implementation module StdPrintText import StdEnv, StdMaybe, StdPrint, StdPicture from StdFunc import seq emulateScr :== False NL13 :== '\xD' // carriage return NL10 :== '\xA' // linefeed /////////////// the CharStreams class ///////////////////////// :: *FileCharStream = { textFile :: !*File , pos :: !Int} fileToCharStream :: !*File -> *FileCharStream fileToCharStream file = { textFile=file, pos=0 } charStreamToFile :: !*FileCharStream -> *File charStreamToFile {textFile} = textFile class CharStreams cs where getChar :: !*cs -> (!Bool,!Char,!*cs) savePos :: !*cs -> *cs restorePos :: !*cs -> *cs eos :: !*cs -> (!Bool,!*cs) instance CharStreams FileCharStream where getChar tf=:{textFile=f} # (ok,ch,f) = freadc f = (ok,ch,{tf & textFile=f }) savePos tf=:{textFile=f} # (pos,f) = fposition f = { textFile=f, pos=pos } restorePos tf=:{textFile=f, pos} # (ok,f) = fseek f pos FSeekSet | not ok = abort "StdPrintText: fatal error: restorePos not succesful" = {tf & textFile=f } eos tf=:{textFile=f} # (end,f) = fend f = (end,{tf & textFile=f }) /////////////// tabbed Strings ///////////////////////// // Each element of a tabbed String is a substring and an x-coordinate, where the substring has to be printed // e.g. the string "Hello\tworld" could be as a tabbed string [("Hello",0),("world",10)] :: TabbedString :== [(!String, !Int)] //////////////// The State ///////////////////////////// :: *State userInfo charStream = { file :: !charStream, buffer :: !String, // the next line to print (but never longer than rO.noOfPix, see lastCh) wasWrapped :: !Bool, // whether contens of buffer is a line, which was wrapped before lastCh :: !Char, // contains the last character, that was read via freadLineP or evtlSkipLine pageNo :: !Int, // actual page number noDoneCopies :: !Int, // # copies done yet firstPageState :: Maybe FirstPageState, rO :: !ReadOnly userInfo // these values won't be altered } // lastChar contains either NL10, NL13, '\f' or ' ' (space). If it is a space, this means, that the line // was so long, that it couldn't be read to the end by freadLineP. The other values are used to handle // the different newline conventions on different platforms: // unix: 10 (decimal); dos: 13,10; mac: 13 // For dos formats, freadLineP will only read to the first delimiter (13). If the next line begins with 10, // this character will be skipped. // firstPageState will be initialized, when the first page in the range of pages will be printed. // After the first copy (= all pages in the range) will have been generated, the file, buffer, // wasWrapped, lastCh fields will be reset to the values in this record, so that the next copy is ready // to be printed. :: FirstPageState = { buffer` :: !String, wasWrapped` :: !Bool, lastCh` :: !Char } // ReadOnly fields are not altered ::ReadOnly userInfo = { printableSet :: !{#Bool}, // this array represents the set of all printable characters in the font topBsLn :: !Int, // first baseline of a page maxBsLn :: !Int, // text won't be drawn below this baseline eachPageDrawFunc:: userInfo Int *Picture -> *Picture, wrapMode :: !WrapMode, // eachPageDrawFunc, wrapMode and spacePerTab are given as parameters spacePerTab :: !Int, tabWidth :: Real, // width of tabulator in Pixels, annotating this strict won't work noOfPix :: !Int, // =inc (fst jobInfo.range) (horizontal width of page) maxCharWidth :: !Int, // the maximum length of a character in the given font font :: !Font, // the choosen font lineHeight :: !Int, // height of one line printInfo :: !PrintInfo, // ... userInfo :: userInfo } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// :: WrapMode :== Int NoWrap :== 0 LeftJustify :== 1 RightJustify :== 2 printText1 :: !Bool !WrapMode !FontDef !Int !*charStream !PrintSetup !*printEnv -> (!(!*charStream,!PrintSetup),!