implementation module typesupport import StdEnv, StdCompare import syntax, parse, check, unitype, utilities, checktypes, compilerSwitches import genericsupport :: Store :== Int :: AttrCoercion = { ac_demanded :: !Int , ac_offered :: !Int } :: TempSymbolType = { tst_args :: ![AType] , tst_arity :: !Int , tst_lifted :: !Int , tst_result :: !AType , tst_context :: ![TypeContext] , tst_attr_env :: ![AttrCoercion] } :: FunctionType = CheckedType !SymbolType | SpecifiedType !SymbolType ![AType] !TempSymbolType | UncheckedType !TempSymbolType | ExpandedType !SymbolType !TempSymbolType !TempSymbolType | EmptyFunctionType simplifyTypeApplication :: !Type ![AType] -> Type simplifyTypeApplication type type_args # (ok, type) = simplifyAndCheckTypeApplication type type_args | not ok = abort "typesupport.simplifyTypeApplication: unexpected error" = type simplifyAndCheckTypeApplication :: !Type ![AType] -> (!Bool, !Type) simplifyAndCheckTypeApplication (TA type_cons=:{type_arity} cons_args) type_args = (True, TA { type_cons & type_arity = type_arity + length type_args } (cons_args ++ type_args)) simplifyAndCheckTypeApplication (TAS type_cons=:{type_arity} cons_args strictness) type_args = (True, TAS { type_cons & type_arity = type_arity + length type_args } (cons_args ++ type_args) strictness) simplifyAndCheckTypeApplication (CV tv :@: type_args1) type_args2 = (True, CV tv :@: (type_args1 ++ type_args2)) simplifyAndCheckTypeApplication TArrow [type1, type2] = (True, type1 --> type2) simplifyAndCheckTypeApplication TArrow [type] = (True, TArrow1 type) simplifyAndCheckTypeApplication (TArrow1 type1) [type2] = (True, type1 --> type2) simplifyAndCheckTypeApplication (TV tv) type_args = (True, CV tv :@: type_args) simplifyAndCheckTypeApplication (TempV i) type_args = (True, TempCV i :@: type_args) simplifyAndCheckTypeApplication type type_args = (False, type) :: AttributeEnv :== {! TypeAttribute } :: VarEnv :== {! Type } :: CleanUpState = { cus_var_env :: !.VarEnv , cus_attr_env :: !.AttributeEnv , cus_appears_in_lifted_part :: !.LargeBitvect , cus_heaps :: !.TypeHeaps , cus_var_store :: !Int , cus_attr_store :: !Int , cus_exis_vars :: ![(Int,TypeAttribute)] , cus_error :: !.ErrorAdmin } :: CleanUpInput = { cui_coercions :: !{! CoercionTree} , cui_attr_part :: !AttributePartition , cui_top_level :: !Bool , cui_is_lifted_part :: !Bool } class clean_up a :: !CleanUpInput !a !*CleanUpState -> (!a, !*CleanUpState) instance clean_up AType where clean_up cui atype=:{at_attribute, at_type = TempQV qv_number} cus | cui.cui_top_level # (at_attribute, cus) = cleanUpTypeAttribute True cui at_attribute cus # (type, cus) = cus!cus_var_env.[qv_number] (var, cus) = cleanUpVariable True type qv_number cus = ({atype & at_attribute = at_attribute, at_type = var}, {cus & cus_exis_vars = add_new_variable type qv_number at_attribute cus.cus_exis_vars}) where add_new_variable TE ev_number ev_attr cus_exis_vars = [(ev_number, ev_attr) : cus_exis_vars] add_new_variable type ev_number ev_attr cus_exis_vars = cus_exis_vars clean_up cui atype=:{at_attribute,at_type} cus # (at_attribute, cus) = cleanUpTypeAttribute False cui at_attribute cus (at_type, cus) = clean_up cui at_type cus = ({atype & at_attribute = at_attribute, at_type = at_type}, cus) attrIsUndefined TA_None = True attrIsUndefined _ = False cleanUpTypeAttribute :: !Bool !CleanUpInput TypeAttribute !*CleanUpState -> (!TypeAttribute, !*CleanUpState) cleanUpTypeAttribute _ cui TA_Unique cus = (TA_Unique, cus) cleanUpTypeAttribute _ cui TA_Multi cus = (TA_Multi, cus) cleanUpTypeAttribute may_be_existential cui tv=:(TA_TempVar av_number) cus | cui.cui_top_level # av_group_nr = cui.cui_attr_part.[av_number] coercion_tree = cui.cui_coercions.[av_group_nr] | isNonUnique coercion_tree = (TA_Multi, cus) | isUnique coercion_tree = (TA_Unique, cus) # cus = check_appearance cui.cui_is_lifted_part av_group_nr cus # (attr, cus) = clean_up_attribute_variable av_group_nr (cus!cus_attr_env.[av_group_nr]) | isExistential coercion_tree | may_be_existential = (attr, { cus & cus_error = checkError "attribute variable could not be universally quantified" "" cus.cus_error}) = (attr, cus) = (attr, cus) = (TA_Multi, cus) where check_appearance is_lifted_part group_nr cus=:{cus_appears_in_lifted_part, cus_error} | is_lifted_part = { cus & cus_appears_in_lifted_part = bitvectSet group_nr cus_appears_in_lifted_part} | bitvectSelect group_nr cus_appears_in_lifted_part = { cus & cus_appears_in_lifted_part = bitvectReset group_nr cus_appears_in_lifted_part, cus_error = checkError "attribute variable of lifted argument appears in the specified type" "" cus_error} = cus clean_up_attribute_variable av_group_nr (TA_None, cus=:{cus_heaps,cus_attr_store,cus_attr_env}) # (av_info_ptr, th_attrs) = newPtr AVI_Empty cus_heaps.th_attrs new_attr_var = TA_Var { av_ident = NewAttrVarId cus_attr_store, av_info_ptr = av_info_ptr } = (new_attr_var, { cus & cus_attr_env = { cus_attr_env & [av_group_nr] = new_attr_var}, cus_heaps = { cus_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs }, cus_attr_store = inc cus_attr_store}) clean_up_attribute_variable av_group_nr attr_and_cus = attr_and_cus cleanUpTypeAttribute _ cui av=:(TA_Var _) cus = (av, cus) cleanUpTypeAttribute _ cui type_attribute cus = abort ("cleanUpTypeAttribute "+++toString type_attribute) instance clean_up Type where clean_up cui (TempV tv_number) cus # (type, cus) = cus!cus_var_env.[tv_number] = cleanUpVariable cui.cui_top_level type tv_number cus clean_up cui (TA tc types) cus # (types, cus) = clean_up cui types cus = (TA tc types, cus) clean_up cui (TAS tc types strictness) cus # (types, cus) = clean_up cui types cus = (TAS tc types strictness, cus) clean_up cui (argtype --> restype) cus # (argtype, cus) = clean_up cui argtype cus (restype, cus) = clean_up cui restype cus = (argtype --> restype, cus) clean_up cui t=:(TB _) cus = (t, cus) clean_up cui (TArrow1 argtype) cus # (argtype, cus) = clean_up cui argtype cus = (TArrow1 argtype, cus) clean_up cui t=:TArrow cus = (t, cus) clean_up cui (TempCV tempvar :@: types) cus # (type, cus) = cus!cus_var_env.[tempvar] # (type, cus) = cleanUpVariable cui.cui_top_level type tempvar cus (types, cus) = clean_up cui types cus = (simplifyTypeApplication type types, cus) clean_up cui (TempQCV qv_number :@: types) cus=:{cus_exis_vars} # (type, cus) = cus!cus_var_env.[qv_number] | cui.cui_top_level # (TV tv, cus) = cleanUpVariable True type qv_number {cus & cus_exis_vars = add_new_variable type qv_number cus_exis_vars} (types, cus) = clean_up cui types cus = (CV tv :@: types, cus) # (TV tv, cus) = cleanUpVariable False type qv_number cus (types, cus) = clean_up cui types cus = (CV tv :@: types, cus) clean_up cui (cv :@: types) cus # (types, cus) = clean_up cui types cus = (cv :@: types, cus) clean_up cui (TempQV qv_number) cus=:{cus_error,cus_exis_vars} # (type, cus) = cus!cus_var_env.[qv_number] | cui.cui_top_level = cleanUpVariable True type qv_number {cus & cus_exis_vars = add_new_variable type qv_number cus_exis_vars} = cleanUpVariable False type qv_number cus clean_up cui tv=:(TV _) cus = (tv, cus) clean_up cui (TFA vars type) cus=:{cus_heaps} # (type, cus) = clean_up cui type cus = (TFA vars type, cus) clean_up cui type cus = abort ("clean_up Type (typesupport.icl): unknown type " ---> ("clean_up Type", type)) add_new_variable TE qv_number cus_exis_vars = [(qv_number, TA_None) : cus_exis_vars] add_new_variable type qv_number cus_exis_vars = cus_exis_vars instance clean_up [a] | clean_up a where clean_up cui l cus = mapSt (clean_up cui) l cus cleanUpVariable _ TE tv_number cus=:{cus_heaps,cus_var_store,cus_var_env} # (tv_info_ptr, th_vars) = newPtr TVI_Empty cus_heaps.th_vars new_var = TV {tv_ident = NewVarId cus_var_store, tv_info_ptr = tv_info_ptr} = (new_var, {cus & cus_var_env = { cus_var_env & [tv_number] = new_var}, cus_heaps = { cus_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }, cus_var_store = inc cus_var_store}) cleanUpVariable top_level (TLifted var) tv_number cus=:{cus_error} | top_level = (TV var, { cus & cus_error = liftedError var cus_error}) = (TV var, cus) cleanUpVariable _ type tv_number cus = (type, cus) :: CleanUpResult :== BITVECT cClosed :== 0 cDefinedVar :== 1 cUndefinedVar :== 2 cLiftedVar :== 4 cleanUpClosedVariable TE env = (cUndefinedVar, TE, env) cleanUpClosedVariable (TLifted tvar) env = (cLiftedVar, TV tvar, env) cleanUpClosedVariable tvar env = (cDefinedVar, tvar, env) combineCleanUpResults cur1 cur2 :== cur1 bitor cur2 checkCleanUpResult cur prop :== not (cur bitand prop == 0) class cleanUpClosed a :: !a !u:VarEnv -> (!CleanUpResult, !a, !u:VarEnv) instance cleanUpClosed AType where cleanUpClosed atype=:{at_type} env # (cur, at_type, env) = cleanUpClosed at_type env = (cur, { atype & at_attribute = TA_Multi, at_type = at_type}, env) instance cleanUpClosed Type where cleanUpClosed (TempV tv_number) env # (type, env) = env![tv_number] = cleanUpClosedVariable type env cleanUpClosed (TA tc types) env # (cur, types, env) = cleanUpClosed types env = (cur, TA tc types, env) cleanUpClosed (TAS tc types strictness) env # (cur, types, env) = cleanUpClosed types env = (cur, TAS tc types strictness, env) cleanUpClosed (argtype --> restype) env # (cur, (argtype,restype), env) = cleanUpClosed (argtype,restype) env = (cur, argtype --> restype, env) cleanUpClosed (TArrow1 argtype) env # (cur, argtype, env) = cleanUpClosed argtype env = (cur, TArrow1 argtype, env) cleanUpClosed (TempCV tv_number :@: types) env # (type, env) = env![tv_number] # (cur1, type, env) = cleanUpClosedVariable type env | checkCleanUpResult cur1 cUndefinedVar = (cur1, TempCV tv_number :@: types, env) # (cur2, types, env) = cleanUpClosed types env = (combineCleanUpResults cur1 cur2, simplifyTypeApplication type types, env) cleanUpClosed t env = (cClosed, t, env) instance cleanUpClosed (a,b) | cleanUpClosed a & cleanUpClosed b where cleanUpClosed (x,y) env # (cur1, x, env) = cleanUpClosed x env | checkCleanUpResult cur1 cUndefinedVar = (cur1, (x,y), env) # (cur2, y, env) = cleanUpClosed y env = (combineCleanUpResults cur1 cur2, (x,y), env) instance cleanUpClosed [a] | cleanUpClosed a where cleanUpClosed [] env = (cClosed, [], env) cleanUpClosed [t:ts] env # (cur, (t,ts), env) = cleanUpClosed (t,ts) env = (cur, [t:ts], env) errorHeading :: !String !