implementation module Tonic.GraphGen // Task Oriented Notation Illustrated on a Canvas //import syntax, checksupport, StdFile //from CoclSystemDependent import DirectorySeparator, ensureCleanSystemFilesExists import syntax, predef, checksupport import StdFunc from StdList import last ////import Tonic.TonicAG import Tonic.Util import Tonic.AbsSyn import Tonic.Pretty import Data.Func import Data.Maybe import Data.List import Data.Graph from Data.Map import :: Map import qualified Data.Map as DM from Data.Set import :: Set import qualified Data.Set as DS import qualified Text.PPrint as PPrint import iTasks._Framework.Tonic.AbsSyn import StdMisc /* [(x, y) \\ x <- xs & y <- ys] == for each x in xs together with y in ys (x, y) [(x, y, z) \\ x <- xs & y <- ys & z <- zs] == for each x in xs together with y in ys together with z in zs (x, y, z) [(x, y, z) \\ x <- xs & y <- ys & z <- zs | x == y && y == z] == for each x in xs together with y in ys together with z in zs given x == y && y == z (x, y, z) [(x, y) \\ x <- xs, y <- ys] == for each x in xs after y in ys (x, y) [(x, y, z) \\ x <- xs, y <- ys, z <- zs] == for each x in xs after y in ys after z in zs (x, y, z) [(x, y, z) \\ x <- xs, y <- ys, z <- zs | x == y && y == z] == for each x in xs after y in ys after z in zs given x == y && y == z (x, y, z) */ //mkCompr :: ParsedExpr -> TExpr //mkCompr (PE_ListCompr _ _ expr qualifiers) = TListCompr (TCleanExpr [] (mkLCExpr expr)) [] (PPCleanExpr "TODO GUARDS") //where //mkLCExpr (PE_Ident ident) = PPCleanExpr ident.id_name //mkLCExpr (PE_Basic b) = PPCleanExpr (ppCompact (ppBasicValue b)) //mkLCExpr (PE_Tuple es) = AppCleanExpr TNoAssoc (predefined_idents.[GetTupleConsIndex (length es)].id_name) (map mkLCExpr es) //mkLCExpr _ = PPCleanExpr "TODO" //mkLCExpr lc=:(PE_ListCompr _ _ _ _) = "PE_ListCompr" //mkLCExpr (PE_List _) = "PE_List" //mkLCExpr (PE_Bound be) = "PE_Bound" //mkLCExpr (PE_Lambda _ _ _ _) = "PE_Lambda" //mkLCExpr (PE_Record _ _ _) = "PE_Record" //mkLCExpr (PE_ArrayPattern _) = "PE_ArrayPattern" //mkLCExpr (PE_UpdateComprehension _ _ _ _) = "PE_UpdateComprehension" //mkLCExpr (PE_ArrayDenot _ _) = "PE_ArrayDenot" //mkLCExpr (PE_Selection _ _ _) = "PE_Selection" //mkLCExpr (PE_Update _ _ _) = "PE_Update" //mkLCExpr (PE_Case _ _ _) = "PE_Case" //mkLCExpr (PE_If _ _ _ _) = "PE_If" //mkLCExpr (PE_Let _ _) = "PE_Let" //mkLCExpr (PE_ArrayCompr _ _ _) = "PE_ArrayCompr" //mkLCExpr (PE_Sequ _) = "PE_Sequ" //mkLCExpr (PE_WildCard) = "PE_WildCard" //mkLCExpr (PE_Matches _ _ _ _) = "PE_Matches" //mkLCExpr (PE_QualifiedIdent _ _) = "PE_QualifiedIdent" //mkLCExpr (PE_ABC_Code _ _) = "PE_ABC_Code" //mkLCExpr (PE_Any_Code _ _ _) = "PE_Any_Code" //mkLCExpr (PE_DynamicPattern _ _) = "PE_DynamicPattern" //mkLCExpr (PE_Dynamic _ _) = "PE_Dynamic" //mkLCExpr (PE_Generic _ _) = "PE_Generic" //mkLCExpr (PE_TypeSignature _ _) = "PE_TypeSignature" //mkLCExpr (PE_Empty) = "PE_Empty" //ppPE lc=:(PE_ListCompr _ _ _ _) = "PE_ListCompr" //ppPE (PE_List _) = "PE_List" //ppPE (PE_Ident ident) = ident.id_name //ppPE (PE_Basic _) = "PE_Basic" //ppPE (PE_Bound _) = "PE_Bound" //ppPE (PE_Lambda _ _ _ _) = "PE_Lambda" //ppPE (PE_Tuple es) = predefined_idents.[GetTupleConsIndex (length es)].id_name //ppPE (PE_Record _ _ _) = "PE_Record" //ppPE (PE_ArrayPattern _) = "PE_ArrayPattern" //ppPE (PE_UpdateComprehension _ _ _ _) = "PE_UpdateComprehension" //ppPE (PE_ArrayDenot _ _) = "PE_ArrayDenot" //ppPE (PE_Selection _ _ _) = "PE_Selection" //ppPE (PE_Update _ _ _) = "PE_Update" //ppPE (PE_Case _ _ _) = "PE_Case" //ppPE (PE_If _ _ _ _) = "PE_If" //ppPE (PE_Let _ _) = "PE_Let" //ppPE (PE_ArrayCompr _ _ _) = "PE_ArrayCompr" //ppPE (PE_Sequ _) = "PE_Sequ" //ppPE (PE_WildCard) = "PE_WildCard" //ppPE (PE_Matches _ _ _ _) = "PE_Matches" //ppPE (PE_QualifiedIdent _ _) = "PE_QualifiedIdent" //ppPE (PE_ABC_Code _ _) = "PE_ABC_Code" //ppPE (PE_Any_Code _ _ _) = "PE_Any_Code" //ppPE (PE_DynamicPattern _ _) = "PE_DynamicPattern" //ppPE (PE_Dynamic _ _) = "PE_Dynamic" //ppPE (PE_Generic _ _) = "PE_Generic" //ppPE (PE_TypeSignature _ _) = "PE_TypeSignature" //ppPE (PE_Empty) = "PE_Empty" arity :: Type -> Int arity (l --> r) = 1 + arity r.at_type arity _ = 0 wrapTMApp :: ExprId String Expression [Expression] InhExpression *ChnExpression -> *(Expression, *ChnExpression) wrapTMApp uid wrappedFnNm origExpr evalableCases inh chn # (ok, pdss) = pdssAreDefined [PD_tonicExtWrapApp, PD_tonicExtWrapAppLam1, PD_tonicExtWrapAppLam2, PD_tonicExtWrapAppLam3, PD_ConsSymbol, PD_NilSymbol] chn.chn_predef_symbols # chn = {chn & chn_predef_symbols = pdss} | not ok = (origExpr, chn) | otherwise # (rem, chn) = case origExpr of App app = argsRemaining app chn Var bv = case 'DM'.get (ptrToInt bv.var_info_ptr) inh.inh_tyenv of Just (ty, _) -> (arity ty, chn) _ -> (0, chn) _ = (0, chn) # (icl, chn) = chn!chn_icl_module # iclName = icl.icl_name.id_name # (modName, chn) = case origExpr of App app # (mdcl, chn) = reifyDclModule app.app_symb chn = case mdcl of Just dcl -> (dcl.dcl_name.id_name, chn) _ -> (iclName, chn) _ = (iclName, chn) | inh.inh_is_top_bind || (inh.inh_parent_fun_mod <> "" && not (elem inh.inh_parent_fun_mod inh.inh_tonic_files)) # heaps = chn.chn_heaps # (eidExpr, pdss) = listToListExpr (map mkInt uid) chn.chn_predef_symbols # (casesExpr, pdss) = listToListExpr evalableCases pdss # (expr, heaps, pdss) = appPredefinedSymbolWithEI (findWrap rem) [ mkStr modName , mkStr wrappedFnNm , eidExpr , casesExpr , origExpr ] SK_Function heaps pdss = ( App expr , {chn & chn_predef_symbols = pdss , chn_icl_module = icl , chn_heaps = heaps }) | otherwise = (origExpr, chn) where findWrap :: Int -> Int findWrap 0 = PD_tonicExtWrapApp findWrap 1 = PD_tonicExtWrapAppLam1 findWrap 2 = PD_tonicExtWrapAppLam2 findWrap 3 = PD_tonicExtWrapAppLam3 findWrap n = abort ("No tonicExtWrapAppLam" +++ toString n) import StdDebug getAssoc app_symb chn # (mPrio, chn) = reifySymbIdentPriority app_symb chn = case mPrio of Just prio -> (fromPriority prio, chn) _ -> (TNoPrio, chn) mkBlueprint :: !InhExpression !Expression !*ChnExpression -> *(!SynExpression, !*ChnExpression) mkBlueprint inh expr=:(App app=:{app_symb}) chn # (isTonicFunctor, chn) = symbIdentIsBPPart app.app_symb inh chn # ((ctxs, args), chn) = dropAppContexts app chn | identIsLambda app_symb.symb_ident # ((args, tFd), chn) = reifyArgsAndDef app_symb chn # tyenv = foldr (\(arg, t) st -> 'DM'.put (ptrToInt arg.fv_info_ptr) (t, funContext tFd) st) 'DM'.newMap (zip2 args (funArgTys tFd)) # tyenv = 'DM'.union tyenv inh.inh_tyenv # inh = {inh & inh_tyenv = tyenv} # (syne, chn) = mkBlueprint {inh & inh_fun_idx = symbIdentObjectIdx app_symb} (getFunRhs tFd) chn # pats = [case freeVarName x of "_x" -> case syne.syn_pattern_match_vars of [(_, e):_] -> e _ -> TVar [] "_x" (ptrToInt x.fv_info_ptr) x` -> TVar [] x` (ptrToInt x.fv_info_ptr) \\ x <- args | x.fv_def_level == -1] # (isTLB, chn) = funIsTopLevelBlueprintOrLam tFd inh chn # (syne, chn) = case (isTLB, symbIdentObjectIdx app_symb) of (True, idx) = wrapBody {inh & inh_fun_idx = idx} syne True chn _ = (syne, chn) # chn = updateWithAnnot (symbIdentObjectIdx app_symb) syne.syn_annot_expr inh chn # (app`, chn) = if isTonicFunctor (wrapTMApp inh.inh_uid app_symb.symb_ident.id_name (App app) [] inh chn) (App app, chn) = ( { syn_annot_expr = app` , syn_texpr = TLam pats syne.syn_texpr , syn_pattern_match_vars = syne.syn_pattern_match_vars , syn_bound_vars = foldr (\x vs -> 'DM'.del (ptrToInt x.fv_info_ptr) vs) syne.syn_bound_vars [x \\ x <- args | x.fv_def_level == -1] , syn_cases = syne.syn_cases } , chn) | isTonicFunctor = mkMApp app ctxs args inh chn | appIsListComp app = case [orig \\ (ident, orig) <- inh.inh_list_compr | app.app_symb.symb_ident.id_name == ident] of [] = mkFApp app ctxs args inh chn [orig:_] = (mkSynExpr (TPPExpr (ppCompact (ppParsedExpr orig))) expr, chn) | otherwise = mkFApp app ctxs args inh chn where mkMApp app ctxs args inh chn # predef_symbols = chn.chn_predef_symbols # (bindSymbol, predef_symbols) = predef_symbols![PD_TMonadBind] # (bindSymbol2, predef_symbols) = predef_symbols![PD_TMonadBindNoLam] # chn = {chn & chn_predef_symbols = predef_symbols} # (dcls, chn) = chn!chn_dcl_modules # bindMemberDef = dcls.