*printEnv) | CharStreams charStream & PrintEnvironments printEnv printText1 doDialog wrapMode fontDef spacesPerTab file printSetup printEnv = printText3 doDialog wrapMode fontDef spacesPerTab textRangeFunc eachPageDrawFunc file printSetup printEnv where textRangeFunc {printSetup} picture # { page={h} } = getPageDimensions printSetup emulateScr = (Nothing, (0,h-1), picture) eachPageDrawFunc _ _ picture = picture printText2 :: !String !String !Bool !WrapMode !FontDef !Int !*charStream !PrintSetup !*printEnv -> (!(!*charStream,!PrintSetup),!*printEnv) | CharStreams charStream & PrintEnvironments printEnv /* printText2 title page doDialog wrapMode fontDef=:(f1,f2,f3) spacesPerTab file printSetup printEnv = printText3 doDialog wrapMode fontDef spacesPerTab textRange eachPageDraw file printSetup printEnv where textRange {printSetup} picture # {page=(width,height)}= getPageDimensions printSetup emulateScr (_,font) = SelectFont f1 (f2++["Bold"]) f3 picture = SetFont font picture (metrics=:(fAscent,fDescent,fMaxWidth,fLeading),picture) = PictureFontMetrics picture lineHeight = fDescent + fAscent + fLeading beamHeight = 3*lineHeight/2 ascDesc = fAscent + fDescent baseLine = fAscent + (beamHeight-ascDesc)/2 = ( (beamHeight,baseLine,fMaxWidth,font,width,height), (2*lineHeight,height-1),picture) eachPageDraw (beamHeight,baseLine,maxwidth,font,width,height) pageNr picture # picture = SetFont font picture pageStr = page+++(toString pageNr) (pageStrWidth, picture) = PictureStringWidth pageStr picture = seq [ SetPenColour (RGB 0.75 0.75 0.75), FillRectangle ((0,0),(width,beamHeight)), SetPenColour BlackColour, MovePenTo (maxwidth,baseLine), DrawString title, MovePenTo (width-pageStrWidth-maxwidth,baseLine), DrawString pageStr ] picture */ printText2 title page doDialog wrapMode fontDef spacesPerTab file printSetup printEnv = printText3 doDialog wrapMode fontDef spacesPerTab textRange eachPageDraw file printSetup printEnv where textRange {printSetup} picture # {page={w=width,h=height}} = getPageDimensions printSetup emulateScr ((_,font),picture) = openFont { fontDef & fStyles=fontDef.fStyles++[BoldStyle]} picture picture = setPenFont font picture (metrics=:{fAscent,fDescent,fMaxWidth},picture) = getFontMetrics font picture lineHeight = fontLineHeight metrics beamHeight = 3*lineHeight/2 ascDesc = fAscent + fDescent baseLine = fAscent + (beamHeight-ascDesc)/2 = ( (beamHeight,baseLine,fMaxWidth,font,width,height), (2*lineHeight,height-1),picture) eachPageDraw (beamHeight,baseLine,maxwidth,font,width,height) pageNr picture # picture = setPenFont font picture pageStr = page+++(toString pageNr) (pageStrWidth, picture) = getFontStringWidth font pageStr picture = seq [ setPenColour LightGrey, fill { zero & corner2={ x=width, y=beamHeight} }, setPenColour Black, drawAt { x=maxwidth, y=baseLine} title, drawAt { x=width-pageStrWidth-maxwidth, y=baseLine} pageStr ] picture printText3 ::!Bool !WrapMode !FontDef !Int .(PrintInfo *Picture -> (state, (Int,Int), *Picture)) (state Int *Picture -> *Picture) !*charStream !PrintSetup !*printEnv -> (!(!*charStream,!PrintSetup),!*printEnv) | CharStreams charStream & PrintEnvironments printEnv printText3 doDialog wrapMode fontDef spacesPerTab textRangeFunc eachPageDrawFunc file printSetup printEnv # (alt, printEnv) = printPagePerPage doDialog emulateScr ( wrapMode, fontDef, spacesPerTab, textRangeFunc, eachPageDrawFunc, file ) initState pageTransition printSetup printEnv result = case alt of Cancelled (_,_,_,_,_,file) -> (file,printSetup) StartedPrinting { file, rO={printInfo={printSetup}}}-> (file,printSetup) = (result,printEnv) /////////////// initState ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //import StdDebug,dodebug //import print initState :: !*( .Int, FontDef, .Int, !.(PrintInfo -> .