implementation module convert tm =: tracemodule "$Id$" import newtest import newfold import coreclean import rule import dnc import graph import basic import checksupport import syntax import RWSDebug import StdEnv import Heaprepr import syntaxrepr mstub = stub "convert" // Derive a symbol representation function for the program suclsymbol_to_string :: {#.DclModule} // DCL modules used .Index // Index of main module in DCL array .CommonDefs // ICL definitions excluding function definitions u:{#FunDef} // Function definitions in ICL -> ( .(SuclSymbol -> String) // Resulting representation function , v:{#FunDef} // Consulted function definitions ) , [u<=v] suclsymbol_to_string dcl_mods main_dcl_module_n icl_common fundefs0 = tm (\sym -> suclsymbol_to_funinfo (funinfo_to_string sym o get_funinfo) sym, fundefs1) where getcommon modindex = if (modindex==main_dcl_module_n) icl_common dcl_mods.[modindex].dcl_common (oldinfos,fundefs1) = get_infos fundefs0 get_funinfo = get_formal_name_and_arity {env_dcls=dcl_mods,env_main=main_dcl_module_n,env_getcommon=getcommon,env_infos=oldinfos} funinfo_to_string sym (id,arity) //= toString sym+++" ("+++id.id_name+++"/"+++toString arity+++")" = id.id_name suclsymbol_to_funinfo symbkind_to_string sym = case sym of SuclUser sk -> symbkind_to_string sk _ -> toString sym /* SuclCase eip -> "_lifted_expression_"+++toString (ptrToInt eip)+++"/?" SuclTupleSelect n i -> "_tupleselect_"+++toString n+++"_"+++toString i+++"/1" SuclFieldSelect gds i -> "_fieldselect_"+++toString gds.glob_object.ds_ident.id_name+++"_"+++toString i+++"/1" SuclArraySelect gds -> "_arrayselect_"+++toString gds.glob_object.ds_ident.id_name+++"/2" SuclDictSelect bv -> "_distselect_"+++toString bv.var_name.id_name+++"/2" SuclApply ar -> "_apply_"+++toString ar+++"/"+++toString (ar+1) SuclInt i -> toString i+++"/0" SuclChar c -> "'"+++toString c+++"'/0" SuclReal r -> toString r+++"/0" SuclBool b -> toString b+++"/0" SuclString s -> "\""+++toString s+++"\""+++"/0" */ // Cocl to Sucl for functions cts_function :: (SuclSymbol -> String) // Get representation of symbol Int // Index of current module u:{#FunDef} // Function definitions (from ICL) -> ( [(SuclSymbol,Rule SuclTypeSymbol SuclTypeVariable)] // Type rule (derives arity) , [(SuclSymbol,[Bool])] // Strict arguments (just main args for now) , [(SuclSymbol,(Int,[Rule SuclSymbol SuclVariable]))] // Arity and rewrite rules , [(SuclSymbol,SuclSymbolKind)] // Kind of symbol , v:{#FunDef} // Consulted function definitions ) , [u<=v] cts_function showsuclsymbol main_dcl_module_n fundefs = tm (typerules,stricts,funbodies,funkinds,fundefs`) where ((typerules,stricts,funbodies,funkinds),fundefs`) = foldrarray_u (convert_fundef showsuclsymbol main_dcl_module_n) ([],[],[],[]) fundefs //foldrarray_u :: (Int a .b -> .b) .b u:{#a} -> (.b,v:{#a}) | uselect_u,usize_u a, [u<=v] foldrarray_u f i xs = fold 0 (usize xs) where fold j (n,xs) | j>=n = (i,xs) = (f j x i`,xs``) where (x,xs`) = xs![j] (i`,xs``) = fold (j+1) (n,xs`) foldlarrayindex f (a,xs0) = fold 0 a xs1 where (s,xs1) = usize xs0 fold j a0 xs2 | j String) Int Index // Index of function in its array FunDef // Function definition to convert ( [(SuclSymbol,Rule SuclTypeSymbol SuclTypeVariable)] // Type rule (derives arity) , [(SuclSymbol,[Bool])] // Strict arguments (just main args for now) , [(SuclSymbol,(Int,[Rule SuclSymbol SuclVariable]))] // Arity and rewrite rules , [(SuclSymbol,SuclSymbolKind)] // Kind of symbol ) -> ( [(SuclSymbol,Rule SuclTypeSymbol SuclTypeVariable)] // Type rule (derives arity) , [(SuclSymbol,[Bool])] // Strict arguments (just main args for now) , [(SuclSymbol,(Int,[Rule SuclSymbol SuclVariable]))] // Arity and rewrite rules , [(SuclSymbol,SuclSymbolKind)] // Kind of symbol ) convert_fundef showsuclsymbol main_dcl_module_n funindex fundef (typerulemap,strictsmap,fundefs0,kindmap) = ( [(funsym,typerule):typerulemap] , [(funsym,stricts):strictsmap] , fundefs1 , [(funsym,kind):kindmap] ) where {fun_arity,fun_body,fun_type,fun_kind} = fundef funsym = SuclUser (SK_Function {glob_module=main_dcl_module_n,glob_object=funindex}) (typerule,stricts) = foldoptional (notyperule,repeatn fun_arity False) convert_symboltype fun_type //notyperule = abort ("convert: convert_fundef: "+++fundef.fun_symb.id_name+++"/"+++toString fun_arity+++": fun_type is absent") notyperule = mkrule (take fun_arity (tl sucltypeheap)) (hd sucltypeheap) emptygraph fundefs1 = convert_functionbody showsuclsymbol main_dcl_module_n funsym fun_body fundefs0 kind = convert_kind fun_kind /****************************************************************************** * TYPE CONVERSION * ******************************************************************************/ /* Convert the SymbolType data structure This type describes the types of (function) symbols We use the principal type Strictness annotations are only handled for direct function arguments */ convert_symboltype :: SymbolType -> (Rule SuclTypeSymbol SuclTypeVariable,[Bool]) convert_symboltype {st_vars,st_args,st_arity,st_result,st_context,st_attr_vars,st_attr_env} = (mkrule typeargs typeroot graph``,stricts) where (heap`,(graph``,typeargs,stricts)) = convert_atypes (sucltypeheap,graph`) st_args // _ => forget annotations of subtypes (_,(graph`,[typeroot:_],[_:_])) = convert_atype st_result (heap`,(emptygraph,[],[])) // _ => forget annotations of result /* Convert a list of attributed type (deriving its principal type for now) Intended to be used by foldlr. A type heap moves from left to right through the list, and is used recursively. The graph is built from right to left, also recursively. The converted types are collected so they may be used as argument to another type application. */ convert_atypes :: ( ([SuclTypeVariable]) , (Graph SuclTypeSymbol SuclTypeVariable) ) [AType] -> ( ([SuclTypeVariable]) , (Graph SuclTypeSymbol SuclTypeVariable,[SuclTypeVariable],[Bool]) ) convert_atypes (heap,graph) atypes = foldlr convert_atype (heap,(graph,[],[])) atypes convert_atype :: AType ( ([SuclTypeVariable]) , (Graph SuclTypeSymbol SuclTypeVariable,[SuclTypeVariable],[Bool]) ) -> ( ([SuclTypeVariable]) , (Graph SuclTypeSymbol SuclTypeVariable,[SuclTypeVariable],[Bool]) ) convert_atype atype (heap,(graph,rest,srest)) = (resheap,(resgraph,[restype:rest],[atype.at_annotation==AN_Strict:srest])) where (resheap,resgraph,restype) = convert_type atype.at_type heap graph convert_type :: Type [SuclTypeVariable] (Graph SuclTypeSymbol SuclTypeVariable) -> ( [SuclTypeVariable] , Graph SuclTypeSymbol SuclTypeVariable , SuclTypeVariable ) // An ordinary type application convert_type (TA typename atypes) heap graph = (heap``,updategraph typevar (typesym,typeargs) graph`,typevar) where (heap``,(graph`,typeargs,_)) = convert_atypes (heap`,graph) atypes // _ => forget annotations of subtypes [typevar:heap`] = heap typesym = SuclUSER typename.type_index // An type constructor application convert_type (tcvar :@: atypes) heap graph = (heap``,updategraph typevar (typesym,typeargs) graph`,typevar) where (heap``,(graph`,typeargs,_)) = convert_atypes (heap`,graph) atypes // _ => forget annotations of subtypes [typevar:heap`] = heap typesym = SuclTCVAR tcvar // A function type (a->b) convert_type (functype --> argtype) heap graph = (heap```,graph```,suclrestype) where (heap``,(graph``,fnargs,[_:_])) = convert_atype functype (heap`,(graph`,suclargtype,[])) // _ => forget annotations of subtypes (heap```,(graph`,suclargtype,[_:_])) = convert_atype argtype (heap``,(graph,[],[])) // _ => forget annotations of subtypes [suclrestype:heap`] = heap graph``` = updategraph suclrestype (SuclFN,fnargs) graph`` // A basic type, which is translated to an application of a basic type symbol to the empty list of arguments convert_type (TB basictype) heap graph = (heap`,graph`,suclbasictype) where [suclbasictype:heap`] = heap graph` = updategraph suclbasictype (convert_btype basictype,[]) graph // A universally quantified type. convert_type (TFA atvs t) heap graph = convert_type t heap graph // => Pretend the universally quantified type is just ordinarily polymorphic // A type variable, used in polymorphism convert_type (TV tvname) heap graph = (heap,graph,SuclNAMED tvname) // A type error convert_type TE heap graph = (heap`,graph`,typevar) where [typevar:heap`] = heap graph` = updategraph typevar (SuclERROR,[]) graph // Anything else will produce an error when actually used convert_type otherform heap graph = (heap`,graph`,typevar) where [typevar:heap`] = heap graph` = updategraph typevar (notimpl,[]) graph notimpl = error ("convert_atype: unknown form of Type: "+++toString otherform) // Convert a basic type to a basic type symbol convert_btype :: BasicType -> SuclTypeSymbol convert_btype BT_Int = SuclINT convert_btype BT_Char = SuclCHAR convert_btype BT_Real = SuclREAL convert_btype BT_Bool = SuclBOOL convert_btype (BT_String _) = SuclSTRING convert_btype BT_Dynamic = SuclDYNAMIC convert_btype BT_File = SuclFILE convert_btype BT_World = SuclWORLD convert_btype _ = error "convert: convert_btype: unhandled BasicType constructor" /****************************************************************************** * IMPORTED FUNCTION CONVERSION * ******************************************************************************/ // Get the arities of the imported functions cts_funtypes :: {#.DclModule} // DCL modules to read types from .Index // Index of main module (because we must ignore its DCL) -> [(.SuclSymbol,Int)] // List of function symbols and their associated arities cts_funtypes dcl_mods main_dcl_module_n = tm flatten mod_arity_lists where mod_arity_lists = maparrayindex mkaritylist dcl_mods mkaritylist dcli dcl | dcli==main_dcl_module_n = [] = maparrayindex (mkarity dcli) dcl.dcl_functions mkarity dcli fti ft = (SuclUser (SK_Function {glob_module=dcli,glob_object=fti}),ft.ft_type.st_arity+length ft.ft_type.st_context) // NOTE: ft.ft_arity does not account for dictionaries that handle class restrictions // therefore, we must derive the arity from the symbol type // However, for FunDefs, the arity is adjusted when dictionaries are introduced // Map a function over an array, producing a list of equal length // The function also gets the element index maparrayindex :: (Int a -> .b) .{#a} -> [.b] | select_u,size_u a maparrayindex f xs = map 0 where map j | j>=sizexs = [] = [f j xs.[j]:map (j+1)] sizexs = size xs /****************************************************************************** * ALGEBRAIC TYPE CONVERSION * ******************************************************************************/ cts_getconstrs :: {#DclModule} // Info from used DCL modules Int // Index of current module in DCL module array CommonDefs // CommonDefs in ICL module (excluding FunDefs) -> [(SuclTypeSymbol,[(SuclSymbol,(Rule SuclTypeSymbol SuclTypeVariable,[Bool]))])] // List of constructor symbols for each type symbol cts_getconstrs dcl_mods main_dcl_module_n icl_common = tm flatten (zipwith f (a2l dcl_mods) [0..]) where f dcl_mod dcli = [convert_typedef commondefs.com_cons_defs dcli typedef \\ typedef <-: commondefs.com_type_defs] where commondefs = if (dcli==main_dcl_module_n) icl_common dcl_mod.dcl_common a2l a = [e \\ e<-:a] convert_typedef :: {#ConsDef} Index (TypeDef TypeRhs) -> (SuclTypeSymbol,[(SuclSymbol,(Rule SuclTypeSymbol SuclTypeVariable,[Bool]))]) convert_typedef constructors dcli typedef = (SuclUSER (mkglobal dcli typedef.td_index),getconstrs constructors dcli typedef.td_rhs) getconstrs constructors dcli (AlgType constrs) = map mkalgconstr constrs where mkalgconstr defsymb = (SuclUser (SK_Constructor (mkglobal dcli defsymb.ds_index)),convert_symboltype constructors.[defsymb.ds_index].cons_type) getconstrs constructors dcli (SynType at) = [] // FIXME: Make sure synonym types are handled correctly elsewhere getconstrs constructors dcli (RecordType rt) = [(SuclUser (SK_Constructor (mkglobal dcli rt.rt_constructor.ds_index)),convert_symboltype constructors.[rt.rt_constructor.ds_index].cons_type)] getconstrs constructors dcli (AbstractType bitvect) = [] // FIXME: Make sure synonym types are handled correctly elsewhere getconstrs constructors dcli (UnknownType) = mstub "getconstrs" "UnknownType constructor not handled" mkglobal gmod gob = {glob_module = gmod, glob_object = gob} /****************************************************************************** * EXPRESSION CONVERSION * ******************************************************************************/ convert_functionbody :: (SuclSymbol->String) Int SuclSymbol FunctionBody [FunBinding SuclSymbol SuclVariable] -> [FunBinding SuclSymbol SuclVariable] convert_functionbody showsuclsymbol main_dcl_module_n funsym (TransformedBody t) fundefs0 = convert_transformedbody main_dcl_module_n funsym t fundefs0 convert_functionbody showsuclsymbol main_dcl_module_n funsym (CheckedBody c) fundefs0 = fundefs0 convert_functionbody showsuclsymbol main_dcl_module_n funsym fb fundefs0 = [(funsym,norule):fundefs0] where norule = mstub "convert_functionbody" ("unexpected FunctionBody constructor "+++fbcn fb+++" for "+++toString funsym+++" ("+++showsuclsymbol funsym+++")") fbcn :: FunctionBody -> String fbcn (ParsedBody pb) = "ParsedBody" fbcn (CheckedBody cb) = "CheckedBody" fbcn (PartioningMacro) = "PartitioningMacro" fbcn (PartioningFunction cb i) = "PartitioningFunction" fbcn (RhsMacroBody cb) = "RhsMacroBody" fbcn (TransformedBody tb) = "TransformedBody" fbcn (Expanding fv) = "Expanding" fbcn (BackendBody bebs) = "BackendBody" fbcn (NoBody) = "NoBody" convert_transformedbody :: Int SuclSymbol TransformedBody [FunBinding SuclSymbol SuclVariable] -> [FunBinding SuclSymbol SuclVariable] convert_transformedbody main_dcl_module_n funsym {tb_args=args,tb_rhs=expression} fundefs0 // Sanity check | not (isEmpty globals1) = abort ("convert: convert_transformedbody: function rhs contains free variables: "+++listToString globals0) = fundefs2 where globals1 = filter (not o flip isMember (map snd bindings)) globals0 fundefs2 = if usedfunsym fundefs1 [(funsym,(length args,[mkrule (map snd bindings) (hd rest) (compilegraph nodes0)])):fundefs1] (_,(nodes0,fundefs1,globals0,rest,usedfunsym)) = convert_expression main_dcl_module_n (Yes (funsym,args)) bindings expression (heap0,([],fundefs0,[],[],False)) heap0 = heap bindings = map mkseen args mkseen fv = (fv.fv_info_ptr,SuclNamed fv.fv_info_ptr) heap = map SuclAnonymous [0..] :: NodeBinding sym var :== (var,Node sym var) :: FunBinding sym var :== (sym,(Int,[Rule sym var])) // Arity and rules for lifted functions :: Econv_state :== ( [SuclVariable] // Heap of node-ids , ( [NodeBinding SuclSymbol SuclVariable]// Nodes of Sucl expression being built , [FunBinding SuclSymbol SuclVariable] // Lifted functions for case/lambda expressions , [SuclVariable] // Free Sucl variables in expression being built , [SuclVariable] // List of variables to which root of expression is prepended (accumulator) , Bool // Whether top level info was reused (ignored on input) ) ) convert_expressions main_dcl_module_n bounds exprs lrinfo = foldlr (convert_expression main_dcl_module_n No bounds) (heap0,(nodes0,fundefs0,globals0,[],False)) exprs where (heap0,(nodes0,fundefs0,globals0)) = lrinfo convert_expression :: Int // Index of current DCL module (Optional (SuclSymbol,[FreeVar])) // Arguments and function symbol to use (to prevent lifted top-level cases) [(VarInfoPtr,SuclVariable)] // Variables bound in the environment Expression // Expression to convert Econv_state // Input expression conversion state -> Econv_state // Resulting expression conversion state convert_expression main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings (Var varinfo) lrinfo = (heap0,(nodes0,fundefs0,globals1,rest`,False)) where (globals1,rest`) = foldmap bound free bindings vip bound node = ([node:globals0],[node:rest]) free = (globals0,[nonode:rest]) where nonode = abort ("convert.convert_expression.Var: expression contains free variable: "+++toString varinfo.var_info_ptr) vip = varinfo.var_info_ptr (heap0,(nodes0,fundefs0,globals0,rest,_)) = lrinfo convert_expression main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings (App appinfo) lrinfo = (heap2,(nodes2,fundefs1,globals1,[root:rest],False)) where [root:heap1] = heap0 (heap2,(nodes1,fundefs1,globals1,args0,_)) = convert_expressions main_dcl_module_n bindings appinfo.app_args (heap1,(nodes0,fundefs0,globals0)) nodes2 = [(root,(SuclUser appinfo.app_symb.symb_kind,args0)):nodes1] (heap0,(nodes0,fundefs0,globals0,rest,_)) = lrinfo convert_expression main_dcl_module_n topinfo bounds (expr @ exprs) lrinfo = (heap2,(nodes2,fundefs1,globals1,[root:rest],False)) where [root:heap1] = heap0 (heap2,(nodes1,fundefs1,globals1,args0,_)) = convert_expressions main_dcl_module_n bounds [expr:exprs] (heap1,(nodes0,fundefs0,globals0)) nodes2 = [(root,(SuclApply (length exprs),args0)):nodes1] (heap0,(nodes0,fundefs0,globals0,rest,_)) = lrinfo convert_expression main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings0 (Let letinfo) lrinfo | not (isEmpty (letinfo.let_strict_binds)) = mstub "convert_expression/Let" "cannot handle strict lets" = (heap2,(nodes2,fundefs2,globals3,rest`,False)) where globals3 = filter (not o flip isMember (map snd bindings1)) globals2 (heap2,(nodes2,fundefs2,globals2,rest`,_)) = convert_expression main_dcl_module_n No bindings1 letinfo.let_expr (heap1,(nodes1,fundefs1,globals1,rest,False)) (heap1,(nodes1,fundefs1,globals1,suclbounds,_)) = convert_expressions main_dcl_module_n bindings1 [lb.lb_src \\ lb<-letinfo.let_lazy_binds] (heap0,(nodes0,fundefs0,globals0)) bindings1 = zip2 boundvars suclbounds++bindings0 boundvars = [lb.lb_dst.fv_info_ptr \\ lb<-letinfo.let_lazy_binds] (heap0,(nodes0,fundefs0,globals0,rest,_)) = lrinfo convert_expression main_dcl_module_n (Yes (introduced_function_symbol,funargs)) bindings (Case caseinfo=:{case_expr=Var selvar}) lrinfo = (heap4,(nodes9,fundefs9,globals9,[root:rest],True)) where // Plan: (0.5) convert selector // (1) convert branches // (1.5) convert default if present // (2) build rules/fundef from branches // (4) build closure node // (4) Build closure node closureargs = map fv2sucl funargs fv2sucl fv = lookup bindings fv.fv_info_ptr nodes9 = [(root,(introduced_function_symbol,closureargs)):nodes8] // (2) build rules/fundef from branches fundefs9 = [(introduced_function_symbol,(length closureargs,map mkalt alternatives++map mkdefaultalt defaultroots)):fundefs8] where mkalt (patroot,reproot,nodes) = mkrule closureargs reproot (compilegraph nodes) mkdefaultalt defaultroot = mkrule closureargs defaultroot (compilegraph defaultnodes) // (1.5) convert default if necessary // Note: there is no surrounding expression; we cannot put the default expression there, so we really have to make the default rule here (heap4,(defaultnodes,fundefs6,globals7,defaultroots,_)) = foldoptional id (convert_expression main_dcl_module_n No bindings) caseinfo.case_default (heap3,([],fundefs5,globals6,[],False)) // (1) convert branches globals8 = innerglobals1++globals7 innerglobals1 = removeDup innerglobals0 (heap3,(innerglobals0,fundefs7,alternatives)) = case caseinfo.case_guards of AlgebraicPatterns _ branches -> foldlr (convert_algebraic_branch main_dcl_module_n patroot bindings) (heap2,([],fundefs6,[])) branches BasicPatterns _ branches -> foldlr (convert_basic_branch main_dcl_module_n patroot bindings) (heap2,([],fundefs6,[])) branches _ -> (heap2,([],fundefs6,error "convert: convert_expression: unhandled CasePatterns constructor")) patroot = lookup bindings selvar.var_info_ptr // (0.5) Convert selector (heap2,(nodes8,fundefs8,globals9,_,_)) = convert_expression main_dcl_module_n No bindings caseinfo.case_expr (heap1,(nodes7,fundefs7,globals8,[],False)) // (0) Claim root node [root:heap1] = heap0 (heap0,(nodes7,fundefs5,globals6,rest,_)) = lrinfo convert_expression main_dcl_module_n _ bindings (Case caseinfo) lrinfo = (heap4,(nodes9,fundefs9,globals9,[root:rest],False)) where // Plan: (0.5) convert selector // (1) convert branches // (1.5) convert default if present // (2) build rules/fundef from branches // (4) build closure node // (4) Build closure node closureargs = (selectorroots++innerglobals1++defaultroots) nodes9 = [(root,(introduced_function_symbol,closureargs)):nodes85] // (2) build rules/fundef from branches fundefs9 = [(introduced_function_symbol,(length closureargs,map mkalt alternatives++map mkdefaultalt defaultroots)):fundefs8] where mkalt (patroot,reproot,nodes) = mkrule ([patroot:innerglobals1++defaultroots]) reproot (compilegraph nodes) mkdefaultalt defaultroot = mkrule (selectorroots++innerglobals1++defaultroots) defaultroot emptygraph // (compilegraph defaultnodes) introduced_function_symbol = SuclCase caseinfo // (1.5) convert default if necessary // Note: the default expression is added to the surrounding expression, and passed as argument to the lifted function for this case (heap4,(nodes85,fundefs6,globals7,defaultroots,_)) = foldoptional id (convert_expression main_dcl_module_n No bindings) caseinfo.case_default (heap3,(nodes8,fundefs5,globals6,[],False)) // (1) convert branches globals8 = innerglobals1++globals7 innerglobals1 = removeDup innerglobals0 (heap3,(innerglobals0,fundefs7,alternatives)) = case caseinfo.case_guards of AlgebraicPatterns _ branches -> foldlr (convert_algebraic_branch main_dcl_module_n patroot bindings) (heap25,([],fundefs6,[])) branches BasicPatterns _ branches -> foldlr (convert_basic_branch main_dcl_module_n patroot bindings) (heap25,([],fundefs6,[])) branches _ -> (heap25,([],fundefs6,error "convert: convert_expression: unhandled CasePatterns constructor")) [patroot:heap25] = heap2 // (0.5) Convert selector (heap2,(nodes8,fundefs8,globals9,selectorroots,_)) = convert_expression main_dcl_module_n No bindings caseinfo.case_expr (heap1,(nodes7,fundefs7,globals8,[],False)) // (0) Claim root node [root:heap1] = heap0 (heap0,(nodes7,fundefs5,globals6,rest,_)) = lrinfo convert_expression main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings (BasicExpr bv bt) lrinfo = (heap1,(nodes1,fundefs0,globals0,[root:rest],False)) where [root:heap1] = heap0 nodes1 = [(root,(convert_bvalue bv,[])):nodes0] (heap0,(nodes0,fundefs0,globals0,rest,_)) = lrinfo convert_expression main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings (Selection _ fromexpr selections) lrinfo = (heap2,(nodes2,fundefs2,globals2,[selroot:rest],False)) where ((nodes2,fundefs2,globals2,selroot),heap1) = foldlr (convert_selection main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings) ((nodes1,fundefs1,globals1,hd fromroots),heap0) selections (heap2,(nodes1,fundefs1,globals1,fromroots,_)) = convert_expression main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings fromexpr (heap1,(nodes0,fundefs0,globals0,rest,False)) (heap0,(nodes0,fundefs0,globals0,rest,_)) = lrinfo convert_expression main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings (TupleSelect {ds_arity=tuplesize} elemindex tupleexpr) lrinfo = (heap2,(nodes2,fundefs1,globals1,[selectionnode:rest],False)) where [selectionnode:heap1] = heap0 nodes2 = [(selectionnode,(SuclTupleSelect tuplesize elemindex,tuplenode)):nodes1] (heap2,(nodes1,fundefs1,globals1,tuplenode,_)) = convert_expression main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings tupleexpr (heap1,(nodes0,fundefs0,globals0,[],False)) (heap0,(nodes0,fundefs0,globals0,rest,_)) = lrinfo convert_expression main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings (Update _ _ _) lrinfo = convert_expression_stub main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings "Update" lrinfo convert_expression main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings (RecordUpdate _ _ _) lrinfo = convert_expression_stub main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings "RecordUpdate" lrinfo convert_expression main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings (WildCard) lrinfo = convert_expression_stub main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings "WildCard" lrinfo convert_expression main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings (AnyCodeExpr _ _ _) lrinfo = convert_expression_stub main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings "AnyCodeExpr" lrinfo convert_expression main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings (ABCCodeExpr _ _) lrinfo = convert_expression_stub main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings "ABCCodeExpr" lrinfo convert_expression main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings (MatchExpr _ _ _) lrinfo = convert_expression_stub main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings "MatchExpr" lrinfo convert_expression main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings (FreeVar _) lrinfo = convert_expression_stub main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings "FreeVar" lrinfo