[bindSymbol.pds_module].dcl_common.com_member_defs.[bindSymbol.pds_def] # bind2MemberDef = dcls.[bindSymbol2.pds_module].dcl_common.com_member_defs.[bindSymbol2.pds_def] # appIsBind = app.app_symb.symb_ident.id_info == bindMemberDef.me_ident.id_info || app.app_symb.symb_ident.id_info == bind2MemberDef.me_ident.id_info # appName = app.app_symb.symb_ident.id_name # (assoc, chn) = getAssoc app.app_symb chn # (mst, chn) = reifySymbIdentSymbolType app.app_symb chn # mTyStr = case mst of Just st -> symTyStr st _ -> Nothing # (dclnm, chn) = case reifyDclModule app.app_symb chn of (Just dcl, chn) = (dcl.dcl_name.id_name, chn) (_ , chn) # (iclmod, chn) = chn!chn_icl_module = (iclmod.icl_name.id_name, chn) = case (appIsBind, args) of (True, [lhsExpr, rhsExpr=:(App rhsApp) : _]) | identIsLambda rhsApp.app_symb.symb_ident # ((rhsArgs, _), chn) = reifyArgsAndDef rhsApp.app_symb chn # bindLamArgFV = last rhsArgs # (synr, chn) = mkBlueprint (addUnique 1 inh) rhsExpr chn # (synl, chn) = mkBlueprint (addUnique 0 {inh & inh_bind_var = Just bindLamArgFV , inh_cases = synr.syn_cases }) lhsExpr chn # ps = [synl, synr] # args` = [synl.syn_annot_expr, synr.syn_annot_expr] # (app`, chn) = (App {app & app_args = args`}, chn) = ({ syn_annot_expr = app` , syn_texpr = TMApp inh.inh_uid mTyStr dclnm (appFunName app) [synl.syn_texpr, synr.syn_texpr] assoc Nothing , syn_pattern_match_vars = [] , syn_bound_vars = 'DM'.union synl.syn_bound_vars synr.syn_bound_vars , syn_cases = 'DM'.union synl.syn_cases synr.syn_cases}, chn) (True, [lhsExpr, rhsExpr]) # (synr, chn) = mkBlueprint (addUnique 1 inh) rhsExpr chn # (synl, chn) = mkBlueprint (addUnique 0 {inh & inh_bind_var = Nothing , inh_cases = synr.syn_cases }) lhsExpr chn # ps = [synl, synr] # args` = [synl.syn_annot_expr, synr.syn_annot_expr] # (app`, chn) = (App {app & app_args = args`}, chn) = ({ syn_annot_expr = app` , syn_texpr = TMApp inh.inh_uid mTyStr dclnm (appFunName app) [synl.syn_texpr, synr.syn_texpr] assoc Nothing , syn_pattern_match_vars = [] , syn_bound_vars = 'DM'.union synl.syn_bound_vars synr.syn_bound_vars , syn_cases = 'DM'.union synl.syn_cases synr.syn_cases}, chn) _ # (icl, chn) = chn!chn_icl_module # iclName = icl.icl_name.id_name # (mFunTy, chn) = reifyFunType app.app_symb chn # isTonicContext = case mFunTy of Just ft = foldl (\acc (x, _) -> case x of "TONIC_CONTEXT" -> True "TONIC_NO_CONTEXT" -> False _ -> acc) False ft.ft_pragmas _ = False # (mdcl, chn) = reifyDclModule app.app_symb chn # (modName, chn) = case mdcl of Just dcl -> (dcl.dcl_name.id_name, chn) _ -> (iclName, chn) # evalableCases = case inh.inh_bind_var of //Just var // TODO Re-enable. Creation of new function is a bit problematic, however. = [(eid, 'DM'.elems vars, cs) \\ (eid, (True, vars, cs)) <- 'DM'.toList inh.inh_cases | allVarsBound` var inh vars] _ = [] # (evalableCases, chn) = mapSt (\(eid, bvs, cs) chn -> mkCaseDetFun inh.inh_bind_var eid (ptrToInt app.app_info_ptr) bvs cs inh chn) evalableCases chn # (ps, chn) = mapSt (\(x, n) chn -> mkBlueprint (addUnique n {inh & inh_bind_var = Nothing, inh_is_top_bind = isTonicContext, inh_parent_fun_mod = modName}) x chn) (zip2 args [0..]) chn # args` = map (\syn -> syn.syn_annot_expr) ps # (app`, chn) = (App {app & app_args = args`}, chn) # (app`, chn) = wrapTMApp inh.inh_uid appName app` evalableCases inh chn = ({ syn_annot_expr = app` , syn_texpr = TMApp inh.inh_uid mTyStr dclnm (appFunName app) (map (\syn -> syn.syn_texpr) ps) assoc Nothing , syn_pattern_match_vars = [] , syn_bound_vars = 'DM'.unions (map (\syn -> syn.syn_bound_vars) ps) , syn_cases = 'DM'.unions (map (\syn -> syn.syn_cases) ps)}, chn) where allVarsBound` fv inh bound # diff = 'DM'.difference bound inh.inh_tyenv = case 'DM'.toList diff of [(k, _)] -> k == ptrToInt fv.fv_info_ptr _ -> False mkFApp app ctxs args inh chn # appName = app.app_symb.symb_ident.id_name # (dclnm, chn) = case