(*Picture -> *(userInfo,(.Int,.Int),*Picture))), (userInfo -> Int -> *Picture -> *Picture), *charStream ) !.PrintInfo *Picture -> *((.Bool,Point2),*(*State userInfo *charStream,*Picture)) | CharStreams charStream initState (wrapMode, fontDef, spacePerTab, textRangeFunc, eachPageDrawFunc, file) printInfo=:{ printSetup, jobInfo={range=(from`,to)} } picture # {page={w=width,h=height}} = getPageDimensions printSetup emulateScr (userInfo,(top, bot), picture) = textRangeFunc printInfo picture # ((_,font),picture) = openFont fontDef picture ({fAscent, fDescent, fMaxWidth, fLeading}, picture) = getFontMetrics font picture # lineHeight = fAscent + fDescent + fLeading // Check top and bot | top<0 || bot>height || top>bot = abort ("\nStdPrintText: wrong top and bottom values returned by function, which is the\n" +++ "fourth parameter of printText.\n") | bot-top+1NL10 && '\n'<>NL13) || width<0 = abort "StdPrintText.icl: I have a bug" # spacePerTab` = if (spacePerTab<0) 0 spacePerTab // ok # (space100Width, picture) = getFontStringWidth font (toString (spaces 100)) picture (charWidths, picture) = getFontCharWidths font [toChar i \\ i<-[0..255]] picture printableSet = { { width>0 \\ width<-charWidths } & [toInt '\t']=True } // '\t' is also "printable" // the space character has to be printable with this font | not printableSet.[toInt ' '] = abort "\nStdPrintText: error: the ASCII space character is not printable with this font.\n" # noOfPix = (width*995)/1000 // print only in 99.5 % of the page, because some drivers clip a small part // of the page in landscape mode // fill buffer with first line (buffer, lastCh, file) = freadLineP file printableSet ' ' noOfPix spacePerTab // eventually rest of first line has to be skipped skipToEoln = wrapMode==NoWrap && (not (isEoln lastCh)) (lastCh2,(eof,file)) = evtlSkipLine skipToEoln file state = { file=file, buffer=buffer, wasWrapped=False, lastCh=if skipToEoln lastCh2 lastCh, pageNo=1, noDoneCopies=0, firstPageState=Nothing, rO = { printableSet = printableSet, topBsLn=top+fLeading+fAscent-1, maxBsLn=bot-fDescent, eachPageDrawFunc=eachPageDrawFunc, wrapMode=wrapMode, spacePerTab=spacePerTab`, tabWidth=(toReal spacePerTab`)*((toReal space100Width)/100.0), noOfPix=noOfPix, maxCharWidth=fMaxWidth, font=font, lineHeight=lineHeight, printInfo=printInfo, userInfo=userInfo } } | (size buffer==0 && eof) || fMaxWidth>=noOfPix // check, whether the file is empty or font is too big = ((True,zeroOrigin),(state,picture)) | from`==1 && (size buffer>0 || not eof) // optimisation for the case, that it is shure, = ( (False,zeroOrigin), // that there is a page to print (state ,picture) ) // otherwise this has to be checked out first # ((_,_),(state=:{firstPageState}, picture)) = pageTransition (state,picture) | isNothing firstPageState = ((True,zeroOrigin),(state,picture)) # state = restore_position state // set current position back to beginning of first page to print = ((False,zeroOrigin),(state,picture)) /////////////////// pageTransition /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pageTransition :: *(*State userInfo *charStream,*Picture) -> *((.Bool,Point2),*(*State userInfo *charStream,*Picture)) | CharStreams charStream pageTransition (st=:{ pageNo, noDoneCopies, rO } ,picture) // it is assumed, that the buffer contains the next line to print # (from`,to) = rO.printInfo.jobInfo.range // if this is the first page, that will be printed in this job, then save the actual "state", // so this position in the text can be recovered, when the first pages of the following copies // are to be printed (important, e.g. if user chooses to print pages 400-402 twenty times) st = evtlUpdateFirstPageState (pageNo==from` && noDoneCopies==0) st pageInRange = from`<=pageNo && pageNo<=to // eventually apply the drawfunction for the header (and trailer) | pageInRange # picture = rO.eachPageDrawFunc rO.userInfo pageNo picture = continuation st picture from` to pageInRange =continuation st picture from` to pageInRange where continuation st picture from` to pageInRange # picture = seq [setPenColour Black, setPenFont rO.font] picture // draw the text of this page (eventually) (eof, st, picture) = drawLines st pageInRange rO.topBsLn picture eoCopy = eof || pageNo==to | eoCopy // another finished copy. Quit printing, if this was the last | st.noDoneCopies+1==rO.printInfo.jobInfo.copies = ((True,zeroOrigin), (st,picture)) // there are