convert_expression main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings (Constant _ _ _ _) lrinfo = convert_expression_stub main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings "Constant" lrinfo convert_expression main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings (ClassVariable _) lrinfo = convert_expression_stub main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings "ClassVariable" lrinfo convert_expression main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings (DynamicExpr _) lrinfo = convert_expression_stub main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings "DynamicExpr" lrinfo convert_expression main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings (TypeCodeExpression _) lrinfo = convert_expression_stub main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings "TypeCodeExpression" lrinfo convert_expression main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings (EE) lrinfo = convert_expression_stub main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings "EE" lrinfo convert_expression main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings (NoBind _) lrinfo = convert_expression_stub main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings "NoBind" lrinfo convert_expression main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings expr lrinfo = convert_expression_stub main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings (toString expr) lrinfo convert_expression_stub main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings constrname lrinfo = (heap1,(nodes1,fundefs0,globals0,[root:rest],False)) where [root:heap1] = heap0 nodes1 = [(root,(mstub "convert_expression_stub" (constrname+++" not handled"),[])):nodes0] (heap0,(nodes0,fundefs0,globals0,rest,_)) = lrinfo convert_algebraic_branch :: Int // Index of main module SuclVariable // Root of pattern [(VarInfoPtr,SuclVariable)] // Locally bound variables, with the expressions they're bound to AlgebraicPattern ( [SuclVariable] , ( [SuclVariable] , [FunBinding SuclSymbol SuclVariable] , [(SuclVariable,SuclVariable,[(SuclVariable,Node SuclSymbol SuclVariable)])] ) ) -> ( [SuclVariable] , ( [SuclVariable] , [FunBinding SuclSymbol SuclVariable] , [(SuclVariable,SuclVariable,[(SuclVariable,Node SuclSymbol SuclVariable)])] ) ) convert_algebraic_branch main_dcl_module_n root bindings0 branch lrinfo = (heap2,(globals2,fundefs1,alternatives1)) where // Unpack conversion state (heap0,(globals0,fundefs0,alternatives0)) = lrinfo // DON'T Claim root node of pattern heap1 = heap0 // Determine constructor symbol conssym = SuclUser (SK_Constructor {glob_module=branch.ap_symbol.glob_module,glob_object=branch.ap_symbol.glob_object.ds_index}) // Determine constructor argument variables consargs = [fv.fv_info_ptr \\ fv <- branch.ap_vars] // Map pattern's arguments to nodes argmap = map (pairwith SuclNamed) consargs // Create pattern's root node definition nodes1 = [(root,(conssym,map snd argmap)):nodes0] // Record pattern's arguments in environment bindings1 = argmap++bindings0 // Convert branch expression (heap2,(nodes0,fundefs1,globals1,rest,_)) = convert_expression main_dcl_module_n No bindings1 branch.ap_expr (heap1,([],fundefs0,globals0,[],False)) // Mask pattern's arguments from globals globals2 = filter (not o flip isMember (map snd argmap)) globals1 // Create root of pattern,root of replacement, defined node of alternative alternatives1 = [(root,hd rest,nodes1):alternatives0] convert_basic_branch :: Int SuclVariable // Root of pattern [(VarInfoPtr,SuclVariable)] // Locally bound variables, with the expressions they're bound to BasicPattern ( [SuclVariable] , ( [SuclVariable] , [FunBinding SuclSymbol SuclVariable] , [(SuclVariable,SuclVariable,[(SuclVariable,Node SuclSymbol SuclVariable)])] ) ) -> ( [SuclVariable] , ( [SuclVariable] , [FunBinding SuclSymbol SuclVariable] , [(SuclVariable,SuclVariable,[(SuclVariable,Node SuclSymbol SuclVariable)])] ) ) convert_basic_branch main_dcl_module_n root bindings branch lrinfo = (heap2,(globals1,fundefs1,alternatives1)) where // Unpack conversion state (heap0,(globals0,fundefs0,alternatives0)) = lrinfo // DON'T Claim root node of pattern heap1 = heap0 // Create pattern's root node definition nodes1 = [(root,(convert_bvalue branch.bp_value,[])):nodes0] // Convert branch expression (heap2,(nodes0,fundefs1,globals1,rest,_)) = convert_expression main_dcl_module_n No bindings branch.bp_expr (heap1,([],fundefs0,globals0,[],False)) alternatives1 = [(root,hd rest,nodes1):alternatives0] convert_bvalue :: BasicValue -> SuclSymbol convert_bvalue (BVI intrepr) = SuclInt (toInt intrepr) //convert_bvalue (BVC charrepr) = SuclChar (fromString charrepr) convert_bvalue (BVC charrepr) = mstub "convert_bvalue" "BVC constructor not handled" convert_bvalue (BVB bool) = SuclBool bool convert_bvalue (BVR realrepr) = SuclReal (toReal realrepr) convert_bvalue (BVS stringrepr) = SuclString (fromString stringrepr) convert_bvalue _ = mstub "convert_bvalue" "unhandled BasicValue constructor" convert_selection :: Int // Index of current DCL module (Optional (SuclSymbol,[FreeVar])) // Arguments and function symbol to use (to prevent lifted top-level cases) [(VarInfoPtr,SuclVariable)] // Variables bound in the environment Selection ( ( [NodeBinding SuclSymbol SuclVariable] // Nodes of Sucl expression being built , [FunBinding SuclSymbol SuclVariable] // Lifted functions for case/lambda expressions , [SuclVariable] // Free Sucl variables in expression being built , SuclVariable // Root of resulting expression selection ) , [SuclVariable] // Heap of fresh node-ids ) -> ( ( [NodeBinding SuclSymbol SuclVariable] // Nodes of Sucl expression being built , [FunBinding SuclSymbol SuclVariable] // Lifted functions for case/lambda expressions , [SuclVariable] // Free Sucl variables in expression being built , SuclVariable // Root of resulting expression selection ) , [SuclVariable] // Heap of fresh node-ids ) convert_selection main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings (RecordSelection fieldname fieldindex) lrinfo = ((nodes1,fundefs0,globals0,root),heap1) where nodes1 = [(root,(symbol,[arg])):nodes0] [root:heap1] = heap0 symbol = SuclFieldSelect fieldname fieldindex ((nodes0,fundefs0,globals0,arg),heap0) = lrinfo convert_selection main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings (ArraySelection gds _ indexexpr) lrinfo = ((nodes2,fundefs1,globals1,root),heap2) where nodes2 = [(root,(symbol,args)):nodes1] [root:heap1] = heap0 symbol = SuclArraySelect gds (heap2,(nodes1,fundefs1,globals1,args,_)) = convert_expression main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings indexexpr (heap1,(nodes0,fundefs0,globals0,[arrayarg],False)) ((nodes0,fundefs0,globals0,arrayarg),heap0) = lrinfo convert_selection main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings (DictionarySelection bv sels _ dictexpr) lrinfo = ((nodes2,fundefs1,globals1,root),heap2) where nodes2 = [(root,(symbol,args)):nodes1] [root:heap1] = heap0 symbol = SuclDictSelect bv // FIXME: What to do with sels::[Selection] ? (heap2,(nodes1,fundefs1,globals1,args,_)) = convert_expression main_dcl_module_n topinfo bindings dictexpr (heap1,(nodes0,fundefs0,globals0,[dictarg],False)) ((nodes0,fundefs0,globals0,dictarg),heap0) = lrinfo convert_kind :: DefOrImpFunKind -> SuclSymbolKind convert_kind (FK_DefFunction b) = SuclPrimitive // Function from a definition module convert_kind (FK_ImpFunction b) = SuclFunction // Function from a (the) implementation module convert_kind FK_DefMacro = SuclFunction // Macro from a definition module convert_kind FK_ImpMacro = SuclFunction // Macro from an implementation module convert_kind _ = error "convert: convert_kind: unhandled DefOrImpFunKind constructor" /**************************************************************** ** Conversion of exported function symbols from cocl to sucl ** ****************************************************************/ cts_exports :: {#DclModule} *PredefinedSymbols Int -> (.PredefinedSymbols,[SuclSymbol]) cts_exports dcl_mods predefs main_dcl_module_n = tm add_start main_dcl_module_n (predefs,map (mk_symbol main_dcl_module_n) (getconversion cFunctionDefs dcl_mods.