implementation module StdWindow import StdBool, StdFunc, StdList, StdMisc, StdTuple import ossystem, ostypes, oswindow import StdControlClass from StdId import getParentId from StdPSt import appPIO, accPIO from StdSystem import maxScrollWindowSize import commondef, controlpos, iostate, scheduler, windowaccess, windowcreate import windowdevice, windowhandle, windowupdate, wstate from controlinternal import enablecontrols, disablecontrols from controllayout import layoutControls from controlrelayout import relayoutControls from controlvalidate import controlIdsAreConsistent from keyfocus import getCurrentFocusItem from StdWindowAttribute import isWindowCursor, getWindowCursorAtt, isWindowId, getWindowIdAtt, isWindowHMargin, getWindowHMarginAtt, isWindowItemSpace,getWindowItemSpaceAtt, isWindowKeyboard, getWindowKeyboardAtt, isWindowMouse, getWindowMouseAtt, isWindowVMargin, getWindowVMarginAtt from windowclipstate import validateWindowClipState, forceValidWindowClipState from windowdispose import disposeWindow from windowdraw import drawinwindow, drawwindowlook from windowvalidate import validateWindowId, validateViewDomain, exactWindowPos, exactWindowSize import menuwindowmenu // General functions: stdWindowFatalError :: String String -> .x stdWindowFatalError function error = fatalError function "StdWindow" error // Use these two macros to identify windows and dialogues. windowtype :== "Window" dialogtype :== "Dialog" class Windows wdef where openWindow :: .ls !.(wdef .ls (PSt .l)) !(PSt .l) -> (!ErrorReport,!PSt .l) getWindowType :: .(wdef .ls .pst) -> WindowType class Dialogs wdef where openDialog :: .ls !.(wdef .ls (PSt .l)) !(PSt .l) -> ( !ErrorReport, !PSt .l) openModalDialog :: .ls !.(wdef .ls (PSt .l)) !(PSt .l) -> (!(!ErrorReport,!Maybe .ls),!PSt .l) getDialogType :: .(wdef .ls .pst) -> WindowType instance Windows (Window c) | Controls c where openWindow ls (Window title controls atts) pState # pState = windowFunctions.dOpen pState # (isZero,pState) = accPIO checkZeroWindowBound pState | isZero = (ErrorViolateDI,pState) # maybe_id = getWindowIdAttribute atts # (maybe_okId,pState) = accPIO (validateWindowId maybe_id) pState | isNothing maybe_okId = (ErrorIdsInUse,pState) # (cs,pState) = controlToHandles controls pState # (rt,ioState) = ioStGetReceiverTable # (it,ioState) = ioStGetIdTable ioState # (ioId,ioState) = ioStGetIOId ioState itemHs = map controlStateToWElementHandle cs okId = fromJust maybe_okId (ok,itemHs,rt,it) = controlIdsAreConsistent ioId okId itemHs rt it # it = addIdToIdTableIfConsistent ok okId ioId it # ioState = ioStSetIdTable it ioState # ioState = ioStSetReceiverTable rt ioState # pState = {pState & io=ioState} | not ok = (ErrorIdsInUse,pState) | otherwise # wH = initWindowHandle title Modeless IsWindow NoWindowInfo itemHs atts # pState = openwindow okId {wlsState=ls,wlsHandle=wH} pState # pState = appPIO decreaseWindowBound pState # pState = addWindowToWindowMenu okId title pState = (NoError,pState) getWindowType _ = windowtype instance Dialogs (Dialog c) | Controls c where openDialog ls (Dialog title controls atts) pState # pState = windowFunctions.dOpen pState # maybe_id = getWindowIdAttribute atts # (maybe_okId,pState) = accPIO (validateWindowId maybe_id) pState | isNothing maybe_okId = (ErrorIdsInUse,pState) # (cs,pState) = controlToHandles controls pState # (rt,ioState) = ioStGetReceiverTable # (it,ioState) = ioStGetIdTable ioState # (ioId,ioState) = ioStGetIOId ioState itemHs = map controlStateToWElementHandle cs okId = fromJust maybe_okId (ok,itemHs,rt,it) = controlIdsAreConsistent ioId okId itemHs rt it # it = addIdToIdTableIfConsistent ok okId ioId it # ioState = ioStSetIdTable it ioState # ioState = ioStSetReceiverTable rt ioState # pState = {pState & io=ioState} | not ok = (ErrorIdsInUse,pState) | otherwise # wH = initWindowHandle title Modeless IsDialog NoWindowInfo itemHs atts = (NoError,openwindow okId {wlsState=ls,wlsHandle=wH} pState) openModalDialog ls (Dialog title controls atts) pState # pState = windowFunctions.dOpen pState # maybe_id = getWindowIdAttribute atts # (maybe_okId,pState) = accPIO (validateWindowId maybe_id) pState | isNothing maybe_okId = ((ErrorIdsInUse,Nothing),pState) # (cs,pState) = controlToHandles controls pState # (rt,ioState) = ioStGetReceiverTable # (it,ioState) = ioStGetIdTable ioState # (ioId,ioState) = ioStGetIOId ioState itemHs = map controlStateToWElementHandle cs okId = fromJust maybe_okId (ok,itemHs,rt,it) = controlIdsAreConsistent ioId okId itemHs rt it # it = addIdToIdTableIfConsistent ok okId ioId it # ioState = ioStSetIdTable it ioState # ioState = ioStSetReceiverTable rt ioState # pState = {pState & io=ioState} | not ok = ((ErrorIdsInUse,Nothing),pState) | otherwise # wH = initWindowHandle title Modal IsDialog NoWindowInfo itemHs atts # (errorReport,finalLS,pState) = openmodalwindow okId {wlsState=ls,wlsHandle=wH} pState = ((errorReport,finalLS),pState) getDialogType _ = dialogtype addIdToIdTableIfConsistent :: !Bool !Id !SystemId !*IdTable -> *IdTable addIdToIdTableIfConsistent True id ioId idTable = snd (addIdToIdTable id {idpIOId=ioId,idpDevice=WindowDevice,idpId=id} idTable) addIdToIdTableIfConsistent _ _ _ idTable = idTable getWindowIdAttribute :: ![WindowAttribute .pst] -> Maybe Id getWindowIdAttribute atts # (hasIdAtt,idAtt) = cselect isWindowId undef atts | hasIdAtt = Just (getWindowIdAtt idAtt) | otherwise = Nothing /* closeWindow closes the indicated window. */ closeWindow :: !Id !(PSt .l) -> PSt .l closeWindow id pState # pState = appPIO (removeWindowFromWindowMenu id) pState = disposeWindow (toWID id) pState closeActiveWindow :: !(PSt .l) -> PSt .l closeActiveWindow pState # (maybeId,pState) = accPIO getActiveWindow pState | isNothing maybeId = pState | otherwise = closeWindow (fromJust maybeId) pState /* setActiveWindow activates the given window. */ setActiveWindow :: !Id !(PSt .l) -> PSt .l setActiveWindow wId pState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice | not found = {pState & io=ioState} # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (exists,windows) = hasWindowHandlesWindow wid windows | not exists // Indicated window does not exist = {pState & io=ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState} # (activeWIDS,windows) = getWindowHandlesActiveWindow windows /* DvA... | isNothing activeWIDS // There are no windows, so skip it = {pState & io=ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState} # wids = fromJust activeWIDS | exists && wids.wId==wId // If already active, then skip ...DvA*/ | isJust activeWIDS && (fromJust activeWIDS).wId==wId // If already active, then skip = {pState & io=ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState} # (wHs,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindows windows (modal,modeless) = uspan ismodalwindow wHs (isModal,modal) = ucontains (identifyWindowStateHandle wid) modal | isModal // Modal windows should not be activated = {pState & io=ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState {windows & whsWindows=modal++modeless}) ioState} # (osdInfo,ioState) = ioStGetOSDInfo ioState isSDI = getOSDInfoDocumentInterface osdInfo==SDI (framePtr,clientPtr) = case (getOSDInfoOSInfo osdInfo) of Just info -> (info.osFrame,info.osClient) _ -> (OSNoWindowPtr,OSNoWindowPtr) # (noModals,modal) = uisEmpty modal | noModals // There are no modal windows, so put activated window in front # (_,wsH,others) = uremove (identifyWindowStateHandle wid) undef modeless (shown,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleShow wsH # (wids,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWIDS wsH activatePtr = if (isSDI && wids.wPtr==clientPtr) framePtr wids.wPtr // Do not activate SDI client, but SDI frame showAction = if shown id (snd o osShowWindow activatePtr True) # ioState = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState {windows & whsWindows=[wsH:others]}) ioState // # (delayinfo,ioState) = accIOToolbox (osActivateWindow osdInfo activatePtr o showAction) ioState # (tb,ioState) = getIOToolbox ioState # pState = {pState & io=ioState} # (delayinfo,pState,tb) = osActivateWindow osdInfo activatePtr handleOSEvent pState (showAction tb) # ioState = setIOToolbox tb # ioState = bufferDelayedEvents delayinfo ioState = {pState & io=ioState} | otherwise // There are modal windows, so put activated window behind last modal # (befModals,lastModal) = initLast modal (modalWIDS,lastModal) = getWindowStateHandleWIDS lastModal (_,wsH,others) = uremove (identifyWindowStateHandle wid) undef modeless (shown,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleShow wsH (modelessWIDS,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWIDS wsH activatePtr = if (isSDI && modelessWIDS.wPtr==clientPtr) framePtr modelessWIDS.wPtr // Do not activate SDI client, but SDI frame showAction = if shown id (snd o osShowWindow activatePtr True) # ioState = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState {windows & whsWindows=befModals++[lastModal,wsH:others]}) ioState // # ioState = appIOToolbox (showAction o osStackWindow activatePtr modalWIDS.wPtr) ioState # (tb,ioState) = getIOToolbox ioState # pState = {pState & io=ioState} # (delayinfo,pState,tb) = osStackWindow activatePtr modalWIDS.wPtr handleOSEvent pState (showAction tb) # ioState = setIOToolbox tb # ioState = bufferDelayedEvents delayinfo ioState = {pState & io=ioState} where wid = toWID wId ismodalwindow :: !