reifyDclModule app.app_symb chn of (Just dcl, chn) = (dcl.dcl_name.id_name, chn) (_ , chn) # (iclmod, chn) = chn!chn_icl_module = (iclmod.icl_name.id_name, chn) # (assoc, chn) = getAssoc app.app_symb chn # (ps, chn) = mapSt (\(x, n) chn -> mkBlueprint (addUnique n inh) x chn) (zip2 args [0..]) chn = ({ syn_annot_expr = App {app & app_args = ctxs ++ map (\syn -> syn.syn_annot_expr) ps} , syn_texpr = TFApp inh.inh_uid appName (map (\syn -> syn.syn_texpr) ps) assoc , syn_pattern_match_vars = [] , syn_bound_vars = 'DM'.unions (map (\syn -> syn.syn_bound_vars) ps) , syn_cases = 'DM'.unions (map (\syn -> syn.syn_cases) ps) }, chn) // Transformation for higher-order function application // E.g. f g x = g x becomes f = g @ x // In GiN, there are two ways to introduce a lambda function: either write one // as a host-language expression, or "update a variable", in which case a // lambda is introduced to shadow an existing variable and apply some function // to it. // For Tonic, we need to inspect the lambda and its application. If a lambda // expression can be reduced, we generate a Let block, like GiN would have. E.g. // [[ (\x -> e) a ]] = let x = a in e // [[ (\x y -> e) a ]] = let x = a in \y -> e // [[ (\x y -> e) a b ]] = let x = a; y = b in e // We then also need to continue including the lambda in the graph, as it can // lead to a recursive function application. mkBlueprint inh (e @ []) chn = abort "atC: no args" mkBlueprint inh (e=:(App app) @ es) chn # (mfd, chn) = reifyFunDef app.app_symb chn # fd = fromMaybe (abort ("atC: failed to reify " +++ app.app_symb.symb_ident.id_name)) mfd | identIsLambda app.app_symb.symb_ident # ((args, _), chn) = reifyArgsAndDef app.app_symb chn # letargs = drop (length app.app_args) (getFunArgs fd) # (binds, chn) = zipWithSt zwf letargs es chn # tyenv = foldr (\(arg, t) st -> 'DM'.put (ptrToInt arg.fv_info_ptr) (t, funContext fd) st) 'DM'.newMap (zip2 args (funArgTys fd)) # tyenv = 'DM'.union tyenv inh.inh_tyenv # (syne, chn) = mkBlueprint (addUnique 0 {inh & inh_tyenv = tyenv}) (getFunRhs fd) chn # chn = updateWithAnnot (symbIdentObjectIdx app.app_symb) syne.syn_annot_expr inh chn = ({ syn_annot_expr = e @ es , syn_texpr = TPPExpr "TODO @" , syn_pattern_match_vars = syne.syn_pattern_match_vars , syn_bound_vars = foldr (\x vs -> 'DM'.del (ptrToInt x.fv_info_ptr) vs) syne.syn_bound_vars [x \\ x <- args | x.fv_def_level == -1] , syn_cases = syne.syn_cases }, chn) | otherwise # (assoc, chn) = getAssoc app.app_symb chn # (isPart, chn) = funIsBlueprintPart fd inh chn # (texpr, es`, chn) = case fd.fun_type of Yes ft | isPart # (es`, chn) = mapSt (\(e, n) chn -> mkBlueprint (addUnique n inh) e chn) (zip2 es [0..]) chn # (mst, chn) = reifySymbIdentSymbolType app.app_symb chn # mTyStr = case mst of Just st -> symTyStr st _ -> Nothing # (dclnm, chn) = case reifyDclModule app.app_symb chn of (Just dcl, chn) = (dcl.dcl_name.id_name, chn) (_ , chn) # (iclmod, chn) = chn!chn_icl_module = (iclmod.icl_name.id_name, chn) = ( TMApp inh.inh_uid mTyStr dclnm (appFunName app) (map (\syn -> syn.syn_texpr) es`) assoc Nothing , es`, chn) _ # (es`, chn) = mapSt (\(e, n) chn -> mkBlueprint (addUnique n inh) e chn) (zip2 es [0..]) chn = ( TFApp inh.inh_uid app.app_symb.symb_ident.id_name (map (\x -> x.syn_texpr) es`) assoc , es`, chn) = ({ syn_annot_expr = e @ (map (\x -> x.syn_annot_expr) es`) , syn_texpr = texpr , syn_pattern_match_vars = [] , syn_bound_vars = 'DM'.unions (map (\syn -> syn.syn_bound_vars) es`) , syn_cases = 'DM'.unions (map (\syn -> syn.syn_cases) es`) }, chn) where zwf eVar eVal chn # fvl = ppFreeVar eVar # (fvr, chn) = ppExpression eVal chn = ((ppCompact fvl, ppCompact fvr), chn) mkBlueprint inh (e=:(Var bv) @ es) chn # (bps, chn) = mapSt (\(e, n) chn -> mkBlueprint (addUnique n inh) e chn) (zip2 es [0..]) chn # bvs = 'DM'.put (ptrToInt bv.var_info_ptr) bv ('DM'.unions (map (\syn -> syn.syn_bound_vars) bps)) # cs = 'DM'.unions (map (\syn -> syn.syn_cases) bps) # (isPart, chn) = varIsTask bv inh chn | isPart # (var`, chn) = wrapTMApp