implementation module PmDialogues import StdArray, StdFunc, StdMisc, StdTuple import StdFileSelect,StdPStClass,StdWindow import PmTypes, PmProject, PmPath, UtilStrictLists import tabcontrol, ExtListBox, ioutil, IdeState import ExtNotice, UtilObjectIO import Platform, morecontrols from projwin import pm_update_project_window :: PO_LS = { ao :: !ApplicationOptions , cgo :: !CodeGenOptions , paths :: !List String , lo :: !LinkOptions , xp :: !String // exepath , sl :: !StaticLibInfo , post_link :: !Maybe String } projectOptions :: !(PSt General) -> PSt General projectOptions ps = projectDialog True ps projectDefaults :: !(PSt General) -> PSt General projectDefaults ps = projectDialog False ps projectDialog :: !Bool !(PSt General) -> PSt General projectDialog actualProject ps` # ((err,ret),ps) = (if actualProject actualOpenOptionsDialog actualOpenDefaultsDialog) ps | NoError == err && isJust ret # ret = fromJust ret // need to differentiate here between options and defaults... | actualProject // actualProject # prj = PR_SetApplicationOptions project # prj = PR_SetCodeGenOptions ret.cgo prj # prj = PR_SetLinkOptions prj ret.lo #(dp,ps) = getCurrentPaths ps # prj = PR_SetPaths False dp ret.paths prj # (appPath,ps) = getStup ps # prjPath = PR_GetRootDir prj # prj = PR_SetExecPath ret.xp prj # prj = PR_SetStaticLibsInfo prj # (xxId,ps) = getPWX ps # ps = setFlexTexts [(xxId,ret.xp)] ps # prj = PR_SetPostlink ret.post_link prj = setProject prj ps // prefs # (prfs,ps) = getPrefs ps # prfs = {prfs & cgenopts = ret.cgo} # prfs = {prfs & linkopts = ret.lo} # prfs = {prfs & applopts =} = setPrefs prfs ps = ps where actualOpenOptionsDialog :: !(PSt General) -> (!(!ErrorReport,!Maybe PO_LS),!PSt General) actualOpenOptionsDialog ps = openModalDialog inils (Dialog "Project Options" (panesOptions :+: buttons) [WindowClose cancelfun ,WindowOk okId ,WindowCancel cancelId ,WindowId dlogId ]) ps actualOpenDefaultsDialog :: !(PSt General) -> (!(!ErrorReport,!Maybe PO_LS),!PSt General) actualOpenDefaultsDialog ps = openModalDialog inils (Dialog "Project Defaults" (panesDefaults :+: buttons) [WindowClose cancelfun ,WindowOk okId ,WindowCancel cancelId ,WindowId dlogId ]) ps // actualProject (project,ps0) = getProject ps` ([okId,cancelId,dlogId,hsId,ssId,emId,hmId,ihId,mhId,c1id,r1id,c2id,c3id,c4id,xpId,rsrcsId,symbolsId,post_link_id:_],ps1) = openIds 18 ps0 (lbpadId,ps2) = openExtListBoxId ps1 (lbobjId,ps3) = openExtListBoxId ps2 (lbdlibId,ps4) = openExtListBoxId ps3 (lbslibId,ps5) = openExtListBoxId ps4 (ap,ps6) = getStup ps5 pp = PR_GetRootDir project (prefs,ps) = PlatformDependant (getPrefs ps6) // Win (getPrefs ps9) // Mac // mac only... (fontNames`, ps8) = accPIO (accScreenPicture getFontNames) ps6 // filteren naar alleen fixed width fonts.... // (fixed,ps9) = seqList (map (\f->accPIO (accScreenPicture (lisFixedWidth f))) fontNames`) ps8 (fixed,ps9) = accPIO (accScreenPicture (seqList (map lisFixedWidth fontNames`))) ps8 fontNames = lfilter fixed fontNames` fontSizes = [7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24 ] inifn = ao.fn inifs = ao.fs fontfun name (ls,ps) # ls = {ls & ao.fn = name} = (ls,ps) sizefun size (ls,ps) # ls = {ls & ao.fs = size} = (ls,ps) // ...mac only ao = if actualProject (PR_GetApplicationOptions project) prefs.applopts cgo = if actualProject (PR_GetCodeGenOptions project) prefs.cgenopts lo = if actualProject (PR_GetLinkOptions project) prefs.linkopts paths = PR_GetPaths project sl = PR_GetStaticLibsInfo project root_path = PR_GetRootModuleDir project (post_link,_) = PR_GetPostlink project inils = {ao=ao,cgo=cgo,paths=paths,lo=lo,xp=fulexepath,sl=sl,post_link=post_link} // generic... panesOptions = TabControl ( applicationPane :+: compilerPane :+: diagnosticsPane :+: pathsPane ap pp paths False 200 lbpadId c1id r1id root_path :+: linkerPane :+: objectsPane :+: slibsPane :+: dlibsPane ) [ControlPos (Left,zero)] panesDefaults = TabControl ( applicationPane :+: compilerPane :+: diagnosticsPane :+: linkerPane ) [ControlPos (Left,zero)] buttons = ButtonControl "OK" [ControlFunction