implementation module ObjectToMem; import StdEnv; import UnknownModuleOrSymbol; import SearchObject; import ExtFile; import ExtInt; import DynamicLink; F a b :== b; import CommonObjectToDisk; import pdObjectToMem; from xcoff import SIZE_OF_RELOCATION; import CollectTypes; from utilities import mapSt, second_of_2_tuple; //1.3 from ReadObject import read_library_file, ExtFileSystem, read_library_file_new; from deltaIOState import FileEnv; import what_linker; //3.1 /*2.0 from ReadObject import read_library_file, class ExtFileSystem, instance ExtFileSystem Files, read_library_file_new; from deltaIOState import class FileEnv, instance FileEnv (IOState s); import what_linker; from pdObjectToMem import instance SendAddressToClient Int; 0.2*/ import xcoff; from UtilStrictLists import StrictListToList; LinkUnknownSymbols :: ![.ModuleOrSymbolUnknown] !*State !Int !*DLClientState *(IOState *a) -> *(*(!Maybe !WriteImageInfo,.[Int],*State,!*DLClientState),*IOState *a); LinkUnknownSymbols unknown_modules_or_symbols state library_instance_i dl_client_state io | True <<- ("LinkUnknownSymbols",unknown_modules_or_symbols) /* // test #! (qd_file_n,qd_symbol_n,state) = find_name "qd" state; | F ("file_n: " +++ toString qd_file_n +++ " - symbol_n:" +++ toString qd_symbol_n) True */ /* ** unknown_symbols contains those symbols that have not been yet been ** placed into memory. Only these symbols should be loaded and linked. */ #! (unknown_symbols,state,io) = foldl filter_symbol ([],state,io) unknown_modules_or_symbols; #! (base_address,wii,state,dl_client_state,io) = link_unknown_symbols unknown_symbols state library_instance_i dl_client_state io; #! (ok,state) = IsErrorOccured state; | not ok = abort "error"; //((wii,[],state),io); /* ** The address of all unknown symbols, if defined are encoded as a ** string and returned *in the order* as in the unknown_modules_or_symbols ** parameter. The conversion function uses the order to identify the ** proper descriptor. */ #! (_,symbol_addresses,state) = foldl compute_symbol_address (base_address,[],state) unknown_modules_or_symbols = ((wii,symbol_addresses,state,dl_client_state),io); where { filter_symbol (symbols,state,files) symbol #! symbol_name = extract_symbol_name symbol; | symbol_name == "" = (symbols,state,files); /* ** A valid symbol_name has been found. It is guaranteed by load_modules ** that it exists. But it might not be in memory yet. */ #! (file_n,symbol_n,state) = find_name symbol_name state; | F ("LinkUnknownSymbols(f): " +++ symbol_name +++ "file_n: " +++ toString file_n +++ " - symbol_n: " +++ toString symbol_n) True #! (symbol_address,state) = address_of_label2 file_n symbol_n state; | F (symbol_name +++ "! address: " +++ toString symbol_address) symbol_address == 0 /* ** The symbol has not been loaded into memory. Insert in the list ** of symbols to be loaded and linked. */ = (symbols ++ [(file_n,symbol_n)],state,files); /* ** The symbol is already present in memory. It can safely be ** skipped. */ = (symbols,state,files); compute_symbol_address (base_address,symbol_addresses,state) symbol #! symbol_name = extract_symbol_name symbol; | symbol_name == "" = (base_address,symbol_addresses,state); #! (file_n,symbol_n,state) = find_name symbol_name state; #! (symbol_address,state) = address_of_label2 file_n symbol_n state; = (base_address,symbol_addresses ++ [ base_address + symbol_address],state); extract_symbol_name (ModuleUnknown _ symbol_name) = symbol_name; extract_symbol_name (SymbolUnknown _ symbol_name ) //symbol_name _) = symbol_name; extract_symbol_name _ = abort "extract_symbol_name: no match"; } /* ** MAC from ExtLibrary import Toolbox, GetToolBox; from pointer import LoadByte, StoreByte, Ptr; */ /* */ /* MOVED TO: selectively_import_and_mark_labels replace_section_label_by_label2 :: !Int !Int !*State -> (!Int,!