inh.inh_uid "(Var @ es)" (e @ es) [] inh chn # mTyStr = case 'DM'.get (ptrToInt bv.var_info_ptr) inh.inh_tyenv of Just (x, _) -> symTyStr` x _ -> Nothing = ({ syn_annot_expr = var` , syn_texpr = TMApp inh.inh_uid mTyStr "" bv.var_ident.id_name (map (\syn -> syn.syn_texpr) bps) TNoPrio (Just (ptrToInt bv.var_info_ptr)) , syn_pattern_match_vars = [] , syn_bound_vars = bvs , syn_cases = cs}, chn) | otherwise = ({ syn_annot_expr = Var bv @ es , syn_texpr = TFApp inh.inh_uid bv.var_ident.id_name (map (\syn -> syn.syn_texpr) bps) TNoPrio , syn_pattern_match_vars = [] , syn_bound_vars = bvs , syn_cases = cs}, chn) mkBlueprint inh (e @ es) chn = (mkSynExpr (TPPExpr "TODO @") (e @ es), chn) mkBlueprint inh (Let lt) chn # boundVars = [bnd.lb_dst.fv_info_ptr \\ bnd <- getLetBinds lt] # mexpr = listToMaybe [ bnd.lb_src \\ bnd <- getLetBinds lt | bnd.lb_dst.fv_ident.id_name == "_case_var"] # (syn, chn) = mkLet mexpr lt inh chn # syn = {syn & syn_bound_vars = foldr (\x vs -> 'DM'.del (ptrToInt x) vs) syn.syn_bound_vars boundVars} = (syn, chn) where mkLet (Just expr=:(App app)) lt inh chn | appIsListComp app = case [orig \\ (ident, orig) <- inh.inh_list_compr | app.app_symb.symb_ident.id_name == ident] of [] # (syn, chn) = mkBlueprint (addUnique 0 {inh & inh_case_expr = Just expr}) lt.let_expr chn # l = {lt & let_expr = syn.syn_annot_expr} = ({syn & syn_annot_expr = Let l}, chn) [orig:_] # (syn, chn) = mkBlueprint (addUnique 0 {inh & inh_case_expr = Just expr}) lt.let_expr chn # l = {lt & let_expr = syn.syn_annot_expr} = ({ syn & syn_annot_expr = Let l , syn_texpr = TPPExpr (ppCompact (ppParsedExpr orig))}, chn) mkLet (Just expr) lt inh chn # (bvs, chn) = getBoundVars lt chn # (syn, chn) = mkBlueprint (addUnique 0 {inh & inh_case_expr = Just expr , inh_bound_vars = bvs}) lt.let_expr chn # l = {lt & let_expr = syn.syn_annot_expr} = ({syn & syn_annot_expr = Let l}, chn) where getBoundVars lt chn = foldrSt f (getLetBinds lt) ('DM'.newMap, chn) where f bnd (xs, chn) # (rhs, chn) = mkBlueprint inh bnd.lb_src chn = ('DM'.union rhs.syn_bound_vars xs, chn) mkLet Nothing lt inh chn # (tys, chn) = letTypes lt.let_info_ptr chn # (binds, _, chn) = flattenBinds lt chn # tyenv = zipSt (\(TVar _ _ ptr, _) t tyenv -> 'DM'.put ptr (t, []) tyenv) binds tys inh.inh_tyenv // TODO This probably won't work for arbitrary patterns, so we actually need to be a bit smarter here and extract all variables from the patterns, instead of just PP'ing the pattern and using that as index # (syn, chn) = mkBlueprint (addUnique 0 {inh & inh_tyenv = tyenv}) lt.let_expr chn = ({ syn_annot_expr = Let {lt & let_expr = syn.syn_annot_expr} , syn_texpr = TLet binds syn.syn_texpr , syn_pattern_match_vars = syn.syn_pattern_match_vars , syn_bound_vars = syn.syn_bound_vars , syn_cases = syn.syn_cases}, chn) where letTypes :: ExprInfoPtr *ChnExpression -> *([Type], *ChnExpression) letTypes exprPtr chn # heaps = chn.chn_heaps # (ei, expr_heap) = readPtr exprPtr heaps.hp_expression_heap # chn = {chn & chn_heaps = {heaps & hp_expression_heap = expr_heap}} = case ei of EI_LetType atys -> (map (\x -> x.at_type) atys, chn) EI_LetTypeAndRefCounts atys _ -> (map (\x -> x.at_type) atys, chn) _ -> ([], chn) flattenBinds lt chn = foldrSt f (getLetBinds lt) ([], 1, chn) where f bnd (xs, n, chn) # (rhs, chn) = mkBlueprint (addUnique n inh) bnd.lb_src chn = ([(TVar [] bnd.lb_dst.fv_ident.id_name (ptrToInt bnd.lb_dst.fv_info_ptr), rhs.syn_texpr):xs], n + 1, chn) getLetBinds lt = lt.let_strict_binds ++ lt.let_lazy_binds // TODO: For cases, the compiler introduces a fresh variable in a let for the // matches expression. E.g. // case x > y of .... // becomes // let _case_var = x > y // in case _case_var of ... // We need to reify the fresh z and substitute it in the graphical // representation. These fresh variables can be recognized by an underscore // prefix. We may, however, need to be a bit more clever about this in case // someone actually prefixes their own variables with an underscore. // There is one exception to this rule, and