implementation module type_io_read import StdEnv import type_io_common import StrictnessList import StdDynamicTypes import ExtString import general import BitSet from pdSymbolTable import EmptyLibraryList import StdMaybe import DefaultElem from ReadObject import class ExtFileSystem,read_library_files, ::NamesTable, ::SNamesTable, ::LibraryList, ::NamesTableElement, read_library_files_new // // External dependencies: // 1. syntax.{icl,dcl},compiler // tcl-file format can change // 2. predef // built-in types should also be inserted in find_types2 // // A pair of types are equivalent: // 1. modulo alpha conversion i.e. the type arguments of // constructors and existential variables are normalized. // 2. for algebraic types only: the order of constructors // is *not* significant. // // The normalizing needed for the points above is done at compile // time in the module type_io. // // Strictness annotations are significant in a data-type because // its implementation changes. // // Unsupported: // - abstract datatypes // - synonym types // // The bring-up-to-date cycle of the IDE guarantees that type // information is correct // CommonDefs empty_tio_common_def :: TIO_CommonDefs empty_tio_common_def = { TIO_CommonDefs | tio_com_type_defs = {} , tio_com_cons_defs = {} , tio_com_selector_defs = {} , tio_imported_modules = {} , tio_n_exported_com_type_defs = 0 , tio_n_exported_com_cons_defs = 0 , tio_module = 0 , tio_pattern_matches = [] // dynamic pattern matches in module , tio_global_module_strings = {} } :: TIO_CommonDefs = { tio_com_type_defs :: !.{# TIO_CheckedTypeDef} , tio_com_cons_defs :: !.{# TIO_ConsDef} , tio_com_selector_defs :: !.{# TIO_SelectorDef} , tio_imported_modules :: !.{#Int} // offsets in string table , tio_n_exported_com_type_defs :: !Int , tio_n_exported_com_cons_defs :: !Int , tio_module :: !Int // offset in string table , tio_pattern_matches :: [TIO_TypeSymbIdent] // dynamic pattern matches in module , tio_global_module_strings :: !{#{#Char}} } :: TIO_CheckedTypeDef :== TIO_TypeDef TIO_TypeRhs :: TIO_TypeDef type_rhs = { tio_td_name :: !Int , tio_td_arity :: !Int , tio_td_args :: ![TIO_ATypeVar] // - , tio_td_rhs :: !type_rhs , tio_type_equivalence_table_index :: !Optional Int } :: TIO_TypeRhs = TIO_AlgType ![TIO_ConstructorSymbol] | TIO_SynType !TIO_AType | TIO_RecordType !TIO_RecordType | TIO_AbstractType !TIO_BITVECT | TIO_UnknownType :: TIO_DefinedSymbol = { tio_ds_ident :: !Int , tio_ds_arity :: !Int , tio_ds_index :: !TIO_Index } :: TIO_RecordType = { tio_rt_constructor :: !TIO_DefinedSymbol , tio_rt_fields :: !{# TIO_FieldSymbol} } :: TIO_ConsDef = { tio_cons_symb :: !Int , tio_cons_type :: !TIO_SymbolType , tio_cons_arg_vars :: ![[TIO_ATypeVar]] // REMOVE , tio_cons_index :: !TIO_Index // remove? , tio_cons_type_index :: !TIO_Index // remove? , tio_cons_exi_vars :: ![TIO_ATypeVar] // REMOVE - set of all E vars } :: TIO_SelectorDef = { tio_sd_type :: !TIO_SymbolType } :: TIO_ATypeVar = { tio_atv_variable :: !TIO_TypeVar } :: TIO_Annotation = TIO_AN_Strict | TIO_AN_None :: TIO_AType = { tio_at_type :: !TIO_Type } :: TIO_Type = TIO_TAS !TIO_TypeSymbIdent ![TIO_AType] !StrictnessList | (---->) infixr 9 !TIO_AType !TIO_AType | (:@@:) infixl 9 !TIO_ConsVariable ![TIO_AType] | TIO_TB !TIO_BasicType | TIO_GTV !TIO_TypeVar | TIO_TV !TIO_TypeVar | TIO_TQV TIO_TypeVar | TIO_TE :: TIO_SymbolType = { tio_st_vars :: ![TIO_TypeVar] , tio_st_args :: ![TIO_AType] , tio_st_args_strictness :: !StrictnessList , tio_st_arity :: !Int , tio_st_result :: !TIO_AType } :: TIO_BasicType = TIO_BT_Int | TIO_BT_Char | TIO_BT_Real | TIO_BT_Bool | TIO_BT_Dynamic | TIO_BT_File | TIO_BT_World | TIO_BT_String !TIO_Type /* the internal string type synonym only used to type string denotations */ instance toString TIO_BasicType where toString TIO_BT_Int = "Int" toString TIO_BT_Char = "Char" toString TIO_BT_Real = "Real" toString TIO_BT_Bool = "Bool" toString TIO_BT_Dynamic = "Dynamic" toString TIO_BT_File = "File" toString TIO_BT_World = "World" toString (TIO_BT_String _) = "String" :: TIO_TypeVar = { tio_tv_name :: !Int } :: TIO_ConsVariable = TIO_CV !TIO_TypeVar | TIO_TempCV !TIO_TempVarId | TIO_TempQCV !TIO_TempVarId :: TIO_TempVarId :== Int :: TIO_TypeSymbIdent = { tio_type_name_ref :: !TIO_TypeReference , tio_type_arity :: !Int , tio_type_index :: !TIO_Global TIO_Index } :: TIO_Global object = { tio_glob_object :: !object , tio_glob_module :: !TIO_Index } TIO_NoIndex :== -1 instance == TIO_TypeReference where (==) {tio_type_without_definition=Just type_name1} {tio_type_without_definition=Just type_name2} = type_name1 == type_name2 (==) {tio_tr_module_n=tio_tr_module_n1,tio_tr_type_def_n=tio_tr_type_def_n1} {tio_tr_module_n=tio_tr_module_n2,tio_tr_type_def_n=tio_tr_type_def_n2} = tio_tr_module_n1 == tio_tr_module_n2 && tio_tr_type_def_n1 == tio_tr_type_def_n2 class isTypeWithoutDefinition a :: !a -> Bool instance isTypeWithoutDefinition TIO_TypeReference where isTypeWithoutDefinition {tio_type_without_definition} = isJust tio_type_without_definition makeTypeWithoutDefinition :: !String -> TIO_TypeReference makeTypeWithoutDefinition type_name_without_definition = { default_elem & tio_type_without_definition = Just type_name_without_definition } :: TypeTableTypeReference = TypeTableTypeReference !Int !TIO_TypeReference instance toString TypeTableTypeReference where toString (TypeTableTypeReference type_table_i _) = " <" +++ toString type_table_i +++ ">" instance == TypeTableTypeReference where (==) (TypeTableTypeReference _ {tio_type_without_definition=Just type_name1}) (TypeTableTypeReference _ {tio_type_without_definition=Just type_name2}) = type_name1 == type_name2 (==) (TypeTableTypeReference type_table1 tio_type_ref1) (TypeTableTypeReference type_table2 tio_type_ref2) = abort ("== (TypeTableReference) " +++ toString type_table1 +++ " " +++ toString tio_type_ref1 +++ " and " +++ toString type_table2 +++ " " +++ toString tio_type_ref2 ) (type_table1 == type_table2 && tio_type_ref1 == tio_type_ref2) instance toString TIO_TypeReference where toString {tio_tr_module_n, tio_tr_type_def_n} = "<" +++ toString tio_tr_module_n +++ ", " +++ toString tio_tr_type_def_n +++ ">" instance isTypeWithoutDefinition TypeTableTypeReference where isTypeWithoutDefinition (TypeTableTypeReference _ tio_type_reference) = isTypeWithoutDefinition tio_type_reference instance == LibraryInstanceTypeReference where (==) (LIT_TypeReference library_instance_i1 tio_type_ref1) (LIT_TypeReference library_instance_i2 tio_type_ref2) = library_instance_i1 == library_instance_i2 && tio_type_ref1 == tio_type_ref2; instance == LibRef where (==) (LibRef i) (LibRef j) = i == j; (==) _ _ = False; instance isTypeWithoutDefinition LibraryInstanceTypeReference where isTypeWithoutDefinition (LIT_TypeReference _ tio_type_reference) = isTypeWithoutDefinition tio_type_reference :: TIO_Priority = TIO_Prio TIO_Assoc Int | TIO_NoPrio :: TIO_Assoc = TIO_LeftAssoc | TIO_RightAssoc | TIO_NoAssoc :: TIO_Index :== Int :: TIO_BITVECT :== Int :: TIO_FieldSymbol = { tio_fs_name :: !Int , tio_fs_var :: !Int , tio_fs_index :: !TIO_Index } // read :: *TypeIOState = { // String index table tis_current_string_index :: !Int // String hash table , tis_string_hash_table :: !*{[HashTableElement]} , tis_string_table :: !String // Used by TypeDef , tis_current_module_i :: !Int , tis_current_def_i :: !Int // Used when filling in TIO_TypeReference , tis_current_icl_module :: !Int , tis_is_module_already_in_scope :: !*BitSet // ? , tis_max_types_per_module :: !{#Int} , tis_is_type_already_checked :: !*BitSet , tis_n_common_defs :: !Int , tis_max_types :: !Int // used during equal_types , tis_left_module_index :: !Int , tis_right_module_index :: !Int // used after equivalent types have been determined , tis_equivalent_type_definitions :: !{#EquivalentTypeDef} // used to reuse the read_type_info , tis_reading_typ_file :: !Bool // .typ file }; NAME_TABLE_SIZE :== 4096; NAME_TABLE_SIZE_MASK :== 4095; default_hash_table_element = { hte_name = "" , hte_index = 0 , hte_type_refs = NoTypeName , hte_module_ref = NoModuleName } :: HashTableElement = { hte_name :: !String , hte_index :: !Int , hte_type_refs :: !TypeName // references types with same names , hte_module_ref :: !ModuleName } :: TypeName = NoTypeName | TypeName [TIO_TypeReference] // references to possibly different but equally named types ; isNoTypeName :: TypeName -> Bool isNoTypeName NoTypeName = True isNoTypeName _ = False :: ModuleName = NoModuleName | ModuleName Int // module index in {TIO_CommonDefs}-array ; default_type_io_state :: *TypeIOState default_type_io_state = { TypeIOState | // String index table tis_current_string_index = 0 // String hash table , tis_string_hash_table = createArray NAME_TABLE_SIZE [] , tis_string_table = {} // Used by TypeDef , tis_current_module_i = 0 , tis_current_def_i = 0 // Used when filling in TIO_TypeReference , tis_current_icl_module = 0 , tis_is_module_already_in_scope = EmptyBitSet // ? , tis_max_types_per_module = {} , tis_is_type_already_checked = EmptyBitSet , tis_n_common_defs = 0 , tis_max_types = 0 // used during equal_types , tis_left_module_index = 0 , tis_right_module_index = 0 , tis_equivalent_type_definitions = {} // used to reuse the read_type_info , tis_reading_typ_file = False // .typ file }; get_type_name :: !TIO_TypeReference !String !*{#TIO_CommonDefs} -> (!String,!*{#TIO_CommonDefs}); get_type_name {tio_tr_module_n,tio_tr_type_def_n} tis_string_table tio_common_defs #! (tio_td_name,tio_common_defs) = tio_common_defs![tio_tr_module_n].tio_com_type_defs.[tio_tr_type_def_n].tio_td_name; #! (null_index_found,null_index) = CharIndex tis_string_table tio_td_name '\0'; | not null_index_found = abort "get_type_name: internal error"; # type_name = tis_string_table % (tio_td_name,dec null_index); = (type_name,tio_common_defs); name_hash :: !String -> Int; name_hash symbol_name = (simple_hash symbol_name 0 0) bitand NAME_TABLE_SIZE_MASK; where simple_hash string index value | index== size string = value; = simple_hash string (inc index) (((value<<2) bitxor (value>>10)) bitxor (string BYTE index)); name_hash2 :: !Int !String -> Int; name_hash2 i symbol_name = (simple_hash symbol_name i 0) bitand NAME_TABLE_SIZE_MASK; where simple_hash string index value | symbol_name.[i] == '\0' = value; = simple_hash string (inc index) (((value<<2) bitxor (value>>10)) bitxor (string BYTE index)); isYes (Yes _) = True isYes _ = False insert_name :: !