Final notes for the garbage collector: modules: dynGarbCollector (main) own DynamicRefTools (used by Zoltan also) own fileSystem own CopyFile Zoltan's DynamicRefTools is newer than the one you can get from Zoltan, but it should work fine for his program also. (I've only deleted unnecessary comments, and cleaned up the mess.) fileSystem is not used by Zoltan. (as I know) CopyFile is Zoltan's, if you get a newer one from him, the Garb. collector should work fine with that also. other important notes: 1.the (==) of paths is necessary to be good. At the moment the module fileSystem exports it, but the difference of long and short paths are not handled. Anyway: it didn't cause problems so far. BUT it is important: necessary files can be deleted if we don't recognise that two directories are the same. 2.the garbage collector needs a file called "rootDir.txt" in the directory given back by GetDynamicLinkerPath. The program handels (only) one root directory. 3.It produces log messages after a collection by APPENDING lines to the file dynGarbCollectorLog.txt in the same directory. 8/June/2002 Matyas