that is if the case already matches // on exactly one _variable_: // let x = True // in case x of .... // Howerver, the following code // case True of ... // Will still be converted to a case with a variable: // let _case_var = True // in case _case_var of ... // TODO Refactor this. Also persist numbering? mkBlueprint inh (Case cs) chn # caseExpr = case inh.inh_case_expr of Just e -> e _ -> cs.case_expr # (cesyn, chn) = mkBlueprint (addUnique 0 {inh & inh_bound_vars = 'DM'.newMap}) caseExpr chn = case (cs.case_explicit, cs.case_expr, cs.case_guards) of (False, Var bv, AlgebraicPatterns gi [ap]) # (fvds, chn) = mapSt (mkBlueprint (addUnique 1 {inh & inh_bound_vars = 'DM'.newMap}) o FreeVar) ap.ap_vars chn # (clexpr, chn) = case fvds of [] = (TPPExpr "", chn) args # (mprio, chn) = if (ap.ap_symbol.glob_module == chn.chn_main_dcl_module_n) (reifyFunDefsIdxPriority ap.ap_symbol.glob_object.ds_index chn) (reifyDclModulesIdxPriority` ap.ap_symbol.glob_module ap.ap_symbol.glob_object.ds_index chn) # assoc = case mprio of Just p -> fromPriority p _ -> TNoPrio = (TFApp inh.inh_uid ap.ap_symbol.glob_object.ds_ident.id_name (map (\x -> x.syn_texpr) args) assoc, chn) # (syn, chn) = mkAlts` inh 1 ap.ap_expr chn # bvs = 'DM'.union cesyn.syn_bound_vars syn.syn_bound_vars # cases = 'DM'.put inh.inh_uid (cs.case_explicit, cesyn.syn_bound_vars, Case cs) syn.syn_cases = ({ syn_annot_expr = Case {cs & case_guards = AlgebraicPatterns gi [{ap & ap_expr = syn.syn_annot_expr}]} , syn_texpr = syn.syn_texpr , syn_pattern_match_vars = [(bv, clexpr) : syn.syn_pattern_match_vars] , syn_bound_vars = bvs , syn_cases = cases}, chn) _ # ((guards, syns), chn) = mkAlts cs.case_guards chn # ((def, syns, isIf), chn) = case cs.case_default of Yes def # (syn, chn) = mkAlts` inh (numGuards cs.case_guards + 1) def chn = case syns of [(TLit (TBool True), _)] = ((Yes syn.syn_annot_expr, [(TLit (TBool False), syn):syns], True), chn) _ = ((Yes syn.syn_annot_expr, [(TPPExpr "_", syn):syns], False), chn) _ = ((No, syns, False), chn) # (syncase, chn) = case inh.inh_case_expr of Just e # heaps = chn.chn_heaps # (vptr, var_heap) = newPtr VI_Empty heaps.hp_var_heap # heaps = { heaps & hp_var_heap = var_heap } # fv = { fv_def_level = 0 , fv_ident = { id_name = "_case_var" , id_info = nilPtr } , fv_info_ptr = vptr , fv_count = 1 } # casebind = { lb_dst = fv , lb_src = e , lb_position = NoPos } # (ltptr, expr_heap) = newPtr EI_Empty heaps.hp_expression_heap # heaps = { heaps & hp_expression_heap = expr_heap } # (bv, heaps) = freeVarToVar fv heaps # lt = { let_strict_binds = [] , let_lazy_binds = [casebind] , let_expr = Case {cs & case_expr = Var bv} , let_info_ptr = ltptr , let_expr_position = NoPos } = (Let lt, {chn & chn_heaps = heaps}) _ = (Case cs, chn) # bvs = 'DM'.unions [inh.inh_bound_vars : cesyn.syn_bound_vars : map (\(_, x) -> x.syn_bound_vars) syns] # syncases = 'DM'.unions [cesyn.syn_cases : map (\(_, x) -> x.syn_cases) syns] # cases = 'DM'.put inh.inh_uid (cs.case_explicit, 'DM'.union inh.inh_bound_vars cesyn.syn_bound_vars, syncase) syncases # texpr = case (isIf, syns) of (True, [(_, be), (_, bt)]) -> TIf inh.inh_uid cesyn.syn_texpr bt.syn_texpr be.syn_texpr _ -> TCase inh.inh_uid cesyn.syn_texpr (reverse (map (\(d, s) -> (d, s.syn_texpr)) syns)) = ({ syn_annot_expr = Case {cs & case_default = def, case_guards = guards} , syn_texpr = texpr , syn_pattern_match_vars = foldr (\(_, syn) acc -> syn.syn_pattern_match_vars ++ acc) [] syns , syn_bound_vars = bvs , syn_cases = cases }, chn) where numGuards (AlgebraicPatterns _ ps) = length ps numGuards (BasicPatterns _ ps) = length ps numGuards (NewTypePatterns _ ps) = length ps numGuards (DynamicPatterns ps) = length ps numGuards (OverloadedListPatterns _ _ ps) = length ps numGuards NoPattern = 0 mkAlts c=:(AlgebraicPatterns gi aps) chn # ((aps, syns, _), chn) = foldr f (([], [], 1), chn) aps = ((AlgebraicPatterns gi aps, syns), chn) where f ap ((aps, syns, n), chn) # (pmvs, apd, chn) = mkAp ap.ap_symbol ap.ap_vars chn # (syn, chn) = mkAlts` inh