent,!*ReceiverTable,!*TimerTable,!*OSEvents) toSchedulerEvent osevent receivertable timertable osTime osEvents | eventIsUrgent // = trace_n (showEvent osevent) (schedulerEvent,receivertable,timertable,osEvents) = (schedulerEvent,receivertable,timertable,osEvents) # (maybe_timer,timertable) = getTimeIntervalFromTimerTable timertable (zerotimer,interval) = fromJust maybe_timer // (zerotimer`,interval) = fromJust maybe_timer // zerotimer = isJust maybe_timer && zerotimer` sure_timer = isJust maybe_timer && interval<=0 (maybe_receiver,receivertable)= getActiveReceiverTableEntry receivertable sure_receiver = isJust maybe_receiver | not sure_timer && not sure_receiver = (schedulerEvent,receivertable,timertable,osEvents) # (timerEvent,timertable`) = toTimerEvent timertable (asyncEvent,receivertable`) = toASyncEvent (fromJust maybe_receiver) receivertable # osEvents` = checkOSZeroTimerEvent zerotimer osTime osevent osEvents // # osEvents` = checkOSZeroTimerEvent maybe_timer osTime osevent osEvents | sure_timer && sure_receiver // # osEvents` = checkOSZeroTimerEvent zerotimer osTime osevent osEvents | isEven (toInt osTime) = (timerEvent,receivertable,timertable`,osEvents`) // otherwise = (asyncEvent,receivertable`,timertable,osEvents`) | sure_timer // # osEvents` = checkOSZeroTimerEvent zerotimer osTime osevent osEvents = (timerEvent,receivertable,timertable`,osEvents`) | otherwise = (asyncEvent,receivertable`,timertable,osEvents) where eventIsUrgent = osEventIsUrgent osevent schedulerEvent = ScheduleOSEvent osevent [] // In case the original event is a virtual zero timer event: // check if another should be inserted in the OSEvents to circumvent the event system call. // In case the original event is a non urgent event: // check if an initial virtual zero timer event must be inserted to start circumventing event system calls. checkOSZeroTimerEvent :: !Bool !OSTime !OSEvent !*OSEvents -> *OSEvents // checkOSZeroTimerEvent :: !(Maybe (Bool,Int)) !OSTime !OSEvent !*OSEvents -> *OSEvents checkOSZeroTimerEvent zerotimer osTime osevent osEvents // checkOSZeroTimerEvent maybe_timer osTime osevent osEvents | not zerotimer = osEvents | isNothing maybe_zerotimer_start = osAppendEvents [createOSZeroTimerEvent osTime] osEvents | osTime-zerotimer_start<=zerotimelimit = osAppendEvents [osevent] osEvents | otherwise = osEvents /* | isJust maybe_zerotimer_start && zerotimer | osTime-zerotimer_start<=zerotimelimit = osAppendEvents [osevent] osEvents // otherwise = osEvents | isNothing maybe_zerotimer_start && zerotimer = osAppendEvents [createOSZeroTimerEvent osTime] osEvents // | osTime-zerotimer_start<=zerotimelimit // = osAppendEvents [osevent] osEvents | otherwise = osEvents */ where // (zerotimer,_) = fromJust maybe_timer maybe_zerotimer_start = getOSZeroTimerStartTime osevent zerotimer_start = fromJust maybe_zerotimer_start // The receiver for which an ASyncMessage is generated is placed behind all other receivers, // creating a round-robin order. Its asynchronous message queue length field is decreased. toASyncEvent :: !Id !*ReceiverTable -> (!SchedulerEvent,!*ReceiverTable) toASyncEvent rid receivertable #! (maybeRTE,receivertable) = getReceiverTableEntry rid receivertable #! rte = fromJust maybeRTE #! rte = {rte & rteASMCount=rte.rteASMCount-1} #! receivertable = setReceiverTableEntry rte (snd (removeReceiverFromReceiverTable rid receivertable)) = (ScheduleMsgEvent (ASyncMessage {asmRecLoc=rte.rteLoc}),receivertable) // The timer for which a TimerEvent is generated is determined by getActiveTimerInTable. // This function already takes care of fairness using a round robin scheme. toTimerEvent :: !*TimerTable -> (!SchedulerEvent,!