module checkdynamics from StdReal import entier; // RWS marker import StdEnv import Directory import DynID from DynamicLinkerInterface import GetDynamicLinkerPath import ExtString from DynamicUtilities import ExtractPathFileAndExtension import ExtArray import StdDynamicLowLevelInterface import md5 import write_log import gc_state import ArgEnv import utilities import StdMaybe import StdDynamic import code from library "ClientChannel_library" //parse_command_line :: [String] !Options !*World -> (!Options,!*World) parse_command_line ["--help":_] options world = ({options & display_help = True},world) parse_command_line ["--md5check":as] options world #! (args,additional_args_to_option) = fetch_additional_arguments as [] #! options = foldSt set_md5_flags additional_args_to_option options with set_md5_flags "dynamics" options = { options & check_md5_system_dynamics = True } set_md5_flags "libraries" options = { options & check_md5_system_libraries = True } set_md5_flags arg options = abort ("unknown suboption '" +++ arg +++ "' for --md5check") = parse_command_line args options world parse_command_line ["--delete-in-system-space":as] options world #! (args,additional_args_to_option) = fetch_additional_arguments as [] #! options = foldSt set_delete_in_system_space_flags additional_args_to_option options with set_delete_in_system_space_flags "unused-libraries" options = { options & delete_unused_system_libraries = True } set_delete_in_system_space_flags "unused-dynamics" options = { options & delete_unused_system_dynamics = True } set_delete_in_system_space_flags "unused-files" options = { options & delete_unknown_files_in_system_folders = True } set_delete_in_system_space_flags arg options = abort ("unknown suboption '" +++ arg +++ "' for --delete-in-system-space") = parse_command_line args options world parse_command_line ["--delete-unknown-files-in-system-space":as] options world #! options = { options & delete_unknown_files_in_system_folders = True } = parse_command_line as options world parse_command_line ["--delete-dangling-references-in-user-space":as] options world #! (args,additional_args_to_option) = fetch_additional_arguments as [] #! options = foldSt set_delete_dangling_references additional_args_to_option options with set_delete_dangling_references "dynamics" options = { options & delete_dangling_dynamics_references = True } set_delete_dangling_references "applications" options = { options & delete_dangling_application_references = True } set_delete_dangling_references arg options = abort ("unknown suboption '" +++ arg +++ "' for --delete-dangling-references-in-user-space") = parse_command_line args options world parse_command_line ["--do-not-really-delete":as] options world #! options = { options & really_delete = False } = parse_command_line as options world parse_command_line ["--output",file_name:as] options world #! options = { options & log_path_name_ext = Just file_name } = parse_command_line as options world parse_command_line [] state=:{display_help} world = ({state & display_help = display_help},world) parse_command_line [o:_] state=:{display_help} world = abort ("unknown option '" +++ o +++ "'") fetch_additional_arguments [] additional_args = ([],reverse additional_args) fetch_additional_arguments l=:[arg:args] additional_args | fst (starts "--" arg) = (l,reverse additional_args) = fetch_additional_arguments args [arg:additional_args] Start world #! commandline = getCommandLine #! (options,world) = parse_command_line (tl [ arg \\ arg <-: commandline ]) initial_options world; | options.display_help #! help = [ "Usage: checkdynamics ..." , "Checks the internal integrity of the dynamics system." , "" , "--help" , " This text." , "--output " , " Place output in ." , "--md5check {dynamics,libraries}" , " Checks the system dynamics and/or libraries." , "--delete-in-system-space {unused-libraries,unused-dynamics,unused-files}" , " Deletes unused files in system space." , "--delete-unknown-files-in-system-space" , " Deletes unknown files in the system space." , "--delete-dangling-references-in-user-space {dynamics,applications}" , " Deletes user dynamics and applications with dangling references in" , " system space." , "--do-not-really-delete" , " Doesn't delete anything" , "" , "Default behaviour:" , "When provided with the appropriate options, files *are* deleted from the" , "filesystem." , "" , "Report bugs to ." , "" ] = quit help world | isNothing options.log_path_name_ext # error = [ "--output expected" , "" ] = quit error world #! (state,world) = analyze_dynamic_system options world #! world = write_log options state world = (stderr,world) where