n ap.ap_expr chn # syn = {syn & syn_pattern_match_vars = pmvs ++ syn.syn_pattern_match_vars} # ap = {ap & ap_expr = syn.syn_annot_expr} = (([ap:aps], [(apd, syn):syns], n + 1), chn) where mkAp sym [] chn = ([], TPPExpr (ppCompact ('PPrint'.text sym.glob_object.ds_ident.id_name)), chn) mkAp sym vars chn # (fvds, chn) = mapSt (mkBlueprint (addUnique n {inh & inh_bound_vars = 'DM'.newMap}) o FreeVar) vars chn # (mprio, chn) = if (ap.ap_symbol.glob_module == chn.chn_main_dcl_module_n) (reifyFunDefsIdxPriority ap.ap_symbol.glob_object.ds_index chn) (reifyDclModulesIdxPriority` ap.ap_symbol.glob_module ap.ap_symbol.glob_object.ds_index chn) # assoc = case mprio of Just p -> fromPriority p _ -> TNoPrio # clexpr = TFApp inh.inh_uid (ppCompact ('PPrint'.text sym.glob_object.ds_ident.id_name)) (map (\x -> x.syn_texpr) fvds) assoc # pmvs = case ap.ap_expr of Var bv -> [(bv, clexpr)] _ -> [] = (pmvs, clexpr, chn) mkAlts c=:(BasicPatterns bt bps) chn # ((bps, syns, _), chn) = foldr f (([], [], 1), chn) bps = ((BasicPatterns bt bps, syns), chn) where f bp ((bps, syns, n), chn) # (syn, chn) = mkAlts` inh n bp.bp_expr chn # bp = {bp & bp_expr = syn.syn_annot_expr} = (([bp:bps], [(TLit (fromBasicValue bp.bp_value), syn):syns], n + 1), chn) mkAlts c chn = ((c, []), chn) mkAlts` :: InhExpression Int Expression *ChnExpression -> *(SynExpression, *ChnExpression) mkAlts` inh n expr chn # inh = {inh & inh_case_expr = Nothing } = mkBlueprint (addUnique n {inh & inh_bound_vars = 'DM'.newMap}) expr chn mkBlueprint inh (Var bv) chn # (isPart, chn) = varIsTask bv inh chn # ptrInt = ptrToInt bv.var_info_ptr | isPart # (var`, chn) = wrapTMApp inh.inh_uid "(Var)" (Var bv) [] inh chn # texpr = TVar inh.inh_uid bv.var_ident.id_name ptrInt = ({mkSynExpr texpr var` & syn_bound_vars = 'DM'.singleton ptrInt bv}, chn) | otherwise # texpr = TVar [] bv.var_ident.id_name ptrInt = ({mkSynExpr texpr (Var bv) & syn_bound_vars = 'DM'.singleton ptrInt bv}, chn) mkBlueprint _ expr=:(FreeVar fv) chn = (mkSynExpr (TVar [] fv.fv_ident.id_name (ptrToInt fv.fv_info_ptr)) expr, chn) mkBlueprint _ expr=:(BasicExpr bv) chn = (mkSynExpr (TLit (fromBasicValue bv)) expr, chn) mkBlueprint inh expr=:(Selection st selExpr sels) chn # (syns, chn) = mapSt (getSelectionBoundVars inh) sels chn # (syn, chn) = mkBlueprint (addUnique 0 inh) selExpr chn # bvs = 'DM'.unions (map (\x -> x.syn_bound_vars) [syn:syns]) # (selExprs, chn) = mapSt (mkSelExprs) sels chn = ({mkSynExpr (TSel syn.syn_texpr selExprs) (Selection st selExpr sels) & syn_bound_vars = bvs}, chn) where mkSelExprs (RecordSelection gds _) chn # d = ppDefinedSymbol gds.glob_object = (TPPExpr (ppCompact d), chn) mkSelExprs (ArraySelection gds _ e) chn // TODO use e # d = ppDefinedSymbol gds.glob_object = (TPPExpr (ppCompact d), chn) mkSelExprs (DictionarySelection bv sels _ e) chn = (TPPExpr "TODO mkSelExprs DictionarySelection ", chn) mkBlueprint inh expr=:(Update l sels r) chn # (synl, chn) = mkBlueprint (addUnique 0 inh) l chn # (synr, chn) = mkBlueprint (addUnique 1 inh) r chn # (syns, chn) = mapSt (getSelectionBoundVars inh) sels chn # bvs = 'DM'.unions (map (\x -> x.syn_bound_vars) [synl:synr:syns]) = ({mkSynExpr (TPPExpr "Update") expr & syn_bound_vars = bvs}, chn) mkBlueprint inh expr=:(TupleSelect _ i e) chn # (syn, chn) = mkBlueprint (addUnique 0 inh) e chn # te = TSel syn.syn_texpr [TPPExpr (toString i)] = (mkSynExpr te expr, chn) mkBlueprint inh expr=:(RecordUpdate {glob_object={ds_ident}} expression expressions) chn # (syn, chn) = mkBlueprint (addUnique 0 inh) expression chn # (syns, chn) = mapSt (\(n, e) -> mkBlueprint (addUnique n inh) e.bind_src) (zip2 [1..] expressions) chn # te = TRecUpd ds_ident.id_name syn.syn_texpr (map (\x -> x.syn_texpr) syns) = (mkSynExpr te expr, chn) mkBlueprint _ expr=:(NoBind _) chn = (mkSynExpr TNoBind expr, chn) mkBlueprint _ expr=:(Conditional _) chn # texpr = TPPExpr "(mkBlueprint Conditional fallthrough)" = (mkSynExpr texpr expr, chn) mkBlueprint _ expr=:(AnyCodeExpr _ _ _) chn # texpr = TPPExpr "(mkBlueprint