Dynamic Linker buglist (pc): - lazy linking the Clean 2.0 compiler crashes only the first time or all the time but the first time. A temporarily hack is to increase the stack space of the dynamic linker to 200K. - the dropping of a project not yet implemented. - dll's are thrown out after one link. (mac): - lazy link; InitialLink2 it should make a copy of the C dummy client application having the resources of a Clean program. This means adding the proper resources. Close on closing, the C dummy client should be destroyed and the memory allocated by the dynamic linker for the client should be released. The latter is also valid for eager linking. C dummy client: react on application died event of the dynamic linker: the client application should also die if it waits for the response of the linker because it will never come. It is important to allocate enough extra memory for the dummy client because otherwise the Clean run-time system will abort. _qd.c the linker cannot handle object files having no .text or .data section. - eager link; not yet possible. The module name not only the file name (which may be a library) should be written in the complement. The module name serves for identification of the module. The file name is used to access the object in the file system. - module names and MW objects; here is some problem; should be investigated. - making the complement takes long. I suspect the overloaded function to write it to disk and the changements made in the relocation form the bottle neck. - one_pass_link for dynamic linking unimplemented. - detect the overflow of the toc table - AddDescriptors unimplemented. IDE changements: - choice if GUI interaction by the dynamic linker is allowed. - more control of the search process (e.g. sending of own search paths to linker)