implementation module windowevent /* windowevent defines the DeviceEventFunction for the window device. This function is placed in a separate module because it is platform dependent. */ import StdBool, StdFunc, StdList, StdMisc, StdTuple from ostypes import OSNoWindowPtr import commondef, controlcreate, deviceevents, iostate, windowaccess from StdControlAttribute import isControlKeyboard, getControlKeyboardAtt, isControlMouse, getControlMouseAtt, isControlActivate, isControlDeactivate from StdWindowAttribute import isWindowKeyboard, getWindowKeyboardAtt, isWindowMouse, getWindowMouseAtt, isWindowCursor, getWindowCursorAtt import StdPSt import menudevice import osrgn,oswindow,ossystem import osevent import events,windows import mouseevent, keyboardevent,osutil import inputtracking, keyfocus import windowcursor from controls import InPageUp, InPageDown, InUpButton, InDownButton, HiliteControl, :: ControlHandle, TestControl //import dodebug trace_n _ g :== g windoweventFatalError :: String String -> .x windoweventFatalError function error = fatalError function "windowevent" error /* windowEvent filters the scheduler events that can be handled by this window device. For the time being no timer controls are added, so these events are ignored. windowEvent assumes that it is not applied to an empty IOSt. */ windowEvent :: !SchedulerEvent !(PSt .l) -> (!Bool,!Maybe DeviceEvent,!SchedulerEvent,!PSt .l) windowEvent schedulerEvent pState # (hasDevice,pState) = accPIO (ioStHasDevice WindowDevice) pState | not hasDevice // This condition should never occur: WindowDevice must have been 'installed' = windoweventFatalError "WindowFunctions.dEvent" "could not retrieve WindowSystemState from IOSt" | otherwise = windowEvent schedulerEvent pState where windowEvent :: !SchedulerEvent !(PSt .l) -> (!Bool,!Maybe DeviceEvent,!SchedulerEvent,!PSt .l) windowEvent schedulerEvent=:(ScheduleOSEvent osEvent=:(_,what,mess,_,_,_,_) _) pState=:{io=ioState} | not (isWindowOSEvent what) = (False,Nothing,schedulerEvent,pState) | otherwise # (_,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState # (wMetrics, ioState) = ioStGetOSWindowMetrics ioState windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice # pState = {pState & io=ioState} (myEvent,replyToOS,deviceEvent,pState) = filterOSEvent wMetrics osEvent windows pState schedulerEvent = case replyToOS of (Just rosEvent) -> ScheduleOSEvent osEvent rosEvent _ -> schedulerEvent = (myEvent,deviceEvent,schedulerEvent,pState) where // isWindowOSEvent :: !Int -> Bool isWindowOSEvent UpdateEvent = True isWindowOSEvent MouseDownEvent = True isWindowOSEvent NullEvent = True isWindowOSEvent MouseUpEvent = True isWindowOSEvent KeyDownEvent = True isWindowOSEvent KeyUpEvent = True isWindowOSEvent AutoKeyEvent = True isWindowOSEvent ActivateEvent = True isWindowOSEvent OsEvent = True isWindowOSEvent _ = False windowEvent schedulerEvent=:(ScheduleMsgEvent msgEvent) pState=:{io=ioState} # (ioId,ioState) = ioStGetIOId ioState | ioId<>recLoc.rlIOId || recLoc.rlDevice<>WindowDevice = (False,Nothing,schedulerEvent,{pState & io=ioState}) | otherwise # (_,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice (found,windows) = hasWindowHandlesWindow (toWID recLoc.rlParentId) windows deviceEvent = if found (Just (ReceiverEvent msgEvent)) Nothing # ioState = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows) ioState # pState = {pState & io=ioState} = (found,deviceEvent,schedulerEvent,pState) where recLoc = getMsgEventRecLoc msgEvent windowEvent schedulerEvent pState = (False,Nothing,schedulerEvent,pState) /* filterOSEvent filters the OSEvents that can be handled by this window device. */ filterOSEvent :: !OSWindowMetrics !OSEvent !(WindowHandles (PSt .l)) !(PSt .l) -> (!Bool,!Maybe [Int],!Maybe DeviceEvent, !(PSt .l)) filterOSEvent wMetrics event=:(_,what,mess,when,h,v,mods) windows pState # (wPtr,pState) = accPIO(accIOToolbox (\tb -> case what of MouseDownEvent # (_,wPtr,tb) = FindWindow h v tb -> (wPtr,tb) MouseUpEvent -> FrontWindow tb KeyDownEvent -> FrontWindow tb KeyUpEvent -> FrontWindow tb AutoKeyEvent -> FrontWindow tb NullEvent -> FrontWindow tb OsEvent -> FrontWindow tb UpdateEvent -> (mess, tb) ActivateEvent -> (mess, tb) )) pState # (isMyWindow,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID wPtr) windows # (lastIO, pState) = accPIO ioStLastInteraction pState // # pState = case what of // MouseDownEvent -> trace_n ("filter",isMyWindow) pState // _ -> pState // # pState = trace_n ("filterOSEvent",what) pState // # pState = DebugStr ("filterOSEvent:"+++showEvent event) pState // | True = abort "windowevent:filterOSEvent\n" | not isMyWindow && lastIO # pState = appPIO checkBeep pState //* Waarom gebeurde dit? cq waarom lopen we net te doen of we updates afhandelen die helemaal // niet voor ons zijn? Ging in ieder geval mis bij meerdere processen, i.e. bounce. # pState = appPIO (appIOToolbox checkUpdate) pState //*/ # pState = trace_n ("windowevent:filterOSEvent: not my window & lastIO",wPtr) pState # pState = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows)) pState = (False,Nothing,Nothing,pState) with checkUpdate :: !*OSToolbox -> *OSToolbox checkUpdate tb | what==UpdateEvent = EndUpdate mess (BeginUpdate mess tb) = tb checkBeep :: !(IOSt .l) -> IOSt .l checkBeep ioState # (optModal,ioState) = ioStGetIOIsModal ioState | isJust optModal && what==MouseDownEvent = beep ioState = ioState | not isMyWindow # pState = trace_n ("windowevent:filterOSEvent: not my window",wPtr,showEvent event) pState # pState = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows)) pState = (False,Nothing,Nothing,pState) | what==NullEvent // #! pState = trace_n ("NullEvent",h,v,when) pState = windowNullIO wMetrics event wsH windows pState | what==OsEvent | (mess >> 24) bitand 0xFF == MouseMovedMessage // #! pState = trace_n ("MouseMovedEvent",h,v,when) pState = windowMouseMovedIO wMetrics event wsH windows pState // Suspend/Resume event skip and leave for processdevice # windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows # pState = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows)) pState = (False,Nothing,Nothing,pState) | what==MouseDownEvent #! pState = trace_n ("MouseDownEvent",h,v,when) pState = windowMouseDownIO wMetrics wsH event windows pState | what==MouseUpEvent #! pState = trace_n ("MouseUpEvent",h,v,when) pState = windowMouseUpIO event wsH windows pState | what==KeyDownEvent || what==KeyUpEvent || what==AutoKeyEvent #! pState = trace_n ("windowevent: KeyboardEvent") pState = windowKeyboardIO wsH event windows pState | what==UpdateEvent #! pState = trace_n ("windowevent: UpdateEvent") pState = windowUpdateIO wsH event windows pState | what==ActivateEvent # pState = trace_n ("ActivateEvent",wPtr) pState = windowActivateIO wsH event windows pState #! pState = trace_n ("windowevent: Cant get here?",showEvent event) pState # windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows # pState = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows)) pState = (False,Nothing,Nothing,pState) /* Handling an ActivateEvent for a window. */ windowActivateIO wsH=:{wshHandle = Just wlsH=:{wlsHandle={whWindowInfo,whAtts,whMode}}} event=:(_,_,wPtr,_,h,v,mods) windows pState // /* # pState = trace_n ("ActivateEvent",wPtr,activated) pState # (found,activeModal,windows) = getWindowHandlesActiveModalDialog windows with getWindowHandlesActiveModalDialog :: !