module dynGarbCollector import StdEnv,Directory from CopyFile import IsDirError, ErrorType import fileSystem,DynamicRefTools,DynID,DynamicUtilities from DynamicLinkerInterface import GetDynamicLinkerPath import code from library "ClientChannel_library" writeOutLogs :: [String] *f -> *f | FileSystem f /* This function gets 1. a list of log messages and 2. world, and writes them out to dynGarbCollectionLog.txt; gives back 1. world */ writeOutLogs logs world #(ok,log_file,world)= fopen (GetDynamicLinkerPath+++"\\"+++"dynGarbCollectorLog.txt") FAppendText world |not(ok)= abort (GetDynamicLinkerPath+++"\\"+++"dynGarbCollectorLog.txt file could not be fopen-ed, garbage collection is impossible") #veryComplicated= foldl (flip fwrites) log_file o map ((+++) "\n") #log_file= veryComplicated logs #(ok,world)= fclose log_file world |not(ok)= abort ("cannot close log file ("+++GetDynamicLinkerPath+++"\\"+++"dynGarbCollectionLog.txt)") = world LineListReadS :: String *f -> ([String],[String],*f) | FileSystem f /* This function gets 1. a filename with path as string (like c:\example\one.ext) and 2. world, and gives back the 1. lines of the file, 2. log messages, */ LineListReadS fname world #(readok,inputfile,world)= fopen fname FReadText world |readok #(text,inputfile)= LineListReadF inputfile #(_,world)= fclose inputfile world = (text,[],world) #(_,world)= fclose inputfile world = ([],["coolector.LineListReadS: could not (sf)open '"+++fname+++"' in FReadText mode"],world) where LineListReadF :: *File -> ([String],*File) LineListReadF f #(endOfFile,f)= fend f |endOfFile = ([],f) #(line,f)= freadline f #(textOfRecCall,f)= LineListReadF f = ([((%) line (0,size(line)-2)): textOfRecCall],f) groupByDir :: [String] *f -> ([(Path,[String])],[String],[String],*f) | FileSystem f /* This function gets 1. filenames with path as a list of strings (like [c:\example\one.ext,c:\example\two.ext]) and 2. world gives back 1. a list of sorted files (like [(c:\example,[one.ext,two.ext])] ), 2. a list of files which couldn't be converted into Path type (they are in trouble, because they are referenced, and cannot be included in the referenced files' list - maybe they will be deleted.) 3. log messages 4. world */ groupByDir [] w= ([],[],[],w) groupByDir list w #(list,files_in_trouble,logs,w)= splitFilename list w =(foldr searchAndInsert [] list,files_in_trouble,logs,w) where searchAndInsert :: (Path,String) [(Path,[String])] -> [(Path,[String])] /* This function inserts a 1. file into the 2. list of grouped files produced so far. gives back the 1. list of grouped files, including the one which was inserted just now. */ searchAndInsert (aPath, aFileName) []= [(aPath,[aFileName])] searchAndInsert (aPath, aFileName) [(hdPath,hdFileNameList):t] |aPath==hdPath = [(hdPath,[aFileName:hdFileNameList]):t] = [(hdPath,hdFileNameList):(searchAndInsert (aPath,aFileName) t)] splitFilename :: [String] *f -> ([(Path,String)],[String],[String],*f) | FileSystem f /* gets 1. filenamelist, 2. world; returns: (1. converted filenamelist[()], 2.filesInTrouble, 3.logs, /filesInTrouble are the files which couldn't be converted. (it's quite rare) they are in trouble, because although they are referenced, they will not appear in the list of referenced files, so they will be supposed to be garbage. (we'll try to "save" them later)/ */ splitFilename [] w = ([],[],[],w) splitFilename [h:t] w #((a,b),w)= pd_StringToPath h w #(l,list_of_unconvertable_file_names,logs,w)= splitFilename t w |not(a) = (l,[h:list_of_unconvertable_file_names],["collector.splitFileName: could not convert into path "+++h+++"; He is in trouble, maybe he will be deleted, although he is referenced. ":logs],w) = ([(splt b):l],list_of_unconvertable_file_names,logs,w) where splt :: Path -> (Path,String) splt (RelativePath list1)= ((RelativePath (init list1)),s1) where (PathDown s1)= last list1 splt (AbsolutePath diskName list2)= ((AbsolutePath diskName (init list2)),s2) where (PathDown s2)= last