*TimerTable) toTimerEvent timertable # (maybeTimerEvent,timertable) = getActiveTimerInTimerTable timertable = (ScheduleTimerEvent (fromJust maybeTimerEvent),timertable) handleEventForContext :: !Bool !SchedulerEvent !Context -> (!SchedulerEvent,!Context) handleEventForContext eventDone schedulerEvent context=:{cProcesses=processes} # (notodo,processes) = notodoRR processes | notodo = (schedulerEvent,{context & cProcesses=processes}) # (process,processes) = getcurrentRR processes # (quitted,process) = processQuitted process # (isModal,process) = processModal process | quitted && not isModal = handleEventForContext eventDone schedulerEvent {context & cProcesses=processes} | quitted = handleEventForContext eventDone schedulerEvent {context & cProcesses=adddoneRR process processes} | otherwise # (eventDone,schedulerEvent,process,context) = handleEventForLocalIO eventDone schedulerEvent process {context & cProcesses=processes} = handleEventForContext eventDone schedulerEvent {context & cProcesses=adddoneRR process context.cProcesses} where processQuitted :: !CProcess -> (!Bool,!CProcess) processQuitted localIO=:{localIOSt} # (closed,ioState) = ioStClosed localIOSt = (closed,{localIO & localIOSt=ioState}) processModal :: !CProcess -> (!Bool,!CProcess) /* processModal localIO=:{localIOSt} # (optModal,ioState)= ioStGetIOIsModal localIOSt # (myId,ioState) = ioStGetIOId ioState = (isJust optModal && myId==fromJust optModal,{localIO & localIOSt=ioState}) */ processModal localIO=:{localIOSt} # (notEmpty,ioState) = ioStHasDevices localIOSt = (notEmpty,{localIO & localIOSt=ioState}) handleEventForLocalIO :: !Bool !SchedulerEvent !CProcess !Context -> (!Bool,!SchedulerEvent,!CProcess,!Context) handleEventForLocalIO eventDone schedulerEvent {localState=opt_local,localIOSt=ioState} context # (runtime,ioState) = ioStGetRuntimeState ioState | fst (rsIsBlocked runtime) = (eventDone,schedulerEvent,{localState=opt_local, localIOSt=ioState},context) # (initIO,ioState) = ioStGetInitIO ioState # (dummies,pState) = cSwitchIn (fromJust opt_local) context ioState # pState = initIO pState # (ioKind,pState) = accPIO ioStGetProcessKind pState | ioKind==VirtualProcess # pState = closeVirtualProcess pState # (local,context,ioState) = cSwitchOut dummies pState = (eventDone,schedulerEvent,{localState=Just local,localIOSt=ioState},context) # (closed,pState) = accPIO ioStClosed pState | closed # (local,context,ioState) = cSwitchOut dummies pState = (eventDone,schedulerEvent,{localState=Just local,localIOSt=ioState},context) | otherwise # (deviceFunctions,pState) = accPIO ioStGetDeviceFunctions pState ioFunctions = [(df.dEvent,df.dDoIO) \\ df<-deviceFunctions] # (eventDone,schedulerEvent,pState) = handleEventForDevices ioFunctions eventDone schedulerEvent pState # (local,context,ioState) = cSwitchOut dummies pState = (eventDone,schedulerEvent,{localState=Just local,localIOSt=ioState},context) where closeVirtualProcess :: !(PSt .l) -> PSt .l closeVirtualProcess pState=:{io} # (subids,ioState) = ioStGetSubProcessIds io | not (isEmpty subids) = {pState & io=ioState} | otherwise # (ioStack,ioState) = ioStGetProcessStack ioState # (nr,ioState) = ioStGetIOId ioState (_, ioStack) = removeProcessShowState nr ioStack # ioState = ioStSetProcessStack ioStack ioState # ioState = removeIOIdFromParentProcess nr ioState # ioState = ioStSetRuntimeState Closed ioState = {pState & io=ioState} cSwitchIn :: !.l !Context !(IOSt .l) -> (!