implementation module pdSymbolTable; import StdEnv; import xcoff; import ExtString; import NamesTable; import what_linker; import ExtInt; import pdExtString; import pdExtInt; CreateImportedLabel :: !Int !Int -> Symbol; CreateImportedLabel file_n symbol_n = ImportedLabel file_n symbol_n; symbol_get_offset :: !Symbol -> Int; symbol_get_offset (Module offset _ _ _ _ _ _ ) = offset; // Label isLabel :: !Symbol -> Bool; isLabel (Label _ _ _) = True; isLabel _ = False; getLabel_offset :: !Symbol -> Int; getLabel_offset (Label _ offset _) = offset; getLabel_module_n :: !Symbol -> Int; getLabel_module_n (Label _ _ module_n) = module_n; // Module isModule :: !Symbol -> Bool; isModule (Module _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = True; isModule s = abort ("isModule: " +++ toString s); getModule_virtual_label_offset :: !Symbol -> Int; getModule_virtual_label_offset (Module virtual_label_offset _ _ _ _ _ _) = virtual_label_offset; fill_library_offsets :: LibraryList Int Int *{#Int} -> *{#Int}; fill_library_offsets EmptyLibraryList file_n offset offset_array = offset_array; fill_library_offsets (Library _ _ symbols n_symbols libraries) file_n offset offset_array = fill_library_offsets libraries (inc file_n) (offset+n_symbols) {offset_array & [file_n]=offset}; :: *Sections = Sections !*String !*String !Sections | EndSections; :: SymbolIndexListKind = Text | Data | Bss; :: *SymbolArray :== SSymbolArray; :: SSymbolArray :== {!Symbol}; :: SymbolsArray :== {!.SSymbolArray}; :: SectionKind = SK_UNDEF | SK_TEXT | SK_DATA | SK_BSS | SK_USER !String ; instance == SectionKind where { (==) SK_UNDEF SK_UNDEF = True; (==) SK_TEXT SK_TEXT = True; (==) SK_DATA SK_DATA = True; (==) SK_BSS SK_BSS = True; (==) (SK_USER s1) (SK_USER s2) = s1 == s2; (==) _ _ = False; }; instance toInt SectionKind where { toInt SK_UNDEF = 0; toInt SK_TEXT = 1; toInt SK_DATA = 2; toInt SK_BSS = 3; toInt _ = abort "instance toInt SectionKind; not defined"; }; :: Symbol = Module !Int !Int !Int !Int !Int !String !Int // offset length virtual_address file_offset n_relocations relocations section_n characteristics | Label !Int !Int !Int // section_n offset module_n | SectionLabel !Int !Int // section_n offset | ImportLabel !String // label_name | ImportedLabel !Int !Int // file_n symbol_n | ImportedLabelPlusOffset !Int !Int !Int // file_n symbol_noffset | ImportedFunctionDescriptor !Int !Int // file_n symbol_n | EmptySymbol; :: SymbolIndexList = SymbolIndex !Int !SymbolIndexList | EmptySymbolIndex; :: LibraryList = Library !String !Int !LibrarySymbolsList !Int !LibraryList | EmptyLibraryList; // dll_name dll_base symbols :: LibrarySymbolsList = LibrarySymbol !String !LibrarySymbolsList | EmptyLibrarySymbolsList; :: Xcoff ={ file_name :: !String, module_name :: !String, symbol_table :: !.SSymbolTable, n_symbols :: !Int }; :: *SymbolTable :== *SSymbolTable; :: SSymbolTable ={ text_symbols :: !SymbolIndexList, data_symbols :: !SymbolIndexList, bss_symbols :: !SymbolIndexList, imported_symbols:: !SymbolIndexList, section_symbol_ns::!.