implementation module PmProject import StdClass,StdBool, StdInt, StdString,StdArray, StdFunc, StdTuple, StdList import StdMaybe import PmPath, UtilStrictLists //import PmConstants import UtilNewlinesFile import PmTypes //1.3 from PmMyIO import NoDate, DATE from StdMisc import abort; //3.1 /*2.0 from PmMyIO import NoDate, ::DATE import StdEnv; 0.2*/ /* Comparison functions for project options */ instance == ModInfo where (==) :: !ModInfo !ModInfo -> Bool (==) info1 info2 = info1.defeo.eo == info2.defeo.eo && info1.impeo.eo == info2.impeo.eo && info1.compilerOptions == info2.compilerOptions && info1.defeo.pos_size == info2.defeo.pos_size && info1.impeo.pos_size == info2.impeo.pos_size && info1.defopen == info2.defopen && info1.impopen == info2.impopen instance == EditOptions where (==) :: !EditOptions !EditOptions -> Bool (==) eo1 eo2 = eo1.tabs == eo2.tabs && eo1.EditOptions.fontname == eo2.EditOptions.fontname && eo1.EditOptions.fontsize == eo2.EditOptions.fontsize && eo1.EditOptions.autoi == eo2.EditOptions.autoi instance == WindowPos_and_Size where (==) :: !WindowPos_and_Size !WindowPos_and_Size -> Bool (==) pos1 pos2 = pos1.posx == pos2.posx && pos1.posy == pos2.posy && pos1.sizex == pos2.sizex && pos1.sizey == pos2.sizey instance == CompilerOptions where (==) :: !CompilerOptions !CompilerOptions -> Bool (==) co1 co2 = co1.neverTimeProfile == co2.neverTimeProfile && // co1.neverMemoryProfile == co2.neverMemoryProfile && // DvA: wordt niet meer op compiler niveau gedaan... == && co1.CompilerOptions.listTypes == co2.CompilerOptions.listTypes && == && == && co1.gc == co2.gc instance == CodeGenOptions where (==) :: !CodeGenOptions !CodeGenOptions -> Bool (==) cg1 cg2 = cg1.cs == cg2.cs && == && == instance == ApplicationOptions where (==) :: !ApplicationOptions !ApplicationOptions -> Bool (==) ao1 ao2 = ao1.hs == ao2.hs && == && ao1.em == ao2.em && ao1.heap_size_multiple == ao2.heap_size_multiple && ao1.initial_heap_size == ao2.initial_heap_size && ao1.set == ao2.set && ao1.sgc == ao2.sgc && ao1.pss == ao2.pss && ao1.marking_collection == ao2.marking_collection && ao1.o == ao2.o && ao1.fn == ao2.fn && ao1.fs == ao2.fs && ao1.write_stderr_to_file == ao2.write_stderr_to_file && ao1.memoryProfiling == ao2.memoryProfiling && ao1.memoryProfilingMinimumHeapSize == ao2.memoryProfilingMinimumHeapSize && ao1.profiling601 == ao2.profiling601 && ao1.profiling == ao2.profiling && ao1.standard_rte == ao2.standard_rte instance == LinkOptions where (==) :: !LinkOptions !LinkOptions -> Bool (==) lo1 lo2 = lo1.method == lo2.method && EQStrings (SortStrings lo1.extraObjectModules) (SortStrings lo2.extraObjectModules) && EQStrings (SortStrings lo1.libraries) (SortStrings lo2.libraries) instance == ProjectOptions where (==) :: !ProjectOptions !ProjectOptions -> Bool (==) po1 po2 = po1.ProjectOptions.verbose == po2.ProjectOptions.verbose instance == DATE where (==) :: !DATE !DATE -> Bool (==) date1 date2 = date1.exists == date2.exists && date1.yy == date2.yy && == && date1.dd == date2.dd && date1.DATE.h == date2.DATE.h && date1.m == date2.m && date1.s == date2.s //-- :: Def_and_Imp :== Bool; DclMod :== True; IclMod :== False; :: WindowOpen_and_Closed :== Bool; WinOpen :== True; WinClosed :== False; :: Modification :== Bool; Modified :== True; Unmodified :== False; // The Project: A list of constituent modules and their mutual dependencies :: Project = { built :: !Bool // Was dependency list generated? , saved :: !Bool , exec :: !Bool // exe linked ok? , execpath :: !String /*Pathname*/ , inflist :: !InfList // list with constituent modules , codegenopt :: !CodeGenOptions // code generator options , code_gen_options_unchanged :: !Bool , applicationopt :: !ApplicationOptions // application options , projectopt :: !ProjectOptions , linkOptions :: !LinkOptions , prjpaths :: !List String /*Pathname*/ // project paths , staticLibInfo :: !StaticLibInfo , target :: !String , static_info :: !ProjectStaticInfo , dynamic_info :: !ProjectDynamicInfo } // First element of InfList (if any) is the root module. :: InfList :== List InfListItem :: InfListItem = { mn :: !Modulename // module name , info :: !ModInfo // module info , src :: !Bool // src up to date? , abc :: !Bool // abc up to date? } :: InfUpdate :== !InfListItem -> (!InfListItem, !Bool) PR_InitProject :: Project; PR_InitProject = { built = True , saved = True , exec = True , execpath = EmptyPathname , inflist = Nil , codegenopt = DefCodeGenOptions , code_gen_options_unchanged = True , applicationopt = DefApplicationOptions , projectopt = DefProjectOptions , linkOptions = DefaultLinkOptions , prjpaths = Nil , staticLibInfo = DefStaticLibInfo , target = "" , static_info = EmptyStaticInfo , dynamic_info = EmptyDynamicInfo } PR_GetExecPath :: !Project -> !String /*Pathname*/ PR_GetExecPath {execpath} = execpath PR_SetExecPath :: !String /*Pathname*/ !Project -> !Project PR_SetExecPath pth prj = {prj & execpath = pth} DefStaticLibInfo = { sLibs = Nil , sDcls = Nil , sDeps = Nil } PR_ProjectSet :: !Project -> Bool; PR_ProjectSet project=:{inflist=Nil} = False; PR_ProjectSet project=:{inflist} = True; PR_NewProject :: !String /*Pathname*/ !EditWdOptions !CompilerOptions !CodeGenOptions !ApplicationOptions !ProjectOptions !(List String /*Pathname*/) !LinkOptions -> Project; PR_NewProject main_module_file_name eo compilerOptions cgo ao po prjpaths linkOptions = { PR_InitProject & built = True , saved = False , exec = True , execpath = MakeExecPathname main_module_file_name , inflist = { mn = modname , info = { dir = dirname , defeo = eo , impeo = eo , compilerOptions = compilerOptions , defopen = False , impopen = True , date = NoDate , abcLinkInfo = {linkObjFileNames = Nil, linkLibraryNames = Nil} } , src = True , abc = True } :! Nil , codegenopt = cgo , code_gen_options_unchanged = True , applicationopt= ao , projectopt = po , prjpaths = if (StringOccurs dirname prjpaths) prjpaths (dirname:!prjpaths) , linkOptions = linkOptions , staticLibInfo = DefStaticLibInfo , target = "StdEnv" } where modname = GetModuleName main_module_file_name; dirname = RemoveFilename main_module_file_name; //-- PR_SetBuilt :: !(List Modulename) !Project -> Project; PR_SetBuilt used project=:{inflist=Nil} = {Project | project & built = True}; PR_SetBuilt used prj=:{inflist=infl=:(root=:{mn=rootmn,info}:!rest),saved} #! len = LLength rest # used = Map GetModuleName used # rest = RemoveUnusedModules used rest # len` = LLength rest // # prj = trace_n ("RemUnused B: "+++toString len+++" A: "+++toString len`) prj # unchanged = len == len` = {prj & built=True,saved=saved && unchanged,inflist= root:!rest} where RemoveUnusedModules used list = FilterR member list where member {mn} = StringOccurs mn used && rootmn <> mn //-- //import StdDebug PR_AddABCInfo :: !String /*Pathname*/ !(List LinkObjFileName) !(List LinkLibraryName) !CompilerOptions !EditWdOptions !EditWdOptions !Project -> Project PR_AddABCInfo mod_path dep_objects dep_libraries compilerOptions defeo impeo project=:{inflist=Nil} // # project = trace_n ("PR_Add: no root...") project = project PR_AddABCInfo mod_path dep_objects dep_libraries compilerOptions defeo impeo project=:{inflist} // # project = trace_n ("PR_Add: adding "+++mod_path) project # inflist = TryInsertInList mod_name mod_dir inflist # (inflist,_) = UpdateList mod_name update inflist; = {project & saved=False,inflist=inflist, built=False} where mod_name = GetModuleName mod_path mod_dir = RemoveFilename mod_path update infListItem=:{InfListItem | info} = ( { InfListItem | infListItem & info.abcLinkInfo.linkObjFileNames = dep_objects , info.abcLinkInfo.linkLibraryNames = dep_libraries , info.dir = mod_dir , info.compilerOptions = compilerOptions }, True) TryInsertInList :: !String !String !InfList -> !InfList TryInsertInList importermn importerdir Nil // no root module... = Nil TryInsertInList importermn importerdir ((root=:{mn,info}):!rest) | importermn == mn // updating root module... # root = {InfListItem | root & info = {ModInfo | info & dir = importerdir}} = root :! rest # rest = TryInsertImporter rest rest = root :! rest where TryInsertImporter :: !InfList !InfList -> !InfList TryInsertImporter Nil list # item = { mn = importermn, info = { dir = importerdir, compilerOptions = compilerOptions, defeo = defeo, impeo = impeo, defopen = False, impopen = False, date = NoDate, abcLinkInfo = {linkObjFileNames = Nil, linkLibraryNames = Nil} }, src = True, abc = True } = item :! list TryInsertImporter (({mn}):!rest) list | importermn<>mn = TryInsertImporter rest list = list //-- PR_ClearDependencies :: !Project -> Project PR_ClearDependencies project=:{inflist=Nil} = {project & saved = False, inflist = Nil, built = False} PR_ClearDependencies project=:{inflist=il=:(root :! rest)} = {project & saved = False, inflist = root` :! Nil, built = False} where root` = { InfListItem | root & info = { & date = NoDate , abcLinkInfo = {linkObjFileNames = Nil, linkLibraryNames = Nil}}} PR_SetRoot :: !String /*Pathname*/ !EditWdOptions !CompilerOptions !Project -> Project; PR_SetRoot root eo co project=:{inflist=Nil} = project; PR_SetRoot newroot eo compilerOptions project=:{prjpaths} = {project & saved = False, built = False, inflist = { mn = modname, info = { dir = dirname, defeo = eo, impeo = eo, compilerOptions = compilerOptions, defopen = False, /* onzin, dat weet je niet! */ impopen = True, date = NoDate, abcLinkInfo = {linkObjFileNames = Nil, linkLibraryNames = Nil} }, src = True, abc = True } :! Nil, prjpaths= if (StringOccurs dirname prjpaths) prjpaths (dirname:!prjpaths) /* ook een beetje iffy */ }; where modname = GetModuleName newroot; dirname = RemoveFilename newroot; PR_SetCompiled :: !Modulename !Project -> Project; PR_SetCompiled modname project=:{inflist} = {project & inflist = inf`} where (inf`, _) = UpdateList modname setcompiled inflist; setcompiled :: !InfListItem -> (!InfListItem,!Bool); setcompiled itm=:{src,abc} = ({itm & src = True},True); PR_SetCodeGenerated :: !Modulename !Project -> Project; PR_SetCodeGenerated modname project=:{inflist} = {project & inflist = inf`}; where (inf`,_) = UpdateList modname setcode inflist; setcode :: !InfListItem -> (!InfListItem, !Bool); setcode itm=:{InfListItem | src} = ({InfListItem | itm & abc = True}, True); PR_SetSysCodeGenerated :: !Project -> Project; PR_SetSysCodeGenerated project = {project & code_gen_options_unchanged = True}; PR_SetLinked :: !Project -> Project; PR_SetLinked project=:{inflist} = {project & exec = True}; PR_SetSaved :: !Project -> Project; PR_SetSaved project = {Project | project & saved = True}; PR_SetCodeGenOptions :: !CodeGenOptions !Project -> Project; PR_SetCodeGenOptions options project=:{inflist,saved,codegenopt,code_gen_options_unchanged} = { project & inflist = infl` , saved = saved && unchanged , code_gen_options_unchanged = code_gen_options_unchanged && cg_unchanged , codegenopt = options } where (infl`,_) = infl`_; infl`_ | cg_unchanged = (inflist,True); = P_MapR setcode inflist; unchanged = cg_unchanged //&& options.kaf == codegenopt.kaf; cg_unchanged = options == codegenopt; setcode :: !InfListItem -> (!InfListItem, !Bool); setcode itm=:{InfListItem | src} = ({InfListItem | itm & abc = False}, True); PR_SetApplicationOptions :: !ApplicationOptions !Project -> Project; PR_SetApplicationOptions options project=:{saved,exec,applicationopt} = {project & applicationopt = options, exec = exec && unchanged,saved=saved && unchanged}; where unchanged = options == applicationopt; PR_SetProjectOptions :: !ProjectOptions !Project -> Project; PR_SetProjectOptions options project=:{projectopt,saved} = {project & saved = saved && unchanged, projectopt = options }; where unchanged = options == projectopt; PR_SetLinkOptions :: !Project !LinkOptions -> Project; PR_SetLinkOptions project linkOptions | linkOptions == project.Project.linkOptions = project; | otherwise = {Project | project & linkOptions = linkOptions, exec = False, saved = False}; PR_GetLinkOptions :: !Project -> LinkOptions; PR_GetLinkOptions project = project.Project.linkOptions; PR_SetPaths :: !Bool !(List String /*Pathname*/) !