implementation module StdAGEC import genericgecs, guigecs, infragecs import StdGECExt, basicAGEC, StdMisc :: GECaGECb a ps = : {bimapto :: va -> a, bimapfrom :: a -> va ,gGEC :: (TgGEC va *(PSt ps))} :: AGEC a = E. .b : { bimapGEC :: !(BimapGEC a b) , bGEC :: !(A. .ps: TgGEC b (PSt ps)) , descr :: !String } mkBimapGEC :: (a (Current b) -> b) (A. .ps: b *(PSt .ps) -> *(Bool,b,*(PSt .ps))) (b -> a) (a -> (.UpdateA,a)) a -> .(BimapGEC a b) mkBimapGEC toGEC updGEC fromGEC pred value = { toGEC = toGEC , fromGEC = fromGEC , updGEC = updGEC , value = value , pred = pred } to_BimapGEC :: (Bimap a b) a -> (BimapGEC a b) to_BimapGEC {map_to,map_from} a = {toGEC = \a _ -> map_to a, fromGEC = map_from, updGEC = \b ps -> (False,b,ps), value = a, pred = \t -> (TestStoreUpd,t)} Bimap_BimapGEC :: (Bimap a b) (BimapGEC a va) -> (BimapGEC b va) Bimap_BimapGEC bimapab bimapGava = {toGEC=toGEC,fromGEC=fromGEC,updGEC=updGEC,value=value,pred=pred} where toGEC nb Undefined = bimapGava.toGEC (bimapab.map_from nb) Undefined toGEC nb (Defined va) = bimapGava.toGEC (bimapab.map_from nb) (Defined va) fromGEC va = bimapab.map_to (bimapGava.fromGEC va) updGEC va = bimapGava.updGEC va value = bimapab.map_to bimapGava.value pred nb = (DontTest,nb) // and the editor specialized for BimapGEC: gGEC{|BimapGEC|} _ gecb gecArgs=:{gec_value=Just bimapG} pSt = mkBimapGECeditor bimapG gecb gecArgs pSt // mkBimapGECeditor is a handy general conversion function mkBimapGECeditor :: (BimapGEC a b) (TgGEC b *(PSt .ps)) -> (TgGEC (BimapGEC a b) *(PSt .ps)) mkBimapGECeditor bimapG gecb = bimapgec // this will be the b editor which will mimic a (BimapGEC a b) editor where bimapgec gecArgs=:{gec_value=Just initbimapG,update=bimapupdate} pSt = (convert bhandle,pSt1) where (bhandle,pSt1) = gecb {gecArgs & gec_value=Just initb,update=updateb bimapupdate bhandle} pSt // show b editor convert bhandle = {bhandle & gecSetValue = bimapSetValue bhandle , gecGetValue = bimapGetValue bhandle} initb = bimapG.toGEC initbimapG.value Undefined updateb bimapupdate bhandle reason b pst // new value made with b editor # (storeb,nb,pst) = bimapG.updGEC b pst // calculate new b value # na = bimapG.fromGEC nb // convert to a = case (bimapG.pred na) of // test if predicate should be applied, store new b value if required, and raise update (DontTest,_) # pst = if storeb (bhandle.gecSetValue NoUpdate nb pst) pst = bimapupdate reason (initbimapG ^^= na) pst // result of predicate is passed, store new value and raise update (TestStoreUpd,tna) # pst = bhandle.gecSetValue NoUpdate (bimapG.toGEC tna (Defined nb)) pst = bimapupdate reason (initbimapG ^^= tna) pst // result of predicate is not passed, store new value and but no update is raisen (TestStore,tna) = bhandle.gecSetValue NoUpdate (bimapG.toGEC tna (Defined b)) pst bimapSetValue bhandle upd nbimap pst // new bimapGEC nbimap to set # (b,pst) = bhandle.gecGetValue pst // fetch latest b value from b editor = bhandle.gecSetValue upd (nbimap.toGEC nbimap.value (Defined b)) pst // and set the new value in the b-editor bimapGetValue bGetValue pst // request for most recent bimapGEC # (b,pst) = bhandle.gecGetValue pst // fetch latest b value from b editor = (bimapG ^^= initbimapG.fromGEC b,pst) // and update initial (!) bimapGEC with latest value // AGEC:: Abstract version of BimapGEC mkAGEC :: !