{#Int}, n_sections :: !Int, symbols :: !.SSymbolArray, extra_sections :: [ExtraSection] }; :: ExtraSection = { es_name :: !String , es_flags :: !Int , es_symbols :: !SymbolIndexList , es_buffer_n :: !Int }; :: Directive = { dr_section_name :: !String , dr_section_flags :: !String , dr_section_n :: !Int , dr_section_kind :: SectionKind }; imported_library_symbols :: !.LibrarySymbolsList !Int !{#.Bool} -> .[String]; imported_library_symbols EmptyLibrarySymbolsList offset marked_bool_a = []; imported_library_symbols (LibrarySymbol symbol_name library_symbols) offset marked_bool_a | marked_bool_a.[offset] = [symbol_name : imported_library_symbols library_symbols (inc offset) marked_bool_a]; = imported_library_symbols library_symbols (inc offset) marked_bool_a; :: UndefinedSymbol :== ({#Char},Int,Int); import_symbols_in_xcoff_files :: !*[*Xcoff] !Int [({#Char},Int,Int)] !*NamesTable -> (![({#Char},Int,Int)],![*Xcoff],!*NamesTable); import_symbols_in_xcoff_files [] xcoff_n undefined_symbols names_table0 = (undefined_symbols,[],names_table0); import_symbols_in_xcoff_files [xcoff0:xcoff_list0] xcoff_n undefined_symbols0 names_table0 # (undefined_symbols1,xcoff1,names_table1) = import_symbols_in_xcoff_file undefined_symbols0 xcoff0 names_table0; # (undefined_symbols2,xcoff_list1,names_table2) = import_symbols_in_xcoff_files xcoff_list0 (xcoff_n+1) undefined_symbols1 names_table1; = (undefined_symbols2,[xcoff1:xcoff_list1],names_table2); { import_symbols_in_xcoff_file :: [UndefinedSymbol] *Xcoff *NamesTable -> ([UndefinedSymbol],!*Xcoff,!*NamesTable); import_symbols_in_xcoff_file undefined_symbols xcoff0=:{symbol_table=symbol_table=:{imported_symbols,symbols}} names_table # (undefined_symbols,symbols,names_table) = import_symbols imported_symbols undefined_symbols symbols names_table; = (undefined_symbols,{xcoff0 & symbol_table = {symbol_table & symbols=symbols,imported_symbols=EmptySymbolIndex}},names_table); import_symbols :: SymbolIndexList [UndefinedSymbol] *SymbolArray *NamesTable -> ([UndefinedSymbol],!*SymbolArray,!*NamesTable); import_symbols EmptySymbolIndex undefined_symbols symbol_table0 names_table0 = (undefined_symbols,symbol_table0,names_table0); import_symbols (SymbolIndex index symbol_index_list) undefined_symbols symbol_table0=:{[index]=symbol} names_table0 = case symbol of { ImportLabel label_name # (names_table_element,names_table1) = find_symbol_in_symbol_table label_name names_table0; -> case names_table_element of { NamesTableElement symbol_name symbol_n file_n symbol_list # symbol_table1 = {symbol_table0 & [index] = ImportedLabel file_n symbol_n}; -> import_symbols symbol_index_list undefined_symbols symbol_table1 names_table1; EmptyNamesTableElement | size label_name<6 || label_name.[0]<>'_' || label_name.[1]<>'_' || label_name.[2]<>'i' || label_name.[3]<>'m' || label_name.[4]<>'p' || label_name.