definition module DynamicRefTools from StdFile import class FileSystem ::Tree= Node String [Tree] [String] //Node dynname refstootherdynamics typandcoderefs //this type represets a reference-tree built up from a dynamic createRealDynamicFilenames :: [String] *f -> ([String],*f) | FileSystem f readRefsFromDyn :: String [String] *f -> ([String],[String],[String],*f) | FileSystem f refTreeBuilder :: [String] *f -> ([Tree],[String],[String],*f) | FileSystem f /* refTreeBuilder builts up the reference trees of the dynamics named in the first argument (these must be given in the String format of path). It produces a Tuple4: (listOfReferenceTrees,touched dynamics,log messages,world). */ collectReferenced :: [Tree] -> [String] /* Gives back all the filenames referenced by the tree. All referenced filenames appear only once in this list. */ readRefsFromBats :: [String] *f -> ([String],[String],*f) | FileSystem f /* Gives back all the filenames referenced by the '.bat' files given in the first argument. */ //findPattern :: String String -> (Bool,Int)