okfun,ControlPos (Right,zero), ControlId okId] :+: ButtonControl "Cancel" [ControlFunction cancelfun, ControlPos (LeftOfPrev,zero), ControlId cancelId] okfun (ls,ps) # (wdef,ps) = accPIO (getWindow dlogId) ps | isNothing wdef = abort "Fatal error in Project Options Dialog" # wdef = fromJust wdef [(ok1,hs),(ok2,ss),(ok3,hm),(ok4,ih),(ok5,mh):_] = getControlTexts [hsId,ssId,hmId,ihId,mhId] wdef | not (ok1 && ok2 && ok3 && ok4 && ok5) = abort "More fatal stuff in Project Options dialog" | (isNothing hs) || (isNothing ss) || (isNothing hm) || (isNothing ih) || (isNothing mh) = abort "Yet more fatal stuff in Project Options dialog" # ls = { ls & ao = { & hs = MemSizeToInt (fromJust hs) , ss = MemSizeToInt (fromJust ss) // , em = MemSizeToInt (fromJust em) , heap_size_multiple = StringToFixedPoint (fromJust hm) , initial_heap_size = MemSizeToInt (fromJust ih) , memoryProfilingMinimumHeapSize = MemSizeToInt (fromJust mh) }} # ls = PlatformDependant ls (macstuff ls wdef) = (ls, closeWindow dlogId ps) where macstuff ls wdef # (ok,em)= getControlText emId wdef | not ok || isNothing em = abort "Fatal mac specific" # ls = {ls & ao.em = MemSizeToInt (fromJust em)} = ls cancelfun (ls,ps) = (inils,closeWindow dlogId ps) fulexepath = PR_GetExecPath project symexepath = symPath ap pp fulexepath setexe (ls,ps) # (prjPath,ps) = getProjectFilePath ps # prjName = RemoveSuffix (RemovePath prjPath) # prjPath = pp # (exename,ps) = PlatformDependant (selectOutputFile` "Executable" "*.exe" "Set" ps) // win (selectOutputFile "Executable" prjName ps) // mac | isNothing exename = (ls,ps) # exename = fromJust exename # (appPath,ps) = getStup ps # exename = symPath appPath prjPath exename # ls = {ls & xp = exename} # ps = appPIO (setControlText xpId ("Executable produced as: "+++exename)) ps = (ls,ps) applicationPane = Pane "Application" // heap size ( TextControl "Application Options" [] :+: EditControl (IntToMemSize ao.hs) (PixelWidth 100) 1 [ ControlPos (Left,zero) , ControlId hsId , ControlActivate (noLS (appPIO (setEditControlSelection hsId 1 0))) ] :+: TextControl "Maximum Heap Size" [] // stack size :+: EditControl (IntToMemSize (PixelWidth 100) 1 [ ControlPos (Left,zero) , ControlId ssId , ControlActivate (noLS (appPIO (setEditControlSelection ssId 1 0))) ] :+: TextControl "Stack Size" [] :+: PlatformDependant // extra memory (want only on mac...) (NilLS) // win ( // mac EditControl (IntToMemSize ao.em) (PixelWidth 100) 1 [ ControlPos (Left,zero) , ControlId emId , ControlActivate (noLS (appPIO (setEditControlSelection emId 1 0))) ] :+: TextControl "Extra Memory" [] ) // next heap size factor :+: EditControl (FixedPointToString ao.heap_size_multiple) (PixelWidth 100) 1 [ ControlPos (Left,zero) , ControlId hmId , ControlActivate (noLS (appPIO (setEditControlSelection hmId 1 0))) ] :+: TextControl "Next Heap Size Factor" [] // initial heap size :+: EditControl (IntToMemSize ao.initial_heap_size) (PixelWidth 100) 1 [ ControlPos (Left,zero) , ControlId ihId , ControlActivate (noLS (appPIO (setEditControlSelection ihId 1 0))) ] :+: TextControl "Initial Heap Size" [] // marking collector :+: CheckControl [ ( "Enable dynamics" , Nothing , if (lo.method == LM_Static) NoMark Mark , noPS (\l->{l & lo = {l.lo & method = if (l.lo.method == LM_Static) LM_Dynamic LM_Static}}) ) , ( "Use Marking Garbage Collector" , Nothing , toMark ao.marking_collection , noPS (\l->{l & ao = { & marking_collection = not}}) ) , ( "Disable RTS command line arguments" , Nothing , toMark ao.disable_rts_flags , noPS (\l->{l & ao = { & disable_rts_flags = not}}) ) ] (Columns 1) [ ControlPos (Left,zero) ] // console type :+: TextControl "Console" [ ControlPos (Left,OffsetVector {zero & vy = 10}) ] :+: RadioControl [ ("Basic Values Only" ,Nothing,noPS (\l->{l & ao = { & o = BasicValuesOnly}})) , ("Show Constructors" ,Nothing,noPS (\l->{l & ao = { & o = ShowConstructors}})) , ("No Return Type" ,Nothing,noPS (\l->{l & ao = { & o = NoReturnType}})) , ("No Console" ,Nothing,noPS (\l->{l & ao = { & o = NoConsole}})) ] (Columns 1) (case ao.o of BasicValuesOnly -> 1 