quit lines world #! stderr = foldSt (\line stderr -> fwritec '\n' (fwrites line stderr)) lines stderr = (stderr,world) analyze_dynamic_system options=:{check_md5_system_dynamics,check_md5_system_libraries} world // read list of roots #! root_path_file_ext = (GetDynamicLinkerPath+++"\\"+++"rootDir.txt") #! (ok,root_file,world) = fopen root_path_file_ext FReadText world | not ok = abort ("could not open '" +++ root_path_file_ext +++ "'") #! (root_paths,root_file) = read_root_lines root_file [] with read_root_lines root_file roots #! (end_of_file,root_file) = fend root_file | end_of_file = (roots,root_file) #! (stripped_line,root_file) = freadline_without_nl root_file = read_root_lines root_file (if (size stripped_line == 0) roots [stripped_line:roots]) #! (_,world) = fclose root_file world // what about subdirs specified? // must be absolute // dynamic linker may not be running other dynamic applications #! ((ok,root_p),world) = pd_StringToPath (hd (reverse root_paths)) world | not ok = abort "error"; #! (user_state,world) = list_folder_contents root_p (initial_user_state,world) with list_folder_contents root_p=:(AbsolutePath name root) (s,world) #! ((dir_error,dir_entries),world) = getDirectoryContents root_p world | dir_error <> NoDirError = abort "error reading dir" #! (root_path,world) = pathToPD_String root_p world #! (s,world) = foldSt handle_dir_entry dir_entries (s,world) with handle_dir_entry {fileName,fileInfo={pi_fileInfo={isDirectory=True}}} (s,world) | fileName == "." || fileName == ".." = (s,world) = list_folder_contents (AbsolutePath name (root ++ [PathDown fileName])) (s,world) handle_dir_entry dir_entry=:{fileName} (s,world) #! (s,world) = process_dir_entry dir_entry (s,world) = (s,world) where process_dir_entry dir_entry=:{fileName} (s,world) | ends fileName ".dyn" #! user_dynamic_path_file_ext = root_path +++ "\\" +++ fileName #! (ok,user_dynamic_file,world) = fopen user_dynamic_path_file_ext FReadText world | not ok = abort ("cannot open '" +++ user_dynamic_path_file_ext +++ "'") #! (system_dynamic_id,user_dynamic_file) = freadline_without_nl user_dynamic_file #! (_,world) = fclose user_dynamic_file world # user_dynamic = { initial_user_dynamic & ud_name = fileName , ud_path_name_ext = user_dynamic_path_file_ext , ud_system_id = system_dynamic_id } = ({s & us_dynamics = [user_dynamic:s.us_dynamics]},world) | ends fileName ".bat" // read batch file #! bat_path_file_ext = root_path +++ "\\" +++ fileName #! (ok,bat_file,world) = fopen bat_path_file_ext FReadText world | not ok = abort ("cannot open '" +++ bat_path_file_ext +++ "'") #! (line,bat_file) = freadline bat_file # (_,world) = fclose bat_file world // a dynamic application? #! (maybe_substring) = contains_substring "DynamicLinker" line | isNothing maybe_substring = (s,world) #! maybe_typ_lib_id = findAi determine_library_id (ParseCommandLine line) with determine_library_id _ arg // search for _.lib | size arg == 32 + 1 + 32 + 4 // <<- arg = Just (fst (ExtractPathFileAndExtension arg)) = Nothing | isNothing maybe_typ_lib_id // malformed dynamic application; generate an error = (s,world) # typ_lib_id = fromJust maybe_typ_lib_id # dynamic_app = { initial_user_application & da_name = fileName , da_path_name_ext = bat_path_file_ext , da_library_id = typ_lib_id } = ({s & us_applications = [dynamic_app:s.us_applications]},world) = (s,world) = (s,world) #! state = { initial_state & s_user_dynamics = { ud \\ ud <- user_state.us_dynamics } , s_user_applications = { ua \\ ua <- user_state.us_applications } } // get info for {DS_LIBRARIES_DIR.DS_SYSTEM_DYNAMICS_DIR} #! dynamic_linker_path = GetDynamicLinkerPath; // get system libraries #! library_path = dynamic_linker_path +++ "\\" +++ DS_LIBRARIES_DIR; #! ((ok,library_p),world) = pd_StringToPath library_path world #! ((dir_error,dir_entries),world) = getDirectoryContents library_p world | not ok || dir_error <> NoDirError = abort ("error opening dir '" +++ library_path +++ "'") // filter garbage from system library folder #! (system_libraries,non_system_libraries) = foldSt split (tl (tl dir_entries)) ([],[]) with split {fileName} (system_libraries,non_system_libraries) | is_system_library fileName = ([fileName:system_libraries],non_system_libraries) = (system_libraries,[fileName:non_system_libraries]) where is_system_library fileName # (fileName_without_ext,ext) = ExtractPathFileAndExtension fileName = size fileName_without_ext == (32 + 1 + 32) && (ext == EXTENSION_CODE_LIBRARY || ext == EXTENSION_TYPE_LIBRARY) #! state = { state & non_system_libraries = non_system_libraries } // input list: 1) only unique library files and 2) extension either .typ or .lib #! (system_libraries,world) = check_and_convert (sort system_libraries) [] world with check_and_convert [] accu world = (accu,world) check_and_convert [fileName:xs] accu world #! (library_name,ext) = ExtractPathFileAndExtension fileName #! system_library = { l_id = library_name , l_used = False , l_passed_md5_check = Nothing , l_lib_ok = True , l_typ_ok = True } | not (isEmpty xs) #! (library_name2,ext2) = ExtractPathFileAndExtension (hd xs) | library_name == library_name2 // same libraries but different extensions, OK #! (system_library,world) = case check_md5_system_libraries of True #! (md5_lib,world) = getMd5DigestFromFile (library_path +++ "\\" +++ library_name +++ "." +++ EXTENSION_CODE_LIBRARY) world #! (md5_typ,world) = getMd5DigestFromFile (library_path +++ "\\" +++ library_name +++ "." +++ EXTENSION_TYPE_LIBRARY) world #! md5 = md5_lib +++ "_" +++ md5_typ #! system_library = { system_library & l_passed_md5_check = Just (library_name == md5) } -> (system_library,world) _ -> (system_library,world) = check_and_convert (tl xs) [system_library:accu] world = missing_system_library library_name ext system_library world = missing_system_library library_name ext system_library world where missing_system_library library_name EXTENSION_CODE_LIBRARY system_library world #! system_library = { system_library & l_typ_ok = False } = check_and_convert xs [system_library:accu] world missing_system_library library_name EXTENSION_TYPE_LIBRARY system_library world #! system_library = { system_library & l_lib_ok = False } = check_and_convert xs [system_library:accu] world #! system_libraries = { system_library \\ system_library <- system_libraries } #! state = { state & system_libraries = system_libraries } // get system dynamics #! system_dynamics_path = dynamic_linker_path +++ "\\" +++ DS_SYSTEM_DYNAMICS_DIR; #! ((ok,system_dynamics_p),world) = pd_StringToPath system_dynamics_path world #! ((dir_error,dir_entries),world) = getDirectoryContents system_dynamics_p world | not ok || dir_error <> NoDirError = abort ("error opening dir '" +++ system_dynamics_path +++ "'") // filter garbage from system dynamics folder #! (system_dynamics,non_system_dynamics,world) = foldSt split (tl (tl dir_entries)) ([],[],world) with split {fileName} (system_dynamics,non_system_dynamics,world) | is_system_dynamic fileName #! system_dynamic = { initial_system_dynamic & sd_id = fst (ExtractPathFileAndExtension fileName) } #! (system_dynamic,world) = case check_md5_system_dynamics of True #! (md5_fileName,world) = getMd5DigestFromFile (system_dynamics_path +++ "\\" +++ fileName) world #! system_dynamic = { system_dynamic & sd_passed_md5_check = Just (md5_fileName == fileName_without_ext) } -> (system_dynamic,world) _ -> (system_dynamic,world) = ([system_dynamic:system_dynamics],non_system_dynamics,world) = (system_dynamics,[fileName:non_system_dynamics],world) where is_system_dynamic fileName = size fileName_without_ext == 32 && ext == EXTENSION_SYSTEM_DYNAMIC (fileName_without_ext,ext) = ExtractPathFileAndExtension fileName #! state = { state & system_dynamics = { system_dynamic \\ system_dynamic <- system_dynamics } , non_system_dynamics = non_system_dynamics } // reference count // 1. mark initial system libraries used by dynamic applications #! (user_applications,state) = get_user_applications state; #! (user_applications,state) = mapAeiauSt mark_library user_applications state with mark_library da=:{da_name,da_library_id} ith_da user_applications state #! (maybe_system_library_index,state) = find_system_library da_library_id state | isNothing maybe_system_library_index // ERROR: dangling dynamic application #! user_applications = { user_applications & [ith_da].da_library_exists = False } = (user_applications,state) #! state = { state & system_libraries.[fromJust maybe_system_library_index].l_used = True} = (user_applications,state) #! state = { state & s_user_applications = user_applications } // 2. reference count from initial user dynamics #! (user_dynamics,state) = get_user_dynamics state #! (user_dynamics,(state,world)) = mapAeiauSt ref_user_count user_dynamics (state,world) with dangling_system_dynamic user_dynamics (state,world) // ERROR: dangling user dynamic = (False,user_dynamics,(state,world)) ref_user_count ud=:{ud_name,ud_system_id} ith_ud user_dynamics (state,world) #! (ok,user_dynamics,(state,world)) = ref_count ud_system_id user_dynamics (state,world) #! user_dynamics = case ok of True -> user_dynamics _ -> { user_dynamics & [ith_ud].ud_system_exists = False } = (user_dynamics,(state,world)) ref_count ud_system_id user_dynamics (state,world) // check existence in fs and state #! ud_path_name_ext = (CONVERTED_ENCODED_DYNAMIC_FILE_NAME_INTO_PATH dynamic_linker_path ud_system_id) #! (ok,dh,ud_file,world) = open_dynamic_as_binary ud_path_name_ext world | not ok // ERROR: read error = dangling_system_dynamic user_dynamics (state,world) #! (ok,{di_lazy_dynamics_a=system_dynamics,di_library_index_to_library_name=system_libraries},ud_file) = read_rts_info_from_dynamic dh ud_file #! (_,world) = close_dynamic_as_binary ud_file world | not ok // ERROR: unreadable system dynamic = dangling_system_dynamic user_dynamics (state,world) #! (maybe_system_dynamic_index,state) = find_system_dynamic ud_system_id state | isNothing maybe_system_dynamic_index // ERROR: unexistant in state = dangling_system_dynamic user_dynamics (state,world) // system dynamic exists #! system_dynamic_index = fromJust maybe_system_dynamic_index #! (sd_count,state) = state!system_dynamics.[system_dynamic_index].sd_count; #! state = { state & system_dynamics.[system_dynamic_index].sd_count = inc sd_count} // mark system library used by the system dynamic #! (fail_list,state,world) = mapASt ref_count_system_library system_libraries ([],state,world) with ref_count_system_library system_library_id (fail_list,state,world) #! (maybe_system_library_index,state) = find_system_library system_library_id state | isNothing maybe_system_library_index = ([system_library_id:fail_list],state,world) //= abort ("dangling ref to '" +++ system_library_id +++ "'") #! system_libraries = { state & system_libraries.[fromJust maybe_system_library_index].l_used = True} = (fail_list,state,world) #! state = { state & system_dynamics.[system_dynamic_index].sd_unknown_libraries = { failing_lib_id \\ failing_lib_id <- fail_list} } #! (fail_list2,user_dynamics,state,world) = mapASt ref_count_system_dynamic system_dynamics ([],user_dynamics,state,world) with ref_count_system_dynamic system_dynamic_id (fail_list2,user_dynamics,state,world) #! (ok,user_dynamics,(state,world)) = ref_count system_dynamic_id user_dynamics (state,world) | not ok = ([system_dynamic_id:fail_list2],user_dynamics,state,world) = (fail_list2,user_dynamics,state,world) #! state = { state & system_dynamics.[system_dynamic_index].sd_unknown_system_dynamics = { failing_lib_id \\ failing_lib_id <- fail_list2} } = (True,user_dynamics,(state,world)) #! state = { state & s_user_dynamics = user_dynamics } = (state,world) freadline_without_nl root_file #! (line,root_file) = freadline root_file #! s_line = size line | s_line == 0 = (line,root_file) #! last_index = dec (s_line) #! stripped_line = if (line.[last_index] == '\n') (line % (0, dec last_index)) line = (stripped_line,root_file) get_system_libraries state=:{system_libraries} = (system_libraries,{state & system_libraries = {}}) get_system_dynamics state=:{system_dynamics} = (system_dynamics,{state & system_dynamics = {}}) get_user_applications state=:{s_user_applications} = (s_user_applications,{state & s_user_applications = {}}) // get_user_dynamics get_user_dynamics state=:{s_user_dynamics} = (s_user_dynamics,{state & s_user_dynamics = {}}) find_system_library da_library_id state #! (system_libraries,state) = get_system_libraries state #! (maybe_system_library_index,system_libraries) = findAieu find_system_library_ system_libraries #! state = { state & system_libraries = system_libraries } = (maybe_system_library_index,state) where find_system_library_ i {l_id} | l_id == da_library_id = Just i = Nothing find_system_dynamic :: !String !*State -> (Maybe Int,!*State) find_system_dynamic system_dynamic_id state #! (system_dynamics,state) = get_system_dynamics state #! (maybe_system_dynamic_index,system_dynamics) = findAieu find_system_dynamic_ system_dynamics #! state = { state & system_dynamics = system_dynamics } = (maybe_system_dynamic_index,state) where find_system_dynamic_ i {sd_id} | system_dynamic_id == sd_id = Just i = Nothing // from pdRequest... ParseCommandLine :: !String -> {#{#Char}} ParseCommandLine s # command_line = parse_command_line s 0 [] # command_line = [hd command_line:tl command_line] = { s \\ s <- command_line } where parse_command_line :: String Int [{#Char}] -> [{#Char}] parse_command_line s i l | i == (size s) = l | (s.[i] <> '\"') // not found, no " then search for space #! (_,index) = CharIndex s i ' ' = parse_command_line s (skip_spaces s index) (l ++ [s % (i,index-1)]) #! (found,index) = CharIndex s (i+1) '\"' | found = parse_command_line s (skip_spaces s (index+1)) (l ++ [s % (i+1,index-1)]) = abort "parse_command_line: an error" skip_spaces :: String Int -> Int skip_spaces s i | (size s) == i = size s | s.[i] == ' ' = skip_spaces s (inc i) = i // ... from pdRequest