(WindowStateHandle .pst) -> *(!Bool,!WindowStateHandle .pst) ismodalwindow wsH # (mode,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowMode wsH = (mode==Modal,wsH) /* getActiveWindow returns the Id of the currently active window. */ getActiveWindow :: !(IOSt .l) -> (!Maybe Id, !IOSt .l) getActiveWindow ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = (Nothing,ioState) # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (activeWIDS,windows) = getWindowHandlesActiveWindow windows # ioState = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState = (mapMaybe (\{wId}->wId) activeWIDS,ioState) /* setActiveControl makes the indicated control active only if its parent window is already active. */ setActiveControl :: !Id !(PSt .l) -> PSt .l setActiveControl controlId pState=:{io} # (parentId,ioState) = getParentId controlId io | isNothing parentId = {pState & io=ioState} # (activeId,ioState) = getActiveWindow ioState | isNothing activeId = {pState & io=ioState} # parentId = fromJust parentId # activeId = fromJust activeId | parentId<>activeId = {pState & io=ioState} # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = {pState & io=ioState} # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice # (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID activeId) windows | not found = stdWindowFatalError "setActiveControl" "parent window could not be located" | otherwise # (tb,ioState) = getIOToolbox ioState # (delayinfo,wsH,tb) = setactivecontrol controlId wsH tb # ioState = setIOToolbox tb ioState windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows # ioState = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState # ioState = bufferDelayedEvents delayinfo ioState = {pState & io=ioState} where setactivecontrol :: !Id !(WindowStateHandle .pst) !*OSToolbox -> (![DelayActivationInfo],!WindowStateHandle .pst,!*OSToolbox) setactivecontrol controlId wsH=:{wshIds,wshHandle=Just wlsH=:{wlsHandle=wH=:{whKeyFocus,whItems}}} tb # (found,itemNr,itemPtr,itemHs) = getWElementHandlesItemNrPtr controlId whItems | not found = stdWindowFatalError "setActiveControl" "indicated control could not be located" | otherwise // # keyfocus = setNewFocusItem itemNr whKeyFocus This should be done via (de)activate-event # (delayinfo,tb) = osActivateControl wshIds.wPtr itemPtr tb = (delayinfo,{wsH & wshHandle=Just {wlsH & wlsHandle={wH & /*whKeyFocus=keyfocus,*/whItems=itemHs}}},tb) where getWElementHandlesItemNrPtr :: !Id ![WElementHandle .ls .pst] -> (!Bool,!Int,!OSWindowPtr,![WElementHandle .ls .pst]) getWElementHandlesItemNrPtr id [itemH:itemHs] # (found,itemNr,itemPtr,itemH) = getWElementHandleItemNrPtr id itemH | found = (found,itemNr,itemPtr,[itemH:itemHs]) | otherwise # (found,itemNr,itemPtr,itemHs) = getWElementHandlesItemNrPtr id itemHs = (found,itemNr,itemPtr,[itemH:itemHs]) where getWElementHandleItemNrPtr :: !Id !(WElementHandle .ls .pst) -> (!Bool,!Int,!OSWindowPtr,!WElementHandle .ls .pst) getWElementHandleItemNrPtr id (WItemHandle itemH=:{wItemNr,wItems,wItemId,wItemPtr}) | isNothing wItemId || fromJust wItemId<>id # (found,itemNr,itemPtr,itemHs) = getWElementHandlesItemNrPtr id wItems = (found,itemNr,itemPtr,WItemHandle {itemH & wItems=itemHs}) | otherwise = (True,wItemNr,wItemPtr,WItemHandle itemH) getWElementHandleItemNrPtr itemNr (WListLSHandle itemHs) # (found,itemNr,itemPtr,itemHs) = getWElementHandlesItemNrPtr id itemHs = (found,itemNr,itemPtr,WListLSHandle itemHs) getWElementHandleItemNrPtr itemNr (WExtendLSHandle wExH=:{wExtendItems=itemHs}) # (found,itemNr,itemPtr,itemHs) = getWElementHandlesItemNrPtr id itemHs = (found,itemNr,itemPtr,WExtendLSHandle {wExH & wExtendItems=itemHs}) getWElementHandleItemNrPtr itemNr (WChangeLSHandle wChH=:{wChangeItems=itemHs}) # (found,itemNr,itemPtr,itemHs) = getWElementHandlesItemNrPtr id itemHs = (found,itemNr,itemPtr,WChangeLSHandle {wChH & wChangeItems=itemHs}) getWElementHandlesItemNrPtr _ _ = (False,0,OSNoWindowPtr,[]) setactivecontrol _ _ _ = stdWindowFatalError "setActiveControl" "unexpected window placeholder argument" /* getActiveControl returns the Id of the currently active control. The Bool result is True only iff the control could be found. In that case, if the control had an Id attribute, then (Just id) is returned, Nothing otherwise. */ getActiveControl :: !(IOSt .l) -> (!(!Bool,!Maybe Id),!IOSt .l) getActiveControl ioState # (activeId,ioState) = getActiveWindow ioState | isNothing activeId = ((False,Nothing),ioState) # activeId = fromJust activeId # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = ((False,Nothing),ioState) # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice # (hasWindow,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID activeId) windows | not hasWindow = stdWindowFatalError "getActiveControl" "active window could not be located" # (keyfocus,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleKeyFocus wsH # (maybeItemNr,keyfocus) = getCurrentFocusItem keyfocus # wsH = setWindowStateHandleKeyFocus keyfocus wsH | isNothing maybeItemNr # windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows # ioState = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState = ((False,Nothing),ioState) # (foundId,wsH) = getControlIdFromItemNr (fromJust maybeItemNr) wsH windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows # ioState = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState = (foundId,ioState) where getControlIdFromItemNr :: !Int !(WindowStateHandle .pst) -> (!(!Bool,!Maybe Id),!WindowStateHandle .pst) getControlIdFromItemNr itemNr wsH=:{wshHandle=Just wlsH=:{wlsHandle=wH=:{whItems}}} # (_,foundId,itemHs) = getWElementHandlesIdFromItemNr itemNr whItems = (foundId,{wsH & wshHandle=Just {wlsH & wlsHandle={wH & whItems=itemHs}}}) where getWElementHandlesIdFromItemNr :: !Int ![WElementHandle .ls .pst] -> (!Bool,!(!Bool,!Maybe Id),![WElementHandle .ls .pst]) getWElementHandlesIdFromItemNr itemNr [itemH:itemHs] # (found,foundId,itemH) = getWElementHandleIdFromItemNr itemNr itemH | found = (found,foundId,[itemH:itemHs]) | otherwise # (found,foundId,itemHs)= getWElementHandlesIdFromItemNr itemNr itemHs = (found,foundId,[itemH:itemHs]) where getWElementHandleIdFromItemNr :: !Int !(WElementHandle .ls .pst) -> (!Bool,!(!Bool,!Maybe Id),!WElementHandle .ls .pst) getWElementHandleIdFromItemNr itemNr (WItemHandle itemH=:{wItemNr,wItems,wItemId}) | itemNr<>wItemNr # (found,foundId,itemHs) = getWElementHandlesIdFromItemNr itemNr wItems = (found,foundId,WItemHandle {itemH & wItems=itemHs}) | otherwise = (True,(True,wItemId),WItemHandle itemH) getWElementHandleIdFromItemNr itemNr (WListLSHandle itemHs) # (found,foundId,itemHs) = getWElementHandlesIdFromItemNr itemNr itemHs = (found,foundId,WListLSHandle itemHs) getWElementHandleIdFromItemNr itemNr (WExtendLSHandle wExH=:{wExtendItems=itemHs}) # (found,foundId,itemHs) = getWElementHandlesIdFromItemNr itemNr itemHs = (found,foundId,WExtendLSHandle {wExH & wExtendItems=itemHs}) getWElementHandleIdFromItemNr itemNr (WChangeLSHandle wChH=:{wChangeItems=itemHs}) # (found,foundId,itemHs) = getWElementHandlesIdFromItemNr itemNr itemHs = (found,foundId,WChangeLSHandle {wChH & wChangeItems=itemHs}) getWElementHandlesIdFromItemNr _ _ = (False,(False,Nothing),[]) getControlIdFromItemNr _ _ = stdWindowFatalError "getActiveControl" "unexpected window placeholder argument" /* stackWindow changes the stacking order of the current windows. */ stackWindow :: !Id !Id !