(![*World],!CProcesses),!PSt .l) cSwitchIn local {cEnvs={envsEvents,envsWorld},cProcessStack,cMaxIONr,cProcesses,cModalProcess,cReceiverTable,cTimerTable,cIdTable,cOSTime,cIdSeed} ioState # ioState = ioStSetProcessStack cProcessStack ioState # ioState = ioStSetEvents envsEvents ioState # ioState = ioStSetMaxIONr cMaxIONr ioState # (ioContext,ioState) = ioStSwapIO ([envsWorld],cProcesses) ioState # ioState = ioStSetIOIsModal cModalProcess ioState # ioState = ioStSetIdTable cIdTable ioState # ioState = ioStSetReceiverTable cReceiverTable ioState # ioState = ioStSetTimerTable cTimerTable ioState # ioState = ioStSetOSTime cOSTime ioState # ioState = ioStSetIdSeed cIdSeed ioState # pState = {ls=local,io=ioState} = (ioContext,pState) cSwitchOut :: !(![*World],!CProcesses) !(PSt .l) -> (!.l,!Context,!IOSt .l) cSwitchOut ioContext {ls,io} # (ostime, ioState) = ioStGetOSTime io # (tt, ioState) = ioStGetTimerTable ioState # (idseed, ioState) = ioStGetIdSeed ioState # (ridlocs, ioState) = ioStGetReceiverTable ioState # (idtable, ioState) = ioStGetIdTable ioState # (modalId, ioState) = ioStGetIOIsModal ioState # (ioContext,ioState) = ioStSwapIO ioContext ioState # (worlds,processes) = ioContext # (maxIONr, ioState) = ioStGetMaxIONr ioState # (ioStack, ioState) = ioStGetProcessStack ioState # (es, ioState) = ioStGetEvents ioState # envs = {envsEvents=es,envsWorld=hd worlds} # context = { cEnvs = envs , cProcessStack = ioStack , cMaxIONr = maxIONr , cProcesses = processes , cModalProcess = modalId , cReceiverTable = ridlocs , cTimerTable = tt , cIdTable = idtable , cOSTime = ostime , cIdSeed = idseed , cOSToolbox = OSNewToolbox } = (ls,context,ioState) /* handleEventForDevices in sequence lets the devices handle the scheduler event until it is handled or the process is terminated (ioStClosed returns True). Before handing over the event to the device DoIOFunction, the device first maps the event to a device event if possible using its EventFunction. */ handleEventForDevices :: ![(!EventFunction (PSt .l),!DoIOFunction (PSt .l))] !Bool !SchedulerEvent (PSt .l) -> (!Bool,!SchedulerEvent, PSt .l) handleEventForDevices [(mapDeviceEvent,doDeviceIO):doIOs] eventDone schedulerEvent pState | eventDone = (eventDone,schedulerEvent,pState) # (closed,pState) = accPIO ioStClosed pState | closed = (True,schedulerEvent,pState) # (forThisDevice,okDeviceEvent,schedulerEvent,pState) = mapDeviceEvent schedulerEvent pState | not forThisDevice = handleEventForDevices doIOs eventDone schedulerEvent pState | isNothing okDeviceEvent = handleEventForDevices doIOs True schedulerEvent pState | otherwise # (deviceEvent,pState) = doDeviceIO (fromJust okDeviceEvent) pState # schedulerEvent = mergeMsgEventIntoSchedulerEvent deviceEvent schedulerEvent = handleEventForDevices doIOs True schedulerEvent pState where mergeMsgEventIntoSchedulerEvent :: !DeviceEvent !SchedulerEvent -> SchedulerEvent mergeMsgEventIntoSchedulerEvent (ReceiverEvent msgEvent) _ = ScheduleMsgEvent msgEvent mergeMsgEventIntoSchedulerEvent _ schedulerEvent = schedulerEvent handleEventForDevices _ eventDone schedulerEvent pState = (eventDone,schedulerEvent,pState) handleOneEventForDevices :: !SchedulerEvent !(PSt .l) -> (!Bool,!SchedulerEvent,!PSt .l) handleOneEventForDevices schedulerEvent pState # (deviceFunctions,pState) = accPIO ioStGetDeviceFunctions pState ioFunctions = [(df.dEvent,df.dDoIO) \\ df<-deviceFunctions] = handleEventForDevices ioFunctions False schedulerEvent pState /* Creating interactive processes other than the initial interactive process. Throughout the I/O library it is assumed that all new process groups and all new data sharing processes are created AFTER the current interactive process. This is done for two reasons: - locating offspring processes becomes more efficient (when you need to quit them). - it provides a simple additional means of communication between parent and child processes (piggybacking the Event` data item). Virtual processes (created with addVirtualProcess) evaluate only the initial actions. It is assumed by the system that the initial actions do not create any devices instances or set the AppleMenuTitle. This MUST be taken care of by the system programmer (the system will abort if so). Interactive processes (created with addInteractiveProcess) do create devices. */ ShareGUI :== True NotShareGUI :== False // Create a virtual process that will create other interactive processes. addVirtualProcess :: !