[main_dcl_module_n])) add_start main_dcl_module_n (predefs0,exports) = (predefs1,extended_exports) where extended_exports = if (pds_module==main_dcl_module_n && pds_def<>NoIndex) [mk_symbol main_dcl_module_n pds_def:exports] exports ({pds_module,pds_def},predefs1) = predefs0![PD_Start] mk_symbol :: Int Index -> SuclSymbol mk_symbol main_dcl_module_n fundef_index = SuclUser (SK_Function {glob_module=main_dcl_module_n,glob_object=fundef_index}) getconversion whichtable dcl=:{dcl_conversions=(Yes conversions)} = [i\\i<-:conversions.[whichtable]] getconversion whichtable dcl=:{dcl_conversions=No} = [0..dcl.dcl_sizes.[whichtable]-1] /********************************************************************* ** Conversion of generated function definitions form sucl to cocl ** *********************************************************************/ /* Necessary global state: - Variables. Variables from original program not reused. Unless maybe for CAFs, forget those for now. - Expressions. For each expression construction. All newly created. - Function symbols. Reuse function symbols where applicable. */ :: VarAlloc = {va_heap :: .Heap VarInfo, va_id :: Int} newvar :: {#.Char} *VarAlloc -> ((Ident, .Ptr VarInfo), .VarAlloc) newvar prefix va = ((ident,viptr),{va_heap=newheap,va_id=nextid}) where ident = { id_name = prefix+++toString va.va_id , id_info = nilPtr } (viptr,newheap) = newPtr VI_Empty va.va_heap nextid = va.va_id+1 //Sucl to Cocl for function bodies //1.3 stc_funcdefs :: PredefinedSymbol // Compiler-predefined String symbol {#.DclModule} // DCL for looking up constructor types Int // Index of current module CommonDefs // Common defs in icl module (excluding FunDefs) Int // Index of first new generated function *ExpressionHeap // Fresh expression space *(Heap VarInfo) // Fresh variable space [Symredresult .SuclSymbol .SuclVariable SuclTypeSymbol SuclTypeVariable] // Function definitions to convert // (SuclSymbol->(Ident,Int)) // Identifier and formal arity of symbol *{#FunDef} // Old function definitions -> ( .ExpressionHeap // Remaining expression space , .(Heap VarInfo) // Remaining variable space , .{#FunDef} // Converted function definitions ) //3.1 /*2.0 stc_funcdefs :: PredefinedSymbol {#.DclModule} Int CommonDefs // Common defs in icl module (excluding FunDefs) Int *ExpressionHeap *(Heap VarInfo) [Symredresult SuclSymbol .SuclVariable a b] *(c FunDef) -> ( .ExpressionHeap , .(Heap VarInfo) , .{#FunDef} ) | Array c FunDef 0.2*/ stc_funcdefs stringtype dcl_mods main_dcl_module_n icl_common firstnewindex exprheap0 varheap0 srrs oldfundefs0 = tm (exprheap1,varheap1,new_fundefs) where new_fundef_limit = foldr max n_oldfundefs [gi.glob_object+1\\{srr_assigned_symbol = SuclUser (SK_Function gi)}<-srrs | gi.glob_module==main_dcl_module_n] {va_heap=varheap1} = varalloc1 (exprheap1,varalloc1,suclinfo1,new_fundefs) = store_newfuns stringtype suclinfo1 (getconsdef dcl_mods main_dcl_module_n icl_common) main_dcl_module_n firstnewindex exprheap0 varalloc0 srrs suclinfo0 (copy_oldfuns oldfundefs2 initialarray) varalloc0 = {va_heap=varheap0,va_id=0} initialarray = createArray new_fundef_limit nofundef nofundef = { fun_symb = noident , fun_arity = 0 // Can't do undef because it's strict , fun_priority = NoPrio , fun_body = NoBody , fun_type = No , fun_pos = NoPos , fun_kind = FK_DefOrImpUnknown , fun_lifted = 0 // FIXME: what's this supposed to be? , fun_info = nofuninfo // Bah. Give me undef any time. } noident = { id_name = "_anonymous_sucl_generated_function_placeholder" , id_info = nilPtr } nofuninfo = { fi_calls = [] // This is a lie. Undef would be better. , fi_group_index = 0 , fi_def_level = NotALevel , fi_free_vars = [] // Variables bound outside function's scope (such functions must be lifted) , fi_local_vars = [] // Variables bound in Case's and Let's , fi_dynamics = [] // Expressions used in dynamics (?) , fi_properties = 0 } (n_oldfundefs,oldfundefs1) = usize oldfundefs0 suclinfo0 = get_formal_name_and_arity {env_dcls=dcl_mods,env_main=main_dcl_module_n,env_getcommon=getcommon,env_infos=oldinfos} getcommon modindex = if (modindex==main_dcl_module_n) icl_common dcl_mods.[modindex].dcl_common (oldinfos,oldfundefs2) = get_infos oldfundefs1 get_infos :: u:{#FunDef} -> ({(Ident,Int)},v:{#FunDef}), [u<=v] get_infos fundefs0 = copy_infos 0 ((createArray nfundefs (undef,undef)),fundefs1) where (nfundefs,fundefs1) = usize fundefs0 copy_infos n (infos,fundefs0) | n store_newfuns stringtype suclinfo getconsdef main_dcl_module_n firstnewindex exprheap1 varalloc1 srrs suclinfo1 fundefs1 where (exprheap1,varalloc1,funbody,localvars,_) = stc_funcdef stringtype suclinfo getconsdef exprheap0 varalloc0 srr.srr_function_def funinfo = { fi_calls = collect_calls main_dcl_module_n funbody , fi_group_index = 0 , fi_def_level = NotALevel , fi_free_vars = [] , fi_local_vars = localvars , fi_dynamics = [] , fi_properties = 0 } fundefs1 = create_or_update_fundefs funindex funbody funinfo fundefs0 (create_or_update_fundefs,suclinfo1) = if (funindex>=firstnewindex) (create_fundef ident srr.srr_arity,adjust newsk (ident,srr.srr_arity) suclinfo0) (update_fundef,suclinfo0) ident = { id_name = "_f"+++toString funindex , id_info = nilPtr } _ -> store_newfuns stringtype suclinfo getconsdef main_dcl_module_n firstnewindex exprheap0 varalloc0 srrs suclinfo0 fundefs0 create_fundef :: Ident .Int Int FunctionBody FunInfo *{#FunDef} -> .{#FunDef} create_fundef ident arity funindex funbody funinfo fundefs = {fundefs & [funindex] = fundef} where fundef = { fun_symb = ident , fun_arity = arity , fun_priority = NoPrio , fun_body = funbody , fun_type = No , fun_pos = NoPos , fun_kind = FK_ImpFunction False , fun_lifted = 0 // FIXME: what's this supposed to be? , fun_info = funinfo } update_fundef :: .Int FunctionBody FunInfo *{#FunDef} -> .{#FunDef} update_fundef index newbody newinfo oldfundefs = {tmpfundefs & [index] = newfundef} where (oldfundef,tmpfundefs) = oldfundefs![index] newfundef = {oldfundef & fun_body = newbody, fun_info = newinfo} stc_funcdef :: PredefinedSymbol // Compiler-predefined String symbol (SymbKind -> (Ident,Int)) // Identifer and formal arity of symbols ((Global Index) -> ConsDef) // Get constructor definition from environment *ExpressionHeap // Fresh expression space *VarAlloc // Fresh variable space (FuncDef SuclSymbol SuclVariable) // Function definition to convert -> ( *ExpressionHeap // Remaining expression space , *VarAlloc // Remaining variable space , FunctionBody // Converted function body , [FreeVar] // List of local variables in the function body (from lets and cases) , [ExprInfoPtr] // List of expression pointers from the function body ) stc_funcdef stringtype suclinfo getconsdef exprheap0 varalloc0 (args,body) = (exprheap1,varalloc2,TransformedBody tb,/*tb.tb_args++*/localvars,eips) where tb = { tb_args = map (mkfreevar 0 o varenv) args , tb_rhs = expr } (exprheap1,varalloc2,expr,localvars,eips) = convert_funcbody stringtype suclinfo getconsdef 1 args varenv exprheap0 varalloc1 [] [] body (varenv,varalloc1) = allocate_vars "_farg" noexpr varalloc0 args noexpr = mstub "std_funcdef" "open variable in rhs but not lhs" mkfreevar :: Level (Ident,VarInfoPtr) -> FreeVar mkfreevar level identvarinfoptr = freevar where freevar = { fv_def_level = level , fv_name = ident , fv_info_ptr = varinfoptr , fv_count = 1 // FIXME: reference counting for case pattern argument not yet implemented } (ident,varinfoptr) = identvarinfoptr mkboundvar :: ExprInfoPtr (Ident,VarInfoPtr) -> BoundVar mkboundvar exprinfoptr identvarinfoptr = boundvar where boundvar = { var_name = ident , var_info_ptr = varinfoptr , var_expr_ptr = exprinfoptr } (ident,varinfoptr) = identvarinfoptr /* Converting a function body: Take a heap of ExprInfo (for some expression forms) Return reduced heap of ExprInfo Take a level for fresh free variables for case patterns For the leaf graphs: Take a list of encountered variables with usage counts Return extended list of encountered variables with their usage counts Take a sharing indication function Take list of let-bindings for shared variables Return extended list of let-bindings for shared variables Take complete list of let-bindings Take mapping from free variables to freevars Take a heap of ExprInfo (for some expression forms) Return reduced heap of ExprInfo Return main expression */ convert_funcbody :: PredefinedSymbol // Compiler-predefined String symbol (SymbKind -> (Ident,Int)) // Identifer and formal arity of symbols ((Global Index) -> ConsDef) // Get constructor definition from environment Level // (Lexical?) level for new variables [SuclVariable] // Nodes from case variables in the environment (SuclVariable -> (Ident,VarInfoPtr)) // Mapping from free nodes to variables *ExpressionHeap // Fresh expression space *VarAlloc // Fresh variable space [FreeVar] // Accumulator for list of local variables in the function body (from lets and cases) [ExprInfoPtr] // Accumulator for list of expression pointers from the function body !