(List String /*Pathname*/) !Project -> Project; PR_SetPaths _ _ _ _ = abort "dkdk"; /* PR_SetPaths def defs new project=:{Project | inflist=Nil} = project; PR_SetPaths def defs new project=:{Project | built,inflist=infl=:(root=:{InfListItem | info={dir}}):!rest,prjpaths,saved} | def = {Project | project & built = built && olddirs, saved = saved && olddirs, inflist = inflist1 }; = {Project | project & built = built && olddirs, saved = saved && unchanged && olddirs, inflist = inflist1, prjpaths = prjpaths1 }; where (inflist1,olddirs) = P_MapR SetDcl_and_Icl_and_ABCModified infl; unchanged = EQStrings (SortStrings prjpaths) (SortStrings prjpaths1); prjpaths1 | def = prjpaths; | StringOccurs dir new = new; = dir:!new; SetDcl_and_Icl_and_ABCModified :: !InfListItem -> (!InfListItem,!Bool); SetDcl_and_Icl_and_ABCModified itm=:{InfListItem | info=minfo=:{dir}} | unchanged = ({itm & src=False}, True); = ({itm & info = {minfo & dir="", date=NoDate}, src=False},False); where unchanged = StringOccurs dir defs || StringOccurs dir prjpaths1; */ PR_GetCodeGenOptions :: !Project -> CodeGenOptions; PR_GetCodeGenOptions project=:{codegenopt} = codegenopt; PR_GetProcessor :: !Project -> Processor; PR_GetProcessor project=:{codegenopt={tp}} = tp; PR_GetApplicationOptions :: !Project -> ApplicationOptions; PR_GetApplicationOptions project=:{applicationopt} = applicationopt; PR_GetProjectOptions :: !Project -> ProjectOptions; PR_GetProjectOptions project=:{projectopt} = projectopt; PR_GetPaths :: !Project -> List String /*Pathname*/; PR_GetPaths project=:{Project | prjpaths} = prjpaths; PR_GetRootModuleName :: !Project -> (String /*Pathname*/,Project) PR_GetRootModuleName p=:{inflist=Nil} = (EmptyPathname,p) PR_GetRootModuleName p=:{inflist={mn}:!rest} = (mn,p) PR_GetRootPathName :: !Project -> (String /*Pathname*/,Project) PR_GetRootPathName p=:{inflist=Nil} = (EmptyPathname,p) PR_GetRootPathName p=:{inflist={mn,info={dir}}:!rest} | size dir==0 = (EmptyPathname,p) = (MakeFullPathname dir (MakeImpPathname mn),p) PR_GetRootPath :: !Project -> String /*Pathname*/; PR_GetRootPath {inflist=Nil} = EmptyPathname; PR_GetRootPath {inflist={mn,info={dir}}:!rest} | size dir==0 = EmptyPathname; = dir; PR_GetModulenames :: !Bool !Def_and_Imp !Project -> List String /*Pathname*/ PR_GetModulenames full def project=:{inflist} = modnames where (modnames,_) = P_MapR GetModulenames inflist GetModulenames :: !InfListItem -> (!String /*Pathname*/,!Bool) GetModulenames {mn,info={dir}} | full && def = (MakeFullPathname dir (MakeDefPathname mn),True) | full = (MakeFullPathname dir (MakeImpPathname mn),True) = (mn,True) PR_GetOpenModulenames :: !Project -> List String /*Pathname*/ PR_GetOpenModulenames project=:{inflist} = FlattenList modnames where (modnames,_) = P_MapR GetModulenames inflist GetModulenames :: !InfListItem -> (List !String /*Pathname*/,!Bool) GetModulenames {mn,info={dir,defopen,impopen}} | defopen && impopen = ((defname :! impname :! Nil),True) | defopen = ((defname :! Nil),True) | impopen = ((impname :! Nil),True) = (Nil,True) where defname = MakeFullPathname dir (MakeDefPathname mn) impname = MakeFullPathname dir (MakeImpPathname mn) PR_GetModuleStuff :: !Project -> List (Modulename,String /*Pathname*/,Modulename,String /*Pathname*/) PR_GetModuleStuff project=:{inflist} = stuff where (stuff,_) = P_MapR GetModulenames inflist GetModulenames :: !InfListItem -> ((!Modulename,!String /*Pathname*/,!Modulename,!String /*Pathname*/),!Bool) GetModulenames {mn,info={dir}} = ((MakeDefPathname mn,dir,MakeImpPathname mn,dir),True) PR_Built :: !Project -> Bool; PR_Built project=:{Project | built} = built; PR_SrcUpToDate :: !Modulename !Project -> Bool; PR_SrcUpToDate modname project=:{inflist} # item = FindInList modname inflist | isNothing item = False # item = fromJust item = item.src PR_ABCUpToDate :: !Modulename !Project -> Bool; PR_ABCUpToDate modname project=:{inflist} # item = FindInList modname inflist | isNothing item = False # item = fromJust item = PR_SysUptoDate :: !Project -> Bool; PR_SysUptoDate project=:{code_gen_options_unchanged} = code_gen_options_unchanged; PR_ExecUpToDate :: !Project -> Bool; PR_ExecUpToDate project=:{exec} = exec; PR_Saved :: !Project -> Bool; PR_Saved {Project | saved} = saved; PR_AddRootModule :: !Bool !CodeGenOptions !ApplicationOptions !ProjectOptions !