implementation module WhiteBox import StdBool, StdFunc, StdInt, StdList, StdMisc, StdTuple import osdocumentinterface, ostoolbox, ostooltip, oswindow import cast, commondef, controlaccess, controllayout, controlrelayout, controlvalidate, id, iostate, StdControlAttribute, StdControlClass, StdId import windowaccess, windowclipstate, wstate from windowupdate import updatewindowbackgrounds from receiverid import unbindRIds from StdPSt import appPIO WhiteBoxFatalError :: String String -> .x WhiteBoxFatalError function error = fatalError function "WhiteBox" error :: WhiteBoxId ls = WhiteBoxId !Id openWhiteBoxId :: !*env -> (!WhiteBoxId .ls,!*env) | Ids env openWhiteBoxId env # (id,env) = openId env = (WhiteBoxId id,env) whiteBoxIdtoId :: !(WhiteBoxId .ls) -> Id whiteBoxIdtoId (WhiteBoxId id) = id instance Controls (WhiteBox cDef) | Controls cDef where controlToHandles (WhiteBox (WhiteBoxId id) gui atts) pSt = controlToHandles (LayoutControl gui [ControlId id:atts]) pSt getControlType _ = "WhiteBox" openWhiteBoxControls :: !(WhiteBoxId .ls) .(cdef .ls (PSt .l)) !(PSt .l) -> (!ErrorReport,!PSt .l) | Controls cdef openWhiteBoxControls wbId=:(WhiteBoxId cId) newControls pState=:{io=ioState} # (maybeId,ioState) = getParentWindowId cId ioState | isNothing maybeId = (ErrorUnknownObject,{pState & io=ioState}) # wId = fromJust maybeId # (found,wDevice,ioState) = ioStGetDevice WindowDevice ioState | not found = (ErrorUnknownObject,{pState & io=ioState}) # wHs = windowSystemStateGetWindowHandles wDevice # (found,wsH,wHs) = getWindowHandlesWindow (toWID wId) wHs | not found = (ErrorUnknownObject,{pState & io=ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState wHs) ioState}) // Mike // # (wKind,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleWindowKind wsH | wKind==IsGameWindow = (OtherError "WrongObject",{pState & io=ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH wHs)) ioState}) /// # (cs,pState) = controlToHandles newControls {pState & io=ioState} # newItemHs = map controlStateToWElementHandle cs (currentIds,wsH) = getWindowStateHandleIds wsH (disjoint,newItemHs) = disjointControlIds currentIds newItemHs | not disjoint = (ErrorIdsInUse,appPIO (ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH wHs))) pState) # (rt,ioState) = ioStGetReceiverTable # (it,ioState) = ioStGetIdTable ioState # (ioId,ioState) = ioStGetIOId ioState (ok,newItemHs,rt,it) = controlIdsAreConsistent ioId wId newItemHs rt it # ioState = ioStSetIdTable it ioState # ioState = ioStSetReceiverTable rt ioState | not ok # ioState = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH wHs)) ioState # pState = {pState & io=ioState} = (ErrorIdsInUse,pState) | otherwise # (osdInfo, ioState) = ioStGetOSDInfo ioState # (wMetrics,ioState) = ioStGetOSWindowMetrics ioState # (tb,ioState) = getIOToolbox ioState # (ok,wsH,tb) = openrecursivecontrols osdInfo wMetrics wbId newItemHs wsH tb # ioState = setIOToolbox tb ioState # ioState = ioStSetDevice (WindowSystemState (setWindowHandlesWindow wsH wHs)) ioState # pState = {pState & io=ioState} = (if ok NoError ErrorUnknownObject,pState) // openrecursivecontrols is copied and modified from opencompoundcontrols in windowcontrols.icl: /* openrecursivecontrols adds the given controls to the recursive control of the given window. It is assumed that the new controls do not conflict with the current controls. */ openrecursivecontrols :: !OSDInfo !OSWindowMetrics !