(Optional Int) (Optional (!Int,!Int)) !.{#Char} !*TypeIOState -> *(!Int,!*TypeIOState); insert_name opt_module_ref opt_type_ref name type_io_state=:{tis_current_string_index,tis_string_hash_table} // lookup name # hash_value_of_name = name_hash name # (hash_table_elements,type_io_state) = type_io_state!tis_string_hash_table.[hash_value_of_name] # (result,left,right) = split hash_table_elements []; // make hash table entry available # (hash_table_element=:{hte_module_ref,hte_type_refs,hte_index}) = case result of Yes hash_table_element -> hash_table_element _ // create a new hash table entry # hash_table_element = { default_hash_table_element & hte_name = name , hte_index = tis_current_string_index } -> hash_table_element # hash_table_element = f opt_type_ref with f (Yes (tio_tr_module_n,tio_tr_type_def_n)) # tio_type_reference = { default_elem & tio_tr_module_n=tio_tr_module_n,tio_tr_type_def_n=tio_tr_type_def_n} = case hte_type_refs of NoTypeName # hash_table_element = { hash_table_element & hte_type_refs = TypeName [tio_type_reference] } -> hash_table_element TypeName hte_type_refs # hash_table_element = { hash_table_element & hte_type_refs = TypeName [tio_type_reference:hte_type_refs] } -> hash_table_element f No = hash_table_element // insert module index in hash table # hash_table_element = f opt_module_ref with f (Yes module_n) = case hte_module_ref of ModuleName i | module_n == i -> hash_table_element NoModuleName # hash_table_element = { hash_table_element & hte_module_ref = ModuleName module_n } -> hash_table_element f No = hash_table_element # type_io_state = { type_io_state & tis_string_hash_table = { type_io_state.tis_string_hash_table & [hash_value_of_name] = [hash_table_element:left] ++ right } } | not (isYes result) # type_io_state = { type_io_state & tis_current_string_index = (inc (size name)) + tis_current_string_index } = (tis_current_string_index,type_io_state) = (hte_index,type_io_state) where split [] left = (No,left,[]) split [x=:{hte_name}:right] left | hte_name == name = (Yes x,left,right) = split right [x:left] type_io_find_name :: !String !*TypeIOState -> *(!Bool,!HashTableElement,!*TypeIOState); type_io_find_name name type_io_state # hashed_name = name_hash name; # (hash_table_elements,type_io_state) = type_io_state!tis_string_hash_table.[hashed_name]; # elements = [ hash_table_element \\ hash_table_element=:{hte_name} <- hash_table_elements | hte_name == name]; # is_empty = isEmpty elements = (not is_empty,if is_empty default_hash_table_element (hd elements),type_io_state); report_position s tcl_file :== tcl_file // ReadTypeInfo // // Description: // Reads type information from a tcl-file and replaces string by offsets in a string table to // be constructed later. // // Depending on the context a distinction is made among names. There are tree groups: // 1. type definiton names // Equally named types are collected together in the hash table by collecting pointers to // their definitions. These types are the potential candidates for strict type equality. // 2. module names // Additional information stored with a module name is its index in the {#TIO_CommonDefs} // 3. type names refering to a type definition // These names occur only on the right hand side of type and are initialized with a default // pointer value. // 4. to other names, no special information is attached. class ReadTypeInfo a where read_type_info :: !*File !*TypeIOState -> (!Bool,a,!*File,!*TypeIOState) instance ReadTypeInfo TIO_CommonDefs where read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state=:{tis_reading_typ_file} # (ok1,tio_com_type_defs,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # tcl_file = report_position "na tio_com_type_defs (r)" tcl_file # (ok2,tio_com_cons_defs,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # tcl_file = report_position "na tio_com_cons_defs (r)" tcl_file # (ok3,tio_com_selector_defs,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # tcl_file = report_position "na tio_com_selector_defs (r)" tcl_file # (ok5,tio_imported_modules,tcl_file,type_io_state) = case tis_reading_typ_file of False # (_,n_imported_modules,tcl_file) = freadi tcl_file -> read_directly_imported_modules 0 n_imported_modules (createArray n_imported_modules 0) type_io_state tcl_file True # (ok,tio_imported_modules,tcl_file,file) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state -> (ok,tio_imported_modules,tcl_file,file) # (ok9,tio_pattern_matches,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok10,tio_global_module_strings,type_io_state,tcl_file) = case tis_reading_typ_file of False // .tcl-file # (ok,tio_global_module_strings,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state | size tio_global_module_strings == 0 -> abort "instance ReadTypeInfo TIO_CommonDefs; internal error" -> (ok,tio_global_module_strings,type_io_state,tcl_file) True -> (True,{},type_io_state,tcl_file) # (ok6,n_exported_com_type_defs,tcl_file) = freadi tcl_file # (ok7,n_exported_com_cons_defs,tcl_file) = freadi tcl_file # (ok8,tio_module,tcl_file) = case tis_reading_typ_file of False -> (True,0,tcl_file) True -> freadi tcl_file # tio_common_defs = { default_elem & tio_com_type_defs = tio_com_type_defs , tio_com_cons_defs = tio_com_cons_defs , tio_com_selector_defs = tio_com_selector_defs , tio_imported_modules = tio_imported_modules , tio_n_exported_com_type_defs = n_exported_com_type_defs , tio_n_exported_com_cons_defs = n_exported_com_cons_defs , tio_module = tio_module , tio_pattern_matches = tio_pattern_matches , tio_global_module_strings = tio_global_module_strings } = (ok1&&ok2&&ok3&&ok5&&ok6&&ok7&&ok8&&ok9&&ok10,tio_common_defs,tcl_file,type_io_state) where read_directly_imported_modules :: !Int !Int !