(List String /*Pathname*/) !LinkOptions !Modulename !ModInfo -> Project; PR_AddRootModule built cg ao po prjs linkOptions mn info=:{dir} = { PR_InitProject & built = built && dir <> "" , saved = False // ??? , exec = True , execpath = MakeExecPathname (MakeFullPathname dir mn) , code_gen_options_unchanged = True , inflist = root:!Nil , codegenopt = cg , applicationopt = ao , projectopt = po , prjpaths = prjs , linkOptions = linkOptions , staticLibInfo = DefStaticLibInfo , target = "" }; where root = { mn = mn,info = info,src = True,abc = True }; PR_AddModule :: !Modulename !ModInfo !Project -> Project; PR_AddModule mn info=:{dir} project=:{built,inflist=root:!rest} = {project & built = built && dir<>"", inflist = root:!new:!rest}; where new = { mn = mn, info = info, src = True, abc = True }; PR_GetModuleInfo :: !Modulename !Project -> !Maybe ModInfo PR_GetModuleInfo mn {Project | inflist} # item = FindInList mn inflist | isNothing item = Nothing = Just (fromJust item) PR_UpdateModule :: !Modulename !(!ModInfo -> ModInfo) !Project -> Project; PR_UpdateModule mn update project=:{inflist,saved} = {project & inflist = infl`,saved = saved && unchanged}; where (infl`,unchanged) = UpdateList mn update` inflist; update` itm=:{InfListItem | info} = ({InfListItem | itm & info = info`}, unchanged); where info` = update info; unchanged = info == info`; PR_UpdateModules :: ![Modulename] !(!ModInfo -> ModInfo) !Project -> Project PR_UpdateModules mn update project = seq [(PR_UpdateModule m update) \\ m <- mn] project // DvA quick hack, not very efficient! // // Operations on tables // UpdateList :: !String InfUpdate !InfList -> (!InfList,!Bool) UpdateList key update list = UpdateList2 key update list Nil where UpdateList2 :: !String InfUpdate !InfList !InfList -> (!InfList,!Bool) UpdateList2 key update Nil acc = (Reverse2 acc Nil,True) UpdateList2 key update ((first=:{mn,info}):!rest) acc | mn <> key = UpdateList2 key update rest (first:!acc) # (first,changed) = update first = (Reverse2 acc (first :! rest), changed) FindInList :: !String !InfList -> !Maybe InfListItem FindInList key Nil = Nothing FindInList key ((itm=:{mn,info}):!rest) | mn <> key = FindInList key rest = Just itm //-- SetProject :: !{#Char} !{#Char} !ProjectGlobalOptions -> Project SetProject applicationDir projectDir { pg_built , pg_codegen , pg_application , pg_projectOptions , pg_projectPaths, pg_link, pg_mainModuleInfo={name, info},pg_otherModules , pg_target , pg_staticLibInfo , pg_execpath , pg_static , pg_dynamic } #! paths = ExpandPaths applicationDir projectDir pg_projectPaths #! linkOptions = ExpandLinkOptionsPaths applicationDir projectDir pg_link #! project = PR_AddRootModule pg_built pg_codegen pg_application pg_projectOptions paths linkOptions name (ExpandModuleInfoPaths applicationDir projectDir info) #! project = addModules pg_otherModules project #! staticLibInfo = ExpandStaticLibPaths applicationDir projectDir pg_staticLibInfo #! project = PR_SetStaticLibsInfo staticLibInfo project #! project = PR_SetTarget pg_target project #! exepath = ExpandPath applicationDir projectDir pg_execpath #! project = PR_SetExecPath exepath project // default van gebruikte appopts in exe zijn ok klopt niet :-( #! pg_static = FixStatic applicationDir projectDir pg_static #! project = {project & static_info = pg_static, dynamic_info = pg_dynamic} = project where addModules Nil project = project addModules ({name, info} :! t) project = addModules t (PR_AddModule name (ExpandModuleInfoPaths applicationDir projectDir info) project) FixStatic ap pp si=:{stat_mods,stat_objs,stat_slibs,stat_dlibs,stat_paths} = { si & stat_mods = ExpandPaths ap pp stat_mods , stat_objs = ExpandPaths ap pp stat_objs , stat_slibs = ExpandPaths ap pp stat_slibs , stat_dlibs = ExpandPaths ap pp stat_dlibs , stat_paths = ExpandPaths ap pp stat_paths } GetProject :: !{#Char} !