*ErrorAdmin -> *ErrorAdmin errorHeading error_kind err=:{ea_file,ea_loc = []} = { err & ea_file = ea_file <<< error_kind <<< ':', ea_ok = False } errorHeading error_kind err=:{ea_file,ea_loc = [ loc : _ ]} = { err & ea_file = ea_file <<< error_kind <<< ' ' <<< loc <<< ':', ea_ok = False } contextError class_symb err # err = errorHeading "Overloading error" err = {err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< " unresolved class \"" <<< class_symb <<< "\" not occurring in specified type\n"} liftedContextError class_symb err # err = errorHeading "Overloading error" err = {err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< " type variable of type of lifted argument appears in class \"" <<< class_symb <<< "\"\n"} existentialError err # err = errorHeading "Type error" err = { err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< "existential type variable appears in the derived type specification\n" } liftedError type_var err # err = errorHeading "Type error" err = { err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< "type variable " <<< type_var <<< " of type of lifted argument appears in the specified type\n" } startRuleError mess err # err = errorHeading "Type error" err = { err & ea_file = err.ea_file <<< mess } extendSymbolType :: !SymbolType !Int !*TypeHeaps -> (!SymbolType, !*TypeHeaps) extendSymbolType st=:{st_arity,st_args,st_vars,st_attr_vars} nr_of_extra_args type_heaps | nr_of_extra_args > 0 # (st_args, (st_vars, st_attr_vars, type_heaps)) = newAttributedVariables nr_of_extra_args st_args (st_vars, st_attr_vars, type_heaps) = ({ st & st_args = st_args, st_vars = st_vars, st_attr_vars = st_attr_vars, st_arity = st_arity + nr_of_extra_args }, type_heaps) = (st, type_heaps) cleanSymbolType :: !Int !*TypeHeaps -> (!SymbolType, !*TypeHeaps) cleanSymbolType arity type_heaps # (st_result, clean_state) = newAttributedVariable 0 ([], [], type_heaps) (st_args, (st_vars, st_attr_vars, type_heaps)) = newAttributedVariables arity [] clean_state = ({ st_arity = arity, st_vars = st_vars , st_args = st_args, st_args_strictness=NotStrict, st_result = st_result, st_context = [], st_attr_env = [], st_attr_vars = st_attr_vars }, type_heaps) newAttributedVariables var_number attributed_variables clean_state=:(_,_,_) /* Temporary hack */ | var_number == 0 = (attributed_variables, clean_state) # (attributed_variable, clean_state) = newAttributedVariable var_number clean_state = newAttributedVariables (dec var_number) [ attributed_variable : attributed_variables ] clean_state newAttributedVariable var_number (variables, attributes, type_heaps=:{th_vars,th_attrs}) # (tv_info_ptr, th_vars) = newPtr TVI_Empty th_vars new_var = { tv_ident = NewVarId var_number, tv_info_ptr = tv_info_ptr } (av_info_ptr, th_attrs) = newPtr AVI_Empty th_attrs new_attr_var = { av_ident = NewAttrVarId var_number, av_info_ptr = av_info_ptr } = ({ at_attribute = TA_Var new_attr_var, at_type = TV new_var}, ([ new_var : variables ], [ new_attr_var : attributes ], { type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars, th_attrs = th_attrs })) cSpecifiedType :== True cDerivedType :== False cleanUpSymbolType :: !Bool !Bool !TempSymbolType ![TypeContext] ![ExprInfoPtr] !{! CoercionTree} !AttributePartition !*VarEnv !*AttributeEnv !*TypeHeaps !*VarHeap !*ExpressionHeap !*ErrorAdmin -> (!SymbolType, !*VarEnv, !*AttributeEnv, !*TypeHeaps, !*VarHeap, !*ExpressionHeap, !*ErrorAdmin) cleanUpSymbolType is_start_rule spec_type {tst_arity,tst_args,tst_result,tst_context,tst_lifted} derived_context case_and_let_exprs coercions attr_part var_env attr_var_env heaps var_heap expr_heap error #! nr_of_temp_vars = size var_env #! max_attr_nr = size attr_var_env # cus = { cus_var_env = var_env, cus_attr_env = attr_var_env, cus_appears_in_lifted_part = bitvectCreate max_attr_nr, cus_heaps = heaps, cus_var_store = 0, cus_attr_store = 0, cus_error = error, cus_exis_vars = [] } cui = { cui_coercions = coercions, cui_attr_part = attr_part, cui_top_level = True, cui_is_lifted_part = True } (lifted_args, cus=:{cus_var_env}) = clean_up cui (take tst_lifted tst_args) cus cui = { cui & cui_is_lifted_part = False } (lifted_vars, cus_var_env) = determine_type_vars nr_of_temp_vars [] cus_var_env (st_args, (_, cus)) = mapSt (clean_up_arg_type cui) (drop tst_lifted tst_args) ([], { cus & cus_var_env = cus_var_env }) (st_result, cus) = clean_up_result_type cui tst_result cus (st_context, cus_var_env, var_heap, cus_error) = clean_up_type_contexts spec_type tst_context derived_context cus.cus_var_env var_heap cus.cus_error (st_vars, cus_var_env) = determine_type_vars nr_of_temp_vars lifted_vars cus_var_env (cus_attr_env, st_attr_vars, st_attr_env, cus_error) = build_attribute_environment cus.cus_appears_in_lifted_part 0 max_attr_nr coercions (bitvectCreate max_attr_nr) cus.cus_attr_env [] [] cus_error (expr_heap, {cus_var_env,cus_attr_env,cus_heaps,cus_error}) = update_expression_types { cui & cui_top_level = False } case_and_let_exprs expr_heap { cus & cus_var_env = cus_var_env, cus_attr_env = cus_attr_env, cus_appears_in_lifted_part = {el\\el<-:cus.cus_appears_in_lifted_part}, cus_error = cus_error } st = {st_arity = tst_arity, st_vars = st_vars , st_args = lifted_args ++ st_args, st_args_strictness=NotStrict, st_result = st_result, st_context = st_context, st_attr_env = st_attr_env, st_attr_vars = st_attr_vars } cus_error = check_type_of_start_rule is_start_rule st cus_error = (st, { cus_var_env & [i] = TE \\ i <- [0..nr_of_temp_vars - 1]}, { cus_attr_env & [i] = TA_None \\ i <- [0..max_attr_nr - 1]}, cus_heaps, var_heap, expr_heap, cus_error) where determine_type_vars to_index all_vars var_env = iFoldSt determine_type_var 0 to_index (all_vars, var_env) where determine_type_var var_index (all_vars, var_env) # (type, var_env) = var_env![var_index] = case type of TV var -> ([var : all_vars], { var_env & [var_index] = TLifted var}) _ -> (all_vars, var_env) clean_up_arg_type cui at=:{at_type = TFA avars type, at_attribute} (all_exi_vars, cus) # (at_attribute, cus) = cleanUpTypeAttribute False cui at_attribute cus (type, cus) = clean_up cui type cus | isEmpty cus.cus_exis_vars = ({ at & at_type = TFA avars type, at_attribute = at_attribute}, (all_exi_vars, cus)) = ({ at & at_type = TFA avars type, at_attribute = at_attribute}, (all_exi_vars, { cus & cus_error = existentialError cus.cus_error, cus_exis_vars = [] })) clean_up_arg_type cui at (all_exi_vars, cus) # (at, cus) = clean_up cui at cus (cus_exis_vars, cus) = cus!cus_exis_vars | isEmpty cus_exis_vars = (at, (all_exi_vars, cus)) # (new_exi_vars, all_exi_vars, cus) = foldSt check_existential_var cus_exis_vars ([], all_exi_vars, cus) = ({ at & at_type = TFA new_exi_vars at.at_type }, (all_exi_vars, {cus & cus_exis_vars = []})) where check_existential_var (var_number,var_attr) (exi_vars, all_vars, cus) | isMember var_number all_vars # (type, cus) = cus!cus_var_env.[var_number] = case type of TE -> (exi_vars, all_vars, cus) _ # (TV var, cus) = cus!cus_var_env.[var_number] -> ([{atv_attribute = var_attr, atv_variable = var } : exi_vars ], all_vars, {cus & cus_var_env = {cus.cus_var_env & [var_number] = TE }, cus_error = existentialError cus.cus_error }) # (TV var, cus) = cus!cus_var_env.[var_number] = ([{atv_attribute = var_attr, atv_variable = var } : exi_vars ], [var_number : all_vars], {cus & cus_var_env = {cus.cus_var_env & [var_number] = TE}}) clean_up_result_type cui at cus # (at, cus=:{cus_exis_vars}) = clean_up cui at cus | isEmpty cus_exis_vars = (at, cus) = (at, { cus & cus_error = existentialError cus.cus_error }) clean_up_type_contexts spec_type spec_context derived_context env var_heap error | spec_type # var_heap = foldSt (mark_specified_context derived_context) spec_context var_heap (rev_contexts, env, error) = foldSt clean_up_lifted_type_context derived_context ([], env, error) (rev_contexts, env, error) = foldSt clean_up_type_context spec_context (rev_contexts, env, error) = (reverse rev_contexts, env, var_heap, error) # (rev_contexts, env, error) = foldSt clean_up_type_context derived_context ([], env, error) = (reverse rev_contexts, env, var_heap, error) mark_specified_context [] spec_tc var_heap = var_heap mark_specified_context [tc=:{tc_var} : tcs] spec_tc var_heap | spec_tc == tc | spec_tc.tc_var == tc_var = var_heap = var_heap <:= (spec_tc.tc_var, VI_ForwardClassVar tc_var) = mark_specified_context tcs spec_tc var_heap clean_up_type_context tc=:{tc_types, tc_class} (collected_contexts, env, error) # (cur, tc_types, env) = cleanUpClosed tc_types env | checkCleanUpResult cur cUndefinedVar = (collected_contexts, env, error) | checkCleanUpResult cur cLiftedVar = ([{ tc & tc_types = tc_types } : collected_contexts ], env, liftedContextError (toString tc_class) error) = ([{ tc & tc_types = tc_types } : collected_contexts ], env, error) clean_up_lifted_type_context tc=:{tc_types,tc_var} (collected_contexts, env, error) # (cur, tc_types, env) = cleanUpClosed tc.tc_types env | checkCleanUpResult cur cLiftedVar | checkCleanUpResult cur cDefinedVar = (collected_contexts, env, liftedContextError (toString tc.tc_class) error) = ([{ tc & tc_types = tc_types } : collected_contexts], env, error) | otherwise = (collected_contexts, env, error) build_attribute_environment :: !LargeBitvect !Index !Index !{! CoercionTree} !*LargeBitvect !*AttributeEnv ![AttributeVar] ![AttrInequality] !*ErrorAdmin -> (!*AttributeEnv,![AttributeVar],![AttrInequality],!*ErrorAdmin) build_attribute_environment appears_in_lifted_part attr_group_index max_attr_nr coercions already_build_inequalities attr_env attr_vars inequalities error | attr_group_index == max_attr_nr = (attr_env, attr_vars, inequalities, error) # (attr, attr_env) = attr_env![attr_group_index] = case attr of TA_Var attr_var # already_build_inequalities = bitvectResetAll already_build_inequalities # (ok, attr_env, inequalities,already_build_inequalities) = build_inequalities appears_in_lifted_part (bitvectSelect attr_group_index appears_in_lifted_part) attr_var coercions.[attr_group_index] coercions attr_env inequalities already_build_inequalities error = case ok of True -> error _ -> checkError "attribute variable of lifted argument appears in derived attribute inequality" "" error -> build_attribute_environment appears_in_lifted_part (inc attr_group_index) max_attr_nr coercions already_build_inequalities attr_env [attr_var : attr_vars] inequalities error TA_None -> build_attribute_environment appears_in_lifted_part (inc attr_group_index) max_attr_nr coercions already_build_inequalities attr_env attr_vars inequalities error build_inequalities :: {#Int} Bool AttributeVar !CoercionTree {!CoercionTree} !*{!TypeAttribute} [AttrInequality] !*LargeBitvect -> (!Bool,!*{!TypeAttribute},![AttrInequality],!*LargeBitvect) build_inequalities appears_in_lifted_part off_appears_in_lifted_part off_var (CT_Node dem_attr left right) coercions attr_env inequalities already_build_inequalities # (ok1, attr_env, inequalities,already_build_inequalities) = build_inequalities appears_in_lifted_part off_appears_in_lifted_part off_var left coercions attr_env inequalities already_build_inequalities (ok2, attr_env, inequalities,already_build_inequalities) = build_inequalities appears_in_lifted_part off_appears_in_lifted_part off_var right coercions attr_env inequalities already_build_inequalities # (attr, attr_env) = attr_env![dem_attr] = case attr of TA_Var attr_var | is_new_inequality attr_var off_var inequalities # ok3 = off_appears_in_lifted_part == bitvectSelect dem_attr appears_in_lifted_part -> (ok1 && ok2 && ok3, attr_env, [{ ai_demanded = attr_var, ai_offered = off_var } : inequalities],already_build_inequalities) -> (ok1 && ok2, attr_env, inequalities,already_build_inequalities) TA_None # (already_build_inequality,already_build_inequalities) = bitvectTestAndSet dem_attr already_build_inequalities | already_build_inequality -> (ok1 && ok2, attr_env, inequalities,already_build_inequalities) # (ok3, attr_env, inequalities,already_build_inequalities) = build_inequalities appears_in_lifted_part off_appears_in_lifted_part off_var coercions.