*{#Int} !*TypeIOState !*File -> (!Bool,!*{#Int},!*File,!*TypeIOState) read_directly_imported_modules i n_imported_modules tio_imported_modules type_io_state tcl_file | i == n_imported_modules = (True,tio_imported_modules,tcl_file,type_io_state) # (ok,s,tcl_file) = freadi tcl_file | not ok = (True,tio_imported_modules,tcl_file,type_io_state) # (module_name,tcl_file) = freads tcl_file s # (module_name_offset,type_io_state) = insert_name No No module_name type_io_state = read_directly_imported_modules (inc i) n_imported_modules { tio_imported_modules & [i] = module_name_offset } type_io_state tcl_file instance ReadTypeInfo TIO_SelectorDef where read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok,tio_sd_type,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # tio_selector_def = { default_elem & tio_sd_type = tio_sd_type } = (ok,tio_selector_def,tcl_file,type_io_state) instance ReadTypeInfo (TIO_TypeDef a) | ReadTypeInfo a & DefaultElem a where read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state=:{tis_current_module_i,tis_current_def_i} // td_name #! (ok1,_,id_name_index,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_ident (Yes (tis_current_module_i,tis_current_def_i)) tcl_file type_io_state | not ok1 = (False,default_elem,tcl_file,type_io_state) // td_arity #! (ok2,td_arity,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state | not ok2 = (False,default_elem,tcl_file,type_io_state) // td_args #! (ok2,td_args,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state | not ok2 = (False,default_elem,tcl_file,type_io_state) // td_rhs #! (ok2,td_rhs,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state | not ok2 = (False,default_elem,tcl_file,type_io_state) # type_def = updateTypeDefRhs { default_elem & tio_td_name = id_name_index , tio_td_arity = td_arity , tio_td_args = td_args } td_rhs = (ok1,type_def,tcl_file,type_io_state) updateTypeDefRhs :: (TIO_TypeDef a) a -> (TIO_TypeDef a) updateTypeDefRhs type_def rhs = {type_def & tio_td_rhs = rhs} instance ReadTypeInfo TIO_ConstructorSymbol where read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok,cons,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state | not ok = (False,default_elem,tcl_file,type_io_state) = (True,{tio_cons=cons},tcl_file,type_io_state) instance ReadTypeInfo TIO_TypeRhs where read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok1,c,tcl_file) = freadc tcl_file | not ok1 = (False,default_elem,tcl_file,type_io_state) | c == AlgTypeCode # (ok,defined_symbols,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state = (ok,TIO_AlgType defined_symbols,tcl_file,type_io_state) | c == SynTypeCode = (True,TIO_SynType default_elem,tcl_file,type_io_state) | c == RecordTypeCode # (ok1,rt_constructor,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok2,rt_fields,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # record_type = { default_elem & tio_rt_constructor = rt_constructor , tio_rt_fields = rt_fields }; = (ok1&&ok2,TIO_RecordType record_type,tcl_file,type_io_state) | c == AbstractTypeCode = (True,TIO_AbstractType default_elem,tcl_file,type_io_state) instance ReadTypeInfo TIO_DefinedSymbol where read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok1,_,ident_name_index,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_ident No tcl_file type_io_state | not ok1 = (False,default_elem,tcl_file,type_io_state) // ds_arity # (ok2,ds_arity,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state | not ok2 = (False,default_elem,tcl_file,type_io_state) // ds_index # (ok3,ds_index,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # defined_symbol = { default_elem & tio_ds_ident = ident_name_index , tio_ds_arity = ds_arity , tio_ds_index = ds_index } = (ok3,defined_symbol,tcl_file,type_io_state) instance ReadTypeInfo TIO_ConsDef where read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok1,_,cons_symb,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_ident No tcl_file type_io_state # (ok2,cons_type,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok3,cons_arg_vars,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state // always [], because cons_arg_vars has been removed from the compiler # (ok5,cons_index,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok6,cons_type_index,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok7,cons_exi_vars,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # consdef = { default_elem & tio_cons_symb = cons_symb , tio_cons_type = cons_type , tio_cons_arg_vars = cons_arg_vars , tio_cons_index = cons_index , tio_cons_type_index = cons_type_index , tio_cons_exi_vars = cons_exi_vars } = (ok1&&ok2&&ok3&&ok5&&ok6&&ok7,consdef,tcl_file,type_io_state) instance ReadTypeInfo Char where read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok,c,tcl_file) = freadc tcl_file = (ok,c,tcl_file,type_io_state) // reading tcl-file read_ident opt_type_ref tcl_file type_io_state=:{tis_reading_typ_file=False} # (ok1,i,tcl_file) = freadi tcl_file # (id_name,tcl_file) = freads tcl_file i; # (id_name_index,type_io_state) = insert_name No opt_type_ref id_name type_io_state = (ok1,id_name,id_name_index,tcl_file,type_io_state) read_ident _ tcl_file type_io_state # (ok1,i,tcl_file) = freadi tcl_file = (ok1,"",i,tcl_file,type_io_state) instance ReadTypeInfo TIO_ATypeVar where read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state // atv_variable # (ok2,atv_variable,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state | not ok2 = (False,default_elem,tcl_file,type_io_state) # atypevar = { default_elem & tio_atv_variable = atv_variable } = (True,atypevar,tcl_file,type_io_state) instance ReadTypeInfo TIO_TypeVar where read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok1,tv_name,tcl_file) = freadi tcl_file # typevar = { default_elem & tio_tv_name = tv_name } = (ok1,typevar,tcl_file,type_io_state) instance ReadTypeInfo TIO_Annotation where read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state #! (ok1,c,tcl_file) = freadc tcl_file # annotation = if (c == '!') TIO_AN_Strict TIO_AN_None = (ok1,annotation,tcl_file,type_io_state) instance ReadTypeInfo TIO_FieldSymbol where read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok1,_,fs_name,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_ident No tcl_file type_io_state # (ok2,_,fs_var,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_ident No tcl_file type_io_state # (ok3,fs_index,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # field_symbol = { TIO_FieldSymbol | tio_fs_name = fs_name , tio_fs_var = fs_var , tio_fs_index = fs_index } = (ok1&&ok2&&ok3,field_symbol,tcl_file,type_io_state) instance ReadTypeInfo TIO_SymbolType where read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok1,st_vars,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok2,st_args,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok3,st_args_strictness,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok4,st_arity,tcl_file, type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok5,st_result,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # symbol_type = { default_elem & tio_st_vars = st_vars , tio_st_args = st_args , tio_st_args_strictness = st_args_strictness , tio_st_arity = st_arity , tio_st_result = st_result } = (ok1&&ok2&&ok3&&ok4&&ok5,symbol_type,tcl_file,type_io_state) instance ReadTypeInfo StrictnessList where read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok,c,tcl_file) = freadc tcl_file | not ok = (False,default_elem,tcl_file,type_io_state) | c == NotStrictCode = (True,NotStrict,tcl_file,type_io_state) | c == StrictCode # (ok,i,tcl_file) = freadi tcl_file = (ok,Strict i,tcl_file,type_io_state) | c == StrictListCode # (ok1,i,tcl_file) = freadi tcl_file # (ok2,tail,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state = (ok1&&ok2,StrictList i tail,tcl_file,type_io_state) = abort ("instance ReadTypeInfo StrictnessList; " +++ toString (toInt c)); instance ReadTypeInfo TIO_AType where read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok2,at_type,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # atype = { default_elem & tio_at_type = at_type } = (ok2,atype,tcl_file,type_io_state) instance ReadTypeInfo TIO_Type where read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state=:{tis_reading_typ_file} # (ok,c,tcl_file) = freadc tcl_file | not ok = (False,default_elem,tcl_file,type_io_state) | c == TypeTASCode # (ok1,type_symb_ident,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok2,atypes,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok3,strictness,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state = (ok1&&ok2,TIO_TAS type_symb_ident atypes strictness,tcl_file,type_io_state) | c == TypeArrowCode # (ok1,atype1,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok2,atype2,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state = (ok1&&ok2,atype1 ----> atype2,tcl_file,type_io_state) | c == TypeConsApplyCode # (ok1,cons_variable,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok2,atypes,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state = (ok1&&ok2,cons_variable :@@: atypes,tcl_file,type_io_state) | c == BT_IntCode = (True,TIO_TB TIO_BT_Int,tcl_file,type_io_state); | c == BT_CharCode = (True,TIO_TB TIO_BT_Char,tcl_file,type_io_state); | c == BT_RealCode = (True,TIO_TB TIO_BT_Real,tcl_file,type_io_state); | c == BT_BoolCode = (True,TIO_TB TIO_BT_Bool,tcl_file,type_io_state); | c == BT_DynamicCode = (True,TIO_TB TIO_BT_Dynamic,tcl_file,type_io_state); | c == BT_FileCode = (True,TIO_TB TIO_BT_File,tcl_file,type_io_state); | c == BT_WorldCode = (True,TIO_TB TIO_BT_World,tcl_file,type_io_state); | c == BT_StringCode # (ok,type,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state = (ok,TIO_TB (TIO_BT_String type),tcl_file,type_io_state); | c == TypeGTVCode # (ok,type_var,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state = (ok,TIO_GTV type_var,tcl_file,type_io_state); | c == TypeTVCode # (ok,type_var,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state = (ok,TIO_TV type_var,tcl_file,type_io_state) | c == TypeTQVCode # (ok,type_var,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state = (ok,TIO_TQV type_var,tcl_file,type_io_state) | c == TypeTECode = (True,TIO_TE,tcl_file,type_io_state) # (j,tcl_file) = fposition tcl_file = abort ("<" +++ toString j +++ " error " +++ toString (toInt c) +++ (if tis_reading_typ_file " typ file is being read" "")) instance ReadTypeInfo TIO_ConsVariable where read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok,cv,tcl_file) = freadc tcl_file | cv == ConsVariableCVCode # (ok1,cons_variable_cv_code,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state = (ok1,TIO_CV cons_variable_cv_code,tcl_file,type_io_state) | cv == ConsVariableTempCVCode # (ok1,cons_variable_tempcv_code,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state = (ok1,TIO_TempCV cons_variable_tempcv_code,tcl_file,type_io_state) | cv == ConsVariableTempQCVCode # (ok1,cons_variable_tempqcv_code,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state = (ok1,TIO_TempQCV cons_variable_tempqcv_code,tcl_file,type_io_state) instance ReadTypeInfo (TIO_Global object) | ReadTypeInfo object & DefaultElem object where read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok1,tio_glob_object,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok2,tio_glob_module,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # tio_global = { TIO_Global | tio_glob_object = tio_glob_object , tio_glob_module = tio_glob_module } = (ok1&&ok2,tio_global,tcl_file,type_io_state) instance ReadTypeInfo TIO_TypeSymbIdent where // used to read a Clean Type file (.tcl) read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state=:{tis_reading_typ_file=False} # (ok1,c,tcl_file) = freadc tcl_file # (ok2,type_as_string,type_name,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_ident No tcl_file type_io_state # (ok3,type_arity,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok4,tio_type_index,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # tio_type_ref = { tio_type_without_definition = if (c == TypeSymbIdentWithoutDefinition) Nothing (Just type_as_string) , tio_tr_module_n = type_name , tio_tr_type_def_n = type_name } # type_symb_ident = { default_elem & tio_type_name_ref = tio_type_ref , tio_type_arity = type_arity , tio_type_index = tio_type_index } = (ok1&&ok2&&ok3&&ok4,type_symb_ident,tcl_file,type_io_state) // reading .typ-file read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok1,tio_type_name_ref,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok2,tio_type_arity,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok2,tio_type_index,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # type_symb_ident = { default_elem & tio_type_name_ref = tio_type_name_ref , tio_type_arity = tio_type_arity , tio_type_index = tio_type_index } = (ok1&&ok2,type_symb_ident,tcl_file,type_io_state) // only in case of .type-file instance ReadTypeInfo TIO_TypeReference where read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok1,tio_type_without_definition,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok2,tio_tr_module_n,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok3,tio_tr_type_def_n,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # tio_type_reference = { default_elem & tio_type_without_definition = tio_type_without_definition , tio_tr_module_n = tio_tr_module_n , tio_tr_type_def_n = tio_tr_type_def_n } = (ok1&&ok2&&ok3,tio_type_reference,tcl_file,type_io_state) // basic and structural write_type_info's instance ReadTypeInfo (Maybe a) | ReadTypeInfo a where read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok,c,tcl_file) = freadc tcl_file | not ok = (False,default_elem,tcl_file,type_io_state) | c == MaybeNothingCode = (ok,Nothing,tcl_file,type_io_state) | c == MaybeJustCode # (ok,a,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state = (ok,Just a,tcl_file,type_io_state) instance ReadTypeInfo Int where read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok,i,tcl_file) = freadi tcl_file = (ok,i,tcl_file,type_io_state) instance ReadTypeInfo {#b} | ReadTypeInfo b & DefaultElem b & Array {#} b where read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok,s_unboxed_array,tcl_file) = freadi tcl_file | not ok = (False,{default_elem},tcl_file,type_io_state) # unboxed_array = { default_elem \\ i <- [1..s_unboxed_array] } = read_type_info_loop 0 s_unboxed_array tcl_file unboxed_array type_io_state where read_type_info_loop i limit tcl_file unboxed_array type_io_state | i == limit = (True,unboxed_array,tcl_file,type_io_state) # (ok,elem,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file { type_io_state & tis_current_def_i = i }; | not ok = (False,unboxed_array,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info_loop (inc i) limit tcl_file {unboxed_array & [i] = elem} type_io_state instance ReadTypeInfo {b} | ReadTypeInfo b & DefaultElem b & Array {} b where