*State); replace_section_label_by_label2 file_n symbol_n state #! (symbol,state) = state!xcoff_a.[file_n].symbol_table.symbols.[symbol_n]; = replace_section_label_by_label symbol file_n symbol_n state; replace_section_label_by_label :: !Symbol !Int !Int !*State -> (!Int,!*State); replace_section_label_by_label (SectionLabel section_n label_offset) file_n symbol_n state #! (section_symbol_n,state) = state!xcoff_a.[file_n].symbol_table.section_symbol_ns.[section_n]; | section_n >= 1 && section_symbol_n <> (-1) #! state = { state & xcoff_a.[file_n].symbol_table.symbols.[symbol_n] = Label section_n label_offset section_symbol_n }; = (section_symbol_n,state); selective_import_symbol :: !Int !Int !*(!*{#Bool},!*State) -> *(!*{#Bool},!*State); selective_import_symbol file_n symbol_n (newly_marked_bool_a,state) #! (symbol_offset,state) = symbol_n_to_offset file_n symbol_n state; #! (marked_symbol,state) = state!marked_bool_a.[symbol_offset]; | marked_symbol || newly_marked_bool_a.[symbol_offset] // has already been marked = (newly_marked_bool_a,state); // unmarked symbol #! newly_marked_bool_a = { newly_marked_bool_a & [symbol_offset] = True }; | file_n < 0 = (newly_marked_bool_a,state); #! (symbol,state) = state!xcoff_a.[file_n].symbol_table.symbols.[symbol_n]; = selective_symbol_import2 symbol file_n symbol_n (newly_marked_bool_a,state); where { selective_symbol_import2 symbol=:(SectionLabel section_n label_offset) _ _ (newly_marked_bool_a,state) #! (section_symbol_n,state) = replace_section_label_by_label symbol file_n symbol_n state; = selective_import_symbol file_n section_symbol_n (newly_marked_bool_a,state); selective_symbol_import2 (Module c1 length virtual_address c2 n_relocations relocations) _ _ s = loopAst selective_module_symbol_import s n_relocations; where { selective_module_symbol_import relocation_n (newly_marked_bool_a,state) #! relocation_index = relocation_n * SIZE_OF_RELOCATION; #! relocation_type = relocations IWORD (relocation_index+8); #! relocation_symbol_n = relocations ILONG (relocation_index+4); #! relocation_offset = relocations ILONG relocation_index; # (newly_marked_bool_a,state) = what_linker (newly_marked_bool_a,state) (case (((relocation_offset-virtual_address) + 4) == length) of { // copy&paste from mark_used_modules (pdSymbolTable) // when will this jump be inserted? _ -> (newly_marked_bool_a,state); True #! (symbol_offset,state) = symbol_n_to_offset file_n relocation_symbol_n state; #! (marked_symbol,state) = state!marked_bool_a.[symbol_offset]; | marked_symbol && relocation_type == REL_ABSOLUTE /* #! module_n = symbol_n; #! (first_symbol_n, marked_offset_a) = marked_offset_a![file_n]; #! bool_offset =first_symbol_n + relocation_symbol_n; | already_marked_bool.[bool_offset] //&& relocation_type == REL_ABSOLUTE // There is a reference from an (yet) unlinked module to another already linked module. If the unlinked // module does not contain an jump instruction at its end, one has to be generated. Accessing the file // is expensive. Therefore the worst is assumed: there is a non-jump in which case one has to be // generated. /* #! updated_relocations = WriteLong { c \\ c <-: relocations} relocation_index (relocation_offset + 5) +++ "1"; #! updated_module_symbol = Module c1 (length + 5) virtual_address c2 /*(inc n_relocations)*/ n_relocations updated_relocations; */ #! (module_name,xcoff_a) = xcoff_a![file_n].module_name; /* #! xcoff_a = upd_symbol updated_module_symbol file_n module_n xcoff_a; */ | relocation_type == REL_ABSOLUTE // in this case an extra jump should be generated because the module does not end on one. The // relocation type should probably be changed into REL_REL32. The above code should be valid. -> abort "pdSymbolTable: jmp problem; please report immediately"; -> F ("<"+++ module_name +++">danger (if not jmp): file_n: " +++ toString file_n +++ " module_n: " +++ hex_int module_n +++ " - " +++ hex_int relocation_symbol_n) (marked_offset_a,xcoff_a); -> F ("!potential danger: file_n: " +++ toString file_n +++ " module_n: " +++ hex_int module_n +++ " - " +++ hex_int relocation_symbol_n) (marked_offset_a,xcoff_a); */ -> abort "DynamicLinker; ObjectToMem; internal error"; -> (newly_marked_bool_a,state); _ -> (newly_marked_bool_a,state); } ); = selective_import_symbol file_n relocation_symbol_n (newly_marked_bool_a,state); }; selective_symbol_import2 (ImportLabel label_name) import_label_file_n import_label_symbol_n (newly_marked_bool_a,state) #! (imported_symbol_found,imported_file_n,imported_symbol_n,state) = find_name4 label_name state; | imported_symbol_found // <<- ("selective_symbol_import2", label_name) #! state = { state & xcoff_a.[import_label_file_n].symbol_table.symbols.[import_label_symbol_n] = ImportedLabel imported_file_n imported_symbol_n }; // ImportedLabel is immediately replaced by a SectionLabel or Label = import_an_import_label imported_file_n imported_symbol_n import_label_file_n import_label_symbol_n (newly_marked_bool_a,state); // import_symbols (pdSymbolTable) = abort ("imported label '" +++ label_name +++ "' not found"); selective_symbol_import2 (ImportedLabel imported_file_n imported_symbol_n) import_label_file_n import_label_symbol_n (newly_marked_bool_a,state) = import_an_import_label imported_file_n imported_symbol_n import_label_file_n import_label_symbol_n (newly_marked_bool_a,state); selective_symbol_import2 (ImportedLabelPlusOffset imported_file_n imported_symbol_n _) _ _ s = selective_import_symbol imported_file_n imported_symbol_n s; selective_symbol_import2 (ImportedFunctionDescriptor imported_file_n imported_symbol_n) _ _ s = selective_import_symbol imported_file_n imported_symbol_n s; }; import_an_import_label /* symbol to be imported */ imported_file_n imported_symbol_n /* import site */ import_label_file_n import_label_symbol_n (newly_marked_bool_a,state) | imported_file_n < 0 = selective_import_symbol imported_file_n imported_symbol_n (newly_marked_bool_a,state); #! state = replace_imported_label_symbol /* symbol to be imported */ imported_file_n imported_symbol_n /* import site */ import_label_file_n import_label_symbol_n state; = selective_import_symbol imported_file_n imported_symbol_n (newly_marked_bool_a,state); where { replace_imported_label_symbol /* symbol to be imported */ imported_file_n imported_symbol_n /* import site */ import_label_file_n import_label_symbol_n state #! (imported_symbol,state) = state!xcoff_a.[imported_file_n].symbol_table.symbols.[imported_symbol_n]; #! state = case imported_symbol of { SectionLabel section_n v_label_offset #! (section_symbol_n,state) = state!xcoff_a.[imported_file_n].symbol_table.section_symbol_ns.[section_n]; #! (module_symbol,state) = state!xcoff_a.[imported_file_n].symbol_table.symbols.[section_symbol_n]; -> case module_symbol of { Module v_module_offset _ _ _ _ _ #! state = { state & xcoff_a.[import_label_file_n].symbol_table.symbols.[import_label_symbol_n] = ImportedLabelPlusOffset imported_file_n section_symbol_n (v_label_offset-v_module_offset) }; -> state; _ -> state; }; Label _ v_label_offset module_n // at an earlier point in time, mark_used_modules has already converted a Section- // Label into a Label. Re-implements a part of the SectionLabel-case. #! (module_symbol,state) = state!xcoff_a.[imported_file_n].symbol_table.symbols.[module_n]; -> case module_symbol of { Module v_module_offset _ _ _ _ _ #! state = { state & xcoff_a.[import_label_file_n].symbol_table.symbols.