module dumpDynamic import StdEnv, StdIO import StdPathname import ArgEnv //import Directory import MarkUpText import UtilStrictLists, expand_8_3_names_in_path // Time //import dump_switches import link_switches from StdDebug import trace_n import RWSDebugChoice //trace_n m f :== f import ddState, write_dynamic, dynamics, ExtInt, ExtFile; graph_window_background_colour :== PastyGreen; :: *GState = { ddstate :: !*DDState , gs_file_name :: !String }; //DefaultGState :: *DDState -> !*GState; DefaultGState ddstate = { GState | ddstate = ddstate , gs_file_name = "" }; //Start :: *World -> *World Start world // MV ... #! (mem,world) = getMemory world; #! (quit,initial_dynamic_list,ddState,world) = InitialDDState mem graph_window_background_colour world; // ... MV | IS_TEXT_DUMP_DYNAMIC #! file_name = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\MIJN_COMPUTER\\Desktop\\Clean\\cvs\\dynamic\\dynamics\\Examples\\Apply\\non-predefined result type\\bool.dyn"; // = "C:\\arjen.dyn"; #! ddState = { DDState| ddState & file_name = file_name }; #! txt_file_name = file_name +++ ".txt"; #! (ok1,file,world) = fopen txt_file_name FWriteText world; | not ok1 #! (_,world) = fclose file world; = ("error",world); #! (dynamic_info=:{header},ddState,file,world,_) = do_dynamic ddState file world; #! (ok2,world) = fclose file world; = ("ok",world) # (lid,world) = openId world = ("",startIO MDI (DefaultGState ddState) (init lid initial_dynamic_list) [ProcessClose (closeProcess),ProcessOpenFiles (dropfun lid)] world) where init lid initial_dynamic_list ps # (h`,ps) = accPIO (accScreenPicture (lines_height ("":!Nil))) ps # (h,ps) = accPIO (accScreenPicture (lines_height Nil)) ps # h = max h 1 # ((ok,font),ps) = accPIO (accScreenPicture (openFont {fName = "Courier", fStyles = [], fSize = 10})) ps # ((file_name,project_name),ps) = accPLoc (\ls=:{ddstate={file_name,project_name}}->((file_name,project_name),ls)) ps #! (ok1,p) = GetFullPathName project_name; // TEST // #! ps // = dropfun lid ["C:\\Documents and Settings\\MIJN_COMPUTER\\Desktop\\Clean\\cvs\\dynamic\\dynamics\\Examples\\Apply\\non-predefined result type\\test_dynamic.dyn"] ps # ps = dropfun lid initial_dynamic_list ps; = ps; // MV ... event_handler1 :: !(MarkUpEvent String) *(PSt .ps) -> *PSt .ps event_handler1 event pstate | event.meSelectEvent = pstate = jumpToMarkUpLabel event.meOwnRId event.meLink pstate //event_handler1 (MarkUpLinkClicked nr name) id rid state // = jumpToMarkUpLabel rid name state //event_handler1 other id rid state // = state // ... MV handle_command_line lid ps | size commandline == 1 = ps = dropfun lid [expand_8_3_names_in_path commandline.[1]] ps where commandline = getCommandLine import DebugUtilities; from utilities import foldSt; dropfun :: a ![{#.Char}] !*(PSt *GState) -> *(PSt *GState) dropfun lid list ps = foldSt (\file_name ps -> new_file lid file_name "dummy_project_name" ps) list ps; valid_drop :: [String] -> (!Bool,!String,!String); valid_drop [f1,f2] | (snd (ExtractPathFileAndExtension f1)) == "prj" = F "valid drop" (True,f2,f1); | (snd (ExtractPathFileAndExtension f2)) == "prj" = F "valid_drop" (True,f1,f2); = F "ignoring dropped files" (False,"",""); valid_drop _ = (False,"",""); new_file lid file_name project_name ps | True ->> ("new_file",file_name,project_name) #! (ddState,ps) = accPLoc (\ls=:{ddstate}->(ddstate,{ls & ddstate = DefaultDDState Mem})) ps #! ddState = { ddState & file_name = file_name , project_name = project_name , first_time = True }; #! txt_file_name = file_name +++ ".txt"; #! (ok1,file,ps) = fopen txt_file_name FWriteText ps; | not ok1 = trace_n ("could not open: " +++ txt_file_name) snd (fclose file ps); #! (dynamic_info=:{header},ddState,file,ps,markup_commands) = do_dynamic