(WindowHandles .pst) -> *(!Bool,!Maybe WIDS,!WindowHandles .pst) getWindowHandlesActiveModalDialog wHs=:{whsWindows=[]} = (True,Nothing,wHs) getWindowHandlesActiveModalDialog wHs=:{whsWindows=[wsH:wsHs]} # (mode,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowMode wsH | isNothing mode = (False,Nothing,{wHs & whsWindows=[wsH:wsHs]}) # mode = fromJust mode | mode<>Modal = (True,Nothing,{wHs & whsWindows=[wsH:wsHs]}) | otherwise # (wids,wsH)= getWindowStateHandleWIDS wsH = (True,Just wids,{wHs & whsWindows=[wsH:wsHs]}) getWindowStateHandleWindowMode :: !(WindowStateHandle .pst) -> *(!Maybe WindowMode,!WindowStateHandle .pst) getWindowStateHandleWindowMode wsH=:{wshHandle=Just {wlsHandle={whMode}}} = (Just whMode,wsH) getWindowStateHandleWindowMode wsH=:{wshHandle=Nothing} = (Nothing,wsH) | found && activated && (isJust activeModal) && ((fromJust activeModal).wPtr <> wPtr) // # (wids,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWIDS wsH //@@ # windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows // # (windows, pState) = activateFocus activated wids windows pState //@@ # pState = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows)) pState = trace_n ("a ha",wPtr) (True,Nothing,Nothing,pState) // | not found && mode == Modal // | True = abort "winActivate" # (isActiveProcess,pState) = accPIO ioStIsActive pState # pState = case isActiveProcess of True -> pState False # pState = appPIO activateMenuSystem pState # pState = appPIO (appIOToolbox (osSetCursorShape StandardCursor)) pState -> pState // */ # (active,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleActive wsH | active == activated // The window is already active or inactive, skip # (wids,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWIDS wsH //@@ # windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows # (windows, pState) = activateFocus activated wids windows pState //@@ # pState = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows)) pState # pState = trace_n ("already in same state..") pState = (True,Nothing,Nothing,pState) | otherwise # (wids,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWIDS wsH # windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows # (activeModal,windows) = getWindowHandlesActiveModalDialog windows # (activeWindow,windows)= getWindowHandlesActiveWindow windows | activated = case activeWindow of (Just awids) # (windows, pState) = activateFocus False awids windows pState # pState = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows)) pState -> (True,Nothing,Just (WindowDeactivation awids),appPIO (bufferOSEvent event) pState) Nothing -> case activeModal of (Just _) // # windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows # (windows, pState) = activateFocus True wids windows pState # pState = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows)) pState // gaat dit niet fout als we actief worden door een geneste modale dialoog die sluit? -> (True,Nothing,Just (WindowInitialise wids),pState) _ // # (windows,ioState) = confirmcursorinfo h v wPtr cursor clipRgn windows // # pState = {pState & io = ioState} // # windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows # (windows, pState) = activateFocus True wids windows pState # pState = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows)) pState -> trace_n ("WindowActivation",wPtr) (True,Nothing,Just (WindowActivation wids),pState) = case activeWindow of (Just awids) // must be true and == wids ??? # (windows, pState) = activateFocus False wids windows pState # pState = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows)) pState // -> (True,Nothing,if (isJust activeModal) Nothing (Just (WindowDeactivation wids)),pState) -> (True,Nothing,if (isJust activeModal) Nothing (Just (WindowDeactivation wids)),pState) Nothing # pState = trace_n ("no active window..") pState # pState = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows)) pState -> (True,Nothing,Nothing,pState) where activated = mods bitand 1<>0 cursor = getCursor whAtts clipRgn = case whWindowInfo of (WindowInfo {windowClip}) -> windowClip.clipRgn _ -> fst (osnewrgn 42) // hack! getCursor :: ![WindowAttribute .ps] -> CursorShape getCursor atts # opt_shape = getcursorAtt atts | isNothing opt_shape = StandardCursor = fromJust opt_shape getcursorAtt :: ![WindowAttribute .ps] -> Maybe CursorShape getcursorAtt atts | hasAtt = Just (getWindowCursorAtt cursorAtt) = Nothing where (hasAtt,cursorAtt) = cselect isWindowCursor (WindowCursor StandardCursor) atts activateFocus :: !Bool !WIDS !*(WindowHandles .a) !*(PSt .b) -> *(!*(WindowHandles .a),!*(PSt .b)) activateFocus activate wids windows pState # (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID wids) windows # (keyFocus,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleKeyFocus wsH #! numItems = length keyFocus.kfItems # pState = trace_n ("activateFocus!",activate,numItems) pState # (focusItem,keyFocus) = getCurrentFocusItem keyFocus # (oldFocus,newFocus) = case activate of True -> (Nothing, focusItem) _ -> (focusItem, Nothing) # clipRect = {rleft=0,rtop=0,rright=0,rbottom=0} # (wsH,pState) = changeFocus False oldFocus newFocus wids.wPtr clipRect wsH pState # wsH = setWindowStateHandleKeyFocus keyFocus wsH # windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows = (windows, pState) /* initialFocus wids windows pState # (found,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID wids) windows # (keyFocus,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleKeyFocus wsH # pState = trace_n ("initialFocus!") pState # (focusItem,keyFocus) = getCurrentFocusItem keyFocus # (oldFocus,newFocus) = (Nothing, focusItem) # clipRect = {rleft=0,rtop=0,rright=0,rbottom=0} # (wsH,pState) = changeFocus False oldFocus newFocus wids.wPtr clipRect wsH pState # wsH = setWindowStateHandleKeyFocus keyFocus wsH # windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows = (windows, pState) */ bufferOSEvent :: !OSEvent !