list2 dirFiles :: Path *f -> ([String],[String],*f) | FileSystem f //Gives the FILEnames in the specified directory (+log messages) //(and does NOT give back subdirectories) dirFiles path world #((dirError,dirEntries),world)= getDirectoryContents path world |IsDirError dirError #(path_as_string,world)= pathToPD_String path world = ([],["collector.dirFiles: could not getDirectoryContents of "+++path_as_string+++" because of '"+++(ErrorType dirError)+++"'."],world) #fileDirEntries= filter isFile dirEntries #fileNames= getFileNames fileDirEntries = (fileNames,[],world) where isFile :: DirEntry -> Bool isFile aDirEntry= not(aDirEntry.fileInfo.pi_fileInfo.isDirectory) getFileNames :: [DirEntry] -> [String] getFileNames [h:t]= [h.fileName:getFileNames t] getFileNames []= [] notReferencedInDirs :: [(Path,[String])] *f -> ([(Path,[String])],[String],*f) | FileSystem f //gives back the NOT referenced dynamic, typ and lib files. notReferencedInDirs [] world= ([],[],world) notReferencedInDirs [(aPath,referencedFiles):otherDirs] world #(filesInDir,logs_of_dirFile,world)= dirFiles aPath world #(computedOtherDirs,logs_of_recursive_call,world)= notReferencedInDirs otherDirs world = ([(aPath,removeMembers (filter garbageType filesInDir) referencedFiles):computedOtherDirs],(logs_of_dirFile++logs_of_recursive_call),world) where garbageType :: String -> Bool //gives back True, if the specified filename is //*.lib, *.typ or is dynamic garbageType ""= False garbageType x= typOrLibOrDynamic x where typOrLibOrDynamic x |size x < 5 = False = (ends x ("."+++EXTENSION_CODE_LIBRARY)) ||(ends x ("."+++EXTENSION_TYPE_LIBRARY)) ||(ends x ("."+++EXTENSION_SYSTEM_DYNAMIC)) where hasExtension :: String -> Bool hasExtension ""= False hasExtension x= x.[0]=='.' || hasExtension ((%) x (1,(size x)-1)) Purge :: [(Path,[String])] *World -> ([String],*World) //arguments: list of files wished to be deleted, world //returns log messages, world Purge [] world= ([],world) Purge [(fstDir,filenames):restOfDirs] world #(curDir,world)= getCurrentDirectory world #(dirError,world)= setCurrentDirectory fstDir world #(fstDir_as_string,world)= pathToPD_String fstDir world |IsDirError dirError #(logs_of_recursive_call,world)= Purge restOfDirs world #log_message= "collector.Purge: could not setCurrentDirectory to "+++fstDir_as_string+++";\n\tI did not delete anything of that directory." = ([log_message:logs_of_recursive_call], world) #(logs_of_deleteFromActualDir,world)= deleteFromActualDir filenames world #(dirError,world)= setCurrentDirectory curDir world #(logs_of_recursive_call,world)= Purge restOfDirs world = ((logs_of_deleteFromActualDir++logs_of_recursive_call),world) where deleteFromActualDir :: [String] *World -> ([String],*World) deleteFromActualDir [fstFile:restOfFiles] world #(dirError,world)= fremove (RelativePath [PathDown fstFile]) world #(fstDir_as_string,world)= pathToPD_String fstDir world #(logs_of_recursive_call,world)= deleteFromActualDir restOfFiles world |IsDirError dirError //#(logs_of_recursive_call,world)= deleteFromActualDir restOfFiles world #log_message= "collector.deleteFromActualDir: could not delete '"+++fstFile+++"' from '"+++fstDir_as_string+++"' because of '"+++(ErrorType dirError)+++"';" = ([log_message:logs_of_recursive_call],world) #log_message= "collector.deleteFromActualDir: file '"+++fstFile+++"' from '"+++fstDir_as_string+++"' has been deleted. " = ([log_message:logs_of_recursive_call], world) deleteFromActualDir [] world= ([],world) savingFiles :: [(Path,[String])] [String] *f -> ([(Path,[String])],[String],*f) | FileSystem f /* This function removes those files from the 1. list, which appear in 2. second list (as string - like c:\qwer\asdf\zxcv.lkf) gives back 1. remaining of the first argument, 2.log messages 3. world. (for filesInTrouble) */ savingFiles list [] w= (list,[],w) savingFiles [] _ w= ([],[],w) savingFiles [(aPath,[]):t] files_in_trouble w #(list,logs,world)= savingFiles t files_in_trouble w = ([(aPath,[]):list],logs,world) savingFiles [(aPath,[fstFile:restOfFiles]):t] files_in_trouble world #whole_path_of_fstFile= toWholePath aPath fstFile #(whole_path_of_fstFile_as_string,world)= pathToPD_String whole_path_of_fstFile world |isMember whole_path_of_fstFile_as_string files_in_trouble #(notSavedFiles,logs,world)= savingFiles [(aPath,restOfFiles):t] files_in_trouble world #log_message= "collector.savingFiles: "+++whole_path_of_fstFile_as_string+++" was in trouble but I've saved him. He will not be deleted." = (notSavedFiles,logs++[log_message],world) #([(path,files):t],logs,world)= savingFiles [(aPath,restOfFiles):t] files_in_trouble world = ([(path,[fstFile:files]):t],logs,world) where toWholePath :: Path String -> Path toWholePath (RelativePath l) file_name= (RelativePath (l++[PathDown file_name])) toWholePath (AbsolutePath diskName l) file_name= (AbsolutePath diskName (l++[PathDown file_name])) Start :: *World -> ([String],[(Path,[String])],[String],*World) Start world #world= writeOutLogs ["\n\n\n\n\n\n\n NEW GARBAGE COLLECTION\n\n"]world #([rootDir_as_string:unnecessaryLines],logs,world)= LineListReadS (GetDynamicLinkerPath+++"\\"+++"rootDir.txt") world #world= writeOutLogs logs world |rootDir_as_string== "" = abort "no root directory" #((ok,rootDir_as_path),world)= pd_StringToPath rootDir_as_string world |not ok= abort "couldn't convert rootDir into Path. \n\tGarbageCollection refused." #(files,logs,world) = collectFiles rootDir_as_path ["dyn","bat"] world #(batFiles,dynLinkFiles)= separate ((==) ".bat" o cutLastFour) files #world= writeOutLogs logs world #(root_list,world)= createRealDynamicFilenames dynLinkFiles world #(refTrees,touchedDyns,logs,world)= (refTreeBuilder root_list world) #referencedFilesFromDyns= collectReferenced refTrees #world= writeOutLogs (logs++["\nUsing these dynamic link files as roots:"]++dynLinkFiles++ ["\nWhich are links to: "]++root_list++ ["\nI've reached the following dynamic files:"]++touchedDyns++ ["\nThey have references to the following files:"]++referencedFilesFromDyns++ ["\n"]) world #(referencedFilesFromBats,logs,world)= readRefsFromBats batFiles world #world= writeOutLogs (logs++["\nUsing these application roots:"]++batFiles++ ["\nI collected references to the following files:"]++referencedFilesFromBats++ ["\n"]) world #referencedFiles= referencedFilesFromDyns++referencedFilesFromBats #(listOf`DirsWithReferencedFilenameList`,files_in_trouble,logs,world)= groupByDir referencedFiles world #world= writeOutLogs logs world #(listOf`DirsWithNotReferencedFilenameList`,logs,world)= notReferencedInDirs listOf`DirsWithReferencedFilenameList` world #world= writeOutLogs logs world #(listOf`DirsWithUnnecessaryFilenameList`,logs,world)= savingFiles listOf`DirsWithNotReferencedFilenameList` files_in_trouble world #world= writeOutLogs logs world #(logs,world)= Purge listOf`DirsWithUnnecessaryFilenameList` world #(logs,world)= lastMessage logs listOf`DirsWithUnnecessaryFilenameList` world #world= writeOutLogs (logs++["\n\n\n\n"]) world =(["I've purged these files: "],listOf`DirsWithUnnecessaryFilenameList`,["Collection ended."],world) where lastMessage :: [String] [(Path,[String])] *World -> ([String],*World) lastMessage logs egyik w |logs==[] && egyik== [] = (["Nothing was garbage. Nice system."],w) |logs==[] #(egyik_as_stringlist,w)= tostringlist egyik w = ((["Nothing was garbage. (in the database library), but you still have some unnecessary files related to the dynamic system: "] ++egyik_as_stringlist),w) = ((logs++["End of collection."]),w) cutLastFour :: String -> String cutLastFour a |size a < 4 = "bullshit" = (a % ((size a)-4,(size a)-1)) tostringlist :: [(Path,[String])] *World -> ([String],*World) tostringlist [] w= ([],w) tostringlist [(aPath,fileNames):rest] w #(pathAsString,w)= pathToPD_String aPath w #(resultOfRecCall,w)= tostringlist rest w = ((["DIR: "]++[" "+++pathAsString]++[" FILES: "]++(map ((+++) " ") fileNames)++["\n"]++resultOfRecCall),w)