(WhiteBoxId .ls) ![WElementHandle .ls .pst] !(WindowStateHandle .pst) !*OSToolbox -> (!Bool,!WindowStateHandle .pst, !*OSToolbox) openrecursivecontrols osdInfo wMetrics wbId=:(WhiteBoxId compoundId) newItems wsH=:{wshIds,wshHandle=Just wlsH=:{wlsHandle=wH=:{whItems,whAtts,whDefaultId,whCancelId,whSelect,whShow,whItemNrs,whKind,whSize,whWindowInfo}}} tb # (found,nrSkip,_,itemNrs,oldItemHs) = addControls wbId newItems whItemNrs whItems | not found = (False,{wsH & wshHandle=Just {wlsH & wlsHandle={wH & whItems=oldItemHs}}},tb) | otherwise # (curw,curh) = (whSize.w-(if visVScroll wMetrics.osmVSliderWidth 0),whSize.h-(if visHScroll wMetrics.osmHSliderHeight 0)) curSize = {w=curw,h=curh} wFrame = sizeToRect curSize hMargins = getWindowHMargins whKind wMetrics whAtts vMargins = getWindowVMargins whKind wMetrics whAtts spaces = getWindowItemSpaces whKind wMetrics whAtts reqSize = {w=curw-fst hMargins-snd hMargins,h=curh-fst vMargins-snd vMargins} # (oldItemHs`,oldItemHs,tb) = getWElementHandles` wPtr oldItemHs tb # (derSize,newItemHs,tb) = layoutControls wMetrics hMargins vMargins spaces reqSize zero [(domain,origin)] oldItemHs tb // # tb = checkNewWindowSize curSize derSize wPtr osdInfo tb // PA: curSize might be bigger than domain, then you shouldn't resize! # (newItemHs,tb) = createRecursiveControls wMetrics compoundId nrSkip whDefaultId whCancelId whSelect wPtr newItemHs tb wH = {wH & whItemNrs=itemNrs,whItems=newItemHs} # (wH,tb) = forceValidWindowClipState wMetrics True wPtr wH tb # (updRgn,newItemHs,tb) = relayoutControls wMetrics whSelect whShow wFrame wFrame zero zero wPtr whDefaultId oldItemHs` wH.whItems tb # (wH,tb) = updatewindowbackgrounds wMetrics updRgn wshIds {wH & whItems=newItemHs} tb = (True,{wsH & wshHandle=Just {wlsH & wlsHandle=wH}},tb) where wPtr = wshIds.wPtr domain = rectToRectangle domainRect (origin,domainRect,hasHScroll,hasVScroll) = case whWindowInfo of WindowInfo info -> (info.windowOrigin,info.windowDomain,isJust info.windowHScroll,isJust info.windowVScroll) other -> (zero, sizeToRect whSize,False,False) (visHScroll,visVScroll) = osScrollbarsAreVisible wMetrics domainRect (toTuple whSize) (hasHScroll,hasVScroll) addControls :: !(WhiteBoxId .ls`) ![WElementHandle .ls` .pst] [Int] ![WElementHandle .ls .pst] -> (!Bool,!Int,![WElementHandle .ls` .pst],[Int],![WElementHandle .ls .pst]) addControls _ newItems itemNrs [] = (False,0,newItems,itemNrs,[]) addControls wbId newItems itemNrs [itemH:itemHs] # (found,nrSkip,newItems,itemNrs,itemH) = addControls` wbId newItems itemNrs itemH | found = (found,nrSkip,newItems,itemNrs,[itemH:itemHs]) | otherwise # (found,nrSkip,newItems,itemNrs,itemHs)= addControls wbId newItems itemNrs itemHs = (found,nrSkip,newItems,itemNrs,[itemH:itemHs]) where addControls` :: !