(FuncBody SuclSymbol SuclVariable) // Function body to convert -> ( *ExpressionHeap // Modified expression space , *VarAlloc // Modified variable space , Expression // Resulting expression , [FreeVar] // List of local variables in the function body (from lets and cases) , [ExprInfoPtr] // List of expression pointers from the function body ) convert_funcbody stringtype suclinfo getconsdef level patnodes varenv exprheap0 varalloc0 localvars0 eips0 (MatchPattern pattern yesbody nobody) = (exprheap3,varalloc3,match_expression,localvars3,eips3) where (exprheap3,([match_expression:_],eips1)) = mk_match_expression (exprheap2,([],eips0)) (exprheap2,varalloc3,match_failure_expression,localvars1,eips2) = convert_funcbody stringtype suclinfo getconsdef (level+1) patnodes varenv exprheap1 varalloc2 localvars0 eips1 nobody (exprheap1,varalloc1,case_expression,default_refcount,localvars2,eips3) = convert_matchpatterns getconsdef suclinfo build_casebranch patnodes varenv exprheap0 varalloc0 mk_default_expression pgraph level localvars1 eips2 [proot] pgraph = rgraphgraph pattern proot = rgraphroot pattern ((default_ident,default_info_ptr),varalloc2) = newvar "_default" varalloc1 default_freevar = { fv_def_level=level , fv_name=default_ident , fv_info_ptr=default_info_ptr , fv_count=default_refcount } build_casebranch level` patnodes` varenv` localvars0` eips0` exprheap0` varalloc0` = (exprheap1`,varalloc1`,expr`,0,localvars1`,eips1`) where (exprheap1`,varalloc1`,expr`,localvars1`,eips1`) = convert_funcbody stringtype suclinfo getconsdef level` patnodes` varenv` exprheap0` varalloc0` localvars0` eips0` yesbody (mk_default_expression,mk_match_expression,localvars3) = if (default_refcount==1) (mk_match_failure_expression,mk_case_expression,localvars2) (mk_match_failure_reference,mk_let_expression,[default_freevar:localvars2]) mk_match_failure_expression (exprheap`0,(rest,eips`0)) = (exprheap`0,([match_failure_expression:rest],eips`0)) mk_case_expression (exprheap`0,(rest,eips`0)) = (exprheap`0,([case_expression:rest],eips`0)) mk_match_failure_reference (exprheap`0,(rest,eips`0)) = (exprheap`1,([match_failure_reference:rest],eips`1)) where match_failure_reference = Var default_boundvar default_boundvar = { var_name = default_ident , var_info_ptr = default_info_ptr , var_expr_ptr = default_expr_ptr } (default_expr_ptr,exprheap`1) = newPtr EI_Empty exprheap`0 eips`1 = [default_expr_ptr:eips`0] mk_let_expression (exprheap`0,(rest,eips`0)) = (exprheap`1,([let_expression:rest],eips`1)) where let_expression = Let li li = { let_strict_binds = [] , let_lazy_binds = [{lb_dst=default_freevar,lb_src=match_failure_expression,lb_position=NoPos}] , let_expr = case_expression , let_info_ptr = letinfoptr , let_expr_position = NoPos } (letinfoptr,exprheap`1) = newPtr EI_Empty exprheap`0 eips`1 = [letinfoptr:eips`0] convert_funcbody stringtype suclinfo getconsdef level patnodes varenv exprheap0 varalloc0 localvars0 eips0 (BuildGraph srgraph) = new_convert_graph stringtype suclinfo patnodes varenv level srgraph varalloc0 exprheap0 localvars0 eips0 convert_matchpatterns :: ((Global Index) -> ConsDef) // Get ConsDef from environment (SymbKind -> (Ident,Int)) // Identifer and formal arity of symbols ( Int // Level to assign to free variables [SuclVariable] // List of pattern nodes (SuclVariable->(Ident,VarInfoPtr)) // Assigning FreeVars to variables from the environment [FreeVar] // Accumulator for list of local variables in the function body (from lets and cases) [ExprInfoPtr] // Accumulator for list of expression pointers from the function body *ExpressionHeap // Initial expression heap for case branch ->*( *VarAlloc // Initial variable heap for case branch -> ( *ExpressionHeap // Modified expression heap from case branch , *VarAlloc // Modified variable heap from case branch , Expression // Resulting branch expression , Int // Reference count to default expression , [FreeVar] // List of local variables in the function body (from lets and cases) , [ExprInfoPtr] // List of expression pointers from the function body ) ) ) [SuclVariable] // List of pattern nodes (SuclVariable->(Ident,VarInfoPtr)) // Assigning FreeVars to variables from the environment *ExpressionHeap // Initial expression heap *VarAlloc // Initial variable heap ( (*ExpressionHeap,([Expression],[ExprInfoPtr])) -> (*ExpressionHeap,([Expression],[ExprInfoPtr])) ) // Default expression builder (Graph SuclSymbol SuclVariable) // Case pattern to convert Level // Level to assign to fresh free variables [FreeVar] // Accumulator for list of local variables in the function body (from lets and cases) [ExprInfoPtr] // Accumulator for list of expression pointers from the function body [SuclVariable] // Subsequent variables in pattern to match -> ( *ExpressionHeap // Modified expression heap , *VarAlloc // Modified variable heap , Expression // Resulting (case) expression , Int // Modified reference count to default expression , [FreeVar] // List of local variables in the function body (from lets and cases) , [ExprInfoPtr] // List of expression pointers from the function body ) convert_matchpatterns getconsdef suclinfo build_casebranch patnodes varenv exprheap0 varalloc0 mk_default_expression pgraph level localvars0 eips0 [] = (exprheap1,varalloc1,case_expression,refcount,localvars1,eips1) where (exprheap1,varalloc1,case_expression,refcount,localvars1,eips1) = build_casebranch level patnodes varenv localvars0 eips0 exprheap0 varalloc0 convert_matchpatterns getconsdef suclinfo build_casebranch0 patnodes0 varenv0 exprheap0 varalloc0 mk_default_expression pgraph level localvars0 eips0 [pnode:pnodes] | pdef = convert_matchpattern getconsdef suclinfo build_remaining_matcher patnodes0 varenv0 exprheap0 varalloc0 mk_default_expression pgraph level pnode psym localvars0 eips0 pargs = build_remaining_matcher level patnodes0 varenv0 localvars0 eips0 exprheap0 varalloc0 where (pdef,(psym,pargs)) = varcontents pgraph pnode build_remaining_matcher level` patnodes` varenv` localvars` eips` exprheap` varalloc` = convert_matchpatterns getconsdef suclinfo build_casebranch0 patnodes` varenv` exprheap` varalloc` mk_default_expression pgraph level` localvars` eips` pnodes convert_matchpattern :: ((Global Index) -> ConsDef) // Get ConsDef from environment (SymbKind -> (Ident,Int)) // Identifer and formal arity of symbols ( Level // Level to assign to free variables [SuclVariable] // List of pattern nodes (SuclVariable->(Ident,VarInfoPtr)) // Assigning FreeVars to variables from the environment [FreeVar] // Accumulator for list of local variables in the function body (from lets and cases) [ExprInfoPtr] // Accumulator for list of expression pointers from the function body *ExpressionHeap // Initial expression heap for case branch ->*( *VarAlloc // Initial variable heap for case branch -> ( *ExpressionHeap // Modified expression heap from case branch , *VarAlloc // Modified variable heap from case branch , Expression // Resulting branch expression , Int // Reference count to default expression , [FreeVar] // List of local variables in the function body (from lets and cases) , [ExprInfoPtr] // List of expression pointers from the function body ) ) ) [SuclVariable] // List of pattern nodes (SuclVariable->(Ident,VarInfoPtr)) // Assigning FreeVars to variables from the environment *ExpressionHeap // Initial expression heap *VarAlloc // Initial variable heap ( (*ExpressionHeap,([Expression],[ExprInfoPtr])) -> (*ExpressionHeap,([Expression],[ExprInfoPtr])) ) // Default expression builder (Graph SuclSymbol SuclVariable) // Case pattern to convert Level // Level to assign to fresh free variables SuclVariable SuclSymbol [FreeVar] // Accumulator