[5]<>'_' -> import_symbols symbol_index_list [(label_name,xcoff_n,index):undefined_symbols] symbol_table0 names_table1; # (names_table_element2,names_table2) = find_symbol_in_symbol_table (label_name % (6,size label_name-1)) names_table1; -> case names_table_element2 of { NamesTableElement _ symbol_n file_n _ | file_n<0 -> import_symbols symbol_index_list undefined_symbols symbol_table1 names_table2; { symbol_table1 = {symbol_table0 & [index] = ImportedFunctionDescriptor file_n symbol_n}; } _ -> import_symbols symbol_index_list [(label_name,xcoff_n,index):undefined_symbols] symbol_table0 names_table2; } } } } :: OffsetArray :== {#Int}; instance toString Symbol where { toString (Module offset length virtual_address file_offset n_relocations relocations _) = "Module " +++ " \nlength: " +++ hex_int length +++ " \nn_relocations: " +++ hex_int n_relocations ; toString (Label _ _ _) = "Label"; toString (SectionLabel _ _ ) = "SectionLabel"; toString (ImportLabel _ ) = "ImportLabel"; toString (ImportedLabel i j) = "ImportedLabel " +++ toString i +++ " - " +++ toString j; toString (ImportedLabelPlusOffset _ _ _) = "ImportedLabelPlusOffset"; toString (ImportedFunctionDescriptor _ _) = "ImportedLabelPlusOffset"; toString (EmptySymbol) = "EmptySymbol"; }; mark_used_modules :: !Int !Int ![String] !{#Bool} !*{#Bool} !*{#Int} !*{#*Xcoff} -> (![String],!*{#Int}, !*{#Bool},!*{#*Xcoff}); mark_used_modules main_symbol_n main_file_n undefined_symbols already_marked_bool marked_bool_a0 marked_offset_a xcoff_a = mark_used_module main_file_n main_symbol_n undefined_symbols marked_offset_a xcoff_a marked_bool_a0; { mark_used_module :: !Int !Int ![String] !*{#Int} !*{#*Xcoff} !*{#Bool} -> (![String],!*{#Int},!*{#Bool},!*{#*Xcoff}); mark_used_module file_n symbol_n undefined_symbols marked_offset_a xcoff_a marked_bool_a0 # s = "file_n: " +++ toString file_n +++ " symbol_n: " +++ (hex_int symbol_n); | file_n < 0 #! (size1, marked_offset_a) = usize marked_offset_a; #! (first_symbol_n, marked_offset_a) = marked_offset_a![size1 + file_n]; #! index_of_symbol_n = first_symbol_n + symbol_n; #! (marked_symbol_n,already_marked_bool) = already_marked_bool![index_of_symbol_n]; | marked_symbol_n = (undefined_symbols,marked_offset_a,marked_bool_a0,xcoff_a); = (undefined_symbols,marked_offset_a,{marked_bool_a0 & [index_of_symbol_n] = True},xcoff_a); # (first_symbol_n, marked_offset_a1) = marked_offset_a![file_n]; # bool_offset =first_symbol_n + symbol_n; | marked_bool_a0.[bool_offset] = (undefined_symbols,marked_offset_a1,marked_bool_a0,xcoff_a); | already_marked_bool.[bool_offset] = (undefined_symbols,marked_offset_a1,marked_bool_a0,xcoff_a); # marked_bool_a1 = {marked_bool_a0 & [bool_offset]=True}; #! (symbol,xcoff_a) = xcoff_a![file_n].symbol_table.symbols.[symbol_n]; # marked_bool_a1 = {marked_bool_a0 & [bool_offset]=True}; = case symbol of { (Module c1 length virtual_address c2 n_relocations relocations _) -> mark_relocations_module 0 n_relocations undefined_symbols relocations marked_bool_a1 xcoff_a marked_offset_a1; { mark_relocations_module relocation_n n_relocations undefined_symbols relocation_string marked_bool_a0 xcoff_a marked_offset_a | relocation_n>=n_relocations = (undefined_symbols,marked_offset_a, marked_bool_a0,xcoff_a); #! relocation_index = relocation_n * SIZE_OF_RELOCATION; #! relocation_type = relocations IWORD (relocation_index+8); #! relocation_symbol_n = relocations ILONG (relocation_index+4); #! relocation_offset = relocations ILONG relocation_index; // JMP ... #! (marked_offset_a,xcoff_a) = what_linker (marked_offset_a,xcoff_a) (case (((relocation_offset-virtual_address) + 4) == length) of { True #! module_n = symbol_n; #! (first_symbol_n, marked_offset_a) = marked_offset_a![file_n]; #! bool_offset =first_symbol_n + relocation_symbol_n; | already_marked_bool.