ddState file ps; #! file1 = markup_commands; /* // MarkUpWindow ... // recalculation is necessary because of cyclic dependencies between modules #! (max_desc_name,max_mod_name,desc_table) = BuildDescriptorAddressTable dynamic_info; #! (nodes,desc_table,ddState) = compute_nodes desc_table dynamic_info ddState; #! (nodes,file1,desc_table) = case (DYNAMIC_CONTAINS_BLOCKTABLE header) of { True -> (nodes,[],desc_table); False -> WriteGraph2 desc_table dynamic_info nodes []; }; */ # ps = MarkUpWindow ("Value graph of " +++ file_name) file1 //ListExample1 [ MarkUpBackgroundColour graph_window_background_colour //PastyGreen , MarkUpTextColour Black , MarkUpTextSize 10 , MarkUpFontFace "Courier" , MarkUpWidth 400 , MarkUpHeight 400 , MarkUpLinkStyle False Blue PastyGreen True Blue PastyGreen , MarkUpLinkStyle False Red PastyGreen True Red PastyGreen , MarkUpEventHandler event_handler1 // MV ] [WindowClose (noLS closeProcess), WindowPos (Fix, OffsetVector {vx=500,vy=100})] ps // ... MarkUpWindow #! ps = appPLoc (\ls -> {ls & ddstate = ddState}) ps #! (ok2,ps) = fclose file ps; | not ok2 = trace_n ("could not close: " +++ file_name +++ ".txt") ps; #! (l,ps) = read_file txt_file_name ps; # ((ok,font),ps) = accPIO (accScreenPicture (openFont {fName = "Courier", fStyles = [], fSize = 10})) ps // # (h`,ps) = accPIO (accScreenPicture (lines_height l)) ps // # (h,ps) = accPIO (accScreenPicture (lines_height Nil)) ps # (h`,ps) = accPIO (accScreenPicture (lines_height ("":!Nil))) ps # (h,ps) = accPIO (accScreenPicture (lines_height Nil)) ps # (total_height, ps) = accPIO (accScreenPicture (lines_height l)) ps # h = max h 1 # (err,ps) = openWindow 0 ( Window txt_file_name (NilLS) [ WindowHMargin 0 0 , WindowVMargin 0 0 , WindowViewSize {w=400,h=400} , WindowViewDomain {corner1=zero, corner2={x=640,y=total_height}} , WindowVScroll (stdScrollFunction Vertical ((h`-h))) , WindowClose (noLS closeProcess) , WindowLook True (lines_look l) // , WindowId lid , WindowPen [PenFont font] ]) ps /* # (h,ps) = accPIO (accScreenPicture (lines_height l)) ps # ps = appPIO (setWindowViewDomain lid {zero&corner2={x=640,y=h}}) ps # ps = appPIO (setWindowLook lid True (True,(lines_look l))) ps */ = ps; where read_file file_name ps #! (ok1,file,ps) = fopen file_name FReadText ps; | not ok1 = (Nil,snd (fclose file ps)); #! (l,file) = read_file_loop file; #! (_,file) = fclose file ps; = (l,ps); where read_file_loop :: !*File -> (List String,!*File); read_file_loop file #! (end_of_file,file) = fend file; | end_of_file = (Nil,file); #! (l,file) = freadline file; #! l = case (l.[dec (size l)] == '\n') of True -> (l % (0, (size l) - 2)) False -> l #! (l2,file) = read_file_loop file; = (l:! l2,file); PastyGreen = RGB {r = 215, g = 255, b = 215} lines_look :: (List String) SelectState UpdateState *Picture -> *Picture lines_look l _ {newFrame} p # (s,p) = lines_height l p // # ps = setControlViewDomain lid {zero&corner2={x=640,y=s}} ps # p = setPenColour PastyGreen p # p = fill newFrame p # p = setPenColour Black p # (fm,p) = getPenFontMetrics p # fst = fm.fLeading + fm.fAscent # hgt = fontLineHeight fm = lines l fst hgt p where lines Nil s _ p = p lines (l:!ls) s n p # p = drawAt {x=10,y=s} l p = lines ls (s+n) n p lines_height l p # ((ok,font),p) = openFont {fName = "Courier", fStyles = [], fSize = 10} p # (fm,p) = getFontMetrics font p # fst = fm.fLeading //+ fm.fAscent # hgt = fontLineHeight fm = lines l fst hgt p where lines Nil s _ p = (s,p) lines (l:!ls) s n p = lines ls (s+n) n p WriteGraph2 :: *DescriptorAddressTable !.BinaryDynamic *(Nodes NodeKind) u:[w:MarkUpCommand {#.Char}] -> *(*Nodes NodeKind,v:[x:MarkUpCommand {#Char}],*DescriptorAddressTable), [w <= x, u <= v]; WriteGraph2 