*(ProcessInit (PSt .l)) String .l !(PSt .l`) -> PSt .l` addVirtualProcess ioDefInit ioDefAbout local pState # (nr,ioState) = ioStNewMaxIONr # (parentId,ioState) = ioStGetIOId ioState # (guishare,ioState) = getGUIShare ShareGUI ioState # ioState = addSubProcessId ShareGUI nr ioState # (ioStack, ioState) = ioStGetProcessStack ioState ioStack = pushProcessShowState {psId=nr,psShow=False,psKind=VirtualProcess} ioStack # ioState = ioStSetProcessStack ioStack ioState # (processes,ioState) = ioStGetCProcesses ioState # newIOSt = createNewIOSt [] ioDefInit ioDefAbout nr (Just parentId) guishare ShareGUI NDI VirtualProcess # process = openLocalIO newIOSt local # ioState = ioStSetCProcesses (inserttodoRR process processes) ioState = {pState & io=ioState} // Create a data sharing interactive process. addInteractiveProcess :: ![ProcessAttribute (PSt .l)] !*(ProcessInit (PSt .l)) String .l !Bool !DocumentInterface !(PSt .l`) -> PSt .l` addInteractiveProcess pAtts ioDefInit ioDefAbout local isSubProcess documentInterface pState # (nr,ioState) = ioStNewMaxIONr # (parentId,ioState) = ioStGetIOId ioState # (guishare,ioState) = getGUIShare isSubProcess ioState # ioState = addSubProcessId isSubProcess nr ioState # (ioStack, ioState) = ioStGetProcessStack ioState ioStack = pushProcessShowState {psId=nr,psShow=True,psKind=InteractiveProcess} ioStack # ioState = ioStSetProcessStack ioStack ioState # (processes,ioState) = ioStGetCProcesses ioState parent = if isSubProcess (Just parentId) Nothing pAtts = filter (isProcessKindAttribute documentInterface) pAtts # newIOSt = createNewIOSt pAtts ioDefInit ioDefAbout nr parent guishare isSubProcess documentInterface InteractiveProcess # process = openLocalIO newIOSt local # ioState = ioStSetCProcesses (inserttodoRR process processes) ioState = {pState & io=ioState} openLocalIO :: !(IOSt .l) !.l -> CProcess openLocalIO ioState local = { localState = Just local , localIOSt = ioState } getGUIShare :: !Bool !(IOSt .l) -> (!Maybe GUIShare,!IOSt .l) getGUIShare isSubProcess ioState | not isSubProcess = (Nothing,ioState) # (guishare,ioState) = ioStGetGUIShare ioState | isJust guishare = (guishare,ioState) # (ioKind,ioState) = ioStGetProcessKind ioState | ioKind==VirtualProcess = (guishare,ioState) | otherwise = (guishare,ioState) addSubProcessId :: !Bool !SystemId !(IOSt .l) -> IOSt .l addSubProcessId isSubProcess nr ioState | not isSubProcess = ioState | otherwise # (subids,ioState) = ioStGetSubProcessIds ioState ioState = ioStSetSubProcessIds [nr:subids] ioState = ioState // Make the proper interactive process active. activateTopOfGroups :: !SystemId !ProcessStack !CProcesses -> (!ProcessStack,!CProcesses) activateTopOfGroups topIONr ioStack processes # (emptytodo,processes) = notodoRR processes | emptytodo = (ioStack,processes) # (process,processes) = getcurrentRR processes (activated,ioStack,process) = activateTopProcess topIONr ioStack process | activated = (ioStack,inserttodoRR process processes) | otherwise # (ioStack,processes) = activateTopOfGroups topIONr ioStack processes = (ioStack,inserttodoRR process processes) where activateTopProcess :: !SystemId !ProcessStack !CProcess -> (!Bool,!ProcessStack,!CProcess) activateTopProcess