implementation module EdKeyMapping // configuring the key mapping of the editor import StdArray,StdEnum, StdFunc, StdMisc,StdOrdList,StdTuple import StdFileSelect,StdPStClass,StdWindow import EdState, Table, StdListBox import StrictList, ioutil import EdActionType import Platform KeyMapFileName :== "" //-- MAX_KEY_BINDINGS :== 4 :: KeyMapping :== Table KeyCode Action :: KeyCode = KeyCode MyModifiers SpecialKey dummyKeycode = KeyCode NO_MODIFIERS helpKey dummyAction = Insert SNil instance == KeyCode where (==) (KeyCode myModifiers specialKey) (KeyCode myModifiers` specialKey`) = myModifiers == myModifiers` && specialKey == specialKey` instance toString KeyCode where toString (KeyCode myModifiers key) = (if (myModifiers bitand SHIFT <> 0) "Shift+" "") +++ (if (myModifiers bitand CTRL <> 0) "Ctrl+" "") +++ (if (myModifiers bitand ALT <> 0) "Alt+" "") +++ toString key instance fromString KeyCode where fromString s # (shift,s) = hasprefix "Shift+" s # (ctrl,s) = hasprefix "Ctrl+" s # (alt,s) = hasprefix "Alt+" s # key = fromString s # modifiers = NO_MODIFIERS + (if shift SHIFT 0) + (if ctrl CTRL 0) + (if alt ALT 0) = KeyCode modifiers key where hasprefix p s # x = size p - 1 | p == s%(0,x) = (True,s%(x+1,size s - 1)) = (False,s) instance fromString SpecialKey where fromString s = case s of "BackSpaceKey" -> backSpaceKey "BeginKey" -> beginKey "ClearKey" -> clearKey "DeleteKey" -> deleteKey "DownKey" -> downKey "EndKey" -> endKey "EnterKey" -> enterKey "EscapeKey" -> escapeKey "F1Key" -> f1Key "F2Key" -> f2Key "F3Key" -> f3Key "F4Key" -> f4Key "F5Key" -> f5Key "F6Key" -> f6Key "F7Key" -> f7Key "F8Key" -> f8Key "F9Key" -> f9Key "F10Key" -> f10Key "F11Key" -> f11Key "F12Key" -> f12Key "F13Key" -> f13Key "F14Key" -> f14Key "F15Key" -> f15Key "HelpKey" -> helpKey "LeftKey" -> leftKey "PgDownKey" -> pgDownKey "PgUpKey" -> pgUpKey "ReturnKey" -> returnKey "RightKey" -> rightKey "UpKey" -> upKey _ -> helpKey //some silly default KeyMapFileVersion :== "1.0" SaveKeyMapFile :: !{#Char} !KeyMapping !*Files -> (!Bool, !*Files); SaveKeyMapFile keymapPath keyMapping files #! (opened, file, files) = fopen keymapPath FWriteText files | not opened = (False, files) #! options = WriteTable dummyKeycode dummyAction keyMapping #! file = WriteOptionsFile KeyMapFileVersion options file = fclose file files ReadKeyMapFile :: !{#Char} !*Files -> ((!KeyMapping, !Bool, !{#Char}),!*Files) ReadKeyMapFile keymapPath ps # (opened, file, ps) = fopen keymapPath FReadData ps | not opened = ((tableNew,False,"The file \"" +++ keymapPath +++ "\" could not be opened."),ps) # (version, file) = ReadVersion file | version <> KeyMapFileVersion # (_, ps) = fclose file ps = ((tableNew,False,"The file \"" +++ keymapPath +++ "\" has the wrong version."+++version+++"<<<"),ps) #! (options, file) = ReadOptionsFile file keyMapping = ReadTable dummyKeycode dummyAction options (closed, ps) = fclose file ps | not closed = ((keyMapping, True,"The file \"" +++ keymapPath +++ "\" clould not be closed."), ps) // warning genereren of zo? = ((keyMapping, True,""), ps) saveKM km ps # (fn,ps) = selectOutputFile "Save keymapping as..." "*.km" ps | isNothing fn = ps # fn = fromJust fn # (ok,ps) = accFiles (SaveKeyMapFile fn km) ps | not ok = ps = ps openKM ps # (fn,ps) = selectInputFile ps | isNothing fn = (Nothing,ps) # fn = fromJust fn # ((km,ok,msg),ps) = accFiles (ReadKeyMapFile fn) ps | not ok = (Nothing,ps) = (Just km,ps) // findAction searches the key mapping table for a key that // matches the keyboard state. If it finds a match, it returns // the corresponding action. findAction :: !KeyboardState !KeyMapping -> Maybe Action findAction keyboardState keyMapping | isEmpty matches = Nothing = Just (hd matches) where keyCode = convertKeyboardState keyboardState matches = tableLookup keyCode keyMapping // convertKeyboardState converts the I/O lib type KeyboardState // to the KeyCode type, which can be used to index the key mapping. convertKeyboardState :: KeyboardState -> KeyCode convertKeyboardState (SpecialKey special _ modifiers ) = KeyCode (convertModifiers modifiers) special convertKeyboardState (CharKey char _) = abort "convertKeyboardState (EdKeyMapping.icl): character key not allowed" convertKeyboardState KeyLost = abort "convertKeyboardState (EdKeyMapping.icl): key lost allowed" macKeyMapping :: KeyMapping macKeyMapping = foldr tableInsert tableNew [ (KeyCode (SHIFT + ALT) leftKey, Select WordLeft) , (KeyCode (CTRL + SHIFT) leftKey, Select StartOfLine) , (KeyCode (SHIFT) leftKey, Select CharLeft) , (KeyCode (ALT) leftKey, Move WordLeft) , (KeyCode (CTRL) leftKey, Move StartOfLine) , (KeyCode NO_MODIFIERS leftKey, Move CharLeft) , (KeyCode (ALT + SHIFT) rightKey, Select WordRight) , (KeyCode (SHIFT + CTRL) rightKey, Select EndOfLine) , (KeyCode (SHIFT) rightKey, Select CharRight) , (KeyCode (ALT) rightKey, Move WordRight) , (KeyCode (CTRL) rightKey, Move EndOfLine) , (KeyCode NO_MODIFIERS rightKey, Move CharRight) , (KeyCode (ALT + SHIFT) upKey, Select PageUp) , (KeyCode (CTRL + SHIFT) upKey, Select StartOfText) , (KeyCode (SHIFT) upKey, Select LineUp) , (KeyCode (ALT) upKey, Move PageUp) , (KeyCode (CTRL) upKey, Move StartOfText) , (KeyCode NO_MODIFIERS upKey, Move LineUp) , (KeyCode (ALT + SHIFT) downKey, Select PageDown) , (KeyCode (CTRL + SHIFT) downKey, Select EndOfText) , (KeyCode (SHIFT) downKey, Select LineDown) , (KeyCode (ALT) downKey, Move PageDown) , (KeyCode (CTRL) downKey, Move EndOfText) , (KeyCode NO_MODIFIERS downKey, Move LineDown) , (KeyCode NO_MODIFIERS beginKey, Scroll StartOfText) , (KeyCode NO_MODIFIERS endKey, Scroll EndOfText) , (KeyCode NO_MODIFIERS pgUpKey, Scroll PageUp) , (KeyCode NO_MODIFIERS pgDownKey, Scroll PageDown) , (KeyCode (CTRL) clearKey, Remove EndOfLine) , (KeyCode (ALT) clearKey, Remove WordRight) , (KeyCode NO_MODIFIERS clearKey, Remove CharRight) , (KeyCode (CTRL) deleteKey, Remove EndOfLine) , (KeyCode (ALT) deleteKey, Remove WordRight) , (KeyCode NO_MODIFIERS deleteKey, Remove CharRight) , (KeyCode (CTRL) backSpaceKey, Remove StartOfLine) , (KeyCode (ALT) backSpaceKey, Remove WordLeft) , (KeyCode NO_MODIFIERS backSpaceKey, Remove CharLeft) ] allKeys = PlatformDependant // Windows [ leftKey, rightKey, upKey, downKey , pgUpKey, pgDownKey, /*clearKey,*/ deleteKey // ClearKey only on MacOS... , backSpaceKey, beginKey, endKey , f1Key, f2Key, f3Key, f4Key, f5Key , f6Key, f7Key, f8Key, f9Key, f10Key , f11Key, f12Key, f13Key, f14Key, f15Key ] // Macintosh [ leftKey, rightKey, upKey, downKey , pgUpKey, pgDownKey, clearKey, deleteKey // ClearKey only on MacOS... , backSpaceKey, beginKey, endKey , f1Key, f2Key, f3Key, f4Key, f5Key , f6Key, f7Key, f8Key, f9Key, f10Key , f11Key, f12Key, f13Key, f14Key, f15Key ] /*** MyModifiers ***/ :: MyModifiers :== Int NO_MODIFIERS :== 0 SHIFT :== 1 CTRL :== 2 ALT :== 4 convertModifiers :: Modifiers -> MyModifiers convertModifiers { shiftDown, altDown, controlDown, optionDown, commandDown } = ( if shiftDown SHIFT 0 ) + ( if (controlDown || commandDown) CTRL 0 ) + ( if (altDown || optionDown) ALT 0 ) /********************************************************* THE DIALOG THAT ALLOWS THE USER TO CHANGE THE KEY MAPPING *********************************************************/ :: KeyMappingDialogState = { keyMapping :: KeyMapping , dialogFont :: Font } configureKeyMapping :: KeyMapping (KeyMapping (PSt .l) -> (PSt .l)) (PSt .l) -> (PSt .l) configureKeyMapping keyMapping setKeyMapping pstateIds // Compute the line height of the dialog font # (font, pstate) = accScreenPicture openDialogFont pstate # (metrics, pstate) = accScreenPicture (getFontMetrics font) pstate lineHeight = metrics.fAscent + metrics.fDescent + metrics.fLeading // Compute the width of the widest action description and key description # (actionWidths, pstate) = accScreenPicture (getFontStringWidths font (map toString allActions)) pstate maxActionWidth = maxList actionWidths # (keyWidths, pstate) = accScreenPicture (getFontStringWidths font (map toString allKeys)) pstate (maxModWidth, pstate) = accScreenPicture (getFontStringWidth font "Ctrl+Alt+Shift+") pstate maxKeyWidth = maxList keyWidths + maxModWidth // keyControl is a control where you can set a certain key and see what // action it is associated with. The size depends on both its own size and // the size of the actionControl. To compute the sizes of both controls, they // are passed dummy arguments (i.e. []) first. Then the maximum width is computed // and the sizes of both controls are based on this width. // Here the size of the keyControl is computed. It is passed the dummy argument [], because // the maximum width is not known yet. # (keySize, pstate) = controlSize (keyControl maxActionWidth lineHeight []) False Nothing Nothing Nothing pstate # listBox = ListBoxControl [] [] listBoxId [ ControlViewSize {w=maxModWidth+maxKeyWidth,h=3*lineHeight} ] # (actionSize, pstate) = controlSize (actionControl listBox []) False Nothing Nothing Nothing pstate maxWidth = max actionSize.w keySize.w # (_, pstate) = openModalDialog { keyMapping = keyMapping, dialogFont = font } // local state of dialog (dialog maxWidth keySize actionSize maxActionWidth lineHeight listBox) // dialog definition pstate = pstate where actionControl listBox sizeAttr = CompoundControl ( TextControl "Action:" [ControlWidth (ContentWidth "Mapped from:"), ControlPos (Left, zero) ] :+: PopUpControl ( zip2 (map toString allActions) (repeat updateMappedFrom) ) 1 [ ControlId actionId ] :+: TextControl "Mapped from:" [ ControlPos (Left, zero) ] :+: listBox ) [ ControlPos (Left, zero), ControlLook True box : sizeAttr] keyControl maxActionWidth lineHeight sizeAttr = CompoundControl ( TextControl "Key:" [ ControlPos (Left, zero) ] :+: CheckControl [ ("Shift +", Nothing, NoMark, updateMappedTo) ] (Columns 1) [ ControlId shiftId ] :+: CheckControl [ ("Ctrl +", Nothing, NoMark, updateMappedTo) ] (Columns 1) [ ControlId ctrlId ] :+: CheckControl [ ("Alt +", Nothing, NoMark, updateMappedTo) ] (Columns 1) [ ControlId altId ] :+: PopUpControl ( zip2 (map toString allKeys) (repeat updateMappedTo) ) 1 [ ControlId keyId ] :+: TextControl "Currently mapped to:" [ ControlPos (Left, zero) ] :+: TextControl "" [ControlWidth (PixelWidth maxActionWidth),ControlId mappedToId] ) [ ControlPos (Left, zero), ControlLook True box: sizeAttr] buttonsControl = ButtonControl "Open..." [ControlPos (Left, zero), ControlFunction openkm] :+: ButtonControl "Save..." [ControlFunction savekm] :+: ButtonControl "Bind" [ControlFunction bindKey] :+: ButtonControl "Remove binding" [ ControlFunction removeBinding ] :+: ButtonControl "Cancel" [ ControlFunction (noLS (closeWindow dialogId)) ] :+: ButtonControl "Ok" [ ControlId okId , ControlFunction storeKeyMapping ] openkm (ls,ps) # (km,ps) = openKM ps | isNothing km = (ls,ps) # km = fromJust km = updateMappedFrom (updateMappedTo ({ls & keyMapping = km},ps)) savekm (ls=:{keyMapping},ps) # ps = saveKM keyMapping ps = (ls,ps) dialogContents maxWidth keySize actionSize maxActionWidth lineHeight listBox = (keyControl maxActionWidth lineHeight) [ ControlViewSize { keySize & w = maxWidth }] :+: (actionControl listBox) [ ControlViewSize { actionSize & w = maxWidth }] :+: buttonsControl dialog maxWidth keySize actionSize maxActionWidth lineHeight listBox = Dialog "Key mapping" (dialogContents maxWidth keySize actionSize maxActionWidth lineHeight listBox) [ WindowId dialogId , WindowOk okId , WindowInit (seq [ updateMappedFrom, updateMappedTo ]) ] (dialogId,pstateIds0) = openId pstateIds (shiftId,pstateIds1) = openId pstateIds0 (altId,pstateIds2) = openId pstateIds1 (ctrlId,pstateIds3) = openId pstateIds2 (okId,pstateIds4) = openId pstateIds3 (keyId,pstateIds5) = openId pstateIds4 (actionId,pstateIds6) = openId pstateIds5 (mappedToId,pstateIds7) = openId pstateIds6 (listBoxId, pstate) = accPIO openListBoxId pstateIds7 // updateMappedTo updates the text control that displays which action // a key is currently mapped to. updateMappedTo (dialogState=:{keyMapping}, pstate) # (wstate, pstate) = accPIO (getWindow dialogId) pstate | isNothing wstate = (dialogState,pstate) # wstate = fromJust wstate keyCode = getKeyCode wstate actions = tableLookup keyCode keyMapping text = if (isEmpty actions) "" (toString (hd actions)) # pstate = appPIO (setControlTexts [(mappedToId, text)]) pstate = (dialogState, pstate) // updateMappedFrom updates the list box that displays the keys that are // currently associated with the selected action. updateMappedFrom (dialogState=:{keyMapping}, pstate) # (wstate, pstate) = accPIO (getWindow dialogId) pstate | isNothing wstate = (dialogState,pstate) # wstate = fromJust wstate actionIndex = getPopUp actionId wstate action = allActions !! actionIndex keys = tableLookup action (tableInvert keyMapping) keyNames = map toString keys # ((_, strings), pstate) = getListBoxItems listBoxId pstate # pstate = closeListBoxItems listBoxId [1..length strings] pstate # pstate = openListBoxItems listBoxId 0 keyNames pstate = (dialogState, pstate) box :: Look box = \_ { newFrame } -> draw newFrame // storeKeyMapping stores the possibly changed key mapping, // (the local state of the dialog) in the global state. storeKeyMapping (dialogState=:{keyMapping}, pstate) # pstate = setKeyMapping keyMapping pstate # pstate = closeWindow dialogId pstate = (dialogState, pstate) // getCheckbox returns