(BimapGEC a b) !String -> AGEC a | gGEC{|*|} b mkAGEC bimapGEC descriptor = {bimapGEC = bimapGEC, bGEC = gGEC{|*|}, descr = descriptor} // Varinat of mkAGEC needed for explicit dictionary passing, needs a CAST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mkxAGEC :: (TgGEC b *(PSt .ps)) !(BimapGEC a b) !String -> AGEC a mkxAGEC gGEC bimapGEC descriptor = {bimapGEC = bimapGEC, bGEC = cast gGEC, descr = descriptor} mkAGEC` :: !(BimapGEC a (g b)) !String -> AGEC a | gGEC{|*->*|} g mkAGEC` bimapGEC descriptor = {bimapGEC = bimapGEC, bGEC = gGEC{|*->*|} undef1, descr = descriptor} where undef1 = abort "mkAGEC` evaluated undefined GEC editor/1" ^^ :: (AGEC a) -> a ^^ {bimapGEC} = bimapGEC.value (^=) infixl :: (AGEC a) a -> (AGEC a) (^=) {bimapGEC,bGEC,descr} nvalue = {bimapGEC= bimapGEC ^^= nvalue,bGEC,descr} (^^=) infixl :: (BimapGEC a b) a -> (BimapGEC a b) (^^=) {toGEC,fromGEC,updGEC,pred,value} nvalue = {value = nvalue,toGEC,fromGEC,updGEC,pred} Specialize :: a (a -> AGEC a) (GECArgs a (PSt .ps)) !(PSt .ps) -> *(!GECVALUE a (PSt .ps),!(PSt .ps)) Specialize a toAGEC gecArgs=:{gec_value=Nothing} pSt = AGEC_to_gGEC (toAGEC a) {gecArgs & gec_value = Just a} pSt Specialize a toAGEC gecArgs=:{gec_value=Just na} pSt = AGEC_to_gGEC (toAGEC na) gecArgs pSt AGEC_to_gGEC:: (AGEC a) -> (TgGEC a (PSt .ps)) AGEC_to_gGEC ageca=:{bimapGEC,bGEC} = a_GEC_as_b_GEC {bimapto = bimapto, bimapfrom = bimapfrom, gGEC = ageceditor} where ageceditor = mkStaticAgec undef bimapfrom a = ageca ^= a bimapto ageca = ageca.bimapGEC.value a_GEC_as_b_GEC :: (GECaGECb b .ps) -> (TgGEC b *(PSt .ps)) a_GEC_as_b_GEC {bimapto = atob, bimapfrom = btoa, gGEC = geca} = bgec where bgec gecArgs=:{gec_value=Just initb,update=updateb} pSt = (convert ahandle,pSt1) where (ahandle,pSt1) = geca {gecArgs & gec_value = Just (btoa initb),update=updatea updateb} pSt // show a editor convert ahandle = {ahandle & gecSetValue = bSetValue ahandle // let agec act as bgec , gecGetValue = bGetValue ahandle} updatea updateb reason na pst = updateb reason (atob na) pst bSetValue ahandle upd nb pst = ahandle.gecSetValue upd (btoa nb) pst bGetValue ahandle pst # (na,pst) = ahandle.gecGetValue pst = (atob na,pst) // bimap definition for AGEC, needs a CAST !! import cast bimap{|AGEC|} bimapagec` = cast { map_to= map_to, map_from=map_from } where map_to agec=:{bimapGEC,bGEC,descr} = {bimapGEC = Bimap_BimapGEC bimapagec bimapGEC,bGEC,descr} map_from agec=:{bimapGEC,bGEC,descr} = {bimapGEC = Bimap_BimapGEC xbimapagec bimapGEC,bGEC,descr} where xbimapagec = cast { map_to= bimapagec.map_from, map_from=bimapagec.map_to } bimapagec = cast bimapagec` // and the editor for an AGEC... gGEC{|AGEC|} gecx gecArgs pSt // choose one of the following ... // = mkStaticAgec