definition module controlrelayout // ******************************************************************************** // Clean Standard Object I/O library. // ******************************************************************************** import relayout, wstate relayoutControls :: !OSWindowMetrics !OSWindowPtr !(Maybe Id) !Bool !Bool !Bool !(!OSRect,!Point2,!Vector2,![WElementHandle`]) !(!OSRect,!Point2,!Vector2,!*[WElementHandle .ls .pst]) !*OSToolbox -> (!OSRgnHandle,!*[WElementHandle .ls .pst],!*OSToolbox) relayoutControls`:: !OSWindowMetrics !OSWindowPtr !(Maybe Id) !Bool !Bool !Bool !(!OSRect,!Point2,!Vector2,![WElementHandle`]) !(!OSRect,!Point2,!Vector2,![WElementHandle`]) !*OSToolbox -> (!OSRgnHandle,!*OSToolbox) /* relayoutControls(`) wMetrics guiPtr defaultId withinCompound isAble isVisible (oldFrame,oldParentPos,oldCompoundPos,old) (newFrame,newParentPos,newCompoundPos,new) resizes, moves, and updates changed WElementHandle(`)s. guiPtr :: OSWindowPtr is the parent window/compound. defaultId :: Maybe Id is the optional Id of the default control. withinCompound :: Bool is True iff the elements are inside a CompoundControl. isAble :: Bool is True iff the parent window/compound is Able. isVisible :: Bool is True iff the the elements are in a visible window/compound/layout. oldFrame :: OSRect is the clipping rect of the parent window/compound at the original location and size. newFrame :: OSRect is the clipping rect of the parent window/compound at the new location and size. (old/new)ParentPos :: Point2 are the positions of the respective parent window/compound/layout of the elements. (old/new)CompoundPos :: Vector2 are the positions of the respective parent window/compound of the elements. old :: [WElementHandle`] contains the elements at their original location and size. new :: [WElementHandle ls pst] (relayoutControls) :: [WElementHandle`] (relayoutControls`) contains the elements at their new location and size. relayoutControls(`) assumes that old and new contain elements that are identical except for size and position. If this is not the case, a runtime error will occur. relayoutControls(`) assumes that the ClipStates of all compound elements are valid. The return OSRgnHandle is the area of the window that requires to be updated (use updatewindowbackgrounds [windowupdate] for this purpose). */