for list of local variables in the function body (from lets and cases) [ExprInfoPtr] // Accumulator for list of expression pointers from the function body [SuclVariable] // Subsequent variables in pattern to match -> ( *ExpressionHeap // Modified expression heap , *VarAlloc // Modified variable heap , Expression // Resulting (case) expression , Int // Modified reference count to default expression , [FreeVar] // List of local variables in the function body (from lets and cases) , [ExprInfoPtr] // List of expression pointers from the function body ) convert_matchpattern getconsdef suclinfo build_casebranch patnodes0 varenv0 exprheap0 varalloc0 mk_default_expression pgraph level pnode psym localvars0 eips0 pargs = (exprheap4,varalloc2,case_expression,1+refcount,freevars++localvars1,[cip,bvip:eips2]) where (exprheap3,varalloc2,branch_expression,refcount,localvars1,eips2) = convert_matchpatterns getconsdef suclinfo build_casebranch patnodes1 varenv1 exprheap2 varalloc1 mk_default_expression pgraph (level+1) localvars0 eips1 pargs (cip,exprheap1) = newPtr EI_Empty exprheap0 (bvip,exprheap2) = newPtr EI_Empty exprheap1 case_expression = Case ci ci = { case_expr = Var (mkboundvar bvip (varenv0 pnode)) , case_guards = cps , case_default = Yes default_expression , case_ident = No , case_info_ptr = cip , case_explicit = True // We don't want the case default propagation rule to apply for things we generate , case_default_pos = NoPos } (exprheap4,([default_expression:_],eips1)) = mk_default_expression (exprheap3,([],eips0)) cps = convert_constructor getconsdef psym freevars branch_expression (varenv1,varalloc1) = allocate_vars "_parg" varenv0 varalloc0 pargs patnodes1 = pargs++patnodes0 freevars = map (mkfreevar level o varenv1) pargs allocate_vars :: {#.Char} (SuclVariable->(Ident,VarInfoPtr)) *VarAlloc .[SuclVariable] -> ( (SuclVariable->(Ident,VarInfoPtr)) , .VarAlloc ) allocate_vars prefix varenv0 varalloc0 [] = (varenv0,varalloc0) allocate_vars prefix varenv0 varalloc0 [pnode:pnodes] = (varenv2,varalloc2) where ((ident,varinfoptr),varalloc1) = newvar prefix varalloc0 (varenv1,varalloc2) = allocate_vars prefix varenv0 varalloc1 pnodes varenv2 = adjust pnode (ident,varinfoptr) varenv1 convert_constructor :: ((Global Index) -> ConsDef) SuclSymbol [FreeVar] Expression -> CasePatterns convert_constructor getconsdef (SuclInt i) [] expr = mkbps BT_Int (BVI (toString i)) expr convert_constructor getconsdef (SuclChar c) [] expr = mkbps BT_Char (BVC (toString c)) expr convert_constructor getconsdef (SuclReal r) [] expr = mkbps BT_Real (BVR (toString r)) expr convert_constructor getconsdef (SuclBool b) [] expr = mkbps BT_Bool (BVB b ) expr convert_constructor getconsdef (SuclString s) [] expr = mkbps (BT_String notype) (BVS s) expr where notype = mstub "convert_constructor" "no argument for basic string type" convert_constructor getconsdef (SuclUser (SK_Constructor consindex)) freevars expr = AlgebraicPatterns typedefindex [ap] where typedefindex = {glob_module=consmodule,glob_object=consdef.cons_type_index} consmodule = consindex.glob_module consdef = getconsdef consindex defsymb = { ds_ident = consdef.cons_symb , ds_arity = consdef.cons_type.st_arity , ds_index = consindex.glob_object } globdefsymb = { glob_module = consmodule , glob_object = defsymb } ap = { ap_symbol = globdefsymb , ap_vars = freevars , ap_expr = expr , ap_position = NoPos } convert_constructor _ _ _ _ = mstub "convert_constructor" "unexpected SUCL pattern form" mkbps bt bv expr = BasicPatterns bt [bp] where bp = { bp_value = bv , bp_expr = expr , bp_position = NoPos } /* Converting a function body: Take a heap of ExprInfo (for some expression forms) Return reduced heap of ExprInfo Take a level for fresh free variables for case patterns For the leaf graphs: Take a list of encountered variables with usage counts Return extended list of encountered variables with their usage counts Take a sharing indication function Take list of let-bindings for shared variables Return extended list of let-bindings for shared variables Take complete list of let-bindings Take mapping from free variables to freevars Take a heap of ExprInfo (for some expression forms) Return reduced heap of ExprInfo Return main expression */ :: ExpressionMaker :== SuclVariable -> Expression new_convert_graph :: .PredefinedSymbol // Predefined type of string representations (SymbKind -> (Ident,Int)) // Identifer and formal arity of symbols [.SuclVariable] // Variables in the patterns of the surrounding cases (SuclVariable -> .(Ident,VarInfoPtr)) // Get information on variables bound in surrounding cases .Level // Nesting level for new variables (Rgraph .SuclSymbol .SuclVariable) // Rooted graph (replacement of rule) to convert *VarAlloc // Variable allocation information (heap) *ExpressionHeap // Expression allocation information (heap) u:[FreeVar] // Heap-allocated bound variables (from lets) (accumulator argument) .[ExprInfoPtr] // Heap-allocated expressions (accumulator argument) -> ( .ExpressionHeap // Reduced expression heap , .VarAlloc // Reduced variable allocation info , Expression // Resulting expression , v:[FreeVar] // Heap-allocated bound variables (from lets) , [ExprInfoPtr] // Heap-allocated expressions ) , [u <= v] new_convert_graph stringtype suclinfo patnodes varenv level srgraph varalloc0 exprheap0 localvars0 eips0 = (exprheap4,varalloc1,expression,localvars1,eips4) where (closeds,_) = graphvars sgraph [sroot] sgraph = rgraphgraph srgraph; sroot = rgraphroot srgraph refcounter = refcount sgraph [sroot] shareds = [var \\ var <- closeds | refcounter var>1] -- patnodes mksubexpr = foldr (mkfreevarref varenv) tmpmksubexpr patnodes (varalloc1,(tmpmksubexpr,letbinds,localvars1)) = foldlr (bind_a_variable refcounter level lookup_unshared) (varalloc0,(mkunsharedsubexpr,[],localvars0)) shareds mkunsharedsubexpr uvar (uexprheap,(urest,ueips)) = (uexprheap,([lookup_unshared uvar:urest],ueips)) (exprheap4,(exprs,eips1)) = foldlr (new_convert_graph_node stringtype suclinfo sgraph mksubexpr) (exprheap3,([],eips0)) closeds exprmap = zip2 closeds exprs lookup_unshared = plookup toString exprmap (exprheap3,([rootexpression:_],eips2)) = mksubexpr sroot (exprheap2,([],eips1)) (exprheap2,(expression,eips4)) = (if (isEmpty shareds) id (buildletexpr letbinds)) (exprheap0,(rootexpression,eips2)) mkfreevarref varenv patvar defaultmksubexpr = mksubexpr where mksubexpr var (exprheap0,(rest,eips0)) = if (var==patvar) (exprheap1,([Var boundvar:rest],eips1)) (defaultmksubexpr var (exprheap0,(rest,eips0))) where boundvar = { var_name = ident , var_info_ptr = varinfoptr , var_expr_ptr = varexprptr } (varexprptr,exprheap1) = newPtr EI_Empty exprheap0 eips1 = [varexprptr:eips0] (ident,varinfoptr) = varenv patvar buildletexpr letbinds (exprheap0,(rootexpression,eips0)) = (exprheap1,(Let letinfo,eips1)) where letinfo = { let_strict_binds = [] , let_lazy_binds = letbinds , let_expr = rootexpression , let_info_ptr = letinfoptr , let_expr_position = NoPos } (letinfoptr,exprheap1) = newPtr EI_Empty exprheap0 eips1 = [letinfoptr:eips0] bind_a_variable refcounter level lookup_unshared var (varalloc0,(defaultmksubexpr,rest,localvars0)) = (varalloc1,(mksubexpr,[lb:rest],localvars1)) where lb = { lb_dst = freevar , lb_src = lookup_unshared var , lb_position = NoPos } freevar = { fv_def_level = level , fv_name = ident , fv_info_ptr = varinfoptr , fv_count = refcounter var } mksubexpr var` (exprheap0,(rest,eips0)) = if (var`==var) (exprheap1,([Var boundvar:rest],eips1)) (defaultmksubexpr var` (exprheap0,(rest,eips0))) where boundvar = { var_name = ident , var_info_ptr = varinfoptr , var_expr_ptr = varexprptr } (varexprptr,exprheap1) = newPtr EI_Empty exprheap0 eips1 = [varexprptr:eips0] ((ident,varinfoptr),varalloc1) = newvar "_share" varalloc0 localvars1 = [freevar:localvars0] new_convert_graph_node :: .PredefinedSymbol (SymbKind -> (Ident,Int)) // Identifer and formal arity of symbols (Graph .SuclSymbol SuclVariable) ( SuclVariable ( eh1:ExpressionHeap , ( [Expression] , ip2:[ExprInfoPtr] ) ) -> ( eh0:ExpressionHeap , ( [Expression] , ip0:[ExprInfoPtr] ) ) ) SuclVariable ( *ExpressionHeap , ( [Expression] , ip1:[ExprInfoPtr] ) ) -> ( eh2:ExpressionHeap , ( [Expression] , [ExprInfoPtr] ) ) , [eh0<=eh1,eh0<=eh2,ip0 