(IOSt .l) -> IOSt .l bufferOSEvent event ioState # (osEvents,ioState) = ioStGetEvents ioState osEvents = osInsertEvents [event] osEvents = ioStSetEvents osEvents ioState /* Handling a MouseUpEvent for a window. */ windowMouseUpIO event=:(_,_,_,_,h,v,mods) wsH=:{wshIds=wshIds=:{wPtr}} windows pState # (active,pState) = accPIO ioStIsActive pState # (returnEvent,wsH,pState) = handleMouseUpEvent active h v mods wsH pState # windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows # pState = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows)) pState = (True, Nothing,returnEvent,pState) where handleMouseUpEvent active h v mods wsH pState | not active = (Nothing,wsH,pState) # (inputTrack,pState) = accPIO ioStGetInputTrack pState | isNothing inputTrack = (Nothing,wsH,pState) # {itWindow,itControl,itKind={itkMouse}} = fromJust inputTrack # inputTrack = untrackMouse inputTrack # (si,inputTrack) = untrackSlider inputTrack # pState = appPIO (ioStSetInputTrack inputTrack) pState # pState = appPIO (appIOToolbox stopTracking) pState # pState = case si of (Just {stiControl,stiPart=InUpButton}) -> appPIO (appIOToolbox (appClipped wPtr (HiliteControl stiControl 0))) pState (Just {stiControl,stiPart=InDownButton}) -> appPIO (appIOToolbox (appClipped wPtr (HiliteControl stiControl 0))) pState _ -> pState | not itkMouse = (Nothing,wsH,pState) | itWindow <> wPtr // generate MouseLost??? -> need way to find WIDS from wPtr // # mState = MouseLost // # returnEvent = WindowMouseAction {wmWIDS=toWIDS itWindow,wmMouseState= mState} // = (Just returnEvent,wsH,pState) = (Nothing,wsH,pState) | itControl == 0 = handleMouseUpEvent` h v mods wsH pState = controlMouseUpEvent itControl h v mods wsH pState where // handleMouseMoveEvent` :: !Int !Int !Int !(DialogStateHandle (PSt .l .p)) !(PSt .l .p) -> PSt .l .p // en mouse move in control dan...? // controleren in input track... handleMouseUpEvent` h v mods wsH=:{wshIds,wshHandle=Just dlsH=:{wlsHandle=wlsH=:{whWindowInfo,whSelect,whAtts}}} pState | not whSelect = (Nothing,wsH,pState) | not hasMouse || not (enabled select)= (Nothing,wsH,pState) | not (filter mState) = (Nothing,wsH,pState1) = (Just returnEvent,wsH,pState1)//pState3 where whOrigin = case whWindowInfo of (WindowInfo {windowOrigin}) -> windowOrigin _ -> zero (hasMouse,mouse) = cselect isWindowMouse (WindowMouse (const False) Unable k`) whAtts (filter,select,_) = getWindowMouseAtt mouse (localPos,pState1) = accPIO (accIOToolbox (accGrafport wPtr (GlobalToLocal {x=h,y=v}))) pState modifiers = toModifiers mods mState = MouseUp (whOrigin+localPos) modifiers returnEvent = WindowMouseAction {wmWIDS=wshIds,wmMouseState= mState} controlMouseUpEvent itControl h v mods wsH=:{wshIds,wshHandle=Just dlsH=:{wlsHandle=wlsH=:{whWindowInfo,whSelect,whAtts,whItems}}} pState // find control // check mouse filter // return event # (found,(itemPtr,itemKind),whItems) = getItemPtrAndKind itControl whItems | trace_n ("controlMouseUpEvent",itControl,itemPtr) False = undef # wsH={wsH & wshHandle=Just {dlsH & wlsHandle={wlsH & whItems = whItems}}} # controlInfo = Just (ControlMouseAction {cmWIDS=wshIds,cmItemNr=itControl,cmItemPtr=itemPtr,cmMouseState=mouseState}) // = (Nothing,wsH,pState) = (controlInfo,wsH,pState1) where whOrigin = case whWindowInfo of (WindowInfo {windowOrigin}) -> windowOrigin _ -> zero mouseState = MouseUp (whOrigin+localPos) modifiers (localPos,pState1) = accPIO (accIOToolbox (accGrafport wPtr (GlobalToLocal {x=h,y=v}))) pState modifiers = toModifiers mods getItemPtrAndKind :: !Int [WElementHandle .ls .ps] -> (!Bool,!(!OSWindowPtr,!ControlKind),[WElementHandle .ls .ps]) getItemPtrAndKind itemNr [] = (False,(OSNoWindowPtr,IsOtherControl "NoControl"),[]) getItemPtrAndKind itemNr [itemH:itemHs] # (found,result,itemH) = getItemPtrAndKindFromItem itemNr itemH | found = (found,result,[itemH:itemHs]) | otherwise # (found,result,itemHs) = getItemPtrAndKind itemNr itemHs = (found,result,[itemH:itemHs]) where getItemPtrAndKindFromItems :: !Int (WElementHandle .ls .ps) -> (!Bool,!(!OSWindowPtr,!ControlKind),WElementHandle .ls .ps) getItemPtrAndKindFromItems itemNr (WItemHandle itemH=:{wItems}) # (found,result,items) = getItemPtrAndKind itemNr wItems = (found,result,WItemHandle {itemH & wItems = items}) getItemPtrAndKindFromItem :: !Int (WElementHandle .ls .ps) -> (!Bool,!(!OSWindowPtr,!ControlKind),(WElementHandle .ls .ps)) getItemPtrAndKindFromItem itemNr (WItemHandle itemH=:{wItemNr,wItemKind,wItemPtr,wItemInfo}) | wItemNr == itemNr = case wItemKind of IsPopUpControl -> (isJust (getWItemPopUpInfo wItemInfo).popUpInfoEdit,(wItemNr,wItemKind),WItemHandle itemH) IsCompoundControl -> (True,(wItemPtr,wItemKind),WItemHandle itemH) IsCustomControl -> (True,(wItemPtr,wItemKind),WItemHandle itemH) IsEditControl -> (True,(wItemPtr,wItemKind),WItemHandle itemH) _ -> (False,(OSNoWindowPtr,IsButtonControl),WItemHandle itemH) = case wItemKind of IsCompoundControl -> getItemPtrAndKindFromItems itemNr (WItemHandle itemH) IsLayoutControl -> getItemPtrAndKindFromItems itemNr (WItemHandle itemH) _ -> (False,(OSNoWindowPtr,IsButtonControl),WItemHandle itemH) getItemPtrAndKindFromItem itemNr (WListLSHandle itemHs) # (found,result,itemHs) = getItemPtrAndKind itemNr itemHs = (found,result,WListLSHandle itemHs) getItemPtrAndKindFromItem itemNr (WExtendLSHandle wExH=:{wExtendItems=itemHs}) # (found,result,itemHs) = getItemPtrAndKind itemNr itemHs = (found,result,WExtendLSHandle {wExH & wExtendItems=itemHs}) getItemPtrAndKindFromItem itemNr (WChangeLSHandle wChH=:{wChangeItems=itemHs}) # (found,result,itemHs) = getItemPtrAndKind itemNr itemHs = (found,result,WChangeLSHandle {wChH & wChangeItems=itemHs}) /* Handling a NullEvent for a window. */ //windowNullIO :: !OSWindowMetrics !Event !(PSt .l .p) -> PSt .l .p windowNullIO wMetrics event=:(_,_,_,when,h,v,mods) wsH=:{wshIds=wshIds=:{wPtr}} windows pState # (active,ioState) = ioStIsActive // (windows,ioState) = checkcursorinfo h v wPtr windows ioState // in windowcursor (wsH,ioState) = checkcaretblink wMetrics active wsH ioState pState = {pState & io=ioState} // pState = handleASyncWindowReceivers pState (returnEvent,wsH,pState)= handleMouseMoveEvent True active h v when mods wsH pState # windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows # pState = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows)) pState = (True, Nothing,returnEvent,pState) windowMouseMovedIO wMetrics event=:(_,_,_,when,h,v,mods) wsH=:{wshIds=wshIds=:{wPtr}} windows pState # (active,ioState) = ioStIsActive // (windows,ioState) = checkcursorinfo h v wPtr windows ioState // in windowcursor (wsH,ioState) = checkcaretblink wMetrics active wsH ioState pState = {pState & io=ioState} // pState = handleASyncWindowReceivers pState (returnEvent,wsH,pState)= handleMouseMoveEvent False active h v when mods wsH pState # windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows # pState = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows)) pState = (True, Nothing,returnEvent,pState) // handleMouseMoveEvent :: !Bool !Int !Int !Int !