Dynamics todo * ModuleID-node sharing for one module compiler, more efficient * dlink and DynamicLinker expect to be placed in the path of the CleanIDE - move type definition normalizer from checker to convertDynamics. - compiler, overloading let_ptr-function needs as arg the number of bindings like in convertDynamics. CLEAN COMPILER ============== - sharing of type part of dynamic TYPE EQUIVALENCE ================ - type variables of type definitions which were previously (before version 1.21) normalized have been removed by Sjaak and have not yet been added again in convertDynamics. As far as I can determine the normalization is performed but I am not entirely sure. - type synonym expansion (String) CONVERSION FUNCTIONS ==================== graph_to_string: - convert runtime lazy_dynamic_index of build_lazy_blocks which already exist in the graph to disk blocks. - cache parts of the graph which are lazily read from a dynamic If there are at least two lazy references to a single dynamic and the block to which is refered share a common block, then the current implementation cannot yet detect this. - laziness in RunTimeIDs - ids of build_lazy_blocks which already existed must be converted to disk ids - CopyGraphToStringArguments and CopyGraphToStringResults *must* appear in type equation (request.icl, like realtje) COMPILER ======== - merge forgotten bit of predef DYNAMIC LINKER ============== - clean up sources - library instance sharing (don't know if possible) STATIC LINKER ============= ? _SystemDynamic ============== - split-up in library-part and StdEnv-part