definition module ddState; from StdFile import class FileEnv, class FileSystem; from StdMaybe import :: Maybe; from memory import :: Mem; from read_dynamic import :: BinaryDynamic; :: *DDState = { file_name :: !String // filename of dynamic , project_name :: !String // filename of application using that dynamic , first_time :: !Bool // first time , mem :: *Mem , int_descP :: !Int , char_descP :: !Int , bool_descP :: !Int , real_descP :: !Int , string_descP :: !Int , array_descP :: !Int , e__StdDynamic__rDynamicTemp :: !Int , build_block_label :: !Int , build_lazy_block_label :: !Int , type_cons_symbol_label :: !Int , dlink_dir :: !String , current_dynamic :: !BinaryDynamic }; DefaultDDState :: !*Mem -> *DDState; InitialDDState :: !*Mem !*f -> (!Bool,[String],!*DDState,!*f) | FileSystem f; do_dynamic :: !*DDState !*a [String] (Maybe String) -> *(!*DDState,*a,[String]) | FileEnv, FileSystem a; replace_command_line :: !String -> Bool;