definition module coreclean // $Id$ from strat import Strategy from rule import Rule from syntax import TypeSymbIdent,Ident,TypeVar,ExprInfoPtr,VarInfoPtr,SymbKind,BoundVar,DefinedSymbol,Case from StdOverloaded import ==,toString from StdFile import <<< // Transitive necessities from strat import Substrategy from spine import Spine,Subspine from graph import Graph,Node from syntax import SymbolPtr,SymbolTableEntry,STE_Kind,Index,Level,Global,TypeSymbProperties,SignClassification,PropClassification,TypeVarInfoPtr,TypeVarInfo,ExprInfo,VarInfo,ConsVariable,CasePatterns,Expression,Position from general import BITVECT,Optional from Heap import Ptr,PtrN,HeapN from cleanversion import String :: SuclTypeSymbol = SuclUSER (Global Index) // A user-defined type symbol (index into com_type_def array) | SuclTCVAR ConsVariable // A type constructor variable | SuclFN // THE function type for a function with specified arity | SuclTUPLE Int // The tuple type of the specified size | SuclINT // Built-in integer | SuclCHAR // Etc. | SuclREAL | SuclBOOL | SuclSTRING | SuclDYNAMIC | SuclFILE | SuclWORLD | SuclERROR // Type error :: SuclTypeVariable = SuclANONYMOUS Int | SuclNAMED TypeVar sucltypeheap :: [SuclTypeVariable] :: SuclSymbol = SuclUser SymbKind | SuclCase Case | SuclTupleSelect Int Int // tuple's size and element's index in that order | SuclFieldSelect (Global DefinedSymbol) Int | SuclArraySelect (Global DefinedSymbol) | SuclDictSelect BoundVar // [Selection] // FIXME: from DictionarySelection; what to do with these? | SuclApply Int | SuclInt Int | SuclChar Char | SuclReal Real | SuclBool Bool | SuclString String :: SuclSymbolKind = SuclFunction | SuclConstructor | SuclPrimitive :: SuclVariable = SuclAnonymous Int | SuclNamed VarInfoPtr suclheap :: [SuclVariable] instance == SuclTypeSymbol instance == SuclTypeVariable instance == SuclSymbol instance == SuclVariable instance == SymbKind instance toString SuclTypeSymbol instance <<< SuclTypeSymbol instance toString SuclTypeVariable instance <<< SuclTypeVariable instance toString SuclSymbol instance <<< SuclSymbol instance toString SuclSymbolKind instance <<< SuclSymbolKind instance toString SuclVariable instance <<< SuclVariable // Get the type rule and strictness of a built in core clean symbol coretyperule :: !SuclSymbol -> Rule SuclTypeSymbol SuclTypeVariable corestricts :: SuclSymbol -> [Bool] // Determine if a list of constructors completely covers a given type corecomplete :: SuclTypeSymbol -> [SuclSymbol] -> Bool