(PSt .l) -> PSt .l stackWindow windowId behindId pState=:{io=ioState} | windowId==behindId // Don't stack a window behind itself = pState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = {pState & io=ioState} # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice # (hasBehind,windows) = hasWindowHandlesWindow behindWID windows | not hasBehind // Behind window does not exist # ioState = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState = {pState & io=ioState} # (hasWindow,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow windowWID windows | not hasWindow // Stack window does not exist # ioState = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState = {pState & io=ioState} # (mode,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowMode wsH | mode==Modal // Stack window is modal, skip # ioState = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState = {pState & io=ioState} | otherwise # (_,_,windows) = removeWindowHandlesWindow windowWID windows // remove placeholder window # (wids,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWIDS wsH # (behindWIDS,windows) = addBehindWindowHandlesWindow behindWID wsH windows # ioState = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState # (tb,ioState) = getIOToolbox ioState # pState = {pState & io=ioState} # (delayinfo,pState,tb) = osStackWindow wids.wPtr behindWIDS.wPtr handleOSEvent pState tb # ioState = setIOToolbox tb # ioState = bufferDelayedEvents delayinfo ioState = {pState & io=ioState} where windowWID = toWID windowId behindWID = toWID behindId /* handleOSEvent turns handleOneEventForDevices into the form required by osActivateWindow and osStackWindow. (Used by stackWindow, setActiveWindow.) */ handleOSEvent :: !OSEvent !(!PSt .l,!*OSToolbox) -> (!PSt .l,!*OSToolbox) handleOSEvent osEvent (pState,tb) = (thd3 (handleOneEventForDevices (ScheduleOSEvent osEvent []) pState),tb) getWindowStack :: !(IOSt .l) -> (![(Id,WindowType)],!IOSt .l) getWindowStack ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = ([],ioState) # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice wsHs = windows.whsWindows (id_types,wsHs) = unzip (map getWindowIdType wsHs) = (id_types,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState {windows & whsWindows=wsHs}) ioState) where getWindowIdType :: !(WindowStateHandle .pst) -> ((Id,WindowType),!WindowStateHandle .pst) getWindowIdType wsH # (wids,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWIDS wsH # (kind,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowKind wsH = ((wids.wId,if (kind==IsWindow) windowtype dialogtype),wsH) getWindowsStack :: !(IOSt .l) -> (![Id],!IOSt .l) getWindowsStack ioState # (id_types,ioState) = getWindowStack ioState = (filterMap (\(id,wtype)->(wtype==windowtype,id)) id_types,ioState) getDialogsStack :: !(IOSt .l) -> (![Id],!IOSt .l) getDialogsStack ioState # (id_types,ioState) = getWindowStack ioState = (filterMap (\(id,wtype)->(wtype==dialogtype,id)) id_types,ioState) /* Return layout attributes and default values. */ getDefaultHMargin :: !Bool !(IOSt .l) -> ((Int,Int),!IOSt .l) getDefaultHMargin isWindow ioState | isWindow = ((0,0),ioState) | otherwise # ({osmHorMargin},ioState) = ioStGetOSWindowMetrics ioState = ((osmHorMargin,osmHorMargin),ioState) getDefaultVMargin :: !Bool !(IOSt .l) -> ((Int,Int),!IOSt .l) getDefaultVMargin isWindow ioState | isWindow = ((0,0),ioState) | otherwise # ({osmVerMargin},ioState) = ioStGetOSWindowMetrics ioState = ((osmVerMargin,osmVerMargin),ioState) getDefaultItemSpace :: !Bool !(IOSt .l) -> ((Int,Int),!IOSt .l) getDefaultItemSpace _ ioState # ({osmHorItemSpace,osmVerItemSpace},ioState) = ioStGetOSWindowMetrics ioState = ((osmHorItemSpace,osmVerItemSpace),ioState) getWindowHMargin :: !Id !(IOSt .l) -> (!Maybe (Int,Int),!IOSt .l) getWindowHMargin id ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = (Nothing,ioState) # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID id) windows | not found = (Nothing,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState) | otherwise # (wMetrics,ioState) = ioStGetOSWindowMetrics ioState # (marginAtt,wsH) = gethmargin wMetrics wsH = (Just marginAtt,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState) where gethmargin :: !OSWindowMetrics !(WindowStateHandle .pst) -> ((Int,Int),!WindowStateHandle .pst) gethmargin wMetrics wsH=:{wshHandle=Just {wlsHandle={whKind,whAtts}}} = (getWindowHMargins whKind wMetrics whAtts,wsH) gethmargin _ _ = stdWindowFatalError "getWindowHMargin" "unexpected window placeholder argument" getWindowVMargin :: !Id !(IOSt .l) -> (!Maybe (Int,Int),!IOSt .l) getWindowVMargin id ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = (Nothing,ioState) # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID id) windows | not found = (Nothing,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState) | otherwise # (wMetrics,ioState) = ioStGetOSWindowMetrics ioState # (marginAtt,wsH) = getvmargin wMetrics wsH = (Just marginAtt,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState) where getvmargin :: !OSWindowMetrics !(WindowStateHandle .pst) -> ((Int,Int),!WindowStateHandle .pst) getvmargin wMetrics wsH=:{wshHandle=Just {wlsHandle={whKind,whAtts}}} = (getWindowVMargins whKind wMetrics whAtts,wsH) getvmargin _ _ = stdWindowFatalError "getWindowVMargin" "unexpected window placeholder argument" getWindowItemSpace :: !Id !(IOSt .l) -> (!Maybe (Int,Int),!IOSt .l) getWindowItemSpace id ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = (Nothing,ioState) # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID id) windows | not found = (Nothing,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState) | otherwise # ({osmHorItemSpace,osmVerItemSpace},ioState) = ioStGetOSWindowMetrics ioState # (marginAtt,wsH) = getitemspaces (osmHorItemSpace,osmVerItemSpace) wsH = (Just marginAtt,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState) where getitemspaces :: (Int,Int) !(WindowStateHandle .pst) -> ((Int,Int),!WindowStateHandle .pst) getitemspaces (defHSpace,defVSpace) wsH=:{wshHandle=Just {wlsHandle={whAtts}}} = (getWindowItemSpaceAtt (snd (cselect isWindowItemSpace (WindowItemSpace defHSpace defVSpace) whAtts)),wsH) getitemspaces _ _ = stdWindowFatalError "getWindowItemSpace" "unexpected window placeholder argument" /* Setting the SelectState of windows. */ enableWindow :: !Id !(IOSt .l) -> IOSt .l enableWindow id ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = ioState # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID id) windows | not found = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState # (wKind,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowKind wsH | wKind<>IsWindow = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState # (curSelectState,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleSelect wsH | curSelectState = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState | otherwise # (osdInfo, ioState) = ioStGetOSDInfo ioState isSDI = getOSDInfoDocumentInterface osdInfo==SDI framePtr = case (getOSDInfoOSInfo osdInfo) of Just info -> info.osFrame _ -> OSNoWindowPtr # (wMetrics,ioState) = ioStGetOSWindowMetrics ioState # (tb,ioState) = getIOToolbox ioState wsH = setWindowStateHandleSelect True wsH (wids,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWIDS wsH wPtr = wids.wPtr # (wH`,wsH,tb) = retrieveWindowHandle` wsH tb # (wH`,tb) = enablecontrols [] True wMetrics wPtr wH` tb wsH = insertWindowHandle` wH` wsH (windowInfo,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowInfo wsH scrollInfo = case windowInfo of WindowInfo info -> (isJust info.windowHScroll,isJust info.windowVScroll) other -> (False,False) # tb = osEnableWindow (if isSDI framePtr wPtr) scrollInfo False tb # tb = osInvalidateWindow wPtr tb # ioState = setIOToolbox tb ioState = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState disableWindow :: !Id !(IOSt .l) -> IOSt .l disableWindow id ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = ioState # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID id) windows | not found = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState # (wKind,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowKind wsH | wKind<>IsWindow = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState # (curSelectState,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleSelect wsH | not curSelectState = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState | otherwise # (osdInfo, ioState) = ioStGetOSDInfo ioState isSDI = getOSDInfoDocumentInterface osdInfo==SDI framePtr = case (getOSDInfoOSInfo osdInfo) of Just info -> info.osFrame _ -> OSNoWindowPtr # (wMetrics,ioState) = ioStGetOSWindowMetrics ioState # (tb,ioState) = getIOToolbox ioState wsH = setWindowStateHandleSelect False wsH (wids,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWIDS wsH wPtr = wids.wPtr # (wH`,wsH,tb) = retrieveWindowHandle` wsH tb # (wH`,tb) = disablecontrols [] True wMetrics wPtr wH` tb wsH = insertWindowHandle` wH` wsH (windowInfo,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowInfo wsH scrollInfo = case windowInfo of WindowInfo info -> (isJust info.windowHScroll,isJust info.windowVScroll) other -> (False,False) # tb = osDisableWindow (if isSDI framePtr wPtr) scrollInfo False tb # tb = osInvalidateWindow wPtr tb # ioState = setIOToolbox tb ioState = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState enableWindowMouse :: !Id !