topIONr ioStack process=:{localIOSt=ioState} # (nr,ioState) = ioStGetIOId ioState | nr<>topIONr = (False,ioStack ,{process & localIOSt=ioState}) | otherwise # ioState = ioStSetProcessStack ioStack ioState # (ioStack,ioState) = ioStGetProcessStack ioState = (True,ioStack,{process & localIOSt=ioState}) /* Quit this interactive or virtual process. It should be an impossible situation for the system to have to quit a blocked process (the guard should never hold). Quitting a process involves the following: - Set the RuntimeState to Closed (quitProcess is the only function that does this) - Force all sub processes to quit - Inform the parent process about its termination - Remove the process from the ProcessStack - Close all devices */ quitProcess :: !(PSt .l) -> PSt .l quitProcess pState # (rs,pState) = accPIO ioStGetRuntimeState pState | fst (rsIsBlocked rs) = schedulerFatalError "quitProcess" "closeProcess applied to blocked process" | rsIsClosed rs = pState | otherwise # (deviceFunctions,pState) = accPIO ioStGetDeviceFunctions pState # pState = strictSeq [df.dClose \\ df<-deviceFunctions] pState # ioState = ioStSetRuntimeState Closed # (nr,ioState) = ioStGetIOId ioState # (subids,ioState) = ioStGetSubProcessIds ioState # ioState = quitSubProcesses subids ioState # ioState = removeIOIdFromParentProcess nr ioState # (ioStack,ioState) = ioStGetProcessStack ioState (_,ioStack) = removeProcessShowState nr ioStack # ioState = ioStSetProcessStack ioStack ioState # (osdinfo,ioState) = ioStGetOSDInfo ioState # ioState = appIOToolbox (osCloseOSDInfo osdinfo) ioState = {pState & io=ioState} /* quitSubProcesses searches for all processes in the current process administration with the given ids. Each of these processes is forced to quit by setting the initialisation functions to [appPIO quitProcess]. In this way all recursive descendent processes will be quitted as well. */ quitSubProcesses :: ![SystemId] !(IOSt .l) -> IOSt .l quitSubProcesses ids ioState # (processes,ioState) = ioStGetCProcesses ioState (_,processes) = quitLocalSubProcesses ids processes # ioState = ioStSetCProcesses processes ioState = ioState where quitLocalSubProcesses :: ![SystemId] !CProcesses -> (![SystemId],!CProcesses) quitLocalSubProcesses ids processes | isEmpty ids = (ids,processes) | otherwise # (done,todo) = fromRR processes (ids,done) = quitLocalSubProcesses` ids done (ids,todo) = quitLocalSubProcesses` ids todo = (ids,toRR done todo) where quitLocalSubProcesses` :: ![SystemId] !*[CProcess] -> (![SystemId],!*[CProcess]) quitLocalSubProcesses` [] processes = ([],processes) quitLocalSubProcesses` ids [] = (ids,[]) quitLocalSubProcesses` ids [process=:{localState,localIOSt=ioState}:processes] # (ioid,ioState) = ioStGetIOId ioState (hadId,_,ids) = remove ((==) ioid) nullSystemId ids | hadId # (subids,ioState) = ioStGetSubProcessIds ioState # ioState = ioStSetInitIO quitProcess ioState # process = {localState=localState,localIOSt=ioState} # (ids,processes) = quitLocalSubProcesses` (ids++subids) processes = (ids,[process:processes]) | otherwise # process = {localState=localState,localIOSt=ioState} # (ids,processes) = quitLocalSubProcesses` ids processes = (ids,[process:processes]) /* removeIOIdFromParentProcess searches for the parent process in the current process administration. It is a fatal error not to find this process. In the administration of the parent process the child process id is removed. */ removeIOIdFromParentProcess :: !SystemId !