[dem_attr] coercions attr_env inequalities already_build_inequalities #! ok3=ok3 -> (ok1 && ok2 && ok3, attr_env, inequalities,already_build_inequalities) build_inequalities _ _ off_var tree coercions attr_env inequalities already_build_inequalities = (True, attr_env, inequalities,already_build_inequalities) is_new_inequality dem_var off_var [] = True is_new_inequality dem_var off_var [{ ai_demanded, ai_offered } : inequalities] = (dem_var <> ai_demanded || off_var <> ai_offered) && is_new_inequality dem_var off_var inequalities update_expression_types :: !CleanUpInput ![ExprInfoPtr] !*ExpressionHeap !*CleanUpState -> (!*ExpressionHeap,!*CleanUpState); update_expression_types cui expr_ptrs expr_heap cus = foldSt (update_expression_type cui) expr_ptrs (expr_heap, cus) update_expression_type cui expr_ptr (expr_heap, cus) # (info, expr_heap) = readPtr expr_ptr expr_heap = case info of EI_CaseType case_type # (case_type, cus) = clean_up cui case_type cus -> (expr_heap <:= (expr_ptr, EI_CaseType case_type), cus) EI_LetType let_type # (let_type, cus) = clean_up cui let_type cus -> (expr_heap <:= (expr_ptr, EI_LetType let_type), cus) EI_DictionaryType dict_type # (dict_type, cus) = clean_up cui dict_type cus -> (expr_heap <:= (expr_ptr, EI_DictionaryType dict_type), cus) check_type_of_start_rule is_start_rule {st_context,st_arity,st_args} cus_error | is_start_rule | isEmpty st_context | st_arity > 0 | st_arity == 1 = case st_args of [{at_type = TB BT_World} : _] -> cus_error _ -> startRuleError "argument of Start rule should have type World.\n" cus_error = startRuleError "Start rule has too many arguments.\n" cus_error = cus_error = startRuleError "Start rule cannot be overloaded.\n" cus_error = cus_error instance clean_up CaseType where clean_up cui ctype=:{ct_pattern_type,ct_result_type, ct_cons_types} cus # (ct_pattern_type, cus) = clean_up cui ct_pattern_type cus (ct_result_type, cus) = clean_up cui ct_result_type cus (ct_cons_types, cus) = mapSt (mapSt (clean_up_arg_type cui)) ct_cons_types cus = ({ctype & ct_pattern_type = ct_pattern_type, ct_cons_types = ct_cons_types, ct_result_type = ct_result_type}, cus) where clean_up_arg_type cui at=:{at_type = TFA avars type, at_attribute} cus # (at_attribute, cus) = cleanUpTypeAttribute False cui at_attribute cus (type, cus) = clean_up cui type cus = ({ at & at_type = TFA avars type, at_attribute = at_attribute}, cus) clean_up_arg_type cui at cus = clean_up cui at cus /* In 'bindInstances t1 t2' type variables of t1 are bound to the corresponding subtypes of t2, provided that t2 is a substitution instance of t1. Binding is done by setting the 'tv_info_ptr' of the variables of t1 to 'TVI_Type t' were t is the subtype to which the type variable is matched. Be careful with calling 'bindInstances': all the 'tv_info_ptr'-info's should be cleaned first, unless one is sure that t1 does not contain any 'tv_info_ptr' with value 'TVI_Type ...'. instance bindInstances AType, Type, [a] | bindInstances a */ updateExpressionTypes :: !SymbolType !SymbolType ![ExprInfoPtr] !*TypeHeaps !*ExpressionHeap -> (!*TypeHeaps, !*ExpressionHeap) updateExpressionTypes {st_args,st_vars,st_result,st_attr_vars} st_copy type_ptrs heaps=:{th_vars,th_attrs} expr_heap # th_vars = foldSt (\{tv_info_ptr} var_heap -> var_heap <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_Empty)) st_vars th_vars th_attrs = foldSt (\{av_info_ptr} attr_heap -> attr_heap <:= (av_info_ptr, AVI_Empty)) st_attr_vars th_attrs heaps = fold2St bind_instances_in_arg_type st_args st_copy.st_args {heaps & th_vars = th_vars, th_attrs = th_attrs} th_vars = bindInstances st_result st_copy.st_result heaps.th_vars = foldSt update_expression_type type_ptrs ({heaps & th_vars = th_vars}, expr_heap) where bind_instances_in_arg_type { at_type = TFA vars type1 } { at_type = TFA _ type2 } heaps # heaps = foldSt clear_atype_var vars heaps = { heaps & th_vars = bindInstances type1 type2 heaps.th_vars } where clear_atype_var {atv_variable={tv_info_ptr},atv_attribute} heaps=:{th_vars,th_attrs} = { heaps & th_vars = th_vars <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_Empty), th_attrs = clear_attribute atv_attribute th_attrs } where clear_attribute (TA_Var {av_info_ptr}) attr_heap = attr_heap <:= (av_info_ptr, AVI_Empty) clear_attribute _ attr_heap = attr_heap bind_instances_in_arg_type { at_type } atype2 heaps=:{th_vars} = { heaps & th_vars = bindInstances at_type atype2.at_type th_vars } update_expression_type expr_ptr (type_heaps, expr_heap) # (info, expr_heap) = readPtr expr_ptr expr_heap = case info of EI_CaseType case_type # (case_type, type_heaps) = substitute case_type type_heaps -> (type_heaps, expr_heap <:= (expr_ptr, EI_CaseType case_type)) EI_LetType let_type # (let_type, type_heaps) = substitute let_type type_heaps -> (type_heaps, expr_heap <:= (expr_ptr, EI_LetType let_type)) EI_DictionaryType dict_type # (dict_type, type_heaps) = substitute dict_type type_heaps -> (type_heaps, expr_heap <:= (expr_ptr, EI_DictionaryType dict_type)) class bindInstances a :: !a !a !*TypeVarHeap -> *TypeVarHeap instance bindInstances Type where bindInstances (TV {tv_info_ptr}) type type_var_heap # (tv_info, type_var_heap) = readPtr tv_info_ptr type_var_heap = case tv_info of TVI_Type ind_type -> type_var_heap _ -> type_var_heap <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_Type type) bindInstances (TA _ arg_types1) (TA _ arg_types2) type_var_heap = bindInstances arg_types1 arg_types2 type_var_heap bindInstances (TA _ arg_types1) (TAS _ arg_types2 _) type_var_heap = bindInstances arg_types1 arg_types2 type_var_heap bindInstances (TAS _ arg_types1 _) (TA _ arg_types2) type_var_heap = bindInstances arg_types1 arg_types2 type_var_heap bindInstances (TAS _ arg_types1 _) (TAS _ arg_types2 _) type_var_heap = bindInstances arg_types1 arg_types2 type_var_heap bindInstances (l1 --> r1) (l2 --> r2) type_var_heap = bindInstances r1 r2 (bindInstances l1 l2 type_var_heap) bindInstances (TB _) (TB _) type_var_heap = type_var_heap bindInstances TArrow TArrow type_var_heap = type_var_heap bindInstances (TArrow1 x1) (TArrow1 x2) type_var_heap = bindInstances x1 x2 type_var_heap bindInstances (TFA _ type1) (TFA _ type2) type_var_heap = bindInstances type1 type2 type_var_heap bindInstances (CV l1 :@: r1) (CV l2 :@: r2) type_var_heap = bindInstances r1 r2 (bindInstances (TV l1) (TV l2) type_var_heap) instance bindInstances [a] | bindInstances a where bindInstances [] [] type_var_heap = type_var_heap bindInstances [x:xs] [y:ys] type_var_heap = bindInstances xs ys (bindInstances x y type_var_heap) instance bindInstances AType where bindInstances {at_type=t1} {at_type=t2} type_var_heap = bindInstances t1 t2 type_var_heap substituteType :: !TypeAttribute !TypeAttribute ![ATypeVar] ![AType] !Type !*TypeHeaps -> (!Type, !*TypeHeaps) substituteType form_root_attribute act_root_attribute form_type_args act_type_args orig_type type_heaps # type_heaps = bindTypeVarsAndAttributes form_root_attribute act_root_attribute form_type_args act_type_args type_heaps (expanded_type, type_heaps) = substitute orig_type type_heaps = (expanded_type, clearBindingsOfTypeVarsAndAttributes form_root_attribute form_type_args type_heaps) bindTypeVarsAndAttributes :: !TypeAttribute !TypeAttribute ![ATypeVar] ![AType] !*TypeHeaps -> *TypeHeaps bindTypeVarsAndAttributes form_root_attribute act_root_attribute form_type_args act_type_args type_heaps # th_attrs = bind_attribute form_root_attribute act_root_attribute type_heaps.th_attrs = fold2St bind_type_and_attr form_type_args act_type_args { type_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs } where bind_type_and_attr {atv_attribute, atv_variable={tv_info_ptr}} {at_type,at_attribute} type_heaps=:{th_vars,th_attrs} = { type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_Type at_type), th_attrs = bind_attribute atv_attribute at_attribute th_attrs } bind_attribute (TA_Var {av_info_ptr}) attr th_attrs = th_attrs <:= (av_info_ptr, AVI_Attr attr) bind_attribute _ _ th_attrs = th_attrs clearBindingsOfTypeVarsAndAttributes :: !TypeAttribute ![ATypeVar] !*TypeHeaps -> *TypeHeaps clearBindingsOfTypeVarsAndAttributes form_root_attribute form_type_args type_heaps # th_attrs = clear_attribute form_root_attribute type_heaps.th_attrs = foldSt clear_type_and_attr form_type_args { type_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs } where clear_type_and_attr {atv_attribute, atv_variable={tv_info_ptr}} type_heaps=:{th_vars,th_attrs} = { type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_Empty), th_attrs = clear_attribute atv_attribute th_attrs } clear_attribute (TA_Var {av_info_ptr}) th_attrs = th_attrs <:= (av_info_ptr, AVI_Empty) clear_attribute _ th_attrs = th_attrs class substitute a :: !a !*TypeHeaps -> (!a, !*TypeHeaps) instance substitute AType where substitute atype=:{at_attribute,at_type} heaps # ((at_attribute,at_type), heaps) = substitute (at_attribute,at_type) heaps = ({ atype & at_attribute = at_attribute, at_type = at_type }, heaps) instance substitute TypeAttribute where substitute (TA_Var {av_ident, av_info_ptr}) heaps=:{th_attrs} #! av_info = sreadPtr av_info_ptr th_attrs = case av_info of AVI_Attr attr -> (attr, heaps) _ -> (TA_Multi, heaps) substitute (TA_RootVar {av_info_ptr}) heaps=:{th_attrs} #! av_info = sreadPtr av_info_ptr th_attrs = case av_info of AVI_Attr attr -> (attr, heaps) _ -> (TA_Multi, heaps) substitute TA_None heaps = (TA_Multi, heaps) substitute attr heaps = (attr, heaps) instance substitute (a,b) | substitute a & substitute b where substitute (x,y) heaps # (x, heaps) = substitute x heaps (y, heaps) = substitute y heaps = ((x,y), heaps) instance substitute [a] | substitute a where substitute [] heaps = ( [], heaps) substitute [t:ts] heaps # (t, heaps) = substitute t heaps ( ts, heaps) = substitute ts heaps = ([t:ts], heaps) instance substitute TypeContext where substitute tc=:{tc_types} heaps # (tc_types, heaps) = substitute tc_types heaps = ({ tc & tc_types = tc_types }, heaps) instance substitute Type where substitute tv=:(TV {tv_info_ptr}) heaps=:{th_vars} # (tv_info, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars heaps = {heaps & th_vars = th_vars} = case tv_info of TVI_Type type -> (type, heaps) _ -> (tv, heaps) substitute (arg_type --> res_type) heaps # ((arg_type, res_type), heaps) = substitute (arg_type, res_type) heaps = (arg_type --> res_type, heaps) substitute (TArrow1 arg_type) heaps # (arg_type, heaps) = substitute arg_type heaps = (TArrow1 arg_type, heaps) substitute (TA cons_id cons_args) heaps # (cons_args, heaps) = substitute cons_args heaps = (TA cons_id cons_args, heaps) substitute (TAS cons_id cons_args strictness) heaps # (cons_args, heaps) = substitute cons_args heaps = (TAS cons_id cons_args strictness, heaps) substitute (CV type_var :@: types) heaps=:{th_vars} # (tv_info, th_vars) = readPtr type_var.tv_info_ptr th_vars heaps = {heaps & th_vars = th_vars} (types, heaps) = substitute types heaps = case tv_info of TVI_Type type # (ok, simplified_type) = simplifyAndCheckTypeApplication type types | ok -> (simplified_type, heaps) // otherwise // this will lead to a kind check error later on -> (CV type_var :@: types, heaps) -> (CV type_var :@: types, heaps) substitute type heaps = (type, heaps) instance substitute AttributeVar where substitute av=:{av_info_ptr} heaps=:{th_attrs} #! av_info = sreadPtr av_info_ptr th_attrs = case av_info of AVI_Attr (TA_Var attr_var) -> (attr_var, heaps) _ -> (av, heaps) instance substitute AttrInequality where substitute {ai_demanded,ai_offered} heaps # ((ai_demanded, ai_offered), heaps) = substitute (ai_demanded, ai_offered) heaps = ({ai_demanded = ai_demanded, ai_offered = ai_offered}, heaps) instance substitute CaseType where substitute {ct_pattern_type, ct_result_type, ct_cons_types} heaps # (ct_pattern_type, heaps) = substitute ct_pattern_type heaps (ct_result_type, heaps) = substitute ct_result_type heaps (ct_cons_types, heaps) = substitute ct_cons_types heaps = ({ct_pattern_type = ct_pattern_type, ct_result_type = ct_result_type, ct_cons_types = ct_cons_types}, heaps) class removeAnnotations a :: !a -> (!Bool, !a) instance removeAnnotations (a,b) | removeAnnotations a & removeAnnotations b where removeAnnotations t=:(x,y) # (rem_x, x) = removeAnnotations x (rem_y, y) = removeAnnotations y | rem_x || rem_y = (True, (x,y)) = (False, t) instance removeAnnotations [a] | removeAnnotations a where removeAnnotations l=:[x:xs] # (rem_x, x) = removeAnnotations x (rem_xs, xs) = removeAnnotations xs | rem_x || rem_xs = (True, [x:xs]) = (False, l) removeAnnotations el = (False, el) instance removeAnnotations Type where removeAnnotations t=:(arg_type --> res_type) # (rem, (arg_type, res_type)) = removeAnnotations (arg_type, res_type) | rem = (True, arg_type --> res_type) = (False, t) //AA.. removeAnnotations t=:(TArrow1 arg_type) # (rem, arg_type) = removeAnnotations arg_type | rem = (True, TArrow1 arg_type) = (False, t) //..AA removeAnnotations t=:(TA cons_id cons_args) # (rem, cons_args) = removeAnnotations cons_args | rem = (True, TA cons_id cons_args) = (False, t) removeAnnotations t=:(TAS cons_id cons_args _) # (rem, cons_args) = removeAnnotations cons_args | rem = (True, TA cons_id cons_args) = (False, t) removeAnnotations t=:(cv :@: types) # (rem, types) = removeAnnotations types | rem = (True, cv :@: types) = (False, t) removeAnnotations type = (False, type) instance removeAnnotations AType where removeAnnotations atype=:{at_type} # (rem, at_type) = removeAnnotations at_type | rem = (True, { atype & at_type = at_type }) = (False, atype) instance removeAnnotations SymbolType where removeAnnotations st=:{st_args,st_result,st_args_strictness} # (rem, (st_args,st_result)) = removeAnnotations (st_args,st_result) | rem = (True, { st & st_args = st_args, st_args_strictness=NotStrict, st_result = st_result }) | is_not_strict st_args_strictness = (False, st) = (True, { st & st_args_strictness=NotStrict }) /* expandTypeApplication :: ![ATypeVar] !TypeAttribute !Type ![AType] !TypeAttribute !*TypeHeaps -> (!Type, !*TypeHeaps) expandTypeApplication type_args form_attr type_rhs arg_types act_attr type_heaps=:{th_attrs} # type_heaps = bindTypeVarsAndAttributes form_attr act_attr type_args arg_types type_heaps (_, exp_type, type_heaps) = substitute type_rhs type_heaps = (exp_type, clearBindingsOfTypeVarsAndAttributes form_attr type_args type_heaps) */ VarIdTable :: {# String} VarIdTable =: { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j" } newIdent id_name :== { id_name = id_name, id_info = nilPtr } NewVarId var_store | var_store < size VarIdTable = newIdent VarIdTable.[var_store] = newIdent ("v" +++ toString var_store) AttrVarIdTable :: {# String} AttrVarIdTable =: { "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z" } NewAttrVarId :: !Int -> Ident NewAttrVarId attr_var_store | attr_var_store < size AttrVarIdTable = newIdent AttrVarIdTable.[attr_var_store] = newIdent ("u" +++ toString attr_var_store) class equiv a :: !a !a !*TypeHeaps -> (!Bool, !*TypeHeaps) instance equiv AType where equiv atype1 atype2 heaps=:{th_attrs} # (ok, th_attrs) = equi_attrs atype1.at_attribute atype2.at_attribute th_attrs | ok = equiv atype1.at_type atype2.at_type { heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs } = (False, { heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs }) where equi_attrs attr=:(TA_Var {av_info_ptr}) (TA_TempVar av_number) attr_var_heap # (av_info, attr_var_heap) = readPtr av_info_ptr attr_var_heap = case av_info of AVI_Forward forw_var_number -> (forw_var_number == av_number, attr_var_heap) _ -> (True, writePtr av_info_ptr (AVI_Forward av_number) attr_var_heap) equi_attrs (TA_Var _) (TA_Var _) attr_var_heap = (True, attr_var_heap) equi_attrs attr1 attr2 attr_var_heap = (attr1 == attr2, attr_var_heap) equivTypeVars :: !TypeVar !TempVarId !*TypeVarHeap -> (!Bool, !*TypeVarHeap) equivTypeVars {tv_info_ptr} var_number type_var_heap # (tv_info, type_var_heap) = readPtr tv_info_ptr type_var_heap = case tv_info of TVI_Forward forw_var_number -> (forw_var_number == var_number, type_var_heap) _ -> (True, type_var_heap <:= (tv_info_ptr, TVI_Forward var_number)) instance equiv Type where equiv (TV tv) (TempV var_number) heaps=:{th_vars} # (equiv, th_vars) = equivTypeVars tv var_number th_vars = (equiv, { heaps & th_vars = th_vars }) equiv (TV tv1) (TV tv2) heaps = (True, heaps) equiv (arg_type1 --> restype1) (arg_type2 --> restype2) heaps = equiv (arg_type1,restype1) (arg_type2,restype2) heaps equiv (TArrow1 arg_type1) (TArrow1 arg_type2) heaps = equiv arg_type1 arg_type2 heaps equiv TArrow TArrow heaps = (True, heaps) equiv (TA tc1 types1) (TA tc2 types2) heaps | tc1 == tc2 = equiv types1 types2 heaps = (False, heaps) equiv (TA tc1 types1) (TAS tc2 types2 _) heaps | tc1 == tc2 = equiv types1 types2 heaps = (False, heaps) equiv (TAS tc1 types1 _) (TA tc2 types2) heaps | tc1 == tc2 = equiv types1 types2 heaps = (False, heaps) equiv (TAS tc1 types1 _) (TAS tc2 types2 _) heaps | tc1 == tc2 = equiv types1 types2 heaps = (False, heaps) equiv (TB basic1) (TB basic2) heaps = (basic1 == basic2, heaps) equiv (CV tv :@: types1) (TempCV var_number :@: types2) heaps=:{th_vars} # (equi_vars, th_vars) = equivTypeVars tv var_number th_vars | equi_vars = equiv types1 types2 { heaps & th_vars = th_vars } = (False, { heaps & th_vars = th_vars }) equiv (CV tv1 :@: types1) (CV tv2 :@: types2) heaps // should occur only for A. type variables = equiv types1 types2 heaps equiv (TFA vars1 type1) (TFA vars2 type2) heaps = equiv type1 type2 heaps equiv type1 type2 heaps = (False, heaps) instance equiv (a,b) | equiv a & equiv b where equiv (x1,y1) (x2,y2) heaps # (equi_x, heaps) = equiv x1 x2 heaps | equi_x = equiv y1 y2 heaps = (False, heaps) instance equiv [a] | equiv a where equiv [x:xs] [y:ys] heaps # (equi, heaps) = equiv x y heaps | equi = equiv xs ys heaps = (False, heaps) equiv [] [] heaps = (True, heaps) equiv _ _ heaps = (False, heaps) equivalent :: !SymbolType !TempSymbolType !Int !{# CommonDefs} !*AttributeEnv !*TypeHeaps -> (!Bool, !*AttributeEnv, !*TypeHeaps) equivalent st=:{st_args,st_result,st_context,st_attr_env} tst=:{tst_args,tst_result,tst_context,tst_attr_env,tst_lifted} nr_of_contexts defs attr_env heaps # nr_of_lifted_contexts = length st_context - nr_of_contexts # (ok, heaps) = equiv (drop tst_lifted st_args,st_result) (drop tst_lifted tst_args,tst_result) heaps | ok # (ok, heaps) = equivalent_list_of_contexts (drop nr_of_lifted_contexts st_context) (drop nr_of_lifted_contexts tst_context) defs heaps | ok # (ok, attr_env, attr_var_heap) = equivalent_environments st_attr_env (fill_environment tst_attr_env attr_env) heaps.th_attrs = (ok, clear_environment tst_attr_env attr_env, { heaps & th_attrs = attr_var_heap }) = (False, attr_env, heaps) = (False, attr_env, heaps) where equivalent_list_of_contexts [] contexts defs heaps = (True, heaps) equivalent_list_of_contexts [tc : tcs] contexts defs heaps # (ok, heaps) = contains_context tc contexts defs heaps | ok = equivalent_list_of_contexts tcs contexts defs heaps = (False, heaps) contains_context tc1 [tc2 : tcs] defs heaps # (ok, heaps) = equivalent_contexts tc1 tc2 defs heaps | ok = (True, heaps) = contains_context tc1 tcs defs heaps contains_context tc1 [] defs heaps = (False, heaps) equivalent_contexts tc1=:{tc_class=TCGeneric {gtc_class=class1}} tc2=:{tc_class=TCGeneric {gtc_class=class2}} defs heaps = equivalent_contexts {tc1 & tc_class = TCClass class1} {tc2 & tc_class = TCClass class2} defs heaps equivalent_contexts tc1=:{tc_class=TCGeneric {gtc_class=class1}} tc2 defs heaps = equivalent_contexts {tc1 & tc_class = TCClass class1} tc2 defs heaps equivalent_contexts tc1 tc2=:{tc_class=TCGeneric {gtc_class=class2}} defs heaps = equivalent_contexts tc1 {tc2 & tc_class = TCClass class2} defs heaps equivalent_contexts tc1=:{tc_class=TCClass class1, tc_types=types1} {tc_class=TCClass class2, tc_types=types2} defs heaps | class1 == class2 # (ok, heaps) = equiv types1 types2 heaps = (ok, heaps) # {glob_object={ds_index},glob_module} = class2 #! class_def = defs.[glob_module].com_class_defs.[ds_index] # {class_context,class_args} = class_def | isEmpty class_context = (False, heaps) # th_vars = bind_class_args class_args types2 heaps.th_vars = equivalent_superclasses class_context tc1 defs { heaps & th_vars = th_vars } where bind_class_args [{tv_info_ptr} : vars] [type : types] type_var_heap = bind_class_args vars types (writePtr tv_info_ptr (TVI_Type type) type_var_heap) bind_class_args [] [] type_var_heap = type_var_heap equivalent_superclasses [] tc defs heaps = (False, heaps) equivalent_superclasses [super_tc=:{tc_types} : tcs] tc defs heaps=:{th_vars} # (tc_types, th_vars) = retrieve_types tc_types th_vars (ok, heaps) = equivalent_contexts { super_tc & tc_types = tc_types } tc defs { heaps & th_vars = th_vars } | ok = (True, heaps) = equivalent_superclasses tcs tc defs heaps where retrieve_types [TV {tv_info_ptr} : types] type_var_heap #! (tv_info, type_var_heap) = readPtr tv_info_ptr type_var_heap # (TVI_Type type) = tv_info #! (types, type_var_heap) = retrieve_types types type_var_heap = ([type : types], type_var_heap) retrieve_types [type : types] type_var_heap #! (types, type_var_heap) = retrieve_types types type_var_heap = ([type : types], type_var_heap) retrieve_types [] type_var_heap = ([], type_var_heap) fill_environment :: ![AttrCoercion] !