(IOSt .l) -> IOSt .l enableWindowMouse id ioState = setWindowMouseSelectState Able id ioState disableWindowMouse :: !Id !(IOSt .l) -> IOSt .l disableWindowMouse id ioState = setWindowMouseSelectState Unable id ioState setWindowMouseSelectState :: !SelectState !Id !(IOSt .l) -> IOSt .l setWindowMouseSelectState selectState id ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = ioState # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID id) windows | not found = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState # (wKind,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowKind wsH | wKind<>IsWindow = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState | otherwise # wsH = setMouseSelectState selectState wsH = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState where setMouseSelectState :: !SelectState !(WindowStateHandle .pst) -> WindowStateHandle .pst setMouseSelectState selectState wsH=:{wshHandle=Just wlsH=:{wlsHandle=wH=:{whAtts}}} = {wsH & wshHandle=Just {wlsH & wlsHandle={wH & whAtts=setMouseSelectStateAtt selectState whAtts}}} where setMouseSelectStateAtt :: !SelectState ![WindowAttribute .pst] -> [WindowAttribute .pst] setMouseSelectStateAtt selectState atts # (found,mouseAtt,atts) = remove isWindowMouse undef atts | not found = atts | otherwise # (filter,_,fun) = getWindowMouseAtt mouseAtt = [WindowMouse filter selectState fun:atts] setMouseSelectState _ _ = stdWindowFatalError "setWindowMouseSelectState" "unexpected window placeholder argument" enableWindowKeyboard :: !Id !(IOSt .l) -> IOSt .l enableWindowKeyboard id ioState = setWindowKeyboardSelectState Able id ioState disableWindowKeyboard :: !Id !(IOSt .l) -> IOSt .l disableWindowKeyboard id ioState = setWindowKeyboardSelectState Unable id ioState setWindowKeyboardSelectState :: !SelectState !Id !(IOSt .l) -> IOSt .l setWindowKeyboardSelectState selectState id ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = ioState # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID id) windows | not found = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState # (wKind,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowKind wsH | wKind<>IsWindow = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState | otherwise # wsH = setKeyboardSelectState selectState wsH = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState where setKeyboardSelectState :: !SelectState !(WindowStateHandle .pst) -> WindowStateHandle .pst setKeyboardSelectState selectState wsH=:{wshHandle=Just wlsH=:{wlsHandle=wH=:{whAtts}}} = {wsH & wshHandle=Just {wlsH & wlsHandle={wH & whAtts=setKeyboardSelectStateAtt selectState whAtts}}} where setKeyboardSelectStateAtt :: !SelectState ![WindowAttribute .pst] -> [WindowAttribute .pst] setKeyboardSelectStateAtt selectState atts # (found,keyAtt,atts) = remove isWindowKeyboard undef atts | not found = atts | otherwise # (filter,_,fun) = getWindowKeyboardAtt keyAtt = [WindowKeyboard filter selectState fun:atts] setKeyboardSelectState _ _ = stdWindowFatalError "setWindowKeyboardSelectState" "unexpected window placeholder argument" getWindowSelectState :: !Id !(IOSt .l) -> (!Maybe SelectState,!IOSt .l) getWindowSelectState id ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = (Nothing,ioState) # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID id) windows | not found = (Nothing,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState) # (wKind,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowKind wsH | wKind<>IsWindow = (Nothing,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState) | otherwise # (wSelect,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleSelect wsH = (Just (if wSelect Able Unable),ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState) getWindowMouseSelectState :: !Id !(IOSt .l) -> (!Maybe SelectState,!IOSt .l) getWindowMouseSelectState id ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = (Nothing,ioState) # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID id) windows | not found = (Nothing,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState) # (wKind,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowKind wsH | wKind<>IsWindow = (Nothing,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState) | otherwise # (found,_,select,wsH) = getWindowMouseAttInfo wsH = (if found (Just select) Nothing,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState) getWindowMouseAttInfo :: !(WindowStateHandle .pst) -> (!Bool,MouseStateFilter,SelectState,!WindowStateHandle .pst) getWindowMouseAttInfo wsH=:{wshHandle=Just wlsH=:{wlsHandle=wH=:{whAtts}}} # (hasMouseAtt,mouseAtt) = cselect isWindowMouse undef whAtts | not hasMouseAtt = (False,undef,undef,wsH) | otherwise # (filter,selectState,_)= getWindowMouseAtt mouseAtt = (True,filter,selectState,wsH) getWindowMouseAttInfo _ = stdWindowFatalError "getWindowMouseAttInfo" "unexpected window placeholder argument" getWindowKeyboardSelectState :: !Id !(IOSt .l) -> (!Maybe SelectState,!IOSt .l) getWindowKeyboardSelectState id ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = (Nothing,ioState) # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID id) windows | not found = (Nothing,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState) # (wKind,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowKind wsH | wKind<>IsWindow = (Nothing,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState) | otherwise # (found,_,select,wsH) = getWindowKeyboardAttInfo wsH = (if found (Just select) Nothing,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState) getWindowKeyboardAttInfo :: !(WindowStateHandle .pst) -> (!Bool,KeyboardStateFilter,SelectState,!WindowStateHandle .pst) getWindowKeyboardAttInfo wsH=:{wshHandle=Just wlsH=:{wlsHandle=wH=:{whAtts}}} # (hasKeyAtt,keyAtt) = cselect isWindowKeyboard undef whAtts | not hasKeyAtt = (False,undef,undef,wsH) | otherwise # (filter,selectState,_)= getWindowKeyboardAtt keyAtt = (True,filter,selectState,wsH) getWindowKeyboardAttInfo _ = stdWindowFatalError "getWindowKeyboardAttInfo" "unexpected window placeholder argument" getWindowMouseStateFilter :: !Id !(IOSt .l) -> (!Maybe MouseStateFilter,!IOSt .l) getWindowMouseStateFilter id ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = (Nothing,ioState) # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID id) windows | not found = (Nothing,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState) # (wKind,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowKind wsH | wKind<>IsWindow = (Nothing,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState) | otherwise # (found,filter,_,wsH) = getWindowMouseAttInfo wsH = (if found (Just filter) Nothing,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState) getWindowKeyboardStateFilter :: !Id !(IOSt .l) -> (!Maybe KeyboardStateFilter,!IOSt .l) getWindowKeyboardStateFilter id ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = (Nothing,ioState) # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID id) windows | not found = (Nothing,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState) # (wKind,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowKind wsH | wKind<>IsWindow = (Nothing,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState) | otherwise # (found,filter,_,wsH) = getWindowKeyboardAttInfo wsH = (if found (Just filter) Nothing,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState) setWindowMouseStateFilter :: !Id !MouseStateFilter !(IOSt .l) -> IOSt .l setWindowMouseStateFilter id filter ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = ioState # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID id) windows | not found = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState # (wKind,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowKind wsH | wKind<>IsWindow = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState | otherwise # wsH = setMouseFilter filter wsH = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState where setMouseFilter :: !MouseStateFilter !(WindowStateHandle .pst) -> WindowStateHandle .pst setMouseFilter filter wsH=:{wshHandle=Just wlsH=:{wlsHandle=wH=:{whAtts}}} = {wsH & wshHandle=Just {wlsH & wlsHandle={wH & whAtts=setMouseStateFilterAtt filter whAtts}}} where setMouseStateFilterAtt :: !MouseStateFilter ![WindowAttribute .pst] -> [WindowAttribute .pst] setMouseStateFilterAtt filter atts # (found,mouseAtt,atts) = remove isWindowMouse undef atts | not found = atts | otherwise # (_,select,fun) = getWindowMouseAtt mouseAtt = [WindowMouse filter select fun:atts] setMouseFilter _ _ = stdWindowFatalError "setWindowMouseStateFilter" "unexpected window placeholder argument" setWindowKeyboardStateFilter :: !Id !KeyboardStateFilter !