#define ALLOC_INTERFACEH #include "interface.h" #include "global.h" #include "utilities.h" HINSTANCE Mouse = NULL; void SetCurrentLibrary( CLEAN_STRING clstring, CLEAN_BOOL *result, DWORD *lib) { HINSTANCE library = NULL; //library = LoadLibraryEx( cstring(clstring), NULL, DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES ); library = LoadLibrary( cstring(clstring) ); if( library == NULL) { error(); msg( cstring(clstring) ); msg("SetCurrentLibrary: library not loaded"); ExitProcess(-1); } *result = CLEAN_TRUE; *lib = (DWORD) library; Mouse = library; } int CloseLibrary(DWORD lib) { return 1; } void GetFuncAddress (CLEAN_STRING clstring, DWORD base_of_client_dll, DWORD lib0, DWORD *address, DWORD *lib1) { FARPROC p = NULL; static i = 0; // if( lib0 == NULL ) { // msg("GetFuncAddress: library not loaded"); // ExitProcess(-1); // } /* ** Compute the client address of the DLL-object */ // *address = ((int) GetProcAddress( lib0, cstring(clstring)) ); // msg( cstring(clstring) ); if( GetProcAddress ((HMODULE)lib0, cstring(clstring) ) == NULL){ msg( "GetFuncAddress: foutje" ); error(); } // voor nt: *address = ((int) GetProcAddress ((HMODULE)lib0, cstring(clstring)) - lib0) + base_of_client_dll; // *address = GetProcAddress( /*(HMODULE) lib0 */ Mouse , cstring(clstring) ); *lib1 = lib0; } CLEAN_BOOL GenerateObjectFileOld(CLEAN_STRING cg, CLEAN_STRING CmdLine) { PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; DWORD dwExitCode; STARTUPINFO si; BOOL fSuccess; // Process information char *cmdline; CLEAN_BOOL result; int i; // Set once a path to the codegenerator (cg) char *cg_path = (char *) NULL; result = CLEAN_FALSE; /* cg_path = (char *) rmalloc ((cg->length) + 1); rsncopy (cg_path,cg->characters, cg->length); cg_path[cg->length] = 0; // convert commandline cmdline = (char *) rmalloc ((CmdLine->length) + 1); rsncopy (cmdline,CmdLine->characters, CmdLine->length); cmdline[CmdLine->length] = 0; */ ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si)); si.cb = sizeof(si); /* si.lpTitle = NULL; //dir; si.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWNORMAL; si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; */ // Create new process fSuccess = CreateProcess( cg->characters, //cg_path, // Executable CmdLine->characters, //cmdline, // Commandline NULL, // Standard security (Proces) NULL, // Standard security (Thread) FALSE, // No handle inherited by child 0, // Plain process NULL, // Environment of parent NULL, //dir, // Current directory &si, // Startup information &pi); // Process information if (fSuccess) { CloseHandle(pi.hThread); WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE); GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, &dwExitCode); CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); result = (dwExitCode == 0) ? CLEAN_TRUE : CLEAN_FALSE; } else error(); // rfree(cg_path); // rfree(cmdline); return result; }