Dynamics issues Platform dependent parts: - what if for example a platform specific function is packed into a dynamic? Example: freads. Are certain modules not imported like the StdEnv because although the interface behaves in platform independent way, the implemention is not platform independent. (dynamic linker) - the conversion routine use exactly the format for storing arbitrary Clean objects, but machine words are stored in reverse order. A possible solution could be to encoded the platform and use and extra pass to reverse all words. (run-time conversion functions) Types: - unique types in dynamics so destructively updating dynamics becomes possible. (compiler for storing attributes,extension of run-time type check algoritm) - lazy reading of dynamics and preserving sharing as much as possible as described in Marco's work. (extension of run-time conversion functions such that individual nodes become directly accessible, extension of the run-time system to include: the creation of nodes which take care of reading a node from disk and the administration for sharing nodes) - extension of Marco's Pil type algoritm by introducing a normal form for types such that for example: :: Col1 = Blue | Red; :: Col2 = Red | Blue; These type should be considered equeal. (extension of dynamic type algoritm) - identification of types. For example: several modules can provide other definition for trees - Code and data during running application - version manager of object/abc modules (dynamic linker)- code and data garbage collector (dynamic linker)Network:- another representation for network dynamics is needed because in a "hostile" environment, symbolic function pointers are no longer sufficient because these modules may not exists in that environment. A possible solution could be to extend the dynamic with a third component containing the required ABC-code. The ABC-code can then be assembled as needed. This implies also that symbolic function pointers should be universal e.i. all tools should use the same labelling convention regardless of their platform.