(IOSt .l) -> IOSt .l setWindowKeyboardStateFilter id filter ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = ioState # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID id) windows | not found = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState # (wKind,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowKind wsH | wKind<>IsWindow = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState | otherwise # wsH = setKeyboardFilter filter wsH = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState where setKeyboardFilter :: !KeyboardStateFilter !(WindowStateHandle .pst) -> WindowStateHandle .pst setKeyboardFilter filter wsH=:{wshHandle=Just wlsH=:{wlsHandle=wH=:{whAtts}}} = {wsH & wshHandle=Just {wlsH & wlsHandle={wH & whAtts=setKeyboardStateFilterAtt filter whAtts}}} where setKeyboardStateFilterAtt :: !KeyboardStateFilter ![WindowAttribute .pst] -> [WindowAttribute .pst] setKeyboardStateFilterAtt filter atts # (found,keyAtt,atts) = remove isWindowKeyboard undef atts | not found = atts | otherwise # (_,select,fun) = getWindowKeyboardAtt keyAtt = [WindowKeyboard filter select fun:atts] setKeyboardFilter _ _ = stdWindowFatalError "setWindowKeyboardStateFilter" "unexpected window placeholder argument" // Operations that are concerned with the background/look of a window. appWindowPicture:: !Id !.(IdFun *Picture) !(IOSt .l) -> IOSt .l appWindowPicture id drawf ioState = snd (drawInWindow "appWindowPicture" id (\p->(undef,drawf p)) ioState) accWindowPicture:: !Id !.(St *Picture .x) !(IOSt .l) -> (!Maybe .x,!IOSt .l) accWindowPicture id drawf ioState = drawInWindow "accWindowPicture" id drawf ioState drawInWindow :: String !Id !.(St *Picture .x) !(IOSt .l) -> (!Maybe .x,!IOSt .l) drawInWindow functionname id drawf ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = (Nothing,ioState) # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID id) windows | not found = (Nothing,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState) # (wKind,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowKind wsH | wKind<>IsWindow = (Nothing,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState) | otherwise # (wMetrics,ioState) = ioStGetOSWindowMetrics ioState # ((x,wsH),ioState) = accIOToolbox (drawinwindow` wMetrics drawf wsH) ioState = (Just x,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState) where drawinwindow` :: !OSWindowMetrics !.(St *Picture .x) !(WindowStateHandle .pst) !*OSToolbox -> (!(.x,!WindowStateHandle .pst),!*OSToolbox) drawinwindow` wMetrics drawf wsH=:{wshIds={wPtr},wshHandle=Just wlsH=:{wlsHandle=wH}} tb # (wH,tb) = validateWindowClipState wMetrics False wPtr wH tb # (x,wH,tb) = drawinwindow wMetrics wPtr drawf wH tb = ((x,{wsH & wshHandle=Just {wlsH & wlsHandle=wH}}),tb) drawinwindow` _ _ _ _ = stdWindowFatalError functionname "unexpected window placeholder argument" updateWindow :: !Id !(Maybe ViewFrame) !(IOSt .l) -> IOSt .l updateWindow id maybeViewFrame ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = ioState # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID id) windows | not found = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState # (wKind,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowKind wsH | wKind<>IsWindow = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState | otherwise # (wMetrics,ioState) = ioStGetOSWindowMetrics ioState # (wsH,ioState) = accIOToolbox (updateWindowBackground wMetrics maybeViewFrame wsH) ioState = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState where updateWindowBackground :: !OSWindowMetrics !(Maybe ViewFrame) !(WindowStateHandle .pst) !*OSToolbox -> (!WindowStateHandle .pst, !*OSToolbox) updateWindowBackground wMetrics maybeViewFrame wsH=:{wshIds,wshHandle=Just wlsH=:{wlsHandle=wH=:{whSize,whWindowInfo}}} tb | isEmptyRect updArea = (wsH,tb) | otherwise # tb = osInvalidateWindowRect wshIds.wPtr updArea tb // PA: check if necessary on Windows # (wH,tb) = updatewindow wMetrics updInfo wH tb = ({wsH & wshHandle=Just {wlsH & wlsHandle=wH}},tb) where info = getWindowInfoWindowData whWindowInfo (origin,domainRect,hasScrolls) = (info.windowOrigin,info.windowDomain,(isJust info.windowHScroll,isJust info.windowVScroll)) visScrolls = osScrollbarsAreVisible wMetrics domainRect (toTuple whSize) hasScrolls contentRect = osGetWindowContentRect wMetrics visScrolls (sizeToRect whSize) updArea = case maybeViewFrame of Nothing -> contentRect Just rect -> intersectRects (rectangleToRect (subVector (toVector origin) rect)) contentRect updInfo = { updWIDS = wshIds , updWindowArea = updArea , updControls = [] , updGContext = Nothing } updateWindowBackground _ _ _ _ = stdWindowFatalError "updateWindow" "unexpected window placeholder argument" setWindowLook :: !Id !Bool !(!Bool,!Look) !(IOSt .l) -> IOSt .l setWindowLook wId redraw (sysLook,lookFun) ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = ioState # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID wId) windows | not found = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState # (wKind,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowKind wsH | wKind<>IsWindow = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState | otherwise # (wMetrics,ioState) = ioStGetOSWindowMetrics ioState # (wsH,ioState) = accIOToolbox (setwindowlook wMetrics redraw (sysLook,lookFun) wsH) ioState = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState where setwindowlook :: !OSWindowMetrics !Bool !(!Bool,!Look) !(WindowStateHandle .pst) !*OSToolbox -> (!WindowStateHandle .pst,!*OSToolbox) setwindowlook wMetrics redraw (sysLook,lookFun) wsH=:{wshIds={wPtr},wshHandle=Just wlsH=:{wlsHandle=wH}} tb #! lookInfo = {lookInfo & lookFun=lookFun,lookSysUpdate=sysLook} #! info = {windowInfo & windowLook=lookInfo} #! wH = {wH & whWindowInfo=WindowInfo info} | not redraw = ({wsH & wshHandle=Just {wlsH & wlsHandle=wH}},tb) | otherwise #! (wH,tb) = validateWindowClipState wMetrics False wPtr wH tb #! (wH,tb) = drawwindowlook wMetrics wPtr id updState wH tb = ({wsH & wshHandle=Just {wlsH & wlsHandle=wH}},tb) where whSize = wH.whSize // windowInfo = fromJust wH.whWindowInfo Mike: fromJust changed to getWindowInfoWindowData windowInfo = getWindowInfoWindowData wH.whWindowInfo lookInfo = windowInfo.windowLook domainRect = windowInfo.windowDomain origin = windowInfo.windowOrigin hasScrolls = (isJust windowInfo.windowHScroll,isJust windowInfo.windowVScroll) visScrolls = osScrollbarsAreVisible wMetrics domainRect (toTuple whSize) hasScrolls contentRect = osGetWindowContentRect wMetrics visScrolls (sizeToRect whSize) wFrame = posSizeToRectangle origin (rectSize contentRect) updState = rectangleToUpdateState wFrame setwindowlook _ _ _ _ _ = stdWindowFatalError "setWindowLook" "unexpected window placeholder argument" getWindowLook :: !Id !(IOSt .l) -> (!Maybe (Bool,Look),!IOSt .l) getWindowLook id ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = (Nothing,ioState) # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID id) windows | not found = (Nothing,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState) # (wKind,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowKind wsH | wKind<>IsWindow = (Nothing,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState) | otherwise # (windowInfo,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowInfo wsH {lookFun,lookSysUpdate} = (getWindowInfoWindowData windowInfo).windowLook = (Just (lookSysUpdate,lookFun),ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState) // Operations that are concerned with the position of windows/dialogues. setWindowPos :: !Id !ItemPos !(IOSt .l) -> IOSt .l setWindowPos id pos ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = ioState # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID id) windows | not found = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState # (wMode,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowMode wsH | wMode==Modal = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState # (okId,pos,windows) = validateRelativeId id pos windows | not okId = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState | otherwise # (wids, wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWIDS wsH (wSize,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleSize wsH (wKind,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowKind wsH windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows # (osdInfo, ioState) = ioStGetOSDInfo ioState isSDI = getOSDInfoDocumentInterface osdInfo==SDI (framePtr,clientPtr) = case (getOSDInfoOSInfo osdInfo) of Just info -> (info.osFrame,info.osClient) _ -> (OSNoWindowPtr,OSNoWindowPtr) # (wMetrics,ioState) = ioStGetOSWindowMetrics ioState # (tb,ioState) = getIOToolbox ioState # (pos,windows,tb) = exactWindowPos wMetrics osdInfo wSize (Just pos) wKind Modeless windows tb # tb = osSetWindowPos (if (isSDI && wids.wPtr==clientPtr) framePtr wids.wPtr) (toTuple pos) True True tb # ioState = setIOToolbox tb ioState = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState where // validateRelativeId checks the validity of the ItemPos. // It assumes that the WindowHandles argument is not empty (containing atleast the target window). validateRelativeId :: !Id !ItemPos !