desc_table dynamic_info nodes file /* #! file = fwrites ("ENCODED GRAPH\n") file; #! file = write_entry2 graph_s "total size" file; #! file = write_entry2 graph_i "relative file pointer" file; #! file = write_entry2 (start_fp + graph_i) "absolute file pointer" file; #! file = fwritec '\n' file; */ // #! (desc_table,nodes,file) // = write_graph desc_table nodes file; = (nodes,file,desc_table); // = (nodes,[],desc_table); where // { write_graph desc_table nodes file #! (nodes,desc_table,file) = write_node 0 1 nodes desc_table file; = (desc_table,nodes,file); where // { write_node stringP node_i nodes desc_table file | /*F ("node_i: " +++ toString node_i)*/ stringP == graph_s = (nodes,desc_table,file); | node_i == (inc n_nodes) /* CALLBACK // an indirection; last node has been read but is followed by at least one indirection #! (_,file) = write_one_line True stringP file; #! file = fwrites "indirection\n" file; */ = write_node (stringP + 4) node_i nodes desc_table file #! (graph_i,nodes) = nodes!nodes.[node_i].graph_index #! is_indirection_line = graph_i <> stringP; #! (expanded_desc_table_o,file) = write_one_line is_indirection_line stringP file | is_indirection_line /* // an indirection #! file = fwrites "indirection\n" file; */ = write_node (stringP + 4) node_i nodes desc_table file // Main comment #! (s,nodes,desc_table,file) = make_string node_i expanded_desc_table_o nodes desc_table file /* #! file = fwrites s file #! file = fwritec '\n' file */ // Sub comments #! (stringP,nodes,file) = write_node_info (stringP + 4) node_i 0 nodes file // #! file // = file ++ [CmText " test "] // #! file // = file ++ [CmEndScope] = write_node stringP (inc node_i) nodes desc_table file write_node_info stringP node_i j nodes file #! (info,nodes) = nodes!nodes.[node_i] | more_info j info #! (_,file) = write_one_line True stringP file #! file = file ++ [CmAlign "1", CmText (get_more_info j info graph),CmNewline] /* #! file = fwrites (get_more_info j info graph) file #! file = fwritec '\n' file; */ = write_node_info (stringP + 4) node_i (inc j) nodes file = (stringP,nodes,file) make_string node_i expanded_desc_table_o nodes desc_table file #! (info,nodes) = nodes!nodes.[node_i] #! is_definition = is_definition_node info | is_definition #! (children,nodes) = nodes!nodes.[node_i].children #! (desc_addr_table_i,desc_table) = desc_table!expanded_desc_table.[expanded_desc_table_o] #! (descriptor_name,desc_table) = desc_table!desc_addr_table.[desc_addr_table_i].descriptor_name // #! s // = "@" +++ toString node_i +++ ": Node" +++ (convert_args children); // = "@" +++ toString node_i +++ ": " +++ (descriptor_name) +++ x #! (info,nodes) = nodes!nodes.[node_i] // | more_info j info #! file = file ++ [CmLabel (toString node_i),CmText ("@" +++ toString node_i +++ ": "), CmAlign "1",/*CmScope,*/ /* +++ " "+++ descriptor_name),*/ CmText descriptor_name] // CmScope #! l1 = (convert_args children []) #! file = file ++ l1 #! s = ""; = (s,nodes,desc_table,file) = ("ref",nodes,desc_table,file) where // { convert_args [] f = f ++ [CmNewline] convert_args [x:xs] f #! link = CmLink ("@" +++ (toString x)) (toString x) = convert_args xs [CmText " ",link:f] /* #! f = convert_args xs f = [:file] */ // = [CmLink (" @" +++ (toString x)) (toString x): convert_args xs] /* convert_args [] = "" convert_args [x:xs] #! new_s = convert_args xs = new_s +++ (" @" +++ toString x) */ // } write_one_line is_indirection_line i file #! (prefix,partial_arity,expanded_desc_table_o) = decode_descriptor_offset2 i graph = (expanded_desc_table_o,file) (binary_dynamic=:{header={n_nodes,graph_s,graph_i,stringtable_i,stringtable_s,descriptortable_i,descriptortable_s},stringtable,descriptortable,graph}) = dynamic_info