(WhiteBoxId .ls`) ![WElementHandle .ls` .pst] [Int] !(WElementHandle .ls .pst) -> (!Bool,!Int,![WElementHandle .ls` .pst],[Int], !WElementHandle .ls .pst) addControls` wbId newItems itemNrs (WItemHandle itemH) # (found,nrSkip,newItems,itemNrs,itemH) = addControls`` wbId newItems itemNrs itemH = (found,nrSkip,newItems,itemNrs,WItemHandle itemH) where addControls`` :: !(WhiteBoxId .ls`) ![WElementHandle .ls` .pst] [Int] !(WItemHandle .ls .pst) -> (!Bool,!Int,![WElementHandle .ls` .pst],[Int], !WItemHandle .ls .pst) addControls`` wbId=:(WhiteBoxId compoundId) newItems itemNrs itemH=:{wItemKind,wItemId} | not (isRecursiveControl wItemKind) = (False,0,newItems,itemNrs,itemH) | not (identifyMaybeId compoundId wItemId) # (found,nrSkip,newItems,itemNrs,itemHs) = addControls wbId newItems itemNrs itemH.wItems | found && wItemKind==IsCompoundControl = (found,nrSkip,newItems,itemNrs,invalidateCompoundClipState {itemH & wItems=itemHs}) // otherwise = (found,nrSkip,newItems,itemNrs,{itemH & wItems=itemHs}) | otherwise # (nrSkip,curItems) = ulength itemH.wItems (itemNrs,newItems)= genWElementItemNrs itemNrs newItems newItems = cast newItems // PA: type cast included to enforce type correctness itemH = {itemH & wItems=curItems++newItems} itemH = if (wItemKind==IsCompoundControl) (invalidateCompoundClipState itemH) itemH = (True,nrSkip,[],itemNrs,itemH) addControls` wbId newItems itemNrs (WListLSHandle itemHs) # (found,nrSkip,newItems,itemNrs,itemHs) = addControls wbId newItems itemNrs itemHs = (found,nrSkip,newItems,itemNrs,WListLSHandle itemHs) addControls` wbId newItems itemNrs (WExtendLSHandle wExH=:{wExtendItems=itemHs}) # (found,nrSkip,newItems,itemNrs,itemHs) = addControls wbId newItems itemNrs itemHs = (found,nrSkip,newItems,itemNrs,WExtendLSHandle {wExH & wExtendItems=itemHs}) addControls` wbId newItems itemNrs (WChangeLSHandle wChH=:{wChangeItems=itemHs}) # (found,nrSkip,newItems,itemNrs,itemHs) = addControls wbId newItems itemNrs itemHs = (found,nrSkip,newItems,itemNrs,WChangeLSHandle {wChH & wChangeItems=itemHs}) openrecursivecontrols _ _ _ _ _ _ = WhiteBoxFatalError "openrecursivecontrols" "unexpected window placeholder argument" // createRecursiveControls is copied and modified from createCompoundControls in controlcreate.icl: // Beware that the 'wPtr' argument must NOT be the wItemPtr of a LayoutControl, but the first 'real' parent. createRecursiveControls :: !OSWindowMetrics !Id !Int !(Maybe Id) !(Maybe Id) !Bool !OSWindowPtr ![WElementHandle .ls .pst] !*OSToolbox -> (![WElementHandle .ls .pst],!*OSToolbox) createRecursiveControls wMetrics compoundId nrSkip okId cancelId ableContext wPtr itemHs tb = stateMap (createRecursiveWElementHandle wMetrics compoundId nrSkip okId cancelId True ableContext zero wPtr) itemHs tb where createRecursiveWElementHandle :: !OSWindowMetrics !Id !Int !(Maybe Id) !(Maybe Id) !Bool !Bool !Point2 !OSWindowPtr !(WElementHandle .ls .pst) !*OSToolbox -> (!WElementHandle .ls .pst, !