(WindowHandles .pst) -> (!Bool,!ItemPos,!WindowHandles .pst) validateRelativeId id itemPos=:(itemLoc,itemOffset) windows | isRelative # (exists,windows) = hasWindowHandlesWindow (toWID relativeId) windows = (exists,itemPos,windows) | isRelativePrev # wsHs = windows.whsWindows (widsstack,wsHs) = unzip (map getWindowStateHandleWIDS wsHs) windows = {windows & whsWindows=wsHs} (found,prevId) = findPrevId (toWID id) widsstack itemLoc = if (not found) itemLoc (case itemLoc of LeftOfPrev -> LeftOf prevId RightToPrev -> RightTo prevId AbovePrev -> Above prevId BelowPrev -> Below prevId ) = (found,(itemLoc,itemOffset),windows) with findPrevId :: !WID ![WIDS] -> (!Bool,Id) findPrevId wid [_] = (False,undef) findPrevId wid [wid`:wids=:[wid``:_]] | identifyWIDS wid wid`` = (True,wid`.wId) | otherwise = findPrevId wid [wid``:wids] | otherwise = (True,itemPos,windows) where (isRelative,relativeId) = case itemLoc of LeftOf id -> (True,id) RightTo id -> (True,id) Above id -> (True,id) Below id -> (True,id) _ -> (False,undef) isRelativePrev = case itemLoc of LeftOfPrev -> True RightToPrev -> True AbovePrev -> True BelowPrev -> True _ -> False getWindowPos :: !Id !(IOSt .l) -> (!Maybe Vector2,!IOSt .l) getWindowPos id ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = (Nothing,ioState) # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID id) windows | not found = (Nothing,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState) | otherwise # (osdInfo,ioState) = ioStGetOSDInfo ioState di = getOSDInfoDocumentInterface osdInfo isSDI = di==SDI isMDI = di==MDI (framePtr,clientPtr,getParentPos) = case (getOSDInfoOSInfo osdInfo) of Just info -> (info.osFrame,info.osClient,if isMDI (osGetWindowPos info.osClient) (return (0,0))) nothing -> (OSNoWindowPtr, OSNoWindowPtr,return (0,0)) # (wids,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWIDS wsH # (tb,ioState) = getIOToolbox ioState # ((wx,wy),tb) = osGetWindowPos (if (isSDI && wids.wPtr==clientPtr) framePtr wids.wPtr) tb # ((fx,fy),tb) = getParentPos tb # ioState = setIOToolbox tb ioState # ioState = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState = (Just {vx=wx-fx,vy=wy-fy},ioState) // Operations that are concerned with the ViewFrame of a window. moveWindowViewFrame :: !Id Vector2 !(IOSt .l) -> IOSt .l moveWindowViewFrame id v ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = ioState # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID id) windows | not found = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState # (wKind,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowKind wsH | wKind<>IsWindow = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState | otherwise # (wMetrics,ioState) = ioStGetOSWindowMetrics ioState # (wsH,ioState) = accIOToolbox (movewindowviewframe` wMetrics v wsH) ioState = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState where movewindowviewframe` :: !OSWindowMetrics !Vector2 !(WindowStateHandle .pst) !*OSToolbox -> (!WindowStateHandle .pst,!*OSToolbox) movewindowviewframe` wMetrics v wsH=:{wshIds,wshHandle=Just wlsH=:{wlsHandle=wH}} tb # (wH,tb) = movewindowviewframe wMetrics v wshIds wH tb = ({wsH & wshHandle=Just {wlsH & wlsHandle=wH}},tb) movewindowviewframe` _ _ _ _ = stdWindowFatalError "moveWindowViewFrame" "unexpected window placeholder argument" getWindowViewFrame :: !Id !(IOSt .l) -> (!ViewFrame,!IOSt .l) getWindowViewFrame id ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = (zero,ioState) # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID id) windows | not found = (zero,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState) | otherwise # (wMetrics,ioState) = ioStGetOSWindowMetrics ioState # (viewFrame,wsH) = getwindowviewframe wMetrics wsH = (viewFrame,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState) // getwindowviewframe is also used by getWindowOuterSize. getwindowviewframe :: !OSWindowMetrics !(WindowStateHandle .pst) -> (!ViewFrame,!WindowStateHandle .pst) getwindowviewframe wMetrics wsH=:{wshIds={wPtr},wshHandle=Just wlsH=:{wlsHandle={whSize,whKind,whWindowInfo}}} | whKind==IsWindow = (rectToRectangle contentRect,wsH) | otherwise = (sizeToRectangle whSize,wsH) where (origin,domainRect,hasHScroll,hasVScroll) = case whWindowInfo of WindowInfo info -> (info.windowOrigin,info.windowDomain,isJust info.windowHScroll,isJust info.windowVScroll) other -> stdWindowFatalError "getWindowViewFrame" "Window has no WindowInfo" visScrolls = osScrollbarsAreVisible wMetrics domainRect (toTuple whSize) (hasHScroll,hasVScroll) contentRect = osGetWindowContentRect wMetrics visScrolls (posSizeToRect origin whSize) getwindowviewframe _ _ = stdWindowFatalError "getWindowViewFrame" "unexpected window placeholder argument" setWindowViewSize :: !Id !Size !(IOSt .l) -> IOSt .l setWindowViewSize wid reqSize ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = ioState # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID wid) windows | not found = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState # (wKind,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowKind wsH | wKind<>IsWindow = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState # (wMetrics,ioState) = ioStGetOSWindowMetrics ioState (diffSize,viewSize,frameSize,wsH) = validateSize wMetrics reqSize wsH | not diffSize = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState | otherwise # (activeWIDS,windows) = getWindowHandlesActiveWindow windows # (osdInfo,ioState) = ioStGetOSDInfo ioState isSDI = getOSDInfoDocumentInterface osdInfo==SDI (framePtr,clientPtr,tbHeight) = case (getOSDInfoOSInfo osdInfo) of Just info -> (info.osFrame,info.osClient,case info.osToolbar of Just {toolbarHeight} -> toolbarHeight _ -> 0 ) _ -> (OSNoWindowPtr,OSNoWindowPtr,0) # (wids,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWIDS wsH # (tb,ioState) = getIOToolbox ioState // # tb = osSetWindowSize wids.wPtr (toTuple reqSize) True tb # tb = osSetWindowViewFrameSize wids.wPtr (toTuple viewSize) tb # tb = (if (isSDI && wids.wPtr==clientPtr) (osSetWindowViewFrameSize framePtr (toTuple {viewSize & h=viewSize.h+tbHeight})) id ) tb # (wsH,tb) = windowStateSizeAction wMetrics (isJust activeWIDS && (fromJust activeWIDS).wId==wid) {wsWIDS=wids,wsSize=viewSize/*frameSize*/,wsUpdateAll=False} wsH tb # ioState = setIOToolbox tb ioState = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState where validateSize :: !OSWindowMetrics !Size !(WindowStateHandle .pst) -> (!Bool,!Size,!Size,!WindowStateHandle .pst) validateSize wMetrics reqSize wsH=:{wshHandle=Just wlsH=:{wlsHandle={whSize=curSize,whWindowInfo}}} # (visHScroll,visVScroll) = osScrollbarsAreVisible wMetrics domainRect (toTuple curSize) (hasHScroll,hasVScroll) newW = if visVScroll (okSize.w+wMetrics.osmVSliderWidth) okSize.w // Correct newW in case of visible vertical scrollbar newH = if visHScroll (okSize.h+wMetrics.osmHSliderHeight) okSize.h // Correct newH in case of visible horizontal scrollbar = (okSize<>curSize,okSize,{w=newW,h=newH},wsH) where (minWidth,minHeight)= osMinWindowSize minSize = {w=minWidth,h=minHeight} maxSize = maxScrollWindowSize okSize = {w=setBetween reqSize.w minSize.w maxSize.w,h=setBetween reqSize.h minSize.h maxSize.h} // windowInfo = fromJust wH.whWindowInfo Mike: fromJust changed into getWindowInfoWindowData windowInfo = getWindowInfoWindowData whWindowInfo domainRect = windowInfo.windowDomain hasHScroll = isJust windowInfo.windowHScroll hasVScroll = isJust windowInfo.windowVScroll validateSize _ _ _ = stdWindowFatalError "setWindowViewSize" "unexpected window placeholder argument" getWindowViewSize :: !Id !(IOSt .l) -> (!Size,!IOSt .l) getWindowViewSize id ioState # (viewFrame,ioState) = getWindowViewFrame id ioState = (rectangleSize viewFrame,ioState) setWindowOuterSize :: !Id !Size !(IOSt .l) -> IOSt .l setWindowOuterSize id {w,h} ioState # (osdInfo,ioState) = ioStGetOSDInfo ioState isMDI = getOSDInfoDocumentInterface osdInfo == MDI # ((dw,dh),ioState) = accIOToolbox (osStripOuterSize isMDI True) ioState = setWindowViewSize id {w=w-dw,h=h-dh} ioState getWindowOuterSize :: !Id !