definition module ostime // Clean Object I/O library, version 1.2 import StdOverloaded import ostoolbox :: OSTime = OSTime !Int // PA: is an abstract data type => DvA: needed in osevent for EventRecord osMaxTime :: OSTime osGetTime :: !*OSToolbox -> (!OSTime,!*OSToolbox) // osGetTime returns the current OS time osWait :: !Int .x !*OSToolbox -> (.x, !*OSToolbox) // osWait waits atleast the given time (in milliseconds). osGetBlinkInterval :: !*OSToolbox -> (!Int, !*OSToolbox) // osGetBlinkInterval returns the recommended blink interval time of a cursor (in milliseconds). osGetCurrentTime :: !*OSToolbox -> (!(!Int,!Int,!Int),!*OSToolbox) // osGetCurrentTime returns current (hours,minutes,seconds). osGetCurrentDate :: !*OSToolbox -> (!(!Int,!Int,!Int,!Int),!*OSToolbox) // osGetCurrentTime returns current (year,month,day,day_of_week). instance - OSTime // Calculate difference between arg 1 and arg 2 instance < OSTime // True iff arg 1 < arg 2 instance toInt OSTime // Coerce OSTime to Integer (always positive or zero) instance fromInt OSTime // Coerce Int to OSTime (Integer will be made zero if negative)