definition module StdWindowDef // ******************************************************************************** // Clean Standard Object I/O library. // // StdWindowDef contains the types to define the standard set of windows and // dialogues. // ******************************************************************************** import StdIOCommon, StdPictureDef :: Dialog c ls pst = Dialog Title (c ls pst) [WindowAttribute *(ls,pst)] :: Window c ls pst = Window Title (c ls pst) [WindowAttribute *(ls,pst)] :: WindowAttribute st // Default: // Attributes for Windows and Dialogs: = WindowActivate (IdFun st) // id | WindowClose (IdFun st) // user can't close window | WindowDeactivate (IdFun st) // id | WindowHMargin Int Int // system dependent | WindowId Id // system defined id | WindowIndex Int // open front-most | WindowInit (IdFun st) // no actions after opening window | WindowInitActive Id // system dependent | WindowItemSpace Int Int // system dependent | WindowOuterSize Size // screen size | WindowPos ItemPos // system dependent | WindowViewSize Size // screen size | WindowVMargin Int Int // system dependent // Attributes for Dialog only: | WindowCancel Id // no cancel (Custom)ButtonControl | WindowOk Id // no default (Custom)ButtonControl // Attributes for Windows only: | WindowCursor CursorShape // no change of cursor | WindowHScroll ScrollFunction // no horizontal scrolling | WindowKeyboard KeyboardStateFilter SelectState (KeyboardFunction st) // no keyboard input | WindowLook Bool Look // show system dependent background | WindowMouse MouseStateFilter SelectState (MouseFunction st) // no mouse input | WindowOrigin Point2 // left top of picture domain | WindowPen [PenAttribute] // default pen attributes | WindowSelectState SelectState // Able | WindowViewDomain ViewDomain // {zero,max range} | WindowVScroll ScrollFunction // no vertical scrolling :: WindowType :== String