*OSToolbox) createRecursiveWElementHandle wMetrics compoundId nrSkip okId cancelId showContext ableContext parentPos wPtr (WItemHandle itemH=:{wItemKind,wItemId}) tb | not (isRecursiveControl wItemKind) = (WItemHandle itemH,tb) | not (identifyMaybeId compoundId wItemId) # (itemHs,tb) = stateMap (createRecursiveWElementHandle wMetrics compoundId nrSkip okId cancelId showContext1 ableContext1 itemPos itemPtr`) itemH.wItems tb = (WItemHandle {itemH & wItems=itemHs},tb) | otherwise # (oldItems,newItems) = split nrSkip itemH.wItems # (newItems,tb) = stateMap (createWElementHandle wMetrics okId cancelId showContext1 ableContext1 itemPos itemPtr`) newItems tb # tb = if (wItemKind==IsCompoundControl) (osInvalidateCompound itemPtr) id tb // PA: added = (WItemHandle {itemH & wItems=oldItems++newItems},tb) where showContext1 = showContext && itemH.wItemShow ableContext1 = ableContext && itemH.wItemSelect itemPos = itemH.wItemPos itemPtr = itemH.wItemPtr itemPtr` = if (wItemKind==IsCompoundControl) itemPtr wPtr // PA: pass real pointer createRecursiveWElementHandle wMetrics compoundId nrSkip okId cancelId showContext ableContext parentPos wPtr (WListLSHandle itemHs) tb # (itemHs,tb) = stateMap (createRecursiveWElementHandle wMetrics compoundId nrSkip okId cancelId showContext ableContext parentPos wPtr) itemHs tb = (WListLSHandle itemHs,tb) createRecursiveWElementHandle wMetrics compoundId nrSkip okId cancelId showContext ableContext parentPos wPtr (WExtendLSHandle wExH=:{wExtendItems=itemHs}) tb # (itemHs,tb) = stateMap (createRecursiveWElementHandle wMetrics compoundId nrSkip okId cancelId showContext ableContext parentPos wPtr) itemHs tb = (WExtendLSHandle {wExH & wExtendItems=itemHs},tb) createRecursiveWElementHandle wMetrics compoundId nrSkip okId cancelId showContext ableContext parentPos wPtr (WChangeLSHandle wChH=:{wChangeItems=itemHs}) tb # (itemHs,tb) = stateMap (createRecursiveWElementHandle wMetrics compoundId nrSkip okId cancelId showContext ableContext parentPos wPtr) itemHs tb = (WChangeLSHandle {wChH & wChangeItems=itemHs},tb) // Copied from ioStGetIdParent and getParentWindowId in StdControl.icl: ioStGetIdParent :: !Id !(IOSt .l) -> (!Maybe IdParent,!IOSt .l) ioStGetIdParent id ioState # (idtable,ioState) = ioStGetIdTable ioState # (idparent,idtable) = getIdParent id idtable # ioState = ioStSetIdTable idtable ioState = (idparent,ioState) getParentWindowId :: !Id !(IOSt .l) -> (!Maybe Id,!IOSt .l) getParentWindowId controlId ioState # (maybeParent,ioState) = ioStGetIdParent controlId ioState | isNothing maybeParent = (Nothing,ioState) # parent = fromJust maybeParent | parent.idpDevice<>WindowDevice = (Nothing,ioState) # (pid,ioState) = ioStGetIOId ioState | parent.idpIOId<>pid = (Nothing,ioState) | otherwise = (Just parent.idpId,ioState) // Copied and modified (error message) from getWindowStateHandleIds in StdControl.icl: getWindowStateHandleIds :: !