definition module controlmousedown1 import windowhandle from commondef import IdFun from iostate import PSt, IOSt :: ControlMouseEvent = { cmePtr :: !OSWindowPtr // The WindowPtr of the window , cmePos :: !Point2 // The mouse position in local coordinates , cmeWhen :: !Int // The when field of the original event , cmeMods :: !Int // The mods field of the original event } handleRadioControlMouse :: !ControlMouseEvent !Rect (IdFun *OSToolbox) !*KeyFocus !(WItemHandle .ls (PSt .l)) (.ls,PSt .l) -> (!Bool, !*KeyFocus, !WItemHandle .ls (PSt .l), (.ls,PSt .l)) handleCheckControlMouse :: !ControlMouseEvent !Rect (IdFun *OSToolbox) !*KeyFocus !(WItemHandle .ls (PSt .l)) (.ls,PSt .l) -> (!Bool, !*KeyFocus, !WItemHandle .ls (PSt .l), (.ls,PSt .l)) handlePopUpControlMouse :: !ControlMouseEvent Rect (IdFun *OSToolbox) !*KeyFocus !(WItemHandle .ls (PSt .l)) (.ls,PSt .l) -> (!Bool, !*KeyFocus, !WItemHandle .ls (PSt .l), (.ls,PSt .l)) handleEditControlMouse :: !ControlMouseEvent !Rect (IdFun *OSToolbox) !*KeyFocus !(WItemHandle .ls (PSt .l)) (.ls,PSt .l) -> (!Bool, !*KeyFocus, !WItemHandle .ls (PSt .l), (.ls,PSt .l)) handleButtonControlMouse :: !ControlMouseEvent !Rect (IdFun *OSToolbox) !*KeyFocus !(WItemHandle .ls (PSt .l)) (.ls,PSt .l) -> (!Bool, !*KeyFocus, !WItemHandle .ls (PSt .l), (.ls,PSt .l)) handleCustomButtonControlMouse:: !ControlMouseEvent !Rect (IdFun *OSToolbox) !*KeyFocus !(WItemHandle .ls (PSt .l)) (.ls,PSt .l) -> (!Bool, !*KeyFocus, !WItemHandle .ls (PSt .l), (.ls,PSt .l)) handleCustomControlMouse :: !ControlMouseEvent !Rect (IdFun *OSToolbox) !*KeyFocus !(WItemHandle .ls (PSt .l)) (.ls,PSt .l) -> (!Bool, !*KeyFocus, !WItemHandle .ls (PSt .l), (.ls,PSt .l))