*{! TypeAttribute} -> *{! TypeAttribute} fill_environment [] attr_env = attr_env fill_environment [{ac_demanded,ac_offered} : coercions ] attr_env # (offered, attr_env) = attr_env![ac_demanded] = fill_environment coercions { attr_env & [ac_demanded] = TA_List ac_offered offered } clear_environment :: ![AttrCoercion] !*{! TypeAttribute} -> *{! TypeAttribute} clear_environment [] attr_env = attr_env clear_environment [{ac_demanded,ac_offered} : coercions ] attr_env = clear_environment coercions { attr_env & [ac_demanded] = TA_None } equivalent_environments inequalities attr_env attr_heap = foldSt equivalent_inequality inequalities (True, attr_env, attr_heap) /* equivalent_environments [] attr_env attr_heap = (True, attr_env, attr_heap) equivalent_environments [{ai_demanded,ai_offered} : coercions ] attr_env attr_heap # (AVI_Forward demanded_var_number, attr_heap) = readPtr ai_demanded.av_info_ptr attr_heap (AVI_Forward offered_var_number, attr_heap) = readPtr ai_offered.av_info_ptr attr_heap # (offered_of_demanded, attr_env) = attr_env![demanded_var_number] attr_env = { attr_env & [demanded_var_number] = TA_Locked offered_of_demanded } # (succ, locked_attributes, attr_env) = contains_coercion offered_var_number offered_of_demanded [demanded_var_number] attr_env attr_env = foldSt unlock_attribute locked_attributes attr_env | succ = equivalent_environments coercions attr_env attr_heap = (False, attr_env, attr_heap) */ equivalent_inequality {ai_demanded,ai_offered} (equiv, attr_env, attr_heap) | equiv # (dem_forward, attr_heap) = readPtr ai_demanded.av_info_ptr attr_heap = case dem_forward of AVI_Forward demanded_var_number # (AVI_Forward offered_var_number, attr_heap) = readPtr ai_offered.av_info_ptr attr_heap (offered_of_demanded, attr_env) = attr_env![demanded_var_number] attr_env = { attr_env & [demanded_var_number] = TA_Locked offered_of_demanded } (succ, locked_attributes, attr_env) = contains_coercion offered_var_number offered_of_demanded [demanded_var_number] attr_env attr_env = foldSt unlock_attribute locked_attributes attr_env -> (succ, attr_env, attr_heap) _ -> (True, attr_env, attr_heap) = (False, attr_env, attr_heap) // contains_coercion :: !Int !TypeAttribute ![Int] !u:{! TypeAttribute} -> (!Bool, ![Int], !u:{!TypeAttribute}) contains_coercion offered TA_None locked_attributes attr_env = (False, locked_attributes, attr_env) contains_coercion offered (TA_List this_offered next_offered) locked_attributes attr_env | offered == this_offered = (True, locked_attributes, attr_env) # (succ, locked_attributes, attr_env) = contains_coercion offered next_offered locked_attributes attr_env | succ = (True, locked_attributes, attr_env) # (offered_of_offered, attr_env) = attr_env![this_offered] | is_locked offered_of_offered = (False, locked_attributes, attr_env) = contains_coercion offered offered_of_offered [this_offered : locked_attributes] { attr_env & [this_offered] = TA_Locked offered_of_offered } contains_coercion offered (TA_Locked _) locked_attributes attr_env = (False, locked_attributes, attr_env) unlock_attribute attr_number attr_env # (TA_Locked attr, attr_env) = attr_env![attr_number] = { attr_env & [attr_number] = attr } is_locked (TA_Locked _) = True is_locked _ = False :: Format = { form_properties :: !BITVECT , form_attr_position :: Optional ([Int], Coercions) } cNoProperties :== 0 cAttributed :== 1 cAnnotated :== 2 cMarkAttribute :== 4 cBrackets :== 8 cCommaSeparator :== 16 cArrowSeparator :== 32 cAndSeparator :== 64 checkProperty form property :== not (form.form_properties bitand property == 0) setProperty form property :== {form & form_properties = form.form_properties bitor property} clearProperty form property :== {form & form_properties = form.form_properties bitand (bitnot property)} (<::) infixl :: !*File !(!Format, !a, !Optional TypeVarBeautifulizer) -> *File | writeType a (<::) file (format, a, opt_beautifulizer) # (file, _) = writeType file opt_beautifulizer (format, a) = file class writeType a :: !*File !(Optional TypeVarBeautifulizer) !(!Format, !a) -> (!*File, !Optional TypeVarBeautifulizer) instance writeType AttributeVar where writeType file No (_, av) = (file <<< av, No) writeType file (Yes beautifulizer) (_, av) = writeBeautifulAttrVar file beautifulizer (TA_Var av) :: SAType = {s_annotation::!Annotation,s_type::!AType} add_strictness_annotations :: [AType] Int StrictnessList -> [SAType] add_strictness_annotations [arg:args] strictness_index strictness # annotation=arg_strictness_annotation strictness_index strictness # args=add_strictness_annotations args (strictness_index+1) strictness = [{s_annotation=annotation,s_type=arg}:args] add_strictness_annotations [] strictness_index strictness = [] instance writeType SymbolType where writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, {st_args, st_args_strictness,st_arity, st_result, st_context, st_attr_env}) # file_opt_beautifulizer = case st_arity of 0 -> writeType file opt_beautifulizer (bracket_arrow_type st_result.at_type form, st_result) with bracket_arrow_type (_ --> _) form = setProperty form cBrackets bracket_arrow_type _ form = form _ # (file, opt_beautifulizer) // = writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, st_args) = write_arguments file opt_beautifulizer form st_args with write_arguments file opt_beautifulizer form st_args | checkProperty form cAnnotated = writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, add_strictness_annotations st_args 0 st_args_strictness) = writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, st_args) -> writeType (file <<< " -> ") opt_beautifulizer (form, st_result) (file, opt_beautifulizer) = show_context form st_context file_opt_beautifulizer = case isEmpty st_attr_env || not (checkProperty form cAttributed) of True -> (file, opt_beautifulizer) False # (file, opt_beautifulizer) = writeType (file <<< ", [") opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cCommaSeparator, grouped (hd st_attr_env).ai_demanded [] st_attr_env) -> (file <<< ']', opt_beautifulizer) where show_context form [] file_opt_beautifulizer = file_opt_beautifulizer show_context form contexts (file, opt_beautifulizer) = writeType (file <<< " | ") opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cAndSeparator, contexts) // grouped takes care that inequalities like [a<=c, b<=c] are printed like [a b <= c] grouped group_var accu [] = [{ ig_offered = accu, ig_demanded = group_var}] grouped group_var accu [{ai_offered, ai_demanded}:ineqs] | group_var==ai_demanded = grouped group_var [ai_offered:accu] ineqs =[{ ig_offered = accu, ig_demanded = group_var}: grouped ai_demanded [ai_offered] ineqs] :: InequalityGroup = { ig_offered :: ![AttributeVar] , ig_demanded :: !AttributeVar } instance writeType InequalityGroup where writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, {ig_offered,ig_demanded}) # (file, opt_beautifulizer) = writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, ig_offered) = writeType (file <<< " <= ") opt_beautifulizer (form, ig_demanded) instance writeType TypeContext where //writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, {tc_class={glob_object={ds_ident}}, tc_types}) // = writeType (file <<< ds_ident <<< ' ') opt_beautifulizer (form, tc_types) writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, {tc_class, tc_types}) # file = write_tc_class tc_class file = writeType (file <<< ' ') opt_beautifulizer (form, tc_types) where write_tc_class (TCClass {glob_object={ds_ident}}) file = file <<< ds_ident write_tc_class (TCGeneric {gtc_class={glob_object={ds_ident}}}) file = file <<< ds_ident instance writeType SAType where writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, {s_annotation, s_type}) = writeType (file <<< s_annotation) opt_beautifulizer (form,s_type) instance writeType AType where writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, {at_attribute, at_type}) = show_attributed_type file opt_beautifulizer form at_attribute at_type where show_attributed_type file opt_beautifulizer form TA_Multi type | checkProperty form cMarkAttribute # (file, opt_beautifulizer) = show_marked_attribute file opt_beautifulizer (form, TA_Multi) = writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, type) = writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, type) show_attributed_type file opt_beautifulizer form attr type | checkProperty form cAttributed # (file, opt_beautifulizer) = writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, attr) = writeType file opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cBrackets, type) | checkProperty form cMarkAttribute # (file, opt_beautifulizer) = show_marked_attribute file opt_beautifulizer (form, attr) = writeType file opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cBrackets, type) = writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, type) show_marked_attribute file opt_beautifulizer (form=:{form_attr_position = Yes (positions, coercions)}, attr) | isEmpty positions = show_attribute coercions (file <<< "^ ") opt_beautifulizer (form, attr) = show_attribute coercions file opt_beautifulizer (form, attr) show_attribute coercions file opt_beautifulizer (form, ta=:(TA_TempVar av_number)) | isUniqueAttribute av_number coercions = writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, TA_Unique) | isNonUniqueAttribute av_number coercions = writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, TA_Multi) = writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, ta) show_attribute coercions file opt_beautifulizer (form, ta) = writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, ta) instance writeType TypeAttribute where writeType file (Yes beautifulizer) (form, ta=:TA_Var _) = writeBeautifulAttrVarAndColon file beautifulizer ta writeType file (Yes beautifulizer) (form, TA_RootVar av) = writeBeautifulAttrVarAndColon file beautifulizer (TA_Var av) writeType file (Yes beautifulizer) (form, ta=:TA_TempVar _) = writeBeautifulAttrVarAndColon file beautifulizer ta writeType file yes_beautifulizer=:(Yes _) (form, TA_Multi) = (file, yes_beautifulizer) writeType file opt_beautifulizer (_, ta) = (file <<< ta, opt_beautifulizer) writeBeautifulAttrVarAndColon file beautifulizer ta # (file, yes_beautifulizer) = writeBeautifulAttrVar file beautifulizer ta = (file <<< ':', yes_beautifulizer) instance writeType Type where writeType file No (form, TV varid) = (file <<< varid, No) writeType file No (form, TempV tv_number) = (file <<< 'v' <<< tv_number, No) writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, TA type_symb types) = writeTypeTA file opt_beautifulizer form type_symb types writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, TAS type_symb types strictness) | checkProperty form cAnnotated = writeTypeTA file opt_beautifulizer form type_symb (add_strictness_annotations types 0 strictness) = writeTypeTA file opt_beautifulizer form type_symb types writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, arg_type --> res_type) | checkProperty form cBrackets = writeWithinBrackets "(" ")" file opt_beautifulizer (clearProperty (setProperty form cArrowSeparator) cBrackets, [arg_type, res_type]) = writeType file opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form (cBrackets bitor cArrowSeparator), [arg_type, res_type]) writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, type :@: types) | checkProperty form cBrackets # (file, opt_beautifulizer) = writeType (file <<< '(') opt_beautifulizer (form, type) (file, opt_beautifulizer) = writeType (file <<< ' ') opt_beautifulizer (form, types) = (file <<< ')', opt_beautifulizer) # (file, opt_beautifulizer) = writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, type) (file, opt_beautifulizer) = writeType (file <<< ' ') opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cBrackets, types) = (file, opt_beautifulizer) writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, TB tb) = (file <<< tb, opt_beautifulizer) writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, TArrow) = (file <<< "(->)", opt_beautifulizer) writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, TArrow1 t) # file = file <<< "((->)" # (file, opt_opt_beautifulizer) = writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, t) # file = file <<< ")" = (file, opt_beautifulizer) writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, TFA vars type) # (file, opt_beautifulizer) = writeType (file <<< "(A.") opt_beautifulizer (form, vars) # (file, opt_beautifulizer) = writeType (file <<< ":") opt_beautifulizer (clearProperty form cBrackets, type) = (file <<< ")", opt_beautifulizer) writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, TQV varid) = (file <<< "E." <<< varid, opt_beautifulizer) writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, TempQV tv_number) = (file <<< "E." <<< tv_number <<< ' ', opt_beautifulizer) writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, TE) = (file <<< "__", opt_beautifulizer) writeType file (Yes beautifulizer) (_, type_var=:TV _) = writeBeautifulTypeVar file beautifulizer type_var writeType file (Yes beautifulizer) (_, GTV tv) = writeBeautifulTypeVar file beautifulizer (TV tv) writeType file (Yes beautifulizer) (_, type_var=:TempV _) = writeBeautifulTypeVar file beautifulizer type_var writeType file _ (form, type) = abort ("<:: (Type) (typesupport.icl)" ---> type) writeTypeTA :: !*File !(Optional TypeVarBeautifulizer) !Format !TypeSymbIdent !a -> (!*File, !Optional TypeVarBeautifulizer) | writeType a writeTypeTA file opt_beautifulizer form {type_ident,type_index,type_arity} types | is_predefined type_index | type_ident.id_name=="_List" = writeWithinBrackets "[" "]" file opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cCommaSeparator, types) | type_ident.id_name=="_!List" = writeWithinBrackets "[!" "]" file opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cCommaSeparator, types) | type_ident.id_name=="_#List" = writeWithinBrackets "[#" "]" file opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cCommaSeparator, types) | type_ident.id_name=="_List!" = writeWithinBrackets "[" "!]" file opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cCommaSeparator, types) | type_ident.id_name=="_!List!" = writeWithinBrackets "[!" "!]" file opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cCommaSeparator, types) | type_ident.id_name=="_#List!" = writeWithinBrackets "[#" "!]" file opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cCommaSeparator, types) | is_lazy_array type_ident = writeWithinBrackets "{" "}" file opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cCommaSeparator, types) | is_strict_array type_ident = writeWithinBrackets "{!" "}" file opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cCommaSeparator, types) | is_unboxed_array type_ident = writeWithinBrackets "{#" "}" file opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cCommaSeparator, types) | is_tuple type_ident type_arity = writeWithinBrackets "(" ")" file opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cCommaSeparator, types) | is_string_type type_ident = (file <<< "String", opt_beautifulizer) | type_arity == 0 = (file <<< type_ident, opt_beautifulizer) | checkProperty form cBrackets # (file, opt_beautifulizer) = writeType (file <<< '(' <<< type_ident <<< ' ') opt_beautifulizer (form, types) = (file <<< ')', opt_beautifulizer) = writeType (file <<< type_ident <<< ' ') opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cBrackets, types) | type_arity == 0 = (file <<< type_ident, opt_beautifulizer) | checkProperty form cBrackets # (file, opt_beautifulizer) = writeType (file <<< '(' <<< type_ident <<< ' ') opt_beautifulizer (form, types) = (file <<< ')', opt_beautifulizer) = writeType (file <<< type_ident <<< ' ') opt_beautifulizer (setProperty form cBrackets, types) where is_predefined {glob_module} = glob_module == cPredefinedModuleIndex is_tuple {id_name} tup_arity = id_name == "_Tuple" +++ toString tup_arity is_lazy_array {id_name} = id_name == "_Array" is_strict_array {id_name} = id_name == "_!Array" is_unboxed_array {id_name} = id_name == "_#Array" is_string_type {id_name} = id_name == "_String" instance writeType ATypeVar where writeType file beautifulizer (form, {atv_attribute,atv_variable}) = writeType file beautifulizer (form, { at_attribute = atv_attribute, at_type = TV atv_variable }) writeWithinBrackets br_open br_close file opt_beautifulizer (form, types) # (file, opt_beautifulizer) = writeType (file <<< br_open) opt_beautifulizer (form, types) = (file <<< br_close, opt_beautifulizer) writeBeautifulTypeVar file beautifulizer=:{tvb_visited_type_vars, tvb_fresh_type_vars} type | sanity_check_failed type = abort "bug nr 12345 in module typesupport" = case assoc_list_lookup (==) type tvb_visited_type_vars of No -> (file <<< hd tvb_fresh_type_vars, Yes { beautifulizer & tvb_visited_type_vars = [(type, hd tvb_fresh_type_vars):tvb_visited_type_vars], tvb_fresh_type_vars = tl tvb_fresh_type_vars }) Yes (_, beautiful_var_name) -> (file <<< beautiful_var_name, Yes beautifulizer) where sanity_check_failed (TV _) = False sanity_check_failed (TempV _) = False sanity_check_failed _ = True writeBeautifulAttrVar file beautifulizer=:{tvb_visited_attr_vars, tvb_fresh_attr_vars} attribute | sanity_check_failed attribute = abort "bug nr 123456 in module typesupport" = case assoc_list_lookup equal_attributes attribute tvb_visited_attr_vars of No -> (file <<< hd tvb_fresh_attr_vars, Yes { beautifulizer & tvb_visited_attr_vars = [(attribute, hd tvb_fresh_attr_vars):tvb_visited_attr_vars], tvb_fresh_attr_vars = tl tvb_fresh_attr_vars }) Yes (_, beautiful_var_name) -> (file <<< beautiful_var_name, Yes beautifulizer) where sanity_check_failed (TA_Var _) = False sanity_check_failed (TA_TempVar _) = False sanity_check_failed _ = True equal_attributes (TA_Var {av_info_ptr=p1}) (TA_Var {av_info_ptr=p2}) = p1==p2 equal_attributes (TA_TempVar i1) (TA_TempVar i2) = i1==i2 equal_attributes _ _ = False instance writeType ConsVariable where writeType file No (_, cons_variable) = (file <<< cons_variable, No) writeType file yes_beautifulizer (_, cv=:(TempQCV _)) = (file <<< cv, yes_beautifulizer) writeType file (Yes beautifulizer) (_, CV tv) = writeBeautifulTypeVar file beautifulizer (TV tv) writeType file (Yes beautifulizer) (_, TempCV i) = writeBeautifulTypeVar file beautifulizer (TempV i) assoc_list_lookup _ _ [] = No assoc_list_lookup equal t1 [hd=:(t2, _):tl] | equal t1 t2 = Yes hd = assoc_list_lookup equal t1 tl cNoPosition :== -1 instance writeType [a] | writeType a where writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, types) = show_list 0 form types (file, opt_beautifulizer) where show_list elem_number form [type] file_opt_beautifulizer | checkProperty form cCommaSeparator = show_elem elem_number (clearProperty form cCommaSeparator) type file_opt_beautifulizer | checkProperty form cArrowSeparator = show_elem elem_number (clearProperty (clearProperty form cArrowSeparator) cBrackets) type file_opt_beautifulizer | checkProperty form cAndSeparator = show_elem elem_number (clearProperty form cAndSeparator) type file_opt_beautifulizer = show_elem elem_number (setProperty form cBrackets) type file_opt_beautifulizer show_list elem_number form [type : types] file_opt_beautifulizer # (elem_format, seperator) = if (checkProperty form cCommaSeparator) (clearProperty form cCommaSeparator, ",") (if (checkProperty form cArrowSeparator) (setProperty (clearProperty form cArrowSeparator) cBrackets, " -> ") (if (checkProperty form cAndSeparator) (clearProperty form cAndSeparator, " & ") (setProperty form cBrackets, " "))) (file, opt_beautifulizer) = show_elem elem_number elem_format type file_opt_beautifulizer = show_list (inc elem_number) form types (file <<< seperator, opt_beautifulizer) show_list elem_number form [] file = file show_elem elem_nr form=:{form_attr_position = No} type (file, opt_beautifulizer) = writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, type) show_elem elem_nr form=:{form_attr_position = Yes ([pos : positions], coercions)} type (file, opt_beautifulizer) | elem_nr == pos = writeType file opt_beautifulizer ({form & form_attr_position = Yes (positions, coercions)}, type) | pos == cNoPosition = writeType file opt_beautifulizer (form, type) = writeType file opt_beautifulizer ({form & form_attr_position = Yes ([cNoPosition], coercions)}, type) show_elem elem_nr form=:{form_attr_position = Yes ([], coercions)} type (file, opt_beautifulizer) = writeType file opt_beautifulizer ({form & form_attr_position = Yes ([cNoPosition], coercions)}, type) from compare_constructor import equal_constructor instance == Format where (==) form1 form2 = equal_constructor form1 form2 instance <<< TypeContext where (<<<) file co = file <<< co.tc_class <<< " <" <<< ptrToInt co.tc_var <<< '>' <<< " " <<< co.tc_types instance <<< AttrCoercion where (<<<) file {ac_demanded,ac_offered} = file <<< ac_demanded <<< " <= " <<< ac_offered instance <<< TempSymbolType where (<<<) file {tst_args, tst_result, tst_context, tst_attr_env } | isEmpty tst_args = file <<< tst_result <<< " | " <<< tst_context <<< " [" <<< tst_attr_env <<< ']' = file <<< tst_args <<< " -> " <<< tst_result <<< " | " <<< tst_context <<< " [" <<< tst_attr_env <<< ']' // MW4.. :: TypeVarBeautifulizer = { tvb_visited_type_vars :: ![(Type, String)] // only TV and TempV , tvb_fresh_type_vars :: ![String] , tvb_visited_attr_vars :: ![(TypeAttribute, String)] // only TA_Var and TA_TempVar , tvb_fresh_attr_vars :: ![String] } initialTypeVarBeautifulizer :: TypeVarBeautifulizer initialTypeVarBeautifulizer = { tvb_visited_type_vars = [], tvb_fresh_type_vars = fresh_vars 'a' 'i' 'a' (-1), tvb_visited_attr_vars = [], tvb_fresh_attr_vars = fresh_vars 'u' (inc 'z') 'u' (-1) } where fresh_vars min max1 ch i | ch==max1 = fresh_vars min max1 min (i+1) = [if (i==(-1)) (toString