[import_label_symbol_n] = ImportedLabelPlusOffset imported_file_n module_n (v_label_offset-v_module_offset) }; -> state; _ -> state; }; _ -> state; }; = state; }; // import_an_import_label */ import selectively_import_and_mark_labels; // ------------------ from utilities import foldSt; import DLState; move_names_table_from_library_instance_i_to_state library_instance_i dl_client_state // move namestable from library_instance to current state #! (names_table,dl_client_state) = acc_names_table library_instance_i dl_client_state; #! (state,dl_client_state) = acc_state (\s -> (s,EmptyState)) dl_client_state; #! state = { state & namestable = names_table }; = (state,dl_client_state); move_names_table_from_state_to_library_instance_i library_instance_i state dl_client_state #! (names_table,state) = select_namestable state; #! dl_client_state = { dl_client_state & app_linker_state = state , cs_library_instances.lis_library_instances.[library_instance_i].li_names_table = names_table }; = dl_client_state; //link_unknown_symbols :: ![(.Int,.Int)] *State *(IOState *a) -> *(Int,!WriteImageInfo,*State,*IOState *a); link_unknown_symbols [] state library_instance_i dl_client_state io = (0,Nothing /*default_write_image_info*/,state,dl_client_state,io); link_unknown_symbols unknown_symbols state=:{n_xcoff_symbols,n_library_symbols,library_list,n_libraries,n_xcoff_files,one_pass_link} library_instance_i dl_client_state io #! newly_marked_bool_a = createArray (n_xcoff_symbols + n_library_symbols) False; #! (newly_marked_bool_a,state) = foldSt (\(file_n,symbol_n) s -> selective_import_symbol file_n symbol_n s) unknown_symbols (newly_marked_bool_a,state); // ensure that all needed prefixes are linked ... #! (newly_marked_bool_a,state,dl_client_state) = case (library_instance_i < 0) of { True // a hack to load in the conversion functions which are // added to names table of the main library instance. -> (newly_marked_bool_a,state,dl_client_state); False #! dl_client_state = move_names_table_from_state_to_library_instance_i library_instance_i state dl_client_state; #! (l,(newly_marked_bool_a,dl_client_state)) = loop_on_types library_instance_i (newly_marked_bool_a,dl_client_state); #! (state,dl_client_state) = move_names_table_from_library_instance_i_to_state library_instance_i dl_client_state; -> (newly_marked_bool_a,state,dl_client_state); }; #! (already_marked_bool_a,state) = select_marked_bool_a state; #! state = { state & marked_bool_a = newly_marked_bool_a }; #! (base_address,wii,state,io) = write_image state io; /* // TEST #! (file_n,symbol_n,state) = find_name "qd" state; // mark qd-symbol #! (file_n_offset,state) = selacc_marked_offset_a file_n state; #! (dest_qd_address,state) = selacc_module_offset_a (file_n_offset + symbol_n) state; #! (toolbox,io) = GetToolBox io; #! toolbox = copy_mem qd_address 206 dest_qd_address toolbox; #! io = PutToolBox toolbox io; */ /* // test #! (qd_address,state) = acc_pd_state (\pd_state=:{qd_address} -> (qd_address,pd_state)) state; #! state = F ("qd_address(3): " +++ (hex_int qd_address)) state; */ // merge previous and new marked symbols #! (marked_bool_a,state) = select_marked_bool_a state; #! all_marked_bool_a = or_bool_arrays marked_bool_a already_marked_bool_a; = (base_address,Just wii,{state & marked_bool_a = all_marked_bool_a},dl_client_state,io); where { /* copy_mem qd_address i dest_qd_address toolbox | i == 0 = toolbox; #! (v,toolbox) = LoadByte qd_address toolbox; #! toolbox = StoreByte dest_qd_address v toolbox; = copy_mem (inc qd_address) (dec i) (dec dest_qd_address) toolbox; */ mark_unknown_symbols s=:(marked_offset_a,marked_bool_a,xcoff_a,already_marked_bool_a,False,state) (file_n,symbol_n) = s; mark_unknown_symbols (marked_offset_a,marked_bool_a,xcoff_a,already_marked_bool_a,ok,state) (file_n,symbol_n) #! (found,ms,state) = find_name3 file_n symbol_n state; #! (s=:(undefined_symbols,marked_offset_a,marked_bool_a,xcoff_a)) = mark_used_modules symbol_n file_n [] already_marked_bool_a marked_bool_a marked_offset_a xcoff_a; | not (isEmpty undefined_symbols) = (marked_offset_a,marked_bool_a,xcoff_a,already_marked_bool_a,False,state); = (marked_offset_a,marked_bool_a,xcoff_a,already_marked_bool_a,ok,state); } or_bool_arrays marked_bool_a2 marked_bool_a = { b1 || b2 \\ b1<-:marked_bool_a2 & b2<-:marked_bool_a }; ReadLibraryFiles2 :: ![String] !Int !Int !NamesTable !