definition module osclipboard // Clean Object I/O library, version 1.2 // Clipboard operations. import ostoolbox from scrap import ScrapFlavorTypeText :: OSClipboardItemType :== Int OSClipboardText :== ScrapFlavorTypeText osInitialiseClipboard :: !*OSToolbox -> *OSToolbox // osInitialiseClipboard should be evaluated before any of the functions below. osHasClipboardText :: !*OSToolbox -> (!Bool,!*OSToolbox) // osHasClipboardText checks whether the clipboard currently contains a text item. osSetClipboardText :: !{#Char} !*OSToolbox -> *OSToolbox // osSetClipboardText empties the clipboard and sets the text to the clipboard. // The return Int is the new version number. osGetClipboardText :: !*OSToolbox -> (!{#Char},!*OSToolbox) // osGetClipboardText retrieves the current clipboard text item, which is empty if not present. osGetClipboardContent :: !*OSToolbox -> (![OSClipboardItemType],!*OSToolbox) // osGetClipboardContent retrieves the current item types that are stored in the clipboard. osGetClipboardVersion :: !Int !*OSToolbox -> (!Int,!*OSToolbox) // osGetClipboardVersion given the previous version number returns the new, current version number.