(IOSt .l) -> (!Size,!IOSt .l) getWindowOuterSize id ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = (zero,ioState) # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID id) windows | not found = (zero,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState) # (wMetrics,ioState) = ioStGetOSWindowMetrics ioState # (viewFrame,wsH) = getwindowviewframe wMetrics wsH # viewFrameSize = rectangleSize viewFrame # (wKind,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowKind wsH | wKind==IsDialog # windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows outerSize = exactWindowSize undef undef viewFrameSize undef undef wKind = (outerSize,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState) // Mike | wKind==IsGameWindow # (wInfo,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowInfo wsH info = getWindowInfoGameWindowData wInfo windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows = (info.gamewindowSize,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState) // | otherwise # (wInfo,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowInfo wsH info = getWindowInfoWindowData wInfo (hasHScroll,hasVScroll) = (isJust info.windowHScroll,isJust info.windowVScroll) domain = rectToRectangle info.windowDomain # (osdInfo,ioState) = ioStGetOSDInfo ioState isMDI = getOSDInfoDocumentInterface osdInfo == MDI # ((dw,dh),ioState) = accIOToolbox (osStripOuterSize isMDI True) ioState outerSize = exactWindowSize wMetrics domain viewFrameSize hasHScroll hasVScroll wKind addOSOuterSize = {w=outerSize.w+dw,h=outerSize.h+dh} windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows = (addOSOuterSize,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState) setWindowViewDomain :: !Id ViewDomain !(IOSt .l) -> IOSt .l setWindowViewDomain wId newDomain ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = ioState # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID wId) windows | not found = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState # (wKind,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowKind wsH | wKind<>IsWindow = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState | otherwise # (wMetrics,ioState) = ioStGetOSWindowMetrics ioState # (wsH,ioState) = accIOToolbox (setwindowviewdomain wMetrics newDomain wsH) ioState = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState where setwindowviewdomain :: !OSWindowMetrics !ViewDomain !(WindowStateHandle .pst) !*OSToolbox -> (!WindowStateHandle .pst,!*OSToolbox) setwindowviewdomain wMetrics newDomain wsH=:{wshIds,wshHandle=Just wlsH=:{wlsHandle=wH=:{whSelect,whShow,whDefaultId,whSize,whAtts,whWindowInfo,whItems=oldItems}}} tb # newDomain = validateViewDomain newDomain newDomainSize = rectangleSize newDomain newDomainRect = rectangleToRect newDomain newOrigin = { x = if (w>=newDomainSize.w) newDomainRect.rleft (setBetween oldOrigin.x newDomainRect.rleft (newDomainRect.rright -w)) , y = if (h>=newDomainSize.h) newDomainRect.rtop (setBetween oldOrigin.y newDomainRect.rtop (newDomainRect.rbottom-h)) } newVisScrolls = osScrollbarsAreVisible wMetrics newDomainRect wSize` hasScrolls newContentRect = osGetWindowContentRect wMetrics newVisScrolls (sizeToRect whSize) newHRect = osGetWindowHScrollRect wMetrics newVisScrolls (sizeToRect whSize) newVRect = osGetWindowVScrollRect wMetrics newVisScrolls (sizeToRect whSize) {rright=w`,rbottom=h`} = newContentRect osHState = toOSscrollbarRange (newDomainRect.rleft,newOrigin.x,newDomainRect.rright) w` osVState = toOSscrollbarRange (newDomainRect.rtop, newOrigin.y,newDomainRect.rbottom) h` # tb = setwindowslider hasHScroll wMetrics wPtr True osHState newHRect newVRect wSize` tb # tb = setwindowslider hasVScroll wMetrics wPtr False osVState newHRect newVRect wSize` tb windowInfo = WindowInfo {windowInfo & windowDomain=newDomainRect,windowOrigin=newOrigin} newViewFrameRect = posSizeToRect newOrigin {w=w`,h=h`} newViewFrame = rectToRectangle newViewFrameRect oldViewFrame = rectToRectangle oldViewFrameRect oldDomainViewMax = getdomainviewmax oldDomainRect oldViewFrameRect newDomainViewMax = getdomainviewmax newDomainRect newViewFrameRect updArea = if (sysLook && oldOrigin==newOrigin && oldDomainViewMax==newDomainViewMax) [] [newViewFrame] updState = {oldFrame=oldViewFrame,newFrame=newViewFrame,updArea=updArea} (noControls,oldItems) = uisEmpty oldItems | noControls // window has no controls # wH = {wH & whWindowInfo=windowInfo,whItems=oldItems} // # tb = OSvalidateWindowRect wPtr (sizeToRect whSize) tb | isEmpty updArea // nothing has to updated = ({wsH & wshHandle=Just {wlsH & wlsHandle=wH}},tb) // otherwise # (wH,tb) = drawwindowlook wMetrics wPtr id updState wH tb = ({wsH & wshHandle=Just {wlsH & wlsHandle=wH}},tb) | otherwise // window has controls # hMargins = getWindowHMargins IsWindow wMetrics whAtts vMargins = getWindowVMargins IsWindow wMetrics whAtts spaces = getWindowItemSpaces IsWindow wMetrics whAtts reqSize = {w=w`-fst hMargins-snd hMargins,h=h`-fst vMargins-snd vMargins} (oldItems`,oldItems,tb) = getWElementHandles` wPtr oldItems tb # (_,newItems,tb) = layoutControls wMetrics hMargins vMargins spaces reqSize minSize [(newDomain,newOrigin)] oldItems tb wH = {wH & whWindowInfo=windowInfo,whItems=newItems} # (wH,tb) = forceValidWindowClipState wMetrics True wPtr wH tb # (updRgn,newItems,tb) = relayoutControls wMetrics wPtr whDefaultId False whSelect whShow (newContentRect,zero,zero,oldItems`) (newContentRect,zero,zero,wH.whItems) tb # (wH,tb) = drawwindowlook wMetrics wPtr id updState {wH & whItems=newItems} tb # (wH,tb) = updatewindowbackgrounds wMetrics updRgn wshIds wH tb // # tb = OSvalidateWindowRect wPtr (sizeToRect whSize) tb = ({wsH & wshHandle=Just {wlsH & wlsHandle=wH}},tb) where wPtr = wshIds.wPtr wSize` = toTuple whSize (w,h) = wSize` windowInfo = getWindowInfoWindowData whWindowInfo oldDomainRect = windowInfo.windowDomain oldOrigin = windowInfo.windowOrigin sysLook = windowInfo.windowLook.lookSysUpdate hasScrolls = (isJust windowInfo.windowHScroll,isJust windowInfo.windowVScroll) (hasHScroll,hasVScroll) = hasScrolls hScroll = if hasHScroll (Just (fromJust windowInfo.windowHScroll).scrollItemPtr) Nothing vScroll = if hasVScroll (Just (fromJust windowInfo.windowVScroll).scrollItemPtr) Nothing oldVisScrolls = osScrollbarsAreVisible wMetrics oldDomainRect wSize` hasScrolls oldContentRect = osGetWindowContentRect wMetrics oldVisScrolls (sizeToRect whSize) oldViewFrameRect = posSizeToRect oldOrigin (rectSize oldContentRect) (defMinW,defMinH) = osMinWindowSize minSize = {w=defMinW,h=defMinH} setwindowslider :: !Bool OSWindowMetrics OSWindowPtr Bool (Int,Int,Int,Int) OSRect OSRect (Int,Int) !*OSToolbox -> *OSToolbox setwindowslider hasScroll wMetrics wPtr isHorizontal state=:(osMin,osThumb,osMax,osSize) hrect vrect maxcoords=:(min,max) tb // | hasScroll = OSsetWindowSlider wMetrics wPtr isHorizontal state maxcoords tb // vgl met gebruik in bv controlpos, verschil is waarschijnlijk dat setWindoweSLider ook thumbsize zet... // | hasScroll = osSetWindowSliderThumb wMetrics wPtr isHorizontal osThumb hScroll vScroll hrect vrect maxcoords True tb | hasScroll # tb = osSetWindowSliderPosSize wPtr sPtr (if isHorizontal hrect vrect) tb # tb = osSetWindowSliderThumbSize wMetrics wPtr sPtr isHorizontal osMin osMax osSize (osMin,osMax) (if isHorizontal hrect vrect) whSelect True tb // # tb = osSetWindowSliderThumbSize wPtr sPtr min max (if isHorizontal hrect vrect) whSelect True tb // = osSetWindowSliderThumb wMetrics wPtr isHorizontal osThumb hScroll vScroll hrect vrect (osMin,osMax) True tb = osSetWindowSliderThumb wMetrics wPtr isHorizontal osThumb hScroll vScroll hrect vrect maxcoords True tb | otherwise = tb where sPtr = case isHorizontal of True -> fromJust hScroll _ -> fromJust vScroll getdomainviewmax :: !OSRect !OSRect -> Point2 getdomainviewmax domainRect viewframeRect = {x=min domainRect.rright viewframeRect.rright,y=min domainRect.rbottom viewframeRect.rbottom} setwindowviewdomain _ _ _ _ = stdWindowFatalError "setWindowViewDomain" "unexpected window placeholder argument" getWindowViewDomain :: !Id !(IOSt .l) -> (!Maybe ViewDomain,!IOSt .l) getWindowViewDomain id ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = (Nothing,ioState) # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID id) windows | not found = (Nothing,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState) # (wKind,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowKind wsH | wKind<>IsWindow = (Nothing,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState) | otherwise # (wInfo,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowInfo wsH domain = rectToRectangle (getWindowInfoWindowData wInfo).windowDomain = (Just domain,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState) // Set and get ScrollFunctions: setWindowScrollFunction :: !Id Direction ScrollFunction !