the status of a single checkbox in // as a boolean. It simplifies the complicated result from // the I/O lib function, i.e. [(Bool,Maybe [Index])]. getCheckbox :: Id WState -> Bool getCheckbox id wstate # (ok,cs) = getCheckControlSelection id wstate | not ok = abort "EdKeyMapping[getCheckbox]: wrong id" | isNothing cs = abort "EdKeyMapping[getCheckbox]: strange error" # cs = fromJust cs = not (isEmpty cs) // getPopUp returns the index (first = 0) of the currently selected // item in the popup control getPopUp :: Id WState -> Int getPopUp id wstate # (ok,cs) = getPopUpControlSelection id wstate | not ok = abort "EdKeyMapping[getPopUp]: wrong id" | isNothing cs = abort "EdKeyMapping[getPopUp]: strange error" # cs = fromJust cs = dec cs // getKeyCode computes the key code given the current settings in // the dialog (modifiers + key) getKeyCode wstate # shift = getCheckbox shiftId wstate # ctrl = getCheckbox ctrlId wstate # alt = getCheckbox altId wstate # myModifiers = (if shift SHIFT 0) + (if ctrl CTRL 0) + (if alt ALT 0) = KeyCode myModifiers key where // get the current index of the key popup menu and find the corresponding key key = allKeys !! keyIndex keyIndex = getPopUp keyId wstate // removeBinding removes the selected key bindings removeBinding :: (u:KeyMappingDialogState, PSt .l) -> (u:KeyMappingDialogState, PSt .l) removeBinding (dialogState=:{ keyMapping}, pstate) # (wstate, pstate) = accPIO (getWindow dialogId) pstate | isNothing wstate = (dialogState,pstate) # wstate = fromJust wstate // find the current action actionIndex = getPopUp actionId wstate action = allActions !! actionIndex currentKeys = tableLookup action (tableInvert keyMapping) ((_, sel), pstate) = getListBoxSelection listBoxId pstate indices = map snd sel pstate = closeListBoxItems listBoxId indices pstate selectedKeys = foldr (\index rest -> [ currentKeys !! (index-1) : rest ]) [] indices dialogState = { dialogState & keyMapping = foldr tableRemove keyMapping selectedKeys } (dialogState, pstate) = updateMappedFrom (dialogState, pstate) (dialogState, pstate) = updateMappedTo (dialogState, pstate) = (dialogState, pstate) // bindKey adds a binding to the key mapping table. It binds the // currently selected action to the selected key (including modifiers). bindKey :: (u:KeyMappingDialogState, PSt .l) -> (u:KeyMappingDialogState, PSt .l) bindKey (dialogState=:{ keyMapping}, pstate) # (wstate, pstate) = accPIO (getWindow dialogId) pstate | isNothing wstate = (dialogState,pstate) # wstate = fromJust wstate keyCode = getKeyCode wstate // find the current action actionIndex = getPopUp actionId wstate action = allActions !! actionIndex // update the key mapping and the representation on the screen // (unless the maximum number of keys has been reached) nrKeys = length (tableLookup action (tableInvert keyMapping)) | nrKeys >= MAX_KEY_BINDINGS = (dialogState, pstate) # dialogState = { dialogState & keyMapping = addBinding keyCode action keyMapping } (dialogState, pstate) = updateMappedFrom (dialogState, pstate) (dialogState, pstate) = updateMappedTo (dialogState, pstate) = ( dialogState, pstate ) where //addBinding :: KeyCode Action -> (KeyMapping -> KeyMapping) addBinding keyCode action keyMapping # keyMapping = tableRemove keyCode keyMapping # keyMapping = tableInsert (keyCode, action) keyMapping = keyMapping