definition module osbitmap // Clean object I/O library, version 1.2 import ospicture :: Bitmap :: OSBitmap toBitmap :: !OSBitmap -> Bitmap fromBitmap :: !Bitmap -> OSBitmap // osReadBitmap reads a bitmap from a file. osReadBitmap :: !*File -> (!Bool,!OSBitmap,!*File) // osGetBitmapSize returns the size of the bitmap osGetBitmapSize :: !OSBitmap -> (!Int,!Int) // osGetBitmapContent returns the content string of the bitmap osGetBitmapContent :: !OSBitmap -> {#Char} // osGetBitmapHandle returns the handle of the bitmap osGetBitmapHandle :: !OSBitmap -> Int /* osResizeBitmap (w,h) bitmap resizes the argument bitmap to the given size. It is assumed that w and h are not negative. */ osResizeBitmap :: !(!Int,!Int) !OSBitmap -> OSBitmap /* osDrawBitmap bitmap pos origin isScreenOutput pictContext draws the argument bitmap with the left top corner at pos, given the current origin and drawing context. The isScreenOutput MUST be False when producing printer output. For screen output this is not the case, but setting it to True is much more efficient. */ osDrawBitmap :: !OSBitmap !(!Int,!Int) !(!Int,!Int) !Bool !OSPictContext !*OSToolbox -> (!OSPictContext,!*OSToolbox)