ShowConstructors -> 2 NoReturnType -> 3 NoConsole -> 4 ) [ ControlPos (Left,zero) ] :+: PlatformDependant NilLS (FontNameSizeControl inifn inifs fontNames fontSizes fontfun sizefun []) // .exe name and location :+: TextControl ("Executable produced as: "+++symexepath) [ControlId xpId,ControlPos (Left,zero):if actualProject [] [ControlHide]] :+: ButtonControl "Set executable..." [ControlFunction setexe,ControlPos (Left,zero):if actualProject [] [ControlHide]] ) compilerPane = Pane "Compiler" ( TextControl "Profiling Options" [] :+: RadioControl [ ("Time Profile and Stack Trace",Nothing,noPS (\l->{l & ao = { & profiling = True, stack_traces = False}})) , ("Stack Trace only",Nothing,noPS (\l->{l & ao = { & profiling = True, stack_traces = True}})) , ("No Time Profiling",Nothing,noPS (\l->{l & ao = { & profiling = False, stack_traces = False}})) ] (Columns 1) (if ao.profiling (if ao.stack_traces 2 1) 3) [ControlPos (Left,zero)] :+: CheckControl [("Heap Profile",Nothing,toMark ao.memoryProfiling, noPS (\l->{l & ao.memoryProfiling = not}))] (Columns 1) [ControlPos (Left,zero)] :+: EditControl (IntToMemSize ao.memoryProfilingMinimumHeapSize) (PixelWidth 100) 1 [ ControlPos (Left,zero) , ControlId mhId , ControlActivate (noLS (appPIO (setEditControlSelection mhId 1 0))) ] :+: TextControl "Minimum Profile Heap" [] :+: TextControl "Language Options" [ControlPos (Left,OffsetVector {vx=0,vy=10})] :+: CheckControl [("Dynamics",Nothing,toMark ao.dynamics,noPS (\l->{l & ao.dynamics = not}))] (Columns 1) [ControlPos (Left,zero)] :+: TextControl "Code Generation Options" [ControlPos (Left,OffsetVector {vx=0,vy=10})] :+: CheckControl [("Generic Fusion",Nothing,toMark ao.generic_fusion,noPS (\l->{l & ao.generic_fusion = not}))] (Columns 1) [ControlPos (Left,zero)] :+: CheckControl [("Generate descriptors and export labels",Nothing,toMark ao.desc_exl,noPS (\l->{l & ao.desc_exl = not}))] (Columns 1) [ControlPos (Left,zero)] ) diagnosticsPane = Pane "Diagnostics" ( TextControl "Diagnostics Options" [] :+: CheckControl [ ("Show Execution Time" ,Nothing, toMark ao.set,noPS (\l->{l & ao = { & set = not}})) , ("Show Garbage Collections" ,Nothing, toMark ao.sgc,noPS (\l->{l & ao = { & sgc = not}})) , ("Print Stack Size" ,Nothing, toMark ao.pss,noPS (\l->{l & ao = { & pss = not}})) , ("Write stderr to file" ,Nothing, toMark ao.write_stderr_to_file,noPS (\l->{l & ao = { & write_stderr_to_file = not}})) , ("Check Stacks" ,Nothing, toMark cgo.cs, noPS (\l->{l & cgo = {l.cgo & cs = not l.cgo.cs}})) , ("Check Indices" ,Nothing, toMark, noPS (\l->{l & cgo = {l.cgo & ci = not}})) ] (Columns 1) [ControlPos (Left,zero)] :+: TextControl "Stack tracing can be set in the profiling panel." [ControlPos (Left,zero)] ) linkerPane = Pane "Linker" ( TextControl "Linker Options" [] /* :+: TextControl "Link Method" [ControlPos (Left,zero)] :+: RadioControl [("Static" ,Nothing,noPS (\l->{l & lo = {l.lo & method = LM_Static}})) // ,("Eager" ,Nothing,noPS (\l->{l & lo = {l.lo & method = LM_Eager}})) ,("Lazy" ,Nothing,noPS (\l->{l & lo = {l.lo & method = LM_Dynamic}})) ] (Rows 1) inilinkmethod [ ControlPos (Left,zero) ] :+: TextControl "Link Options" [ ControlPos (Left,OffsetVector {zero & vy = 10}) ] */ :+: CheckControl [ ("Generate Relocations" ,Nothing,toMark lo.generate_relocations,noPS (\ls -> {ls & lo = {ls.lo & generate_relocations = not ls.lo.generate_relocations}})) , ("Generate Symbol Table" ,Nothing,toMark lo.generate_symbol_table,noPS (\ls -> {ls & lo = {ls.lo & generate_symbol_table = not ls.lo.generate_symbol_table}})) , ("Generate Link Map" ,Nothing,toMark lo.generate_link_map,noPS (\ls -> {ls & lo = {ls.lo & generate_link_map = not ls.lo.generate_link_map}})) : PlatformDependant // winOnly [ ("Generate DLL" ,Nothing,toMark lo.generate_dll,noPS (\ls -> {ls & lo = {ls.lo & generate_dll = not ls.lo.generate_dll}})) , ("Use Standard Runtime Environment" ,Nothing,toMark ao.standard_rte,noPS (\l->{l & ao = { & standard_rte = not}})) , ("Include Resource Section" ,Nothing,toMark lo.link_resources,noPS (\ls->{ls & lo = {ls.lo & link_resources = not ls.lo.link_resources}})) ] // macOnly // [ ("Add 'carb' Resource" ,Nothing,toMark lo.add_carb_resource,noPS (\ls -> {ls & lo.add_carb_resource = not ls.lo.add_carb_resource})) [] ] (Columns 1) [ ControlPos (Left,zero) ] :+: PlatformDependant // winOnly // .exe name and location ( TextControl ("Source of resource section: "+++lo.resource_source) [ControlId rsrcsId,ControlPos (Left,zero)] :+: ButtonControl "Set resource source..." [ControlFunction setrsrcs,ControlPos (Left,zero)] // .dll symbol source :+: TextControl ("Source of dll symbols: "+++lo.dll_export_list_name) [ControlId symbolsId,ControlPos (Left,zero)] :+: ButtonControl "Set dll symbol source..." [ControlFunction setsymbols,ControlPos (Left,zero)] :+: TextControl ("Postlink: "+++(case post_link of Just s -> s ; _ -> "")) [ControlId post_link_id,ControlPos (Left,zero)] :+: ButtonControl "Set postlink..." [ControlFunction set_post_link,ControlPos (Left,zero)] ) NilLS ) setrsrcs (ls,ps) # (rsrcname,ps) = PlatformDependant (selectOutputFile` "Resource source" "*.exe" "Set" ps) // win (selectOutputFile "Resource source" "" ps) // mac | isNothing rsrcname = (ls,ps) # rsrcname = fromJust rsrcname # (rsrcname,ps) = make_sym_path rsrcname ps # ls = {ls & lo.resource_source = rsrcname} # ps = appPIO (setControlText rsrcsId ("Source of resource section: "+++rsrcname)) ps = (ls,ps) setsymbols (ls,ps) # (symbname,ps) = PlatformDependant (selectOutputFile` "DLL symbol source" "*" "Set" ps) // win (selectOutputFile "DLL symbol source" "" ps) // mac | isNothing symbname = (ls,ps) # symbname = fromJust symbname # (symbname,ps) = make_sym_path symbname ps # ls = {ls & lo.dll_export_list_name = symbname} # ps = appPIO (setControlText symbolsId ("Source of dll symbols: "+++symbname)) ps = (ls,ps) set_post_link (ls,ps) # (post_link,ps) = PlatformDependant (selectInputFile` ps) // win (selectInputFile ps) // mac | isNothing post_link = ({ls & post_link = Nothing},ps) # post_link = fromJust post_link # (post_link,ps) = make_sym_path post_link ps # ls = {ls & post_link = Just post_link} # ps = appPIO (setControlText post_link_id ("Postlink: "+++post_link)) ps = (ls,ps) make_sym_path name ps # (appPath,ps) = getStup ps prjPath = pp = (symPath appPath prjPath name,ps) objectsPane = Pane "Extra Objects" {addLS = inifull ,addDef = TextControl "Object Paths" [] :+: LayoutControl ( ButtonControl "Append..." [ ControlFunction addObject , ControlWidth buttonWidth ] :+: ButtonControl "Remove" [ ControlPos (Left,zero) , ControlFunction remObject , ControlWidth buttonWidth ] ) [ControlPos (Left,zero),ControlHMargin 0 0, ControlVMargin 0 0] :+: lbobj :+: CheckControl [ ("Show Full Names",Nothing,toMark inifull,showFullPaths) ] (Columns 1) [ ControlPos (Left,zero) , ControlId c2id ] } where lbobj = ExtListBoxControl (zip3(FullPaths inifull ap pp (StrictListToList lo.extraObjectModules))(repeat id)(repeat id)) [] // initial selection (\_ ps -> ps) lbobjId [ControlViewSize {h=200,w=300}] buttonWidth = ContentWidth "Append..." inifull = False addObject ((full,tg),ps) # (fs,ps) = selectInputFile ps | isNothing fs = ((full,tg),ps) # pathname = (fromJust fs) tg = {tg & lo = {tg.lo & extraObjectModules = Append tg.lo.extraObjectModules pathname}} ps = appendExtListBoxItems lbobjId (zip3[FullPath full ap pp pathname](repeat id)(repeat id)) ps = ((full,tg),ps) remObject ((full,tg),ps) # ((ok,sel),ps) = getExtListBoxSelection lbobjId ps | not ok || isEmpty sel = ((full,tg),ps) # (pathsel,indexsel) = unzip sel tg = {tg & lo = {tg.lo & extraObjectModules = RemoveMembers tg.lo.extraObjectModules (ListToStrictList [fulPath ap pp s \\ s <- pathsel])}} ps = closeExtListBoxItems lbobjId indexsel ps ps = setExtListBoxSelection lbobjId [] ps = ((full,tg),ps) showFullPaths ((full,tg=:{lo}),ps) # full = not full ps = appPIO (setCheckControlMark full c2id) ps ps = closeAllExtListBoxItems lbobjId ps ps = appendExtListBoxItems lbobjId (zip3 (FullPaths full ap pp (StrictListToList lo.extraObjectModules))(repeat id)(repeat id)) ps = ((full,tg),ps) slibsPane = Pane "Static Libraries" {addLS = inifull ,addDef = TextControl "Static Libraries" [] :+: LayoutControl ( ButtonControl "Append..." [ ControlFunction addSlib , ControlWidth buttonWidth ] :+: ButtonControl "Remove" [ ControlPos (Left,zero) , ControlFunction remSlib , ControlWidth buttonWidth ] ) [ControlPos (Left,zero),ControlHMargin 0 0, ControlVMargin 0 0] :+: lbobj :+: CheckControl [ ("Show Full Names",Nothing,toMark inifull,showFullPaths) ] (Columns 1) [ ControlPos (Left,zero) , ControlId c3id ] } where lbobj = ExtListBoxControl (zip3(FullPaths inifull ap pp (StrictListToList (SL_Libs sl)))(repeat id)(repeat id)) [] // initial selection (\_ ps -> ps) lbslibId [ControlViewSize {h=200,w=300}] buttonWidth = ContentWidth "Append..." inifull = False addSlib ((full,tg),ps) # (fs,ps) = selectInputFile ps | isNothing fs = ((full,tg),ps) # pathname = (fromJust fs) tg = {tg & sl = SL_Add pathname} ps = appendExtListBoxItems lbslibId (zip3[FullPath full ap pp pathname](repeat id)(repeat id)) ps = ((full,tg),ps) remSlib ((full,tg),ps) # ((ok,sel),ps) = getExtListBoxSelection lbslibId ps | not ok || isEmpty sel = ((full,tg),ps) # (pathsel,indexsel) = unzip sel tg = {tg & sl = SL_Rem pathsel ap pp sl} ps = closeExtListBoxItems lbslibId indexsel ps ps = setExtListBoxSelection lbslibId [] ps = ((full,tg),ps) showFullPaths ((full,tg=:{sl}),ps) # full = not full ps = appPIO (setCheckControlMark full c3id) ps ps = closeAllExtListBoxItems lbslibId ps ps = appendExtListBoxItems lbslibId (zip3 (FullPaths full ap pp (StrictListToList (SL_Libs sl)))(repeat id)(repeat id)) ps = ((full,tg),ps) dlibsPane = Pane "Dynamic Libraries" {addLS = inifull ,addDef = TextControl "Dynamic Libraries" [] :+: LayoutControl ( ButtonControl "Append..." [ ControlFunction addDlib , ControlWidth buttonWidth ] :+: ButtonControl "Remove" [ ControlPos (Left,zero) , ControlFunction remDlib , ControlWidth buttonWidth ] ) [ControlPos (Left,zero),ControlHMargin 0 0, ControlVMargin 0 0] :+: lbobj :+: CheckControl [ ("Show Full Names",Nothing,toMark inifull,showFullPaths) ] (Columns 1) [ ControlPos (Left,zero) , ControlId c4id ] } where lbobj = ExtListBoxControl (zip3(FullPaths inifull ap pp (StrictListToList lo.libraries))(repeat id)(repeat id)) [] // initial selection (\_ ps -> ps) lbdlibId [ControlViewSize {h=200,w=300}] buttonWidth = ContentWidth "Append..." inifull = False addDlib ((full,tg),ps) # (fs,ps) = selectInputFile ps | isNothing fs = ((full,tg),ps) # pathname = (fromJust fs) tg = {tg & lo = {tg.lo & libraries = Append tg.lo.libraries pathname}} ps = appendExtListBoxItems lbdlibId (zip3[FullPath full ap pp pathname](repeat id)(repeat id)) ps = ((full,tg),ps) remDlib ((full,tg),ps) # ((ok,sel),ps) = getExtListBoxSelection lbdlibId ps | not ok || isEmpty sel = ((full,tg),ps) # (pathsel,indexsel) = unzip sel tg = {tg & lo = {tg.lo & libraries = RemoveMembers tg.lo.libraries (ListToStrictList [fulPath ap pp s \\ s <- pathsel])}} ps = closeExtListBoxItems lbdlibId indexsel ps ps = setExtListBoxSelection lbdlibId [] ps = ((full,tg),ps) showFullPaths ((full,tg=:{lo}),ps) # full = not full ps = appPIO (setCheckControlMark full c4id) ps ps = closeAllExtListBoxItems lbdlibId ps ps = appendExtListBoxItems lbdlibId (zip3 (FullPaths full ap pp (StrictListToList lo.libraries))(repeat id)(repeat id)) ps = ((full,tg),ps) pathsPane ap pp paths inifull height lbpadId c1id r1id root_path = Pane "Project Paths" {addLS = inifull ,addDef = TextControl "Project Paths" [] :+: LayoutControl ( ButtonControl "Append..." [ ControlFunction addPath , ControlWidth buttonWidth ] :+: ButtonControl "Remove" [ ControlPos (Left,zero) , ControlFunction removePath , ControlWidth buttonWidth , ControlId r1id , ControlSelectState Unable ] :+: ButtonControl "Up" [ControlPos (Left,zero),ControlFunction lbUp] :+: ButtonControl "Dn" [ControlPos (Left,zero),ControlFunction lbDn] ) [ControlPos (Left,zero),ControlHMargin 0 0, ControlVMargin 0 0] :+: lbpad :+: CheckControl [ ("Show Full Names",Nothing,toMark inifull,showFullPaths) ] (Columns 1) [ ControlPos (Left,zero) , ControlId c1id ] } where lbpad = ExtListBoxControl (zip3(FullPaths inifull ap pp (StrictListToList paths))(repeat id)(repeat id)) [] // initial selection (\sel ps->case sel of [] -> appPIO (disableControl r1id) ps _ -> appPIO (enableControl r1id) ps ) // selection update function lbpadId [ControlViewSize {h=height,w=300}] buttonWidth = ContentWidth "Append..." lbUp ((full,tg),ps) # lo = tg.paths # (_,(lo,ps)) = upSelItem lbpadId (StrictListToList lo,ps) # lo = ListToStrictList lo # tg = {tg & paths = lo} = ((full,tg),ps) lbDn ((full,tg),ps) # lo = tg.paths # (_,(lo,ps)) = dnSelItem lbpadId (StrictListToList lo,ps) # lo = ListToStrictList lo # tg = {tg & paths = lo} = ((full,tg),ps) addPath ((full,tg),ps) # (fs,ps) = selectDirectory` ps | isNothing fs = ((full,tg),ps) # pathname = fromJust fs tg = {tg & paths = Append tg.paths pathname} ps = appendExtListBoxItems lbpadId (zip3 [FullPath full ap pp pathname](repeat id)(repeat id)) ps = ((full,tg),ps) removePath ((full,tg),ps) # ((ok,sel),ps) = getExtListBoxSelection lbpadId ps | not ok || isEmpty sel = ((full,tg),ps) # (pathsel,indexsel) = unzip sel pathsel = ListToStrictList [fulPath ap pp s \\ s <- pathsel] | StringOccurs root_path pathsel #! ps = okNotice ["Removing path to main module not allowed."] ps = ((full,tg),ps) # tg = {tg & paths = RemoveMembers tg.paths pathsel} ps = closeExtListBoxItems lbpadId indexsel ps ps = setExtListBoxSelection lbpadId [] ps = ((full,tg),ps) showFullPaths ((full,tg=:{paths}),ps) # full = not full ps = appPIO (setCheckControlMark full c1id) ps ps = closeAllExtListBoxItems lbpadId ps ps = appendExtListBoxItems lbpadId (zip3 (FullPaths full ap pp (StrictListToList paths))(repeat id)(repeat id)) ps = ((full,tg),ps) setCheckControlMark full id io = case full of True -> markCheckControlItems id [1] io False -> unmarkCheckControlItems id [1] io project_directory_up :: !(PSt General) -> PSt General project_directory_up ps # (project,ps) = getProject ps | not (PR_ProjectSet project) = okNotice ["No open project"] ps # (project_file_path,ps) = getProjectFilePath ps project_file_dir = RemoveFilename project_file_path relative_root_dir = PR_GetRelativeRootDir project parent_project_dir = make_project_dir (size relative_root_dir+1) project_file_dir | size parent_project_dir==0 || parent_project_dir==PR_GetRootDir project = okNotice ["Project directory cannot be moved further up"] ps # relative_root_dir = relative_root_dir+++"." project = change_root_directory_of_project relative_root_dir parent_project_dir project ps = setProject project ps = pm_update_project_window ps project_directory_down :: !(PSt General) -> PSt General project_directory_down ps # (project,ps) = getProject ps | not (PR_ProjectSet project) = okNotice ["No open project"] ps # (project_file_path,ps) = getProjectFilePath ps project_file_dir = RemoveFilename project_file_path relative_root_dir = PR_GetRelativeRootDir project child_project_dir = make_project_dir (size relative_root_dir-1) project_file_dir | size relative_root_dir<=1 || child_project_dir==PR_GetRootDir project = okNotice ["Project directory cannot be moved further down"] ps # relative_root_dir = relative_root_dir % (0,size relative_root_dir-2) project = change_root_directory_of_project relative_root_dir child_project_dir project ps = setProject project ps = pm_update_project_window ps doPathsDialog :: !String !Pathname !Pathname !(List Pathname) ((List Pathname) (PSt .l) -> (PSt .l)) (PSt .l) -> (PSt .l) doPathsDialog titlestring ap pp lo set ps # (wid,ps) = openId ps (okid,ps) = openId ps (cancelid,ps) = openId ps buttonwidth = ContentWidth "Append..." (siz,ps) = controlSize (LayoutControl ( ButtonControl "Append..." [ ControlWidth buttonwidth ] :+: ButtonControl "Remove" [ ControlPos (Left,zero) , ControlWidth buttonwidth ] :+: ButtonControl "Up" [ ControlPos (Left,zero) , ControlWidth buttonwidth ] :+: ButtonControl "Dn" [ ControlPos (Left,zero) , ControlWidth buttonwidth ] ) [ControlPos (Left,zero),ControlHMargin 0 0, ControlVMargin 0 0]) True Nothing Nothing Nothing ps (lb1Id,ps) = openExtListBoxId ps (r1id,ps) = openId ps lbpad = ExtListBoxControl (zip3(FullPaths inifull ap pp (StrictListToList lo))(repeat id)(repeat id)) [] // initial selection (\sel ps->case sel of [] -> appPIO (disableControl r1id) ps _ -> appPIO (enableControl r1id) ps ) // selection update function lb1Id [ControlViewSize {h=siz.Size.h,w=300}] (_,ps) = openModalDialog (lo,inifull) (ddef wid okid cancelid lbpad lb1Id r1id siz) ps = ps where inifull = False ddef wid okId cancelId lb1 lb1Id r1id siz = Dialog "Paths" (title :+: left :+: buttons) [WindowId wid, WindowOk okId, WindowCancel cancelId, WindowClose cancel] where title = TextControl titlestring [ControlPos (Center,zero)] buttons = ButtonControl "Cancel" [ControlFunction cancel, ControlPos (Left,zero), ControlId cancelId] :+: ButtonControl "OK" [ControlFunction okfun, ControlId okId] cancel (ls,ps) # ps = closeWindow wid ps = (ls, ps) okfun ((lo,full),ps) # ps = set lo ps ps = closeWindow wid ps = ((lo,full), ps) left = LayoutControl (TextControl "Paths" [] :+: LayoutControl ( ButtonControl "Append..." [ ControlFunction addPath ] :+: ButtonControl "Remove" [ ControlPos (Left,zero) , ControlFunction removePath , ControlSelectState Unable , ControlId r1id ] :+: ButtonControl "Up" [ControlPos (Left,zero),ControlFunction lbUp] :+: ButtonControl "Dn" [ControlPos (Left,zero),ControlFunction lbDn] ) [ControlPos (Left,zero),ControlHMargin 0 0, ControlVMargin 0 0] :+: lb1 :+: CheckControl [ ("Show Full Names",Nothing,toMark inifull,showFullPaths) ] (Columns 1) [ ControlPos (Left,zero) ] ) [ControlPos (Left,zero)] where lbUp ((lo,full),ps) # (_,(lo,ps)) = upSelItem lb1Id (StrictListToList lo,ps) = ((ListToStrictList lo,full),ps) lbDn ((lo,full),ps) # (_,(lo,ps)) = dnSelItem lb1Id (StrictListToList lo,ps) = ((ListToStrictList lo,full),ps) addPath ((lo,full),ps) # (fs,ps) = selectDirectory` ps | isNothing fs = ((lo,full),ps) # pathname = fromJust fs # lo = Append lo pathname # ps = appendExtListBoxItems lb1Id (zip3 [FullPath full ap pp pathname](repeat id)(repeat id)) ps = ((lo,full),ps) removePath ((lo,full),ps) # ((ok,sel),ps) = getExtListBoxSelection lb1Id ps | not ok || isEmpty sel = ((lo,full),ps) # (pathsel,indexsel) = unzip sel lo = seq [RemoveStringFromList (fulPath ap pp s) \\ s <- pathsel] lo ps = closeExtListBoxItems lb1Id indexsel ps ps = setExtListBoxSelection lb1Id [] ps = ((lo,full),ps) showFullPaths ((lo,full),ps) # full = not full ps = closeAllExtListBoxItems lb1Id ps ps = appendExtListBoxItems lb1Id (zip3 (FullPaths full ap pp (StrictListToList lo))(repeat id)(repeat id)) ps = ((lo,full),ps) doCompilerOptionsDialog :: !String !CompilerOptions (CompilerOptions (PSt .l) -> (PSt .l)) !(PSt .l) -> (PSt .l) doCompilerOptionsDialog titlestring ini set ps # (wid,ps) = accPIO openId ps # (cid,ps) = accPIO openId ps # (okId,ps) = accPIO openId ps # (_,ps) = openModalDialog ini (ddef okId wid cid) ps = ps where ddef okId wid cancelId = Dialog titlestring (title :+: left :+: right :+: buttons) [WindowId wid ,WindowOk okId ,WindowClose cancel ,WindowCancel cancelId ] where title = TextControl titlestring [ControlPos (Center,zero)] left = LayoutControl (TextControl "Program Analysis" [] :+: CheckControl [ ("Strictness Analyzer",Nothing,toMark,noPS (\l->{l & sa = not})) ] (Columns 1) [ ControlPos (Left,zero) ] :+: TextControl "Code Generation" [ ControlPos (Left,OffsetVector {zero & vy = 10}) ] :+: CheckControl [ ("Generate Comments",Nothing,toMark ini.gc,noPS (\l->{l & gc = not l.gc})) , ("Reuse Unique Nodes",Nothing,toMark ini.reuseUniqueNodes,noPS (\l->{l & reuseUniqueNodes = not l.reuseUniqueNodes})) , ("Never Time Profile",Nothing,toMark ini.neverTimeProfile,noPS (\l->{l & neverTimeProfile = not l.neverTimeProfile})) // , ("Never Memory Profile",Nothing,toMark ini.neverMemoryProfile,noPS (\l->{l & neverMemoryProfile = not l.neverMemoryProfile})) ] (Columns 1) [ ControlPos (Left,zero) ] :+: TextControl "Fusion" [ControlPos (Left,zero)] :+: RadioControl [ ("Default",Nothing,noPS (\l->{l & fusion = FusionDefault})) , ("Off",Nothing,noPS (\l->{l & fusion = FusionOff})) , ("On",Nothing,noPS (\l->{l & fusion = FusionOn})) ] (Rows 1) (case ini.fusion of FusionDefault -> 1 FusionOff -> 2 FusionOn -> 3 ) [ ControlPos (Left,zero) ] ) [ControlPos (Left,zero)] right = LayoutControl (TextControl "Diagnostics" [] :+: CheckControl [ ("Give Warnings",Nothing,toMark,noPS (\l->{l & gw = not})) , ("Be Verbose",Nothing,toMark,noPS (\l->{l & bv = not})) ] (Columns 1) [ ControlPos (Left,zero) ] :+: TextControl "List Types" [ ControlPos (Left,OffsetVector {zero & vy = 10}) ] :+: RadioControl [ ("No Types",Nothing,noPS (\l->{l & listTypes = NoTypes})) , ("Inferred Types",Nothing,noPS (\l->{l & listTypes = InferredTypes})) , ("Strict Export Types",Nothing,noPS (\l->{l & listTypes = StrictExportTypes})) , ("All Types",Nothing,noPS (\l->{l & listTypes = AllTypes})) ] (Columns 1) (case ini.listTypes of NoTypes -> 1 InferredTypes -> 2 StrictExportTypes -> 3 AllTypes -> 4 ) [ ControlPos (Left,zero) ] :+: CheckControl [ ("Show Attributes",Nothing,toMark ini.attr,noPS (\l->{l & attr = not l.attr})) ] (Columns 1) [ControlPos (Left,zero) ] ) [] buttons = ButtonControl "Cancel" [ ControlWidth (ContentWidth "Cancel") , ControlFunction cancel , ControlPos (Left,zero) , ControlId cancelId ] :+: ButtonControl "OK" [ ControlWidth (ContentWidth "Cancel") , ControlFunction okfun , ControlId okId ] cancel (ls,ps) # ps = closeWindow wid ps = (ls, ps) okfun (ls,ps) # ps = closeWindow wid ps ps = set ls ps = (ls, ps) //--- // Conversion from memory size to strings and back Mega :== 1048576; Kilo :== 1024; IntToMemSize :: !Int -> String; IntToMemSize mem | mega && mem <> 0 = megamemstr; | kilo && mem <> 0 = kilomemstr; = memstr; where mega = mem rem Mega == 0; kilo = mem rem Kilo == 0; megamemstr = toString (mem / Mega) +++ "M"; kilomemstr = toString (mem / Kilo) +++ "K"; memstr = toString mem; MemSizeToInt :: !String -> Int; MemSizeToInt size = scale * scaleless; where scale = GetScale size; scaleless = StringToInt (RemoveScale size); // Converts a string into a number StringToInt :: !String -> Int; StringToInt string = TextToNumber string 0; TextToNumber :: !String !Int -> Int; TextToNumber "" n = n; TextToNumber s n | isdigit = number; = n; where number = TextToNumber (s % (1, dec (size s))) ( 10 * n + d); (isdigit,d) = Digit (s .[ 0]); Digit :: !Char -> (!Bool, !Int); Digit '0' = (True, 0); Digit '1' = (True, 1); Digit '2' = (True, 2); Digit '3' = (True, 3); Digit '4' = (True, 4); Digit '5' = (True, 5); Digit '6' = (True, 6); Digit '7' = (True, 7); Digit '8' = (True, 8); Digit '9' = (True, 9); Digit c = (False,0); GetScale :: !String -> Int; GetScale num | lennum == 0 = 0; | last == 'k' || last == 'K' = Kilo; | last == 'm' || last == 'M' = Mega; = 1; where last = num .[dec lennum]; lennum = size num; RemoveScale :: !String -> String; RemoveScale num | lennum < 2 = num; | last == 'k' || last == 'K' || last == 'm' || last == 'M' = num % (0, lennum - 2); = num; where lennum = size num; last = num.[dec lennum]; StringToFixedPoint :: !String -> Int StringToFixedPoint s | n<512+128 = 512+128; | n>100<<8 = 100<<8; = n; where n=string_to_fixed_point 0 0 s; string_to_fixed_point i v s | i>= size s = v<<8; | char>='0' && char<='9' = string_to_fixed_point (inc i) (v*10+(toInt char-48)) s; | char=='.' = (v<<8)+fraction (inc i) s; = v<<8; where char=s.[i]; fraction i s | i>= size s || char1<'0' || char1>'9' = 0; | inc i>= size s || char2<'0' || char2>'9' = ((toInt char1-48)<<8) / 10; = (((toInt char1-48)*10+(toInt char2-48))<<8)/100; where char1=s.[i]; char2=s.[inc i]; FixedPointToString :: !.Int -> String FixedPointToString n | n<512+128 = "2.5"; | n>100<<8 = "100"; | second_digit<>0 = toString (n>>8)+++"."+++toString first_digit+++toString second_digit; | first_digit<>0 = toString (n>>8)+++"."+++toString first_digit; = toString (n>>8); where first_digit=fraction / 10; second_digit=fraction rem 10; fraction=toInt (toReal (n bitand 255) * 100.0 / 256.0); //-- path fiddling utils FullPath True _ _ l = l FullPath False ap pp l = symPath ap pp l FullPaths True _ _ l = l FullPaths False ap pp l # l = map (symPath ap pp) l # l = map (symPath ap pp) l = l