gecx gecArgs pSt = mkDynamicAgec gecx gecArgs pSt // nice definition for a paper, but it is not one that can deal with dynamically changing agec's mkStaticAgec gecx gecArgs=:{gec_value=Just agec=:{bimapGEC,bGEC,descr}} pSt = a_GEC_as_b_GEC {bimapto = bimapto, bimapfrom = bimapfrom, gGEC = mkBimapGECeditor bimapGEC bGEC} gecArgs pSt where bimapto nbimapG = agec ^= nbimapG.value //{agec & bimapGEC.value = nbimapG.value} bimapfrom {bimapGEC=nbimapGEC} = bimapGEC ^^= nbimapGEC.value // bimapfrom {bimapGEC=nbimapGEC} = {bimapGEC & value = nbimapGEC.value} mkStaticAgec gecx gecArgs=:{gec_value=Nothing} pSt # (geca,pSt) = gecx {gecArgs & gec_value=Nothing, update = \v r env -> env} pSt # (a, pSt) = geca.gecGetValue pSt # pSt = geca.gecClose pSt = mkStaticAgec gecx {gecArgs & gec_value=Just (hidAGEC a)} pSt // hard definition using low level stuf, but it *can* deal with dynamically changing agec's // however, every different AGEC should have a different descriptor (string) // the following definition is locally used in mkDynamicAgec :: AGECSt a env = E. b: { agecBimapGEC:: !GECVALUE (BimapGEC a b) env // The handle to the BimapGEC , agecAGEC :: !AGEC a // The current AGEC value } mkDynamicAgec gGECa gecArgs=:{gec_value=Just abstractGEC=:{bimapGEC,bGEC,descr},update= biupdate,location,makeUpValue,outputOnly,hasOBJECT} pSt # (abbaGEC,pSt) = mkBimapGECeditor bimapGEC bGEC {gecArgs & gec_value=Just bimapGEC, update =bupdate abstractGEC} pSt # (aGEC,pSt) = openGECId pSt # aDef = GECReceiver aGEC (fun bupdate) # lSt = { agecBimapGEC = abbaGEC , agecAGEC = abstractGEC } # (_,pSt) = openReceiver lSt aDef pSt = (newGEC aGEC,pSt) where bupdate ageca=:{bimapGEC=nbimapGEC,bGEC,descr} reason nbimap pSt = biupdate reason (ageca ^= nbimap.value) pSt fun :: !(A.b:(AGEC a) -> Update (BimapGEC a b) (PSt .ps)) !(GECMsgIn (AGEC a)) !*(AGECSt a (PSt .ps),PSt .ps) -> (GECMsgOut (AGEC a), *(AGECSt a (PSt .ps),PSt .ps)) fun _ InGetValue (lSt=:{agecBimapGEC=abbaGEC, agecAGEC = nagec=:{bimapGEC,bGEC= gGECbimapGEC,descr}},pSt) # (nval,pSt) = abbaGEC.gecGetValue pSt = (OutGetValue (nagec ^= nval.value),(lSt,pSt)) fun bupdate (InSetValue includeUpdate newAGECa=:{bimapGEC = nval,bGEC = ngGECb, descr = ndescr}) (lSt=:{agecBimapGEC=abbaGEC,agecAGEC={descr = odescr}},pSt) | odescr == ndescr // The same AGEC is used for the new value # (bimap,pSt) = abbaGEC.gecGetValue pSt # pSt = abbaGEC.gecSetValue includeUpdate (bimap ^^= nval.value) pSt // send new value down the current infrastructure // # pSt = abbaGEC.gecSetValue includeUpdate {bimap & value=nval.value} pSt // send new value down the current infrastructure = (OutDone,(lSt,pSt)) | otherwise // A different AGEC, of unknown type, is used for the new value # pSt = abbaGEC.gecClose pSt // close old infrastructure # (nabbaGEC,pSt)= mkBimapGECeditor nval ngGECb { gec_value = Just nval // build new infrastructure , update = bupdate newAGECa , location = location , makeUpValue = makeUpValue , outputOnly = outputOnly , hasOBJECT = hasOBJECT } pSt # pSt = nabbaGEC.gecOpenGUI