(PSt .l) -> PSt .l handleMouseMoveEvent isNull active h v when mods wsH=:{wshIds=wshIds=:{wPtr}} pState | not active = (Nothing,wsH,pState) # pState = trace_n ("handleMouseMoveEvent",isNull) pState # (inputTrack,pState) = accPIO ioStGetInputTrack pState | isNothing inputTrack | isNull # pState = appPIO (ioStSetInputTrack inputTrack) pState = (Nothing,wsH,pState) = handleMouseMoveEvent` h v mods wsH pState # inputTrack = fromJust inputTrack # {itWindow,itControl,itKind={itkMouse,itkSlider}} = inputTrack | not (itkMouse || isJust itkSlider) | isNull # pState = appPIO (ioStSetInputTrack (Just inputTrack)) pState = (Nothing,wsH,pState) = handleMouseMoveEvent` h v mods wsH pState | itWindow <> wPtr // generate MouseLost??? -> need way to find WIDS from wPtr # inputTrack = untrackMouse (Just inputTrack) # (sti,inputTrack) = untrackSlider inputTrack # pState = appPIO (ioStSetInputTrack inputTrack) pState # pState = case sti of (Just {stiControl,stiPart=InUpButton}) -> appPIO (appIOToolbox (appClipped wPtr (HiliteControl stiControl 0))) pState (Just {stiControl,stiPart=InDownButton}) -> appPIO (appIOToolbox (appClipped wPtr (HiliteControl stiControl 0))) pState _ -> pState | not itkMouse = (Nothing,wsH,pState) // # mState = MouseLost // # returnEvent = WindowMouseAction {wmWIDS=toWIDS itWindow,wmMouseState= mState} // = (Just returnEvent,wsH,pState) = (Nothing,wsH,pState) | itControl == 0 // in window... # sti = itkSlider | isJust sti // tracking window slider // add timing checks... => SHOULD ONLY BE DONE IFNULL... # (itkTime,pState) = accPIO (accIOToolbox loadTracking) pState | isNull && (when - kTiming) <= itkTime = trace_n ("timingCheck not yet") (Nothing,wsH,pState) // regular handling... # sti = fromJust sti # ({x,y},pState) = accPIO (accIOToolbox (accGrafport wPtr (GlobalToLocal {x=h,y=v}))) pState # (part,pState) = accPIO (accIOToolbox (TestControl sti.stiControl x y)) pState # rEvent = case sti of ({stiControl,stiPart=InUpButton,stiDirection}) -> if (part==InUpButton) (Just (WindowScrollAction {wsaWIDS = wshIds, wsaSliderMove = SliderDecSmall, wsaDirection = stiDirection})) Nothing ({stiControl,stiPart=InDownButton,stiDirection}) -> if (part==InDownButton) (Just (WindowScrollAction {wsaWIDS = wshIds, wsaSliderMove = SliderIncSmall, wsaDirection = stiDirection})) Nothing ({stiControl,stiPart=InPageUp,stiDirection}) -> if (part==InPageUp) (Just (WindowScrollAction {wsaWIDS = wshIds, wsaSliderMove = SliderDecLarge, wsaDirection = stiDirection})) Nothing ({stiControl,stiPart=InPageDown,stiDirection}) -> if (part==InPageDown) (Just (WindowScrollAction {wsaWIDS = wshIds, wsaSliderMove = SliderIncLarge, wsaDirection = stiDirection})) Nothing _ -> Nothing # (sti,pState) = case sti.stiPart of InUpButton # inside = part == InUpButton # part` = if inside part 0 | inside == sti.stiHilite -> (sti,pState) -> ({sti & stiHilite = inside},appPIO (appIOToolbox (appClipped wPtr (HiliteControl sti.stiControl part`))) pState) InDownButton # inside = part == InDownButton # part` = if inside part 0 | inside == sti.stiHilite -> (sti,pState) -> ({sti & stiHilite = inside},appPIO (appIOToolbox (appClipped wPtr (HiliteControl sti.stiControl part`))) pState) _ -> (sti,pState) # inputTrack = Just {inputTrack & itKind.itkSlider = Just sti} # pState = appPIO (appIOToolbox (startTracking (OSTime when))) pState # pState = appPIO (ioStSetInputTrack inputTrack) pState = (rEvent,wsH,pState) = handleMouseDragEvent h v mods wsH pState | isJust itkSlider // add timing checks... # (itkTime,pState) = accPIO (accIOToolbox loadTracking) pState | isNull && (when - kTiming) <= itkTime = (Nothing,wsH,pState) // regular handling... # sti = fromJust itkSlider # ({x,y},pState) = accPIO (accIOToolbox (accGrafport wPtr (GlobalToLocal {x=h,y=v}))) pState # (part,pState) = accPIO (accIOToolbox (TestControl sti.stiControl x y)) pState # rEvent = case sti.stiIsControl of True -> case sti of ({stiControl,stiPart=InUpButton,stiDirection}) -> if (part==InUpButton) (Just (ControlSliderAction {cslWIDS = wshIds, cslSliderMove = SliderDecSmall, cslItemNr = itControl, cslItemPtr = stiControl})) Nothing ({stiControl,stiPart=InDownButton,stiDirection}) -> if (part==InDownButton) (Just (ControlSliderAction {cslWIDS = wshIds, cslSliderMove = SliderIncSmall, cslItemNr = itControl, cslItemPtr = stiControl})) Nothing ({stiControl,stiPart=InPageUp,stiDirection}) -> if (part==InPageUp) (Just (ControlSliderAction {cslWIDS = wshIds, cslSliderMove = SliderDecLarge, cslItemNr = itControl, cslItemPtr = stiControl})) Nothing ({stiControl,stiPart=InPageDown,stiDirection}) -> if (part==InPageDown) (Just (ControlSliderAction {cslWIDS = wshIds, cslSliderMove = SliderIncLarge, cslItemNr = itControl, cslItemPtr = stiControl})) Nothing _ -> Nothing False -> case sti of ({stiControl,stiPart=InUpButton,stiDirection}) -> if (part==InUpButton) (Just (CompoundScrollAction {csaWIDS = wshIds, csaSliderMove = SliderDecSmall, csaDirection = stiDirection, csaItemNr = itControl, csaItemPtr = stiControl})) Nothing ({stiControl,stiPart=InDownButton,stiDirection}) -> if (part==InDownButton) (Just (CompoundScrollAction {csaWIDS = wshIds, csaSliderMove = SliderIncSmall, csaDirection = stiDirection, csaItemNr = itControl, csaItemPtr = stiControl})) Nothing ({stiControl,stiPart=InPageUp,stiDirection}) -> if (part==InPageUp) (Just (CompoundScrollAction {csaWIDS = wshIds, csaSliderMove = SliderDecLarge, csaDirection = stiDirection, csaItemNr = itControl, csaItemPtr = stiControl})) Nothing ({stiControl,stiPart=InPageDown,stiDirection}) -> if (part==InPageDown) (Just (CompoundScrollAction {csaWIDS = wshIds, csaSliderMove = SliderIncLarge, csaDirection = stiDirection, csaItemNr = itControl, csaItemPtr = stiControl})) Nothing _ -> Nothing # (sti,pState) = case sti.stiPart of InUpButton # inside = part == InUpButton # part` = if inside part 0 | inside == sti.stiHilite -> (sti,pState) -> ({sti & stiHilite = inside},appPIO (appIOToolbox (appClipped wPtr (HiliteControl sti.stiControl part`))) pState) InDownButton # inside = part == InDownButton # part` = if inside part 0 | inside == sti.stiHilite -> (sti,pState) -> ({sti & stiHilite = inside},appPIO (appIOToolbox (appClipped wPtr (HiliteControl sti.stiControl part`))) pState) _ -> (sti,pState) # inputTrack = Just {inputTrack & itKind.itkSlider = Just sti} # pState = appPIO (appIOToolbox (startTracking (OSTime when))) pState # pState = appPIO (ioStSetInputTrack inputTrack) pState = (rEvent,wsH,pState) = controlMouseDragEvent itControl h v mods wsH pState where // handleMouseMoveEvent` :: !Int !Int !Int !(DialogStateHandle (PSt .l .p)) !