ch) (toString ch+++toString i): fresh_vars min max1 (inc ch) i] getImplicitAttrInequalities :: !SymbolType -> [AttrInequality] // retrieve those inequalities that are implied by propagation getImplicitAttrInequalities st=:{st_args, st_result} # ineqs1 = get_ineqs_of_atype_list st_args ineqs2 = get_ineqs_of_atype st_result = uniqueBagToList (Pair ineqs1 ineqs2) where get_ineqs_of_atype :: !AType -> .Bag AttrInequality get_ineqs_of_atype {at_attribute=TA_Var outer_av, at_type=at_type=:TA type_symb_ident type_args} = get_ineqs_of_TA_with_TA_Var outer_av at_type type_symb_ident type_args get_ineqs_of_atype {at_attribute=TA_Var outer_av, at_type=at_type=:TAS type_symb_ident type_args _} = get_ineqs_of_TA_with_TA_Var outer_av at_type type_symb_ident type_args get_ineqs_of_atype {at_type} = get_ineqs_of_type at_type get_ineqs_of_TA_with_TA_Var outer_av at_type type_symb_ident type_args # ({tsp_propagation}) = type_symb_ident.type_prop implicit_ineqs_1 = get_superflous_ineqs outer_av type_args tsp_propagation | isEmptyBag implicit_ineqs_1 = get_ineqs_of_type at_type # implicit_ineqs_2 = get_ineqs_of_type at_type = Pair implicit_ineqs_1 implicit_ineqs_2 where get_superflous_ineqs :: !AttributeVar ![AType] !PropClassification -> .Bag AttrInequality get_superflous_ineqs outer_av [] tsp_propagation = Empty get_superflous_ineqs outer_av [{at_attribute}:type_args] tsp_propagation # other_ineqs = get_superflous_ineqs outer_av type_args (tsp_propagation>>1) | tsp_propagation bitand 1==0 // the type doesn't propagate in this argument = other_ineqs = case at_attribute of TA_Var inner_av -> Pair (Single {ai_demanded=inner_av, ai_offered=outer_av}) other_ineqs _ -> other_ineqs get_ineqs_of_type (TA ts args) = get_ineqs_of_atype_list args get_ineqs_of_type (TAS ts args _) = get_ineqs_of_atype_list args get_ineqs_of_type (l --> r) = Pair (get_ineqs_of_atype l) (get_ineqs_of_atype r) get_ineqs_of_type (cv :@: args) = get_ineqs_of_atype_list args get_ineqs_of_type (TArrow1 type) = get_ineqs_of_atype type get_ineqs_of_type (TFA vars type) = get_ineqs_of_type type get_ineqs_of_type _ = Empty get_ineqs_of_atype_list [] = Empty get_ineqs_of_atype_list [a_type:a_types] = Pair (get_ineqs_of_atype a_type) (get_ineqs_of_atype_list a_types) beautifulizeAttributes :: !SymbolType !*AttrVarHeap -> (!SymbolType, !.AttrVarHeap) beautifulizeAttributes symbol_type th_attrs # (nr_of_attr_vars, rev_all_attr_vars, th_attrs) = assignNumbersToAttrVars symbol_type th_attrs (attr_env_coercions, th_attrs) = addAttrEnvInequalities symbol_type.st_attr_env (emptyCoercions nr_of_attr_vars) th_attrs (all_int_inequalities, th_attrs) = mapSt pointers_to_int symbol_type.st_attr_env th_attrs (_, attr_env_coercions) = foldSt removeRedundancy all_int_inequalities (createArray nr_of_attr_vars False, attr_env_coercions) implicit_inequalities = getImplicitAttrInequalities symbol_type (implicit_int_inequalities, th_attrs) = mapSt pointers_to_int implicit_inequalities th_attrs attr_env_coercions = foldSt remove_inequality implicit_int_inequalities attr_env_coercions st_attr_env = coercionsToAttrEnv {el \\ el<-reverse rev_all_attr_vars } attr_env_coercions = anonymizeAttrVars { symbol_type & st_attr_env = st_attr_env } implicit_inequalities th_attrs where pointers_to_int {ai_offered, ai_demanded} th_attrs # (AVI_Attr (TA_TempVar offered), th_attrs) = readPtr ai_offered.av_info_ptr th_attrs (AVI_Attr (TA_TempVar demanded), th_attrs) = readPtr ai_demanded.av_info_ptr th_attrs = ({ ac_offered = offered, ac_demanded = demanded }, th_attrs) remove_inequality {ac_offered, ac_demanded} attr_env_coercions = removeInequality ac_offered ac_demanded attr_env_coercions coercionsToAttrEnv :: !{AttributeVar} !Coercions -> [AttrInequality] coercionsToAttrEnv attr_vars {coer_offered} = flatten [ [ {ai_offered = attr_vars.[offered], ai_demanded = attr_vars.[demanded] } \\ offered <- fst (flattenCoercionTree offered_tree) ] \\ offered_tree<-:coer_offered & demanded<-[0..] ] removeRedundancy :: !AttrCoercion !(!*{#Bool}, !*Coercions) -> (!.{#Bool}, !.Coercions) removeRedundancy {ac_offered, ac_demanded} (visited, attr_env_coercions=:{coer_demanded}) // all i:not visited.[i] # (descendants, coer_demanded) = accCoercionTree flattenCoercionTree ac_offered coer_demanded (path_exists, (visited, coer_demanded)) = searchPath (removeMember ac_demanded descendants) ac_demanded (visited, coer_demanded) #! size = size visited # visited = { visited & [i] = False \\ i<-[0..size-1] } attr_env_coercions = { attr_env_coercions & coer_demanded = coer_demanded } | path_exists // the inequality was redundant (like the first one in [a<=c, a<=b, b<=c] = (visited, removeInequality ac_offered ac_demanded attr_env_coercions) = (visited, attr_env_coercions) where searchPath :: ![Int] Int !(!*{#Bool}, !{!*CoercionTree}) -> (!Bool, (!.{#Bool}, !{!.CoercionTree})) searchPath [] _ visited_coer_demanded = (False, visited_coer_demanded) searchPath [x:xs] goal (visited, coer_demanded) // not visited.[x] | x==goal = (True, (visited, coer_demanded)) # visited = { visited & [x] = True } (descendants, coer_demanded) = accCoercionTree flattenCoercionTree x coer_demanded (xs, visited) = foldSt add_unvisited_node descendants (xs, visited) = searchPath xs goal (visited, coer_demanded) add_unvisited_node :: !Int !(![Int], !u:{#Bool}) -> (![Int], !u:{#Bool}) add_unvisited_node candidate (accu, visited) | visited.[candidate] = (accu, visited) = ([candidate:accu], visited) assignNumbersToAttrVars :: !SymbolType !*AttrVarHeap -> (!Int, ![AttributeVar], !.AttrVarHeap) assignNumbersToAttrVars {st_attr_vars, st_args, st_result, st_attr_env} th_attrs # th_attrs = foldSt initializeToAVI_Empty st_attr_vars th_attrs (nr_of_attr_vars, attr_vars, th_attrs) = performOnAttrVars assign_number_to_unencountered_attr_var (st_args, st_result) (0, [], th_attrs) | fst (foldSt hasnt_got_a_number st_attr_env (False, th_attrs)) = abort "sanity check nr 834 in module typesupport failed" = (nr_of_attr_vars, attr_vars, th_attrs) where assign_number_to_unencountered_attr_var av=:{av_info_ptr} (next_number, attr_vars_accu, th_attrs) # (avi, th_attrs) = readPtr av_info_ptr th_attrs = case avi of AVI_Empty -> (next_number+1, [av:attr_vars_accu], writePtr av_info_ptr (AVI_Attr (TA_TempVar next_number)) th_attrs) _ -> (next_number, attr_vars_accu, th_attrs) hasnt_got_a_number {ai_offered, ai_demanded} (or_of_all, th_attrs) # hnn1 = has_no_number ai_offered th_attrs hnn2 = has_no_number ai_demanded th_attrs = (hnn1 || hnn2 || or_of_all, th_attrs) has_no_number {av_info_ptr} th_attrs = case sreadPtr av_info_ptr th_attrs of AVI_Empty -> True _ -> False //accCoercionTree :: !.(u:CoercionTree -> (.a,u:CoercionTree)) !Int !*{!u:CoercionTree} -> (!.a,!{!u:CoercionTree}) accCoercionTree f i coercion_trees :== acc_coercion_tree i coercion_trees where acc_coercion_tree i coercion_trees # (coercion_tree, coercion_trees) = replace coercion_trees i CT_Empty (x, coercion_tree) = f coercion_tree = (x, {coercion_trees & [i]=coercion_tree}) appCoercionTree f i coercion_trees :== acc_coercion_tree i coercion_trees where acc_coercion_tree i coercion_trees # (coercion_tree, coercion_trees) = replace coercion_trees i CT_Empty = {coercion_trees & [i] = f coercion_tree} flattenCoercionTree :: !u:CoercionTree -> (![Int], !u:CoercionTree) flattenCoercionTree tree = flatten_ct ([], tree) where flatten_ct (accu, CT_Node i left right) # (accu, right) = flatten_ct (accu, right) (accu, left) = flatten_ct ([i:accu], left) = (accu, CT_Node i left right) flatten_ct (accu, _) = (accu, CT_Empty) anonymizeAttrVars :: !SymbolType ![AttrInequality] !*AttrVarHeap -> (!SymbolType, !.AttrVarHeap) anonymizeAttrVars st=:{st_attr_vars, st_args, st_result, st_attr_env} implicit_inequalities th_attrs # th_attrs = countAttrVars st th_attrs th_attrs = foldSt markUsedAttrVars st_attr_env th_attrs th_attrs = foldSt mark_once_occurring_implicit_attr_var implicit_inequalities th_attrs (st_args, th_attrs) = mapSt anonymize_atype st_args th_attrs (st_result, th_attrs) = anonymize_atype st_result th_attrs = ({ st & st_args = st_args, st_result = st_result }, th_attrs) where anonymize_atype atype=:{at_attribute=TA_Var {av_info_ptr}, at_type} th_attrs # (at_type, th_attrs) = anonymize_type at_type th_attrs (avi, th_attrs) = readPtr av_info_ptr th_attrs = case avi of AVI_CountMany -> ({ atype & at_type = at_type }, th_attrs) AVI_CountZero -> ({ atype & at_type = at_type, at_attribute = TA_Anonymous }, th_attrs) AVI_CountOne -> ({ atype & at_type = at_type, at_attribute = TA_Anonymous }, th_attrs) AVI_CountVar _ -> ({ atype & at_type = at_type, at_attribute = TA_Anonymous }, th_attrs) AVI_Attr TA_None -> ({ atype & at_type = at_type, at_attribute = TA_None }, th_attrs) _ -> ({ atype & at_type = at_type }, th_attrs) anonymize_atype atype=:{at_type} th_attrs # (at_type, th_attrs) = anonymize_type at_type th_attrs = ({ atype & at_type = at_type }, th_attrs) anonymize_type (TA tsi args) th_attrs # (args, th_attrs) = mapSt anonymize_atype args th_attrs = (TA tsi args, th_attrs) anonymize_type (TAS tsi args strictness) th_attrs # (args, th_attrs) = mapSt anonymize_atype args th_attrs = (TAS tsi args strictness, th_attrs) anonymize_type (l --> r) th_attrs # (l, th_attrs) = anonymize_atype l th_attrs (r, th_attrs) = anonymize_atype r th_attrs = (l --> r, th_attrs) anonymize_type (TArrow1 type) th_attrs # (type, th_attrs) = anonymize_atype type th_attrs = (TArrow1 type, th_attrs) anonymize_type (cv :@: args) th_attrs # (args, th_attrs) = mapSt anonymize_atype args th_attrs = (cv :@: args, th_attrs) anonymize_type (TFA vars type) th_attrs # (type, th_attrs) = anonymize_type type th_attrs = (TFA vars type, th_attrs) anonymize_type x th_attrs = (x, th_attrs) countAttrVars :: !SymbolType !