other copies left to do. Set position in file back to first page in range // (stored in firstPageState) # st = restore_position st = ((False,zeroOrigin), ({ st & noDoneCopies=inc st.noDoneCopies },picture)) // this was not the last page of the copy | pageInRange = ((False,zeroOrigin), ({ st & pageNo=inc st.pageNo }, picture)) = pageTransition ({ st & pageNo=inc st.pageNo }, picture) evtlUpdateFirstPageState :: .Bool *(State a *b) -> *State a *b | CharStreams b evtlUpdateFirstPageState False st = st evtlUpdateFirstPageState True st=:{ file, buffer, wasWrapped, lastCh } # file = savePos file = { st & file=file, firstPageState=Just { buffer`=buffer, wasWrapped`=wasWrapped, lastCh`=lastCh } } restore_position :: *(State a *b) -> *State a *b | CharStreams b restore_position st # { buffer`, wasWrapped`, lastCh`} = fromJust st.firstPageState file = restorePos st.file = { st & file=file, buffer=buffer`, wasWrapped=wasWrapped`, lastCh=lastCh`, pageNo=fst st.rO.printInfo.jobInfo.range } /////////////////////// drawLines /////////////////////////////////////// drawLines :: *(State a *b) Bool Int *Picture -> *(.Bool,*State a *b,*Picture) | CharStreams b; drawLines st=:{ lastCh, rO } reallyDraw topBsLn picture // it is assumed, that the buffer contains the next line to print // further on, this function will return a state, in which the buffer contains the next line to print // drawlines draws the further text into one page between the y-coordinates top an It // returns a state, that reflects // this change. It further returns, whether the last line of the file was printed. // print next line, depending on wrapMode | rO.wrapMode==NoWrap = continuation (drawLineNoWrap st reallyDraw topBsLn picture) = continuation (drawLineWrap st reallyDraw topBsLn picture) where continuation (st=:{ file, buffer }, picture) // check for end of file # (eof, file) = eos file st = { st & file=file } | size buffer==0 && eof = (True, st, picture) // check, whether the drawn line ended with a form feed | lastCh=='\f' = (False, st, picture) // check, whether the page is full # nextBsLn = topBsLn+rO.lineHeight | nextBsLn>rO.maxBsLn = (False, st, picture) // there are still lines to be printed on this page, so do it = drawLines st reallyDraw nextBsLn picture /////////////////////// drawLineWrap /////////////////////////////////////// drawLineWrap :: *(State a *b) .Bool .Int *Picture -> *(*State a *b,*Picture) | CharStreams b drawLineWrap st=:{ buffer, wasWrapped, rO } reallyDraw y picture // it is assumed, that the buffer contains the next line to print // further on, this function will return a state, in which the buffer contains the next line to print // This function prints the current line, if the current page is in the print range (indicated by reallyDraw) // get the number of characters of buffer, which maximally will fit into the current line # (fittingLength, picture) = splitString buffer rO.noOfPix rO.maxCharWidth rO.tabWidth rO.font picture // print this substring, if the current page is in the print range | reallyDraw // split (buffer % (0,fittingLength-1) into parts, which are delimited by tabs # ((width,tString), picture) = splitInTabs buffer fittingLength rO.tabWidth rO.font picture offset = if (wasWrapped && rO.wrapMode==RightJustify) (rO.noOfPix-width-1) 0 // draw ! picture = drawTabbedString tString offset y picture = continuation fittingLength y picture // don't draw anything = continuation fittingLength y picture where continuation fittingLength y picture // fill the buffer with the next line to draw | fittingLength *(*State a *b,*Picture) | CharStreams b drawLineNoWrap st=:{ buffer, rO } reallyDraw y picture // it is assumed, that the buffer contains the next line to print // further on, this function will return a state, in which the buffer contains the next line to print // This function prints the current line, if the current page is in the print range (indicated by reallyDraw) | reallyDraw // split buffer into parts, which are delimited