(IOSt .l) -> IOSt .l removeIOIdFromParentProcess me ioState # (opt_parent,ioState) = ioStGetParentId ioState | isNothing opt_parent = ioState # parent = fromJust opt_parent # (locals,ioState) = ioStGetCProcesses ioState # (done,locals) = removeIOIdFromLocals me parent locals # ioState = ioStSetCProcesses locals ioState | done = ioState | otherwise = schedulerFatalError "CloseProcess" "parent process could not be located" where removeIOIdFromLocals :: !SystemId !SystemId !CProcesses -> (!Bool,!CProcesses) removeIOIdFromLocals me parent locals # (done,todo) = fromRR locals (removed,done) = removeIOIdFromLocals` me parent done | removed = (removed,toRR done todo) | otherwise # (removed, todo) = removeIOIdFromLocals` me parent todo = (removed,toRR done todo) where removeIOIdFromLocals` :: !SystemId !SystemId !*[CProcess] -> (!Bool,!*[CProcess]) removeIOIdFromLocals` me parent [process=:{localState,localIOSt=ioState}:processes] # (ioid,ioState) = ioStGetIOId ioState | parent==ioid # (subids,ioState) = ioStGetSubProcessIds ioState (_,_,subids) = remove ((==) me) (dummy "removeIOIdFromLocals") subids # ioState = ioStSetSubProcessIds subids ioState # process = {localState=localState,localIOSt=ioState} = (True,[process:processes]) | otherwise # process = {localState=localState,localIOSt=ioState} # (removed,processes) = removeIOIdFromLocals` me parent processes = (removed,[process:processes]) removeIOIdFromLocals` _ _ _ = (False,[]) // Function threading operations: :: SwitchError = SwitchToYourself | SwitchToDoesNotExist | SwitchToReceiverDoesNotExist | SwitchReceiverUnable | SwitchEndsUpInDeadlock /* cswitchProcess processId msgEvent pstate switches to PSt identified by processId, lets that process handle the msgEvent, and switches back to pstate. Nothing SwitchError is returned if no exceptions were detected. Exceptions are: - SwitchToYourself: processId is the current PSt. - SwitchToDoesNotExist: no current process can be identified by processId. - SwitchToReceiverDoesNotExist: process exists, but receiver doesn't. - SwitchReceiverUnable: receiver exists, but is not Able. - SwitchEndsUpInDeadlock: if this process would block for the process with id processId to get unblocked, a deadlock would occur. In all exceptional cases the PSt remains unchanged. Observe that in case Nothing is returned, the ps PSt component may have changed value. */ cswitchProcess :: !SystemId !SchedulerEvent !(PSt .l) -> (!Maybe SwitchError,![SemiDynamic],!PSt .l) cswitchProcess processId message pState | processId==returnId = (Just SwitchToYourself, [],pState1) | not switchToExists = (Just SwitchToDoesNotExist,[],pState2) with context2 = {context1 & cProcesses=groups2} pState2 = switchToPSt typeIOSt returnId context2 local | inDeadlock = (Just SwitchEndsUpInDeadlock,[],pState2) with context2 = {context1 & cProcesses=groups3} pState2 = switchToPSt typeIOSt returnId context2 local | otherwise = (checkSyncMessageError message1,getSyncMessageResponse message1,pState2) with context2 = {context1 & cProcesses=groups3} (context3,_) = chandleEvents (processIsBlocked processId) context2 OSNewToolbox (groups4,context4) = contextGetProcesses context3 context5 = {context4 & cProcesses=resetRR groups4} (message1,context6) = handleEventForContext False message context5 pState2 = switchToPSt typeIOSt returnId context6 local where (returnId,pState1) = accPIO ioStGetIOId pState (local,context,ioState)= switchFromPSt pState1 (groups,context1) = contextGetProcesses context ioState1 = ioStSetRuntimeState (Blocked processId) ioState (typeIOSt, ioState3) = typeIsIOSt ioState1 blockedLocalIO = {localState=Nothing,localIOSt=ioState3} groups1 = adddoneRR blockedLocalIO groups (switchToExists,groups2) = turnRRToProcessInGroups processId groups1 (inDeadlock,groups3) = checkDeadlock returnId processId groups2 switchToPSt :: !