definition module PmCompilerOptions import StdClass :: ListTypes = NoTypes | InferredTypes | StrictExportTypes | AllTypes instance == ListTypes instance toString ListTypes instance fromString ListTypes // The Compiler Options: default settings for the compiler. :: CompilerOptions = {// neverMemoryProfile :: !Bool // DvA: wordt niet meer op compiler niveau gedaan... //, neverTimeProfile :: !Bool , sa :: !Bool // strictness analysis , listTypes :: !ListTypes // how to present inferred types , attr :: !Bool // show attributes with inferred types , gw :: !Bool // give warnings , bv :: !Bool // be verbose , gc :: !Bool // gen comments , reuseUniqueNodes :: !Bool } // Compiler options that are stored in the abc file :: ABCOptions = {// abcMemoryProfile :: !Bool //, abcTimeProfile :: !Bool , abcStrictnessAnalysis :: !Bool , abcGiveWarnings :: !Bool //. , abcBeVerbose :: !Bool //. , abcGenerateComments :: !Bool , abcReuseUniqueNodes :: !Bool } DefaultCompilerOptions :: CompilerOptions DefaultABCOptions :: ABCOptions