read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok,s_unboxed_array,tcl_file) = freadi tcl_file | not ok = (False,{default_elem},tcl_file,type_io_state) # unboxed_array = { default_elem \\ i <- [1..s_unboxed_array] } = read_type_info_loop 0 s_unboxed_array tcl_file unboxed_array type_io_state where read_type_info_loop i limit tcl_file unboxed_array type_io_state | i == limit = (True,unboxed_array,tcl_file,type_io_state) # (ok,elem,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file { type_io_state & tis_current_def_i = i }; | not ok = (False,unboxed_array,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info_loop (inc i) limit tcl_file {unboxed_array & [i] = elem} type_io_state instance ReadTypeInfo [a] | ReadTypeInfo a where read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok1,limit,tcl_file) = freadi tcl_file | not ok1 = (False,[],tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info_loop 0 limit tcl_file [] type_io_state where read_type_info_loop i limit tcl_file elems type_io_state | i == limit = (True,reverse elems,tcl_file,type_io_state) # (ok,elem,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state | not ok = (False,[],tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info_loop (inc i) limit tcl_file [elem:elems] type_io_state instance ReadTypeInfo (a,b) | ReadTypeInfo a & ReadTypeInfo b where read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (a_ok,a,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (b_ok,b,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state = (a_ok&&b_ok,(a,b),tcl_file,type_io_state) instance DefaultElem (Maybe a) where default_elem = Nothing instance DefaultElem (TIO_TypeDef a) | DefaultElem a where default_elem = { TIO_TypeDef | tio_td_name = default_elem , tio_td_arity = default_elem , tio_td_args = default_elem , tio_td_rhs = default_elem , tio_type_equivalence_table_index = default_elem } instance DefaultElem TIO_TypeRhs where default_elem = TIO_UnknownType instance DefaultElem TIO_ATypeVar where default_elem = { TIO_ATypeVar | tio_atv_variable = default_elem } instance DefaultElem TIO_TypeVar where default_elem = { TIO_TypeVar | tio_tv_name = default_elem } /* instance DefaultElem (Ptr a) where default_elem = nilPtr */ instance DefaultElem [a] where default_elem = [] instance DefaultElem TIO_DefinedSymbol where default_elem = { TIO_DefinedSymbol | tio_ds_ident = default_elem , tio_ds_arity = default_elem , tio_ds_index = default_elem } instance DefaultElem TIO_ConsDef where default_elem = { TIO_ConsDef | tio_cons_symb = default_elem , tio_cons_type = default_elem , tio_cons_arg_vars = default_elem , tio_cons_index = default_elem , tio_cons_type_index = default_elem , tio_cons_exi_vars = default_elem } instance DefaultElem TIO_SymbolType where default_elem = { TIO_SymbolType | tio_st_vars = default_elem , tio_st_args = default_elem , tio_st_args_strictness = default_elem , tio_st_arity = default_elem , tio_st_result = default_elem } instance DefaultElem StrictnessList where default_elem = NotStrict instance DefaultElem TIO_AType where default_elem = { TIO_AType | tio_at_type = default_elem } instance DefaultElem TIO_Type where default_elem = TIO_TE instance DefaultElem TIO_Annotation where default_elem = TIO_AN_None instance DefaultElem TIO_Assoc where default_elem = TIO_NoAssoc instance DefaultElem TIO_RecordType where default_elem = { TIO_RecordType | tio_rt_constructor = default_elem , tio_rt_fields = {} } instance DefaultElem TIO_FieldSymbol where default_elem = { TIO_FieldSymbol | tio_fs_name = default_elem , tio_fs_var = default_elem , tio_fs_index = default_elem } instance DefaultElem TIO_ConstructorSymbol where default_elem = { TIO_ConstructorSymbol | tio_cons = default_elem } instance DefaultElem TIO_TypeSymbIdent where default_elem = { TIO_TypeSymbIdent | tio_type_name_ref = default_elem , tio_type_arity = default_elem , tio_type_index = default_elem } instance DefaultElem (TIO_Global object) | DefaultElem object where default_elem = { TIO_Global | tio_glob_object = default_elem , tio_glob_module = default_elem } instance DefaultElem TIO_CommonDefs where default_elem = { TIO_CommonDefs | tio_com_type_defs = {} , tio_com_cons_defs = {} , tio_com_selector_defs = {} , tio_imported_modules = {} , tio_n_exported_com_type_defs = 0 , tio_n_exported_com_cons_defs = 0 , tio_module = 0 , tio_pattern_matches = [] , tio_global_module_strings = {} } instance DefaultElem (Optional a) where default_elem = No; instance DefaultElem TIO_SelectorDef where default_elem # tio_selector_def = { TIO_SelectorDef | tio_sd_type = default_elem }; = tio_selector_def :: EquivalentTypeDef = { type_name :: Int , partitions :: !{#{#TIO_TypeReference}} }; select_bitset :: !Int !*TypeIOState -> (!Int,!*TypeIOState) select_bitset index type_io_state = type_io_state![index] update_bitset :: !Int !Int !*TypeIOState -> *TypeIOState update_bitset elem index type_io_state = { type_io_state &[index] = elem } instance ExtFileSystem (!