implementation module targetui import StdEnum, StdFunc, StdMisc, StdTuple, StdOrdList import StdFileSelect, StdMenu, StdMenuElement, StdPStClass, StdSystem import ExtNotice import IdeState import ioutil, tabcontrol import UtilStrictLists, UtilObjectIO, PmPath, Platform /* ? add 'New' to edit list dlog ? add 'Copy' to edit list dlog ? remove 'New...' menu entry ? add 'error' checking for space in cocl/cg path and subdir in linker paths... */ setProjectTarget :: !String !(PSt *General) -> PSt *General setProjectTarget name ps # ps = appProject (\project -> PR_SetTarget name project) ps = ps getTargetName :: !(PSt *General) -> (String,PSt *General) getTargetName ps # (tgs,ps) = getTargets ps # (cur,ps) = getCurrentTarget ps = ((tgs!!cur).target_name,ps) selectProjectTarget :: !(*(PSt *General) -> *([.Target],*(PSt *General))) !*(PSt *General) -> *(PSt *General) selectProjectTarget getTs ps # (name,ps) = getFromProject PR_GetTarget ps # (ts,ps) = getTs ps # idx = findIndex 0 name ts | isNothing idx | isEmpty ts = okNotice ["Unknown environment: "+++name,"No other environments available,","please define one."] ps # defname = (ts!!0).target_name # ps = appProject (PR_SetTarget defname) ps # ps = okTimedNotice ["Unknown environment: "+++name] (ticksPerSecond*4) ps = selectProjectTarget getTs ps # idx = fromJust idx # ps = setCurrentTarget idx ps # {target_name} = ts!!idx # ps = setProjectTarget target_name ps # ((_,eTargetId),ps) = getTargetIds ps # ps = appPIO ( (selectRadioMenuIndexItem eTargetId (inc idx))) ps = ps where findIndex x name [] = Nothing findIndex x name [t=:{target_name=n}:ns] | n == name = Just x = findIndex (inc x) name ns //-- fixAppPaths stup target=:{target_path = path, target_libs = libs, target_objs=objs} = {target & target_path = path`, target_libs = libs`, target_objs=objs`} where path` = fulAppPaths stup path libs` = fulAppPaths stup libs objs` = fulAppPaths stup objs //-- targetToMenuEntry t=:{target_name} = (t.target_name, Nothing, Nothing, noLS (setProjectTarget target_name o setCurrentTarget` t)) targetToMenuEntry` t=:{target_name} = (t.target_name, Nothing, Nothing, (setProjectTarget target_name o setCurrentTarget` t)) //:: TargetMenu ls pst = TargetMenu (Menu (:+: .MenuItem (:+: .MenuItem (:+: .MenuItem (:+: .MenuSeparator .RadioMenu)))) ls *(PSt *General)) :: TargetMenu ls pst = TargetMenu // :== // (Menu (:+: .MenuItem (:+: .MenuItem (:+: .MenuSeparator .RadioMenu))) ls pst) // (Menu (:+: .MenuItem (:+: .MenuItem (:+: .MenuItem (:+: .MenuSeparator .RadioMenu)))) ls pst) (Menu (:+: .MenuItem (:+: .MenuItem (:+: .MenuItem (:+: .MenuItem (:+: .MenuItem (:+: .MenuSeparator .RadioMenu)))))) ls pst) instance Menus TargetMenu where openMenu ls (TargetMenu mdef) ps = openMenu ls mdef ps getMenuType (TargetMenu mdef) = "TargetMenu" targetMenu :: !String [.Target] Id Id (*(PSt *General) -> *([.Target],*(PSt *General))) ([Target] -> .(*(PSt *General) -> *(PSt *General))) -> TargetMenu .a *(PSt *General) targetMenu envspath targets mTargetId eTargetId getTargets setTargets = TargetMenu (Menu "E&nvironment" ( MenuItem "&Edit Current..." [MenuFunction (noLS editfun)] :+: MenuItem "&New ..." [MenuFunction addtfun] :+: MenuItem "&Import..." [MenuFunction openTarget] :+: MenuItem "E&xport..." [MenuFunction saveTarget] :+: MenuItem "Edit &List..." [MenuFunction (noLS remtfun)] :+: MenuSeparator [] :+: RadioMenu [ targetToMenuEntry t \\ t <- targets ] 1 [MenuId eTargetId] ) [ MenuId mTargetId ]) where editfun