[bool_offset] //&& relocation_type == REL_ABSOLUTE // There is a reference from an (yet) unlinked module to another already linked module. If the unlinked // module does not contain an jump instruction at its end, one has to be generated. Accessing the file // is expensive. Therefore the worst is assumed: there is a non-jump in which case one has to be // generated. /* #! updated_relocations = WriteLong { c \\ c <-: relocations} relocation_index (relocation_offset + 5) +++ "1"; #! updated_module_symbol = Module c1 (length + 5) virtual_address c2 /*(inc n_relocations)*/ n_relocations updated_relocations; */ #! (module_name,xcoff_a) = xcoff_a![file_n].module_name; /* #! xcoff_a = upd_symbol updated_module_symbol file_n module_n xcoff_a; */ | relocation_type == REL_ABSOLUTE // in this case an extra jump should be generated because the module does not end on one. The // relocation type should probably be changed into REL_REL32. The above code should be valid. -> abort "pdSymbolTable: jmp problem; please report immediately"; -> (marked_offset_a,xcoff_a); -> (marked_offset_a,xcoff_a); False -> (marked_offset_a,xcoff_a); } // ... JMP ); #! (undefined_symbols2,marked_offsets_a2, marked_bool_a1,xcoff_a1) = mark_used_module file_n relocation_symbol_n undefined_symbols marked_offset_a xcoff_a marked_bool_a0; = mark_relocations_module (inc relocation_n) n_relocations undefined_symbols2 relocation_string marked_bool_a1 xcoff_a1 marked_offsets_a2; } SectionLabel section_n label_offset | section_n>=1 -> case section_symbol_n == (-1) of { True -> abort ("een foutje" +++ toString section_symbol_n +++ " - " +++ toString label_offset); False -> mark_used_module file_n section_symbol_n undefined_symbols marked_offset_a1 xcoff_a3 marked_bool_a1; }; { xcoff_a3 = replace_symbol xcoff_a2 file_n symbol_n (Label section_n label_offset section_symbol_n); (section_symbol_n,xcoff_a2) = select_section_symbol_n xcoff_a file_n section_n; } ImportedLabel symbol_file_n imported_symbol_n -> if (symbol_file_n<0) (mark_used_module symbol_file_n imported_symbol_n undefined_symbols marked_offset_a1 xcoff_a marked_bool_a1) (mark_used_module symbol_file_n imported_symbol_n undefined_symbols marked_offset_a1 xcoff_a2 marked_bool_a1); { xcoff_a2=replace_imported_label_symbol xcoff_a file_n symbol_n symbol_file_n imported_symbol_n; } ImportedLabelPlusOffset symbol_file_n imported_symbol_n _ -> mark_used_module symbol_file_n imported_symbol_n undefined_symbols marked_offset_a1 xcoff_a marked_bool_a1; ImportLabel label_name -> ([label_name : undefined_symbols],marked_offset_a1,marked_bool_a1,xcoff_a); ImportedFunctionDescriptor symbol_file_n imported_symbol_n -> mark_used_module symbol_file_n imported_symbol_n undefined_symbols marked_offset_a1 xcoff_a marked_bool_a1; EmptySymbol -> abort "EmptySymbol; internal error in mark_used_modules"; }; { select_section_symbol_n :: !*{#*Xcoff} !Int !Int -> (!Int,!