(WindowStateHandle .pst) -> (![Id],!WindowStateHandle .pst) getWindowStateHandleIds wsH=:{wshHandle=Just wlsH=:{wlsHandle=wH=:{whItems}}} # (ids,itemHs) = getWElementControlIds whItems = (ids,{wsH & wshHandle=Just {wlsH & wlsHandle={wH & whItems=itemHs}}}) getWindowStateHandleIds _ = WhiteBoxFatalError "getWindowStateHandleIds" "unexpected window placeholder argument" // Copied and unmodified as toOKorCANCEL and createWElementHandle from controlcreate.icl: /* toOKorCANCEL okId cancelId controlId checks if the optional Id of a control (controlId) is the OK control (OK), the CANCEL control (CANCEL), or a normal button (NORMAL). */ toOKorCANCEL :: (Maybe Id) (Maybe Id) !(Maybe Id) -> OKorCANCEL toOKorCANCEL okId cancelId maybeControlId = case maybeControlId of Just id -> if (isJust okId && fromJust okId ==id) OK (if (isJust cancelId && fromJust cancelId==id) CANCEL NORMAL ) nothing -> NORMAL /* createWElementHandle generates the proper system resources. */ createWElementHandle :: !OSWindowMetrics !(Maybe Id) !(Maybe Id) !Bool !Bool !Point2 !OSWindowPtr !(WElementHandle .ls .pst) !*OSToolbox -> (!WElementHandle .ls .pst, !*OSToolbox) createWElementHandle wMetrics okId cancelId showContext ableContext parentPos wPtr (WItemHandle itemH) tb # (itemH,tb) = createWItemHandle wMetrics okId cancelId showContext ableContext parentPos wPtr itemH tb = (WItemHandle itemH,tb) where createWItemHandle :: !OSWindowMetrics !(Maybe Id) !(Maybe Id) !Bool !Bool !Point2 !OSWindowPtr !(WItemHandle .ls .pst) !*OSToolbox -> (!WItemHandle .ls .pst, !*OSToolbox) createWItemHandle wMetrics okId cancelId showContext ableContext parentPos wPtr itemH=:{wItemKind=IsRadioControl} tb # radioInfo = getWItemRadioInfo itemH.wItemInfo show = showContext && itemH.wItemShow able = ableContext && itemH.wItemSelect # (radioItems,(_,tb)) = stateMap (createRadioItem show able (toTuple parentPos) wPtr radioInfo.radioIndex) radioInfo.radioItems (1,tb) radioInfo = {radioInfo & radioItems=radioItems} = ({itemH & wItemInfo=RadioInfo radioInfo},tb) where (hasTip,tipAtt) = cselect isControlTip undef itemH.wItemAtts tip = getControlTipAtt tipAtt createRadioItem :: !Bool !Bool !(!Int,!Int) !OSWindowPtr !Index !(RadioItemInfo .pst) !(!Index,!*OSToolbox) -> (!RadioItemInfo .pst, !(!Index,!*OSToolbox)) createRadioItem show able parentPos wPtr index item=:{radioItem=(title,_,_),radioItemPos,radioItemSize} (itemNr,tb) # (radioPtr,tb) = osCreateRadioControl wPtr parentPos title show able (toTuple radioItemPos) (toTuple radioItemSize) (index==itemNr) (itemNr==1) tb itemH = {item & radioItemPtr=radioPtr} | not hasTip = (itemH,(itemNr+1,tb)) | otherwise = (itemH,(itemNr+1,osAddControlToolTip wPtr radioPtr tip tb)) createWItemHandle wMetrics okId cancelId showContext ableContext parentPos wPtr itemH=:{wItemKind=IsCheckControl} tb # checkInfo = getWItemCheckInfo itemH.wItemInfo show = showContext && itemH.wItemShow able = ableContext && itemH.wItemSelect # (checkItems,(_,tb)) = stateMap (createCheckItem show able (toTuple parentPos) wPtr) checkInfo.checkItems (1,tb) checkInfo = {checkInfo & checkItems=checkItems} = ({itemH & wItemInfo=CheckInfo checkInfo},tb) where (hasTip,tipAtt) = cselect isControlTip undef itemH.wItemAtts tip = getControlTipAtt tipAtt createCheckItem :: !Bool !Bool !