ps # ps = editTargets getTargets setTargets ps # (targets,ps) = getTargets ps # (ok,ps) = saveEnvironments envspath targets ps | not ok # ps = okNotice ["Unable to save environments settings."] ps = ps = ps remtfun ps # (targets,ps) = getTargets ps # (lbId,ps) = openExtListBoxId ps # (dId,ps) = openId ps # (okId,ps) = openId ps # (cancelId,ps) = openId ps # ddef = ExtListBoxControl [toItem t \\ t <- targets] // contents = targets [1] // initial selection = first item (\_ ps -> ps) lbId [ControlViewSize {w=200,h=100}] :+: ButtonControl "Edit..." [ControlFunction (editfun` lbId dId) ,ControlWidth (ContentWidth "Move Down") ] :+: ButtonControl "Remove" [ControlFunction (remfun lbId dId) ,ControlWidth (ContentWidth "Move Down") ,ControlPos (BelowPrev,zero) ] :+: ButtonControl "Copy..." [ControlFunction (copyfun lbId dId) ,ControlWidth (ContentWidth "Move Down") ,ControlPos (BelowPrev,zero) ] :+: ButtonControl "Rename..." [ControlFunction (renamefun lbId dId) ,ControlWidth (ContentWidth "Move Down") ,ControlPos (BelowPrev,zero) ] :+: ButtonControl "Move Up" [ControlFunction (upfun lbId) ,ControlWidth (ContentWidth "Move Down") ,ControlPos (BelowPrev,zero)] :+: ButtonControl "Move Down" [ControlFunction (dnfun lbId) ,ControlWidth (ContentWidth "Move Down") ,ControlPos (BelowPrev,zero)] :+: ButtonControl "OK" [ ControlPos (Right,zero) , ControlFunction (okfun lbId dId (length targets)) , ControlWidth (ContentWidth "Cancel") , ControlId okId ] :+: ButtonControl "Cancel" [ControlPos (LeftOfPrev,zero) ,ControlFunction (noLS (cancelfun dId)) ,ControlId cancelId ] # datt = [WindowId dId,WindowOk okId, WindowCancel cancelId,WindowClose (noLS (cancelfun dId))] # (_,ps) = openModalDialog targets (Dialog "Edit Environments List" ddef datt) ps = ps where upfun lbId (targets,ps) # (_,(targets,ps)) = upSelItem lbId (targets,ps) // adjust radio menu... = (targets,ps) dnfun lbId (targets,ps) # (_,(targets,ps)) = dnSelItem lbId (targets,ps) // adjust radio menu... = (targets,ps) toItem {target_name} = (target_name,id,id) editfun` lbId dId (targets,ps) # ((ok,sel),ps) = getExtListBoxSelection lbId ps | not ok = (targets,ps) # sel = map snd sel | isEmpty sel = (targets,ps) # sel = dec (hd sel) # (savetargets,ps) = getTargets ps # (savecurrent,ps) = getCurrentTarget ps # ps = setTargets targets ps # ps = setCurrentTarget sel ps # ps = editTargets getTargets setTargets ps # (targets,ps) = getTargets ps # ps = setTargets savetargets ps # ps = setCurrentTarget savecurrent ps = (targets,ps) remfun lbId dId (targets,ps) # ((ok,sel),ps) = getExtListBoxSelection lbId ps | not ok = (targets,ps) # sel = map snd sel # ps = closeExtListBoxItems lbId sel ps # targets = remove sel targets = (targets,ps) where remove is ts = remove` 1 (sort is) ts remove` _ [] ts = ts remove` x [i:is] [t:ts] | x > i = abort "target:remove targets: index out of range" | x == i = remove` (inc x) is ts = [t:remove` (inc x) [i:is] ts] remove` _ _ _ = abort "fatal error in remove`" copyfun lbId dId (targets,ps) # ((ok,sel),ps) = getExtListBoxSelection lbId ps | not ok || isEmpty sel = (targets,ps) # sel = snd (hd sel) # target = targets!!(sel - 1) = newNameDialog target.target_name (copycont sel target lbId) (targets,ps) copycont sel target lbId target_name (targets,ps) # target = {target & target_name = target_name} // # targets = insertAt (sel-1) target targets // # ps = openExtListBoxItems lbId sel [toItem target] ps # targets = insertAt sel target targets # ps = openExtListBoxItems lbId (sel+1) [toItem target] ps = (targets,ps) renamefun lbId dId (targets,ps) # ((ok,sel),ps) = getExtListBoxSelection lbId ps | not ok || isEmpty sel = (targets,ps) # sel = snd (hd sel) # target = targets!!