by tabs # ((_,tString), picture) = splitInTabs buffer (size buffer) rO.tabWidth rO.font picture // draw ! picture = drawTabbedString tString 0 y picture = continuation y picture // don't draw anything = continuation y picture where continuation y picture // fill the buffer with the next line to draw # (newBuffer, lastCh, file) = freadLineP st.file rO.printableSet st.lastCh rO.noOfPix rO.spacePerTab skipToEoln = not (isEoln lastCh) (lastCh2,(_,file)) = evtlSkipLine skipToEoln file = ({ st & file=file, buffer=newBuffer, wasWrapped=False, lastCh=if skipToEoln lastCh2 lastCh }, picture) evtlSkipLine :: !Bool !*charStream -> (!Char, (!Bool, !*charStream)) | CharStreams charStream // iff first parameter True, then skip characters until next newline, give back last character & eof evtlSkipLine False file = (' ',eos file) evtlSkipLine _ file = skipLine file where skipLine file # (ok, char, file) = getChar file | not ok = (NL13, (True,file)) | isEoln char = (char, (False,file)) = skipLine file ////////////// freadLineP /////////////////////////////////////////////////// freadLineP :: !*charStream !{#Bool} !Char !Int !Int -> (!String, !Char, !*charStream) | CharStreams charStream freadLineP file printableSet lastCh max spacePerTab // reads the next line from the file, but not more than max characters. A line is at it's end, // when NL10,NL13, or '\f' occurs. The returned String won't contain this character, it will be // returned in the Char field instead. If the // line is longer than max, then the returned String will contain only max characters, and the // returned Char will be a space. // This function skips trailing spaces of a line, and replaces some leading spaces with the right // number of tabs (because the Mac has difficulties in printing spaces with big fonts) # (ok,ch,file) = getChar file | not ok = ("",NL13,file) | lastCh==NL13 && ch==NL10 = freadLineP file printableSet ' ' max spacePerTab // this is DOS format. Skip first character | isEoln ch = ("",ch,file) // the line is empty # (charList,lastCh2,file) = readA file (dec max) [] charList2 = if (isEoln lastCh2) (dropWhile (\ch -> ch==' ' || ch=='\t') charList) // skip trailing spaces charList charList3 = replaceLeadingSpaces [ch:reverse charList2] = ({ ch \\ ch<-charList3 }, lastCh2, file) where readA file 0 akku = (akku,' ',file) readA file i akku # (ok,ch,file) = getChar file | not ok // an eof will terminate the line = (akku,NL13,file) | isEoln ch = (akku,ch,file) = readA file (dec i) [changeUnprintable ch:akku] changeUnprintable ch | printableSet.[toInt ch] = ch = ' ' replaceLeadingSpaces l #! (leadingChars, rest) = span (\ch-> ch==' ') l nrLeadingChars = length leadingChars = (repeatn (nrLeadingChars/spacePerTab) '\t')++(repeatn (nrLeadingChars rem spacePerTab) ' ')++rest //////////// splitString ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* splitString :: !String !Int !Int !Real !*Picture -> (!Int, !*Picture) splitString str noOfPix maxCharWidth tabWidth pict // returns the maximum number of characters of str that fit into the picture of width noOfPix // contains optimisation: checks, whether the line is that short, // that it doesn't depend on the characters, whether it fits into the picture. // str` is a string made out of str by replacing all tabs width the maximal number of spaces # noOfTabs = length [ tab \\ tab <-: str | tab=='\t'] strWidth = ((size str) - noOfTabs)*maxCharWidth + noOfTabs*(ceil tabWidth) | strWidth<=noOfPix = (size str, pict) # ((width,_), pict) = splitInTabs str (size str) tabWidth pict | width<=noOfPix = (size str, pict) # fitGuaranteed = maxList [0, (noOfPix - noOfTabs*(ceil tabWidth))/maxCharWidth] // a save estimation: this number of characters will savely fit into the range = splitLoop str noOfPix fitGuaranteed (size str) tabWidth pict splitLoop :: !String !Int !Int !Int !Real !*Picture -> (!Int, !