AnyCodeExpr fallthrough)" = (mkSynExpr texpr expr, chn) mkBlueprint _ expr=:(ABCCodeExpr _ _) chn # texpr = TPPExpr "(mkBlueprint ABCCodeExpr fallthrough)" = (mkSynExpr texpr expr, chn) mkBlueprint _ expr=:(MatchExpr _ _) chn # texpr = TPPExpr "(mkBlueprint MatchExpr fallthrough)" = (mkSynExpr texpr expr, chn) mkBlueprint _ expr=:(IsConstructor _ _ _ _ _ _) chn # texpr = TPPExpr "(mkBlueprint IsConstructor fallthrough)" = (mkSynExpr texpr expr, chn) mkBlueprint _ expr=:(DictionariesFunction _ _ _) chn # texpr = TPPExpr "(mkBlueprint DictionariesFunction fallthrough)" = (mkSynExpr texpr expr, chn) mkBlueprint _ expr=:(Constant _ _ _) chn # texpr = TPPExpr "(mkBlueprint Constant fallthrough)" = (mkSynExpr texpr expr, chn) mkBlueprint _ expr=:(ClassVariable _) chn # texpr = TPPExpr "(mkBlueprint ClassVariable fallthrough)" = (mkSynExpr texpr expr, chn) mkBlueprint _ expr=:(DynamicExpr _) chn # texpr = TPPExpr "(mkBlueprint DynamicExpr fallthrough)" = (mkSynExpr texpr expr, chn) mkBlueprint _ expr=:(TypeCodeExpression _) chn # texpr = TPPExpr "(mkBlueprint TypeCodeExpression fallthrough)" = (mkSynExpr texpr expr, chn) mkBlueprint _ expr=:(TypeSignature _ _) chn # texpr = TPPExpr "(mkBlueprint TypeSignature fallthrough)" = (mkSynExpr texpr expr, chn) mkBlueprint _ expr=:EE chn # texpr = TPPExpr "(mkBlueprint EE fallthrough)" = (mkSynExpr texpr expr, chn) mkBlueprint _ expr=:(FailExpr _) chn # texpr = TPPExpr "(mkBlueprint FailExpr fallthrough)" = (mkSynExpr texpr expr, chn) mkBlueprint _ expr chn # texpr = TPPExpr "(mkBlueprint fallthrough)" = (mkSynExpr texpr expr, chn) getSelectionBoundVars :: !InhExpression !Selection !*ChnExpression -> *(!SynExpression, !*ChnExpression) getSelectionBoundVars inh (ArraySelection _ _ e) chn = mkBlueprint inh e chn getSelectionBoundVars inh (DictionarySelection bv sels _ e) chn # (synsels, chn) = mapSt (getSelectionBoundVars inh) sels chn # bvs = 'DM'.unions (map (\x -> x.syn_bound_vars) synsels) # (syne, chn) = mkBlueprint inh e chn = ({syne & syn_bound_vars = 'DM'.union ('DM'.put (ptrToInt bv.var_info_ptr) bv syne.syn_bound_vars) bvs}, chn) getSelectionBoundVars inh _ chn = (mkSynExpr (TPPExpr "RecordSelection") EE, chn) fromBasicValue :: !BasicValue -> TLit fromBasicValue (BVI str) = TInt (toInt str) fromBasicValue (BVInt n) = TInt n fromBasicValue (BVC c) = TString c fromBasicValue (BVB b) = TBool b fromBasicValue (BVR r) = TReal (toReal r) fromBasicValue (BVS str) = TString str addUnique :: !Int !InhExpression -> InhExpression addUnique n inh = {inh & inh_uid = inh.inh_uid ++ [n]} symTyStr {st_result = {at_type}} = symTyStr` at_type symTyStr` (TA tsi _) = Just tsi.type_ident.id_name symTyStr` (TAS tsi _ _) = Just tsi.type_ident.id_name symTyStr` (_ --> t) = symTyStr` t.at_type symTyStr` (TFA _ t) = symTyStr` t symTyStr` (TFAC _ t _) = symTyStr` t symTyStr` _ = Nothing varIsTask :: BoundVar InhExpression *ChnExpression -> *(Bool, *ChnExpression) varIsTask bv inh chn = case 'DM'.get (ptrToInt bv.var_info_ptr) inh.inh_tyenv of Nothing = (False, chn) Just (t, context) = typeIsBlueprintPart (simplify t) inh chn where simplify (_ --> r) = simplify r.at_type simplify t = t resugarGuards (AlgebraicPatterns gi as) = AlgebraicPatterns gi (flatten (map resugarA as)) resugarGuards (BasicPatterns bt bs) = BasicPatterns bt (flatten (map resugarB bs)) resugarGuards (NewTypePatterns gi as) = NewTypePatterns gi (flatten (map resugarA as)) resugarGuards (DynamicPatterns ds) = DynamicPatterns (flatten (map resugarD ds)) resugarGuards (OverloadedListPatterns olt e as) = OverloadedListPatterns olt e (flatten (map resugarA as)) resugarGuards x = x resugarA {ap_expr = Case {case_guards = AlgebraicPatterns _ as`, case_explicit = False}} = flatten (map resugarA as`) resugarA ap = [ap] resugarB {bp_expr = Case {case_guards = BasicPatterns _ bp`, case_explicit = False}} = flatten (map resugarB bp`) resugarB bp = [bp] resugarD {dp_rhs = Case {case_guards = DynamicPatterns dp`, case_explicit = False}} = flatten (map resugarD dp`) resugarD dp = [dp]