(UnguardType (IOSt .l)) !SystemId !Context .l -> PSt .l switchToPSt typeIOSt returnId context=:{cProcesses} local # (_,groups) = turnRRToProcessInGroups returnId cProcesses (group,groups) = getcurrentRR groups (gDone,gToDo) = fromRR groups {localIOSt=blockedIO} = group blockedIO = castType typeIOSt blockedIO context = {context & cProcesses=toRR gDone gToDo} (_,pState) = cSwitchIn local context (ioStSetRuntimeState Running blockedIO) = pState checkSyncMessageError :: !SchedulerEvent -> Maybe SwitchError checkSyncMessageError (ScheduleMsgEvent (SyncMessage {smError})) | isEmpty smError = Nothing | not (isSingleton smError) = schedulerFatalError "checkSyncMessageError" "more than one MessageError returned" | otherwise = case (hd smError) of ReceiverUnable -> Just SwitchReceiverUnable ReceiverUnknown -> Just SwitchToReceiverDoesNotExist checkSyncMessageError _ = Nothing getSyncMessageResponse :: !SchedulerEvent -> [SemiDynamic] getSyncMessageResponse (ScheduleMsgEvent (SyncMessage {smResp})) = smResp getSyncMessageResponse _ = [] typeIsIOSt :: !(IOSt .l) -> (UnguardType (IOSt .l),!IOSt .l) typeIsIOSt ioState = (Unguard,ioState) typeIsLocal :: !(IOSt .l) -> (UnguardType (Maybe .l),!IOSt .l) typeIsLocal ioState = (Unguard,ioState) // PA: appContext added. appContext :: !.(IdFun Context) !(PSt .l) -> PSt .l appContext fun pState # (returnId,pState) = accPIO ioStGetIOId pState # (local,context,ioState) = switchFromPSt pState # (groups,context) = contextGetProcesses context # (typeIOSt, ioState) = typeIsIOSt ioState # (typeLocal,ioState) = typeIsLocal ioState # localIO = {localState=Just local,localIOSt=ioState} # groups = adddoneRR localIO groups # context = {context & cProcesses=groups} # context = fun context # (groups,context) = contextGetProcesses context # context = {context & cProcesses=resetRR groups} # pState = switchToPSt typeIOSt typeLocal returnId context = pState accContext :: !.(St Context .x) !(PSt .l) -> (!.x, !PSt .l) accContext fun pState # (returnId,pState) = accPIO ioStGetIOId pState # (local,context,ioState) = switchFromPSt pState # (groups,context) = contextGetProcesses context # (typeIOSt, ioState) = typeIsIOSt ioState # (typeLocal,ioState) = typeIsLocal ioState # localIO = {localState=Just local,localIOSt=ioState} # groups = adddoneRR localIO groups # context = {context & cProcesses=groups} # (x, context) = fun context # (groups,context) = contextGetProcesses context # context = {context & cProcesses=resetRR groups} # pState = switchToPSt typeIOSt typeLocal returnId context = (x, pState) switchToPSt :: !(UnguardType (IOSt .l)) !(UnguardType (Maybe .l)) !SystemId !Context -> PSt .l switchToPSt typeIOSt typeLocal returnId context=:{cProcesses} | not found = schedulerFatalError "accContext" "interactive process not found" | closed = snd (cSwitchIn (fromJust local1) {context1 & cModalProcess=Nothing} ioState2) | otherwise = snd (cSwitchIn (fromJust local1) context1 ioState2) where (found,groups) = turnRRToProcessInGroups returnId cProcesses (gDone,gToDo) = fromRR groups (group,gToDo1) = hdtl gToDo {localState=local,localIOSt=ioState} = group ioState1 = castType typeIOSt ioState local1 = castType typeLocal local groups1 = toRR gDone gToDo1 context1 = {context & cProcesses=groups1} (closed,ioState2) = ioStClosed ioState1 switchFromPSt :: !(PSt .l) -> (!.l,!Context,!IOSt .l) switchFromPSt pState = cSwitchOut ([],emptyRR) pState turnRRToProcessInGroups :: !SystemId !*CProcesses -> (!Bool,!*CProcesses) turnRRToProcessInGroups id gs = turnRRToProcess id (resetRR gs) where turnRRToProcess :: !SystemId !*CProcesses -> (!Bool,!*CProcesses) turnRRToProcess id locals # (notodo,locals) = notodoRR locals | notodo = (False,locals) # (local,locals) = getcurrentRR locals (found,local) = turnRRToProcess` id local | found = (True,inserttodoRR local locals) | otherwise = turnRRToProcess id (adddoneRR local locals) where turnRRToProcess` :: !SystemId !