location pSt //mjp # lSt = { agecBimapGEC = nabbaGEC , agecAGEC = newAGECa } = (OutDone,(lSt,pSt)) fun _ InOpenGEC (lSt=:{agecBimapGEC=abbaGEC},pSt) = (OutDone,(lSt,abbaGEC.gecOpen pSt)) fun _ InCloseGEC (lSt=:{agecBimapGEC=abbaGEC},pSt) = (OutDone,(lSt,abbaGEC.gecClose pSt)) fun _ (InOpenGUI guiLoc objControlId) (lSt=:{agecBimapGEC=abbaGEC},pSt) = (OutDone,(lSt,abbaGEC.gecOpenGUI (guiLoc,objControlId) pSt)) fun _ (InCloseGUI keepActiveCONS) (lSt=:{agecBimapGEC=abbaGEC},pSt) = (OutDone,(lSt,abbaGEC.gecCloseGUI keepActiveCONS pSt)) fun _ (InSwitchCONS upd consPos) (lSt=:{agecBimapGEC=abbaGEC},pSt) = (OutDone,(lSt,abbaGEC.gecSwitch upd consPos pSt)) fun _ (InArrangeCONS arrangement consPos) (lSt=:{agecBimapGEC=abbaGEC},pSt) = (OutDone,(lSt,abbaGEC.gecArrange arrangement consPos pSt)) newGEC :: !(GECId t) -> .GECVALUE t (PSt .ps) newGEC tGEC = { gecOpen = openGEC tGEC , gecClose = closeGEC tGEC , gecOpenGUI = openGECGUI tGEC , gecCloseGUI = closeGECGUI tGEC , gecGetValue = getGECvalue tGEC , gecSetValue = setGECvalue tGEC , gecSwitch = switchGEC tGEC , gecArrange = arrangeGEC tGEC , gecOpened = accPIO (isGECIdBound tGEC) } mkDynamicAgec gecx gecArgs=:{gec_value=Nothing} pSt # (geca,pSt) = gecx {gecArgs & gec_value=Nothing, update = \v r env -> env} pSt # (a, pSt) = geca.gecGetValue pSt # pSt = geca.gecClose pSt = mkDynamicAgec gecx {gecArgs & gec_value=Just (hidAGEC a)} pSt /* // generic function combining AGEC's // it will only show the invokations made, all other types are by default not shown ! generic gAGEC d :: d -> AGEC d gAGEC{|Int|} d = idAGEC d gAGEC{|Real|} d = idAGEC d gAGEC{|String|} d = idAGEC d gAGEC{|UNIT|} d = idAGEC d gAGEC{|PAIR|} ba bb (PAIR a b) = mkPAIR_AGEC mymap (ba a) (bb b) where mymap = { map_to = \(PAIR a b) -> a <-> b , map_from = \(a <-> b ) -> PAIR a b } gAGEC{|EITHER|} ba bb (LEFT a) = mkEITHER_AGEC bimapId (LEFT (ba a)) gAGEC{|EITHER|} ba bb (RIGHT b) = mkEITHER_AGEC bimapId (RIGHT (bb b)) gAGEC{|CONS|} dc (CONS c) = AGEC_a_as_AGEC_b mymap (dc c) where mymap = { map_to = \c -> CONS c , map_from = \(CONS c) -> c } gAGEC{|OBJECT|} do (OBJECT o) = AGEC_a_as_AGEC_b mymap (do o) where mymap = { map_to = \o -> OBJECT o , map_from = \(OBJECT o) -> o } // utility function defined for gAGEC ... mkPAIR_AGEC :: (A. ax bx:Bimap (PAIR ax bx) (tv ax bx)) (AGEC a) (AGEC b) -> AGEC (PAIR a b) | gGEC {|*->*->*|} tv mkPAIR_AGEC bimap ageca=:{bimapGEC = bimapGava, bGEC = gecva, descr = sa} agecb=:{bimapGEC = bimapGbvb, bGEC = gecvb, descr = sb} = {bimapGEC = bimapGPabvavb, bGEC = ggecGPtv, descr = (sa +++ sb)} where bimapGPabvavb = Bimap_BimapGEC_PAIR bimap bimapGava bimapGbvb ggecGPtv = gGEC{|*->*->*|} gecva gecvb Bimap_BimapGEC_PAIR :: (A. ax bx:Bimap (PAIR ax bx) (tv ax bx)) (BimapGEC a va) (BimapGEC b vb) -> (BimapGEC (PAIR a b) (tv va vb)) Bimap_BimapGEC_PAIR bimapPtv bimapGava bimapGbvb = {toGEC=ptotv,fromGEC=vtoP,updGEC=updtvvavb,value=nv,pred=pred} where ptotv (PAIR a b) Undefined = bimapPtv.map_to (PAIR (bimapGava.toGEC a Undefined) (bimapGbvb.toGEC