*{#*Xcoff}); select_section_symbol_n xcoff_a0 file_n section_n = xcoff_a0![file_n].symbol_table.section_symbol_ns.[section_n]; replace_symbol :: !*{#*Xcoff} !Int !Int !Symbol -> *{#*Xcoff}; replace_symbol xcoff_a0 file_n symbol_n symbol = { xcoff_a0 & [file_n].symbol_table.symbols.[symbol_n] = symbol }; replace_imported_label_symbol :: !*{#*Xcoff} !Int !Int !Int !Int -> *{#*Xcoff}; replace_imported_label_symbol xcoff_a0 /* import site */ file_n symbol_n /* label being imported */ symbol_file_n imported_symbol_n # (file0,xcoff_a1) = replace xcoff_a0 symbol_file_n empty_xcoff; (label_symbol,file1) = select_symbol1 file0 imported_symbol_n; = case label_symbol of { SectionLabel section_n v_label_offset # (section_symbol_n,file2) = select_symbol_section_n1 file1 section_n; # (module_symbol,file3) = select_symbol1 file2 section_symbol_n; -> case module_symbol of { Module v_module_offset _ _ _ _ _ _ -> (replace_symbol {xcoff_a1 & [symbol_file_n] = file3} file_n symbol_n (ImportedLabelPlusOffset symbol_file_n section_symbol_n (v_label_offset-v_module_offset))); _ -> {xcoff_a1 & [symbol_file_n] = file3}; }; Label _ v_label_offset module_n /* at an earlier point in time, mark_used_modules has already converted a Section- Label into a Label. Re-implements a part of the SectionLabel-case. */ # (module_symbol,file2) = select_symbol1 file1 module_n; -> case module_symbol of { Module v_module_offset _ _ _ _ _ _ -> (replace_symbol {xcoff_a1 & [symbol_file_n] = file2} file_n symbol_n (ImportedLabelPlusOffset symbol_file_n module_n (v_label_offset-v_module_offset))); _ -> {xcoff_a1 & [symbol_file_n] = file2}; }; _ -> {xcoff_a1 & [symbol_file_n] = file1}; }; select_symbol_section_n1 :: !*Xcoff !Int -> (!Int,!*Xcoff); select_symbol_section_n1 file section_n = file!symbol_table.section_symbol_ns.[section_n]; select_symbol1 :: *Xcoff Int -> (!Symbol,!*Xcoff); select_symbol1 file symbol_n #! symbolQ = file.symbol_table.symbols.[symbol_n]; = (symbolQ,file); } } xcoff_list_to_array :: !.Int ![.Xcoff] -> {#Xcoff}; xcoff_list_to_array n_xcoff_files xcoff_list = fill_array 0 xcoff_list (createArray n_xcoff_files empty_xcoff); { fill_array file_n [] xcoff_a = xcoff_a; fill_array file_n [xcoff:xcoff_list] xcoff_a = fill_array (inc file_n) xcoff_list {xcoff_a & [file_n]=xcoff}; } xcoff_array_to_list :: !Int !*{#*Xcoff} -> [*Xcoff]; xcoff_array_to_list i a0 | i >= size a0 = []; = [a_i : xcoff_array_to_list (inc i) a2]; where { (a_i,a2)=replace a0 i empty_xcoff; } empty_xcoff ::.Xcoff; empty_xcoff = { file_name="",module_name="",symbol_table=empty_symbol_table,n_symbols=0}; { empty_symbol_table :: .SSymbolTable; empty_symbol_table = { text_symbols=EmptySymbolIndex,data_symbols=EmptySymbolIndex,bss_symbols=EmptySymbolIndex, imported_symbols=EmptySymbolIndex,symbols={},section_symbol_ns={},n_sections=0,extra_sections=[] }; } xcoff_list_to_xcoff_array :: ![*Xcoff] !Int -> *{#*Xcoff}; xcoff_list_to_xcoff_array xcoff_list n_xcoffs = fill_xcoff_array 0 xcoff_list (xcoff_array n_xcoffs); { xcoff_array :: !Int -> *{#*Xcoff}; xcoff_array n = { empty_xcoff \\ i<-[0..dec n]}; fill_xcoff_array i [] xcoff_a = xcoff_a; fill_xcoff_array i [xcoff=:{symbol_table}:xcoff_list] xcoff_a = fill_xcoff_array (inc i) xcoff_list {xcoff_a & [i]=xcoff}; } // assumuption: a normal static link is performed remove_garbage_from_symbol_table :: !Int !Int Int *{#Bool} {#*Xcoff} -> (*{#Bool},{#*Xcoff}); remove_garbage_from_symbol_table file_n limit file_symbol_n marked_bool_a xcoff_a | (file_n == limit) = (marked_bool_a,xcoff_a); #! (xcoff_n=:{n_symbols,symbol_table},xcoff_a) = replace xcoff_a file_n empty_xcoff; // remove symbols #! (text_symbols,symbols_a,marked_bool_a,count) = remove_garbage symbol_table.text_symbols symbol_table.symbols marked_bool_a 0; #! (data_symbols,symbols_a,marked_bool_a,count) = remove_garbage symbol_table.data_symbols symbols_a marked_bool_a count; #! (bss_symbols,symbols_a,marked_bool_a,count) = remove_garbage symbol_table.bss_symbols symbols_a marked_bool_a count; #! s_xcoff_n = "xcoff: " +++ toString file_n +++ "count: " +++ toString count +++ " total: " +++ toString n_symbols; #! xcoff_n = { xcoff_n & symbol_table = {symbol_table & text_symbols=text_symbols, data_symbols=data_symbols, bss_symbols=bss_symbols,symbols=symbols_a} } #! xcoff_a = { xcoff_a & [file_n] = xcoff_n }; = remove_garbage_from_symbol_table (inc file_n) limit (file_symbol_n + n_symbols) marked_bool_a xcoff_a; where { remove_garbage EmptySymbolIndex symbols_a marked_bool_a count = (EmptySymbolIndex,symbols_a,marked_bool_a,count); remove_garbage (SymbolIndex module_n sis) symbols_a=:{[module_n]=module_symbol} marked_bool_a count | marked_bool_a.[file_symbol_n + module_n] #! (sis,symbols_a,marked_bool_a,count) = remove_garbage sis symbols_a marked_bool_a count; = (SymbolIndex module_n sis,symbols_a,marked_bool_a,count); = remove_garbage sis symbols_a marked_bool_a (inc count); where { remove_module :: !*{!Symbol} !*{#Bool} -> (*{!Symbol},!*{#Bool}); remove_module symbols_a=:{[module_n] = module_symbol} marked_bool_a | is_empty_symbol module_symbol = (symbols_a,marked_bool_a); #! (n_relocations,relocations) = select module_symbol; #! symbols_a = { symbols_a & [module_n] = EmptySymbol }; = (symbols_a,marked_bool_a); where { is_empty_symbol EmptySymbol = True; is_empty_symbol _ = False; is_module_symbol :: !Int !*{!Symbol} -> (!Bool,!*{!Symbol}); is_module_symbol symbol_n symbol_a=:{[symbol_n] = module_symbol} = (is_module module_symbol,symbol_a); where { is_module (Module _ _ _ _ n_relocations relocations _) = True; is_module _ = False; } remove_symbols :: !Int !Int !*{!Symbol} {#Char} !*{#Bool} -> (*{!Symbol},!*{#Bool}); remove_symbols relocation_n n_relocations symbol_a relocations marked_bool_a | (relocation_n == n_relocations) = (symbol_a,marked_bool_a); #! (is_module,symbol_a) = is_module_symbol relocation_symbol_n symbol_a; | is_module = remove_symbols (inc relocation_n) n_relocations symbol_a relocations marked_bool_a; // no module #! (marked_symbol,marked_bool_a) = marked_bool_a![relocation_symbol_n]; | marked_symbol = remove_symbols (inc relocation_n) n_relocations symbol_a relocations marked_bool_a; = remove_symbols (inc relocation_n) n_relocations symbol_a relocations marked_bool_a; where { relocation_symbol_n=relocations ILONG (relocation_index+4); relocation_index=relocation_n * SIZE_OF_RELOCATION; } } } }