*Files -> ((!Bool,!LibraryList,!Int,!NamesTable),!*Files); ReadLibraryFiles2 l library_n n_library_symbols0 names_table0 files0 #! (b,l,i,f,n) = ReadLibraryFiles l library_n n_library_symbols0 files0 names_table0; = ((b,l,i,n),f); ReadLibraryFiles :: ![String] !Int !Int !*Files !NamesTable -> (!Bool,!LibraryList,!Int,!*Files,!NamesTable); ReadLibraryFiles [] library_n n_library_symbols0 files0 names_table0 = (True,EmptyLibraryList,n_library_symbols0,files0,names_table0); ReadLibraryFiles [file_name:file_names] library_n n_library_symbols0 files0 names_table0 #! (ok1,library_name,library_symbols,n_library_symbols,files1,names_table1) = read_library_file file_name library_n files0 names_table0; | ok1 #! (ok10,libraries,n_library_symbols1,files2,names_table2) = ReadLibraryFiles file_names (inc library_n) (n_library_symbols0+n_library_symbols) files1 names_table1; = (ok10,Library library_name /* mac */ 0 library_symbols n_library_symbols libraries,n_library_symbols1,files2,names_table2); = abort ("ReadLibraryFiles2: could not read '" +++ file_name +++ "'"); // It is assumed that a library instance is only loaded once which implies that if the library instance implements some // type, then all its labels implementing that type must have been linked. The initial marking just marks the symbols // reachable from set of root symbols. In general label prefixes may not refer to eachother, so they have to be marked // explicitly. This function carries out this task. loop_on_types library_instance_i (newly_marked_bool_a,dl_client_state=:{cs_main_library_instance_i}) // general #! (type_table_i,dl_client_state) = dl_client_state!cs_library_instances.lis_library_instances.[library_instance_i].li_type_table_i; #! (tt_n_tio_common_defs,dl_client_state) = dl_client_state!cs_type_tables.[type_table_i].tt_n_tio_common_defs; #! (labels,newly_marked_bool_a,dl_client_state) = loopAst (loop_on_module type_table_i) ([],newly_marked_bool_a,dl_client_state) tt_n_tio_common_defs; = (labels,(newly_marked_bool_a,dl_client_state)); where { loop_on_module type_table_i tio_tr_module_n (labels,newly_marked_bool_a,dl_client_state) // loop on type definitions # (tio_com_type_defs,dl_client_state) = dl_client_state!cs_type_tables.[type_table_i].tt_tio_common_defs.[tio_tr_module_n].tio_com_type_defs; # (labels,newly_marked_bool_a,dl_client_state) = mapAiSt loop_on_type_def tio_com_type_defs (labels,newly_marked_bool_a,dl_client_state); = (labels,newly_marked_bool_a,dl_client_state); where { // Determine which label prefixes have not yet been linked in. loop_on_type_def tio_tr_type_def_n {tio_td_name} (labels,newly_marked_bool_a,dl_client_state) # tio_type_reference = { default_elem & tio_tr_module_n = tio_tr_module_n , tio_tr_type_def_n = tio_tr_type_def_n }; # type = LIT_TypeReference library_instance_i tio_type_reference; #! (li_type_table_i,dl_client_state) = dl_client_state!cs_library_instances.lis_library_instances.[library_instance_i].li_type_table_i; #! (type_name,labels_implementing_type,dl_client_state) = get_type_label_names tio_type_reference li_type_table_i dl_client_state; #! (any_label_implemented,unlinked_labels,newly_marked_bool_a,dl_client_state) = foldSt any_label_implemented labels_implementing_type (False,[],newly_marked_bool_a,dl_client_state); | any_label_implemented && not (isEmpty unlinked_labels) // at least one label but not all labels have been implemented for the type. The other should be marked // too. If partially linked type are supported in the future, then this code is no longer necessary. // reachable types ... types dependent on the current type are *not* reachable from the