(PSt .l .p) -> PSt .l .p // en mouse move in control dan...? // controleren in input track... handleMouseMoveEvent` h v mods wsH=:{wshIds,wshHandle=Just dlsH=:{wlsHandle=wlsH=:{whWindowInfo,whSelect,whAtts}}} pState | not whSelect = (Nothing,wsH,pState) | not hasMouse || not (enabled select)= (Nothing,wsH,pState) | not (filter mState) = (Nothing,wsH,pState1) = (Just returnEvent,wsH,pState1)//pState3 where whOrigin = case whWindowInfo of (WindowInfo {windowOrigin}) -> windowOrigin _ -> zero (hasMouse,mouse) = cselect isWindowMouse (WindowMouse (const False) Unable k`) whAtts (filter,select,_) = getWindowMouseAtt mouse (localPos,pState1) = accPIO (accIOToolbox (accGrafport wPtr (GlobalToLocal {x=h,y=v}))) pState modifiers = toModifiers mods mState = MouseMove (whOrigin+localPos) modifiers returnEvent = WindowMouseAction {wmWIDS=wshIds,wmMouseState= mState} handleMouseDragEvent h v mods wsH=:{wshIds,wshHandle=Just dlsH=:{wlsHandle=wlsH=:{whWindowInfo,whSelect,whAtts}}} pState | not whSelect = (Nothing,wsH,pState) | not hasMouse || not (enabled select)= (Nothing,wsH,pState) | not (filter mState) = (Nothing,wsH,pState1) = (Just returnEvent,wsH,pState1)//pState3 where whOrigin = case whWindowInfo of (WindowInfo {windowOrigin}) -> windowOrigin _ -> zero (hasMouse,mouse) = cselect isWindowMouse (WindowMouse (const False) Unable k`) whAtts (filter,select,_) = getWindowMouseAtt mouse (localPos,pState1) = accPIO (accIOToolbox (accGrafport wPtr (GlobalToLocal {x=h,y=v}))) pState modifiers = toModifiers mods mState = MouseDrag (whOrigin+localPos) modifiers returnEvent = WindowMouseAction {wmWIDS=wshIds,wmMouseState= mState} controlMouseDragEvent itControl h v mods wsH=:{wshIds,wshHandle=Just dlsH=:{wlsHandle=wlsH=:{whItems,whWindowInfo,whSelect,whAtts}}} pState // find control // check mouse filter // return event # (found,(itemPtr,itemKind),whItems) = getItemPtrAndKind itControl whItems | trace_n ("controlMouseDragEvent",itControl,itemPtr) False = undef # wsH={wsH & wshHandle=Just {dlsH & wlsHandle={wlsH & whItems = whItems}}} # controlInfo = Just (ControlMouseAction {cmWIDS=wshIds,cmItemNr=itControl,cmItemPtr=itemPtr,cmMouseState=mouseState}) // = (Nothing,wsH,pState) = (controlInfo,wsH,pState1) where whOrigin = case whWindowInfo of (WindowInfo {windowOrigin}) -> windowOrigin _ -> zero mouseState = MouseDrag (whOrigin+localPos) modifiers (localPos,pState1) = accPIO (accIOToolbox (accGrafport wPtr (GlobalToLocal {x=h,y=v}))) pState modifiers = toModifiers mods /* Handling a MouseDownEvent for a window. */ windowMouseDownIO :: !OSWindowMetrics (WindowStateHandle (PSt .l)) !OSEvent !(WindowHandles (PSt .l)) !(PSt .l) -> (!Bool,!Maybe [Int],!Maybe DeviceEvent,/*!WindowHandles (PSt .l),*/ !(PSt .l)) windowMouseDownIO wMetrics wsH event=:(_,MouseDownEvent,_,when,h,v,mods) windows pState # pState = trace_n ("windowMouseDownIO",0) pState # (opt_modalId,pState) = accPIO ioStGetIOIsModal pState (ioId,pState) = accPIO ioStGetIOId pState existsModalProcess = isJust opt_modalId modalProcessId = fromJust opt_modalId | existsModalProcess && not (ioId == modalProcessId) // # pState = trace_n ("windowMouseDownIO: exists modal & not me") pState # windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows # pState = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows)) pState # pState = trace_n ("windowMouseDownIO",1) pState = (True,Nothing,Nothing,appPIO beep pState) # (tb,pState) = accPIO getIOToolbox pState (region,wPtr,tb) = FindWindow h v tb | not (knownRegion region) // # pState = trace_n ("windowMouseDownIO: unknown region") pState # windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows # pState = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows)) pState # pState = trace_n ("windowMouseDownIO",2) pState = (True,Nothing,Nothing,appPIO (setIOToolbox tb) pState) // # (found,dsH,ioState) = IOStGetActiveDialog ioState // | not found // = setIOToolbox tb ioState // # (activePtr,dsH) = DialogStateHandleGetDialogPtr dsH # (active,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleActive wsH | existsModalProcess && not active // # pState = trace_n ("windowMouseDownIO: exists modal & not active") pState # pState = appPIO (beep o (setIOToolbox tb)) pState # windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows # pState = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows)) pState # pState = trace_n ("windowMouseDownIO",3) pState = (True,Nothing,Nothing,pState) # (isActiveProcess,pState) = accPIO ioStIsActive pState (frontPtr,tb) = FrontWindow tb | not active || wPtr<>frontPtr || not isActiveProcess // # ioState = IOStReplaceDialog dsH ioState // # (_,dsH1,ioState) = IOStGetDialog (toWID wPtr) ioState // = activateTheWindow isActiveProcess event dsH1 tb ioState # (wids,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWIDS wsH // hmm, mag alleen als er geen modale dialoog actief is??? windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows (activeModal,windows) = getWindowHandlesActiveModalDialog windows (activeWindow,windows) = getWindowHandlesActiveWindow windows (_,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID wPtr) windows # (tb,ioState`, wsH) = case activeModal of Just _ -> (tb,, wsH) Nothing -> activateTheWindow isActiveProcess event wsH tb # pState = {pState & io = ioState`} // moet ook deactivate van oude regelen... // # pState = trace_n ("windowMouseDownIO: not active | not front | not process") pState // # pState = (if active id (trace_n "not active")) pState // # pState = (if (wPtr==frontPtr) id (trace_n "not front")) pState // # pState = (if isActiveProcess id (trace_n "not process")) pState # pState = appPIO (setIOToolbox tb) pState # windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows # pState = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows)) pState // = (True,Nothing,if (isJust activeModal) Nothing (Just (WindowActivation wids)),pState) // = (True,Nothing,if (isJust activeModal) Nothing Nothing/*(Just (WindowActivation wids))*/,pState) # pState = trace_n ("windowMouseDownIO",4) pState = (True,Nothing,Nothing,pState) // = case activeWindow of // (Just awids) -> (True,Nothing,Just (WindowDeactivation awids),appPIO (bufferOSEvent event) pState) // Nothing -> (True,Nothing,if (isJust activeModal) Nothing (Just (WindowActivation wids)),pState) | region==InDrag // # pState = trace_n ("windowMouseDownIO: in drag") pState # pState = trace_n ("windowMouseDownIO",5) pState = dragTheWindow h v wsH windows tb pState | region==InGoAway // # pState = trace_n ("windowMouseDownIO: in go away") pState # pState = trace_n ("windowMouseDownIO",6) pState = closeTheWindow h v wsH windows tb pState | region==InGrow // # pState = trace_n ("windowMouseDownIO: in grow") pState # pState = trace_n ("windowMouseDownIO",7) pState = growTheWindow h v wsH windows tb pState | region==InZoomIn || region==InZoomOut // # pState = trace_n ("windowMouseDownIO: in zoom in | out") pState # pState = trace_n ("windowMouseDownIO",8) pState = zoomTheWindow region h v wsH windows tb pState # pState = appPIO (setIOToolbox tb) pState # (ableWindow,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleSelect wsH | not ableWindow // # pState = trace_n ("windowMouseDownIO: not ableWindow") pState # windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows # pState = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows)) pState # pState = trace_n ("windowMouseDownIO",9) pState = (True,Nothing,Nothing,pState) # (localPos,pState) = accPIO (accIOToolbox (accGrafport wPtr (GlobalToLocal {x=h,y=v}))) pState // # localPos = localPos + windowOrigin # (inControl,returnEvent,windows,wsH,pState) = controlMouseDownIO wMetrics wPtr localPos when mods wsH windows pState | inControl # windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows # pState = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows)) pState // #! pState = trace_n "windowMouseDownIO: in control" pState # pState = trace_n ("windowMouseDownIO",10) pState = (True,Nothing,returnEvent,pState) // # (wsH,pState) = accIOToolbox (clearWindowKeyFocus deactivateControl wsH) pState // # pState = trace_n ("windowMouseDownIO: nothing figured out...") pState # pState = trace_n ("windowMouseDownIO",11) pState = mouseInWindow wPtr localPos when mods wsH windows pState where knownRegion :: !Int -> Bool knownRegion region = region==InContent || region==InDrag || region==InGoAway || region==InGrow || region==InZoomIn || region==InZoomOut /* // clearWindowKeyFocus :: !(IdFun *Toolbox) !(DialogStateHandle .ps) !*Toolbox // -> (!DialogStateHandle .ps, !*Toolbox) clearWindowKeyFocus deactivate dsH=:{wlsHandle=dH=:{whKind,whKeyFocus,whAtts}} tb | not hasKey || whKind==IsDialog = (dsH,tb) = ( {dsH & wlsHandle={dH & whKeyFocus=setNoFocusItem whKeyFocus}},deactivate tb) where (hasKey,_) = cselect isWindowKeyboard (WindowKeyboard (const False) Unable k`) whAtts */ mouseInWindow wPtr localPos when mods wsH=:{wshIds,wshHandle=Just wlsH=:{wlsState,wlsHandle=dH=:{whAtts}}} windows pState # (hasMouse,mouse) = cselect isWindowMouse (WindowMouse (const False) Unable k`) whAtts (filter,select,mouseF) = getWindowMouseAtt mouse // # wsH = {wsH & wshHandle = Just {wlsH & wlsHandle=dH}} | not hasMouse || not (enabled select) # windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows # pState = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows)) pState = (True,Nothing,Nothing,pState) // start tracking... # pState = appPIO (startTrack) pState with startTrack io # (it,io) = ioStGetInputTrack io # it = trackMouse wPtr 0 it # io = ioStSetInputTrack it io = io // other stuff... # ((WindowInfo {windowOrigin = lt}),wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowInfo wsH # (bMouse,pState) = accPIO (ioStButtonFreq when localPos wPtr) pState modifiers = toModifiers mods mState = MouseDown (/*dhOrigin+*/lt + localPos) modifiers bMouse | filter mState # returnEvent = WindowMouseAction {wmWIDS=wshIds,wmMouseState= mState} # windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows # pState = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows)) pState = (True,Nothing,Just returnEvent,pState) # windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows # pState = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows)) pState = (True,Nothing,Nothing,pState) /* mouseInWindow wPtr localPos when mods wsH=:{wshHandle=Just wlsH=:{wlsState,wlsHandle=dH=:{whAtts}}} windows pState # (hasMouse,mouse) = cselect isWindowMouse (WindowMouse (const False) Unable k`) whAtts (filter,select,mouseF) = getWindowMouseAtt mouse // # wsH = {wsH & wshHandle = Just {wlsH & wlsHandle=dH}} | not hasMouse || not (enabled select) # windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows # pState = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows)) pState = (True,Nothing,Nothing,pState) # ((WindowInfo {windowOrigin = lt}),wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowInfo wsH # (bMouse,pState) = accPIO (ioStButtonFreq when localPos wPtr) pState modifiers = toModifiers mods mState = MouseDown (/*dhOrigin+*/lt + localPos) modifiers bMouse | filter mState /* = (True,Nothing,Nothing,pState2) with pState1 = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows1)) pState windows1 = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH1 windows wsH1 = {wsH & wshHandle = Just {wlsH & wlsState = ls1, wlsHandle = dH}} (ls1,pState2) = trackMouseInWindow wPtr filter mouseF (mouseF mState (wlsState,pState1)) = (True,Nothing,Nothing,pState2) with pState1 = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows1)) pState windows1 = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH1 windows wsH1 = {wsH & wshHandle = Just {wlsH & wlsState = ls1, wlsHandle = dH}} (ls1,pState2) = trackMouseInWindow wPtr filter mouseF (wlsState,pState1) */ /* # wsH = {wsH & wshHandle = Just {wlsH & wlsHandle=dH}} # windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows # pState = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows)) pState # (ls1,pState) = trackMouseInWindow wPtr filter mouseF (mouseF mState (wlsState,pState)) # (_,wDevice,ioState`) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice pState = {pState & io = ioState`} (_,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID wPtr) windows # wlsH = fromJust wsH.wshHandle # wsH = {wsH & wshHandle = Just {wlsH & wlsState=ls1}}//,wlsHandle=dH}} # windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows # pState = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows)) pState = (True,Nothing,Nothing,pState) # wsH = {wsH & wshHandle = Just {wlsH & wlsHandle=dH}} # windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows # pState = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows)) pState # (ls1,pState) = trackMouseInWindow wPtr filter mouseF (wlsState,pState) # (_,wDevice,ioState`) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice pState = {pState & io = ioState`} (_,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID wPtr) windows # wlsH = fromJust wsH.wshHandle # wsH = {wsH & wshHandle = Just {wlsH & wlsState=ls1}}//,wlsHandle=dH}} # windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows # pState = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows)) pState = (True,Nothing,Nothing,pState) */ where trackMouseInWindow wPtr filter mouseF (ls,pState) # (down,pState) = accPIO (accIOToolbox StillDown) pState (goOn,(ls,pState)) = trackMouseInWindow` wPtr down filter mouseF (ls,pState) | down && goOn = trackMouseInWindow wPtr filter mouseF (ls,pState) = (ls,pState) where trackMouseInWindow` wPtr buttonDown filter mouseF (ls,pState) # (_,wDevice,ioState`) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice windows = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice pState = {pState & io = ioState`} (_,wsH,windows) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID wPtr) windows # ((WindowInfo {windowOrigin = lt}),wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowInfo wsH # windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows # pState = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows)) pState # (tb,pState) = accPIO getIOToolbox pState (mPos,tb) = accGrafport wPtr GetMousePosition tb (k1,k2,k3,k4,tb) = GetKeys tb mods = KeyMapToModifiers (k1,k2,k3,k4) pos = lt+mPos mState = if buttonDown (MouseDrag pos mods) (MouseUp pos mods) pState = appPIO (setIOToolbox tb) pState | filter mState = (True, mouseF mState (ls,pState)) = (True, (ls,pState)) */ //dragTheWindow :: !Int !Int !