(sel - 1) = newNameDialog target.target_name (renamecont sel target lbId) (targets,ps) renamecont sel target lbId target_name (targets,ps) # target = {target & target_name = target_name} # targets = updateAt (sel-1) target targets # ps = closeExtListBoxItems lbId [sel] ps # ps = openExtListBoxItems lbId sel [toItem target] ps = (targets,ps) okfun lbId dId last (targets,ps) # (ok,ps) = saveEnvironments envspath targets ps | not ok # ps = okNotice ["Unable to save environments settings."] ps = (targets,ps) # ps = appPIO (closeRadioMenuIndexElements eTargetId [1..last]) ps # (err,ps) = accPIO (openRadioMenuItems eTargetId 1 [targetToMenuEntry` t \\ t <- targets ]) ps # ps = setTargets targets ps # ps = selectProjectTarget getTargets ps # ps = closeWindow dId ps = (targets,ps) cancelfun dId ps = closeWindow dId ps addtfun (ls,ps) = newNameDialog "new environment" cont (ls,ps) where cont newname (ls,ps) # newtarget = {t_StdEnv & target_name = newname} # (app_path,ps) = getStup ps # newtarget = fixAppPaths app_path newtarget # (targets,ps) = getTargets ps # targets = targets++[newtarget] # ps = setTargets targets ps # newindex = length targets # (err,ps) = accPIO (openRadioMenuItems eTargetId newindex [targetToMenuEntry` newtarget]) ps | err <> NoError = abort "targetui.icl: strange error adding target" # ps = setProjectTarget newname ps # ps = selectProjectTarget getTargets ps # ps = editTargets getTargets setTargets ps # (ok,ps) = saveEnvironments envspath targets ps | not ok # ps = okNotice ["Unable to save environments settings."] ps = (ls,ps) = (ls,ps) openTarget (ls,ps) # (app_path,ps) = getStup ps // select file # (envpath,ps) = selectInputFile ps | isNothing envpath = (ls,ps) # envpath = fromJust envpath // read file # (newtargets,ps) = openEnvironments app_path envpath ps // add targets # newtargets = map (fixAppPaths app_path) newtargets # (targets,ps) = getTargets ps # targets = targets++newtargets # ps = setTargets targets ps # newindex = length targets # (err,ps) = accPIO (openRadioMenuItems eTargetId newindex (map targetToMenuEntry` newtargets)) ps | err <> NoError = abort "targetui.icl: strange error adding target" # (ok,ps) = saveEnvironments envspath targets ps | not ok # ps = okNotice ["Unable to save environments settings."] ps = (ls,ps) = (ls,ps) saveTarget (ls,ps) # (app_path,ps) = getStup ps # (tgs,ps) = getTargets ps # (cur,ps) = getCurrentTarget ps # env = tgs!!cur # envname = env.target_name # envpath = MakeFullPathname EnvsDir (envname +++ ".env") // select file # (envpath,ps) = selectOutputFile "Save Environment As..." envpath ps | isNothing envpath = (ls,ps) # envpath = fromJust envpath # (ok,ps) = saveEnvironments envpath [env] ps | not ok # ps = okNotice ["Unable to save environment."] ps = (ls,ps) = (ls,ps) //-- newNameDialog ininame cont (ls,ps) # (textId,ps) = openId ps # (editId,ps) = openId ps # (windId,ps) = openId ps # (okId,ps) = openId ps # (cancelId,ps) = openId ps # (ts,ps) = getTargets ps # names = map (\{target_name}->target_name) ts # ((err,en),ps) = openModalDialog Nothing (Dialog "Environment Name" ( TextControl "Enter name for environment" [ ControlId textId ] :+: EditControl ininame (PixelWidth 150) 1 [ ControlId editId , ControlPos (Left,zero) , ControlActivate (noLS (appPIO (setEditControlSelection editId 1 0))) ] :+: ButtonControl "OK" [ControlPos (Right,zero),ControlFunction (okfun textId editId windId names),ControlId okId] :+: ButtonControl "Cancel" [ControlPos (LeftOfPrev,zero),ControlFunction (cancelfun windId),ControlId cancelId] ) [ WindowId windId,WindowClose (cancelfun windId) , WindowOk okId , WindowCancel cancelId ] ) ps | err <> NoError = (ls,ps) | isNothing en = (ls,ps) | isNothing (fromJust en) = (ls,ps) = cont (fromJust (fromJust en)) (ls,ps) where okfun textId editId windId names (_,ps) # (wstate,ps) = accPIO (getWindow windId) ps | isNothing wstate = (Nothing, closeWindow windId ps) # wstate = fromJust wstate # (_,maybename) = getControlText editId wstate | isJust maybename && isMember (fromJust maybename) names # ps = appPIO (beep o setControlText textId (fromJust maybename +++ " already in use")) ps // #! ps = trace_n` ("in use",maybename) ps = (maybename, ps) // #! ps = trace_n` ("ok",maybename) ps = (maybename,closeWindow windId ps) cancelfun windId (_,ps) // #! ps = trace_n` ("cancel") ps = (Nothing,closeWindow windId ps) //-- setCurrentTarget` t ps # (ts,ps) = getTargets ps # x = find t ts | x < 0 // silly solution = setCurrentTarget 0 ps # ps = setCurrentTarget x ps = ps where find t ts = find` 0 ts where find` x [] = (-1) find` x [h:ts] | t.target_name == h.target_name = x = find` (inc x) ts //--- Environment settings dialog buttonWidth = ContentWidth "Append..." editTargets getTs setTs ps # (ap,ps) = getStup ps # (pp,ps) = getFromProject PR_GetRootDir ps # pp = RemoveFilename pp # (ts,ps) = getTs ps # (ct,ps) = getCurrentTarget ps # ps = envDialog ap pp ts ct getTs setTs ps = ps :: LS ps = { tg :: !Target , full :: !Bool , ap :: !String , pp :: !String , c1id :: !Id , c2id :: !Id , c3id :: !Id , c4id :: !Id , lbsllId :: !ExtListBoxId ps , lblibId :: !ExtListBoxId ps , lbobjId :: !ExtListBoxId ps , lbpadId :: !ExtListBoxId ps } envDialog ap pp ts ct getTs setTs ps # (wid,ps) = openId ps # (okId,ps) = openId ps # (cancelId,ps) = openId ps # (r1id,ps) = openId ps # (r2id,ps) = openId ps # (r3id,ps) = openId ps # (r4id,ps) = openId ps # layout_control_attributes = [ControlPos (Left,zero), ControlHMargin 0 0, ControlVMargin 0 0] # append_button = ButtonControl "Append..." [ControlWidth buttonWidth] # remove_button = ButtonControl "Remove" [ControlPos (Left,zero),ControlWidth buttonWidth] # (siz,ps) = controlSize (LayoutControl ( append_button :+: remove_button ) layout_control_attributes) True Nothing Nothing Nothing ps # (path_size,ps) = controlSize (LayoutControl ( append_button :+: remove_button :+: ButtonControl "Up" [ControlPos (Left,zero)] :+: ButtonControl "Dn" [ControlPos (Left,zero)] ) layout_control_attributes) True Nothing Nothing Nothing ps # (lbobjId,ps) = openExtListBoxId ps # (lbobj) = ExtListBoxControl (zip3(StrictListToList(FullPaths inifull ap pp tg.target_objs))(repeat id)(repeat id)) [] // initial selection (\sel ps->case sel of [] -> appPIO (disableControl r4id) ps _ -> appPIO (enableControl r4id) ps ) // selection update function lbobjId [ControlViewSize {h=siz.Size.h,w=300}] # (lblibId,ps) = openExtListBoxId ps # (lblib) = ExtListBoxControl (zip3(StrictListToList(FullPaths inifull ap pp tg.target_libs))(repeat id)(repeat id)) [] // initial selection (\sel ps->case sel of [] -> appPIO (disableControl r2id) ps _ -> appPIO (enableControl r2id) ps ) // selection update function lblibId [ControlViewSize {h=siz.Size.h,w=300}] # (lbpadId,ps) = openExtListBoxId