*AttrVarHeap -> .AttrVarHeap // for all attribute variables: set the attrVarInfo to (AVI_count c) where c is the number of // occurences in of that attribute variable in the SymbolType (excluding inequalities) countAttrVars {st_attr_vars, st_args, st_result} th_attrs # th_attrs = foldSt (\av=:{av_info_ptr} th_attrs -> writePtr av_info_ptr AVI_CountZero th_attrs) st_attr_vars th_attrs = foldSt count_attr_vars_of_atype st_args (count_attr_vars_of_atype st_result th_attrs) where count_attr_vars_of_atype {at_attribute=TA_Var {av_info_ptr}, at_type} th_attrs # (av_info,th_attrs) = readPtr av_info_ptr th_attrs = case av_info of AVI_CountZero -> case at_type of TV {tv_info_ptr} -> count_attr_vars_of_type at_type (writePtr av_info_ptr (AVI_CountVar tv_info_ptr) th_attrs) GTV {tv_info_ptr} -> count_attr_vars_of_type at_type (writePtr av_info_ptr (AVI_CountVar tv_info_ptr) th_attrs) TQV {tv_info_ptr} -> count_attr_vars_of_type at_type (writePtr av_info_ptr (AVI_CountVar tv_info_ptr) th_attrs) _ -> count_attr_vars_of_type at_type (writePtr av_info_ptr AVI_CountOne th_attrs) AVI_CountVar previous_tv_info_ptr -> case at_type of TV {tv_info_ptr} | tv_info_ptr==previous_tv_info_ptr -> count_attr_vars_of_type at_type (writePtr av_info_ptr (AVI_CountVar tv_info_ptr) th_attrs) GTV {tv_info_ptr} | tv_info_ptr==previous_tv_info_ptr -> count_attr_vars_of_type at_type (writePtr av_info_ptr (AVI_CountVar tv_info_ptr) th_attrs) TQV {tv_info_ptr} | tv_info_ptr==previous_tv_info_ptr -> count_attr_vars_of_type at_type (writePtr av_info_ptr (AVI_CountVar tv_info_ptr) th_attrs) _ -> count_attr_vars_of_type at_type (writePtr av_info_ptr AVI_CountMany th_attrs) AVI_CountOne -> count_attr_vars_of_type at_type (writePtr av_info_ptr AVI_CountMany th_attrs) AVI_CountMany -> count_attr_vars_of_type at_type th_attrs count_attr_vars_of_atype {at_type} th_attrs = count_attr_vars_of_type at_type th_attrs count_attr_vars_of_type (TA _ args) th_attrs = foldSt count_attr_vars_of_atype args th_attrs count_attr_vars_of_type (TAS _ args _) th_attrs = foldSt count_attr_vars_of_atype args th_attrs count_attr_vars_of_type (l --> r) th_attrs = count_attr_vars_of_atype l (count_attr_vars_of_atype r th_attrs) count_attr_vars_of_type (TArrow1 t) th_attrs = count_attr_vars_of_atype t th_attrs count_attr_vars_of_type (_ :@: args) th_attrs = foldSt count_attr_vars_of_atype args th_attrs count_attr_vars_of_type _ th_attrs = th_attrs markUsedAttrVars {ai_offered, ai_demanded} th_attrs = writePtr ai_offered.av_info_ptr (AVI_Forward 0) (writePtr ai_demanded.av_info_ptr (AVI_Forward 0) th_attrs) // misuse AVI_Forward to indicate that this attribute variable is referenced in // the attribute inequalities mark_once_occurring_implicit_attr_var {ai_offered={av_info_ptr}} th_attrs # (avi, th_attrs) = readPtr av_info_ptr th_attrs = case avi of AVI_CountOne -> writePtr av_info_ptr (AVI_Attr TA_None) th_attrs _ -> th_attrs removeInequality :: !Int !Int !*Coercions -> .Coercions removeInequality offered demanded attr_env_coercions=:{coer_offered, coer_demanded} # coer_offered = appCoercionTree (removeNode offered) demanded coer_offered coer_demanded = appCoercionTree (removeNode demanded) offered coer_demanded = { attr_env_coercions & coer_demanded = coer_demanded, coer_offered = coer_offered } removeNode :: !Int !*CoercionTree -> .CoercionTree removeNode i1 (CT_Node i2 left right) | i1i2 = CT_Node i2 left (removeNode i1 right) = rightInsert left right where rightInsert :: !*CoercionTree !*CoercionTree -> .CoercionTree rightInsert CT_Empty right = right rightInsert (CT_Node i left right2) right1 = CT_Node i left (rightInsert right2 right1) removeNode i1 CT_Empty = CT_Empty emptyCoercions :: !Int -> .Coercions emptyCoercions nr_of_attr_vars = { coer_demanded = create_a_unique_array nr_of_attr_vars, coer_offered = create_a_unique_array nr_of_attr_vars } where create_a_unique_array :: !Int -> .{!.CoercionTree} create_a_unique_array n = { CT_Empty \\ i <- [1..n] } addAttrEnvInequalities :: ![AttrInequality] !*Coercions !u:AttrVarHeap -> (!.Coercions, !u:AttrVarHeap) addAttrEnvInequalities st_attr_env coercions th_attrs = foldSt add_attr_env_inequality st_attr_env (coercions, th_attrs) where add_attr_env_inequality {ai_offered, ai_demanded} (coercions, th_attrs) # (AVI_Attr (TA_TempVar offered), th_attrs) = readPtr ai_offered.av_info_ptr th_attrs (AVI_Attr (TA_TempVar demanded), th_attrs) = readPtr ai_demanded.av_info_ptr th_attrs = (newInequality offered demanded coercions, th_attrs) optBeautifulizeIdent :: !String -> Optional (!String, !LineNr) optBeautifulizeIdent id_name # fst_semicolon_index = searchlArrElt ((==) ';') id_name 0 | fst_semicolon_index < size id_name # snd_semicolon_index = searchlArrElt ((==) ';') id_name (fst_semicolon_index+1) prefix = id_name % (0, fst_semicolon_index-1) line = toInt (id_name % (fst_semicolon_index+1, snd_semicolon_index-1)) = Yes (prefix_to_readable_name prefix, line) = No where prefix_to_readable_name "_c" = "case" prefix_to_readable_name "_g" = "guard" prefix_to_readable_name "_f" = "filter" prefix_to_readable_name "_if" = "if" prefix_to_readable_name "\\" = "lambda" prefix_to_readable_name prefix | prefix.[0] == 'c' = "comprehension" | prefix.[0] == 'g' = "generator" prefix_to_readable_name _ = abort "fatal error 21 in typesupport.icl" // search for an element in an array searchlArrElt p s i :== searchl s i where searchl s i | i>=size s = i | p s.[i] = i = searchl s (i+1) // ..MW4 removeUnusedAttrVars :: !{!CoercionTree} ![Int] -> Coercions removeUnusedAttrVars demanded unused_attr_vars # nr_of_attr_vars = size demanded coercions = emptyCoercions nr_of_attr_vars coercions = iFoldSt (add_inequalities demanded) 0 nr_of_attr_vars coercions = foldSt redirect_inequalities_that_contain_unused_attr_var unused_attr_vars coercions where add_inequalities :: !{!CoercionTree} !Int !*Coercions -> *Coercions add_inequalities demanded i coercions = foldSt (\demanded coercions -> newInequality i demanded coercions) (fst (flattenCoercionTree demanded.[i])) coercions redirect_inequalities_that_contain_unused_attr_var :: !Int !*Coercions -> *Coercions redirect_inequalities_that_contain_unused_attr_var unused_attr_var coercions=:{coer_offered, coer_demanded} # (offered_attr_vars, coer_offered) = accCoercionTree flattenCoercionTree unused_attr_var coer_offered (demanded_attr_vars, coer_demanded) = accCoercionTree flattenCoercionTree unused_attr_var coer_demanded coer_offered = { coer_offered & [unused_attr_var] = CT_Empty } coer_offered = foldSt (appCoercionTree (removeNode unused_attr_var)) demanded_attr_vars coer_offered coer_demanded = { coer_demanded & [unused_attr_var] = CT_Empty } coer_demanded = foldSt (appCoercionTree (removeNode unused_attr_var)) offered_attr_vars coer_demanded = foldSt (\(offered, demanded) coercions -> newInequality offered demanded coercions) [(offered, demanded) \\ offered<-offered_attr_vars, demanded<-demanded_attr_vars] { coercions & coer_offered = coer_offered, coer_demanded = coer_demanded } getTypeVars :: !a !*TypeVarHeap -> (!.[TypeVar],!.TypeVarHeap) | performOnTypeVars a getTypeVars type th_vars # th_vars = performOnTypeVars initializeToTVI_Empty type th_vars = performOnTypeVars accum_unencountered_type_var type ([], th_vars) where accum_unencountered_type_var _ tv=:{tv_info_ptr} (type_var_accu, th_vars) # (tvi, th_vars) = readPtr tv_info_ptr th_vars = case tvi of TVI_Empty -> ([tv:type_var_accu], writePtr tv_info_ptr TVI_Used th_vars) TVI_Used -> (type_var_accu, th_vars) getAttrVars :: !a !*AttrVarHeap -> (!.[AttributeVar],!.AttrVarHeap) | performOnAttrVars a getAttrVars type th_attrs # th_attrs = performOnAttrVars initializeToAVI_Empty type th_attrs = performOnAttrVars accum_unencountered_attr_var type ([], th_attrs) where accum_unencountered_attr_var av=:{av_info_ptr} (attr_var_accu, th_attrs) # (avi, th_attrs) = readPtr av_info_ptr th_attrs = case avi of AVI_Empty -> ([av:attr_var_accu], writePtr av_info_ptr AVI_Used th_attrs) AVI_Used -> (attr_var_accu, th_attrs) class performOnTypeVars a :: !(TypeAttribute TypeVar .st -> .st) !a !.st -> .st // run through a type and do something on each type variable instance performOnTypeVars Type where performOnTypeVars f (TA _ args) st = performOnTypeVars f args st performOnTypeVars f (TAS _ args _) st = performOnTypeVars f args st performOnTypeVars f (at1 --> at2) st = performOnTypeVars f at2 (performOnTypeVars f at1 st) performOnTypeVars f (cv :@: at) st = performOnTypeVars f cv (performOnTypeVars f at st) performOnTypeVars f (TArrow1 at) st = performOnTypeVars f at st performOnTypeVars f (TFA vars type) st = performOnTypeVars f type st performOnTypeVars f _ st = st instance performOnTypeVars AType where performOnTypeVars f {at_attribute, at_type=TV type_var} st = f at_attribute type_var st performOnTypeVars f {at_attribute, at_type=GTV type_var} st = f at_attribute type_var st performOnTypeVars f {at_attribute, at_type=TQV type_var} st = f at_attribute type_var st performOnTypeVars f {at_attribute, at_type} st = performOnTypeVars f at_type st instance performOnTypeVars ConsVariable where performOnTypeVars f (CV type_var) st = f TA_Multi type_var st instance performOnTypeVars [a] | performOnTypeVars a where performOnTypeVars f [] st = st performOnTypeVars f [h:t] st = performOnTypeVars f t (performOnTypeVars f h st) instance performOnTypeVars (a, b) | performOnTypeVars a & performOnTypeVars b where performOnTypeVars f (a, b) st = performOnTypeVars f b (performOnTypeVars f a st) class performOnAttrVars a :: !(AttributeVar .st -> .st) !a !.st -> .st // run through a type and do something on each attribute variable instance performOnAttrVars Type where performOnAttrVars f (TA _ args) st = performOnAttrVars f args st performOnAttrVars f (TAS _ args _) st = performOnAttrVars f args st performOnAttrVars f (at1 --> at2) st = performOnAttrVars f at2 (performOnAttrVars f at1 st) performOnAttrVars f (_ :@: at) st = performOnAttrVars f at st performOnAttrVars f (TArrow1 at) st = performOnAttrVars f at st performOnAttrVars f (TFA vars type) st = performOnAttrVars f type st performOnAttrVars f _ st = st instance performOnAttrVars AType where performOnAttrVars f {at_attribute=TA_Var attr_var, at_type} st = performOnAttrVars f at_type (f attr_var st) performOnAttrVars f {at_attribute=TA_RootVar attr_var, at_type} st = performOnAttrVars f at_type (f attr_var st) performOnAttrVars f {at_type} st = performOnAttrVars f at_type st instance performOnAttrVars [a] | performOnAttrVars a where performOnAttrVars f [] st = st performOnAttrVars f [h:t] st = performOnAttrVars f t (performOnAttrVars f h st) instance performOnAttrVars (a, b) | performOnAttrVars a & performOnAttrVars b where performOnAttrVars f (a, b) st = performOnAttrVars f b (performOnAttrVars f a st) initializeToTVI_Empty :: a !TypeVar !*TypeVarHeap -> .TypeVarHeap initializeToTVI_Empty _ {tv_info_ptr} th_vars = writePtr tv_info_ptr TVI_Empty th_vars initializeToAVI_Empty :: !AttributeVar !*AttrVarHeap -> .AttrVarHeap initializeToAVI_Empty {av_info_ptr} th_attrs = writePtr av_info_ptr AVI_Empty th_attrs appTypeVarHeap f type_heaps :== let th_vars = f type_heaps.th_vars in { type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars } accTypeVarHeap f type_heaps :== let (r, th_vars) = f type_heaps.th_vars in (r, { type_heaps & th_vars = th_vars }) accAttrVarHeap f type_heaps :== let (r, th_attrs) = f type_heaps.th_attrs in (r, { type_heaps & th_attrs = th_attrs }) foldATypeSt on_atype on_type type st :== fold_atype_st type st where fold_type_st type=:(TA type_symb_ident args) st #! st = foldSt fold_atype_st args st = on_type type st fold_type_st type=:(TAS type_symb_ident args _) st #! st = foldSt fold_atype_st args st = on_type type st fold_type_st type=:(l --> r) st #! st = fold_atype_st r (fold_atype_st l st) = on_type type st //AA.. fold_type_st type=:(TArrow1 t) st #! st = fold_atype_st t st = on_type type st //..AA fold_type_st type=:(_ :@: args) st #! st = foldSt fold_atype_st args st = on_type type st fold_type_st type st = on_type type st fold_atype_st atype=:{at_type} st #! st = fold_type_st at_type st = on_atype atype st