implementation module UtilIO; import StdEnv; from UtilDate import ::DATE(..); from File import extractPathAndFile; //Get full application path and take the directory FStartUpDir :: !Files -> (!String, !Files); FStartUpDir files # (appPath,files) = GetFullApplicationPath files; = (fst (extractPathAndFile appPath),files); GetFullApplicationPath :: !*Files -> (!{#Char},!*Files); GetFullApplicationPath files # s_p = get_appl_path_address; # (s,s_p) = c_string_to_clean_string s_p; = (s,files); c_string_to_clean_string :: !Int -> (!.{#Char},!Int); c_string_to_clean_string s_p # end_p = c_string_end s_p; = ({c_string_char p \\ p<-[s_p..end_p-1]},s_p); c_string_end :: !Int -> Int; c_string_end p | c_string_char p<>'\0' = c_string_end (p+1); = p; c_string_char :: !Int -> Char; c_string_char p = code inline { load_ui8 0 } get_appl_path_address :: Int; get_appl_path_address = code { pushLc appl_path } GetLongPathName :: !{#Char} -> {#Char}; GetLongPathName p # s_p = realpath (p+++"\0") 0; | s_p==0 = p; # (s,s_p) = c_string_to_clean_string s_p # r = free s_p | r>=0 = s; = s; FModified :: !String !Files -> (!DATE, !Files); FModified name files # s = createArray (IF_INT_64_OR_32 144 88) '\0'; # r = stat (name+++"\0") s; | r<>0 = ({exists=False, yy=0, mm=0, dd=0, h=0, m=0, s=0}, files); # struct_tm = localtime (IF_INT_64_OR_32 (s % (88,95)) (s % (64,67))); | struct_tm==0 = ({exists=False, yy=0, mm=0, dd=0, h=0, m=0, s=0}, files); = (IF_INT_64_OR_32 (struct_tm_to_DATE_64 struct_tm) (struct_tm_to_DATE_32 struct_tm) , files); { struct_tm_to_DATE_64 struct_tm # sec_min=load_long (struct_tm+0); # sec=(sec_min<<32)>>32; # min=sec_min>>32; # hour_day=load_long (struct_tm+8); # hour=(hour_day<<32)>>32; # day=hour_day>>32; # mon_year=load_long (struct_tm+16); # mon=((mon_year<<32)>>32)+1; # year=(mon_year>>32)+1900; = {exists=True, yy=year, mm=mon, dd=day, h=hour, m=min, s=sec}; struct_tm_to_DATE_32 struct_tm # sec=load_long (struct_tm+0); # min=load_long (struct_tm+4); # hour=load_long (struct_tm+8); # day=load_long (struct_tm+12); # mon=load_long (struct_tm+16)+1; # year=load_long (struct_tm+20)+1900; = {exists=True, yy=year, mm=mon, dd=day, h=hour, m=min, s=sec}; } stat :: !{#Char} !{#Char} -> Int; stat file_name stat_struct = code { ccall stat "ss:p" } localtime :: !{#Char} -> Int; localtime time_t_p = code { ccall localtime "s:p" } load_long :: !Int -> Int; load_long p = code { load_i 0 } realpath :: !{#Char} !Int -> Int; realpath path resolved_path = code { ccall realpath "sp:p" } free :: !Int -> Int; free p = code { ccall free "p:I" } FExists :: .a; FExists = abort "FExists";