ip1<=ip2] new_convert_graph_node stringtype suclinfo graph mksubexpr var (exprheap0,(rest,eips0)) = (exprheap2,([expr:rest],eips2)) where (expr,exprheap1,eips2) = convert_graph_symbol stringtype suclinfo sym subexprs exprheap0 eips1 (exprheap2,(subexprs,eips1)) = foldlr mksubexpr (exprheap1,([],eips0)) args (_,(sym,args)) = varcontents graph var convert_graph_symbol :: PredefinedSymbol (SymbKind -> (Ident,Int)) // Identifer and formal arity of symbols !SuclSymbol [Expression] *ExpressionHeap [ExprInfoPtr] -> ( Expression , *ExpressionHeap , [ExprInfoPtr] ) convert_graph_symbol stringtype suclinfo (SuclInt i) [] exprheap eips = (BasicExpr (BVI (toString i)) BT_Int ,exprheap,eips) convert_graph_symbol stringtype suclinfo (SuclChar c) [] exprheap eips = (BasicExpr (BVC (toString c)) BT_Char ,exprheap,eips) convert_graph_symbol stringtype suclinfo (SuclReal r) [] exprheap eips = (BasicExpr (BVR (toString r)) BT_Real ,exprheap,eips) convert_graph_symbol stringtype suclinfo (SuclBool b) [] exprheap eips = (BasicExpr (BVB b ) BT_Bool ,exprheap,eips) convert_graph_symbol stringtype suclinfo (SuclString s) [] exprheap eips = (makeStringExpr stringtype s ,exprheap,eips) convert_graph_symbol stringtype suclinfo (SuclApply arity) [argexpr:argexprs] exprheap eips = (argexpr @ argexprs,exprheap,eips) convert_graph_symbol stringtype suclinfo (SuclUser symbkind) argexprs exprheap0 eips0 = (App app,exprheap1,[appinfoptr:eips0]) where app = { app_symb = symbident , app_args = argexprs , app_info_ptr = appinfoptr } symbident = { symb_name = ident , symb_kind = symbkind , symb_arity = length argexprs } (ident,_) = suclinfo symbkind (appinfoptr,exprheap1) = newPtr EI_Empty exprheap0 convert_graph_symbol _ _ _ _ exprheap eips = (mstub "convert_graph_symbol" "unexpected application form in graph node",exprheap,eips) // Magic from Artem makeStringExpr :: !PredefinedSymbol String -> Expression makeStringExpr stringtype str = BasicExpr (BVS str) (BT_String (TA type_symb [])) where {pds_ident, pds_module, pds_def} = stringtype type_symb = MakeTypeSymbIdent { glob_module = pds_module, glob_object = pds_def } pds_ident 0 //collect_calls :: Int FunctionBody -> [FunCall] collect_calls main_dcl_module_n (TransformedBody tb) = foldr (addfuncall main_dcl_module_n) [] symbidents where symbidents = collect_expr_calls tb.tb_rhs [] collect_calls _ _ = mstub "collect_calls" "unexpected FunctionBody form" addfuncall main_dcl_module_n {symb_kind=SK_Function {glob_module=modindex,glob_object=funindex}} rest | modindex == main_dcl_module_n = [{fc_level=NotALevel,fc_index=funindex}:rest] addfuncall _ _ rest = rest //collect_expr_calls :: Expression [SymbIdent] -> [SymbIdent] collect_expr_calls (App app) rest = [app.app_symb:foldr collect_expr_calls rest app.app_args] collect_expr_calls (expr@exprs) rest = collect_expr_calls expr (foldr collect_expr_calls rest exprs) collect_expr_calls (Let li) rest = collect_expr_calls li.let_expr (foldr collect_letbind_calls (foldr collect_letbind_calls rest li.let_lazy_binds) li.let_strict_binds) collect_expr_calls (Case ci) rest = collect_expr_calls ci.case_expr (collect_casepatterns_calls ci.case_guards (foldoptional id collect_expr_calls ci.case_default rest)) collect_expr_calls (Selection optgd expr sels) rest = collect_expr_calls expr (foldr collect_sel_calls rest sels) collect_expr_calls (Update expr1 sels expr2) rest = collect_expr_calls expr1 (foldr collect_sel_calls (collect_expr_calls expr2 rest) sels) collect_expr_calls (RecordUpdate gds expr binds) rest = collect_expr_calls expr (foldr collect_bind_calls rest binds) collect_expr_calls (TupleSelect ds i expr) rest = collect_expr_calls expr rest //collect_expr_calls (Lambda fvs expr) rest = collect_expr_calls expr rest collect_expr_calls (Conditional cond) rest = collect_expr_calls cond.if_cond (collect_expr_calls cond.if_then (foldoptional id collect_expr_calls cond.if_else rest)) collect_expr_calls (MatchExpr ogds gds expr) rest = collect_expr_calls expr rest collect_expr_calls (DynamicExpr dyn) rest = collect_expr_calls dyn.dyn_expr (collect_tce_calls dyn.dyn_type_code rest) //collect_expr_calls (TypeCase tc) rest = collect_expr_calls tc.type_case_dynamic (foldr collect_dp_calls (foldoptional id collect_expr_calls rest) tc.type_case_patterns) collect_expr_calls (TypeCodeExpression tce) rest = collect_tce_calls tce rest collect_expr_calls _ rest = rest collect_letbind_calls lb rest = collect_expr_calls lb.lb_src rest collect_casepatterns_calls (AlgebraicPatterns gi aps) rest = foldr collect_ap_calls rest aps collect_casepatterns_calls (BasicPatterns gi bps) rest = foldr collect_bp_calls rest bps collect_casepatterns_calls (DynamicPatterns dps) rest = foldr collect_dp_calls rest dps collect_casepatterns_calls NoPattern rest = rest collect_ap_calls ap rest = collect_expr_calls ap.ap_expr rest collect_bp_calls bp rest = collect_expr_calls bp.bp_expr rest collect_dp_calls dp rest = collect_tce_calls dp.dp_type_code (collect_expr_calls dp.dp_rhs rest) collect_sel_calls (RecordSelection gds i) rest = rest collect_sel_calls (ArraySelection gds eip expr) rest = collect_expr_calls expr rest collect_sel_calls (DictionarySelection bv sels sip expr) rest = foldr collect_sel_calls (collect_expr_calls expr rest) sels collect_bind_calls b rest = collect_expr_calls b.bind_src rest collect_tce_calls (TCE_Constructor i tces) rest = foldr collect_tce_calls rest tces collect_tce_calls (TCE_Selector sels vip) rest = foldr collect_sel_calls rest sels collect_tce_calls _ rest = rest fold_funcbody :: ((Rgraph sym var) .result .result -> .result) ((Rgraph sym var) -> .result) !.(FuncBody sym var) -> .result fold_funcbody matchpattern buildgraph funcbody = fold funcbody where fold (MatchPattern pattern yesbody nobody) = matchpattern pattern (fold yesbody) (fold nobody) fold (BuildGraph expression) = buildgraph expression showfundefs :: (*File,*{#FunDef}) -> (.File,.{#FunDef}) showfundefs filefundefs = tm foldlarrayindex f filefundefs where f file index fundef = file <<< "Function #" <<< toString index <<< nl <<< fundef <<< nl /* instance <<< DefinedSymbol where (<<<) file {ds_ident,ds_arity,ds_index} = file <<< "{ds_ident=" <<< ds_ident <<< ",ds_arity=" <<< ds_arity <<< ",ds_index=" <<< ds_index <<< "}" instance <<< AlgebraicPattern where (<<<) file {ap_symbol,ap_vars,ap_expr,ap_position} = file <<< "{ap_symbol=" <<< ap_symbol <<< ",ap_vars=" <<< ap_vars <<< ",ap_expr=" <<< ap_expr <<< ",ap_position=" <<< ap_position <<< "}" */ :: Environment = { env_getcommon :: Index -> CommonDefs , env_main :: Index , env_dcls :: {#DclModule} , env_infos :: {(Ident,Int)} } get_formal_name_and_arity :: Environment SymbKind -> (Ident,Int) get_formal_name_and_arity env (SK_Function {glob_module,glob_object}) = if (glob_module==env.env_main) (get_formal_name_and_arity_from_fundef env glob_object) (get_formal_name_and_arity_from_funtype env glob_module glob_object) get_formal_name_and_arity env (SK_OverloadedFunction {glob_module,glob_object}) # memberdef = (env.env_getcommon glob_module).com_member_defs.[glob_object] # classdef = (env.env_getcommon memberdef.me_class.glob_module).com_class_defs.[memberdef.me_class.glob_object] = (memberdef.me_symb,classdef.class_arity) get_formal_name_and_arity env (SK_Constructor {glob_module,glob_object}) # consdef = (env.env_getcommon glob_module).com_cons_defs.[glob_object] = (consdef.cons_symb,consdef.cons_type.st_arity) get_formal_name_and_arity env sk = (noident,noarity) where noident = {id_name = "", id_info = nilPtr} noarity = -1 sk_descr (SK_Unknown) = "Unknown" sk_descr (SK_Function _) = "Function" sk_descr (SK_LocalMacroFunction _) = "LocalMacroFunction" sk_descr (SK_OverloadedFunction _) = "OverloadedFunction" sk_descr (SK_Generic _ _) = "Generic" sk_descr (SK_Constructor _) = "Constructor" sk_descr (SK_Macro _) = "Macro" sk_descr (SK_GeneratedFunction _ _) = "GeneratedFunction" sk_descr (SK_TypeCode) = "TypeCode" get_formal_name_and_arity_from_fundef env funindex = env.env_infos.[funindex] get_formal_name_and_arity_from_funtype env modindex funindex # funtype = env.env_dcls.[modindex].dcl_functions.[funindex] # symtype = funtype.ft_type = (funtype.ft_symb,symtype.st_arity+length symtype.st_context) // NOTE: ft_arity does not account for the context because DCL functions are not transformed