(DialogStateHandle (PSt .l .p)) !*Toolbox !(PSt .l .p) -> PSt .l .p //dragTheWindow h v (DialogLSHandle {dlsHandle={dhPtr}}) tb pState dragTheWindow h v wsH=:{wshIds={wPtr}} windows tb pState # (sr, tb) = osScreenrect tb tb = DragWindow wPtr h v (OSRect2Rect {sr & rright = sr.rright - 1, rbottom = sr.rbottom - 1}) tb pState = appPIO (setIOToolbox tb) pState # windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows # pState = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows)) pState = (True,Nothing,Nothing,pState) //closeTheWindow :: !Int !Int !(DialogStateHandle (PSt .l .p)) !*Toolbox !(PSt .l .p) -> PSt .l .p //closeTheWindow h v (DialogLSHandle dlsH=:{dlsState,dlsHandle=dH}) tb pState closeTheWindow h v wsH=:{wshIds={wPtr}} windows tb pState # (goAway,tb) = TrackGoAway wPtr h v tb | not goAway # pState = appPIO (setIOToolbox tb) pState # windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows # pState = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows)) pState = (True,Nothing,Nothing,pState) # (wids,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWIDS wsH # pState = appPIO (setIOToolbox tb) pState # windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows # pState = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows)) pState = (True,Nothing,Just (WindowRequestClose wids),pState) // | hasAtt // # (_,goAtt) = Select iswindowclose (WindowClose I) atts // # goF = getwindowclosefunction goAtt // # ioState = setIOToolbox tb ioState // # ioState = IOStReplaceDialog (DialogLSHandle {dlsState=ls1,dlsHandle=dH}) ioState // # (ls1,pState2) = goF (dlsState,pState1) // = pState2 // = pState1 // with // (_,_,ioState) = IOStRemoveDialog (toWID wPtr) // tb1 = DisposeWindow wPtr tb // ioState1 = setIOToolbox tb1 ioState // pState1 = {pState & io=ioState1} // where // wPtr = dH.dhPtr // atts = dH.dhAtts // hasAtt = Contains iswindowclose atts //growTheWindow :: !Int !Int !(DialogStateHandle (PSt .l .p)) !*Toolbox !(PSt .l .p) -> PSt .l .p growTheWindow h v wsH=:{wshIds={wPtr}} windows tb pState # (wids,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWIDS wsH # (maxW,maxH) = osMaxScrollWindowSize # ((neww,newh),tb) = GrowWindow wPtr h v (minWindowW,minWindowH, maxW+1,maxH+1) tb | neww == 0 || newh == 0 # windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows # pState = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows)) pState # pState = appPIO (setIOToolbox tb) pState = (True,Nothing,Nothing,pState) # tb = SizeWindow wPtr neww newh False tb # tb = invalRect wPtr (0,0,neww,newh) tb // brutal approximation... # windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows # pState = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows)) pState # pState = appPIO (setIOToolbox tb) pState # info = {wsWIDS = wids, wsSize = {w=neww,h=newh}, wsUpdateAll = systemsizing} # pState = trace_n ("growTheWindow",neww,newh) pState = (True,Nothing,Just (WindowSizeAction info),pState) where (minWindowW,minWindowH) = osMinWindowSize systemsizing = True // DvA: need to get from Window info... //zoomTheWindow :: !Int !Int !Int !(WindowStateHandle (PSt .l)) !*Toolbox !(PSt .l) -> PSt .l zoomTheWindow region h v wsH=:{wshIds={wPtr}} windows tb pState # (zoom,tb) = TrackBox wPtr h v region tb | not zoom # windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows # pState = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows)) pState # pState = appPIO (setIOToolbox tb) pState = (True,Nothing,Nothing,pState) // # (oldSize,tb) = osGetWindowViewFrameSize wPtr tb # tb = zoomWindow wPtr region True tb //(QEraseRect (SizeToRect oldSize) tb)) tb # ((w,h),tb) = osGetWindowViewFrameSize wPtr tb # tb = invalRect wPtr (0,0,w,h) tb // brutal... # (wids,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWIDS wsH # windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows # pState = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows)) pState # pState = appPIO (setIOToolbox tb) pState # info = {wsWIDS = wids, wsSize = {w=w,h=h}, wsUpdateAll = systemsizing} = (True,Nothing,Just (WindowSizeAction info),pState) // should really produce WindowZoomAction so that we can skip relayout on minimize since that's silly... where systemsizing = True //activateTheWindow :: !Bool !Event !(DialogStateHandle (PSt .l .p)) !*Toolbox !(PSt .l .p) -> PSt .l .p activateTheWindow activeIO event (wsH=:{wshIds={wPtr}}) tb ioState | activeIO # ioState = trace_n "windowevent:activateTheWindow activeIO" ioState = (WaitForMouseUp (SelectWindow wPtr tb), ioState, wsH) # ioState = activateMenuSystem ioState // # ioState = appIOToolbox (setCursorShape StandardCursor) ioState # ioState = trace_n "windowevent:activateTheWindow not activeIO" ioState = (WaitForMouseUp (SelectWindow wPtr tb), ioState, wsH) /* Handling an UpdateEvent for a window. */ //windowUpdateIO :: (WindowStateHandle pst) _ _ -> _ windowUpdateIO :: !(WindowStateHandle (PSt .l)) !OSEvent !(WindowHandles (PSt .l)) !(PSt .l) -> (!Bool,!Maybe [Int],!Maybe DeviceEvent,!(PSt .l)) windowUpdateIO {wshHandle = Nothing} _ _ _ = windoweventFatalError "windowUpdateIO" "window placeholder not expected" windowUpdateIO wsH (_,_,wPtr,_,_,_,_) windows pState # (wids,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWIDS wsH = windowUpdateIO wsH wids wPtr windows pState where windowUpdateIO :: !(WindowStateHandle (PSt .l)) !WIDS !Int !(WindowHandles (PSt .l)) !(PSt .l) -> (!Bool,!Maybe [Int],!Maybe DeviceEvent,!(PSt .l)) windowUpdateIO wsH=:{wshHandle = Just wlsH=:{wlsState = ls, wlsHandle = wH=:{whItems,whSize,whKind,whWindowInfo = info}}} wids wPtr windows pState # (updRect,pState) //= ({rleft=0,rtop=0,rright=400,rbottom=400},pState) = accPIO (accIOToolbox (loadUpdateBBox wPtr)) pState # clipRect = intersectRects updRect (sizeToRect whSize) # (controls,whItems) = getUpdateControls whItems clipRect zero # (info,pState) = case info of NoWindowInfo -> (NoWindowInfo,pState) (GameWindowInfo inf) -> (GameWindowInfo inf,pState) (WindowInfo inf) -> accPIO (accIOToolbox (doWindowScrollers wPtr inf whSize)) pState # wsH = {wsH & wshHandle = Just {wlsState = ls, wlsHandle = {wH & whItems = whItems, whWindowInfo = info}}} # updateInfo = {updWIDS=wids,updWindowArea=clipRect,updControls=controls,updGContext=Nothing} # windows = setWindowHandlesWindow wsH windows # pState = appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState windows)) pState = (True,Nothing,Just (WindowUpdate updateInfo),pState) getUpdateControls :: ![WElementHandle .ls .pst] !OSRect !Point2 -> ([ControlUpdateInfo],[WElementHandle .ls .pst]) getUpdateControls [] _ parent_pos = ([],[]) getUpdateControls [itemH:itemHs] clipRect parent_pos # (l,r) = getUpdateControl itemH clipRect parent_pos # (ll,rr) = getUpdateControls itemHs clipRect parent_pos = (l++ll,[r:rr]) getUpdateControl :: !