*Picture) splitLoop str noOfPix fit doesntFit tabWidth pict // (str % (0,fit-1)) fits into the picture, but (str % (0,doesntFit-1)) doesn't. // returns the maximum number of characters of str that fit into the picture of width noOfPix. | (inc fit)==doesntFit = (fit, pict) # middle = (fit+doesntFit)/2 ((width,_), pict) = splitInTabs str middle tabWidth pict | width>noOfPix = splitLoop str noOfPix fit middle tabWidth pict = splitLoop str noOfPix middle doesntFit tabWidth pict */ splitString :: !String !Int !Int !Real !Font !*Picture -> (!Int, !*Picture) splitString str noOfPix maxCharWidth tabWidth font pict // returns the maximum number of characters of str that fit into the picture of width noOfPix // contains optimisation: checks, whether the line is that short, // that it doesn't depend on the characters, whether it fits into the picture. // str` is a string made out of str by replacing all tabs width the maximal number of spaces # noOfTabs = length [ tab \\ tab <-: str | tab=='\t'] strWidth = ((size str) - noOfTabs)*maxCharWidth + noOfTabs*(ceil tabWidth) | strWidth<=noOfPix = (size str, pict) # ((width,_), pict) = splitInTabs str (size str) tabWidth font pict | width<=noOfPix = (size str, pict) # fitGuaranteed = maxList [0, (noOfPix - noOfTabs*(ceil tabWidth))/maxCharWidth] // a save estimation: this number of characters will savely fit into the range = splitLoop str noOfPix fitGuaranteed (size str) tabWidth font pict splitLoop :: !String !Int !Int !Int !Real !Font !*Picture -> (!Int, !*Picture) splitLoop str noOfPix fit doesntFit tabWidth font pict // (str % (0,fit-1)) fits into the picture, but (str % (0,doesntFit-1)) doesn't. // returns the maximum number of characters of str that fit into the picture of width noOfPix. | (inc fit)==doesntFit = (fit, pict) # middle = (fit+doesntFit)/2 ((width,_), pict) = splitInTabs str middle tabWidth font pict | width>noOfPix = splitLoop str noOfPix fit middle tabWidth font pict = splitLoop str noOfPix middle doesntFit tabWidth font pict ////////////////// tabbed Strings //////////////////////////////////////////////// splitInTabs :: !String !Int !Real !Font !*Picture -> ( (Int, TabbedString), !*Picture) splitInTabs str length tabWidth font picture // returns the width of the substring (str % (0,length-1)) and that substring in tabbed form # strList = parts str 0 (length-1) [] // contains at least 1 element (widths, picture) = getFontStringWidths font strList picture (sumWidth,beginPos) = getBeginningPos widths 0 [] =( (sumWidth, zip (strList, beginPos)), picture) where parts str min max akku # nextTabPos = searchTab str min max | nextTabPos== max+1 = reverse [ str % (min,max) : akku] = parts str (inc nextTabPos) max [ str % (min,nextTabPos-1) :akku] searchTab str pos max | pos == max+1 = pos | str.[pos]=='\t' = pos = searchTab str (inc pos) max getBeginningPos :: ![Int] !Int ![Int] -> (!Int, ![Int]) getBeginningPos [width] sum akku= (width+sum,reverse [sum:akku]) getBeginningPos [width:rest] sum akku # nextTabNr = ceil ( ( (toReal (sum+(if (width<=0) 1 width))) / tabWidth) + roundErrorCorrection) nextTabPos = toInt ((toReal nextTabNr)*tabWidth) = getBeginningPos rest nextTabPos [sum:akku] where roundErrorCorrection = 0.05 // this value is introduced, because otherwise the CleanIDE Editor and this printing // routine would generate different output. The following could happen without this // correction: width=499, and tabWidth=100 -> the inserted tab would be one pixel // wide -> it looks, as if it was "forgotten" to print this tab. drawTabbedString :: !TabbedString !Int !Int !*Picture -> *Picture drawTabbedString [] offset y picture = picture drawTabbedString [(subStr,x):rest] offset y picture = drawTabbedString rest offset y (drawAt { x=x+offset,y=y } subStr picture) ////////////////// misc ////////////////////////////////////////// ceil :: !Real -> Int ceil r // = ~ (entier (~r)) doesn't work, e.g.: ceil 3.0 = 4 !!! # round = toInt r diff = r - (toReal round) | diff > 0.0 = inc round = round // a form feed counts as an ended line isEoln ch :== ch==NL10 || ch==NL13 || ch=='\f' zeroOrigin :== { x=0, y=0 }