*File,Int,Int) where rlf_fopen n _ (file,_,_) # (ok,n_lines,file) = freadi file = (ok,file,(stderr,0,n_lines)) rlf_fclose file _ = (True,(file,-1,-1)) rlf_freadline file (_,line_i,n_lines) | line_i == n_lines = ({},file,(stderr,line_i,n_lines)) # (ok,c,file) = freadc file # (line,file) = freads file (toInt c) = (line,file,(stderr,inc line_i,n_lines)) :: RTI = { rti_n_libraries :: !Int , rti_library_list :: !LibraryList , rti_n_library_symbols :: !Int }; default_RTI :: RTI; default_RTI = { RTI | rti_n_libraries = 0 , rti_library_list = EmptyLibraryList , rti_n_library_symbols = 0 }; read_type_information typ_file_name names_table files :== read_type_information_new True typ_file_name names_table files; read_type_information_new :: !Bool !String !*NamesTable !*Files -> (!Bool,!RTI,!*{#TIO_CommonDefs},!*TypeIOState,!*NamesTable,!*Files) read_type_information_new use_names_table typ_file_name names_table files # (ok,typ_file,files) = fopen typ_file_name FReadData files | not ok = abort ("Error opening library file '" +++ typ_file_name +++ "'"); // read contents of libraries # (ok,n_libraries,typ_file) = freadi typ_file # library_file_names = [ typ_file_name \\ i <- [1..n_libraries] ] # (read_library_errors,library_list,n_library_symbols,(typ_file,_,_),names_table) = read_library_files_new use_names_table library_file_names (~n_libraries) 0 (typ_file,0,0) names_table; # (j,typ_file) = fposition typ_file # type_io_state = { default_type_io_state & tis_reading_typ_file = True }; # (ok1,tio_common_defs,typ_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info typ_file type_io_state # tio_common_defs3 = tio_common_defs2 tio_common_defs # (ok2,typ_file,tio_common_defs3,type_io_state) = read_and_initialize_type_io_state tio_common_defs3 typ_file # ok2 = True # (_,files) = fclose typ_file files # rti = { default_RTI & rti_n_libraries = n_libraries , rti_library_list = library_list , rti_n_library_symbols = n_library_symbols }; = (ok1&&ok2,rti,tio_common_defs3,type_io_state,names_table,files) where tio_common_defs2 :: !{#TIO_CommonDefs} -> *{#TIO_CommonDefs} tio_common_defs2 tio_common_defs = { tio_common_def \\ tio_common_def <-: tio_common_defs } read_and_initialize_type_io_state :: !*{#TIO_CommonDefs} !*File -> (!Bool,*File,!*{#TIO_CommonDefs},!*TypeIOState) read_and_initialize_type_io_state tio_common_defs typ_file // n_common_defs # (tis_n_common_defs,tio_common_defs) = usize tio_common_defs // string table # (ok1,s_tis_string_table,typ_file) = freadi typ_file # (tis_string_table,typ_file) = freads typ_file s_tis_string_table | not ok1 = (False,typ_file,tio_common_defs,default_type_io_state) // equivalent type definitions # (ok2,tis_equivalent_type_definitions,typ_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info typ_file default_type_io_state # type_io_state = { default_type_io_state & // from disk ... tis_string_table = tis_string_table , tis_equivalent_type_definitions = tis_equivalent_type_definitions , tis_n_common_defs = tis_n_common_defs // ... from disk } # (tio_common_defs,type_io_state) = initialize_type_io_state tio_common_defs type_io_state = (True,typ_file,tio_common_defs,type_io_state) instance ReadTypeInfo EquivalentTypeDef where read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok1,type_name,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # (ok2,partitions,tcl_file,type_io_state) = read_type_info tcl_file type_io_state # equivalent_type_def = { default_elem & type_name = type_name , partitions = partitions } = (ok1&&ok2,equivalent_type_def,tcl_file,type_io_state) instance DefaultElem EquivalentTypeDef where default_elem # equivalent_type_def = { EquivalentTypeDef | type_name = default_elem , partitions = default_elem } = equivalent_type_def initialize_type_io_state :: !*{#TIO_CommonDefs} !*TypeIOState -> (!*{#TIO_CommonDefs},!*TypeIOState) initialize_type_io_state tio_common_defs type_io_state=:{tis_n_common_defs=n_common_defs} # max_types_per_module = createArray n_common_defs 0; # (max_types,max_types_per_module,tio_common_defs) = build_type_equivalent_index_array 0 n_common_defs 0 max_types_per_module tio_common_defs; # is_type_already_checked = NewBitSet (max_types * max_types); // update type_io_state # type_io_state = { type_io_state & // used during type definition checks tis_max_types_per_module = max_types_per_module , tis_is_type_already_checked = is_type_already_checked , tis_max_types = max_types , tis_is_module_already_in_scope = NewBitSet n_common_defs } = (tio_common_defs,type_io_state) where build_type_equivalent_index_array :: !Int !Int !Int !*{#Int} !*{#TIO_CommonDefs} -> *(!Int,!*{#Int},!*{#TIO_CommonDefs}); build_type_equivalent_index_array i limit max_types max_types_per_module tio_common_defs | i == limit = (max_types,max_types_per_module,tio_common_defs); # (tio_common_def,tio_common_defs) = tio_common_defs![i]; # n_types = size tio_common_def.tio_com_type_defs; = build_type_equivalent_index_array (inc i) limit (max_types + n_types) { max_types_per_module & [i] = max_types} tio_common_defs; get_name_from_string_table :: !Int !String -> String get_name_from_string_table index string_table | index < 0 || index >= (size string_table) = abort "index out of range in get_name_from_string_table"; # (ok,null_index) = CharIndex string_table index '\0' | not ok = abort "get_name_from_string_table: corrupt, string not terminated with a null" = (string_table % (index,dec null_index));