definition module StdException /* StdException -- version 1.2 Written by Arjen van Weelden (with the help of John van Groningen), University of Nijmegen Send comments and bug reports to Imprecise user-defined synchronous exception handling for Clean 2.1 Warning: all unsafe* functions are `non-deterministic between compilations'. Version history: 1.2: Bug fix: Invalid return address fixed, due to profile stack fix. 1.1: Bug fix: Profile stack overflow fixed. 1.0: Bug fix: Profile stack reset was off by 8. 0.9: Polished for first public release 0.8: Added evalToNF to force evaluation to normal form; Removed DynamicTemp constructor from error message. 0.7: Bug fix: Added profile stack reset. 0.6: Bug fix: catchAllIO made a mess of the stack. 0.5: Added *IO functions: easier exception handling when using functions that operate on the world. 0.4: Bug fix: exception did not show when using no console. 0.3: Only Dynamic exceptions: exception class prevented catching all exception with a single handler. 0.2: Less overhead: everything builds on unsafeCatch instead of unsafeGetException; Exception class fixed: user defined instances can be type unsafe. 0.1: first release. */ import StdDynamic :: MaybeException a = NoException !a | Exception !Dynamic raise :: e -> .a | TC e raiseDynamic :: Dynamic -> .a class ExceptionEnv env where (catchAllIO) infixl 0 :: !u:(*env -> (.a, *env)) v:(Dynamic -> u:(*env -> (.a, *env))) -> u:(*env -> (.a, *env)), [u <= v] (catchIO) infixl 0 :: !u:(*env -> (.a, *env)) v:(e -> u:(*env -> (.a, *env))) -> u:(*env -> (.a, *env)) | TC e & ExceptionEnv env, [u <= v] (catchAll) infixl 0 :: u:a v:(Dynamic -> u:a) -> w:(*env -> (u:a, *env)) | ExceptionEnv env, [w <= u, w <= v] (catch) infixl 0 :: u:a v:(e -> u:a) -> w:(*env -> (u:a, *env)) | TC e & ExceptionEnv env, [w <= u, w <= v] getExceptionIO :: !.(*env -> (.a, *env)) !*env -> (MaybeException .a, !*env) | ExceptionEnv env getException :: .a !*env -> (!MaybeException .a, !*env) | ExceptionEnv env (unsafeCatchAll) infixl 0 :: .a .(Dynamic -> .a) -> .a (unsafeCatch) infixl 0 :: .a .(e -> .a) -> .a | TC e unsafeGetException :: .a -> MaybeException .a evalToNF :: !.a -> .a instance ExceptionEnv World