/* module owner: Martijn Vervoort */ implementation module type_io_common // common between compiler and static linker import StdEnv import StdOverloaded APPEND_DEFINING_TYPE_MODULE_NAMES_TO_TYPE_NAMES yes no :== yes /* // Priority PrioCode :== toChar 0 NoPrioCode :== toChar 1 // Assoc LeftAssocCode :== toChar 2 RightAssocCode :== toChar 3 NoAssocCode :== toChar 4 */ // TypeRhs AlgTypeCode :== (toChar 5) SynTypeCode :== (toChar 6) RecordTypeCode :== (toChar 7) AbstractTypeCode :== (toChar 8) // Type //TypeTACode :== (toChar 9) // TA TypeTASCode :== (toChar 10) // TAS TypeArrowCode :== (toChar 11) // --> TypeConsApplyCode :== (toChar 12) // :@: TypeTBCode :== (toChar 13) // TB TypeGTVCode :== (toChar 14) // GTV TypeTVCode :== (toChar 15) // TV TypeTQVCode :== (toChar 16) // TempTQV TypeTECode :== (toChar 17) // TE // Type; TB BT_IntCode :== (toChar 18) BT_CharCode :== (toChar 19) BT_RealCode :== (toChar 20) BT_BoolCode :== (toChar 21) BT_DynamicCode :== (toChar 22) BT_FileCode :== (toChar 23) BT_WorldCode :== (toChar 24) BT_StringCode :== (toChar 25) // ConsVariable ConsVariableCVCode :== (toChar 26) ConsVariableTempCVCode :== (toChar 27) ConsVariableTempQCVCode :== (toChar 28) // TypeSymbIdent TypeSymbIdentWithoutDefinition :== (toChar 29) // valid only for predefined in PD_PredefinedModule e.g. _String, _List TypeSymbIdentWithDefinition :== (toChar 30) // for all types which have definitions in some .icl-module // Maybe MaybeNothingCode :== (toChar 31) MaybeJustCode :== (toChar 32) // StrictnessList NotStrictCode :== (toChar 33) StrictCode :== (toChar 34) StrictListCode :== (toChar 35) // used by {compiler,dynamic rts} to make String representation of types PredefinedModuleName :== "_predefined" isPredefinedModuleName name :== name == PredefinedModuleName UnderscoreSystemModule :== "_system" // implements the predefined module LowLevelInterfaceModule :== "StdDynamicLowLevelInterface" FunctionTypeConstructorAsString :== " -> " /* instance toString GlobalTCType where toString (GTT_Basic basic_type) = create_type_string (toString basic_type) PredefinedModuleName toString GTT_Function = FunctionTypeConstructorAsString toString (GTT_Constructor _ type_symb_indent mod_name _) = create_type_string type_symb_indent.type_name.id_name mod_name // +++ (APPEND_DEFINING_TYPE_MODULE_NAMES_TO_TYPE_NAMES ("'" +++ mod_name) "") */ create_type_string type_name module_name :== if (type_name == FunctionTypeConstructorAsString) type_name (type_name +++ (APPEND_DEFINING_TYPE_MODULE_NAMES_TO_TYPE_NAMES ("'" +++ module_name ) "")) get_type_name_and_module_name_from_type_string :: !String -> (!String,!String) get_type_name_and_module_name_from_type_string type_string #! (found_sep,sep_pos) = CharIndex type_string 0 '\'' | found_sep #! type_name = type_string % (0,dec sep_pos) #! module_name = type_string % (inc sep_pos,dec (size type_string)) = (type_name,module_name) | type_string == FunctionTypeConstructorAsString = (type_string,PredefinedModuleName) where CharIndex :: !String !Int !Char -> (!Bool,!Int) CharIndex s i char | i == (size s) = (False,size s) | i < (size s) | s.[i] == char = (True,i) = CharIndex s (inc i) char; = abort "CharIndex: index out of range"