type. # (type_tables,dl_client_state) = get_type_tables dl_client_state; # type = (TypeTableTypeReference li_type_table_i tio_type_reference); # (cts=:{cts_type_dependencies,cts_type_tables=type_tables}) = collect_types type type {default_collect_types_state & cts_type_tables = type_tables}; // convert to names # (cts_type_dependencies2,type_tables) = mapSt (\(tio_type_reference,_) type_tables -> print_type_table_reference li_type_table_i tio_type_reference type_tables) cts_type_dependencies type_tables; # dl_client_state = { dl_client_state & cs_type_tables = type_tables }; # (unlinked_but_reachable_labels_of_types,newly_marked_bool_a,dl_client_state) = foldSt detect_unlinked_but_reachable_labels_of_types cts_type_dependencies (unlinked_labels,newly_marked_bool_a,dl_client_state); # unlinked_labels = unlinked_but_reachable_labels_of_types; // ... reachable types #! (state,dl_client_state) = move_names_table_from_library_instance_i_to_state library_instance_i dl_client_state; #! (newly_marked_bool_a,state) = foldSt (\(_,(file_n,symbol_n)) s -> selective_import_symbol file_n symbol_n s) unlinked_labels (newly_marked_bool_a,state); #! dl_client_state = move_names_table_from_state_to_library_instance_i library_instance_i state dl_client_state; = (labels,newly_marked_bool_a,dl_client_state); = (labels,newly_marked_bool_a,dl_client_state); // huidige library instance bevat al een gedeeltelijk implementation van het type where { detect_unlinked_but_reachable_labels_of_types ({tio_type_without_definition=Just _},_) (unlinked_but_reachable_labels_of_types,newly_marked_bool_a,dl_client_state) // a type without definition is assumed to be linked = (unlinked_but_reachable_labels_of_types,newly_marked_bool_a,dl_client_state); detect_unlinked_but_reachable_labels_of_types (tio_type_reference,_) (unlinked_but_reachable_labels_of_types,newly_marked_bool_a,dl_client_state) # type = LIT_TypeReference library_instance_i tio_type_reference; #! (li_type_table_i,dl_client_state) = dl_client_state!cs_library_instances.lis_library_instances.[library_instance_i].li_type_table_i; #! (type_name,labels_implementing_type,dl_client_state) = get_type_label_names tio_type_reference li_type_table_i dl_client_state; #! (any_label_implemented,unlinked_labels,newly_marked_bool_a,dl_client_state) = foldSt any_label_implemented labels_implementing_type (False,[],newly_marked_bool_a,dl_client_state); | any_label_implemented = (unlinked_but_reachable_labels_of_types,newly_marked_bool_a,dl_client_state); #! dl_client_state = dl_client_state <<- ("detect_unlinked_but_reachable_labels_of_types",unlinked_labels); #! unlinked_but_reachable_labels_of_types = unlinked_labels ++ unlinked_but_reachable_labels_of_types; = (unlinked_but_reachable_labels_of_types,newly_marked_bool_a,dl_client_state); any_label_implemented label_name (any_label_implemented,unimplemented_labels,newly_marked_bool,dl_client_state) # (maybe_file_n_symbol_n,dl_client_state) = findLabel label_name library_instance_i dl_client_state; | isNothing maybe_file_n_symbol_n # dl_client_state = dl_client_state <<- ("any_label_implemented; internal error; label '" +++ label_name +++ "' should be in namestable"); // for the time being do as if the label were implemented = (True,unimplemented_labels,newly_marked_bool,dl_client_state) # (file_n_symbol_n=:(file_n,symbol_n)) = fromJust maybe_file_n_symbol_n; # (symbol_index,dl_client_state) = symbol_n_to_offset file_n symbol_n dl_client_state; #! (first_symbol_n,dl_client_state) = dl_client_state!app_linker_state.marked_offset_a.[file_n]; #! (is_marked_label,newly_marked_bool) = newly_marked_bool![first_symbol_n+symbol_n]; | is_marked_label = (True,unimplemented_labels,newly_marked_bool,dl_client_state); = (any_label_implemented,[(label_name,file_n_symbol_n):unimplemented_labels],newly_marked_bool,dl_client_state); } // loop_on_type_def } };