b Undefined)) ptotv (PAIR a b) (Defined vab) = vab vtoP tvvavb # (PAIR va vb) = (bimapPtv.map_from tvvavb) = (PAIR (bimapGava.fromGEC va) (bimapGbvb.fromGEC vb)) updtvvavb tvvavb = id tvvavb nv = (PAIR bimapGava.value bimapGbvb.value) pred nb = (True,nb) mkEITHER_AGEC :: (A. ax bx:Bimap (EITHER ax bx) (tv ax bx)) (EITHER (AGEC a) (AGEC b)) -> AGEC (EITHER a b) | gGEC {|*->*->*|} tv mkEITHER_AGEC bimap (LEFT ageca=:{bimapGEC = bimapGava, bGEC = gecva, descr = sa}) = {bimapGEC = bimapLEFT, bGEC = ggecGPtv, descr = ("LEFT" +++ sa)} where bimapLEFT = Bimap_BimapGEC_EITHER bimap (LEFT bimapGava) ggecGPtv = gGEC{|*->*->*|} gecva gecva mkEITHER_AGEC bimap (RIGHT ageca=:{bimapGEC = bimapGbvb, bGEC = gecvb, descr = sb}) = {bimapGEC = bimapRIGHT, bGEC = ggecGPtv, descr = ("RIGHT" +++ sb)} where bimapRIGHT = Bimap_BimapGEC_EITHER bimap (RIGHT bimapGbvb) ggecGPtv = gGEC{|*->*->*|} gecvb gecvb Bimap_BimapGEC_EITHER :: (A. ax bx:Bimap (EITHER ax bx) (tv ax bx)) (EITHER (BimapGEC a va) (BimapGEC b vb)) -> (BimapGEC (EITHER a b) (tv va vb)) Bimap_BimapGEC_EITHER bimapEtv (LEFT bimapGava) = {toGEC=toGEC,fromGEC=fromGEC,updGEC=id,value=value,pred=pred} where toGEC (LEFT a) Undefined = bimapEtv.map_to (LEFT (bimapGava.toGEC a Undefined)) toGEC (LEFT a) (Defined vab) = vab // is this ok ?? fromGEC left # (LEFT va) = (bimapEtv.map_from left) = (LEFT (bimapGava.fromGEC va)) value = (LEFT bimapGava.value) pred nb = (True,nb) Bimap_BimapGEC_EITHER bimapEtv (RIGHT bimapGava) = {toGEC=toGEC,fromGEC=fromGEC,updGEC=id,value=value,pred=pred} where toGEC (RIGHT b) Undefined = bimapEtv.map_to (RIGHT (bimapGava.toGEC b Undefined)) toGEC (RIGHT b) (Defined vab) = vab // is this ok ?? fromGEC right # (RIGHT vb) = (bimapEtv.map_from right) = (RIGHT (bimapGava.fromGEC vb)) value = (RIGHT bimapGava.value) pred nb = (True,nb) AGEC_a_as_AGEC_b :: (Bimap a b) (AGEC a) -> AGEC b AGEC_a_as_AGEC_b bimap ageca=:{bimapGEC,bGEC,descr} = {bimapGEC = Bimap_BimapGEC bimap bimapGEC,bGEC,descr} */ // utilities for making BimapGECs out of bimaps gGEC{|GecComb|} gGECa gGECb args pSt = abort "Cannot make up function value for DataGec" AGECtoCGEC :: String (AGEC a) -> (GecCircuit a a) | gGEC{|*|}/*, generate{|*|}*/ a AGECtoCGEC sa agec = arr (\a -> agec ^= a) >>> edit sa >>> arr (\agec -> (^^ agec)) CGECtoAGEC :: (GecCircuit a a ) a -> (AGEC a) | gGEC{|*|} a // Use CGEC as AGEC CGECtoAGEC cgec a = mkAGEC { toGEC = \a _ -> {inout = (Hide a,Hide a), gec = arr (\(Hide a) -> a) >>> cgec >>> arr (\a -> Hide a)} , fromGEC = \{inout = (a,Hide b)} = b , updGEC = \b ps -> (False,b,ps) , value = a , pred = \na -> (DontTest,na) } "CGECtoAGEC" ggen{|AGEC|} gena trace randomStream = abort "Cannot generate random AGEC" //= (undef, trace, \a -> 0, randomStream) // unused utility functions ... /* invBimap :: (Bimap a b) -> (Bimap b a) invBimap {map_to, map_from} = {map_to = map_from, map_from = map_to} from_BimapGEC :: (BimapGEC a b) -> (Bimap a b) from_BimapGEC bimapGEC = {map_to = \a -> bimapGEC.toGEC a Undefined , map_from = bimapGEC.fromGEC} */