definition module StdIOBasic // ******************************************************************************** // Clean Standard Object I/O library, version 1.2 // // StdIOBasic defines basic types and access functions for the I/O library. // ******************************************************************************** import StdOverloaded, StdString /* General type constructors for composing context-independent data structures. */ :: :^: t1 t2 = (:^:) infixr 9 t1 t2 /* General type constructors for composing context-dependent data structures. */ :: :~: t1 t2 cs = (:~:) infixr 9 (t1 cs) (t2 cs) :: ListCS t cs = ListCS [t cs] :: NilCS cs = NilCS /* General type constructors for composing local and context-dependent data structures. */ :: :+: t1 t2 ls cs = (:+:) infixr 9 (t1 ls cs) (t2 ls cs) :: ListLS t ls cs = ListLS [t ls cs] :: NilLS ls cs = NilLS :: NewLS t ls cs = {newLS::new, newDef:: t new cs} :: AddLS t ls cs = E..add: {addLS::add, addDef:: t *(add,ls) cs} noLS :: (.a->.b) (.c,.a) -> (.c,.b) // Lift function a -> b // to (c,a)->(c,b) noLS1:: (.x->.a->.b) .x (.c,.a) -> (.c,.b) // Lift function x-> a -> b // to x->(c,a)->(c,b) :: Index :== Int :: Title :== String :: Vector2 = {vx::!Int,vy::!Int} instance == Vector2 // @1-@2==zero instance + Vector2 // {vx=@1.vx+@2.vx,vy=@1.vy+@2.vy} instance - Vector2 // {vx=@1.vx-@2.vx,vy=@1.vy-@2.vy} instance zero Vector2 // {vx=0,vy=0} instance ~ Vector2 // zero-@1 instance toString Vector2 class toVector x :: !x -> Vector2 :: Size = {w ::!Int,h ::!Int} instance == Size // @1.w==@2.w && @1.h==@2.h instance zero Size // {w=0,h=0} instance toVector Size // {w,h}->{vx=w,vy=h} instance toString Size :: Point2 = { x :: !Int , y :: !Int } :: Rectangle = { corner1 :: !Point2 , corner2 :: !Point2 } instance == Point2 // @1-@2==zero instance + Point2 // {x=@1.x+@2.x,y=@1.y+@2.y} instance - Point2 // {x=@1.x-@2.x,y=@1.y-@2.y} instance zero Point2 // {x=0,y=0} instance ~ Point2 // zero-@1 instance toVector Point2 // {x,y}->{vx=x,vy=y} instance toString Point2 instance == Rectangle // @1.corner1==@2.corner1 // && @1.corner2==@2.corner2 instance zero Rectangle // {corner1=zero,corner2=zero} instance toString Rectangle rectangleSize :: !Rectangle -> Size // {w=abs (@1.corner1-@1.corner2).x, // h=abs (@1.corner1-@1.corner2).y} movePoint :: !Vector2 !Point2 -> .Point2 // {vx,vy} {x,y} -> {vx+x,vy+y} :: IdFun st :== st -> st