implementation module ddState; // the executable may *never* be in the same folder as its project is because // otherwise its project is taken to be proper project. import StdEnv,StdMaybe,ArgEnv; import read_dynamic,compute_graph,write_dynamic; import memory,DynamicLinkerInterface,DynID; import ExtFile,Directory,DefaultElem,pdExtFile,StdDynamicTypes; import code from library "ClientChannel_library"; :: *DDState = { file_name :: !String // filename of dynamic , project_name :: !String // filename of application using that dynamic , first_time :: !Bool // first time , mem :: *Mem , int_descP :: !Int , char_descP :: !Int , bool_descP :: !Int , real_descP :: !Int , string_descP :: !Int , array_descP :: !Int , e__StdDynamic__rDynamicTemp :: !Int , build_block_label :: !Int , build_lazy_block_label :: !Int , type_cons_symbol_label :: !Int , dlink_dir :: !String , current_dynamic :: !BinaryDynamic }; DefaultDDState :: !*Mem -> *DDState; DefaultDDState mem = { DDState | file_name = "" , project_name = "" , first_time = True , mem = mem , int_descP = 0 , char_descP = 0 , bool_descP = 0 , real_descP = 0 , string_descP = 0 , array_descP = 0 , e__StdDynamic__rDynamicTemp = 0 , build_block_label = 0 , build_lazy_block_label = 0 , type_cons_symbol_label = 0 , dlink_dir = "" , current_dynamic = default_elem }; InitialDDState :: !*Mem !*f -> (!Bool,[String],!*DDState,!*f) | FileSystem f; InitialDDState mem f # cmd_line = getCommandLine; # (path,_) = ExtractPathAndFile cmd_line.[0]; | not (ends path DS_UTILITIES_DIR) // dumpDynamic not in utilities-dir = abort "dumpDynamic should be in the utilities directory"; // extract dynamics dir #! dlink_dir = path % (0,(size path) - 1 - (size DS_UTILITIES_DIR) - (size (toString path_separator))); #! ddState = { DefaultDDState mem & dlink_dir = dlink_dir }; // check for dynamic linker #! dlinker_path = dlink_dir +++ (toString path_separator) +++ DS_DYNAMIC_LINKER; #! ((ok,path),f) = pd_StringToPath dlinker_path f; #! ((dir_error,_),f) = getFileInfo path f; | dir_error <> NoDirError = abort ("dumpDynamic: dynamic linker cannot be found in '" +++ dlinker_path +++ "'"); // setup registry correctly #! key_path = "prjfile\\shell\\dynamic link\\command\0"; #! new_key = "\"" +++ dlinker_path +++ "\" /S \"%%1\""; #! b = CleanNewKey key_path new_key; | b && size cmd_line == 1 = (False,[],ddState,f); # system_dynamics_list = [ cmd_line.[i] \\ i <- [1..dec (size cmd_line)] ]; = (False,system_dynamics_list,ddState,f); where { doreqS :: !String -> String; doreqS s = code { ccall DoReqS "S-S" }; } do_dynamic :: !*DDState !*a [String] (Maybe String) -> *(!*DDState,*a,[String]) | FileEnv, FileSystem a; do_dynamic ddState=:{dlink_dir} files errors maybe_output_folder #! (file_name,ddState) = ddState!DDState.file_name; #! original_file_name = file_name; // check if system dynamic exists #! ((ok1,file_name),files) = FILE_IDENTIFICATION (accFiles (get_system_dynamic_id file_name) files) // get_system_dynamic_identification1 file_name files) ((True,file_name),files) ; #! ddState = { DDState | ddState & file_name = file_name }; | not ok1 #! error = "Error opening system dynamic of user dynamic '" +++ original_file_name +++ "'" = (ddState,files,[error:errors]); // read dynamic #! ((ok2,dynamic_info),files) = accFiles (read_dynamic file_name dlink_dir) files; | not ok2 || not ok1 = abort ("error; error reading dynamic '" +++ file_name +++ "'"); #! ddState = { ddState & current_dynamic = dynamic_info }; // open file for writing ASCII representation #! (txt_file_name,files) = case maybe_output_folder of { Nothing -> (original_file_name +++ ".txt",files); Just output_folder #! (_,file_name_extension) = ExtractPathAndFile original_file_name; #! path_file_name = output_folder +++ "\\" +++ file_name_extension +++ ".txt" -> (path_file_name,files) }; #! (ok1,file,files) = fopen txt_file_name FWriteText files; | not ok1 #! error = "Error: could not open '" +++ txt_file_name +++ "'"; = (ddState,files,[error:errors]); // dump type&value; the first arg is ignored #! (nodes,desc_table,file,ddState,files) = do_look dynamic_info file ddState files; // close file #! (ok2,files) = fclose file files = (ddState,files,errors); where { get_system_dynamic_id file_name files #! (ok,file_name,files) = get_system_dynamic_identification file_name files; = ((ok,file_name),files); do_look :: !BinaryDynamic !*File !*DDState !*f -> *(*Nodes NodeKind,*DescriptorAddressTable,!*File,*DDState,!*f) | FileEnv f; do_look dynamic_info file ddState files #! file = WriteHeader dynamic_info file; // internal computation #! (max_desc_name,max_mod_name,desc_table) = BuildDescriptorAddressTable dynamic_info; #! (nodes,desc_table,ddState) = compute_nodes desc_table dynamic_info ddState; #! file = fwritec '\n' file; #! (nodes,file,desc_table,ddState) = WriteGraph desc_table dynamic_info nodes file ddState; #! file = fwritec '\n' file; #! file = WriteStringTable dynamic_info file; #! file = fwritec '\n' file; #! (file,desc_table) = WriteDescriptorAddressTable max_desc_name max_mod_name dynamic_info desc_table file; #! file = fwritec '\n' file; #! file = WriteBlockTable dynamic_info file; # x = (WriteDynamicInfo dynamic_info.bd_dynamic_info file) # (file,files) = accFiles x files; = (nodes,desc_table,file,ddState,files); } replace_command_line :: !String -> Bool; replace_command_line _ = code { ccall replace_command_line "S-I" };