(IOSt .l) -> IOSt .l setWindowScrollFunction wId direction scrollFun ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = ioState # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID wId) windows | not found = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState # (wKind,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowKind wsH | wKind<>IsWindow = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState | otherwise # wsH = setwindowscrollfunction direction scrollFun wsH = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState where setwindowscrollfunction :: !Direction ScrollFunction !(WindowStateHandle .pst) -> WindowStateHandle .pst setwindowscrollfunction direction scrollFun wsH=:{wshHandle=Just wlsH=:{wlsHandle=wH}} | direction==Horizontal && isJust hScroll # info = {windowInfo & windowHScroll=mapMaybe (setScrollFun scrollFun) hScroll} # wH = {wH & whWindowInfo=WindowInfo info} = {wsH & wshHandle=Just {wlsH & wlsHandle=wH}} | direction==Vertical && isJust vScroll # info = {windowInfo & windowVScroll=mapMaybe (setScrollFun scrollFun) vScroll} # wH = {wH & whWindowInfo=WindowInfo info} = {wsH & wshHandle=Just {wlsH & wlsHandle=wH}} | otherwise = wsH where windowInfo = getWindowInfoWindowData wH.whWindowInfo hScroll = windowInfo.windowHScroll vScroll = windowInfo.windowVScroll setScrollFun :: !ScrollFunction !ScrollInfo -> ScrollInfo setScrollFun f scrollInfo = {scrollInfo & scrollFunction=f} setwindowscrollfunction _ _ _ = stdWindowFatalError "setWindowScrollFunction" "unexpected window placeholder argument" getWindowScrollFunction :: !Id Direction !(IOSt .l) -> (!Maybe ScrollFunction,!IOSt .l) getWindowScrollFunction wId direction ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = (Nothing,ioState) # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID wId) windows | not found = (Nothing,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState) # (wKind,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowKind wsH | wKind<>IsWindow = (Nothing,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState) | otherwise # (maybeScrollFun,wsH) = getwindowscrollfunction direction wsH = (maybeScrollFun,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState) where getwindowscrollfunction :: !Direction !(WindowStateHandle .pst) -> *(!Maybe ScrollFunction,!WindowStateHandle .pst) getwindowscrollfunction direction wsH=:{wshHandle=Just {wlsHandle=wH=:{whWindowInfo}}} | direction==Horizontal && isJust hScroll = (mapMaybe getScrollFun hScroll,wsH) | direction==Vertical && isJust vScroll = (mapMaybe getScrollFun vScroll,wsH) | otherwise = (Nothing,wsH) where windowInfo = getWindowInfoWindowData whWindowInfo hScroll = windowInfo.windowHScroll vScroll = windowInfo.windowVScroll getScrollFun :: !ScrollInfo -> ScrollFunction getScrollFun info=:{scrollFunction} = scrollFunction getwindowscrollfunction _ _ = stdWindowFatalError "getWindowScrollFunction" "unexpected window placeholder argument" // Operations that are concerned with remaining attributes of windows. setWindowTitle :: !Id Title !(IOSt .l) -> IOSt .l setWindowTitle id title ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = ioState # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID id) windows | not found = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState | otherwise # (osdInfo,ioState) = ioStGetOSDInfo ioState isSDI = getOSDInfoDocumentInterface osdInfo==SDI (framePtr,clientPtr) = case (getOSDInfoOSInfo osdInfo) of Just info -> (info.osFrame, info.osClient) _ -> (OSNoWindowPtr,OSNoWindowPtr) (wids,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWIDS wsH wsH = setWindowStateHandleWindowTitle title wsH // # ioState = appIOToolbox (osSetWindowTitle (if (isSDI && wids.wPtr==clientPtr) framePtr wids.wPtr) title) ioState # ioState = appIOToolbox (osSetWindowTitle (if isSDI framePtr wids.wPtr) title) ioState # ioState = changeWindowInWindowMenu id title ioState = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState setWindowOk :: !Id Id !(IOSt .l) -> IOSt .l setWindowOk id okId ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = ioState # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID id) windows | not found = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState | otherwise # (wsH,ioState) = accIOToolbox (setwindowok okId wsH) ioState = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState where setwindowok :: !Id !(WindowStateHandle .pst) !*OSToolbox -> (!WindowStateHandle .pst,!*OSToolbox) setwindowok okId wsH=:{wshHandle=Just wlsH=:{wlsHandle=wH}} tb = (wsH,tb) // PA: Be aware to invalidate appropriate window/compound ClipStates setwindowok _ _ _ = stdWindowFatalError "setWindowOk" "unexpected window placeholder argument" setWindowCancel :: !Id Id !(IOSt .l) -> IOSt .l setWindowCancel id cancelId ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = ioState # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID id) windows | not found = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState | otherwise # (wsH,ioState) = accIOToolbox (setwindowcancel cancelId wsH) ioState = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState where setwindowcancel :: !Id !(WindowStateHandle .pst) !*OSToolbox -> (!WindowStateHandle .pst,!*OSToolbox) setwindowcancel cancelId wsH=:{wshHandle=Just wlsH=:{wlsHandle=wH}} tb = (wsH,tb) setwindowcancel _ _ _ = stdWindowFatalError "setWindowCancel" "unexpected window placeholder argument" setWindowCursor :: !Id CursorShape !(IOSt .l) -> IOSt .l setWindowCursor id shape ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = ioState # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID id) windows | not found = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState | otherwise # (wsH,ioState) = accIOToolbox (setwindowcursor shape wsH) ioState = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState where setwindowcursor :: !CursorShape !(WindowStateHandle .pst) !*OSToolbox -> (!WindowStateHandle .pst,!*OSToolbox) setwindowcursor shape wsH=:{wshIds={wPtr},wshHandle=Just wlsH=:{wlsHandle=wH}} tb # tb = osSetWindowCursor wPtr shape tb cursorAtt = WindowCursor shape (replaced,atts) = creplace isWindowCursor cursorAtt wH.whAtts atts = if replaced atts [cursorAtt:atts] = ({wsH & wshHandle=Just {wlsH & wlsHandle={wH & whAtts=atts}}},tb) setwindowcursor _ _ _ = stdWindowFatalError "setWindowCursor" "unexpected window placeholder argument" getWindowTitle :: !Id !(IOSt .l) -> (!Maybe Title,!IOSt .l) getWindowTitle id ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = (Nothing,ioState) # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID id) windows | not found = (Nothing,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState) | otherwise # (title,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowTitle wsH = (Just title,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState) getWindowOk :: !Id !(IOSt .l) -> (!Maybe Id,!IOSt .l) getWindowOk id ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = (Nothing,ioState) # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID id) windows | not found = (Nothing,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState) | otherwise # (okId,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleDefaultId wsH = (okId,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState) getWindowCancel :: !Id !(IOSt .l) -> (!Maybe Id,!IOSt .l) getWindowCancel id ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = (Nothing,ioState) # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID id) windows | not found = (Nothing,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState) | otherwise # (cancelId,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleCancelId wsH = (cancelId,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState) getWindowCursor :: !Id !(IOSt .l) -> (!Maybe CursorShape,!IOSt .l) getWindowCursor id ioState # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = (Nothing,ioState) # windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID id) windows | not found = (Nothing,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState) | otherwise # (shape,wsH) = getcursor wsH = (shape,ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows)) ioState) where getcursor :: !(WindowStateHandle .pst) -> (!Maybe CursorShape,!WindowStateHandle .pst) getcursor wsH=:{wshHandle=Just wlsH=:{wlsHandle={whAtts}}} = (if hasCursorAtt (Just (getWindowCursorAtt cursorAtt)) Nothing,wsH) where (hasCursorAtt,cursorAtt) = cselect isWindowCursor undef whAtts getcursor _ = stdWindowFatalError "getWindowCursor" "unexpected window placeholder argument"