{#Char} !Project -> ProjectGlobalOptions GetProject applicationDir projectDir project` = { pg_built = PR_Built project , pg_codegen = PR_GetCodeGenOptions project , pg_application = PR_GetApplicationOptions project , pg_projectOptions = PR_GetProjectOptions project , pg_projectPaths = projectPaths , pg_link = linkOptions , pg_mainModuleInfo = mainModuleInfo , pg_otherModules = otherModules , pg_staticLibInfo = staticLibInfo , pg_target = target , pg_execpath = exepath , pg_static = project.static_info , pg_dynamic = project.dynamic_info } where exepath # xp = PR_GetExecPath project # xp = replace_prefix_path applicationDir "{Application}" xp # xp = replace_prefix_path projectDir "{Project}" xp = xp mainModuleInfo = getModule mainModuleName (mainModuleName,project) = PR_GetRootModuleName project` otherModuleNames = Filter ((<>) mainModuleName) (PR_GetModulenames False IclMod project) otherModules = Map getModule otherModuleNames getModule name # info = PR_GetModuleInfo name project # info = if (isJust info) (fromJust info) defaultModInfo # info = SubstituteModuleInfoPaths applicationDir projectDir info = {name = name, info = info} linkOptions = SubstituteLinkOptionsPaths applicationDir projectDir (PR_GetLinkOptions project) projectPaths = SubstitutePaths applicationDir projectDir (PR_GetPaths project) staticLibInfo = SubstituteStaticLibPaths applicationDir projectDir (PR_GetStaticLibsInfo project) target = PR_GetTarget project defaultModInfo :: ModInfo defaultModInfo = { dir = EmptyPathname , compilerOptions = DefaultCompilerOptions , defeo = {eo=DefaultEditOptions,pos_size=DefWindowPos_and_Size} , impeo = {eo=DefaultEditOptions,pos_size=DefWindowPos_and_Size} , defopen = False , impopen = False , date = NoDate , abcLinkInfo = {linkObjFileNames = Nil, linkLibraryNames = Nil} } where DefaultEditOptions = { tabs = 4 , fontname = "Courier New" //NonProportionalFontDef.fName , fontsize = 10 //NonProportionalFontDef.fSize , autoi = True , newlines = HostNativeNewlineConvention , showtabs = False , showlins = False , showsync = True } //import StdPicture //-- ExpandModuleInfoPaths :: {#Char} {#Char} ModInfo -> ModInfo ExpandModuleInfoPaths applicationDir projectDir moduleInfo=:{dir} = {moduleInfo & dir = ExpandPath applicationDir projectDir dir} ExpandLinkOptionsPaths :: {#Char} {#Char} LinkOptions -> LinkOptions ExpandLinkOptionsPaths applicationDir projectDir linkOptions=:{extraObjectModules, libraries} = { linkOptions & extraObjectModules = ExpandPaths applicationDir projectDir extraObjectModules , libraries = ExpandPaths applicationDir projectDir libraries } ExpandStaticLibPaths :: {#Char} {#Char} StaticLibInfo -> StaticLibInfo ExpandStaticLibPaths applicationDir projectDir staticLibs=:{sLibs} = { staticLibs & sLibs = ExpandPaths applicationDir projectDir sLibs } ExpandPaths :: {#Char} {#Char} (List {#Char}) -> List {#Char} ExpandPaths applicationDir projectDir list = Map (ExpandPath applicationDir projectDir) list ExpandPath applicationDir projectDir path = replace_prefix_path "{Application}" applicationDir (replace_prefix_path "{Project}" projectDir path) SubstituteModuleInfoPaths :: {#Char} {#Char} ModInfo -> ModInfo SubstituteModuleInfoPaths applicationDir projectDir info = {info & dir = SubstitutePath applicationDir projectDir info.dir} SubstituteLinkOptionsPaths :: {#Char} {#Char} LinkOptions -> LinkOptions SubstituteLinkOptionsPaths applicationDir projectDir linkOptions=:{extraObjectModules, libraries} = {linkOptions & extraObjectModules = SubstitutePaths applicationDir projectDir extraObjectModules , libraries = SubstitutePaths applicationDir projectDir libraries } SubstituteStaticLibPaths :: {#Char} {#Char} StaticLibInfo -> StaticLibInfo SubstituteStaticLibPaths applicationDir projectDir staticLibs=:{sLibs} = { staticLibs & sLibs = SubstitutePaths applicationDir projectDir sLibs } SubstitutePaths :: {#Char} {#Char} (List {#Char}) -> List {#Char} SubstitutePaths applicationDir projectDir list = Map (SubstitutePath applicationDir projectDir) list SubstitutePath applicationDir projectDir path = replace_prefix_path applicationDir "{Application}" (replace_prefix_path projectDir "{Project}" path) //--- PR_GetABCLinkInfo :: !Project -> !ABCLinkInfo; PR_GetABCLinkInfo project=:{inflist} # allLinkInfoRecords = map (\{InfListItem | info={abcLinkInfo}} -> abcLinkInfo) (StrictListToList inflist); oneLinkInfoRecord = foldl mergeTwoRecords emptyRecord allLinkInfoRecords; = oneLinkInfoRecord; where mergeTwoRecords { linkObjFileNames=linkObjFileNames1, linkLibraryNames=linkLibraryNames1} { linkObjFileNames=linkObjFileNames2, linkLibraryNames=linkLibraryNames2} = { linkObjFileNames = UnionStringList linkObjFileNames2 linkObjFileNames1, linkLibraryNames = UnionStringList linkLibraryNames2 linkLibraryNames1}; emptyRecord = { linkObjFileNames = Nil, linkLibraryNames = Nil}; /* PR_GetABCLinkPathsCache :: !Project -> ABCLinkPathsCache; PR_GetABCLinkPathsCache {abcLinkPathsCache} = abcLinkPathsCache; PR_SetABCLinkPathsCache :: !ABCLinkPathsCache !Project -> Project; PR_SetABCLinkPathsCache abcLinkPathsCache project = { project & abcLinkPathsCache=abcLinkPathsCache }; */ //--- PR_GetStaticLibsInfo :: !Project -> !StaticLibInfo PR_GetStaticLibsInfo {Project | staticLibInfo} = staticLibInfo PR_SetStaticLibsInfo :: !StaticLibInfo !Project -> Project PR_SetStaticLibsInfo staticLibInfo project = {Project | project & staticLibInfo = staticLibInfo} PR_GetTarget :: !Project -> !String PR_GetTarget {Project | target} = target PR_SetTarget :: !String !Project -> Project PR_SetTarget target project = {Project | project & target = target} isLibraryModule :: !.String !.StaticLibInfo -> Bool; isLibraryModule mod info = StringOccurs mod info.sDcls//ObjectIOInfo.sDcls //info.sDcls addLibraryDeps :: !.Modulename !(List .Modulename) !.StaticLibInfo -> List Modulename; addLibraryDeps mod paths info = Concat paths info.sDeps//ObjectIOInfo.sDeps //info.sDeps //-- SL_Add :: !String /*Pathname*/ !StaticLibInfo -> StaticLibInfo SL_Add pathname sl // enne sDcls en sDeps info binnen halen... // eoa libdef bestand binnenhalen en uitlezen... = {sl & sLibs = Append sl.sLibs pathname} SL_Rem :: ![String /*Pathname*/] !String /*Pathname*/ !String /*Pathname*/ !StaticLibInfo -> StaticLibInfo SL_Rem pathsel ap pp sl // enne weer sDcls en sDeps verwijderen... = {sl & sLibs = seq [ RemoveStringFromList ( (replace_prefix_path "{Project}" pp) ( (replace_prefix_path "{Application}" ap s))) \\ s <- pathsel ] sl.sLibs} SL_Libs :: !StaticLibInfo -> List String /*Pathname*/ SL_Libs sl=:{sLibs} = sLibs SL_Dcls :: !StaticLibInfo -> List String /*Pathname*/ SL_Dcls sl=:{sDcls} = sDcls SL_Deps :: !StaticLibInfo -> List String /*Pathname*/ SL_Deps sl=:{sDeps} = sDeps SL_SetLibs :: !(List String /*Pathname*/) !StaticLibInfo -> StaticLibInfo SL_SetLibs lp sl = {sl & sLibs = lp} SL_SetDcls :: !(List String /*Pathname*/) !StaticLibInfo -> StaticLibInfo SL_SetDcls lp sl = {sl & sDcls = lp} SL_SetDeps :: !(List String /*Pathname*/) !StaticLibInfo -> StaticLibInfo SL_SetDeps lp sl = {sl & sDeps = lp} //-- //:: LDCInfo = /* StdEnvInfo :: StaticLibInfo StdEnvInfo = { sLibs = Nil , sDcls = ( "StdEnv" :! "StdInt" :! "StdClass" :! "StdMisc" :! "StdEnum" :! "StdInt" :! "StdChar" :! "StdBool" :! "StdArray" :! "StdString" :! "StdReal" :! "StdOverloaded" :! "StdFunc" :! "StdCharList" :! "StdTuple" :! "StdOrdList" :! "StdList" :! "StdFile" :! "_SystemArray" :! "_SystemEnum" :! Nil ) , sDeps = Nil } ObjectIOInfo :: StaticLibInfo ObjectIOInfo = { sLibs = Nil , sDcls = ( "StdId" :! "StdIOBasic" :! "StdIOCommon" :! "StdMaybe" :! "StdPSt" :! "StdSystem" :! "StdFileSelect" :! "StdPictureDef" :! "StdPicture" :! "StdBitmap" :! "StdProcessDef" :! "StdProcess" :! "StdClipboard" :! "StdControlDef" :! "StdControlAttribute" :! "StdControlClass" :! "StdControlReceiver" :! "StdControl" :! "StdMenuDef" :! "StdMenuAttribute" :! "StdMenuElementClass" :! "StdMenuReceiver" :! "StdMenuElement" :! "StdMenu" :! "StdReceiverDef" :! "StdReceiver" :! "StdTimerDef" :! "StdTimerElementClass" :! "StdTimerReceiver" :! "StdTimer" :! "StdTime" :! "StdWindowDef" :! "StdWindowAttribute" :! "StdWindow" :! "StdSound" :! "id" :! "iostate" :! "key" :! "osfont" :! "ospicture" :! "osbitmap" :! "windowhandle" :! "menuhandle" :! "timerhandle" :! "devicesystemstate" :! "systemid" :! "receivertable" :! "timertable" :! "processstack" :! "osevent" :! "ostoolbox" :! "osguishare" :! "osactivaterequests" :! "oswindow" :! "ostime" :! "roundrobin" :! "osdocumentinterface" :! "intrface" :! "osrgn" :! "commondef" :! "keyfocus" :! "receiverhandle" :! "osmenu" :! "device" :! "ostypes" :! "receivermessage" :! Nil ) , sDeps = ("StdEnv.dcl" :! Nil) } */ //-- import UtilOptions, PmFiles /* MPM */ UpdatePDIProjectFile :: .ProjectDynamicInfo {#.Char} {#.Char} *a -> *((.Bool,{#Char}),*a) | FileSystem a; UpdatePDIProjectFile pdi projectPath applicationDir ps // Read project # (opened, file, ps) = fopen projectPath FWriteData ps emptyProject = PR_InitProject projectName = RemovePath projectPath projectDir = RemoveFilename projectPath | not opened # (_, ps) = fclose file ps = ((False,"The file \"" +++ projectName +++ "\" could not be opened."),ps) # (version, file) = ReadVersion file | version == "" # (_, ps) = fclose file ps = ((False,"The file \"" +++ projectName +++ "\" is an old project and could not be opened."),ps) #! (options, file) = ReadOptionsFile file projectGO = GetProject applicationDir projectDir emptyProject project = GetOptions ProjectTable options projectGO project = (if (version == "1.3") (\p->{p&pg_target="StdEnv"}) (id) ) project // DvA: need to set needs save flag for project; /* Mooier is om ipv bovenstaande een dialoogje te laten zien met popupje met mogelijke environments. Plus button om in htmlHelp in relevante sectie over environments te komen. */ project = SetProject applicationDir projectDir project execpath = PR_GetExecPath project (rootpath,project) = PR_GetRootPathName project project = PR_SetExecPath (if (execpath=="") (MakeExecPathname rootpath) execpath) project // Update project #! project = setDynamicInfo pdi project; #! (_,file) = fseek file 0 FSeekSet; // Save project #! projectDir = RemoveFilename projectPath #! projectGO = GetProject applicationDir projectDir project #! options = PutOptions ProjectTable projectGO #! file = WriteOptionsFile ProjectFileVersion options file #! (_,ps) = fclose file ps; = ((True,""),ps); SaveProjectFile :: !String /*Pathname*/ !Project !String /*Pathname*/ !*Files -> (!Bool, !*Files); SaveProjectFile projectPath project applicationDir files #! (opened, file, files) = fopen projectPath FWriteText files | not opened = (False, files) #! projectDir = RemoveFilename projectPath #! projectGO = GetProject applicationDir projectDir project #! options = PutOptions ProjectTable projectGO #! file = WriteOptionsFile ProjectFileVersion options file = fclose file files //import DebugUtilities; ReadProjectFile :: !String /*Pathname*/ !String /*Pathname*/ !*Files -> ((!Project, !Bool, !{#Char}),!*Files) ReadProjectFile projectPath applicationDir ps // | F "ReadProjectFile" True # (opened, file, ps) = fopen projectPath FReadData ps emptyProject = PR_InitProject projectName = RemovePath projectPath projectDir = RemoveFilename projectPath | not opened = ((emptyProject,False,"The file \"" +++ projectName +++ "\" could not be opened."),ps) # (version, file) = ReadVersion file | version == "" # (_, ps) = fclose file ps = ((emptyProject,False,"The file \"" +++ projectName +++ "\" is an old project and could not be opened."),ps) #! (options, file) = ReadOptionsFile file projectGO = GetProject applicationDir projectDir emptyProject project = GetOptions ProjectTable options projectGO project = (if (version == "1.3") (\p->{p&pg_target="StdEnv"}) (id) ) project // DvA: need to set needs save flag for project; /* Mooier is om ipv bovenstaande een dialoogje te laten zien met popupje met mogelijke environments. Plus button om in htmlHelp in relevante sectie over environments te komen. */ project = SetProject applicationDir projectDir project execpath = PR_GetExecPath project (rootpath,project) = PR_GetRootPathName project project = PR_SetExecPath (if (execpath=="") (MakeExecPathname rootpath) execpath) project (closed, ps) = fclose file ps | not closed = ((project, True,"The file \"" +++ projectName +++ "\" clould not be closed."), ps) // warning genereren of zo? = ((project, True,""), ps) getStaticInfo :: !Project -> (ProjectStaticInfo,Project) getStaticInfo prj=:{static_info} = (static_info,prj) setStaticInfo :: !.ProjectStaticInfo !.Project -> .Project setStaticInfo inf prj = {prj & static_info = inf} getDynamicInfo :: !Project -> (ProjectDynamicInfo,Project) getDynamicInfo prj=:{dynamic_info} = (dynamic_info,prj) setDynamicInfo :: !.ProjectDynamicInfo !.Project -> .Project setDynamicInfo inf prj = {prj & dynamic_info = inf}