(!Int,!Int) !OSWindowPtr !(CheckItemInfo .pst) !(!Index,!*OSToolbox) -> (!CheckItemInfo .pst, !(!Index,!*OSToolbox)) createCheckItem show able parentPos wPtr item=:{checkItem=(title,_,mark,_),checkItemPos,checkItemSize} (itemNr,tb) # (checkPtr,tb) = osCreateCheckControl wPtr parentPos title show able (toTuple checkItemPos) (toTuple checkItemSize) (marked mark) (itemNr==1) tb itemH = {item & checkItemPtr=checkPtr} | not hasTip = (itemH,(itemNr+1,tb)) | otherwise = (itemH,(itemNr+1,osAddControlToolTip wPtr checkPtr tip tb)) createWItemHandle wMetrics okId cancelId showContext ableContext parentPos wPtr itemH=:{wItemKind=IsPopUpControl} tb # (popUpPtr,editPtr,tb) = osCreateEmptyPopUpControl wPtr (toTuple parentPos) show able (toTuple pos) (toTuple size) (length items) isEditable tb # maybeEditPtr = if isEditable (Just editPtr) Nothing # tb = osCreatePopUpControlItems popUpPtr maybeEditPtr ableContext (map fst items) info.popUpInfoIndex tb info = if isEditable {info & popUpInfoEdit=Just {popUpEditText="",popUpEditPtr=editPtr}} info itemH = {itemH & wItemPtr=popUpPtr, wItemInfo=PopUpInfo info} | not hasTip = (itemH,tb) | otherwise = (itemH,osAddControlToolTip wPtr popUpPtr (getControlTipAtt tipAtt) tb) where pos = itemH.wItemPos size = itemH.wItemSize show = showContext && itemH.wItemShow able = ableContext && itemH.wItemSelect info = getWItemPopUpInfo itemH.wItemInfo items = info.popUpInfoItems (hasTip,tipAtt) = cselect isControlTip undef itemH.wItemAtts isEditable = contains isControlKeyboard itemH.wItemAtts createWItemHandle wMetrics okId cancelId showContext ableContext parentPos wPtr itemH=:{wItemKind=IsSliderControl} tb # (sliderPtr,tb) = osCreateSliderControl wPtr (toTuple parentPos) show able (direction==Horizontal) (toTuple pos) (toTuple size) (osMin,osThumb,osMax,osThumbSize) tb itemH = {itemH & wItemPtr=sliderPtr} | not hasTip = (itemH,tb) | otherwise = (itemH,osAddControlToolTip wPtr sliderPtr (getControlTipAtt tipAtt) tb) where show = showContext && itemH.wItemShow able = ableContext && itemH.wItemSelect info = getWItemSliderInfo itemH.wItemInfo direction = info.sliderInfoDir sliderState = info.sliderInfoState min = sliderState.sliderMin max = sliderState.sliderMax (osMin,osThumb,osMax,osThumbSize) = toOSscrollbarRange (min,sliderState.sliderThumb,max) 0 pos = itemH.wItemPos size = itemH.wItemSize (hasTip,tipAtt) = cselect isControlTip undef itemH.wItemAtts createWItemHandle wMetrics okId cancelId showContext ableContext parentPos wPtr itemH=:{wItemKind=IsTextControl} tb # (textPtr,tb) = osCreateTextControl wPtr (toTuple parentPos) title show (toTuple pos) (toTuple size) tb itemH = {itemH & wItemPtr=textPtr} | not hasTip = (itemH,tb) | otherwise = (itemH,osAddControlToolTip wPtr textPtr (getControlTipAtt tipAtt) tb) where show = showContext && itemH.wItemShow pos = itemH.wItemPos size = itemH.wItemSize title = (getWItemTextInfo itemH.wItemInfo).textInfoText (hasTip,tipAtt) = cselect isControlTip undef itemH.wItemAtts