(WElementHandle .ls .pst) !OSRect !Point2 -> (![ControlUpdateInfo],!(WElementHandle .ls .pst)) getUpdateControl (WItemHandle itemH=:{wItemShow,wItemKind,wItemPtr,wItemPos,wItemSize,wItemNr}) clipRect parent_pos | not wItemShow = ([],WItemHandle itemH) | wItemKind == IsLayoutControl # (controls,whItems) = getUpdateControls itemH.wItems clipRect (movePoint wItemPos parent_pos) = (controls,WItemHandle {itemH & wItems = whItems}) # item_pos = movePoint wItemPos parent_pos # itemRect = posSizeToRect item_pos wItemSize clipRect` = intersectRects clipRect itemRect | wItemKind == IsCompoundControl # (controls,whItems) = getUpdateControls itemH.wItems clipRect item_pos clipRect`` = addVector (toVector ((getWItemCompoundInfo itemH.wItemInfo).compoundOrigin - item_pos)) clipRect` control` = {cuItemNr = wItemNr, cuItemPtr = wItemPtr, cuArea = clipRect``} = ([control`:controls],WItemHandle {itemH & wItems = whItems}) # control = {cuItemNr = wItemNr, cuItemPtr = wItemPtr, cuArea = clipRect`} = ([control],WItemHandle itemH) getUpdateControl (WListLSHandle itemHs) clipRect parent_pos # (controls,itemHs) = getUpdateControls itemHs clipRect parent_pos = (controls,WListLSHandle itemHs) getUpdateControl (WExtendLSHandle wExH=:{wExtendItems=itemHs}) clipRect parent_pos # (controls,itemHs) = getUpdateControls itemHs clipRect parent_pos = (controls,WExtendLSHandle {wExH & wExtendItems = itemHs}) getUpdateControl (WChangeLSHandle wExH=:{wChangeItems=itemHs}) clipRect parent_pos # (controls,itemHs) = getUpdateControls itemHs clipRect parent_pos = (controls,WChangeLSHandle {wExH & wChangeItems = itemHs}) //-- // checkcaretblink :: !OSWindowMetrics !Bool !(IOSt .l) -> IOSt .l checkcaretblink wMetrics active wsH ioState // # ioState = trace_n ("Active",active) ioState | not active = (wsH,ioState) # (tb,ioState) = getIOToolbox ioState (wsH,tb) = checkcaretblink` wMetrics wsH tb ioState = setIOToolbox tb ioState = (wsH,ioState) where checkcaretblink` :: !OSWindowMetrics !(WindowStateHandle .ps) !*OSToolbox -> (!WindowStateHandle .ps,!*OSToolbox) checkcaretblink` wMetrics wsH=:{wshIds={wPtr},wshHandle= Just wlsH=:{wlsHandle=wH=:{whSelect,whKeyFocus,whItems,whWindowInfo}}} tb # (focusNr,whKeyFocus) = getCurrentFocusItem whKeyFocus // #! tb = trace_n ("Focus",whSelect,focusNr) tb | not whSelect || isNothing focusNr # wsH = {wsH & wshHandle = Just {wlsH & wlsHandle = {wH & whKeyFocus=whKeyFocus}}} = (wsH,tb) # caretNr = fromJust focusNr (size,tb) = (wH.whSize,tb) //osGetWindowViewFrameSize wPtr tb contentRect = osGetWindowContentRect wMetrics (hasHScroll,hasVScroll) (sizeToRect size) // ?PosSizeToRect (_,items,tb) = checkitemscaret whItems caretNr wMetrics wPtr contentRect zero tb = ({wsH & wshHandle = Just {wlsH & wlsHandle={wH & whItems=items, whKeyFocus=whKeyFocus}}},tb) where (hasHScroll,hasVScroll) = case whWindowInfo of WindowInfo windowinfo -> (isJust windowinfo.windowHScroll,isJust windowinfo.windowVScroll) _ -> (False,False) checkitemscaret :: ![WElementHandle .ls .ps] !Int !OSWindowMetrics !OSWindowPtr !OSRect !Point2 !*OSToolbox -> (!Bool,![WElementHandle .ls .ps],!*OSToolbox) checkitemscaret [itemH:itemHs] caretNr wMetrics wPtr clipRect parent_pos tb # (found,itemH,tb) = checkitemcaret itemH caretNr wPtr clipRect parent_pos tb | found = (found,[itemH:itemHs],tb) # (found,itemHs,tb) = checkitemscaret itemHs caretNr wMetrics wPtr clipRect parent_pos tb = (found,[itemH:itemHs],tb) where checkitemcaret :: !(WElementHandle .ls .ps) !Int !OSWindowPtr !OSRect !Point2 !*OSToolbox -> (!Bool,!WElementHandle .ls .ps, !*OSToolbox) checkitemcaret (WListLSHandle itemHs) caretNr wPtr clipRect parent_pos tb # (found,itemHs,tb) = checkitemscaret itemHs caretNr wMetrics wPtr clipRect parent_pos tb = (found,WListLSHandle itemHs,tb) checkitemcaret (WExtendLSHandle dExH=:{wExtendItems=itemHs}) caretNr wPtr clipRect parent_pos tb # (found,itemHs,tb) = checkitemscaret itemHs caretNr wMetrics wPtr clipRect parent_pos tb = (found,WExtendLSHandle {dExH & wExtendItems=itemHs},tb) checkitemcaret (WChangeLSHandle dChH=:{wChangeItems=itemHs}) caretNr wPtr clipRect parent_pos tb # (found,itemHs,tb) = checkitemscaret itemHs caretNr wMetrics wPtr clipRect parent_pos tb = (found,WChangeLSHandle {dChH & wChangeItems=itemHs},tb) checkitemcaret (WItemHandle itemH) caretNr wPtr clipRect parent_pos tb # (found,itemH,tb) = checkitemcaret` itemH caretNr wPtr clipRect parent_pos tb = (found,WItemHandle itemH,tb) where checkitemcaret` :: !(WItemHandle .ls .ps) !Int !OSWindowPtr !OSRect !Point2 !*OSToolbox -> (!Bool,!WItemHandle .ls .ps, !*OSToolbox) checkitemcaret` itemH=:{wItemSelect,wItemNr,wItemPtr,wItemKind=IsEditControl} caretNr wPtr clipRect parent_pos tb | caretNr<>wItemNr = (False,itemH,tb) | able = (True,itemH,osIdleEditControl wPtr clipRect wItemPtr tb) = (True,itemH,tb) where able = wItemSelect checkitemcaret` itemH=:{wItemSelect,wItemNr,wItemPtr,wItemKind=IsPopUpControl,wItemInfo} caretNr wPtr clipRect parent_pos tb | caretNr<>wItemNr = (False,itemH,tb) | able = (True,itemH,osIdlePopUpControl wPtr clipRect wItemPtr editPtr tb) = (True,itemH,tb) where able = wItemSelect info = getWItemPopUpInfo wItemInfo editPtr = mapMaybe (\{popUpEditPtr}->popUpEditPtr) info.popUpInfoEdit checkitemcaret` itemH=:{wItemNr,wItemKind=IsCustomControl} caretNr _ _ parent_pos tb = (caretNr==wItemNr,itemH,tb) checkitemcaret` itemH=:{wItems,wItemSelect,wItemKind=IsCompoundControl,wItemPos} caretNr wPtr clipRect parent_pos tb | not wItemSelect = (False,itemH,tb) # (found,items,tb)= checkitemscaret wItems caretNr wMetrics wPtr clipRect1 item_pos tb = (found,{itemH & wItems=items},tb) where item_pos = movePoint wItemPos parent_pos info = getWItemCompoundInfo itemH.wItemInfo itemRect = posSizeToRect item_pos itemH.wItemSize clipRect1 = intersectRects (osGetCompoundContentRect wMetrics (hasHScroll,hasVScroll) itemRect) clipRect hasHScroll = isJust info.compoundHScroll hasVScroll = isJust info.compoundVScroll checkitemcaret` itemH _ _ _ parent_pos tb = (False,itemH,tb) checkitemscaret _ _ _ _ _ parent_pos tb = (False,[],tb) //-- OSRect2Rect r :== (rleft,rtop,rright,rbottom) where {rleft,rtop,rright,rbottom} = r kTiming :== 0