*CProcess -> (!Bool,!*CProcess) turnRRToProcess` id l=:{localIOSt=ioState} # (ioid,ioState) = ioStGetIOId ioState = (id==ioid,{l & localIOSt=ioState}) // A deadlock situation arises if this process would be blocked. checkDeadlock :: !SystemId !SystemId !*CProcesses -> (!Bool,!*CProcesses) checkDeadlock returnId switchToId gs = checkDeadlock` [returnId] switchToId gs where checkDeadlock` :: ![SystemId] !SystemId *CProcesses -> (!Bool,!*CProcesses) checkDeadlock` blockedprocs nextproc gs # ((nextprocfound,opt_id),gs) = checkBlockedProcess nextproc gs | not nextprocfound = (False,gs) | isNothing opt_id = (False,gs) # nextproc = fromJust opt_id blockedprocs = [nextproc:blockedprocs] occurs = contains ((==) nextproc) blockedprocs | occurs = (True, gs) | otherwise = checkDeadlock` blockedprocs nextproc gs /* checkBlockedProcess id groups locates the interactive process identified by id in groups and checks if the process is blocked. If this is the case then the id is returned of the process for which this process is waiting. If this is not the case, then no id is returned. */ checkBlockedProcess :: !SystemId !*CProcesses -> (!Result SystemId,!*CProcesses) checkBlockedProcess nextproc groups = accessLocals (checkInLocal nextproc) groups where checkInLocal :: !SystemId !*CProcess -> (!Result SystemId,!CProcess) checkInLocal nextproc localIO=:{localIOSt=ioState} # (blocked,ioState) = checkProcess nextproc ioState = (blocked,{localIO & localIOSt=ioState}) where checkProcess :: !SystemId !(IOSt .l) -> (!Result SystemId,!IOSt .l) checkProcess ioid ioState # (ioid`,ioState) = ioStGetIOId ioState | ioid<>ioid` = ((False,Nothing),ioState) # (runtime,ioState) = ioStGetRuntimeState ioState (isBlocked,blockedFor)= rsIsBlocked runtime | isBlocked = ((True,Just blockedFor),ioState) | otherwise = ((True,Nothing),ioState) /* The process with SystemId id has a (Blocked id`) RuntimeState. */ processIsBlocked :: !SystemId !Context -> (!Bool,!Context) processIsBlocked id context=:{cProcesses} # ((procfound,opt_id),groups) = checkBlockedProcess id cProcesses context = {context & cProcesses=groups} | procfound = (isJust opt_id,context) | otherwise = (procfound,context) :: Result r :== ( !Bool // object is found , !Maybe r // optional access information ) /* Threading f::(IOSt .l .p) -> (Result r,IOSt .l .p) through *CProcesses applies f to every IOSt member ioState of CProcesses until fst (f ioState) = (True,r) is done by defining the function gLocals: gLocals :: *CProcesses -> (Result r, *CProcesses) gLocals locals = accessLocals f locals */ accessLocals :: !(St CProcess (Result r)) !*CProcesses -> (!Result r,!*CProcesses) accessLocals accLocal locals # (lsDone,lsToDo) = fromRR locals (rDone,lsDone) = accessLocalIOs accLocal lsDone | fst rDone = (rDone,toRR lsDone lsToDo) | otherwise # (rToDo,lsToDo)= accessLocalIOs accLocal lsToDo = (rToDo,toRR lsDone lsToDo) where accessLocalIOs :: !(St CProcess (Result r)) ![*CProcess] -> (!Result r, ![*CProcess]) accessLocalIOs accLocal [local:locals] # (r, local) = accLocal local | fst r = (r, [local:locals]) | otherwise # (rs,locals) = accessLocalIOs accLocal locals = (rs,[local:locals]) accessLocalIOs _ [] = ((False,Nothing),[]) /* The function castType is used to let the type checker assign the type determined by the first argument to the expression of the second argument. This function contains abc code because it can't be typed conventionally. (RWS) */ :: UnguardType p = Unguard castType :: (UnguardType .p) .y -> .p castType _ y = code { pop_a 1 jmp_eval }