createWItemHandle wMetrics okId cancelId showContext ableContext parentPos wPtr itemH=:{wItemKind=IsEditControl} tb # (editPtr,tb) = osCreateEditControl wPtr (toTuple parentPos) text show able keySensitive (toTuple pos) (toTuple size) tb itemH = {itemH & wItemPtr=editPtr} | not hasTip = (itemH,tb) | otherwise = (itemH,osAddControlToolTip wPtr editPtr (getControlTipAtt tipAtt) tb) where show = showContext && itemH.wItemShow able = ableContext && itemH.wItemSelect atts = itemH.wItemAtts keySensitive = contains isControlKeyboard atts pos = itemH.wItemPos size = itemH.wItemSize text = (getWItemEditInfo itemH.wItemInfo).editInfoText (hasTip,tipAtt) = cselect isControlTip undef atts createWItemHandle wMetrics okId cancelId showContext ableContext parentPos wPtr itemH=:{wItemKind=IsButtonControl} tb # (buttonPtr,tb) = osCreateButtonControl wPtr (toTuple parentPos) title show able (toTuple pos) (toTuple size) okOrCancel tb itemH = {itemH & wItemPtr=buttonPtr} | not hasTip = (itemH,tb) | otherwise = (itemH,osAddControlToolTip wPtr buttonPtr (getControlTipAtt tipAtt) tb) where show = showContext && itemH.wItemShow able = ableContext && itemH.wItemSelect pos = itemH.wItemPos size = itemH.wItemSize itemId = itemH.wItemId okOrCancel = toOKorCANCEL okId cancelId itemId title = (getWItemButtonInfo itemH.wItemInfo).buttonInfoText (hasTip,tipAtt) = cselect isControlTip undef itemH.wItemAtts createWItemHandle wMetrics okId cancelId showContext ableContext parentPos wPtr itemH=:{wItemKind=IsCustomButtonControl} tb # (buttonPtr,tb) = osCreateCustomButtonControl wPtr (toTuple parentPos) show able (toTuple pos) (toTuple size) okOrCancel tb itemH = {itemH & wItemPtr=buttonPtr} | not hasTip = (itemH,tb) | otherwise = (itemH,osAddControlToolTip wPtr buttonPtr (getControlTipAtt tipAtt) tb) where show = showContext && itemH.wItemShow able = ableContext && itemH.wItemSelect pos = itemH.wItemPos size = itemH.wItemSize itemId = itemH.wItemId okOrCancel = toOKorCANCEL okId cancelId itemId (hasTip,tipAtt) = cselect isControlTip undef itemH.wItemAtts createWItemHandle wMetrics okId cancelId showContext ableContext parentPos wPtr itemH=:{wItemKind=IsCustomControl} tb # (customPtr,tb) = osCreateCustomControl wPtr (toTuple parentPos) show able (toTuple pos) (toTuple size) tb itemH = {itemH & wItemPtr=customPtr} | not hasTip = (itemH,tb) | otherwise = (itemH,osAddControlToolTip wPtr customPtr (getControlTipAtt tipAtt) tb) where show = showContext && itemH.wItemShow able = ableContext && itemH.wItemSelect pos = itemH.wItemPos size = itemH.wItemSize (hasTip,tipAtt) = cselect isControlTip undef itemH.wItemAtts createWItemHandle wMetrics okId cancelId showContext ableContext parentPos wPtr itemH=:{wItemKind=IsCompoundControl} tb # (compoundPtr,hPtr,vPtr,tb) = osCreateCompoundControl wMetrics wPtr (toTuple parentPos) show able False (toTuple pos) (toTuple size) hScroll vScroll tb compoundInfo = {info & compoundHScroll=setScrollbarPtr hPtr info.compoundHScroll , compoundVScroll=setScrollbarPtr vPtr info.compoundVScroll } # (itemHs,tb) = stateMap (createWElementHandle wMetrics okId cancelId show able itemH.wItemPos compoundPtr) itemH.wItems tb itemH = {itemH & wItemInfo=CompoundInfo compoundInfo,wItemPtr=compoundPtr,wItems=itemHs} | not hasTip = (itemH,tb) | otherwise = (itemH,osAddControlToolTip wPtr compoundPtr (getControlTipAtt tipAtt) tb) where show = showContext && itemH.wItemShow able = ableContext && itemH.wItemSelect pos = itemH.wItemPos size = itemH.wItemSize info = getWItemCompoundInfo itemH.wItemInfo domainRect = info.compoundDomain origin = info.compoundOrigin (hasHScroll,hasVScroll) = (isJust info.compoundHScroll,isJust info.compoundVScroll) visScrolls = osScrollbarsAreVisible wMetrics domainRect (toTuple size) (hasHScroll,hasVScroll) {w,h} = rectSize (osGetCompoundContentRect wMetrics visScrolls (sizeToRect size)) (hasTip,tipAtt) = cselect isControlTip undef itemH.wItemAtts hScroll :: ScrollbarInfo hScroll | hasHScroll = {cbiHasScroll=True, cbiPos=toTuple hInfo.scrollItemPos,cbiSize=toTuple hSize,cbiState=hState} | otherwise = {cbiHasScroll=False,cbiPos=undef,cbiSize=undef,cbiState=undef} where hInfo = fromJust info.compoundHScroll hSize = hInfo.scrollItemSize hState = toOSscrollbarRange (domainRect.rleft,origin.x,domainRect.rright) w vScroll :: ScrollbarInfo vScroll | hasVScroll = {cbiHasScroll=True, cbiPos=toTuple vInfo.scrollItemPos,cbiSize=toTuple vSize,cbiState=vState} | otherwise = {cbiHasScroll=False,cbiPos=undef,cbiSize=undef,cbiState=undef} where vInfo = fromJust info.compoundVScroll vSize = vInfo.scrollItemSize vState = toOSscrollbarRange (domainRect.rtop,origin.y,domainRect.rbottom) h setScrollbarPtr :: OSWindowPtr !(Maybe ScrollInfo) -> Maybe ScrollInfo setScrollbarPtr scrollPtr (Just info) = Just {info & scrollItemPtr=scrollPtr} setScrollbarPtr _ nothing = nothing createWItemHandle wMetrics okId cancelId showContext ableContext parentPos wPtr itemH=:{wItemKind=IsLayoutControl,wItems} tb # (itemHs,tb) = stateMap (createWElementHandle wMetrics okId cancelId show able parentPos wPtr) wItems tb = ({itemH & wItems=itemHs},tb) where show = showContext && itemH.wItemShow able = ableContext && itemH.wItemSelect createWItemHandle _ _ _ _ _ _ _ itemH tb = (itemH,tb) createWElementHandle wMetrics okId cancelId showContext ableContext parentPos wPtr (WListLSHandle itemHs) tb # (itemHs,tb) = stateMap (createWElementHandle wMetrics okId cancelId showContext ableContext parentPos wPtr) itemHs tb = (WListLSHandle itemHs,tb) createWElementHandle wMetrics okId cancelId showContext ableContext parentPos wPtr (WExtendLSHandle wExH=:{wExtendItems=itemHs}) tb # (itemHs,tb) = stateMap (createWElementHandle wMetrics okId cancelId showContext ableContext parentPos wPtr) itemHs tb = (WExtendLSHandle {wExH & wExtendItems=itemHs},tb) createWElementHandle wMetrics okId cancelId showContext ableContext parentPos wPtr (WChangeLSHandle wChH=:{wChangeItems=itemHs}) tb # (itemHs,tb) = stateMap (createWElementHandle wMetrics okId cancelId showContext ableContext parentPos wPtr) itemHs tb = (WChangeLSHandle {wChH & wChangeItems=itemHs},tb)