ps # (lbsllId,ps) = openExtListBoxId ps # lbsll = ExtListBoxControl (zip3(StrictListToList(FullPaths inifull ap pp tg.target_stat))(repeat id)(repeat id)) [] // initial selection (\sel ps->case sel of [] -> appPIO (disableControl r3id) ps _ -> appPIO (enableControl r3id) ps ) // selection update function lbsllId [ControlViewSize {h=siz.Size.h,w=300}] # (compId,ps) = openId ps # (cgenId,ps) = openId ps # (linkId,ps) = openId ps # (dynlId,ps) = openId ps # (versId,ps) = openId ps # (methId,ps) = openId ps # (c1id,ps) = openId ps # (c2id,ps) = openId ps # (c3id,ps) = openId ps # (c4id,ps) = openId ps # iniLS = { tg = tg , full = inifull , ap = ap , pp = pp , c1id = c1id , c2id = c2id , c3id = c3id , c4id = c4id , lbpadId = lbpadId , lbobjId = lbobjId , lbsllId = lbsllId , lblibId = lblibId } # (_,ps) = openModalDialog iniLS (ddef wid okId cancelId lbobj lbobjId lblib lblibId (path_size.Size.h) lbpadId lbsll lbsllId siz compId cgenId linkId dynlId versId methId c1id c2id c3id c4id r1id r2id r3id r4id ) ps = ps where tg = ts!!ct inifull = False ddef wid okId cancelId lbobj lbobjId lblib lblibId height lbpadId lbsll lbsllId siz compId cgenId linkId dynlId versId methId c1id c2id c3id c4id r1id r2id r3id r4id = Dialog ("Environment: "+++tg.target_name) (title :+: panes :+: buttons`) [WindowId wid, WindowOk okId, WindowClose (noLS (closeWindow wid)), WindowCancel cancelId] where buttons` = buttons wid okId cancelId getTs setTs ct ts compId cgenId linkId dynlId versId methId panes = TabControl ( Pane "Tools" (toolpane tg compId cgenId linkId dynlId versId methId) :+: Pane "Paths" (pathpane ap pp tg.target_path inifull height lbpadId c1id r1id) :+: Pane "Dynamic Libraries" (dlibpane inifull lblib c2id r2id) :+: Pane "Static Libraries" (slibpane inifull lbsll c3id r3id) :+: Pane "Object Modules" (objmpane inifull lbobj c4id r4id) ) [ControlPos (Left,zero)] buttons wid okId cancelId getTs setTs ct ts compId cgenId linkId dynlId versId methId = ButtonControl "Done" [ ControlFunction savefun , ControlId okId, ControlPos (Right,zero) , ControlWidth width ] /* :+: ButtonControl "Save As..." [ ControlFunction saveasfun , ControlPos (LeftOfPrev,zero) , ControlWidth width ] */ :+: ButtonControl "Cancel" [ ControlFunction (noLS (closeWindow wid)) , ControlPos (LeftOfPrev,zero) , ControlWidth width , ControlId cancelId ] where width = ContentWidth "Save As..." savefun (ls,ps) # (ls,ps) = commonsave (ls,ps) # (tg,ls) = ls!tg # ps = setTs (updateAt ct tg ts) ps # ps = setProjectTarget tg.target_name ps // possible since we know it's only possible to edit the active environment... = (ls,ps) saveasfun (ls,ps) # (ls,ps) = commonsave (ls,ps) # (tg,ls) = ls!tg = newNameDialog tg.target_name contSaveAs (ls,ps) contSaveAs target_name (ls,ps) # ls = {ls & tg.target_name = target_name} # (tg,ls) = ls!tg # ps = setTs (ts++[tg]) ps # ((_,eTargetId),ps) = getTargetIds ps # (err,ps) = accPIO (openRadioMenuItems eTargetId (1 + length ts) [targetToMenuEntry` tg]) ps | err <> NoError = abort "targetui.icl: strange error adding target in saveas" # ps = setProjectTarget target_name ps // possible since we know it's only possible to edit the active environment... # ps = selectProjectTarget getTs ps = (ls,ps) commonsave (ls,ps) # (wdef,ps) = accPIO (getWindow wid) ps | isNothing wdef = abort "Fatal error in environment dialog: window has disappeared." # wdef = fromJust wdef # [(ok1,comp),(ok2,cgen),(ok3,link),(ok4,dynl),(ok5,vers),(ok6,mnum):_] = getControlTexts [compId,cgenId,linkId,dynlId,versId,methId] wdef | not (ok1 && ok2 && ok3 && ok4 && ok5 && ok6) = abort "Fatal error in environment dialog: controls have disappeared." | (isNothing comp) || (isNothing cgen) || (isNothing link) || (isNothing dynl) || (isNothing vers) || (isNothing mnum) = abort "Fatal error in environment dialog: controls are empty." # comp = fromJust comp # cgen = fromJust cgen # link = fromJust link # dynl = fromJust dynl # vers = fromJust vers # mnum = fromJust mnum # ls = { ls & tg.target_comp = comp , tg.target_cgen = cgen , tg.target_link = link , tg.target_dynl = dynl , tg.target_vers = toInt vers } # ls = case of (CompileAsync _) -> {ls & tg.target_meth = CompileAsync (toInt mnum)} _ -> ls # ps = closeWindow wid ps = (ls,ps) //-- title = TextControl "Environment Options" [ControlPos (Center,zero)] toolpane tg compId cgenId linkId dynlId versId methId = TextControl "Compiler: " [ControlWidth textWidth] :+: EditControl tg.target_comp (PixelWidth 250) 1 [ ControlId compId , ControlActivate (noLS (appPIO (setEditControlSelection compId 1 0))) ] :+: TextControl "Generator: " [ControlPos (Left,zero),ControlWidth textWidth] :+: EditControl tg.target_cgen (PixelWidth 250) 1 [ ControlId cgenId , ControlActivate (noLS (appPIO (setEditControlSelection cgenId 1 0))) ] :+: TextControl "Static Linker: " [ControlPos (Left,zero),ControlWidth textWidth] :+: EditControl tg.target_link (PixelWidth 250) 1 [ ControlId linkId , ControlActivate (noLS (appPIO (setEditControlSelection linkId 1 0))) ] :+: TextControl "Dynamic Linker: " [ControlPos (Left,zero),ControlWidth textWidth] :+: EditControl tg.target_dynl (PixelWidth 250) 1 [ ControlId dynlId , ControlActivate (noLS (appPIO (setEditControlSelection dynlId 1 0))) ] :+: TextControl "ABC version: " [ControlPos (Left,zero),ControlWidth textWidth] :+: EditControl (toString tg.target_vers) (PixelWidth 250) 1 [ ControlId versId , ControlActivate (noLS (appPIO (setEditControlSelection versId 1 0))) ] :+: CheckControl [("64 bit processor",Nothing,toMark tg.env_64_bit_processor,env_64_bit_processor_check_box_handler)] (Columns 1) [ControlPos (Left,zero)] :+: PlatformDependant ( CheckControl [("Console in IDE",Nothing,toMark tg.target_redc,redcfun)] (Columns 1) [ControlPos (Left,zero)]) ( TextControl "Processor: " [ControlPos (Left,zero), ControlWidth textWidth] :+: PopUpControl [(toString p,procfun p) \\ p <- PlatformProcessors] (proc2idx tg.target_proc) []) :+: RadioControl [("Sync",Nothing,methfun 1) ,("Async",Nothing,methfun 2) ,("Pers",Nothing,methfun 3) ] (Columns 1) (case tg.target_meth of CompileSync -> 1 (CompileAsync _) -> 2 CompilePers -> 3 ) [ControlPos (Left,zero)] :+: EditControl (case tg.target_meth of (CompileAsync n) -> toString n _ -> "1" ) (PixelWidth 250) 1 [ ControlId methId , case tg.target_meth of (CompileAsync _) -> ControlSelectState Able _ -> ControlSelectState Unable , ControlActivate (noLS (appPIO (setEditControlSelection methId 1 0))) ] where textWidth = ContentWidth "Dynamic Linker: " redcfun (ls,ps) # ls = {ls & tg.target_redc = not} = (ls,ps) env_64_bit_processor_check_box_handler (ls,ps) # ls = {ls & tg.env_64_bit_processor = not} = (ls,ps) procfun proc (ls,ps) # ls = {ls & tg.target_proc = proc} = (ls,ps) proc2idx proc = case [x \\ p <- PlatformProcessors & x <- [1..] | p == proc] of [] -> proc2idx DefaultProcessor [x:_] -> x methfun 1 (ls,ps) # ps = appPIO (disableControl methId) ps # ls = {ls & tg.target_meth = CompileSync} = (ls,ps) methfun 2 (ls,ps) # ps = appPIO (enableControl methId) ps # num = 42 # ls = {ls & tg.target_meth = CompileAsync num} = (ls,ps) methfun 3 (ls,ps) # ps = appPIO (disableControl methId) ps # ls = {ls & tg.target_meth = CompilePers} = (ls,ps) pathpane ap pp paths inifull height lbpadId c1id r1id = TextControl "Paths" [] :+: LayoutControl ( ButtonControl "Append..." [ ControlFunction addPath , ControlWidth buttonWidth ] :+: ButtonControl "Remove" [ ControlPos (Left,zero) , ControlFunction removePath , ControlWidth buttonWidth , ControlId r1id , ControlSelectState Unable ] :+: ButtonControl "Up" [ControlPos (Left,zero),ControlFunction lbUp] :+: ButtonControl "Dn" [ControlPos (Left,zero),ControlFunction lbDn] ) [ControlPos (Left,zero),ControlHMargin 0 0, ControlVMargin 0 0] :+: lbpad :+: CheckControl [ ("Show Full Names",Nothing,toMark inifull,showFullPaths) ] (Columns 1) [ ControlPos (Left,zero) , ControlId c1id ] where lbpad = ExtListBoxControl (zip3(StrictListToList(FullPaths inifull ap pp paths))(repeat id)(repeat id)) [] // initial selection (\sel ps->case sel of [] -> appPIO (disableControl r1id) ps _ -> appPIO (enableControl r1id) ps ) // selection update function lbpadId [ControlViewSize {h=height,w=300}] lbUp (ls,ps) # lo = # (_,(lo,ps)) = upSelItem lbpadId (StrictListToList lo,ps) # lo = ListToStrictList lo # ls = {ls & tg.target_path = lo} = (ls,ps) lbDn (ls,ps) # lo = # (_,(lo,ps)) = dnSelItem lbpadId (StrictListToList lo,ps) # lo = ListToStrictList lo # ls = {ls & tg.target_path = lo} = (ls,ps) addPath (ls=:{tg,full,ap,pp,lbpadId},ps) # (fs,ps) = selectDirectory` ps | isNothing fs = (ls,ps) # pathname = fromJust fs ls = {ls & tg.target_path = Append tg.target_path pathname} ps = appendExtListBoxItems lbpadId (zip3 [FullPath full ap pp pathname](repeat id)(repeat id)) ps = (ls,ps) removePath (ls=:{tg,ap,pp,lbpadId},ps) # ((ok,sel),ps) = getExtListBoxSelection lbpadId ps | not ok || isEmpty sel = (ls,ps) # (pathsel,indexsel) = unzip sel ls = {ls & tg.target_path = RemoveMembers tg.target_path (ListToStrictList [fulPath ap pp s \\ s <- pathsel])} ps = closeExtListBoxItems lbpadId indexsel ps ps = setExtListBoxSelection lbpadId [] ps = (ls,ps) dlibpane inifull lblib c2id r2id = TextControl "Dynamic Libraries" [] :+: LayoutControl ( ButtonControl "Append..." [ ControlFunction addLibrary , ControlWidth buttonWidth ] :+: ButtonControl "Remove" [ ControlPos (Left,zero) , ControlFunction remLibrary , ControlWidth buttonWidth , ControlId r2id , ControlSelectState Unable ] ) [ControlPos (Left,zero),ControlHMargin 0 0, ControlVMargin 0 0] :+: lblib :+: CheckControl [ ("Show Full Names",Nothing,toMark inifull,showFullPaths) ] (Columns 1) [ ControlPos (Left,zero) , ControlId c2id ] slibpane inifull lbsll c3id r3id = TextControl "Static Libraries" [] :+: LayoutControl ( ButtonControl "Append..." [ ControlFunction addStatic , ControlWidth buttonWidth ] :+: ButtonControl "Remove" [ ControlPos (Left,zero) , ControlFunction remStatic , ControlWidth buttonWidth , ControlId r3id , ControlSelectState Unable ] ) [ControlPos (Left,zero),ControlHMargin 0 0, ControlVMargin 0 0] :+: lbsll :+: CheckControl [ ("Show Full Names",Nothing,toMark inifull,showFullPaths) ] (Columns 1) [ ControlPos (Left,zero) , ControlId c3id ] objmpane inifull lbobj c4id r4id = TextControl "Object Modules" [] :+: LayoutControl ( ButtonControl "Append..." [ ControlFunction addObject , ControlWidth buttonWidth ] :+: ButtonControl "Remove" [ ControlPos (Left,zero) , ControlFunction remObject , ControlWidth buttonWidth , ControlId r4id , ControlSelectState Unable ] ) [ControlPos (Left,zero),ControlHMargin 0 0, ControlVMargin 0 0] :+: lbobj :+: CheckControl [ ("Show Full Names",Nothing,toMark inifull,showFullPaths) ] (Columns 1) [ ControlPos (Left,zero) , ControlId c4id ] //-- showFullPaths (ls=:{ap,pp,tg,full,c1id,c2id,c3id,c4id,lbpadId,lbobjId,lblibId,lbsllId},ps) # full= not full ps = appPIO (setCheckControlMarks [c1id,c2id,c3id,c4id] full) ps ps = closeAllExtListBoxItems lbpadId ps ps = appendExtListBoxItems lbpadId (zip3 (StrictListToList(FullPaths full ap pp tg.target_path))(repeat id)(repeat id)) ps ps = closeAllExtListBoxItems lbobjId ps ps = appendExtListBoxItems lbobjId (zip3 (StrictListToList(FullPaths full ap pp tg.target_objs))(repeat id)(repeat id)) ps ps = closeAllExtListBoxItems lblibId ps ps = appendExtListBoxItems lblibId (zip3 (StrictListToList(FullPaths full ap pp tg.target_libs))(repeat id)(repeat id)) ps ps = closeAllExtListBoxItems lbsllId ps ps = appendExtListBoxItems lbsllId (zip3 (StrictListToList(FullPaths full ap pp tg.target_stat))(repeat id)(repeat id)) ps = ({ls & full = full},ps) addLibrary (ls=:{tg,full,ap,pp,lblibId},ps) # (fs,ps) = selectInputFile ps | isNothing fs = (ls,ps) # pathname = (fromJust fs) ls = {ls & tg.target_libs = Append tg.target_libs pathname} ps = appendExtListBoxItems lblibId (zip3[FullPath full ap pp pathname](repeat id)(repeat id)) ps = (ls,ps) remLibrary (ls=:{tg,ap,pp,lblibId},ps) # ((ok,sel),ps) = getExtListBoxSelection lblibId ps | not ok || isEmpty sel = (ls,ps) # (pathsel,indexsel) = unzip sel ls = {ls & tg.target_libs = RemoveMembers tg.target_libs (fulPaths ap pp (ListToStrictList pathsel))} ps = closeExtListBoxItems lblibId indexsel ps ps = setExtListBoxSelection lblibId [] ps = (ls,ps) addStatic (ls=:{tg,full,ap,pp,lbsllId},ps) # (fs,ps) = selectInputFile ps | isNothing fs = (ls,ps) # pathname = (fromJust fs) ls = {ls & tg.target_stat = Append tg.target_stat pathname} ps = appendExtListBoxItems lbsllId (zip3[FullPath full ap pp pathname](repeat id)(repeat id)) ps = (ls,ps) remStatic (ls=:{tg,ap,pp,lbsllId},ps) # ((ok,sel),ps) = getExtListBoxSelection lbsllId ps | not ok || isEmpty sel = (ls,ps) # (pathsel,indexsel) = unzip sel ls = {ls & tg.target_stat = RemoveMembers tg.target_stat (fulPaths ap pp (ListToStrictList pathsel))} ps = closeExtListBoxItems lbsllId indexsel ps ps = setExtListBoxSelection lbsllId [] ps = (ls,ps) addObject (ls=:{tg,full,ap,pp,lbobjId},ps) # (fs,ps) = selectInputFile ps | isNothing fs = (ls,ps) # pathname = (fromJust fs) ls = {ls & tg.target_objs = Append tg.target_objs pathname} ps = appendExtListBoxItems lbobjId (zip3[FullPath full ap pp pathname](repeat id)(repeat id)) ps = (ls,ps) remObject (ls=:{tg,ap,pp,lbobjId},ps) # ((ok,sel),ps) = getExtListBoxSelection lbobjId ps | not ok || isEmpty sel = (ls,ps) # (pathsel,indexsel) = unzip sel ls = {ls & tg.target_objs = RemoveMembers tg.target_objs (fulPaths ap pp (ListToStrictList pathsel))} ps = closeExtListBoxItems lbobjId indexsel ps ps = setExtListBoxSelection lbobjId [] ps = (ls,ps) setCheckControlMarks ids full io = seq [setCheckControlMark full id \\ id <- ids] io setCheckControlMark full id io = case full of True -> markCheckControlItems id [1] io False -> unmarkCheckControlItems id [1] io FullPath True _ _ p = p FullPath False ap pp l = symPath ap pp l FullPaths True _ _ l = l FullPaths False ap pp l = symPaths ap pp l